The Economic Tsunami Continues Its Relentless And Unforgiving Advance Globally

27 09 2010

By Timothy D. Naegele[1]

The Wall Street Journal has an article about the EU entitled, “Currency Union Teetering, ‘Mr. Euro’ Was Forced to Act,” which is worth reading and reflecting on seriously.[2] It represents an excellent discussion of what has happened in the past.  However, its conclusions are sobering and ominous:

[F]our months later, the root causes of the Greek crisis remain: There is no central authority to even coordinate national tax-and-spending policies.

In the past month, financial markets have turned their sights on Ireland and Portugal. Doubts remain over the solvency of banks on Europe’s stricken fringe. That leaves them dependent on [the European Central Bank president Jean-Claude Trichet]’s largesse, in the form of “temporary” lending facilities introduced by the ECB when the crisis first hit.

Despite Mr. Trichet’s assurances that the bond-buying program is a stop-gap, it not only continues but has also increased in recent weeks—with no end in sight.

Put succinctly, Europe is still on the brink. It is foolish to believe otherwise. The “green shoots” that have appeared recently are an “illusion” and merely a brief respite in the midst of a maelstrom, which economic historians will describe as the “Great Depression II” (or by some similar name) 20-40 years from now.

Americans and their counterparts around the world have lost faith in their governments, and rightly so[3]; and the governments have come closer to exhausting all of their viable economic options. As this becomes increasingly clear, and as governments thrash about trying to find solutions that do not exist, and as politicians continue to lie—which after all is what they are most proficient at doing—the economic tsunami will continue to take its toll and run its course worldwide during the balance of this decade.

It will get very ugly, economically, socially and politically. Barack Obama will be swept out of office in the United States, and this process has begun already. It will accelerate with November’s elections. He is caught in the twin pincers of an economy in decline that he cannot influence except negatively, and an Afghan war that cannot be won. Republicans and Independents do not support him now; and his own Democrats are deserting him.

The slippery slope out the White House door will follow, like it did for Lyndon Johnson prior to the presidential election of 1968, when the political consequences of the Vietnam war made him unelectable.  Obama will return either to Chicago or Honolulu to lick his wounds and set up his presidential library, and assume an “elder statesman” role—similar to Bill Clinton—after only one term in office.

The efforts of Jean-Claude Trichet, or “Mr. Euro,” will prove similar to measures undertaken to put Humpty Dumpty back together again.  Trichet is not “Superman,” and he will lack the necessary skills; and the policy options will have been exhausted. Panics may ensue in the financial markets; and the recent crises may seem like child’s play by comparison to what is coming. The “Band-Aids” that Trichet, America’s Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke and others applied will be ripped asunder as the economic tsunami continues its relentless and unforgiving advance globally.[4]

Hold on tight. It is apt to get very ugly. The euro zone will unravel, which is likely to be a relatively small but critical part of what will be happening worldwide; and financial turmoil will engulf the euro-zone nations. There will be nobody of consequence in charge economically or politically in the United States or other countries. And the human suffering and chaos will be unfathomable.[5] Throw military and national security issues into the mix, and the results may be explosive.


© 2010, Timothy D. Naegele

[1] Timothy D. Naegele was counsel to the United States Senate’s Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, and chief of staff to Presidential Medal of Freedom and Congressional Gold Medal recipient and former U.S. Senator Edward W. Brooke (R-Mass).  He practices law in Washington, D.C. and Los Angeles with his firm, Timothy D. Naegele & Associates, which specializes in Banking and Financial Institutions Law, Internet Law, Litigation and other matters (see www.naegele.comand  He has an undergraduate degree in economics from UCLA, as well as two law degrees from the School of Law (Boalt Hall), University of California, Berkeley, and from Georgetown University.  He is a member of the District of Columbia and California bars.  He served as a Captain in the U.S. Army, assigned to the Defense Intelligence Agency at the Pentagon, where he received the Joint Service Commendation Medal.  Mr. Naegele is an Independent politically; and he is listed in Who’s Who in America, Who’s Who in American Law, and Who’s Who in Finance and Business. He has written extensively over the years (see, e.g.,, and can be contacted directly at

[2] See; see also

[3] See, e.g.,

[4] See also and

[5] See also and



351 responses

28 09 2010

Ireland, Portugal Stir European Fears

This is the title of a Wall Street Journal article, which goes on to state:

Financial markets are on edge as crisis-hit euro-zone countries try to pull off a daunting task: protect their banks while slashing budget deficits against a backdrop of economic stagnation and soaring joblessness.

Some economists say it can’t be done and see it as increasingly likely that one or more of these countries will eventually have to tap a massive rescue fund set by the European Union and International Monetary Fund, stirring fresh uncertainty about the 16-nation currency bloc.

. . .

Greece is already operating under a separate EU-IMF bailout package that largely covers its funding needs into 2012. But even that rescue has failed to quell doubts in financial markets about Athens’ ability to repay its debts further down the road.



28 09 2010
Smilin' Jack

Another fair assessment of what is going on here in the U.S., and worldwide by Timothy. You said it before, and the Wall Street Gang had better stop sipping Starbucks and heed the warning you are telling us….


5 10 2010

IMF Admits The West Is Stuck In Near Depression

The IMF is conservative, and is reluctant to admit that the “Great Depression II” is upon us, for fear that panics may erode economies even more—which will happen when the economic realities are realized fully around the globe. An article on this subject in UK’s Telegraph is worth reading.



6 10 2010

The situation is grim – probably grimmer than generally realized, but it’s not a foregone unavoidable end that we can’t escape. In general people will try to remove themselves from the path of a speeding train.

Europe is in some ways in better shape. While several countries went too far accumulating debt and entitlements the diversity of problems among several countries will help them. Spain and Ireland and the UK participated with the US in the global excess in housing. Germany, Italy, and others did not. Spain bought into the alternative energy hype and is learning that lesson.

I was surprised at the resurgence of discredited voodoo economic myths in the US and the readiness with which Bush initially and then Obama jumped on the Keynesian stimulus bandwagon. The lesson from the Great Depression and more recently, Japan, is that spending does not itself create sustainable economic growth.

The government here in the US is – by funding Fannie and Freddie takeover of the housing markets – stopping the market prices resetting in housing thereby ensuring no real recovery can take hold. It would be better – would have better – for the government to dismantle the ‘too big to fail’ banks selling off the parts to banks that knew better and to allow prices in the markets to reset providing generous aid to displaced families to get through until recovery got underway. The $800 + billion in stimulus had little to do with the economy and everything to do with political payoffs and payments to states structured to force permanent shift to bigger government.

In any case Europe is in for some tough times ahead. And we are in the same boat with them due to the series of Basel accords regulating banking worldwide. The situation is so difficult in part because of the original Basel accord that took effect in the early 90’s. That global banking agreement was a response, in part, to the Japanese banks rampaging worldwide using cheap money generated by their 1980’s bubble working its way through Japan and spilling out globally via its banks. Basel I was designed to level the field among global banks, but in an example of unintended consequences, it also made sure that any systemic flaws in the accord would impact all the major global banks and their home country financial systems thus laying the groundwork for a series of financial crises globally and the failure eventually of the banking systems.

There were at least two major infections injected into the global system by the original Basel I and that continue into Basel III. Both are partially responsible for the current global downturn and ensure that future crises are more likely – probably inevitable.

One is that Basel decreed that sovereign debt carries zero capital cost. Private debt all carries a higher capital cost. This embedded from the early 90’s into the global financial system a bias towards more sovereign debt ensuring there would be more of it and that it would be cheaper than the natural market rate. This has many implications – none too good – but what it ensured is that all the major global banks carry more sovereign debt on their books than they would have if the rates had to be competitive with private debt.

The European central bank and authorities had a difficult choice forced upon them by Greece. They could allow Greece to default and be forced to immediately deal with the follow-on defaults of almost all of the major banks in Europe (because of the substantial sovereign Greek debt they held), or, they could bail the Greeks out and allow their banks some time to get out of way of the train speeding toward them.

The key fact is that Basel retains the bias that caused the problem to begin with.

The second is that Basel allows major global banks to calculate their own capital requirements and in particular it has a provision that allows one major bank to buy a derivative guarantee from a sibling bank to reduce its capital cost for some particular private asset/exposure. Bank A sells a guarantee to Bank B to greatly reduce its capital cost who sells one to C for its asset who in turn helps A with another. The net effect is that the total capital in the system is woefully inadequate even as every ‘i’ is dotted and every ‘t’ crossed as per Basel.

As far as Obama getting swept out of office, I believe his only hope for re-election is for the Republicans to retake at least the House. The good side to this is that Obama seems too inflexible to take advantage of that situation to triangulate as Clinton so successfully did to get re-election.


6 10 2010

I agree with your first paragraph. My parents lived through the Great Depression of the last century, and did not seem to be affected by it at all.

As to your second paragraph, the only country in Europe that is truly in decent shape economically is Germany, and it cannot carry the rest of Europe. Among other things, its electorate will balk politically.

I agree with your third paragraph.

I agree with your fourth paragraph, and recommend that you read the comments beneath another blog article entitled, “The Great Depression II?”


There is a real argument—which I believe is sound—that the downward fall of housing prices should not have been mitigated by foreclosure relief and other factors; and that until housing prices reach their “natural” bottom, or equilibrium, there will not be any recovery in that critical sector of our economy.

Indeed, government interference with free market forces may produce negative results, rather than helping. As you know, the Great Depression of the last century did not end until the onset of World War II, despite the massive governmental programs crafted by Franklin Roosevelt’s administration.

I agree with your comments about Basel. It may well represent a “house of cards” that comes crashing down. Once one or more panics set in, I believe there is nothing that governments will be able to do to stem them. One such “bubble” that I have believed for many years exists in the U.S. relates to mutual funds. Should panics set in and investors seek to cash out of such funds, a liquidity crisis may ensue that cannot be stemmed. The risks of panics such as this one are enormous.

Finally, I agree with your last paragraph, and do not believe Obama is adroit enough to handle the situation. Indeed, the twin pincers of a collapsing economy and a failing Afghan war may overwhelm him personally and politically. Throw in other factors that we do not know about yet (e.g., terrorist attacks), and he may fall like a rock politically. More and more, Americans may conclude that he is “out of touch” and “over his head,” which might result in him being considered “irrelevant” politically and as a leader. I believe he is a “lame duck” now, or will be after the November elections.

Thank you for your thoughtful comments.


7 10 2010
Timothy D. Naegele

The Chickens Are Coming Home To Roost

There is a plethora of bad news in the media, which will only get worse.

See, e.g.,,8599,2024065,00.html (“Encountering Anguish and Anxiety Across America”) and (“Food Stamp Recipients at Record 41.8 Million Americans”) and (“Dollar tumbles to fresh 15-year low against yen”) and (“Gallup Finds U.S. Unemployment at 10.1%”) and (“US Cities Face Half a Trillion Dollars of Pension Deficits”) and (“California to Sell 24 Government Buildings”)

The American economy and other economies globally are collapsing. The “Great Depression II” is upon us, which economic historians will describe with some precision 20-40 years from now. Yes, there will be “green shoots” from time to time—as there were during the Great Depression of the last century, which only ended with the onset of World War II, not because of any governmental intervention.

See, e.g., and and and

Even Alan Greenspan—who is responsible for, and triggered the economic calamity that global economies are facing—is forecasting gloom and doom in a Financial Times article entitled, “Fear undermines America’s recovery.” He is the architect of the enormous economic “bubble” that burst globally. No longer is he revered as a “potentate.” His reputation is in tatters, and he is disgraced. Giulio Tremonti, Italy’s Minister of Economy and Finance, perhaps said it best:

Greenspan was considered a master. Now we must ask ourselves whether he is not, after [Osama] bin Laden, the man who hurt America the most.

That speaks volumes. However, the human suffering and economic devastation that Greenspan’s actions (and inactions) spawned are not limited to the United States, but are truly global in scope.



25 10 2010
Timothy D. Naegele

“Green Shoots For Housing Mowed Down”—And Become Dead Weeds

The Wall Street Journal has an article by this title about the American housing market and its effect on the U.S. economy, which states:

[T]he foreclosure debacle . . . is roiling housing just as some positive signs were emerging. . . .

. . .

The trouble won’t necessarily show up in housing reports this week. . . .

. . .

[T]hese figures will reflect conditions mostly before banks temporarily halted foreclosures due to questionable affidavits. More telling may be recent declines in the weekly mortgage-applications survey from the Mortgage Bankers of America, which showed purchasing activity off nearly 40% from a year ago.

For their part, banks are moving to restart foreclosures and reassure buyers that markets are functioning. But the legal logjam mightn’t clear quickly, given what are expected to be renewed challenges from homeowners’ lawyers and skeptical judges.

The upshot is the level of new foreclosure sales, a key driver of current housing activity, may be damped for months. Home prices may initially benefit from having fewer foreclosures in the mix. But any rise is likely to be short-lived, especially if buyers hibernate until the fiasco gets sorted out.

Moreover, once the legal problems clear, a backlog of discounted properties will flood the market. Economists at Wells Fargo Securities noted last week that there are two million homes in the process of foreclosure and another two million with mortgages 90 days past due. They expect home prices to fall an additional 5% to 8% next year.

Falling prices and legal uncertainty, meanwhile, may lead “to even more conservative appraisals and even tighter underwriting standards,” the Wells Fargo economists reckon.

That, in turn, could blunt the benefit from superlow mortgage rates, currently around 4.2% for 30-year loans. It could also prompt the Federal Reserve to try to drive borrowing rates even lower. While a housing rebound mightn’t be a must for an economic recovery, a renewed housing downturn almost certainly will undermine one.



25 10 2010
Timothy D. Naegele

Keynes Is Dead . . .

John Maynard Keynes was a British economist who advocated the use by governments of fiscal and monetary policies to mitigate the adverse effects of economic recessions and depressions. Contrariwise, Milton Friedman and other economists were pessimistic about the ability of governments to regulate the business cycle with fiscal policies.

A New York Times’ article entitled, “Europe Seen Avoiding Keynes’s Cure for Recession,” states:

[I]n much of Europe, and most acutely [in the UK], his view that deficit spending by governments is crucial to avoiding a long recession has lately been willfully ignored.

In Britain, George Osborne, chancellor of the Exchequer, delivered a speech on Wednesday that would have made Keynes—who himself worked in the British Treasury—blanch.

He argued forcefully that Britons, despite slowing growth and negligible bank lending, must accept a rise in the retirement age to 66 from 65 and $130 billion in spending cuts that would eliminate nearly 500,000 public sector jobs and hit pensioners, the poor, the military and the middle class because of what he insisted was the overwhelming need to reduce the country’s huge budget deficit.

In Ireland, where the economy is suffering through its third consecutive year of economic slump, Keynes is doing no better. Devastated by a historic property crash and banking bust, the Irish government is preparing another round of spending cuts and tax increases.

Combined with what Dublin has already imposed, the cuts could add up to as much as 14 percent of Ireland’s gross domestic product, an extraordinary amount for a modern industrial country. Ireland’s budget deficit reached 32 percent of total economic output this year.

Indeed, across Europe, where the threat of a double-dip recession remains palpable, governments from Germany to Greece are slashing public outlays. But even as students and workers in France clash with the police and block fuel shipments to protest a rise in the retirement age, the debate in Europe is more on how fast to cut government spending rather than whether such reductions are the right thing to do under the circumstances.

“Everything Keynes established about the primacy of maintaining demand at a steady pace is gone,” Brad DeLong, a liberal economist and blogger at the University of California, Berkeley, said mournfully.

. . .

[I]n Europe there is hardly a policy maker to be found who is making the argument that governments need to spend more, not less.

This is particularly true in Britain, where a combination of collapsing tax revenues and government spending to prop up banks and support the unemployed during the financial crisis has contributed to a budget deficit equal to 11 percent of gross domestic product, second highest in Europe after Ireland.

. . .

That contrasts sharply with the United States, where White House policy makers are urging caution in reducing deficits too quickly, fearing that ending stimulus efforts before the economy is clearly on the road to recovery risks making a mistake similar to President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s budget cutting in the middle of the Great Depression, which extended the downturn.

. . .

For the British public, of course, the austerity now being experienced in countries like Ireland, Greece and Lithuania has yet to hit home.

In Britain, and throughout the rest of Europe, policy makers hope that by the time it does, a private sector recovery will be well under way, helping to compensate for the tighter government budgets. If not, however, they may be tempted to call upon the spirit of Keynes after all.

See and


11 11 2010
Timothy D. Naegele

Ireland’s Fate Tied to Doomed Banks

In a brilliant article with this title, the Wall Street Journal is reporting:

For two years, Ireland had poured money on a raging banking crisis, to no avail. Each estimate of the rising price of rescuing Ireland’s banks turned out too low. [Finance Minister Brian] Lenihan needed to halt the drip-drip of bad news that was leading his country to ruin. “I want a final figure ASAP,” he told the group.

Two weeks later, the estimate came in: Up to €50 billion—nearly $50,000 for every household [on] the Emerald Isle.

But now, investors are betting the bill could be higher still and could reignite Europe’s sovereign-debt crisis. The unpopular government is bracing for collapse, and on Tuesday, Irish government bonds continued a week-long slide to a fresh record low. The debt is judged as risky as Greece’s was this spring just before that nation begged for a European Union bailout.

Mr. Lenihan, racing to ease those fears, proposed Thursday shrinking the country’s 2011 budget by €6 billion. Proportionally, that’s as if the U.S. suddenly eliminated the Defense Department.

Ireland’s troubles are Europe’s. The 16 euro-zone countries have agreed to guarantee up to €440 billion in loans if any among them is unable to borrow from private markets.

. . .

Along the way, the government was hobbled by faulty information from outside advisers, from a trust-and-don’t-verify regulatory culture and from the troubled banks themselves.

The result has been calamitous: Bad loans at five once-sleepy banks have snowballed into an existential threat. The crisis has hammered Ireland’s economy and left taxpayers with a bill that will take a generation to pay. Irate Dubliners burned one big bank’s ex-boss in effigy and blocked the gates of parliament with a cement truck in protest. Bankers face criminal probes and a parliamentary inquiry.

. . .

For a decade, Ireland was the EU’s superstar. A skilled work force, high productivity and low corporate taxes drew foreign investment. The Irish, once the poor of Europe, became richer than everyone but the Luxemburgers. Fatefully, they put their newfound wealth in property.

As the European Central Bank held interest rates low, Ireland saw easy credit for construction loans and mortgages. Developers turned docklands into office towers and sheep pastures into subdivisions. In 2006, builders put up 93,419 homes, three times the rate a decade earlier.

. . .

The party ended in 2008, when the property bubble popped and the global economy tipped into recession. The government remained optimistic; an internal finance-department memo concluded in May that the Irish banking system was “sound and robust based on all key indicators of financial health.”

Yet by September, Irish banks were struggling to borrow quick cash for daily expenses. The government thought they faced a classic liquidity squeeze. Ireland—whose hands-off regulator had assigned just three examiners to two major banks—didn’t recognize the deeper problem: Banks had made too many bad loans, whose defaults would leave the lenders insolvent.

. . .

The total capital injected into banks by the government so far: €34 billion, with at least another €12 billion on the way. The bailouts mean Ireland will run a government deficit equal to 32% of its gross domestic product, the highest figure ever in any euro-zone country. Skeptics say a still-sinking property market will next sour residential mortgages, inflating the government tab even more.

Patrick Honohan, Ireland’s central-bank governor, says the government is fighting on two fronts. While wrestling with the banks’ bad loans, it must repair state finances badly damaged by a deep recession and a swift erosion of the tax base. The bailout bill, he says in an interview, “is not Ireland’s only problem.”

See; see also


14 11 2010
Timothy D. Naegele

Is Europe Collapsing?

In an excellent UK Telegraph article by Ambrose Evans-Pritchard entitled, “Europe stumbles blindly towards its 1931 moment,” it is stated:

Unless the ECB takes fast and dramatic action, it risks destroying the currency it is paid to manage, and allowing a political catastrophe to unfold in Europe.

If mishandled, Ireland could all too easily become a sovereign version of Credit Anstalt—the Austrian bank that brought down the central European financial system in 1931, sent tremors through London and New York, and set off the second deeper phase of the Great Depression, the phase when politics turned ugly.

“Does the ECB understand the concept of contagion?” asked Jacques Cailloux, chief Europe economist at RBS. Three EMU countries have already been shut out of the capital markets, and footloose foreign creditors hold €2 trillion of debt securities issued by Spain, Portugal, Ireland and Greece.

“If that is not enough to worry about financial contagion, what is? The ECB’s lack of action begs the question as to whether it is fulfilling its financial stability mandate,” he said. That is a polite way of putting it.

The eurozone’s fiscal fund (European Financial Stability Facility) is fatally flawed. Like Alpinistas roped together, an ever-reduced core of solvent states are supposed to carry the weight on an ever-widening group of insolvent states dangling beneath them. This lacks political credibility and may be tested to destruction if—as seems likely—Ireland is forced to ask for help. At which moment the chain-reaction begins in earnest, starting with Iberia.

It was a grave error for Germany’s Angela Merkel and France’s Nicolas Sarkozy to invoke the spectre of sovereign defaults and bondholder “haircuts” at this delicate juncture, ignoring warnings from ECB chief Jean-Claude Trichet that such talk would set off investor flight from high-debt states.

EU leaders have since made a clumsy attempt to undo the damage, insisting that the policy shift would have “no impact whatsoever” on existing bonds. It would come into force only after mid-2013 under the new bail-out mechanism. Nobody is fooled by such a distinction.

“This is a breath-taking mixture of suicidal irresponsibility and farcical incoherence,” said Marco Annunziata from Unicredit.

“If by 2013 countries like Greece, Ireland and Portugal are still in a shaky position, any new debt issued will carry exorbitant yields. The EU would then have to choose between a full-fledged, open-ended bail-out, and reneging on the promise that existing debt would not be restructured. Will German voters then accept higher taxes to save their profligate neighbours?” he said.

In May it was enough for the EU to announce a €750bn safety-net with the IMF for eurozone debtors. Bond spreads narrowed. A spike in economic output—led by Germany’s rogue growth of 9pc (annualised) in the second quarter—beguiled EU elites into believing that monetary union had survived its ordeal by fire. It had not, and this time they will have to put up real money.

Sadly for Ireland, events have snowballed out of control. Confidence has collapsed before Irish export industries—pharma, medical devices, IT, and backroom services—have had time to pull the country out of its tailspin.

Premier Brian Cowen—who presides over a budget deficit of 32pc of GDP this year—still insists that no rescue is needed. “We have adequate funding right up until July,” he said. Mr Cowan must know this is not enough. Funding for Irish banks has evaporated, and with it funding for Irish firms.

