Is The Second Holocaust Coming, Which May Be Far Worse Than The First?

3 05 2024

By Timothy D. Naegele[1]

A highly-educated and prominent American Jew told me years ago that Israel would not survive. He was a strong supporter of Israel and had served with the IDF; and his credentials were impeccable. And yes, I was shocked by his prediction.[2]

Since then, Benjamin Netanyahu, the “Settlers” and rabid Zionists have ratcheted up their suppression of non-Jews to extraordinary levels, in part to insure that Netanyahu avoids prison for his crimes. Remove him from power, and he would likely be incarcerated for years, at the very least.

Concurrent with this is the surge of anti-Semitism globally, to levels not seen since World War II, with far worse being possible. Students and others are rising globally, to protest against the Israeli actions. And in the USA, Jews and their shills in the media and government are blaming Hamas, Iran and everyone imaginable, in an effort to stifle free speech and obscure the truth.

President Franklin D. Roosevelt and General George Marshall opposed the creation of Israel, and they were omniscient. When FDR died, Harry Truman bowed to the wishes of his Jewish benefactors, and Israel was born. It has created chaos ever since, including its unprovoked attack on the USS Liberty[3], and its pressure on the United States to embark on the tragic war in Iraq.

There are an estimated 4,200 “religions” in the world. Christianity is the largest, with an estimated 2.4 billion followers. Islam is second with an estimated 2 billion followers. Judaism is among the smaller religions, with an estimated 14.7 million followers. If Israel ceased to exist, American Jews might not be affected, certainly if they were not immigrant Jews.[4]

However, what Netanyahu, the “Settlers” and rabid Zionists have done might change this prediction. A prominent Jew has stated: “Jew hatred is spreading fast.” Indeed, no Jew may be safe anywhere, which would be far worse than the Holocaust—even accepting how tragic that event was in human history. Yet, it didn’t compare with what Joseph Stalin and Mao Tse-tung did in the Soviet Union and China.[5]

While large portions of the world may cheer if Israel ceases to exist, it may ignite World War III, certainly if Joe Biden is America’s President. Indeed, we may be on the cusp of that war right now, which would be catastrophic and unfathomable for each of us.[6] Some Jews are “reconciled,” and admit that they have come to expect hatred, which is both sad and tragic.

May God help all of us.


© 2024, Timothy D. Naegele


[1]  Timothy D. Naegele was counsel to the United States Senate’s Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, and chief of staff to Presidential Medal of Freedom and Congressional Gold Medal recipient and former U.S. Senator Edward W. Brooke (R-Mass).  See, e.g., Timothy D. Naegele Resume-21-8-6  and   He has an undergraduate degree in economics from the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), as well as two law degrees from the School of Law (Boalt Hall), University of California, Berkeley, and from Georgetown University.  He served as a Captain in the U.S. Army during the Vietnam War, assigned to the Defense Intelligence Agency at The Pentagon, where he received the Joint Service Commendation Medal (see, e.g.  Mr. Naegele is an Independent politically; and he is listed in Who’s Who in America, Who’s Who in American Law, and Who’s Who in Finance and Business. He has written extensively over the years (see, e.g. and, and studied photography with Ansel Adams.  He can be contacted directly at

[2]  See (“Is Israel Doomed?”)

[3]  See (“USS Liberty Veterans Association”)

[4]  See (“America’s Jews Are Americans”)

[5]  See (“The Silent Voices Of Stalin’s Soviet Holocaust And Mao’s Chinese Holocaust”)

[6]  See, e.g., (“EMP Attack: Only 30 Million Americans Survive”) and (“Former national security advisor gives chilling warning about World War Three”)



13 responses

3 05 2024


So called “student protests” on and off-campus for Hamas and against Israel and Jews is fake news. Real students are clueless about Israel and don’t much care either. So, the truth concerning these matters rests with provocations largely caused by outside (off-campus) agitators, not merely students attending University.

Of course, there are undoubtedly some faculty in our academic community whom may quietly be pleased that there is an anti-Israeli movement in-progress, even if its not really “organic”. This is not at all like widespread and spontaneous demonstrations against escalating American military involvement in Vietnam during the turbulent sixties.  University students are being played and “set-up” by dark players as part of an overall Leftist Agenda here in the U.S.A. and abroad, as well. Moreover, its well organized and Its gone GLOBAL. Therefore, this matter-at-hand concerning Israel & Palestine should also be viewed in a global context, not merely local or even domestic. Its way bigger than that.  Moreover, Its not unlike the nature of the Jan.6 “insurrection” ostensible caused by MAGA supporters (& a Q-Anon “shaman”). Again, much more going-on than meets the eye. Both separate incidents are also being instigated and are therefore connected to specific organizations such as those funded by George Soros.  Big Picture viewpoint is required here inorder to properly understand the recent developments in their context. You have to comprehend conspiracy, like it or not. Wake-up!!

