America Is Not A Black Country, Nor Is It A Jewish Country

25 05 2024

By Timothy D. Naegele[1]

America’s blacks—or African-Americans—constitute less than 14 percent of our population. Yet, turn on the TV and you will see them in almost every commercial; and you might think that they constitute the majority. Similarly, there are approximately 15 million Jews in the world, yet view our media or politics and one might think that they are in control too.

Has national guilt over slavery and discrimination elevated blacks beyond where their numbers would warrant? Similarly, have the Holocaust and money elevated Jewish influence beyond where it would be otherwise? Both guilt and money are useful if not essential tools in the struggle for power.

In many ways, Barack Obama has represented the convergence of these two elements. Born to a white mother and raised by her white parents, he embraced the anger of discrimination. At the same time, he hated the Apartheid of his absentee father’s Africa, which was and is embodied in today’s Israel.[2]

Challenging the “sacred cows” of racial and religious bigotry invites condemnation from both blacks and Jews, who have built their present American political facades carefully over decades. Some blacks favor reparations for slavery, while some Jews believe their suffering in the Holocaust warrants favoritism and, yes, the domination and subjugation of others.

In national politics, few Americans are willing to challenge either group, and bow their heads when the thugs of “Black Lives Matter,” Antifa and other groups burn our cities and terrify white and black Americans alike. Similarly, few non-Jewish Americans—especially those in the Congress—are willing to stand up and condemn the multi-decade genocide of Benjamin Netanyahu, the “Settlers” and rabid Zionists in Israel.

Are there American blacks who do not discriminate against their non-black counterparts? Certainly.[3] Are there American Jews who do not seek favoritism and power over others, nor seek to exploit the horrors of the Holocaust? Certainly.[4] America is literally a melting pot, the greatest in the world; and each American plays a role in its existence, perpetuation and destiny.[5]

And yes, we need to salute those Americans—of all colors, faiths and backgrounds—who have served or are serving in our military, on this Memorial Day![6]


© 2024, Timothy D. Naegele


[1]  Timothy D. Naegele was counsel to the United States Senate’s Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, and chief of staff to Presidential Medal of Freedom and Congressional Gold Medal recipient and former U.S. Senator Edward W. Brooke (R-Mass).  See, e.g., Timothy D. Naegele Resume-21-8-6  and   He has an undergraduate degree in economics from the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), as well as two law degrees from the School of Law (Boalt Hall), University of California, Berkeley, and from Georgetown University.  He served as a Captain in the U.S. Army during the Vietnam War, assigned to the Defense Intelligence Agency at The Pentagon, where he received the Joint Service Commendation Medal (see, e.g.  Mr. Naegele is an Independent politically; and he is listed in Who’s Who in America, Who’s Who in American Law, and Who’s Who in Finance and Business. He has written extensively over the years (see, e.g. and, and studied photography with Ansel Adams.  He can be contacted directly at

[2]  See (“Is Barack Obama A Racist?”)

[3]  See, e.g., (“Edward W. Brooke Is Dead”)

[4]  See, e.g., (“America’s Jews Are Americans”) and (“Sadly, This Book Is Out Of Print, Because Its Wisdom Is Needed Now In The Middle East And Globally More Than Ever”)

[5]  See, e.g., (“America: A Rich Tapestry Of Life”)

[6]  See (“More than 200 free Memorial Day observances and events across the country”)



9 responses

25 05 2024


America accepted quality immigrants from just about anywhere 100 years ago. We did not invite Muslims, communists, or military foreign enemies to come on in unconditionally. We had standards of admission. We expected newly arrived immigrants to eventually become loyal American citizens and work and pay their fair share of taxes, not game the system.  We gave them more opportunities than they ever had in their ancestral homelands. We expected them to learn English and assimilate, not form tribes and insist we do as they do ( accommodate their native tongue). We did not allow them to identify as -hyphenated Americans either.  All were treated as equals and none had special civil rights or preferences just for their race or tribe.

Not all Jews are globalists but most all globalists are Jews. This gives them an extra, albeit large amount of financial/political clout as a cohesive ethnic/religions group or tribe in their own right. Other immigrant groups are free to do likewise, if they like, according to the law. Its always been that way.  America does not owe the world a home or a living or free stuff. The world cares not if we live or die. The World is and always has been SHIT. This will never change. If we don’t take care of our national interests then nobody else will and we won’t last very long. 

H.Craig Bradley


25 05 2024
Timothy D. Naegele

Thank you as always, Craig.

Please read (or reread) the article cited in footnote 5. They are no native Americans. All of our ancestors came from foreign shores.

Once here, it’s “survival of the fittest.” No one is owed or entitled to anything.


25 05 2024

I beg to differ on the semantics. Indigenous Indian Tribes who once occupied much of North America such as the Nez Perce, Sioux, Pawnee, Blackfeet, etc. were here long before either Lewis & Clark ( who would have starved without their assistance), Cortez, Columbus, the Puritans or any of the original European settlers or General Custer. Their lands were overrun with European and English settlers and they soon lost their ancestral tribal lands, which were reduced to small reservations. White man, as distinct group did not annihilate the natives, we subdued and conquered them.  The Spanish colonialists in Texas and Calif. lost their land to an expansive United States. Emerging civilizations or world powers historically grow their territory by biting-off pieces of a declining & decrepit former world power, such as we did from the old Spanish Empire. We did the same with former Spanish colonies like the Philippines and with Spanish Cuba ( “Remember the Maine”).  The Europeans did likewise with the aging Ottoman Empire ( Turkey was “the sick man of Europe) just before and after WWI. Now the wheels of fortune have turned-against America and its our turn to be on the receiving end of the stick. In the end, we have 2 alternative choices: like it or lump it and guess what? President Xi could care less which choice we make. Its China’s time now and they well know it. 