As we learn from leaks that “technical” talks are under way on the terms of any EU bail-out, it can only be a matter of weeks, or days, before Ireland has to tap EFSF—for €80bn to €85bn, says Barclays Capital.

Portugal is in worse shape than Ireland. Total debt is 330pc of GDP. The current account deficit is near 12pc of GDP (while Ireland is moving into surplus). Portuguese banks rely on foreign wholesale funding to cover 40pc of assets.

The country has been trapped in perma-slump with an over-valued currency for almost a decade. Successive waves of austerity have failed to make a lasting dent on the fiscal deficit, yet have been enough to sap the authority of the ruling socialists and revive the far-Left.

Former ministers are already talking openly of the need for an EU-IMF rescue. It is hard to see how Portugal could avoid being sucked into the vortex alongside Ireland. Europe and the IMF would then face a cumulative bail-out bill of €200bn or so. That stretches the EFSF to its credible limits.

The focus would shift instantly to Spain, where economic growth stalled to zero in the third quarter, car sales fell 38pc in October, a 5pc cut in public wages has yet to bite, and roughly [one million] unsold homes are still hanging over the property market. The problem is not the Spanish state as such: the Achilles Heel is corporate debt of 137pc of GDP, and the sums owed to foreign creditors that must be rolled over each quarter.

The risks are obvious. Unless core EMU countries raise fresh funds to boost the collateral of the rescue fund, markets will not believe that the EFSF has the firepower to stand behind Spain. Will Germany’s Bundestag vote more funds? Will the Dutch? Tweede Kamer, where right-wing populist Geert Wilders now holds the political balance, adamantly opposes such help, and might well use such a crisis to launch a bid for power.

It is far from clear what would happen if Italy was forced to provide its share of a triple bail-out for Ireland, Portugal and Spain. Italy’s public debt is already near danger point at 115pc of GDP. It is also the third-largest debt in the world after that of Japan and the US. French banks alone have $476bn of exposure to Italian debt (BIS data).

While Italy has kept a tight rein on spending, it is not in good health. Growth has stalled; industrial output fell 2.1pc in September; and the Berlusconi government is disintegrating. Four ministers are expected to resign on Monday.

It is clear by now that IMF-style austerity and debt-deflation is not a workable policy for the high-debt states of peripheral Europe, since it cannot be offset by the IMF cure of devaluation. The collapse of tax revenues has caused fiscal deficits to remain stubbornly high. The real debt burden has risen further.

The ECB is the last line of defence. It can halt the immediate Irish crisis whenever it wishes by buying Irish bonds. Yet instead of pulling out all the stops to save monetary union, the bank is winding down its emergency operations and draining liquidity. It is repeating the policy error it made by raising rates into the teeth of the crisis in July 2008.

Yes, the ECB is already propping up Ireland and Club Med by unlimited lending to local banks that then rotate into their own government debt in an internal “carry trade”. And yes, the ECB is understandably wary of crossing the fateful line from monetary to fiscal policy by funding treasury debt.

Bundesbank chief Axel Weber might fairly conclude that it is impossible at this stage to reconcile the needs of Germany and the big debtors. If the ECB prints money on the scale required to underpin the South, it would set off German inflation, destroy German faith in monetary union, and perhaps run afoul of Germany’s constitutional court. If EMU must split in two, it might as well be done on Teutonic terms.

All this is understandable, but is Chancellor Merkel really going to let subordinate officials at the ECB destroy Germany’s half-century investment in the post-war order of Europe, and risk Götterdämmerung [or a collapse marked by catastrophic violence and disorder]?

See (emphasis added); see also and and and and


18 11 2010
Timothy D. Naegele

British Banks Have $225 billion Exposure To Ireland’s Economic Crisis

UK’s Telegraph is reporting:

The new figures—from the Bank for International Settlements—disclose that Britain faces the biggest potential losses from a meltdown in the Irish economy. This country’s banks have lent more than those from any other country to the Irish government, consumers and businesses.

RBS, the largely-nationalised bank, is thought to have the biggest exposure with more than £50 billion [or $80 billion] of outstanding loans.



22 11 2010
Timothy D. Naegele

Is Europe Collapsing?—Part 2—And America’s State And Local Debt Bomb

Ireland’s coalition government was thrown into turmoil, as Green Party leader John Gormley called for a general election, saying: “People feel misled and betrayed.” The Wall Street Journal is reporting:

The announcement comes after the Irish government Sunday said it had formally applied for tens of billions of euros in aid from the European Union and the International Monetary Fund.

The Green’s withdrawal of support beyond January [of 2011] means a new coalition government will have to follow through on its predecessor’s promises, or seek to renegotiate. The Irish government is currently a coalition of Fianna Fail, the Green Party and independent lawmakers.

. . .

The Green Party’s decision to pull out of the government in the new year dashes hopes that news of the deal with the EU and IMF will ease investor concerns about the euro zone’s fiscal trouble spots.


The Journal added:

The statement out tonight from European finance ministers on the [cost of the] Irish bailout is like reading a real-estate ad for a lavish villa that has no price tag.

. . .

What can be said is that the total—government and banks—will likely run not far from 12 figures [or 100 billion euros].

See; see also

In an article entitled, “Rescue of Ireland Would Dwarf Greece’s Bailout on Cost of Shoring Up Banks,” Bloomberg is reporting:

Ireland will seek emergency international aid totaling as much as 60 percent of the size of its economy, dwarfing the Greek bailout, to save its banks and bolster its finances.

Ireland will ask for about 95 billion euros ($130 billion) from the European Union and International Monetary Fund, Goldman Sachs Group Inc. estimates. . . . The 110 billion-euro aid for Greece in May was the equivalent of 47 percent of its gross domestic product.

The cost of bailing out Ireland will be inflated by the price of shoring up its banking system, which Goldman puts at almost a third of the total request. The bursting of the real-estate bubble in 2008 pushed its banks close to collapse and plunged the country into recession.

. . .

Ireland will tap the 750 billion-euro European Financial Stability Facility set up in May as a financial lifeline for the rest of the euro region after Greece needed an emergency bailout of three-year loans from the EU and IMF.

The cost of a bailout on the Irish scale for Portugal, seen as the next weakest link among the EU’s high-deficit countries, would cost 100 billion euros, based on a package of 60 percent of GDP. For Spain, whose banks have also come under strain from the collapse of its real-estate bubble, a bailout of 60 percent of GDP would cost 632 billion euros. For Italy, the region’s second-most indebted nation after Greece, the figure would be 912 billion euros.

See (emphasis added)

Thus, the bailout of either Spain or Italy would wipe out the entire 750 billion-euro European Financial Stability Facility that was set up in May.

In an article entitled, “Irish EU bailout may not stop Portugal follow-up,” Reuters is reporting:

“. . . I don’t think this does anything to take Portugal and possibly Spain out of the firing line,” [Peter Chatwell, rate strategist at Credit Agricole CIB in London] said.

. . .

The origins of the debt problems of Ireland and Portugal are different—Ireland ran into problems because it had to help its banking sector, hit by the collapse of the real-estate market, while Portugal is suffering from low growth and lack of competitiveness.

But the end result was similar—a debt burden that markets see as difficult to carry.

. . .

If markets turn on Portugal, Spain may be next after that.

“If Portugal is forced to take a bailout then they’ll turn their attention to Spain and I don’t know what the government will do,” said Edro Schwartz, economist at San Pablo University in Madrid.


In an article entitled, “In Bailouts, Spain Will Be ‘the Biggie’: Strategist,” CNBC is reporting:

The biggest bailout the European Union will have to do if it comes to it will be Spain and it is worrying that there is not a set mechanism on how to go about it, Cornelia Meyer, CEO & Chairman, MRL Corporation, told CNBC Monday.

. . .

[After Ireland,] the next in line for European Union and International Monetary Fund money may be Portugal, and then Spain, analysts said.

. . . [“H]ot on the heels of Ireland we have Portugal and then Spain, and Spain will be the biggie,” Meyer said.

. . .

“You still have Portugal; you still have the line in the sand with Spain, and also you have the emerging markets that scare me, because with all the money that’s put into the system by Bernanke, you see massive inflation in these countries,” [Philippe Gijsels, head of global markets research at BNP Paribas Fortis] said.


In the United States, the state and local government fiscal mess is getting worse. The Journal is reporting:

In a Rasmussen poll taken before the midterm election, half of the respondents said that members of Congress who supported the 2009 federal stimulus didn’t deserve to be re-elected. Many weren’t. Yet the lame-duck Congress might extend one of the key elements of that stimulus: “Build America Bonds” (BABs). States and municipalities have used these bonds to rack up some $160 billion in new debt over the last 19 months.

Build America Bonds were created to re-energize the municipal bond market, which contracted sharply in late 2008. Investors had become wary that the credit crunch would spread to municipals, as insurers who back state and local bonds got hurt in other markets and stopped insuring public debt. Facing declining tax revenue and growing deficits, some local governments suddenly couldn’t borrow.

The Obama administration responded with a new kind of taxable bond that offered a 35% federal subsidy on the interest rate. Washington designed the subsidy to appeal to investors such as pension funds and overseas buyers who don’t buy traditional municipal bonds because they can’t take advantage of their tax-free status. The federal subsidy allowed states and cities to offer these investors an attractive return. The catch: Congress authorized the program only through 2010, to allay concerns that BABs would become a permanent bailout.

States and cities jumped deeply into this new market. California alone has issued some $21 billion in BABs, mostly as a substitute for its general obligation debt to support everything from school construction to sewer projects.

. . .

Now dozens of governments and other municipal issuers (like New York’s Metropolitan Transportation Authority and the University of California) have hired lobbyists to push Congress to extend BABs beyond this year. And in its 2011 budget, the Obama administration proposed making Build America Bonds permanent, with an interest-rate subsidy of 28%.

But the BAB program hasn’t been the unqualified success its advocates claim. While the original municipal bond crisis in late 2008 was attributed to the meltdown of other credit markets, it has since become clear that investors retreated from municipal debt as much because of the poor fiscal practices of many local governments. BABs have only contributed to the problem, increasing state and local debt even when the market has signaled that it considered some municipal borrowers overextended.

. . .

[B]ased on the cost of insurance contracts, CMA Datavision listed both [California and Illinois] in June among the 10 biggest government default risks in the world. Illinois was at greater risk of default than Iraq. Yet thanks to the BAB subsidy, Illinois was still able to borrow some $300 million in bonds by offering a 7.1% interest rate.

Meanwhile, investors are realizing that states and localities face long-term costs in addition to their muni debt, especially retirement obligations. Joshua Rauh of Northwestern University and Robert Novy-Marx of the University of Rochester assess the 50 states’ unfunded pension bill at $3 trillion, and they say that the municipal tab for pensions could reach $500 billion. That is on top of some $2.8 trillion in outstanding state and local borrowing, according to the Federal Reserve.

. . .

The governments that have made the most use of BABs have been those with the greatest fiscal problems. The biggest issuer of BABs, California, has relied on an unprecedented number of gimmicks to balance its books in the last two years—such as temporarily increasing tax withholding rates and issuing IOUs to vendors.

. . .

The Obama administration believes the BABs’ direct federal subsidy is a more efficient way to raise money than traditional tax-free municipals. But when money that would otherwise go to private business flows into subsidized government activities, resources are misallocated.


In an article entitled “Euphoria or the Obama Depression?” that was published and distributed by the McClatchy Newspapers and McClatchy-Tribune News Service on April 8, 2009, I wrote:

America and other nations are in uncharted waters; and their politicians may face backlashes from disillusioned and angry constituents that are unprecedented in modern times.


As we witnessed in the mid-terms elections on November 2nd, the chickens are coming home to roost. The economic tsunami continues to roll worldwide—with devastating economic and political effects, and enormous human suffering—which will not subside before the end of this decade.


24 11 2010
Timothy D. Naegele

A Dangerous Bubble Is Emerging In China

This is the title of a Forbes’ article, which adds:

[A] mania about China has gripped too many investors. Anything with China in its name gets hot in the way dot-com got people’s blood pulsing in the 1990s. Many of America’s biggest-gaining initial public offerings this year have been of Chinese firms. Many of those companies deserve high valuations, but not all of them.

. . .

There is undoubtedly a bubble emerging in some of the stock prices of Chinese companies, so be really cautious about where you place your bets in the coming months. Personally, I wouldn’t put money into any public company that hasn’t proven able to turn a profit.

See; see also (“China’s economy will slow and possibly ‘crash’ within a year as the nation’s property bubble is set to burst”) and (China’s banking system is showing “disturbing, U.S.-style cracks,” which may entail a full-blown crash of its real estate markets and its economy)


26 11 2010
Timothy D. Naegele

The Contagion Spreads: EU Rescue Costs Start To Threaten Germany Itself

It was just a matter of time before this happened, with much much worse yet to come.

The UK’s Telegraph is reporting—in an article that is subtitled, “The escalating debt crisis on the eurozone periphery is starting to contaminate the creditworthiness of Germany and the core states of monetary union”:

“Germany cannot keep paying for bail-outs without going bankrupt itself,” said Professor Wilhelm Hankel, of Frankfurt University. “This is frightening people. You cannot find a bank safe deposit box in Germany because every single one has already been taken and stuffed with gold and silver. It is like an underground Switzerland within our borders. People have terrible memories of 1948 and 1923 when they lost their savings.”

. . .

Reports that EU officials are hatching plans to double the size of EU’s €440bn (£373bn) rescue mechanism have inevitably caused outrage in Germany. Brussels has denied the claims, but the story has refused to die precisely because markets know the European Financial Stability Facility (EFSF) cannot cope with the all too possible event of a triple bail-out for Ireland, Portugal and Spain.

. . .

Whether governments will, in fact, write a fresh cheque is open to question. Chancellor Angela Merkel would risk popular fury if she had to raise fresh funds for eurozone debtors at a time of welfare cuts in Germany. She faces a string of regional elections where her Christian Democrats are struggling.

. . .

The great question is at what point Germany concludes that it cannot bear the mounting burden any longer. “I am worried that Germany’s authorities are slowly losing sight of the European common good,” said Jean-Claude Juncker, chair of Eurogroup finance ministers.

Europe’s fate may be decided soon by the German constitutional court as it rules on a clutch of cases challenging the legality of the Greek bail-out, the EFSF machinery, and ECB bond purchases.

“There has been a clear violation of the law and no judge can ignore that,” said Prof Hankel, a co-author of one of the complaints. “I am convinced the court will forbid future payments.”

If he is right—we may learn in February—the EU debt crisis will take a dramatic new turn.

See; see also


27 11 2010
Timothy D. Naegele

Irish Cutbacks Pile It On For “New Poor”

This is the title of a Wall Street Journal article, which adds:

A church-run soup kitchen here [in Dublin] symbolizes the human cost of Ireland’s crisis: Middle-class homeowners, squeezed by rising debt and falling incomes, line up for food parcels alongside foreign asylum-seekers and the long-term unemployed.

These are Ireland’s “new poor”—ordinary people with houses and jobs laid low by years of austerity, and now facing even tougher times as the government slashes public-sector jobs, raises taxes and cuts social welfare.

Theresa Dolan runs the Capuchin Day Center near Dublin’s law courts that caters to the swelling ranks of the city’s poor. Before 2008, around 250 people came each day for a hot dinner, she says. Now there are 520. And the visitors’ profile is changing.

“There are people who have beautiful houses and a car but no food,” she says. “All their spare cash goes on the mortgage.”

. . .

It’s all a far cry from the boom, when Ireland was named the Celtic Tiger and enjoyed years of export-led growth. Hundreds of U.S. firms set up shop here, attracted by a low corporate-tax rate and an educated, English-speaking workforce.

But with the collapse of Ireland’s property market, many of those who bought real estate in the good years are now in negative equity—with their houses worth less than the loans they took out to buy them. Many of these are unemployed.

“We call them the new poor—people who have mortgages but no income and no money for anything,” says Pat O’Donoghue, director of liturgy at Dublin’s Pro Cathedral, who runs a charity distributing unwanted Christmas gifts to the poor.

This is still just the tip of an enormous iceberg; namely, the collapse of Ireland financially between now and the end of this decade, with much much worse yet to come.



29 11 2010
Timothy D. Naegele

Ireland Is Collapsing, And Aer Lingus Feels It Acutely

In an article entitled, “Flying Through a Storm,” the Wall Street Journal is reporting:

[T]urning round Ireland’s struggling national carrier, Aer Lingus Group PLC. . . . the carrier faces daunting obstacles. Ireland’s economy is shrinking under the weight of massive bank problems and a collapsed construction sector. Personal incomes have fallen and business spending has been slashed.



1 12 2010
Timothy D. Naegele


This is a potentially-tragic mistake, which simply underscores the fact that the “Great Depression II” continues to wreak havoc around the world, with no end in sight; and that governments are flailing about, trying to fashion solutions that do not exist. In the process, the human suffering will be historically staggering, rivaling the Great Depression of the last century, or worse.

In an article entitled, “US Ready to Back Bigger EU Stability Fund: Official,” Reuters is reporting:

The United States would be ready to support the extension of the European Financial Stability Facility via an extra commitment of money from the International Monetary Fund, a U.S. official told Reuters on Wednesday.

“There are a lot of people talking about that. I think the European Commission has talked about that,” said the U.S. official, commenting on enlarging the 750 billion euro ($980 billion) EU/IMF European stability fund. “It is up to the Europeans. We will certainly support using the IMF in these circumstances.”

“There are obviously some severe market problems,” said the official, speaking on condition of anonymity. “In May, it was Greece. This is Ireland and Portugal. If there is contagion that’s a huge problem for the global economy.”

. . .

The IMF, whose biggest single shareholder is the United States, has committed 250 billion euros to the EFSF.

While reluctant to dictate to Europe how it should address the unfolding debt crisis, the U.S. government is growing concerned about the global fallout of Europe’s predicament.

U.S. Treasurys’ prices fell and the euro strengthened against the dollar on Wednesday after the news that the United States would be prepared to support an enlarged EFSF.

Germany, whose leaders have expressed frustration at the market backlash against their plans to solve the euro zone’s debt problems, does not want to make the stability fund larger.

See; see also

Europe is collapsing. America’s financial aid would not be happening unless policy makers were panicking. However, if Germany does not want to bail out its neighbors, why should the United States do so, directly or indirectly?


1 12 2010

When Spain goes down sometime this year Europe and the world will experience a Lehman/AIG type panic/collapse scenario that will make 08′ look like disneyland.


1 12 2010
Timothy D. Naegele

Thank you, Paul, for your comment.

Yes, I agree with you. Greece, followed by Ireland, Portugal, Spain, Italy, and other European countries. It is apt to get very ugly, as you have pointed out.


1 12 2010
Timothy D. Naegele

American Exceptionalism Endures, But . . .

In a thought-provoking article by U.S. News & World Report’s Mort Zuckerman entitled, “The Danger of a Global Double Dip Recession Is Real,” he writes:

The modern world has for centuries been dominated economically, intellectually, and physically by the civilization that arose in Western Europe in the wake of the Renaissance and Reformation and spread across the Atlantic.

Will that one day be seen as a passing phenomenon doomed to ascend ever upward and then slowly fizzle out like a firework?

. . .

Are our current plagues—the riots first in Athens and then in Paris, our global economic crisis manifest in the riots and rampant sovereign debt—merely a symptom of a deeper decay of a civilization in the autumn of its existence?

. . .

Money is surely the great corrupter of American democracy. Congressmen have to spend more of their time raising money for misleading and defamatory television commercials—and resisting briberies of one kind or another—than they spend studying our predicaments.

The global prosperity of much of the 20th century would seem to belie the pessimists, but I don’t think there is much doubt the moral authority of the West has dramatically declined in the face of the financial crisis. It has revealed deep fault lines within Western economies that have spread to the global economy.

The majority of Western governments are running fiscal deficits of 10 percent or more relative to GDP, but it is increasingly clear that there will be no quick fixes, that big government and fiscal deficits will not bring us back to the status quo ante. Indeed, the tidal wave of red ink has meant that the leverage-led or debt-led growth model is dead.

Developed countries will be forced to deal with their debt on every level, from the personal to the corporate to the sovereign. Being able to borrow may have made people feel richer, but having to repay the debt is certainly making them feel poorer, particularly since the unfunded liabilities that many governments face from aging populations will have to be paid for by a shrinking band of workers.

. . .

The present model of global growth had served excess Western consumption with inexpensive products from the East. The result is plain to see: The West has excessive debt, while China has excessive capacity and inadequate consumption, as well as high levels of savings and our debt.

The deficits we face are a dagger pointing at the heart of the American economy. They threaten that the United States will evolve into another aging welfare state, where fiscal expenditures shift from defense to social welfare, and America’s power in the world will shrink. It has clearly happened in Western Europe, which can no longer defend itself but relies on the United States.

. . .

It’s the defense readiness of the United States that makes it possible for the world to focus on economic priorities, including trade, investment, access to markets, and a better life for the people.

. . .

In the United States, gloom has spread to our policymakers on how to deal with our economic dilemmas. Monetary policy is relatively ineffective because we are in, or near, liquidity trap conditions. Our economy is so weak that lower interest rates and other monetary tools are not working. In the liquidity trap, no matter how much money is thrown into the system, people have so little confidence that they tend to hoard it. Similarly, fiscal policy is beginning to reach its limits. High debt levels can raise concerns about the creditworthiness of our government. This in turn could lead to higher long-term interest rates that would aggravate the economic contraction.

. . .

American exceptionalism endures. But we must confront our dysfunctional and profligate government. America was founded on the principle of creating a better life for our children and grandchildren. We can do it. We aren’t doing it.



2 12 2010
Timothy D. Naegele

European Banks Took Big Slice Of Fed Aid

The Financial Times is reporting:

Foreign banks were among the biggest beneficiaries of the $3,300bn in emergency credit provided by the Federal Reserve during the crisis, according to new data on the extraordinary efforts of the US authorities to save the global financial system.

The revelation of the scale of overseas lenders’ borrowing underlines the global nature of the turmoil and the crucial role of the Fed as the lender of last resort for the world’s banking sector.

However, news that banks such as Barclays of the UK, Switzerland’s UBS and Dexia of Belgium borrowed billions of dollars at favourable terms from US authorities may further anger critics already enraged about the Fed’s rescue of Wall Street.

“We’re talking about huge sums of money going to bail out large foreign banks,” said Bernie Sanders, the independent senator from Vermont. “Has the Federal Reserve of the United States become the central bank of the world?”

See; see also and and (“British banks represented more than a third—about $1.5 trillion—of the $3,300bn lent by the US authorities to prop up the financial sector“)

This is outrageous. Bernie Sanders is correct: the Federal Reserve has become the central bank of the world. However, most importantly, it is a precursor of the future, as the economic tsunami—or the “Great Depression II”—continues to roll worldwide, with devastating effects and unfathomable human suffering.