H.Craig Bradley


3 05 2024
Timothy D. Naegele

Thank you, Craig, for your thoughtful comments as always.

I respectfully disagree. I was an Army officer attending the law school at Berkeley when Mario Savio’s “Free Speech Movement” was born, and the anti-Vietnam War protests began, which spread nationwide and worldwide. Ultimately, they ended that tragic war.

Many of us would walk down from the law school and watch what was happening. From there, I went to Fort Benning, Georgia to train, the “Home of the Infantry.” And I was stationed in The Pentagon with the DIA before going to the U.S. Senate.

Were the demonstrations co-opted by the likes or George Soros or his counterparts? That gives him far more credit than he deserves. Like now, the demonstrations were worldwide; and yes, today Jewish students are protesting the multi-decade genocide of Netanyahu, the “Settlers” and the rabid Zionists.

Will Israel be destroyed? Time will tell. But several things are certain. Israeli “intelligence” did nothing to prevent October 7th; its Mossad was worthless; and its Iron Dome was porous at best.

Is there a “Osama bin Laden 2.0” who will launch a nation-ending EMP Attack or similar assault against Israel? We will know when and if it happens.


3 05 2024

Tim: I “knew” you would disagree with my allegation of student riots instigated by outsiders or a number of different organizations acting as paid agitators. Still, we can have various opinions but not our own facts, as facts are self-evident, regardless of their source(s). They just are.  We can still choose to reject them, which of course is evidence of bias. However, as a realist, I can not afford such luxuries as to just dismiss relevant facts out-of-hand. Others often do. Democracy in-action. We need not agree either. Regardless, more riots ahead and coming to Canada soon, as well.

The Treachery Behind the Protests – Bill’s Weekly Column – Bill O’Reilly

| | | | | |


| | | | The Treachery Behind the Protests – Bill’s Weekly Column – Bill O’Reilly

Bill O’Reilly

Here’s an undeniable statement: the evil done by far-right people is eagerly exposed by the corrupt corporate me… |



I already know you won’t accept these revealing facts, as reported because of again, a different bias: (personal) animus towards Bill O’Reilly, categorically. “Throw the baby out with the bath”, if you will. 

Julius Caesar said famously: “People generally choose to believe what they want to believe”. Fine. President Biden says the border is under control and inflation is coming down. Very Good Bandon. “Finish the Job” by all means Mr. President. 

H.Craig Bradley


3 05 2024
Timothy D. Naegele

Thank you again, Craig.

First, Bill O’Reilly has no credibility at all on any subject. After paying Lis Wiehl $32 million for sexual abuse claims, and millions to other women, he was fired by Fox.

See, e.g.,

Second, will there be outside agitators “stirring the pot”? There always are. But they are not stoking global condemnation of Netanyahu and Israel, nor are they giving rise to ever-expanding anti-Semitism.

Like the anti-Vietnam War protests, the anti-Israel protests are taking on a life of their own. And tragically, there may be no place for Jews to “hide.”


3 05 2024

Most American Jews, through no fault of their own,  are now at much greater risk of personal violence ( crimes against property and especially, crimes against persons, as well.). Rising crime in our Blue cities and States is a risk for all residents. The local police are not empowered to protect any individual be it Jew or Greek, even in the best of times. These are certainly not the best of times for America, sadly. The wealthy always can afford private (armed) security to protect their families and property from criminal actions of all kinds. However, the Middle Classes and Lower Classes are stuck and increasingly vulnerable. The state seeks to disarm them and let “nature take its course”.  No skin off Gavin’s nose either way, as Gov. Gavin Newsom is a verified 1%’er. ( $1 million+ annual income disclosed on his Form 1040). Wealth inequality and homelessness is increasing and will continue to do so for the rest of the 2020’s. Everyone is on their own regardless. You can choose to either deny it or adapt to it. Better buy some more Glocks.  In this environment, any synagogue without a capable armed guard (security) on-site and at the entrance door is being penny wise and pound foolish.( A proverbial sitting duck ).  Contemporary America is increasingly similar to the 1930’s Germany. Democrats are our new National Socialists ?

The question we should now be asking ourselves is not “Where is Waldo”, but rather, who is going to be our Adolph ? Totalitarianism is coming to America and along with our version, much more suffering, as well. Tough realities to face, indeed.

H.Craig Bradley


3 05 2024
Timothy D. Naegele

Surprisingly, Joe Biden — who is really “Barack Obama 2.0,” without a brain — is Adolf’s American successor.

He has given Obama’s anti-Semitism and anti-American beliefs new life. Obama hated Apartheid in South Africa; and he has applied such beliefs to Israel.