 A resurgent China ( The Dragon) is going to bite-off parts of our global empire and take over their region (The Indio-Pacific Region) sooner rather than later, certainly by 2032 A.D. The Economist magazine did a historical study of when an emerging world power challenged the existing world order such as Germany and Japan challenging the feeble British & Dutch Empires 100 years ago.  Historically, a major war ensued in about 50% of these instances of a global reset. The victor’s currency became the new world standard such as the Ocho de oro in the case of the old Spanish Empire. It the Twilight of the Western Democracies. The post-WWII paradigm is being superseded very fast now.

 The U.S.A. then became the new undisputed global power after winning WWII, unchallenged by anyone in 1945. The U.S. Dollar was gold-backed and we had most of the gold, so we made most of the rules and nobody dared challenge our supremacy for many decades.  However, since 1979 with the takeover of Iran by the Mullahs (Ayatollahs), we have been slowly losing power and respect abroad and have on-occasion been humiliated by much lesser countries due to our weak leaders and internal political divisions and lack of politician consensus.  Now, we are retreating from around the world with an aging and obsolete navy, unable to sustain a naval force in the international sea lanes in the Mediterranean, Suez Canal, Persian Gulf ( where an Iranian vessel recently captured a oil tanker unopposed).  President Biden has brought our weaknesses to the forefront and we are being probed and tested around the world. We are seen as weak which emboldens aggressors to move against our interests. We can not back-up our word or our pledges to protect our allies anywhere in the world.. Now, a major confrontation with Russia and China is unavoidable and clearly on the horizon, while Biden  divides and conquers us from within and further weakens the middle classes with $ 1 Trillion in new debt each year. A bevy of new taxes and regulations awaits small businesses next year if Biden wins. Chairman Jerome Powell has already “lost” the inflation fight.

 Our military is understaffed for the first time in our history. We are not replenishing our munitions such as Javelin missiles sent to Ukraine. Our strategic oil reserve is again being depleted so Memorial Day Travelers can have cheaper gas in this election year.  We are totally unprepared for the coming war with China + Russia and we risk annihilation, as in total annihilation because a WWIII will begin with nuclear missile strike first, then go conventional to mop-up NATO and the U.S. of A. I have reason to fear for our future. America won’t survive a second Biden Term, sic. 4th Obama Term. China wants to continue to do business for the time being. The public is being entertained by Roman Style Bread and Circuses, e.g. Trump Hush Money Trial and ex-porn star, Stormy Daniels, and grifter, Trump Lawyer Michael Cohen. (Our cabarets). “A great civilization is not conquered from without until it has destroyed itself within” ― Will Durant, The Story of Philosophy: The Lives and Opinions of the World’s Greatest Philosophers

Our Days are numbered so we best use our time wisely while we are still able.


H.Craig Bradley


26 05 2024
Timothy D. Naegele

Thank you again, Craig. I repeat: there are NO indigenous Americans. All of our ancestors came from somewhere else. Thereafter, it was “survival of the fittest.”

Next, as to whether the USA will be on the “receiving end” of human history,” nothing lasts forever. Alexander the Great created perhaps the broadest empire known to mankind, but it too vanished.

See (“Alexander the Great”)


26 05 2024

Yes, of course, we started in Mesometamia, the so-called “cradle of civilization”.After the Genesis Flood and Noah, Nimrod built the Tower of Babble, which began the first great human diaspora. Mankind went out and settled the earth and over the millennium, founded a number of Great Civilizations that all came and went. We popped-up like a big weed and grew for a few hundred years. Soon enough, we will wither and be gone without a trace.

Not unlike the travelers in H.G. Well’s novel, “The Time Machine” and movie versions of. We are all like dust in the wind.  Genisis 3:19 “In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread till thou return unto the ground, for out of it wast thou taken; for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return.”

The world and life will continue-on long after the U.S. is no more regardless of the upcoming election but not necessarily in the same manner. Other peoples will take our place in due course. We all need to address this reality after Biden passes-on. Our time is over. Its our fate, our Karma. Accept it or not, there is absolutely nothing you or anyone else can do about it.

Eat, drink, and be merry. Enjoy the Memorial Day Holiday.

H.Craig Bradley


26 05 2024
Timothy D. Naegele

Thank you again.

The Old Testament was written by old Jews; and I view it as a “fanciful fable,” and nothing more. I am a Christian, and believe in Jesus’ teachings as set forth in the New Testament.

However, when I experienced God, neither Jesus nor any Jews were there..

See (“What And Where Is God?”)

Enjoy and celebrate Memorial Day too.


27 05 2024
Timothy D. Naegele

She’s Being Kind And Pulling Her Punches

See (“Judge Judy delivers scathing verdict on America’s out-of-control crime”)


27 05 2024
Timothy D. Naegele

Not Surprising . . .

See (“Museum shut down after 30 staff stormed out over antisemitism exhibit”)

. . . as the world turns against the genocidal Benjamin Netanyahu, the “Settlers” and rabid Zionists; and anti-Semitism reaches levels not seen since World War II.


28 05 2024
Timothy D. Naegele


At a time when anti-Semitism is rising to levels globally that have not been seen since World War II, and Israel is a pariah, Mexico might have an uber-Leftist Jewish President.

See (“Claudia Sheinbaum is likely to be Mexico’s next president. Who is she?”); but see (“Israeli tanks roll into centre of Rafah for the first time on day where more than 20 people were killed in further shelling of tent camps following Sunday’s refugee zone airstrike that left 45 dead triggering global outrage”)

More than 35,000 innocents have been killed by Israeli butchers. Will the Apartheid state be eradicated?


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