The worst is yet to come, and American taxpayers will be on the hook, while many are suffering greatly and unemployment and other benefits are being terminated!

See also


6 12 2010
Timothy D. Naegele

California On The Brink

The UK’s Economist has an article entitled, “The tide begins to turn”—and subtitled, “For once, California’s prospects seem better in the long term than in the short”—which is pure poppycock. The article is worth reading to see how out of touch some people are with respect to the economic realities that are sweeping the world, and will prevail at least through the balance of this decade.


First, I live in Southern California part of the year, where I was born and raised before working nonstop in Washington, D.C. for 21 years. I love the state; however, California’s prospects have not gotten better at all, and its long-term prognosis is even more dire. The state has diversity, great weather and natural beauty, which are perhaps unsurpassed anywhere else in the world. Yet, its parks, libraries, schools and other governmental facilities may be closed; law enforcement may undergo substantial cutbacks; state prisons may have to release significant numbers of inmates, as the Economist points out; and crime may skyrocket.

Second, the Democrats have driven the state into the ground, economically; and at its most crucial moment, they are in charge once again—like putting alcoholics in charge of running the local bar (or pub). Also, they are like Salmon trying to swim upstream, against a strong tide of anti-Obama and anti-Democrat sentiment nationally that was evident in the mid-term elections last month. Independents—of which I am one, and have been for more than 20 years, after having been a Democrat and then a Republican—joined with “disenchanted” Democrats and members of the Tea Party movement nationally to reject Barack Obama and his Democrats resoundingly.

Third, because California is bankrupt, and there is no way that its Democrats—who are responsible for the state’s problems—can sober up all of a sudden, and get “newfound religion,” they will turn to the federal government in Washington to bail them out. However, having worked on and with Capitol Hill for many years, the anti-California sentiment is strong even under the most positive economic conditions, which certainly do not exist today. The country as a whole is hurting, and this will be true for the balance of this decade; and the Republicans who control the House of Representatives are not going to bail out California and its Democrats. They will be made to suffer, at the very moment when the state is hurting most. They will pay dearly for their unbridled Liberalism, which is out of step with the rest of the nation.

Fourth, Barack Obama cannot help California, because any “big-dollar” rescue plans that the state truly needs will be blocked in Congress. Also, he is trying to save his own hide, at a time when we are witnessing his end politically. He will not be reelected in 2012, but he will do everything that he can between now and then in a desperate albeit futile effort to change that result. Helping California while the rest of the nation suffers is not in his best interests, nor does such help bode well for his long-term political survival; however, he may have to try to produce such aid, to keep California’s voters and electoral votes clearly in his column. While the fact that California bucked the national trend and elected Democrats to its statewide offices may be gratifying to him, it does not help him politically with the rest of the country. California is considered to be “la la land” to many Americans and members of Congress, and a land of nonstop “wackos” and “loonies,” and the mid-term election results simply reinforced such impressions.

Fifth, California does not have time to get its economic house in order. Time is not a friend of a state that is effectively on “life support.” Also, all of the political “fairness” reforms that theoretically might be become possible or present in the future—according to the Economist—will not make a tinker’s damn to a state economy that is bankrupt now and in the foreseeable future (e.g., during the balance of this decade). Indeed, economically, they are akin to rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic. With no realistic political or economic possibility of turning back the clock on the damage done to the state by the Democrats in the past, and essentially no chance that the congressional Republicans will bail out the state, the most dire predictions for the rest of this decade are likely to realized in California.

Hold on tight. It is apt to get very ugly for the state, Obama and his Democrats. The chickens are coming home to roost, which is happening in Europe too.

See, e.g., and


6 12 2010
Rod R

I value your blogs…sometimes a lonely voice I am sure…so I just wanted to send an encouragement email… As we used to say in the 70’s “Keep on truckin’!”


6 12 2010
Timothy D. Naegele

Thanks so much for your comments, Rod. I really appreciate them. 🙂


10 12 2010
Timothy D. Naegele

Prince Charles And His Wife Are Attacked

Prince Charles and wife are attacked

Tragically, chaos and violence are descending on the UK and elsewhere in the world, and this terrifying car attack is merely the tip of an enormous iceberg, which will become all too visible during the balance of this decade. Protesters kicked and splashed paint on a car containing Prince Charles, the heir to the British throne, and his wife Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall, although the couple were unhurt.

See and (“Terrifying moment Charles and Camilla were surrounded by a baying mob and their car attacked in tuition fees riot. . . . In the worst royal security breach for a generation, the car carrying [Camilla] and Prince Charles was kicked, rocked and hit with paint bombs . . . , raising echoes of the 1974 kidnap attempt on Princess Anne“) and and; see also (“A more divided world economy could make 2011 a year of damaging shocks“)

Prince Charles and wifes car is attacked

The UK’s Economist has an article about the riots in London and the attack on Prince Charles and Camilla, which is worth reading and states in part:

Envy of the rich alone is not a danger. But a broad sense that rich people with privileged access to the government are not playing fair at a time of public spending cuts, now that is a danger. I think that is the story that is going to keep us busier than tuition fees.



10 12 2010
Timothy D. Naegele

U.S. Home Values To Drop By $1.7 Trillion This Year

As the “Great Depression II” continues to take its toll during the balance of this decade, Bloomberg is reporting:

U.S. home values are poised to drop by more than $1.7 trillion this year amid rising foreclosures and the expiration of homebuyer tax credits, said Zillow Inc., a closely held provider of home price data.

This year’s estimated decline, more than the $1.05 trillion drop in 2009, brings the loss since the June 2006 home-price peak to $9 trillion, the Seattle-based company said today in a statement.

“It’s definitely going to continue into 2011,” Stan Humphries, Zillow’s chief economist, said in an interview on Bloomberg Television today. “The back half of 2010 looked horrible and 2011 should look like the mirror image of that.”



10 12 2010
Smilin' Jack

EGADS ! I’m pretty up on what’s happening, but these numbers are astounding ! It makes me wonder if we can survive when people like Pelosi, Harry Reid, Obama and others in that “gang” are still in office.


11 12 2010
Timothy D. Naegele

The Fed Must Not Be The “World’s Banker”

The Wall Street Journal has an article entitled, “Germany Vows Defense of Euro,” which is worth reading, and states in part:

Germany’s [Finance Minister Wolfgang Schäuble] said his country is prepared to pursue bold action to preserve Europe’s common currency, including deeper economic integration with its neighbors, and issued a warning to markets not to underestimate Berlin’s resolve to protect the euro.

. . .

Many Germans, including leading members of the government, oppose further economic integration within the 16-nation euro zone over fears that Germany would be forced to pay the debts of others.

. . .

[T]he euro zone will eventually need some form of federal system to transfer money from fiscally sound to struggling countries. And as the euro zone’s richest country, Germany is critical to that effort.

. . .

Mr. Schäuble’s remarks come as Europe is still reeling from the emergency rescue of Ireland last month. The nearly €70 billion ($93 billion) bailout failed to erase worries about the creditworthiness of other indebted countries on Europe’s periphery, in particular Portugal.

That has rattled many European policy makers, forcing them to confront the possibility that the crisis could reach Spain, one of the continent’s largest economies. A rescue of Spain would largely exhaust the EU’s nearly trillion-dollar bailout fund and focus attention on the sustainability of government debt in countries at the core of the euro-zone economy, especially Italy. At that point, the cost of the bailouts would simply be too high to keep the euro zone together, some economists warn.

. . .

Economists say Germany’s political will to stick with the European project, even at a financial cost, will be essential for preventing the unraveling of the euro zone amid capital flight from indebted countries on its fringe.

Addressing fears that the debt crisis could spread from small countries such as Ireland and Portugal to major economies such as Spain and Italy, Mr. Schäuble said: “There will be no domino effect, because we will defend the common currency.”

. . .

[The] 16 countries have a single monetary policy but retain national power over their taxes and spending.

. . .

Mr. Schäuble is the last politically active associate of ex-chancellor Helmut Kohl, who drove German national unification as well as the euro’s creation. He recalled that when Europe agreed to create the common currency 20 years ago, Germany wanted a full political and economic union but others resisted.

That has left Europe with a lopsided structure, with one central bank but wildly diverging national economic policies and ineffectual rules limiting member governments’ debt.

. . .

The finance minister’s political importance to [German Chancellor Angela Merkel] is such that she dismissed repeated calls this year to replace him for health reasons. Mr. Schäuble, who has been confined to a wheelchair since a mentally ill attacker shot him in the spine in 1990, has been in and out of the hospital this year after struggling to recover from an operation.


If Germany wants to defend the euro, and its people support the use of their resources for that purpose, then so be it. However, America should not waste its resources doing so, directly or indirectly (e.g., through contributions to the IMF). There are enough problems domestically that we should not be bailing out Europe. Indeed, it was a travesty that the Fed bailed out so many European banks. Presumably they have paid back every cent by now.

See, e.g.,

Ron Paul will be chairman of the Domestic Monetary Policy Subcommittee of the House Financial Services Committee in the 112th Congress, and will oversee the Fed. Hopefully he and other members of the new Congress will look into these issues, and insure that the Fed does not become the “world’s banker,” thereby having the American people become guarantors of Europe or the world’s finances.

The balance of this decade will see mass upheaval globally—politically, economically, socially, militarily, and in a host of other ways. While the United States cannot become an “island,” the American people will hold their elected and appointed officials accountable and responsible to insure that their interests are protected fully at all times, period. Things may get very ugly around the world, and they will demand nothing less. The mid-term elections of 2010 were a precursor of that, with much more to come.

See, e.g.,

. . .

Lastly, for those who would argue that the Fed’s actions were necessary and appropriate during the recent financial crises, my response is the following:

We know that European and other banks had huge exposures to American asset-backed securities, and still do. We know too that they needed financing to sustain their positions; and that by obtaining such financing from the Fed, sharper declines in the prices of such securities were averted.

However, the questions today—and when the new Congress assembles, and its committees begin their work—include, but are not limited to whether such financing continues, and the extent of it; whether adequate collateral was obtained and still exists; what exposure the Fed had and still has (e.g., have all extensions of credit been fully repaid, and if not why not, and what entities owe the monies and how much is owed by each, and when repayment in full can be expected).; and what exposure American taxpayers have today, and will have in future crises of this nature?

Rest assured future financial and other crises will come. It is simply a function of time.


11 12 2010
Timothy D. Naegele

The Lunacy Of The Global Warming Hoax Is In Full Swing [UPDATED]

The UK’s Telegraph has a wonderful article about the “Global Warming” hoax, which discusses the Cancun Climate Change Conference’s plans to cut carbon emissions. Among other things, it states:

To rapturous applause, they signed up to the first truly global climate change agreement under the umbrella of the United Nations, following all-night talks in Cancun.

. . .

The UN has been attempting to achieve a deal on climate change for more than 15 years but found it impossible to get all members to agree. Last year in Copenhagen the talks came close to collapse, embarrassing world leaders who had jetted in to “save the planet”.

. . .

For the first time all countries are committed to cutting carbon emissions under an official UN agreement. Rich nations also have to pay a total of £60 billion annually from 2020 into a “green fund” to help poor countries adapt to floods and droughts. The money will also help developing countries, including China and India, switch to renewable energy sources including wind and solar power.

It is not yet decided how the funds will be raised, although preferred options are a new tax on aviation or shipping, or increased carbon taxes more generally.

. . .

During the talks the UK played a key role in helping nations to resolve the contentious issue of the Kyoto Protocol. Developing nations were refusing to sign up to a deal unless the existing treaty, signed by most developed nations except the US, was honoured.

. . .

Asad Rehman, Friends of the Earth International Climate Campaigner, . . . said the [new] agreement was weak. But he was relieved that the process has not collapsed as expected.

“The world needed strong and determined action to tackle climate change in Cancun—the outcome is a weak and ineffective agreement but at least it gives us a small and fragile lifeline,” he said.

See; see also (“[T]he highest benefit-to-cost ratio is achieved for a policy that allows 50 more years of economic growth unimpeded by greenhouse gas controls”)

One wag concluded—after noting that “the £2.9 billion the [UK] Government will save by increasing tuition fees [and sparking riots in London] matches the amount earmarked for [the] global warming project [of funding windmills in Africa]” (see—“There is a revolution coming.” Indeed.

Like the “Tooth Fairy” and the “Loch Ness Monster”—and any potency on the part of the hapless UN—the myth of man-made “Global Warming” ranks as one of the great myths of recorded history.

It is only fitting that the countries would gather “at a luxury resort” in Cancun, before they seek to “rape” the world economically. Surely, the battle cry emanating from that seaside resort to the peoples of the world is the one commonly attributed to Marie Antoinette: “Let them eat cake.”

Fortunately, for Americans, the incoming Republicans in Congress will seek to block such nonsense from ever seeing the light of day. Also, with Barack Obama’s presidency sinking into the setting sun, it is doubtful he can do much to change that result. Most importantly for him, he is trying to save his own political hide, which seems beyond redemption.

See, e.g., and’s-second-emperor/ (see also the comments posted beneath the article)

. . .

As if they were twin omens regarding the “Global Warming” hoax, (1) Cancun was hosting the U.N. climate conference as the temperature plunged to a 100-year record low (see, e.g.,; and (2) Barack Obama was in Copenhagen accepting a deal without any teeth to address “Global Warming,” in the midst of a blizzard that dumped snow on the Danish capital, and he was met by a blizzard in Washington, D.C. on his return from Denmark (see, e.g.,

. . .

Next, in the United States, arctic air has arrived over the eastern half of the country, and low-temperature records will be broken before it leaves.

See, e.g., (Coldest December Ever Recorded In Miami, Ft. Lauderdale, Palm Beach, Naples . . .) and and (Columbia, South Carolina has first Christmas snow since records kept in 1887) and (“Atlanta’s first white Christmas since the Chester Arthur administration [in 1882]“) and (“Snow on the ground on 49 of the 50 states as New York shivers through its THIRD storm of the winter“) and (“90,000 passengers face grounded flights and hours of delays after ‘weather bomb’ hits U.S.“) and (“Snowstorm Shatters New York City, Philadelphia Records“) and (“New York suffers the snowiest January in its history“) and–small-air-carriers-cancel-flights?instance=home_news_window_left_top_1 (“Temperatures fall to 50 below in Fairbanks; small air carriers cancel flights“) and–Cycle-25-need-worry-NASA-scientists-right-Thames-freezing-again.html (“Forget global warming. . . . [N]ew figures . . . show no warming in 15 years“) and–Escorted-from-the-hall-and-security-officers-stripped-him-of-his-UN-credentials (The Eco-Nazis Strike Again: “Fmr. Thatcher advisor Lord Monckton evicted from UN climate summit after challenging global warming—’Escorted from the hall and security officers stripped him of his UN credentials'”) and (“Forget global warming, Alaska is headed for an ice age“) and (“Jersey News Outlet Cries ‘Global Warming’ as Blizzard Approaches“)

Also, other parts the world are being hit hard too.

See, e.g., (“There’s a mini ice age coming, says man who beats weather experts“) and (“Coldest December since records began [in 1910] . . . across Britain“); see also (“How a freak diversion of the jet stream is paralysing the globe with freezing conditions”) and (“Berlin sees most snow in December since 1900s“) and (“[UK] Winter May Be Coldest In 1000 Years“) and (“Britain prepares for ice and snow . . . [and is] gearing up for what could be Britain’s coldest winter in 100 years“) and (“CHINA’S COLDEST WINTER IN DECADES AT NEW LOW“) and (Britain: “Worst March snow for 30 years brings chaos”)

. . .

The very idea that monies should be provided to help China and India switch to renewable energy sources, including wind and solar power, is among the greatest lunacies of all. Two of the real tigers of world economic development now and in the future need such “help” about as much as Barack Obama needs more help in having his narcissistic ego stroked!

See (“Will Obama ‘Unravel’ Like Nixon Did?”); see also (Screw the eco-Nazis: “Goodbye, Prius? Japanese carmakers drop battery electric-car development”) and (“[UK’s] Met Office data show only a tiny change in world temperatures”—”The actual changes look relatively so small, compared with those rises and falls of several whole degrees the world survived in the past, that any idea that we are facing catastrophic warming pales into insignificance. . . . The price we are all increasingly having to pay for [our politicians’] gullibility is incalculable”) and (“The Great Green Con—”Global Warming” Is A Myth“) and (“[H]umans may not be to blame for global warming”) and (“Earth Gains A Record Amount Of Sea Ice In 2013 — ‘Earth has gained 19,000 Manhattans of sea ice since this date last year, the largest increase on record’“) and (“Global warming believers are feeling the heat”—”[T]hose many alarmists whose careers depend on talking up the threat . . . [are not] winning the war to persuade the world of the case for catastrophic anthropogenic climate change [] but that the battle is all but lost”)

. . .

It is wonderful news that those who have preached “The Global Warming Hoax,” and “The Great Green Con” are and will be getting hurt. Bravo. Fraudsters deserve nothing less!

Perhaps they can shift to the “Flat Earth Society” and have better luck there.


13 12 2010
Timothy D. Naegele

Low Rates Fail To Rescue Indebted Britain, The Eurozone Is In Need Of An Undertaker, The Euro Has One-In-Five Chances Of Survival, Market Alarm As US Fails To Control Biggest Debt In History, And China’s Property Bubble Has Grown So Huge That 85 Percent of Chinese Living In Cities Cannot Afford A Home

These and other sobering headlines appear in articles around the world. The chickens are coming home to roost, bigtime. Hold on tight. As I have mentioned repeatedly, things will get very ugly worldwide—politically, economically, socially, militarily, and in a host of other ways—during the balance of this decade, which will see mass upheavals globally.

See and and and and

As noted in the posting directly above, one wag has concluded: “There is a revolution coming.” This is not beyond the pale!


14 12 2010
Timothy D. Naegele

Europe Will Be Broken By Crises

This is a conclusion—or verdict—reached in a Wall Street Journal article by Bret Stephens entitled, “Europe Needs a Tea Party,” which is worth reading. In it, he adds:

Month after month, strikers, protestors and rioters in Athens, Paris, Dublin and London have offered their own verdict on Europe’s future. So have the bond markets. Sooner or later this combined revolt of workers, students, pensioners and financiers will be joined—albeit for very different reasons—by middle-class taxpayers, mostly German, who will not endlessly finance the profligacy of people they’re already inclined to detest.

What will happen then? Jean Monnet, the EU’s founding father, famously predicted that Europe would be “forged in crises.” In this crisis, it’s just as likely that Europe will be broken by it.

For this the fault does not lie with the euro, as is so commonly alleged. It does lie with a political class that would not abide the terms they agreed to when they adopted the currency—the limits on deficit spending, flouted from the beginning; the fiscal requirements for joining the currency, conveniently ignored to get Greece in; the prohibition against bailouts, now comprehensively junked. A currency whose ground rules have been so utterly violated is not the sinner. It is the sinned against.

. . .

So far Europe’s financial tremors have hit mainly at its fringes. The €750 billion lending facility the EU established last spring has been more than adequate to bail out Greece and Ireland to the tune of €177 billion. But that’s 23% of a fund for two countries whose combined GDP accounts for just 3.4% of the EU’s. Next up is Portugal, with Spain and Italy likely not far behind. Collectively, they comprise 22% of the EU’s GDP.

Portugal aside, those bailouts are almost certainly beyond Europe’s reach. Yet European leaders are now attempting to rewrite the rules with a permanent bailout fund. The idea is to buy time and “confidence.”

Good luck with that. Greece may already be violating the terms of its bailout. There is no long-term guarantee of a benign global economic environment that would give Europe’s weaker economies time to recover. Berlin, Europe’s proverbial paymaster, faces its own budgetary problems, and it can test German forbearance only so far. Nor is there any guarantee that a future Greek, Italian, Portuguese or Spanish government will abide by budgetary constraints imposed upon its predecessors. They will each have to make their own accommodations with their electorates. Democracies cannot be better than their own people.

There is the nub of Europe’s problem. A notable difference between populist movements in the U.S. and Europe is that the American variety typically favors smaller and less-intrusive government. That’s basically the tea party. It may be “Mad As Hell,” as pollsters Doug Schoen and Scott Rasmussen write in their book on the movement, but it cleans up after itself. It also just elected a new Congress supposedly intent on reining in spending.

By contrast, the crowds that have so far paraded (or stomped) through Europe’s capitals are an anti-tea party. They want more debt, not less, more entitlements, not fewer. Not yet demonstrating en masse, though they soon might, are nativist movements that have seized on legitimate fears about immigration. . . .

. . .

[T]he tests and trials that the EU faces are fast coming upon it. Bismarck once remarked that “Whoever speaks of ‘Europe’ is wrong. It is a geographical expression.” We may yet find out that he was right.

See (emphasis added)


16 12 2010
Timothy D. Naegele

The Great Depression II

Despite the “green shoots”—or promising economic news, which seems to be present on both sides of the Atlantic and elsewhere in the world—one must never forget that the same thing occurred during the Great Depression of the last century too. Yet, we did not emerge from that depression until the onset of World War II.

Vernon L. Smith, Nobel Laureate in Economics, and Steven Gjerstad wrote last year in the Wall Street Journal:

The events of the past 10 years have an eerie similarity to the period leading up to the Great Depression.


These words were sobering then, and they are sobering now. Indeed, the predictions that I made last year have been coming true as well:

America and other nations are in uncharted waters; and their politicians may face backlashes from disillusioned and angry constituents that are unprecedented in modern times.

See; see also

What happened in last month’s mid-term elections in the United States is just the beginning, with much more to come.


17 12 2010
Timothy D. Naegele

The Ghost Towns Of China

The UK’s Daily Mail is reporting:

[A]mazing satellite images show sprawling cities built in remote parts of China that have been left completely abandoned, sometimes years after their construction.

Elaborate public buildings and open spaces are completely unused, with the exception of a few government vehicles near communist authority offices.

Some estimates put the number of empty homes at as many as 64 million, with up to 20 new cities being built every year in the country’s vast swathes of free land.

The photographs have emerged as a Chinese government think tank warns that the country’s real estate bubble is getting worse, with property prices in major cities overvalued by as much as 70 per cent.

. . .

‘If the bubble bursts, Japan’s past will be China’s present.’

But short-seller Jim Chanos has issued a more dire warning, and said he expected China’s economy to implode in a real estate bust.

He said the country was ‘on an economic treadmill to hell’ and the country’s bubble was ‘Dubai times 1,000’.

In the 1980s, Tokyo saw a massive rise in property prices and a subsequent crash. The Hong Kong property market experienced a similar phenomenon in the 1990s.



19 12 2010
Timothy D. Naegele

With The Collapse Of Its Economy, The Celtic Tiger’s Property Empire Unravels

The UK’s Telegraph is reporting:

[T]he tiger is whimpering.