See (“Is Barack Obama A Racist?”)

There is one person who wouldn’t shed a tear if Israel disappeared from this earth, and that is Barack.


3 05 2024

Martial Artist, actor, producer and now in recent years conservative columnist and author, Chuck Norris plainly said this about Barack Hussein Obama back in his early years as President in 2009: “Barack Obama is either a Muslim or a Muslim sympathizer” ( It remained unclear to this day). Either/or makes little practical difference. I recall after his Presidency someone asked Barack during an interview if he was a “Christian”? As I recall, Barack responded with a typical word salad, however lengthy (10 minute explanation) and unconvincing which did not succinctly answer the question. He effectively begged this question. Its not hard to answer honestly and truthfully: Yes or No. A true believer in-Christ knows the truth and is free to answer it in plain English to any authority as follows: “Jesus Christ is the ONLY name under heaven by which a man may be saved.”

Barack did not come from a traditional American background or values, far from it. Barack Obama was instead a deceiver and on occasion, an artful dodger or perhaps, even an outright liar. You decide.

Not hard to confess the truth if you are authentic, no fooling. This is a required answer for all who claim to be “Christians”. Step-Up America !!  

H.Craig Bradley


3 05 2024
Timothy D. Naegele

Please read or reread my article, which began this blog in 2009.

It followed and quoted his book, “Dreams from My Father.”

He was raised by his mother’s parents, after she left for Indonesia, remarried and had a daughter. And he spent only several weeks with his father from Africa.

He never lived on the American mainland until he attended Occidental College in LA. And the women in his life were white, not black, until Michelle came along.


4 05 2024
Timothy D. Naegele

Does The Israeli Lobby Own Congress?

“House passes bill to expand definition of antisemitism amid growing campus protests over Gaza war” and (“Congress plans all-out brawl with Biden over pausing Israel arms transfers”)

Is Free Speech dead and buried? This cowardly effort to suppress Free Speech must be condemned in the strongest terms possible.

Also, the Jewish students worldwide who have been standing up and condemning Israel’s multi-decade atrocities — and yes, genocide — must be recognized for their courage.

One Congressman has described Netanyahu aptly.

See (“Rep. Jerry Nadler slams Benjamin Netanyahu as worst Jewish leader in 2,100 years”)

The following is shameful and un-American. Free Speech must reign! (“Wave of Legislation Seeks to Penalize Criticism of Israel as Antisemitism”)

When will Israel cease to exist?

See (“Is Israel Doomed?”)


7 05 2024
Timothy D. Naegele

Meanwhile Brain-Dead Joe Is Catering To Jewish Benefactors Like Harry Truman Did

See (“Biden recalls horror of Oct. 7 Hamas attack in Holocaust remembrance speech”)


9 05 2024
Timothy D. Naegele

Israel Has No Choice

One prominent Jewish American has stated:

“No matter how much pressure the Biden Administration puts on Israel to let up on Hamas, the Jewish state has no choice. An enemy sworn to destroy them is doing everything possible to carry out their evil goals, and Israel must do whatever it takes to defeat that enemy—no matter how many lies are told and how many former friends turn against them. We must take a stand against the demonic lies of anti-Semitism and continue our outreaches to the suffering people of Israel.”

Tragically, Israelis have had other choices for decades, but they have allowed Benjamin Netanyahu, the “Settlers” and rabid Zionists to chart their course. Ariel Sharon and the Rabins warned of this; and Yitzhak Rabin paid with his life.

And nation-ending attacks may not come from Hamas or Iran. An EMP Attack or other assault may be devised by “Osama bin Laden 2.0,” which will be unstoppable. Meanwhile, innocent Jews globally experience rising anti-Semitism, to levels not seen since World War II.

This is Netanyahu’s “gift” to global Jewry.


11 05 2024
Timothy D. Naegele

Netanyahu Does Not Care

See (“US says Israel’s use of US arms likely violated international law”)

He is desperately clinging to power, in the hopes of staying out of prison.

And an Israeli-related entity, OpenWeb, is “censoring” — deleting — all comments at Yahoo that tell the truth about Israel’s multi-decade atrocities and genocide.


31 05 2024
Timothy D. Naegele

A Momentary Pause, And Naievete

See (“Mr. President, enough is enough”)

Why should anyone expect the multi-decade hatred to end, and the savagery to be ignored, or for peace and reconciliation to occur?

It is naive to believe this. Any release of the hostages will underscore how they were treated. Nothing will assauge the multi-decade suffering that non-Jews have endured at the hands of the genocidal monster Netanyahu, the “Settlers” and rabid Zionists.

And the student demonstrations will continue, just as rising anti-Semitism globally will not abate. And no Palestinian state will be born, as their subjugation since 1948 continues.

See (“The Dead End of Liberal American Zionism”)


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