. . .

[I]ndustry sources are preparing for Ireland’s London empire to start unwinding.

The collapse of the global credit markets and Ireland’s economy had a heavy impact on property investors whose growth to prominence was fuelled by a debt surge supported by the country’s hungry banks.

. . .

[N]ext year the sound from Irish investors threatens to be the Death March as they depart trophy London assets.



23 12 2010
Timothy D. Naegele

China Ready To Bail Out The EU?

In an article entitled, “Fresh humiliation for eurozone as China says it will bail out debt-ridden nations,” the UK’s Daily Mail has reported:

China has said it is willing to bail out debt-ridden countries in the euro zone using its $2.7trillion overseas investment fund.

In a fresh humiliation for Europe, Foreign Ministry spokesman Jiang Yu said it was one of the most important areas for China’s foreign exchange investments.

The country has already approached struggling European countries with financial aid, including offering to buy Greece’s debt in October and promising to buy $4billion of Portuguese government debt.

Today Portugal had its credit rating downgraded by the Fitch Ratings agency amid mounting concerns over the country’s ability to raise money in the markets to finance its hefty borrowings.

Fitch said it was reducing its rating on the country’s debt by one notch to A+ from AA- and warned that further downgrades may be in the offing by maintaining its negative outlook.

‘To have any discernible effect China will have to buy a lot more than 5billion euros if they expect to have any impact on the negative sentiment surrounding Europe,’ said Michael Hewson, currency analyst at CMC Markets.

China’s astonishing economic growth has put it on track to overtake America as the world’s economic powerhouse within two years, a recent report claimed.

But experts believed [it may] still be some years before America’s leadership role is really challenged—largely because Beijing has given no indication it is ready to take on the responsibility of shepherding the world’ [sic] economy.

This foray into the future of the euro could be a signal from Beijing that it is ready to change that perception.

. . .

It is still believed that it will be some years before China actually overtakes the U.S. to become the world’s largest economy.

Politicians argue that technology is still behind and much of the country still lives in poverty.

And in another economic measure, output per person, China lags way behind the US.

Last year, the International Monetary Fund calculated gross domestic product per head in the US at $46,000. The GDP breakdown in China was just $4,000 per person.

See and (“Beijing will buy Spanish public debt“)

. . .

In an article insert, the Daily Mail added:

China could overtake America as the world’s biggest economy within two years, according to a leading financial think tank.

As growth in the U.S. slows down to a virtual standstill, China’s economy is revving up into double digits, the Conference Board said in a report published today.

In purely dollar terms, it is going to take much longer than two years for China’s $5 trillion economy to match up to the $15 trillion output in the US.

Even if the Chinese can sustain their current growth, it would take another ten years.

But in terms of purchasing power, taking into account the goods and services a country actually buys at home, China is well on its way to outstripping its fading competitor.

Looking even further ahead, the Conference Board predicts China could account for almost one quarter of the global economy in 2020, compared to 15 per cent for the US and 13 per cent for Western Europe.

The board predicted China’s economy should grow 10 per cent this year and 9.6 per cent in 2011, while America’s 2.6 per cent growth in 2010 will sink to 1.2 per cent next year.

See id.; see also


25 12 2010
Timothy D. Naegele

2011: The World Will Be Grimmer

This is the judgment of Gideon Rachman, chief foreign-affairs commentator of the UK’s Financial Times, in an article that he has written for the UK’s Economist, which is worth reading:

Over the past two years, the world’s biggest economies have grappled with the threat of a new Great Depression. During the course of 2011, it will become clear that the global economic crisis has also soured international politics.

The political malaise is linked to the economic crisis. Twenty years of good times and global economic integration, after the end of the cold war, had profound political effects. They created a “win-win world” which ensured that all the major powers had reason to be satisfied. The United States was enjoying its “unipolar moment”; the European Union was expanding and prospering; China and India felt themselves getting richer and more powerful.

But the global economic crisis has changed the logic of international relations. Both as individuals and as a nation, Americans have begun to question whether the “new world order” that emerged after the cold war still favours the United States. The rise of China is increasingly associated with job losses for ordinary Americans and a challenge to American power. The European Union is also in a defensive mood—with protectionist and anti-immigration sentiment on the rise and tensions between the nations that have adopted the European single currency.

The result of this change in mood is that, after a long period of co-operation, competition and rivalry are returning to the international system. A win-win world is giving way to a zero-sum world.

During 2011, zero-sum logic will bedevil international relations. The three most important symptoms will be worsening relations between the United States and China, arguments within the EU and an acrimonious failure to make progress on any of the big items on the international diplomatic agenda—in particular climate change and nuclear proliferation.

Even mainstream American economists are now pointing the finger at Chinese currency policy, aimed at keeping the yuan undervalued against the dollar, as a source of persistently high unemployment in America. China is likely to make small gestures on the currency issue in 2011, but these will not be enough to buy off the American critics. As a result, the chances of protectionist legislation passing through Congress will rise sharply. Barack Obama, facing a tough re-election campaign in 2012, may well sign it. That, in turn, will help to poison the wider strategic relationship between China and America.

The main symptom of this will be an increasingly overt rivalry in the Pacific. The Chinese military build-up is continuing apace. America’s strategists will push back in 2011. They will step up military exercises with regional allies, such as Japan, India and South Korea. America and China will also rub up against each other in international forums such as the United Nations, the global negotiations on climate change and the various G20 summits.

The G20, in particular, will adopt an ambitious agenda under the hyperactive chairmanship of Nicolas Sarkozy, the president of France. Mr Sarkozy is a believer in global governance, relishes the spotlight and is eager to garner some favourable headlines, ahead of a difficult re-election campaign in 2012. But he is likely to be more effective at stage-managing flashy summits than producing solid achievements.

That is because zero-sum logic—with tensions between America and China at the heart of the problem—will block progress on the biggest international issues. The two nations cannot even agree on whether there are “global economic imbalances” to do with trade and currencies—let alone what to do about them. China meanwhile remains very reluctant to tighten the international squeeze on Iran over that country’s nuclear programme, preferring to protect Chinese economic and energy interests. The stand-off between developed and developing nations which has thwarted progress towards a new international agreement on climate change will also persist in 2011, with China leading the developing world’s lobby.

International tensions will also rise between rich nations, particularly within the European Union, which has hitherto presented itself as the very exemplar of enlightened international co-operation. Once again, a weak economy will provide the backdrop and Mr Sarkozy will take centre-stage. As he attempts to revive his political fortunes at home, Mr Sarkozy is likely to take increasingly populist positions on crime and immigration—and he may also license his ministers to air his differences with Germany over austerity, budget deficits and management of the European Central Bank. This will mean that EU summits in Brussels become tense and acrimonious affairs throughout the year.

All in all, 2011 will be a year when world leaders get used to a new international political environment. The era of good feelings associated with the heyday of globalisation has gone for ever. Something grimmer, less productive and less predictable has taken its place.


What Rachman does not acknowledge is that the world is in the throes of the “Great Depression II” already, which economic historians will describe as such—or by using similar terms—20-40 years from now. Yes, there are “green shoots” of economic recovery, but those too will fade and become “dead weeds,” just as they did during the Great Depression of the last century. The very factors that Rachman describes will contribute to this process, and accelerate its progress. One must remember that the last Great Depression did not end until the onset of World War II; and no amount of government intervention changed that result.

What Rachman does not mention are other factors that possibly may be even more ominous, such as a shooting war on the Korean Peninsula (see, e.g.,; a war between Israel and Iran or its surrogates; Barack Obama’s deteriorating Afghan war, and the effects it will likely have on the American psyche, which may be reminiscent of the Vietnam war and its consequences; and the list goes on and on—with respect to possible “shocks.”

What is certain is that 2011 will hold surprises that none of us can predict. Hold on tight. Things will get very ugly during the balance of this decade.


29 12 2010
Timothy D. Naegele

California’s Cuts Will Be Dramatic

The Los Angeles Times has an article about incoming-Governor Jerry Brown’s budget plans for the state, which are likely to be draconian but necessary. Having advised his administration with respect to banking matters the last time he was the state’s governor, I am not surprised that austerity measures will be implemented.

There are likely to be massive cuts in governmental services that Californians have taken for granted, such as libraries, parks, education, law enforcement and prisons, with commensurate increases in crime and an overall deterioration in the quality of many lives.

The Times’ article entitled, “Jerry Brown plays hardball on state budget”—and subtitled, “His plan will confront both parties, with calls for tax extensions and deep program cuts”—is worth reading. There are few people who know more about California’s government than Jerry Brown.


As the economic decline continues globally, nationally and in California during the balance of this decade, Jerry Brown is correct in doing what this article indicates. There can be no “sacred cows” in terms of budget cutting.

For example, as higher education shifts more and more to the Internet, and the Middle Class is priced out of extravagant college educations for their children, changes are automatic. Bricks-and-mortar spending is a thing of the past, especially when classes can be recorded and shown again and again on YouTube; and virtual universities become the new “norm” in terms of education.

Indeed, one can walk through the lovely college campuses of today and look at dinosaurs. Like newspapers, they are relics of a bygone era. Economics alone dictates this result. Romanticism has no place in budget planning.

Once all of the fat is wrung out of state spending that is possible, the new governor’s only viable option will be to seek help from Washington. Other states and government entities will be doing the same; and the line will be long. Yes, California will be met with resistance and even hostility by the new Republican House, because of California’s Democrat base, Democrat-controlled legislature, Democrat governor, and Democrat senators, but there is no other choice.

Hold on tight. Things will get very ugly.

See also (“Californians Getting 725 New [Laws] in 2011”) and (“California On The Brink“)


29 12 2010
Timothy D. Naegele

Obama Vacations In Hawaii While Much Of The Nation Suffers—And Has The Gall To Advocate “Global Warming” Curbs!

Barack Obama vacations in Hawaii, while much of the United States is suffering from freezing temperatures and massive, unprecedented snows. Or as Michelle Obama has said, paraphrasing her: “Let them eat cake!”

See and and and

Indeed, Obama’s White House plans to push “Global Warming” policies, despite the fact that “Global Warming” is a fraud and a hoax.

It has been reported, from Honolulu:

After failing to get climate-change legislation through Congress, the Obama administration plans on pushing through its environmental policies through other means, and Republicans are ready to put up a fight.

On Jan. 2, new carbon emissions limits will be put forward as the Environmental Protection Agency prepares regulations that would force companies to get permits to release greenhouse gases under the Clean Air Act.

Critics say the new rules are a backdoor effort to enact the president’s agenda on global warming without the support of Congress, and would hurt the economy and put jobs in jeopardy by forcing companies to pay for expensive new equipment.

. . .

The administration says it has the power to issue the regulation under a 2007 Supreme Court ruling that directed the [EPA] to make a determination on whether carbon dioxide, blamed for global warming, was a hazard to human health.

. . .

With Republicans taking control in the House, the GOP will be in a better position to take on some of these policies, and members are promising a fight if the Obama White House moves forward with any carbon crackdown. There was bipartisan support for a bill proposed this year that would have stripped the EPA of the power to set carbon emissions limits. GOP lawmakers could bring the measure back.

The White House seems prepared for a fight.

The administration recently circulated a memo from the Director of the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy John Holdren to the heads of all federal departments and agencies calling for “a clear prohibition on political interference in scientific processes and expanded assurances of transparency.”


We can all remember how much of a fight the inept Republicans put up during the 2010 lame-duck session of Congress, when Obama and his Democrats rolled them!


31 12 2010
Timothy D. Naegele

The World At War

Foreign Policy has a piece entitled, “Next Year’s Wars”—and subtitled, “The 16 brewing conflicts to watch for in 2011″—which is worth noting. However, it does not include a possible war on the Korean Peninsula, which might prove catastrophic.

See and


5 01 2011
Timothy D. Naegele

The Current Financial Crisis Is The Second Great Depression

These are the words of American political pundit Ann Coulter in an article entitled, “Investigate This!”—which is worth reading.

Coulter adds:

Goo-goo liberals with federal titles pressured banks into making absurd loans to high-risk borrowers—demanding, for example, that the banks accept unemployment benefits as collateral. Then Fannie repackaged the bad loans as “prime mortgages” and sold them to banks, thus poisoning the entire financial market with hidden bad loans.

. . .

So far, Fannie and Freddie’s default on loans that should never have been made has cost the taxpayer tens of billions of dollars. Some estimates say the final cost to the taxpayer will be more than $1 trillion. To put that number in perspective, for a trillion dollars, President Obama could pass another stupid, useless stimulus package that doesn’t create a single real job.

. . .

Over and over again, Republicans tried to rein in the politically correct policies being foisted on mortgage lenders by Fannie Mae, only to be met by a Praetorian Guard of Democrats howling that Republicans hated the poor.

In 2003, Republicans on the Senate Banking Committee wrote a bill to tighten the lending regulation of Fannie and Freddie. Every single Democrat on the committee voted against it.

In the House, Barney Frank angrily proclaimed that Fannie Mae was “just fine.”

. . .

As the titanic losses were racking up, Fannie Mae’s operators, Franklin Raines and Jamie Gorelick, disguised the catastrophe by orchestrating a $5 billion accounting fraud—all the while continuing to pressure banks to make absurd, politically correct loans and denouncing Republicans as enemies of the poor.

. . .

As Peter Schweizer points out in his magnificent book “Architects of Ruin,” which everyone should read, Enron’s accounting fraud was a paltry $567 million—and it didn’t bring down the entire financial system. Those involved in the Enron manipulations went to prison. Raines and Gorelick not only didn’t go to jail, they walked away with multimillion-dollar payouts, courtesy of the taxpayer.

(Here’s more fascinating Jamie Gorelick trivia: That giant wall she built between the FBI and the CIA, making 9/11 possible? It was financed with a risky loan from Fannie Mae.)

Under the Democrats’ 2010 “Financial Reform” bill (written by Chris Dodd, Barney Frank and Goldman Sachs), Raines keeps his $90 million, Jamie Gorelick keeps her $26.4 million, and Goldman keeps its $12 billion from the AIG bailout.



14 01 2011
Timothy D. Naegele

What Remains Of An Undergraduate Degree In Economics

As indicated above and elsewhere in my writings, I believe:

Economists are like mindless lemmings; and their reliability is less than that of weathermen (and women) on TV. They never saw the downturn coming; they have been at a loss to predict its duration; and they do not have an earthly clue about where we are going. The best of the lot might be able to describe what happened in the past, but not much more than that.

We are in the midst of the “Great Depression II,” which economic historians will describe as such 20-40 years from now, or by using similar descriptions. Yes, there are “green shoots,” and will be from time to time, just as there were during the Great Depression of the last century too. However, it did not end until the onset of World War II—and not because of any governmental economic programs or “tinkering.”

Hold on tight, and sit on the sidelines with cash. Things will get very ugly before this decade has run its course.

Having read this, a Wall Street Journal contributor brought words by economist Joan Robinson to my attention, which are wise and worthwhile repeating:

The purpose of studying economics is not to acquire a set of ready-made answers to economic questions, but to learn how to avoid being deceived by economists.

See, e.g.,; see also


24 01 2011
Timothy D. Naegele

China On “Collision Course” With USA

In an important article about China—which is subtitled, “We all learned at school how the status quo powers mismanaged the spectacular rise of Germany before World War I, a strategic revolution so like the rise of China today”—the UK Telegraph’s Ambrose Evans-Pritchard has written:

[W]e all learned how the Kaiser overplayed his hand. That much was obvious.

Yet it is difficult to pin-point exactly when the normal pattern of great power jostling began to metamorphose into something more dangerous. . . .

. . .

Is China now where Germany was in 1900? Possibly. There are certainly hints of menace from some quarters in Beijing. Defence minister Liang Guanglie said over New Year that China’s armed forces are “pushing forward preparations for military conflict in every strategic direction”.

Professor Huang Jing from Singapore’s Lee Kwan Yew School and a former adviser to China’s Army, said Beijing is losing its grip on the colonels.

“The young officers are taking control of strategy and it is like young officers in Japan in the 1930s. This is very dangerous. They are on a collision course with a US-dominated system,” he said.

. . .

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid called Mr Hu a “dictator”. Is this a remotely apposite term for a self-effacing man of Confucian leanings, whose father was a victim of the Cultural Revolution, who fights a daily struggle against his own hotheads at home, and who will hand over power in an orderly transition next year?

. . .

Factions in Beijing appear to think that China will win a trade war if Washington ever imposes sanctions to counter Chinese mercantilism. That is a fatal misjudgement. The lesson of Smoot-Hawley and the 1930s is that surplus states suffer crippling depressions when the guillotine comes down on free trade; while deficit states can muddle through, reviving their industries behind barriers. Demand is the most precious commodity of all in a world of excess supply.

The political reality is that China’s export of manufacturing over-capacity is hollowing out the US industrial core, and a plethora of tricks to stop Western firms competing in the Chinese market rubs salt in the wound. It is preventing full recovery in the US, where half the population is falling out of the bottom of the Affluent Society. Some 43.2m people are now on food stamps. The US labour force participation rate has fallen to 64.3pc, worse than a year ago. Only the richer half is recovering.

. . .

China’s economic and military goals are in conflict. One defeats the other.

. . .

A cocky China needs to watch its step, as does a rancorous America, before resentments feed on each other in a Wilhelmine spiral.

The Chinese have no recent history of sweeping territorial expansion (except Tibet). The one-child policy has left a dearth of young men, and implies a chronic aging crisis within a decade. This is not the demographic profile of a fundamentally bellicose nation.

The correct statecraft for the West is to treat Beijing politely but firmly as a member of global club, gambling that the Confucian ethic will over time incline China to a quest for global as well as national concord.

See (emphasis added)


26 01 2011
Timothy D. Naegele

Bank of England Governor Warns: Standard Of Living To Plunge At Fastest Rate Since 1920s

As reported in the UK’s Telegraph, Bank of England chief Mervyn King warns that households face the most dramatic squeeze in living standards since the 1920s:

Families will see their disposable income eaten up as they “pay the inevitable price” for the financial crisis, Mervyn King warned.

With wages failing to keep pace with rising inflation, workers’ take-home pay will end the year worth the same as in 2005—the most prolonged fall in living standards for more than 80 years, he claimed.

. . .

Savers and “those who behaved prudently” would be among the biggest losers in the squeeze, he admitted.

Disposable household income has been hit by sharp increases in the cost of food, fuel and tax, coupled with restricted wage rises for most workers. Last year, take-home pay fell by about 12 per cent, official figures showed, and the trend was expected to continue in 2011.

The governor warned that the Bank “neither can, nor should try to, prevent the squeeze in living standards”.

. . .

The comments represented one of the governor’s starkest warnings yet. His claim that the banking crisis was behind the ongoing squeeze on living standards comes at a sensitive time, as banks prepare to announce multi-million pound bonuses for their executives.

. . .

Addressing the problems of borrowers, he added: “Households and small businesses with little housing equity may be unable to borrow at all or are able to borrow only in the unsecured market—where rates are much higher than before the crisis.”

See; see also (“Mervyn King painted a picture of the nightmare facing millions of ­workers because of the toxic combination of soaring inflation and pay freezes or paltry pay rises“)


27 01 2011
Timothy D. Naegele

Will Obama Dig Us Out Of The Second Great Depression? Do You Believe In The Tooth Fairy?

In another scintillating and scorching column, Ann Coulter writes:

I missed the middle section of Obama’s State of the Union address when I took a break to read “War and Peace,” but I gather he never got around to what I was hoping he’d say, which is: “What was I thinking?”

The national debt is $14 trillion, the Democrats won’t stop spending, and President Nero gave us a long gaseous speech about his Stradivarius.

. . .

Obama said the government was already “investing” in solar panels! That’s a total relief. This must be how the president who brought us “Recovery Summer” is going to dig us out of the second Great Depression.

But I do wonder why no private lender considered solar panels a wise investment, forcing solar panel manufacturers to turn to the government for loans, followed by endless tax credits just to break even.

. . .

Remember how massive government “investments” gave rise to the telephone, the light bulb, the automobile, the airplane, the personal computer … OK, none of those.

But massive government expenditures did give us Amtrak and the TSA!

The only thing Obama vowed to cut were “earmarks.” Yippee! The guy with the ears is against earmarks. Yes, the same president who quadrupled our deficit by giving money away to his UAW pals, Wall Street cronies and government workers is now lecturing us about earmarks. This is a bit like being scolded by Charlie Sheen for ordering a second wine cooler.

. . .

The big laugh line was when Nero said mockingly, “I heard rumors that a few of you still have concerns about the health care law.” That’s called “60 percent of the American public.” It’s not a joke, and it’s not funny.


Even more sobering than Ann Coulter’s often humorous insights is a Wall Street Journal editorial entitled, “After You, Mr. Ryan”—and subtitled, “The President says the deficit is the GOP’s problem now”—which states in pertinent part:

President Obama’s political message in Tuesday’s State of the Union address boils down to this: Republicans, it’s your budget problem now.

The deficit is awful and must be cut, entitlements are unsustainable and must be addressed, the tax code hurts growth and must be reformed, and government should be smaller and more efficient, but don’t look to Mr. Obama for ideas on how to fix any of this. Go ahead and cut spending and Medicare if you want, Republicans. The President will get back to you with his reply as time and politics allow.


Having let former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and her fellow Democrats in Congress write the legislation that has put our great nation in its present financial bind, it is not surprising that Obama would once again abdicate his responsibilities and try to shift blame to others.

The Journal’s editorial continues:

As political strategy, perhaps this will turn out to be shrewd. Republicans will advance their budget and spending cuts, Democrats will attack them, the voters will sour, and Mr. Obama will ride to re-election. It happened in 1996.

. . .

At least the address had good timing, because less than 12 hours later the Congressional Budget Office released its annual budget review and exposed how deep the fiscal mess really is. Even CBO dared to call it “daunting,” which for these budget gnomes is a primal scream.

Eighteen months after the recession formally ended, the federal deficit for fiscal 2011 (through September) is expected to increase once again, this time to $1.48 trillion, or 9.8% of GDP. That’s a share of GDP topped since World War II only by the 10% reached in Mr. Obama’s first year in office, when at least the recession was an excuse. The annual deficit in the 1980s never exceeded 6% of GDP.

. . .

So this is the ugly budget reality that House Republicans are inheriting. In his Tuesday night response to Mr. Obama, House Budget Chairman [Paul Ryan] repeated a line he has often used that the U.S. may be at a budget “tipping point.” Either Congress begins to control its political appetites, or the debt financing and inevitable tax increases that are coming will erode our economic well-being. The CBO numbers bear him out.

Judging by Tuesday night, Republicans will have to start this reformation without much help from the President. Perhaps if they lead, the public will put enough pressure on Mr. Obama that he has no choice but to follow.

Again, Obama is a far-Left, anti-war, raving narcissist who has been weakening this great nation at every turn since he became the president. He must be removed from office at the earliest date possible, before he can do even greater damage.


27 01 2011
Timothy D. Naegele

The Scent Of Jasmine Spreads

This is the title of an article in the UK’s Economist—about the protests in Tunisia that toppled its government, and in Yemen and Egypt—which is worth reading.

See|hig|01-27-2011|editors_highlights; see also (“Egypt protests: America’s secret backing for rebel leaders behind uprising”) and

After Tunisia, Yemen and Egypt, where will the chaos spread next, and topple governments? Jordan, other Arab countries (including Iran), Europe, Russia, North Korea, China, the UK, America and beyond? Farfetched, you say? Think again.

As I have written, the world is in the throes of the “Great Depression II,” which economic historians will describe as such (or by using similar terms) 20-40 years from now. Yes, there will be “green shoots” from time to time, indicating that a recovery is underway, just as such signs appeared during the last Great Depression—which only ended with the onset of World War II.

The politicians on both sides of the Atlantic are flailing around, trying to come up with solutions, when there are none. Not only is there a yearning for democracy, but the world is facing economic problems that have not been seen since the last Great Depression. As I wrote more than a year ago:

America and other nations are in uncharted waters; and their politicians may face backlashes from disillusioned and angry constituents that are unprecedented in modern times.

See; see also

Hold on tight. Things will get very ugly. The chickens are coming home to roost, in the Middle East and elsewhere. In all likelihood, cowardly anti-war President Barack Obama—who failed to come to the aid of those courageous Iranians who were tortured and killed after rising up in protest against the disputed victory of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, following the 2009 Iranian presidential election—and other politicians will be swept out of office. And yes, “the scent of the jasmine revolution,” as the Tunisians are calling their national upheaval, is in the process of spreading worldwide.

See, e.g., and; see also the comments beneath both articles

The Economist has said:

Tunisia could yet provide a hopeful beacon for Arabs looking for democracy.


This may be true of other people too—for example, in Iran, North Korea and eventually Russia and China—or chaos might reign. Whatever the future holds, we may be living in a decade that truly changes lives as well as the world.


30 01 2011
Timothy D. Naegele

Will Barack Obama Go Down In History As The President Who Lost The Middle East?

As I have written:

[Obama’s] naïveté is matched by his overarching narcissism; and he is more starry-eyed and “dangerous” than Jimmy Carter. Indeed, it is likely that his presidency will be considered a sad and tragic watershed in history; and the American people are recognizing this more and more with each day that passes. Hopefully he chooses to end his political career with dignity by not running for reelection in 2012, instead of continuing to drag this great nation down with him.


He is a cowardly demagogue, who failed to come to the aid of those courageous Iranians who were tortured and killed after rising up in protest against the disputed victory of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, following the 2009 Iranian presidential election.

It was a seminal moment in Obama’s presidency up to that point in time. He flinched, and demonstrated to the world that he is not a true small-“d” democrat; and that he is weak like Jimmy Carter was. He stood with our enemy, the theocracy in Iran.

With respect to Egypt, the United States must do whatever is necessary to make sure that radical Islam does not take over the country. If it happens, and if that spreads—for example to Jordan, another ally of ours and of Israel—at the very least Obama will go down in history as the president who lost the Middle East. Also, this might determine the fate of Israel.

See; but see (“Egypt . . . has the opportunity to become what it always should have been—the leader of a movement toward freedom and democracy in the Arab world”)

Political pundit and former Bill Clinton adviser, Dick Morris, has warned:

Unless President Obama reverses field and strongly opposes letting the Muslim [B]rotherhood take over Egypt, he will be hit with the . . . question: Who Lost Egypt?

The Iranian government is waiting for Egypt to fall into its lap. The Muslim Brotherhood, dominated by Iranian Islamic fundamentalism, will doubtless emerge as the winner should the government of Egypt fall. The Obama Administration, in failing to throw its weight against an Islamic takeover, is guilty of the same mistake that led President Carter to fail to support the Shah, opening the door for the Ayatollah Khomeini to take over Iran.

The United States has enormous leverage in Egypt—far more than it had in Iran. We provide Egypt with upwards of $2 billion a year in foreign aid under the provisos of the Camp David Accords orchestrated by Carter. The Egyptian military, in particular, receives $1.3 billion of this money. The United States, as the pay master, needs to send a signal to the military that it will be supportive of its efforts to keep Egypt out of the hands of the Islamic fundamentalists. Instead, Obama has put our military aid to Egypt “under review” to pressure Mubarak to mute his response to the demonstrators and has given top priority to “preventing the loss of human life.”

President Obama should say that Egypt has always been a friend of the United States. He should point out that it was the first Arab country to make peace with Israel. He should recall that President Sadat, who signed the peace accords, paid for doing so with his life and that President Mubarak has carried on in his footsteps. He should condemn the efforts of the Muslim Brotherhood extremists to take over the country and indicate that America stands by her longtime ally. He should address the need for reform and urge Mubarak to enact needed changes. But his emphasis should be on standing with our ally.

The return of Nobel laureate Dr. Mohamed ElBaradei, the former head of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) . . . to Egypt as the presumptive heir to Mubarak tells us where this revolution is headed. Carolyn Glick, a columnist for the Jerusalem Post, explains how dangerous ElBaradei is. “As IAEA head,” she writes, “Elbaradei shielded Iran’s nuclear weapons program from the Security Council. He [has] continued to lobby against significant UN Security Council sanctions or other actions against Iran…Last week, he dismissed the threat of a nuclear armed Iran [saying] ‘there is a lot of hype in this debate’.”

As for the Muslim Brotherhood, Glick notes that “it forms the largest and best organized opposition to the Mubarak regime and [is] the progenitor of Hamas and al [Qaeda]. It seeks Egypt’s transformation into an Islamic regime that will stand at the forefront of the global jihad.”

Now is the time for Republicans and conservatives to start asking the question: Who is losing Egypt? We need to debunk the starry eyed idealistic yearning for reform and the fantasy that a liberal democracy will come from these demonstrations. It won’t. Iranian domination will.

Egypt, with 80 million people, is the largest country in the Middle East or North Africa. Combined with Iran’s 75 million (the second largest) they have 155 million people. By contrast the entire rest of the region—Algeria, Morocco, Libya, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Syria, Tunisia, Jordan, UAE, Lebanon, Kuwait, Oman, and Qatar combined—have only 200 million.

We must not let the two most populous and powerful nations in the region fall under the sway of Muslim extremism, the one through the weakness of Jimmy Carter and the other through the weakness of Barack Obama.


The United States cannot afford to lose Egypt, Jordan and other allies in the region. Among other things, Obama is pulling our forces out of Iraq; and a debacle is likely to follow in Afghanistan too, which seems to be a lost cause. All of this might determine the fate of Israel.

See, e.g.,;_ylt=Akg0dRp1i4NSyUsUi6YKt.0LewgF;_ylu=X3oDMTJkdnRuaHE2BGFzc2V0A2FwLzIwMTEwMjAxL21sX2lyYXEEcG9zAzEEc2VjA3luX3BhZ2luYXRlX3N1bW1hcnlfbGlzdARzbGsDc2VuYXRlcmVwb3J0 (“American diplomats and other mission employees may not be safe in Iraq if the U.S. military leaves the volatile country at the end of the year as planned, according to a new report released [by the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee]”)

As I have written:

Obama is a [fool, a] fad and a feckless naïf, and a tragic Shakespearean figure who will be forgotten and consigned to the dustheap of history—unless he tragically alters the course of American history.

See (emphasis added)

Obama might tragically alter America’s history by losing the Middle East.

The Israelis are deeply and justifiably concerned. In an important article entitled, “Israel shocked by Obama’s ‘betrayal’ of Mubarak,” Reuters has reported:

If Egypt’s President Hosni Mubarak is toppled, Israel will lose one of its very few friends in a hostile neighborhood and President Barack Obama will bear a large share of the blame, Israeli pundits said on Monday.

Political commentators expressed shock at how the United States as well as its major European allies appeared to be ready to dump a staunch strategic ally of three decades, simply to conform to the current ideology of political correctness.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has told ministers of the Jewish state to make no comment on the political cliffhanger in Cairo, to avoid inflaming an already explosive situation. But Israel’s President Shimon Peres is not a minister.

“We always have had and still have great respect for President Mubarak,” he said on Monday. He then switched to the past tense. “I don’t say everything that he did was right, but he did one thing which all of us are thankful to him for: he kept the peace in the Middle East.”

Newspaper columnists were far more blunt.

One comment by Aviad Pohoryles in the daily Maariv was entitled “A Bullet in the Back from Uncle Sam.” It accused Obama and his Secretary of State Hillary Clinton of pursuing a naive, smug, and insular diplomacy heedless of the risks.

Who is advising them, he asked, “to fuel the mob raging in the streets of Egypt and to demand the head of the person who five minutes ago was the bold ally of the president … an almost lone voice of sanity in a Middle East?”

. . .

Obama on Sunday called for an “orderly transition” to democracy in Egypt, stopping short of calling on Mubarak to step down, but signaling that his days may be numbered.


Netanyahu instructed Israeli ambassadors in a dozen key capitals over the weekend to impress on host governments that Egypt’s stability is paramount, official sources said.

“Jordan and Saudi Arabia see the reactions in the West, how everyone is abandoning Mubarak, and this will have very serious implications,” Haaretz daily quoted one official as saying.

Egypt, Israel’s most powerful neighbor, was the first Arab country to make peace with the Jewish state, in 1979. Egyptian President Anwar Sadat, who signed the treaty, was assassinated two years later by an Egyptian fanatic.

It took another 13 years before King Hussein of Jordan broke Arab ranks to [make] a second peace with the Israelis. That treaty was signed by Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin, who was assassinated one year later, in 1995, by an Israeli fanatic.

There have been no peace treaties since. Lebanon and Syria are still technically at war with Israel. Conservative Gulf Arab regimes have failed to advance their peace ideas. A hostile Iran has greatly increased its influence in the Middle East conflict.

See; see also (“If Egypt resumes its conflict with Israel, Israelis fear, it will put a powerful Western-armed military on the side of Israel’s enemies while also weakening pro-Western states like Jordan and Saudi Arabia”)

Also, in an article captioned, “Israel Watches ‘Regional Earthquake’ in Egypt,” the Wall Street Journal has reported:

Israeli commentators depicted the crumbling of President Hosni Mubarak’s rule in Egypt as a regional earthquake, calling it the most significant Middle East event since the 1979 revolution against the Shah in Iran.

. . .

The speed at which Mr. Mubarak’s troubles escalated appeared to blindside Israeli officials, who have watched with growing alarm as protests in Cairo and other Egyptian cities swelled, endangering the grip on power of their strongest ally in the region. Inspired by a popular uprising in Tunisia, Egyptian protests swelled in a matter of days late last week. By the weekend, it was clear Mr. Mubarak’s reign was in jeopardy.

“We were caught by surprise,” said Israeli Finance Minister Yuval Steinitz, in an interview with The Wall Street Journal in New York, a few hours before Mr. Mubarak’s announcement. “The Egyptian regime seemed very strong and very stable.”

Israel has a huge stake in Egypt’s stability. The historic 1979 peace treaty between the two countries, which share a long border, is the cornerstone of a regional balance. For more than 30 years, Israel has been able to count on Egypt to refrain from siding in Arab hostilities against the Jewish state.

An unfriendly government in Egypt would deprive Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of his only ally in a region that has grown more hostile toward Israel over the past several years, with the growing influence of Iran, the armed takeover of Gaza by Hamas, the rise of Hezbollah as a major political force in Lebanon, and Turkey’s tilt away from Israel and toward Syria.

Apart from geopolitical interest, Israel has economic stakes in Egyptian stability. Egyptian natural-gas supplies generate 20% to 25% of Israel’s electricity needs.

Israeli officials have said they worry that elections in Egypt could benefit Islamist groups hostile to Israel. Mr. Steinitz said Israel supports the establishment of a democracy in Egypt. But “sometimes, even democracies can lead to very negative results.” he said.


The battle of Cairo has begun, just as battles have begun elsewhere in the Middle East. They will be ugly and brutal. When the dust settles finally, America’s “Hamlet on the Potomac”—or “Jimmy Carter-lite”—Barack Obama might have lost the region, just as Carter lost Iran to Islamic fascists. The consequences will be mind-boggling.

See also (The Wall Street Journal’s Interactive Timeline of “Regional Upheaval” in the Middle East)


1 02 2011
Timothy D. Naegele

American Home Ownership Falls to Preboom Levels

The Wall Street Journal is reporting:

The meltdown of the U.S. mortgage market and rising foreclosures have wiped out more homeowners than were created in the 2000-07 housing boom, . . . the latest indication of the severity of the housing bust.

In the fourth quarter of 2010, 66.5% of Americans owned homes, down from 67.2% a year earlier and the lowest rate since the end of 1998, according the Census Bureau. During the boom, when easy credit made mortgages available with less regard for income or ability to pay, the ownership rate surged to a record 69.2% in 2004’s second and fourth quarters and stayed near that level until the recession deepened.

Some industry watchers expect the rate to slip below 65% as the housing market meltdown forces millions more Americans to give up their homes.

That “shows how big the bubble was and how catastrophic the bursting has been,” said Paul Dales, senior U.S. economist with Capital Economics. “We have pretty much reversed all of the increases in the home-owner rate generated by the housing boom.”

. . .

The first wave of trouble struck several years ago as borrowers took out so-called subprime mortgages with low interest rates that later reset, often with much higher payments that they couldn’t afford. The problem spread as the recession led to high unemployment. Now, as declining real-estate values leave many borrowers owning more than their homes are worth, more Americans are simply walking away.


The trends described in this Journal article are apt to continue and get much worse between now and the end of this decade, as the “Great Depression II” continues to take its toll. Yes, there will be “green shoots” from time to time just as there were during the Great Depression of the last century, leading some people to believe that the worst has passed. However, only “dead weeds” or disappointments and fears are likely to follow.

See also,0,2765168,full.story (“Cash-only home sales rise in California”) and (“Foreclosure homes are selling at a 27% discount to non-distressed properties nationwide, but discounts are far larger in some states”) and (“Sales of homes in some stage of foreclosure . . . accounted for 28 percent of all home sales—a share nearly six times higher than what it would be in a healthy housing market. . . . ‘It’s an astronomically high number'”)


19 02 2011
Timothy D. Naegele

Ireland: An Age Of Recklessness

The BBC News has an article entitled, “Loss of faith in the Irish fairy tale,” which is worth reading.


What this article does not state—but it should—is that the worst is yet to come. While house prices have collapsed already, and there are empty houses that nobody will buy, Ireland has not even seen the half of it.

The economic tsunami is still rolling worldwide that has given rise to the “Great Depression II”—which economic historians will describe as such (or by using similar terms) 20-40 years from now—and it might not end during this decade. Irish property values will crash even more, perhaps declining another 50 percent; and the bottom is nowhere in sight.

The writer of the BBC article noted:

Nothing is so pervasive now in Ireland as the feeling of betrayal. I think we are on the verge of momentous change here.

This is simply the tip of an enormous iceberg. As I wrote almost two years ago:

America and other nations are in uncharted waters; and their politicians may face backlashes from disillusioned and angry constituents that are unprecedented in modern times. Also, the limits of godless secularism and paying homage to the false gods of materialism may become self-evident.


The chickens are coming home to roost, and Ireland will be hit harder than most countries.


24 02 2011
Timothy D. Naegele

The New Wave Of Emigration Dooms Ireland, And Even Guinness Reels

The Wall Street Journal has an important article that describes the new wave of Irish emigrants who are turning their backs on the Emerald Isle, which is mired in an economic collapse—and is likely to sink even farther during the balance of this decade. The article is worth reading, and states in pertinent part:

Nothing seems to better symbolize Ireland’s economic crisis than the re-emergence of large-scale emigration, a scourge many hoped had been slain for good.

. . .

[E]migration is on everyone’s lips. For many it encapsulates the sense of hopelessness that has descended on Ireland as the country grapples with one of the worst economic crises in its history.

“We never thought we’d see this again,” says Alan Barrett, an expert in migration at the Economic and Social Research Institute, a Dublin think tank. “It brings back a lot of bad memories.”

Forced emigration was long Ireland’s curse. A million fled in the decade after the great potato famine of the mid-19th century, which killed some 800,000 people. There was a huge exodus a hundred years later, with thousands lured away by a building boom in the U.K. Another mass migration followed in the 1980s.

. . .

Ireland’s Central Statistics Office predicts that 100,000 people will emigrate over the next two years, more than twice the number that left in 2009 and 2010. That comes to about 1,000 per week, and exceeds the last peak in emigration in 1989 when 44,000 people moved away.

The overall figure represents just over 2% of Ireland’s population of 4.47 million, which economists say by itself isn’t enough to prevent a recovery.

But there are fears that the more people leave, the greater the tax burden on those who stay and the bigger the decline in public services like education and health care.

An exodus could also reduce demand for housing, depressing already low prices and deepening the losses faced by Irish banks. Since the government is on the hook for banks’ liabilities, more losses could worsen Ireland’s fiscal crisis, leading to more austerity measures and higher unemployment. Such a “fiscal feedback loop” could increase the incentive to leave, says John McHale, an economist at the National University of Ireland, Galway.

And while demographic data on emigrants is scarce, many of those leaving are believed to be well-educated professionals—precisely the people Ireland needs to lead a recovery.

. . .

It’s not just English-speaking countries that the Irish are heading for. After the U.K., the favorite destinations for Irish people last year were new European Union member states such as Poland and the Czech Republic, with older EU countries like France and Germany coming in third, according to figures from Ireland’s Central Statistics Office.

. . .

Carlow symbolizes Ireland’s downturn. A town of 18,000 in the country’s southeast, it was once a magnet for foreign companies. But investment has dribbled away. A big sugar factory closed in 2005, taking 350 jobs with it, and a German engineering firm shut down its car component plant in 2007. Two years later, Procter & Gamble Co.’s Braun unit, which had once employed more than 2,400 staff in the town, closed an electrical appliance factory. Carlow’s quaint high street—once nicknamed the Golden Mile—is pockmarked with boarded-up shops.

“Our economic miracles are always of such short duration,” says [Martin] Lynch. “We just can’t seem to have a sustainable economy.”

See (“Irish Remedy for Hard Times: Leaving“); see also (“Ireland: An Age Of Recklessness“) and (“Ireland Is Collapsing, And Aer Lingus Feels It Acutely“) and (“Irish Cutbacks Pile It On For ‘New Poor’“) and (“British Banks Have $225 billion Exposure To Ireland’s Economic Crisis“) and (“Ireland’s Fate Tied to Doomed Banks“) and (“Ireland, Portugal Stir European Fears“)

. . .

Lastly, the Wall Street Journal has an article entitled, “As Ireland Staggers, Guinness Reels,” which describes Ireland’s other woes:

Economic turmoil isn’t just crippling Ireland’s banks. It also is draining sales of Guinness—the country’s famed dark-brown stout and de facto national drink.

Guinness consumption in Ireland had been falling slowly for years as Irish drinkers abandoned pubs to imbibe at home, switched to alternatives and trimmed their alcohol consumption generally. But Ireland’s latest woes, which led to a €67.5 billion ($92.8 billion) bailout for the country’s banks in December, dealt an extra blow to Guinness.

Guinness sales dropped 8% in Ireland and Northern Ireland in the six months to Dec. 31, parent Diageo PLC reported recently, while the overall Irish beer market fell 6%. Struggling with 13.4% unemployment and the prospect of government cutbacks, the Irish have closed their wallets to extra spending.

. . .

John Kennedy, Diageo’s managing director for Ireland, says the decrease in the country’s pub traffic is longstanding. “It has been accelerated, but it’s nothing new, and we know what to do to mitigate that,” he says. “But what we haven’t seen before is the collapse of consumer confidence that Ireland has had in the last two years.”



25 02 2011
Timothy D. Naegele

An Epic Political Moment Of Singular Clarity

This is in essence how the Washington Post’s Charles Krauthammer has described the turmoil gripping statehouses in Wisconsin, Ohio, Indiana and soon others. He has written another terrific column, which states in pertinent part:

The nation faces a fiscal crisis of historic proportions and, remarkably, our muddled, gridlocked, allegedly broken politics have yielded singular clarity.

At the federal level, President Obama’s budget makes clear that Democrats are determined to do nothing about the debt crisis, while House Republicans have announced that beyond their proposed cuts in discretionary spending, their April budget will actually propose real entitlement reform. Simultaneously, in Wisconsin and other states, Republican governors are taking on unsustainable, fiscally ruinous pension and health-care obligations, while Democrats are full-throated in support of the public-employee unions crying, “Hell, no.”

A choice, not an echo: Democrats desperately defending the status quo; Republicans charging the barricades.

Wisconsin is the epicenter. It began with economic issues. When Gov. Scott Walker proposed that state workers contribute more to their pension and health-care benefits, he started a revolution. Teachers called in sick. Schools closed. Demonstrators massed at the capitol. Democratic senators fled the state to paralyze the Legislature.

Unfortunately for them, that telegenic faux-Cairo scene drew national attention to the dispute—and to the sweetheart deals the public-sector unions had negotiated for themselves for years. They were contributing a fifth of a penny on a dollar of wages to their pensions and one-fourth what private-sector workers pay for health insurance.

The unions quickly understood that the more than 85 percent of Wisconsin not part of this privileged special-interest group would not take kindly to “public servants” resisting adjustments that still leave them paying less for benefits than private-sector workers. They immediately capitulated and claimed they were only protesting the other part of the bill, the part about collective-bargaining rights.

Indeed. Walker understands that a one-time giveback means little. The state’s financial straits—a $3.6 billion budget shortfall over the next two years—did not come out of nowhere. They came largely from a half-century-long power imbalance between the unions and the politicians with whom they collectively bargain.

In the private sector, the capitalist knows that when he negotiates with the union, if he gives away the store, he loses his shirt. In the public sector, the politicians who approve any deal have none of their own money at stake. On the contrary, the more favorably they dispose of union demands, the more likely they are to be the beneficiary of union largess in the next election. It’s the perfect cozy setup.

To redress these perverse incentives that benefit both negotiating parties at the expense of the taxpayer, Walker’s bill would restrict future government-union negotiations to wages only. Excluded from negotiations would be benefits, the more easily hidden sweeteners that come due long after the politicians who negotiated them are gone. The bill would also require that unions be recertified every year and that dues be voluntary.

Recognizing this threat to union power, the Democratic Party is pouring money and fury into the fight. Fewer than 7 percent of private-sector workers are unionized. The Democrats’ strength lies in government workers, who now constitute a majority of union members and provide massive support to the party. For them, Wisconsin represents a dangerous contagion.

Hence the import of the current moment—its blinding clarity. Here stand the Democrats, avatars of reactionary liberalism, desperately trying to hang on to the gains of their glory years—from unsustainable federal entitlements for the elderly enacted when life expectancy was 62 to the massive promissory notes issued to government unions when state coffers were full and no one was looking.

Obama’s Democrats have become the party of no. Real cuts to the federal budget? No. Entitlement reform? No. Tax reform? No. Breaking the corrupt and fiscally unsustainable symbiosis between public-sector unions and state governments? Hell, no.

We have heard everyone—from Obama’s own debt commission to the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff—call the looming debt a mortal threat to the nation. We have watched Greece self-immolate. We can see the future. The only question has been: When will the country finally rouse itself?

Amazingly, the answer is: now. Led by famously progressive Wisconsin—Scott Walker at the state level and Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan at the congressional level—a new generation of Republicans has looked at the debt and is crossing the Rubicon. Recklessly principled, they are putting the question to the nation: Are we a serious people?



28 02 2011
Timothy D. Naegele

Bernie Madoff: The Market Is A Whole Rigged Job, And There’s No Chance That Investors Have In This Market [UPDATED]

Convicted swindler and consummate narcissist Bernard Madoff is serving a 150-year sentence at the Federal Correctional Institution in Butner, North Carolina for his $65 billion Ponzi scheme. He was interviewed by New York Magazine, and its terrific article states in pertinent part:

From the beginning, Madoff . . . had a chip on his shoulder, along with a certain contempt for the industry he’d chosen. “It was always a business where you had to have an edge, and the little guy never got a break. The institutions controlled everything,” he said in a voice surprisingly thick with emotion. “I realized from a very early stage that the market is a whole rigged job. There’s no chance that investors have in this market.

. . .

At first, Madoff ground out a modest but steady income on the scraps of business tossed his way by Goldman Sachs and Bear Stearns, action that was too much trouble and too little profit for them. “I was perfectly happy to take the crumbs,” he said. Madoff was a market-maker, a middleman between those who wanted to buy and sell small quantities of mostly bonds—odd lots. “It was a riskless business,” he said. “You made the spread,” buying at one price and selling at a higher one, and in those days the spreads could be substantial, 50 or 75 cents or even a dollar a share. Madoff increased his profits by trading on the side.

. . .

Madoff wanted to grow his trading business, and a good way to do that was to expand his market-making business. But that meant going up against the New York Stock Exchange, the heart of the club. At the NYSE, a few firms controlled market-making, executing most large trades while getting rich on the spread. Madoff was one of the first to see that technology could match buyers and sellers more efficiently and cheaply than a human trader shouting orders amid a blizzard of paper on the floor of the exchange. By 1970, Madoff had hired his brother, Peter, who proved gifted at designing trading technology, and soon Madoff’s automated-trading systems began siphoning trading volume, and profits, from the NYSE.

. . .

[H]e became a criminal near the peak of his legitimate success. He’d always continued to trade with other people’s money, an activity that eventually fell under a separate investment-advisory business. His largest clients had invested with him for decades, records later showed. In the early days, Madoff mostly employed technical and fairly low-risk arbitrage techniques built around his market-making business. . . . By the late eighties, he had, he estimates, $3 billion to $4 billion under management.

. . .

Madoff started borrowing from his investors’ capital to pay out those solid returns. The returns, false though they were, were their own advertisement. New money started pouring in, saving him in the near term. And this was a different sort of money, the kind that came from bankers who wouldn’t have given Madoff the time of day earlier in his career. “The chairman of Banco Santander came down to see me, the chairman of Credit Suisse came down, chairman of UBS came down; I had all of these major banks. You know, [Edmond J.] Safra coming down and entertaining me and trying [to invest with Madoff]. It is a head trip.

. . .

So Madoff took the money. While he waited for the market to wake up, he parked their billions in treasuries earning 2 percent a year, while generating statements that maintained they were earning about 15 percent—fantastic money in a slow market. He couldn’t bring himself to tell them that he had failed. “I was too afraid,” he said.

But Madoff distributes the guilt. “Look,” he said, “these banks and these funds had to know there were problems.” Madoff told them absolutely nothing about how he made those returns. “I wouldn’t give them any facts, like how much volume I was doing. I was not willing to have them come up and do the due diligence that they wanted. I absolutely refused to do it. I said, ‘You don’t like it, take your money out,’ which of course they never did.”

. . .

Madoff insists that rather than the pursuer, he was usually the pursued. People begged him to take their money. Madoff says that he waved red flags, issued caveats that should have been obvious to even an unsophisticated investor. “They were all told by me, ‘Don’t invest any more money than you could afford to lose. This is the stock market. There’s always stuff that can happen. Brokerage firms can fail. I could go crazy and do something stupid. If you want a [safe thing], put your money in government bonds. So everybody understood this.

“Everyone was greedy,” he continues.

. . .

He has disdain not only for the industry but for the regulators. “The SEC,” he says, “looks terrible in this thing.” And he doesn’t see himself as the only guilty party on Wall Street. “It’s unbelievable, Goldman … no one has any criminal convictions. The whole new regulatory reform is a joke. The whole government is a Ponzi scheme.

See (emphasis added); see also (“My Interview With Madoff”)

Madoff’s views are consistent with my own—especially about “technical traders,” and the fact that average Americans should not be in the stock market at all—which are discussed in an October 2009 interview:

Question: The stock market is up significantly since Obama took office. Would you buy stocks now?

Answer: No. I believe the stock market is a “fool’s paradise,” and I cannot explain the stock market rise—except for the old adage that what goes up comes down. I bought my first share of stock when I was about eight years old; and the Senate Banking Committee studied the stock market when I worked there. I drew two conclusions, which I believe to this day: (1) The only people who make money in the stock market and know the reasons why are (a) those who trade on inside information, which of course is illegal, and (b) those who are “technical traders” (e.g., with seats on exchanges, or who trade on “up-ticks”); and (2) average Americans should not be in the stock market at all, because it is gambling—much like going to Las Vegas or betting on the ponies at the nearest race track.

See; see also (“Fed Is Creating The Mother of All Bubbles“)

As the economic tsunami continues to roll worldwide, other market fraud and vulnerabilities will be exposed, which might make Bernie Madoff’s machinations seem like child’s play.

See, e.g.,

. . .

Also, in a fascinating Lara Logan interview with Las Vegas sports betting legend Billy Walters, CBS’ “60 Minutes” reported:

Walters has built an empire from his gambling. And at the age of 64, he isn’t slowing down. He owns four golf courses, eight car dealerships and a ton of stock. But it was on Wall Street he says where he was taken for a ride.

I’ve been swindled out of . . . quite a bit of money on the stock market. And I bought a lot of Enron stock once. And I got swindled. I bought a lotta WorldCom stock, got swindled. I bought a lotta Tyco stock. I got swindled,” he told Logan.

His disdain for Wall Street is one of the reasons Walters decided to talk to “60 Minutes”—a chance he says to make the point that the gambling world is not as shady as most people think.

“I ran into a lotta bad guys, a lotta thieves. I mean, they’d steal the Lord’s Supper. But I can tell ya, percentage-wise, I ran into many more with suits and ties on than I have with the gamblers,” he told Logan.

“So you would say that the hustler from Vegas got hustled by Wall Street?” Logan asked.

“There’s no doubt about it,” Walters replied.

See;segmentTitle (emphasis added) and;photovideo

Walters’ views are consistent with those of Bernie Madoff and my own.

Also, in a Wall Street Journal article about Walters, it is reported:

As a professional gambler, Billy Walters . . . claims he’s never had a losing year.

But when it comes to residential real estate, Mr. Walters, 64, claimed his track record has been far less lucrative. “We’ve lost money on every home we’ve bought and sold here,” he said. “It’s not what I do for a living. If it was, I’d be in trouble.”

He said that he’s likely to continue his losing streak, recently listing his Carlsbad home—one of seven he owns with his wife, Susan—for $29 million, a bit less than he spent assembling it.

See (emphasis added); see also (“The Higher Home Prices Rise, The Farther They Will Fall When The Bubble Bursts“)


2 03 2011
Timothy D. Naegele

Preserving And Enhancing America’s Military Might During Difficult Economic Times, And Forever

Author Mark Helprin wrote a fine article in the Wall Street Journal about the need to maintain America’s Navy, and not allow it to decline. I agree with his goals completely.


However, there is more to this issue that must be noted.

First, those who venture close enough to the Somali coast to place themselves at risk should not expect the U.S. Navy to rescue them.

It has been suggested that a joint military effort be undertaken by all the countries whose ships have been attacked or are at risk. My understanding is that there are joint operations globally to defend critical shipping lanes. Indeed, even China has contributed military forces to those efforts.

See, e.g.,

Yes, it might be ironic if China were to unleash a crippling attack on the Somali pirates and their bases, and thereby earn the respect and admiration of people worldwide. However, the Somali pirates are like gnats: bothersome, but not really dangerous in terms of America’s global commitments.

Yes too, the recent killing of the four sailors went awry, as any hostage taking negotiations can do. I concur that the Somali thugs should be terminated.

Second, Helprin noted: “[W]e are in effect an island nation.” This is how most Americans view their country. Many have never flown on an airplane, nor ventured far from where they grew up; and it is surprising how many sophisticated, wealthy, educated Americans have never been to Europe, or out of the States, or to other parts of the world. Their views are insular, which is reflected in American policies and outlook.

I believe in our great country, and in the inherent wisdom of the American people, and my comments are not intended to disparage them one iota.


Third, I concur with Helprin that vital U.S. national security and economic interests demand a large blue-water fleet. He adds: “As China’s navy rises and ours declines, not that far in the future the trajectories will cross.” I concur with that conclusion too. Both China and “dictator-for-life” Putin’s Russia are our enemies, now and in the future.

See and (see also the footnotes and comments beneath both of these two articles)

Fourth, Helprin states:

Abdicating our more than half-century stabilizing role on the oceans, neglecting the military balance, and relinquishing a position we are fully capable of holding will bring tectonic realignments among nations—and ultimately more expense, bloodletting, and heartbreak than the most furious deficit hawk is capable of imagining. A technological nation with a GDP of $14 trillion can afford to build a fleet worthy of its past and sufficient to its future.

I agree; and the same thing is true of other vital military needs and expenditures. Tragically, at present, we have a naïve, anti-war, far-Left, “Hamlet on the Potomac”—or “Jimmy Carter-lite”—narcissistic president, who is a cowardly demagogue. He is determined to weaken our great nation at every turn; and he must not be reelected.

See and (see also the footnotes and comments beneath both of these two articles)

Fifth, it has been suggested that American military expenditures are equal to many times what the next countries combined are spending. Hence, the question arises: where is the money going?

There is no question that—like it or not—the United States must maintain its absolute superiority now and in the future. No nation must be in a position to ever challenge us. Our very survival depends on it.

See, e.g.,

As I told a friend recently, who had commented on a Pentagon report that China may have triggered our economic crash:

[T]he Pentagon does not make claims of this magnitude idly, or without great justification. This is not the way that the Pentagon works. It is very professional and thorough, probably the most outstanding agency in our government.

See, e.g.,

I spent two years working at the Pentagon in intelligence, and then I have worked on and with Capitol Hill for most of my legal career. During this time, I have had an opportunity to see many federal government agencies and programs in action; and I can honestly say that the Pentagon is the best by far. There is no agency or program that is even remotely close.

The people who work at the Pentagon and serve our military—both in uniform and as civilians—are totally dedicated and professional; and they have inspired enormous pride in me over the years. If you read any of my articles, you will realize that I do not spare my criticism of people and institutions; and I am not naïve. Some people might assert that I am cynical; I prefer to believe that I am an idealist, who is repulsed when I encounter something that is less than just or the best.

The Pentagon and our military are not perfect, but they are truly excellent. There are reasons why the Soviet Union collapsed and we are the only superpower in the world today. It did not just happen by chance.

This enormous power must be maintained and nourished. I will repeat—because it deserves emphasis again and again—our very survival depends on it. This is not a “Mary Poppins” world in which we live. There are countries and terrorist groups around the world that want to destroy our great nation, and kill all of us. This is a fact of life, period.

What follows are the comparative numbers relating to our military expenditures vis-à-vis those of other countries. There may be more recent numbers that are available publicly, but I have not seen them.


For better or worse, America protects the free world; we encourage those countries and people who yearn for democracy and freedom; we are winding down a very successful war in Iraq, which I questioned and opposed at the outset, but was impressed that George W. Bush’s “surge” worked and won that war; we are mired in the Afghan War, which Barack Obama does not seem to have the will or determination to win; and we have commitments that are essentially endless.

We have no allies that are capable of doing any “heavy lifting” today. The UK is “gutting” its military; NATO is a mere shell of what it once was; and we are it—with very heavy duties and responsibilities. After having worked in and with government for so many years, I believe government is a vast wasteland, most of which should be eliminated. The one exception would be the Pentagon and our brilliant and, yes, wonderful and awe-inspiring military forces.

. . .


The UK’s Daily Mail has reported:

The 14 alleged pirates accused of hijacking a U.S. yacht off the coast of Somalia appeared in court today looking ‘exhausted and confused’.

The men, 13 Somalis and one Yemeni, were indicted on piracy, kidnapping and firearms charges at the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia, near the Norfolk naval base.

Two U.S. couples were killed on board their own yacht last month after Somali pirates took them hostage off the coast of Oman.

. . .

If convicted, the men could face life in prison—and U.S. Attorney Neil MacBride has not yet ruled out filing further charges.

According to the indictment, by a grand federal jury, at least three of the men shot and killed the four U.S. sailors without provocation. It says they were armed with AK-47s and rocket-propelled grenades.

. . .

U.S. special forces boarded the yacht. According to the military, all four hostages were found dead or dying.

U.S. Seals shot two bandits in the ensuing firefight and a further two were found dead on board.

Another 15 were taken into custody, but Mr MacBride today said the last suspect was not charged because he was only a child and was alleged to have had only limited involvement in the hijacking.

. . .

The four sailors who died in February are the first American hostages to have been killed by Somali pirates.

See (“14 Somali ‘pirates’ accused of killing four U.S. sailors appear in Virginia court over yacht hijack”)

Thus, even though the four sailors apparently placed themselves at risk by venturing into dangerous waters, and they should not have expected the U.S. Navy to rescue them, nonetheless the Navy attempted to do so and is bringing their killers to justice. It is another example of our brilliant military at work.


10 03 2011
Timothy D. Naegele

World’s Biggest Bond Fund Eliminates U.S. Government-Related Debt

Bloomberg has reported:

Bill Gross, who runs the world’s biggest bond fund at Pacific Investment Management Co., eliminated government-related debt from his flagship fund last month as the U.S. projected record budget deficits.

Pimco’s $237 billion Total Return Fund last held zero government-related debt in January 2009. Gross had cut the holdings to 12 percent of assets in January, according to the Newport Beach, California-based company’s website. The fund’s net cash-and-equivalent position surged from 5 percent to 23 percent in February, the highest since May 2008.

See (emphasis added)


14 03 2011
Timothy D. Naegele

Among The Many Reasons Why Obama Must Go

The Wall Street Journal has an interesting article—which was written by a member of the European Parliament, Daniel Hannan—that essentially articulates the reasons why Barack Obama must not be reelected, and how he is leading America is the wrong direction. In it, he states in part:

On a U.S. talk-radio show recently, I was asked what I thought about the notion that Barack Obama had been born in Kenya. “Pah!” I replied. “Your president was plainly born in Brussels.”

. . .

My guess is that, if anything, Obama would verbalize his ideology using the same vocabulary that Eurocrats do. He would say he wants a fairer America, a more tolerant America, a less arrogant America, a more engaged America. When you prize away the cliché, what these phrases amount to are higher taxes, less patriotism, a bigger role for state bureaucracies, and a transfer of sovereignty to global institutions.

He is not pursuing a set of random initiatives but a program of comprehensive Europeanization: European health care, European welfare, European carbon taxes, European day care, European college education, even a European foreign policy, based on engagement with supranational technocracies, nuclear disarmament and a reluctance to deploy forces overseas.

. . .

Is a European future truly so terrible?

Yes. I have been an elected member of the European Parliament for 11 years. I have seen firsthand what the European political model means.

The critical difference between the American and European unions has to do with the location of power. The U.S. was founded on what we might loosely call the Jeffersonian ideal: the notion that decisions should be taken as closely as possible to the people they affect. The European Union was based on precisely the opposite ideal. Article One of its foundational treaty commits its nations to establish “an ever-closer union.”

From that distinction, much follows. The U.S. has evolved a series of unique institutions designed to limit the power of the state: recall mechanisms, ballot initiatives, balanced budget rules, open primaries, localism, states’ rights, term limits, the direct election of public officials from the sheriff to the school board. The EU places supreme power in the hands of 27 unelected Commissioners invulnerable to public opinion.

The will of the people is generally seen by Eurocrats as an obstacle to overcome, not a reason to change direction. When France, the Netherlands and Ireland voted against the European Constitution, the referendum results were swatted aside and the document adopted regardless. For, in Brussels, the ruling doctrine—that the nation-state must be transcended—is seen as more important than freedom, democracy or the rule of law.

. . .

The single worst aspect of Europeanization is its impact on the economy. Many Americans, and many Europeans, have a collective memory of how Europe managed to combine economic growth with social justice.

. . .

Human nature being what it is, few European leaders attributed their success to the fact that they were recovering from an artificial low. They convinced themselves, rather, that they were responsible for their countries’ growth rates. Their genius, they thought, lay in having hit upon a European “third way” between the excesses of American capitalism and the totalitarianism of Soviet communism.

We can now see where that road leads: to burgeoning bureaucracy, more spending, higher taxes, slower growth and rising unemployment. But an entire political class has grown up believing not just in the economic superiority of euro-corporatism but in its moral superiority. After all, if the American system were better—if people could thrive without government supervision—there would be less need for politicians. As Upton Sinclair once observed, “It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his job depends on not understanding it.”

Nonetheless, the economic data are pitilessly clear. For the past 40 years, Europeans have fallen further and further behind Americans in their standard of living. Europe also has become accustomed to a high level of structural unemployment. Only now, as the U.S. applies a European-style economic strategy based on fiscal stimulus, nationalization, bailouts, quantitative easing and the regulation of private-sector remuneration, has the rate of unemployment in the U.S. leaped to European levels.

Why is a European politician urging America to avoid Europeanization? As a Briton, I see the American republic as a repository of our traditional freedoms. The doctrines rooted in the common law, in the Magna Carta, and in the Bill of Rights found their fullest and most sublime expression in the old courthouse of Philadelphia. Britain, as a result of its unhappy membership in the European Union, has now surrendered a large part of its birthright. But our freedoms live on in America.

. . .

How aptly the British people might today apply the ringing phrases of the Declaration of Independence against their own rulers, who have “combined with others to subject us to a jurisdiction foreign to our constitution, and unacknowledged by our laws.”

So you can imagine how I feel when I see the U.S. making the same mistakes that Britain has made: expanding its government, regulating private commerce, centralizing its jurisdiction, breaking the link between taxation and representation, abandoning its sovereignty.


Clearly, Europe is not in great shape economically; and it will get far worse between now and the end of this decade.

See, e.g., (see also the footnotes and comments beneath the article)

Clearly too, while Obama might want “a less arrogant America,” he personifies arrogance and narcissism.

He wants “a transfer of sovereignty to global institutions.” After all, he never set foot on the American mainland until he attended Occidental College in Los Angeles and Columbia University in New York City. When he was there, he described his presence as follows:

Junkie. Pothead. That’s where I’d been headed: the final, fatal role of the young would-be black man.

His core beliefs are at odds with those of most Americans, which would have been evident if we had read his book, “Dreams from My Father,” before the 2008 election.

Also, Hannan is correct that Obama is pursuing “a program of comprehensive Europeanization,” despite his ingrained disdain for British and European cultures, which shines through in his book.


Next, Hannan asks and answers his own question: “Is a European future truly so terrible?” Yes, he says; and as mentioned above, economically this is likely to be true, and socially too. Also, NATO is a mere shell of its former self; and militarily, the countries of Europe are pathetically weak.

Hannan makes an interesting observation that “an entire political class has grown up [in Europe] believing not just in the economic superiority of euro-corporatism but in its moral superiority.” Lacking the core beliefs of most Americans because of his heritage, Obama feels essentially the same way and has acted on such core beliefs.

Lastly, on balance, Hannan’s observations are correct, which is why Obama and the Democrats were rejected in last year’s mid-term elections, and why the same thing is likely to happen next year as well. The American people have had their fill of the grand “Obama experiment,” and will reject him like they rejected Jimmy Carter in 1980.

Indeed, as mentioned above, it has been said:

Jimmy Carter may be heading to #2 on the [list of] all-time worst presidents in American history, thanks to “O.”

This is an understatement.

See (see also the footnotes and comments beneath the article); see also (“When the U.S. fails to lead, every nation recalibrates its interests and begins to look out for itself first”) and (“Obama’s team seeks new ways to fire up his base”)


14 03 2011
Timothy D. Naegele

Banks Have $2.5 Trillion Exposure To Ailing Quartet Of Portugal, Ireland, Greece And Spain

An article in the UK’s Telegraph states that the total exposure of foreign banks to Portugal, Ireland, Greece And Spain (the “PIGS”) tops $2.5 trillion once all forms of risk are included, according to the latest data from the Bank for International Settlements. Indeed, the UK Telegraph’s Ambrose Evans-Pritchard has written:

The sheer scale highlights the systemic dangers if the EU fails to stabilize the debt crisis.

Eurozone leaders agreed to boost the lending power of the EU bail-out fund on Friday, but Germany vetoed proposals for a debt buy-back scheme or an activist policy of bond purchases.

The BIS, the central bank of central banks, said in its quarterly report that Germany had $569bn of exposure to the quartet, France $380bn, and the UK $431bn.

A chunk of British exposure is on behalf of Mid-East and Asian clients banking through London. Italy has just $81bn at risk and seems uniquely insulated from the crisis all around it.

The geography of risk varies greatly. British-based banks and subsidiaries have $225bn at stake in Ireland, and $152bn in Spain, but little in Portugal or Greece. France is up to its neck in Greece with $92bn; a Benelux-led group has $180bn in Spain, and Spain itself has exposure of $109bn to Portugal.

The complex web of lending shows how hard it is to contain the problem to one country at time.

American lenders capitulated in the third quarter, slashing exposure to the four countries by 8.7pc. It is likely that US players took advantage of bond purchases by the European Central Bank to sell bonds and cut their losses.

See; see also (“PIGS (economics)”)

If anything, the $2.5 trillion estimate will prove to be low, because the problems have been underestimated and will be much worse. The total exposure of foreign banks will be even more staggering, and other economies will teeter on the brink—if not go under. The ripple effects both in Europe and globally will be enormous.

See, e.g., (“Greece’s Budget Deficit Higher Than Expected”)


17 03 2011
Timothy D. Naegele

The Web Is Free!

TIME magazine has a very useful short article at its blog about television by its TV critic James Poniewozik—entitled, “NY Times Ending Free Digital Lunch (Mostly). Will You Pay?”—which is worth reading.


The Internet as a news source has burgeoned because it has been free. This underlies the culture of the Web; and those who defy its basic tenet may rue the day that they did.

Obviously the world has been shocked by unfolding events in Japan, after its massive earthquake, tsunami, nuclear meltdown and the tragic human suffering. The latest, most up-to-date news is found on the Web, not on America’s TV screens any more. Even the once-vaulted CNN is “recycling” its news, which means that we must go to the Web to learn about the latest developments. Not only are print newspapers becoming “dinosaurs,” but TV news is too.

See, e.g., (“Bleak outlook for US newspapers”)

When Rupert Murdoch was in the process of taking over the Wall Street Journal, he supported the doctrine that online news should be free. However, shortly afterward, he effectively imposed a “no fly zone” over his UK flagship newspaper’s Web site, the Times of London. My guess is the number of people who read that publication online today has plummeted.

Perhaps even more importantly, the ill will that the practice of blocking Internet users from access to the site’s articles, unless they pay, may greatly outweigh the revenues gained from its subscriptions. Indeed, my guess is that lots of Web users will boycott the Times for many years to come, both online and in print format, as a matter of principle.

This is an age when news sources are abundant all over the world. No one “needs” the Times or the New York Times anymore. I have been online for approximately 20 years; and I began posting useful links at my law firm’s Web site many years ago. Today, the list is so long, and our “News Of The World” section contains so many links to “free” news, that it is impossible to access more than a few of them each day because of time constraints.


Every person has sites that are his or her favorites, so my list will not be yours. The bottom line, however, is that none of us “needs” the Times or the New York Times, and both may suffer greatly from their policies. Their Internet traffic may decline dramatically—if this has not happened already in the case of the Times—and a “silent” boycott of such sites may ultimately prove fatal to once-proud publications, and they may become more and more irrelevant.

Newspapers are dinosaurs now anyway, or at the very least “endangered species,” and such practices may seal their fate forever. Indeed, if the Times of London were to become totally free online again, it might take a long time before it would attract readers; and it might never regain what it once had.

Poniewozik is correct: “[T]his could be a disincentive for blogs to link to the [New York] Times.” Lots of us will be very reluctant to link to any of that newspaper’s articles out of a concern that we may end up with “dead links,” which would aggravate the readers of our blogs.

Lastly, lots of Web users—probably a majority—will never pay for any type of subscriptions offered by either the New York Times or the Times of London as a matter of principle. Again, and perhaps most importantly, such practices fly against the “sacred” culture of the Web: it is free!


17 03 2011
Timothy D. Naegele

Debtors’ Prisons

The Wall Street Journal’s article entitled, “Welcome to Debtors’ Prison, 2011 Edition,” is worth reading. It states in pertinent part:

Some lawmakers, judges and regulators are trying to rein in the U.S. debt-collection industry’s use of arrest warrants to recoup money owed by borrowers who are behind on credit-card payments, auto loans and other bills.

More than a third of all U.S. states allow borrowers who can’t or won’t pay to be jailed. Judges have signed off on more than 5,000 such warrants since the start of 2010 in nine counties with a total population of 13.6 million people, according to a tally by The Wall Street Journal of filings in those counties. Nationwide figures aren’t known because many courts don’t keep track of warrants by alleged offense. In interviews, 20 judges across the nation said the number of borrowers threatened with arrest in their courtrooms has surged since the financial crisis began.

See; see also (“As economy flails, debtors’ prisons thrive“)

As the American and other global economies decline during the balance of this decade, such draconian measures may be used more and more to collect debts and harass debtors.

See, e.g.,'_prison

In the United States, it is unconstitutional to incarcerate someone solely for failing to pay a debt. For example, it violates (1) the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment, (2) the Cruel and Unusual Punishment Clause of the Eighth Amendment (as applied to the States through the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment), and (3) the Eighth Amendment contains the Excessive Fines and Excessive Bail Clauses.

See (Section 1: “No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws”) and (Amendment VIII: “Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted”)

In Florida, for example, the St. Petersburg Times stated in an editorial entitled, “Debtors’ prison—again”:

In a little-noticed trend blamed on the state’s hard economic times, several courts in Florida have resurrected the de facto debtor’s prison—having thousands of Floridians jailed for failing to pay assessed court fees and fines. The shortsighted plan threatens to run afoul of the U.S. Constitution. It appears to generate little additional revenue relative to the misery it causes, and it should be stopped.

. . .

Author Charles Dickens familiarized his readers with England’s system of squalid debtors’ prisons. Dickens’ father was imprisoned in Marshalsea for debts and Dickens set Little Dorrit there. But that country saw the light in the mid 19th century and outlawed jail for debtors.

In the United States, it is unconstitutional to incarcerate someone solely for failing to pay a debt. Florida officials get around this by claiming the defendants are going to jail not for their debts but for violating a court order. That is what you would call a self-serving technicality. The truth is that Florida has enthusiastically resurrected debtors’ prison. How Dickensian is that?

See, e.g.,; see also (“Poverty In America”)


24 03 2011
Timothy D. Naegele

Euro’s Collapse Is Not ‘Unthinkable’: Warren Buffett

In an article with this title, it is reported:

Warren Buffett told CNBC Thursday that the collapse of the euro zone’s single currency is far from “unthinkable.”

See; see also (“House prices are falling faster in Britain than Spain”)


30 03 2011
Timothy D. Naegele

America’s Next Ticking Financial Time Bomb: The Pension Benefit Guaranty Corp?

In an article by Greg Stiles entitled, “Harry & David asks to drop $27.4 million pension plan,” which appeared in Southern Oregon’s Mail Tribune, it is reported:

Harry & David Holdings plans to jettison its $27.4 million pension plan, pending approval by a Delaware bankruptcy court.

While that news likely sent a shudder through the ranks of the approximately 3,000 active, retired or former workers vested in the pension plan, they have little cause for worry, a spokesman for the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corp. in Washington, D.C., said Tuesday.

The federal agency, whose mission is to make good on private pension payments when the sponsoring companies become insolvent, doesn’t speak to specific cases, but its track record is reassuring.

Since the agency was formed in 1974, PBGC has paid 85 percent of pensioners. Private sector companies pay premiums to PBGC much the same as banks pay the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp.

. . .

When a company files for bankruptcy and convinces a bankruptcy judge it can’t successfully reorganize without shedding a pension plan, that’s when PBGC steps in, said Gary Pastorius, an agency spokesman.

“If the company doesn’t have enough money to pay everybody off,” he said, “we become trustee of the pension plan and we pay the benefits. With no cost to the taxpayers.”

Companies pay a $35 per employee premium annually. If the pension is underfunded, it pays $9 for every $1,000 it is underfunded. Some reports have suggested that PBGC does not have sufficient assets to cover employees facing the loss of their pensions, but Pastorius said the agency is on solid footing.

“On an actuarial basis we’re underfunded, but our cash flow is very sufficient to pay benefits,” Pastorius said.

Pension payout limits are based on retirement age. For those who retire at age 65, the ceiling is $54,000 annually. For those who retire at 55, the maximum would be $24,300, while those who retire at 75 would be eligible to collect up to $164,000 annually.

See; see also

Granted, as the article points out: “Defined benefit plans have declined throughout corporate America during the past decade, giving way to more speculative 401(k) plans.” However, as the U.S. economy sours during the balance of this decade, query whether American taxpayers will not on the hook for essentially unlimited financial payouts?

Won’t the PBGC’s cash flow be inadequate to meet such payouts, giving rise to underfunded payouts like those pertaining to Social Security and Medicare? How can it possibly be said that such payouts will occur at no cost to the taxpayers? What are the potential dimensions of this economic “iceberg”?


1 04 2011
Timothy D. Naegele

Foreign Banks Borrowed At Least 70 Percent Of The $110.7 Billion Borrowed From The Fed’s Discount Window!

This disclosure of the Fed’s lending during a week in October 2008 should prompt congressional reexaminations of the risks to U.S. taxpayers stemming from the Fed’s role in stabilizing global financial markets during economic crises.

In an important article entitled, “Foreign Banks Tapped Fed’s Lifeline Most as Bernanke Kept Borrowers Secret,” Bloomberg has reported:

U.S. Federal Reserve Chairman Ben S. Bernanke’s two-year fight to shield crisis-squeezed banks from the stigma of revealing their public loans protected a lender to local governments in Belgium, a Japanese fishing-cooperative financier and a company part-owned by the Central Bank of Libya.

. . .

The biggest borrowers from the 97-year-old discount window as the program reached its crisis-era peak were foreign banks, accounting for at least 70 percent of the $110.7 billion borrowed during the week in October 2008 when use of the program surged to a record. The disclosures may stoke a reexamination of the risks posed to U.S. taxpayers by the central bank’s role in global financial markets.

. . .

The discount window, which began lending in 1914, is the Fed’s primary program for providing cash to banks to help them avert a liquidity squeeze. In an April 2009 speech, Bernanke said that revealing the names of discount-window borrowers “might lead market participants to infer weakness.”

. . .

“The American people are going to be outraged when they understand what has been going on,” U.S. Representative Ron Paul, a Texas Republican who is chairman of the House subcommittee that oversees the Fed, said in a Bloomberg Television interview.

“What in the world are we doing thinking we can pass out tens of billions of dollars to banks that are overseas?” said Paul, who has advocated abolishing the Fed. “We have problems here at home with people not being able to pay their mortgages, and they’re losing their homes.”

David Skidmore, a Fed spokesman, declined to comment. Fed officials have said all the discount window loans made during the worst financial crisis since the 1930s have been repaid with interest.

See; see also (“Foreign Banks Borrowed At Least 70 Percent Of The $110.7 Billion Borrowed From The Fed’s Discount Window!”) and (“Low Rates Fail To Rescue Indebted Britain, The Eurozone Is In Need Of An Undertaker, The Euro Has One-In-Five Chances Of Survival, Market Alarm As US Fails To Control Biggest Debt In History, And China’s Property Bubble Has Grown So Huge That 85 Percent of Chinese Living In Cities Cannot Afford A Home”)


5 04 2011
Timothy D. Naegele

While Most Of America Is Hurting Economically, The Super-Rich Are Richer Than Ever

This is the conclusion of University of California, Berkeley professor Robert Reich who is quoted by the AP as follows:

“It’s very hard to spend $20 million a year, even $10 million,” said Reich, former Secretary of Labor during the Clinton administration. “The super-rich are always on the lookout for new thrills and new expensive thrills.”

High-end retailers such as Tiffany & Co. and Neiman Marcus continue to do well despite the economy, he said. And even as NASA experiences budget cuts, the extraordinary wealthy are willing to pay small fortunes to go into space or into the depths of the ocean, said the public policy professor.

“People who are selling to the super-rich basically can’t lose,” he said. “Richard Branson can dig a hole to the center of the earth and charge a million dollars a day to go through it and he’d find people to take him up on the offer.”



6 04 2011
Timothy D. Naegele

World’s Central Banks Pursue Divergent Strategies

In a fascinating and important article, the Wall Street Journal has discussed the divergent approaches being undertaken by the United States’ Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (or the “Fed”), by the European Central Bank (or “ECB”) and by central banks elsewhere in the world. Also, an interactive graphic is provided that depicts those actions.

See (“Central Banks Grapple With Competing Forces”) and (“Interactive Graphics”)

As I have written previously:

Years from now, economic historians may look back at this era and conclude that the world’s central bankers were overwhelmed and Depression-era “safety nets” did not work; and global market forces ultimately determined the depth and duration of the economic meltdown, not the politicians in Washington or anywhere else.



14 04 2011
Timothy D. Naegele

Suicide Rates Climb As The Economy Declines

Bloomberg is reporting:

Suicide rates in the U.S. tend to rise during recessions and fall amid economic booms, according to study from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Suicides reached a record high of 22 people per 100,000 in 1932 during the Great Depression, CDC officials said in a report published online today in the American Journal of Public Health. That was double the rates seen in 2000, when 10 people per 100,000 took their lives as the economy prospered, the study found.

The study is the first to link business cycles and suicide rates among specific age groups, according to the Atlanta-based CDC. People in their “prime working ages” of 25 to 64 years old are the most likely to commit suicide during recessions, the study found.

“Economic problems can impact how people feel about themselves and their futures as well as their relationships with family and friends,” Feijun Luo, an economist in CDC’s Division of Violence Prevention and the study’s lead author, said today in a statement. “Prevention strategies can focus on individuals, families, neighborhoods or entire communities to reduce risk factors.”

The researchers examined economic data and suicide rates for the 80 years ending in 2007. They didn’t evaluate suicide rates during the recession that ended in June 2009.


First, as indicated in the article and comments above, we are in the midst of the “Great Depression II”—not a mere recession—which will not end until late in this decade, at the earliest. Yes, there will be “green shoots,” or signs that things are improving, which will give false hopes. However, the same thing was true during the Great Depression of the last century, which did not end until the onset of World War II.

Second, the results of the study are not surprising; and these statistics—and the individual human tragedies that they represent—will become even more pronounced in the United States and globally during the rest of this decade.

Third, it is unfortunate that the study does not take into account data after 2007, but at least it is a start.

Fourth, as I have written:

America and other nations are in uncharted waters; and their politicians may face backlashes from disillusioned and angry constituents that are unprecedented in modern times. Also, the limits of godless secularism and paying homage to the false gods of materialism may become self-evident.


The balance of this decade will be “ugly”—there is no other way to describe it. The political backlashes were evident already in last November’s American elections.

Lastly, there may be a newfound turning to God, on the part of many people globally, which will be healthy.

See, e.g.,


16 04 2011
Timothy D. Naegele

Government Does Not Work, And Must Be Abolished Whenever And Wherever Possible

As if government incompetence could not get any worse, it has. In an article entitled, “Oops! US post service prints THREE BILLION stamps using the wrong Statue of Liberty,” the UK’s Daily Mail has reported:

You’d think it would be pretty straightforward to choose a photo of one of the world’s most famous landmarks.

But against all the odds, the United States Postal Service managed to print the wrong Statue of Liberty on three billion stamps, accidentally picking a replica outside a Las Vegas casino instead of the true Lady in New York Harbour.

. . .

To visitors, differences seem obvious. The 14-year-old replica outside the New York-New York Casino in Vegas is only half the height of the original, and of course it’s several thousand miles away in Nevada.

But on a stamp-sized photo, it took a true expert to notice the difference. The hair is different, there’s a a rectangular patch on the replica’s center spike and the Vegas version has more sharply defined eyes.

The mistake was made even worse by an informational leaflet released this month with a sheet of 18 Lady Liberty and flag stamps. It includes a short history of the Statue of Liberty—but makes no mention of the replica.

Officials have now said they will change the brochure to explain the photo features a replica rather than the real 125-year-old statue.



20 04 2011
Timothy D. Naegele

The Two-Speed Global Economy

The Wall Street Journal has a fascinating article about this subject, which is worth reading. It states in pertinent part:

Housing prices are rising rapidly in Australia, Canada, China, Hong Kong, Israel, Singapore, South Africa and Sweden.

Housing prices are flat—or falling—in Britain, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy and the U.S.

Welcome to the two-speed global economy.

When most observers talk about a “two-speed economy,” they are contrasting slow-growing mature or advanced economies (the U.S., Europe, Japan, etc.) with fast-growing developed or emerging-market economies (China, India, Brazil, etc.). Philip Suttle of the Institute of International Finance, a bankers’ association, calls it “a two-and-six world.” In mature economies, growth and inflation are at around 2%; in emerging markets both are around 6%. Whenever anything nudges them off that course, he says, something else nudges them back.

But there’s another way to divide the world: Some economies had a big banking crisis. Some didn’t. And the ones that didn’t are the ones where housing prices are shooting up. Slow growth in mature economies is leading them to keep interest rates low and credit conditions easy. Because they (so far) dominate world financial markets, that means global credit is easy, too easy for emerging markets where inflation—in wages, prices and asset prices—is the worry.

“In countries where the financial system was not seriously damaged during the global crisis, housing prices have risen rapidly,” says Stanley Fischer, governor of the Bank of Israel. “That’s because when interest rates were cut sharply to deal with the crisis, mortgage interest rates also fell rapidly, and people responded by borrowing to buy houses—thereby driving up the price of houses.”

Low rates in the U.S. and other economies hit hard by the financial crisis aren’t having the same effect. Their banks aren’t yet eager or able to lend readily.

. . .

But elsewhere—particularly in countries flooded with money fleeing super-low interest rates in the U.S., Europe and Japan—banks are lending, people are buying and home prices are climbing. This isn’t only an emerging-market phenomenon. In Canada, for instance, commercial banks were hardly shaken by the crisis but the Bank of Canada has been holding its key rate at just 1% to foster economic growth. The consequence: Housing prices in February were up nearly 9% from year-earlier levels, the Canadian Real Estate Association says. The worry in Canada and elsewhere is that what goes up might come down, and history amply illustrates the economic harm done when housing prices plunge.

. . .

Some big countries had a housing bubble that burst, provoking the biggest financial crisis in half a century. To avoid a depression, they flooded the world with credit. And that credit threatens to create new housing bubbles in other countries. No one ever said globalization was easy.

See; see also (“While Most Of America Is Hurting Economically, The Super-Rich Are Richer Than Ever”) and (“Suicide Rates Climb As The Economy Declines”)

Clearly, as my article above and the comments beneath it state, the worst is yet to come, both in the United States and globally. Politicians and economists will be overwhelmed during the balance of this decade, and their ranks will be decimated.

See also and and


26 04 2011
Timothy D. Naegele

The Times Ahead Do Not Look Pretty

This is the assessment of George C. Karlweis—”the former giant gnome of Geneva,” and “the brain behind Banque Privee, owned by the late Edmond de Rothschild”—which is set forth in an excellent article by UPI’s Editor at Large Arnaud de Borchgrave that is worth reading. It states in pertinent part:

The financial crises that have been blowing up for years are speeding up, Karlweis says, due to expenditure exceeding income, “borrowing hand over fist, even for no good reason, on ever shakier fundamentals.”

“Everyone is realizing we have gone too far. . . . The coffers are depleted . . . the excessive spending of the past has created a huge overhang, and no one knows how new borrowing can be financed.”

People who live on their savings, adds Karlweis, “have been fleeced. Their investments yield nothing, chances are they have lost everything.”

“Times ahead do not look pretty,” he warns.

. . .

“No one wants to predict the reactions of voters who constantly clamor for more bread and games to forget the looming disappointments that could give rise to black swans,” adds the former giant gnome of Geneva.

Bear Stearns got a Triple A rating shortly before it went under, ditto Fannie Mae. Lehman Brothers made A2 before the shipwreck. The subprime mortgage scandal had gone global in the fall of 2008 as the new chairman of the Fed said “the worst is now behind us.” Today, America’s credit cards are all maxed out.

“Governments, public corporations, financial institutions, consumers—everyone is over their head in debt,” says Karlweis. And “a huge part of the blame for the debacle of the past three years lies squarely with the U.S. By more or less shoving free trade down everyone’s throat, America paved the way for globalization. This is what has destroyed jobs and driven down wages in the developed countries, hobbling economic growth and gouging tax revenues.”

Karlweis argues “it was a ridiculously low federal funds rate, reduced to 1 percent in the early 2000s, by former Fed Chairman Alan Greenspan, that opened the floodgates for subprime mortgages and the worst financial disaster ever, in 2007-08.

In 2007, the face value of securities backed by subprime mortgages was estimated at about $1 trillion. Karlweis says the total collateralized debt obligation and mortgages obligations issued “exceeded $7 trillion and the repercussions were devastating.”

“Like a disease overrunning a body’s already weakened defenses, subprime infected the entire global banking system. There were also many victims among small and medium-sized investors, even outside the United States,” Karlweis says he knows fact certain.

“Creative types even invented synthetic versions of subprime, with no underlying portfolio of mortgages, that guaranteed the same yields as the original junk,” Karlweis’s post-mortem says. “These were earmarked for money managers who wanted to position themselves against subprime debt, namely by selling short to investors who were still lapping it up as a good bet” and this then generated a double commission for the investment bankers.

. . .

The bailout of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac (also triple A before disaster hit) had what Karlweis calls “awesome consequences for America in particular.” The national debt leapt by about 50 percent to more than $14 trillion (excluding the debts of other “government-sponsored enterprises”). Next to America’s net worth, estimated at $70 trillion, “that was an unsettling level,” he argues.

Karlweis laments that “after a career in finance I look aghast on what has happened since the turn of the 21st century. The conclusion I have come to is that the present financial crisis was caused by, and is one of the most blatant manifestations of, widespread moral decline in our society.”

The gnome turned sage says that “devoid of all common sense and consumed by greed, the big all-service banks led by Wall Street contrived a financial system that was nothing but a house of cards while adopting lending criteria based on equally flimsy mathematical hypotheses. Not that they cared; they unloaded their junk from their balance sheets onto duller players who snapped it up as a cash-flow booster, only to see it all go up in smoke later on.”

At a minimum, Karlweis concludes, “we will need a full reinstatement of the Glass-Steagall Act (repealed in 1999), which made it impossible for a single legal entity to conduct or control all types of financial business.” This means institutions that receive deposits from the public must be clearly prohibited from speculating on their own behalf with the money of their depositors.

See (“Big Gnome: Financial situation can’t last”)

This article echoes what I have said for a long time now:

Former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan is the architect of the enormous economic “bubble” that has burst globally. No longer is he revered as a “potentate.” His reputation is in tatters. Giulio Tremonti, Italy’s Minister of Economy and Finance, has said: “Greenspan was considered a master. Now we must ask ourselves whether he is not, after [Osama] bin Laden, the man who hurt America the most.”

See; see also (“America and other nations are in uncharted waters; and their politicians may face backlashes from disillusioned and angry constituents that are unprecedented in modern times”) and (“I believe [the repeal of Glass-Steagall] was a mistake, just like I believe the entire notion of “deregulation” was a mistake, which Greenspan championed. The chickens have come home to roost already, with much more to come”)

I added:

[I]n 1999, Congress repealed the Glass–Steagall Act, which had controlled financial speculation since its enactment in 1933. Under Glass–Steagall, there had been a separation between commercial banking and “investment banking”—or gambling by Wall Street. Coupled with Greenspan’s mistakes and financial deregulation, which had been championed by him, a laissez faire attitude in Washington resulted in the massive problems of today.

. . .

With the repeal of Glass–Steagall and financial deregulation, a blurring of the lines between commercial banking and investment banking took place; and now the chickens are coming home to roost.

See (emphasis in original; footnote omitted)

I believe former Fed Chairman Paul Volcker would not have created the problems that Greenspan did; and that he would prefer to see “a full reinstatement” of Glass-Steagall. However, this may be impossible today. Humpty Dumpty fell off the wall, and as the children’s nursery rhyme says: “All the king’s horses and all the king’s men [c]ouldn’t put Humpty together again.” The same may be true of Glass-Steagall. Moreover, I believe the “Great Depression II” will be with us for at least the balance of this decade.

See also


14 05 2011
Timothy D. Naegele

Sun Setting On British Power [UPDATED]

This is the title of an important Wall Street Journal article, which is consistent with everything that I have written above. The UK’s prime minister, David Cameron, is in the process of tragically “gutting” his country’s military power and relegating it to the position of some Third World banana republic.

In particular, the article states:

From Nelson atop his column to Wellington gracing his arch, [London] is filled with monuments to the martial glories of an island whose forces once dominated continents and ruled the waves.

Today, though, the relatively modest British intervention in Libya is fueling fresh anxiety [in London] and in Washington about the nation’s shrinking military muscle as the U.K. cuts defense spending in response to a record deficit.

When Michael Graydon, a former head of the Royal Air Force, commanded no-fly zones over Iraq in 1991, he had more than 20 British attack squadrons to rely on, he says. For the no-fly zone over Libya, he says, the RAF has around six.

The frigate used to evacuate British citizens from Libya, HMS Cumberland, is to be decommissioned in June, along with some of the Tornado fighter planes spearheading the North American Treaty Organization attacks. Two reconnaissance planes were saved from retirement to join in the mission.

The U.K. is in the midst of the most aggressive fiscal tightening since World War II—a process that U.S. defense officials are watching with concern. In October, following a strategic review, Prime Minister David Cameron announced plans to cut the military budget by 7.5% and the head count by 10% over five years, and to retire lots of equipment, leaving the armed forces with 40% fewer tanks and 35% less heavy artillery. The planned cuts will come on top of an 8% reduction in personnel during the 13-year tenure of the former Labour Party government.

At a hearing Wednesday before a Parliamentary defense committee, the heads of Britain’s army, navy and air force said the U.K. would no longer be a “full spectrum” military force—one capable of both low-intensity combat such as counterinsurgency and the kind of major operations required for state-on-state combat.

Air Chief Marshal Stephen Dalton, head of the air force, said simultaneous battles in Libya and Afghanistan have taxed the military. “There are times and there are phases on the operations where we have stretched the capabilities absolutely to the point where we find it very difficult to do anything else at that particular time,” he said.

The three service chiefs said that the U.K. will still be able to project power on the international stage. The government has said that the cutbacks won’t undermine the nation’s ability to support its allies in places like Afghanistan, although they will result in a smaller military that the nation will be “more selective” in using. The U.K. will still have the world’s fourth-largest military budget, Mr. Cameron has said.

The cutbacks come as broad geopolitical forces are reshaping the global military landscape. The U.S., which also is trying to curtail military spending, remains the world’s dominant military power. China is engaged in a military buildup that has alarmed many of its Asian neighbors. And other NATO members are grappling with budget constraints while keeping a wary eye on Russia and the Middle East.

The British cuts have sparked concern in the Pentagon about how much the U.K. will be able to contribute to future U.S.-led operations. In recent decades, the U.K. has been its most dependable military ally—valued, among other things, for its willingness to fight abroad (it has lost more than 360 troops in Afghanistan) and the capabilities of its vaunted special forces.

James Townsend, U.S. deputy assistant secretary of defense for European and NATO policy, says it is critical to the U.S. for Britain to remain capable of responding to a wide range of crises, and not to pare back its forces to focus narrowly on one or two missions.

“We were hoping they would maintain a full spectrum of capabilities,” he says. “Whatever the mission might be that would face us in the future, we wanted to make sure they had the capability of being there on the first day, as the U.K. always is.”

Thomas Docherty, a member of Parliament, says that in an April meeting at the Pentagon, U.S. defense officials told a group of U.K. lawmakers and military officers: “This is the bottom of the curve. You cannot cut any further,” if you want to remain a military power.

Mr. Townsend notes that almost every other NATO member is facing similar fiscal challenges, and that the U.S. remains confident that even after the cuts Britain will continue to be nimble enough to play an important global role.

But some former British commanders say the cuts already have gone too far. “If the cuts go on, there is a threat to our position as a leader of the second-tier of military powers,” says Charles Guthrie, head of Britain’s armed forces from 1997 to 2001. “We are at a tipping point.”

Some European officials worry that cuts to the region’s most powerful armed force further tilt the global military balance away from the continent. The Libya intervention underscored how reliant the region is on U.S. power.

Maj. Gen. Peter Gilchrist, Britain’s defense attache in Washington from 2005 to 2008, says the U.K. would have difficulty replicating its 46,000-troop contribution to the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq in 2003. The budget cuts, he says, mean that “we don’t have the same volume of equipment. The heavy artillery and armor has all been reduced.”

. . .

In Libya, the U.K. is the second largest contributor to NATO’s mission, after France. Some senior U.K. defense officials say they were reluctant to get involved, arguing that doing so would reduce the nation’s flexibility to respond to potentially more important crises. They say they worried about potential conflict in Bahrain and Oman, whose military facilities are used by the British, and in Iran, which they see as potentially more destabilizing.

. . .

Discussions about the U.K.’s diminishing military are especially painful for a nation where military prowess has been woven into the national identity. Once the world’s dominant power, the U.K. was eclipsed by the U.S. and Russia after World War II. But its status as a willing and capable combatant preserved its diplomatic clout.

. . .

The U.K.’s willingness to use military force strengthened its relationship with the U.S. and other European nations and gave it greater voice on politically charged issues such as NATO membership, says Douglas Hurd, Britain’s foreign secretary between 1989 and 1995.

In Iraq and Afghanistan, the U.S. viewed the U.K. as its most capable military ally, by far. Nevertheless, British forces ran into problems in both theaters.

In Iraq, critics said, the British rarely ventured off their base outside Basra. In Afghanistan, officials such as Afghan President Hamid Karzai and U.S. Gen. Dan McNeill bemoaned what they saw as the inability of U.K. forces to get a grip on the insurgency in Helmand province, according to U.S. diplomatic cables leaked on the WikiLeaks website.

British officers involved in both wars, as well as some politicians, say the U.K. army was hampered by poor planning, too few resources, a government that didn’t want to risk casualties and a mind-set rooted in fighting terrorists in Northern Ireland, where force was used sparingly.

A “malaise” had gripped the Ministry of Defence, says retired Col. Richard Kemp. When he was asked to lead British forces in Afghanistan in 2003, he says, he asked around for army doctrine on dealing with suicide bombers. “There was absolutely nothing. Nobody had any idea,” he says.

At first, the U.S. was frustrated with the U.K.’s lack of progress in Helmand, U.S. officials say. But a senior Pentagon official says that view shifted after the U.S. sent Marines into the province in 2009 and encountered strong resistance. The British had struggled there because they had been given too large an area to control with the number of troops they had available, U.S. defense officials say.

A Ministry of Defence spokesman said about Iraq and Afghanistan: “Where mistakes were made, lessons have and will be learned.”

The defense-budget cuts come amid a sweeping government austerity program that will see police numbers fall, welfare payments cut and government services pared back. Secretary of State for Defence Liam Fox has said that overspending by the Ministry of Defence and the deficit built up by the last government necessitated the military cuts, and that he “didn’t come into politics wishing to see a reduction in our defense budget.”

Completion of one of two aircraft carriers currently under construction will be delayed, and the other will be mothballed or sold. One of Britain’s two existing carriers is scheduled to be decommissioned, the other turned into a helicopter platform, which will leave the U.K. with no carrier-strike capability for almost 10 years.

Admiral Mark Stanhope, the head of the navy, said at the hearing Wednesday that he regretted the decision to retire Britain’s two carriers and said it will be a “major challenge” to regenerate that capability when new carriers are brought into service in around 10 years, given the loss of relevant skills.

The Pentagon’s Mr. Townsend said that the gap in Britain’s carrier capability would have to be managed, and the U.S. would help the U.K. “over the hump.”

Alan West, a former head of the Royal Navy and security adviser to former Prime Minister Gordon Brown, and other senior naval officials say the U.K. wouldn’t be able to mount the sort of naval operation that retook the Falkland Islands from Argentina in 1982. A Ministry of Defence spokeswoman said the Falklands Islands are “better protected than ever before.”

See (emphasis added); see also (“Navy chief: Britain cannot keep up its role in Libya air war due to cuts”) and (“Senior defence figures have warned that cuts to Britain’s military have endangered the nation’s security, its relationship with the United States and the future of Nato”) and (“It is arguable Great Britain will no longer have an Army—we will have a defence force. That is an absolutely disgraceful situation when faced by the uncertainty we are. The RAF is cut in half, the Royal Navy is emasculated; we do not have the capability in this country to do the things we have always done”)

Like Barack Obama, Cameron should be removed from office. Indeed, Obama has been undermining America’s national security capabilities, as well as those of the UK.

See, e.g., (“Barack Obama’s Sacking Of The Pentagon”) and (“WikiLeaks cables: US agrees to tell Russia Britain’s nuclear secrets”); see also (“UK households squeezed harder than US or Europe”) and (“Today, alas, Britannia rules no waves. World order is maintained by American power and American will”)

If anything, the UK’s economy will get far worse during the balance of this decade, which will result in the further diminishment of the UK’s once-proud and mighty military prowess.

Contrariwise, Harvard economics professor and former chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers under President Reagan, Martin Feldstein, argued in an excellent article entitled, “Defense Spending Would Be Great Stimulus,” that all three American military service branches are in need of upgrade and repair.



23 05 2011
Timothy D. Naegele

California Sinks . . . Farther . . . As U.S. Supreme Court Orders Release Of Approximately 46,000 Prison Inmates

The State of California—the eighth largest economy in the world—is bankrupt; its largest city, Los Angeles, is bankrupt too; vital public services are being curtailed if not eliminated entirely, including law enforcement; and now this . . . which may result in the dramatic increase of crime in the State.

In a sharply-worded dissent from the Court’s 5-4 decision, Justice Antonin Scalia called the ruling “staggering” and “absurd,” and warned that “terrible things are sure to happen.” This is an understatement.

See,0,2337401.story; see also (“[G]reater incarceration can explain about one-quarter or more of the crime decline”)

California is a microcosm of what is happening nationally and globally—and of what will happen even more during the balance of this decade.

See, e.g., (“Global Economic Rebound Weakens on Quake, Oil Price, European Debt Crisis”)


27 05 2011
Timothy D. Naegele

Is The Arab Spring Being Hijacked By Ultra-Conservative Islamists, Similar To What Happened In Iran?

This was predictable, and now it seems to be happening. For example, Reuters has reported the words of one Cairo lawyer who is a Christian: “We did not risk our lives to bring Mubarak down in order to have him replaced by [ultra-conservative Salafist Islamists].” Reuters adds:

Those who camped out in Tahrir Square side by side with Muslims to call for national renewal now fear their struggle is being hijacked by ultra-conservative Salafist Islamists with no one to stop them.

. . .

Sectarian tensions are not new to Egypt, where Christians make up around 10 percent of the population of 80 million. But the frequency and intensity of clashes have increased since Mubarak’s overthrow.

Many blame a broader weakening of law and order that began as the protests against Mubarak gathered pace and police deserted the streets.

. . .

Egypt’s military rulers have vowed to punish those behind sectarian clashes, banned demonstrations outside places of worship and promised to give Christians equal rights.

But Christians say no one has been tried yet for the burning of a church in Helwan, south of Cairo, in March or for violence in the Cairo suburb of Imbaba on May 7 that left 15 people dead. At least 13 died in clashes after the Helwan incident.

The army has said 190 people will face trial over the Imbaba clashes, which began when a group of Salafists demanded to look inside a church where they suspected a female convert to Islam was being held against her will.


Will the “Scent of Jasmine” that began in Tunisia morph into a “stench” that engulfs the region? Only time will tell.

What is clear though is that following the rigged election of 2009 in Iran, countless Iranians who spoke out, protested and advocated freedom were beaten, jailed, tortured and killed, while Barack Obama—America’s “Hamlet on the Potomac,” or “Jimmy Carter-lite”—stood by helplessly and did nothing to come to their aid.

See, e.g., (see also the article itself, as well as the footnotes and other comments beneath the article)


30 05 2011
Timothy D. Naegele

Let China Or Russia Defend The UK

The UK’s Economist has an article entitled, “Keeping government hands off their benefits,” which is barely worth reading. It begins by advocating “massive cuts in America’s defence budget,” which would leave the UK defenseless, because its Prime Minister David Cameron is decimating the UK’s defense capabilities already.

See, e.g., (“Sun Setting On British Power”)

We in America do not need to protect the UK anymore; let China or Russia do it, although—come to think of it—Putin’s Russia is effectively a Third World country militarily, and a mere shadow of what the Soviet Union once was.

See, e.g., (“Russia’s Putin Is A Killer”) (see also the footnotes and comments beneath the article)

With respect to “NATO’s confused intervention in Libya,” which the Economist asserts, few Americans really care what happens in Libya, in large part because there is reason to believe that the Arab Spring will be hijacked by ultra-conservative Islamists, similar to what happened in Iran. The “Scent of Jasmine” that began in Tunisia may morph into a “stench” that engulfs the region; and the UK’s involvement in that campaign may prove to be a waste of financial and human resources.

See, e.g.,

Also, there will be no cuts to Medicare and Social Security, which the Economist advocates. They are effectively the “third rail” of American politics—too hot to touch. Those who try will be rejected by the voters. If Obama had not wasted taxpayers’ monies on his so-called “Stimulus Package” and other programs, increasing our budget deficit dramatically, no one would be focused on cutting our defense budget, and Medicare and Social Security would be dealt with many years from now, if at all.


1 06 2011
Timothy D. Naegele

We’re On The Verge Of A Great, Great Depression, And The Federal Reserve Knows It

These are the words of Peter Yastrow, market strategist for Yastrow Origer, which were reported by CNBC. Yastrow added:

“We have many, many homeowners that are totally underwater here and cannot get out from under. The technology frontier is limited right now. We definitely have an innovation slowdown and the economy’s gonna suffer.”

See; see also (“[T]he first quarter drop in house prices means they have fallen by more than during the Great Depression”)


3 06 2011
Timothy D. Naegele

Gloom And Doom, As More Americans Think Economy Will Never Recover

This is the conclusion of CNBC, in an article that states:

Americans are growing increasingly doubtful about direction of the US economy, according to the latest survey from business-advisory firm AlixPartners.

In fact, an increasing number, some 61 percent, say they don’t expect to return to their respective pre-recession lifestyles until the spring of 2014, if ever.

. . .

What’s worse, a full 10 percent said they expect they will never return to pre-recession spending.

. . .

“It’s a vicious cycle,” [Fred Crawford, CEO of AlixPartners] said. “Americans need to see a significant decrease in unemployment to feel confident in the economic recovery, but companies are waiting to see increased demand for their products and services before they begin hiring and making job-creating capital expenditures.”

In the latest survey, some 63 percent of Americans said they feel “not good” or “bad” about the state of the US economy, representing a significant increase from May 2010 when only about 49 percent of those polled felt this gloomy.

The survey also found that Americans overwhelmingly expect to delay by at least 12 months major purchases and expenditures such as spending on new cars, home repairs and vacations.

. . .

[C]onsumers are hunkering down amid the uncertainty.

The view was expressed Thursday by Target CEO Gregg Steinhafel, who said that traffic at Target stores slowed in the second half of the month.

“Our guests continue to shop cautiously in light of higher energy costs and inflationary pressures on their household budgets,” Steinhafel said, in the company’s monthly sales press release.

AlixPartners is by no means the first organization to recognize this growing pessimism.

Goldman Sachs economist Jan Hatzius said the number of consumers who believe they have a chance to bring home more money one year from now is at its lowest level in 25 years, based on his analysis of the University of Michigan and Thomson Reuters consumer sentiment poll.

See (emphasis added)

What is becoming crystal clear is that the United States is not in a recession, but in the “Great Depression II,” which economic historians will describe as such—or by using similar terms—20-40 years from now. Yes, there will be “green shoots” from time to time, or signs that things are improving, but this was true during the Great Depression of the last century too, which did not end until the onset of World War II, at the earliest.


4 06 2011

Unfortunately, I am in agreement with you. Living in one of the states hardest hit by the severe economic situation does make me wonder if we will ever recover. The jobs are simply “not here”, so many have left my state, never to return, but I also wonder if they are finding employment elsewhere.

Speaking of cutting back, that is what I have done, knowing full well others have to. As an example, I used to eat out at least once a week, perhaps more when it was the week of my pay check. Now, once a month is a great treat!!! That being said, I am OK with spending less in restaurants,,,,,,,,,,,but also know that is not good for the restaurant industry.

I am not yet at the point of calling our current state of the nation to be in a Depression, but if I were to lose my job, I know I would be in a personal Depression. It is often said that attitude can make or break many accomplishments in life. Thank goodness I remain positive in this uncertain world. Living on less can be kind of fun.


5 06 2011
Timothy D. Naegele

Homeowners Turn The Tables By Foreclosing On The Bank Of America

This is the title of an article in the UK’s Daily Mail about a south Florida couple who got sweet revenge when they foreclosed on the Bank of America, instead of the other way around. As the article stated:

The unusual turn of events started in Collier County months ago, when the mega-bank notified Maurenn Nyergers and her husband that their comfortable, relatively new home had gone into foreclosure.

Trouble is, the Nyergers say they never owed the bank a cent, swearing instead that they had paid cash for their dwelling.

A Collier County judge agreed with the couple, and ordered Bank of America to pay their legal expenses.

But then, the Nyergers say they waited more than five months for a check.

The family’s lawyer, Todd Allen, told CBS: ‘They’ve ignored our calls, ignored our letters, legally this is the next step to get my clients compensated’.

So Mr Allen moved to seize the bank branch’s assets.

He instructed sheriff’s deputies and movers to remove desks, computers, copiers, filing cabinets and ‘any cash in the teller’s drawers’.

Bank employees were locked out for about an hour.

Mr Allen said the branch manager appeared ‘visibly shaken’ and bewildered.

He then handed the lawyer a check for the legal fees owed.


Sweet revenge, indeed. Hopefully this happens again and again, across the U.S. and in other countries; and banks and other lenders are taught a lesson.


5 06 2011

I saw this story yesterday, and had the same reaction–what a great example of true justice at work. Hopefully the story goes viral and becomes a source of inspiration to those that think they can’t fight back.

Of course, it appears that it does help to have the resources to do it.


7 06 2011
Timothy D. Naegele

Nearly 40 Percent Who Borrowed Against Their Homes Are Underwater

In a very sobering article entitled, “Second-Mortgage Misery,” the Wall Street Journal notes:

Almost 40% of homeowners who took out second mortgages—extracting cash from their residences to cover everything from vacations to medical bills—are underwater on their loans, more than twice the rate of owners who didn’t take out such loans.

The finding . . . illustrates the consequences of easy borrowing amid the housing boom’s inflated prices. The report says 38% of borrowers who took cash out of their residences using home-equity loans are underwater, or owe more than their home is worth. By contrast, 18% of borrowers who don’t have these loans were underwater.

. . .

What is clear is that home-equity loans, which account for about 10% of the U.S. mortgage market, have been a headache for homeowners and lenders alike. Second mortgages refer to any loan taken out on a property that is subordinate to the first mortgage, and include home-equity loans or lines of credit.

. . .

The . . . report doesn’t include cash-out refinancing, a common practice during the boom, where borrowers opted to extract cash while refinancing their first mortgage.

According to Federal Reserve Board data, homeowners took out a total of $2.69 trillion from their homes at the height of the housing boom between 2004 and 2006. That tally includes cash-out refinancings.

. . .

The risks extend beyond the borrowers to banks. While the majority of first mortgages were bundled into pools and resold to investors as securities, second-lien mortgages are heavily concentrated on bank balance sheets.

. . .

More than 40% of that debt is on the books of the nation’s four largest banks: Wells Fargo & Co., Bank of America Corp., J.P. Morgan Chase & Co., and Citigroup Inc. Requiring big writedowns on those loans could burn through banks’ capital.

Second mortgages have made it more difficult for troubled borrowers to negotiate loan modifications with lenders. Economists say borrowers with second mortgages on homes that are underwater are far more likely to walk away from their homes.

Homeowners seeking a “short sale,” in which they sell their property for less than the value of the outstanding mortgage, have a much harder time doing so when they have a second loan, because all the lenders involved must agree to take losses on the sale, and second-lien holders take the first losses in such a situation.

. . .

[One home-equity loan borrower said,] “I’m hoping they don’t come after me for the money I owe them. That would be, for me, the end of it all.”

Nevada, which has seen homes lose half their value on average in some markets, had the highest rate of negative equity, with 63% of its mortgaged properties underwater, followed by Arizona (50%), Florida (46%) and Michigan (36%). Two-thirds of homeowners with a mortgage in Las Vegas are underwater, while 56% of homeowners in Stockton, Calif., and 55% of Phoenix mortgage-borrowers have negative equity.

See (emphasis added); see also (“Suicide Rates Climb As The Economy Declines”)

This is an excellent article, which only captures the tip of an enormous iceberg.

More and more Americans will lose their homes, and the human suffering will be unfathomable, and it will last at least through the end of this decade. Second mortgages are merely one facet of the human tragedy that is unfolding.

The “bottom” of the housing market will not be reached for about five more years; and it will be brutal between now and then. Those who sit on the sidelines patiently, with cash, will be rewarded. There will be bargains galore; and today’s prices will fall at least another 50 percent.

Hold on tight, it will be very ugly—in the United States, Europe (e.g., Ireland, the UK), Asia and on a global scale.


7 06 2011

Wow, if prices drop another 50%, the bank is probably going to want their home equity loan back, and I haven’t even tapped it yet. Sometimes I wonder why I don’t follow the crowd, spend away, and worry about it later.

My dad’s family survived the last depression on a farm in North Dakota. They were frugal and self-sufficient, and did quite well. On the other hand, both my wife and I lost our corporate jobs during the downturn that started in 2000. Myself in 2004, and she, this year. As they say, it’s only a recession if your neighbor loses his job. It becomes a depression when you lose your own job.

Luckily, we didn’t overextend ourselves, so we can go a year before dipping into retirement assets. And long after, due to being savers during our working years.

But the amazing thing is…the family farm may save the day again. Seems they are about to drill for oil on our farm as it was located atop one of the richest pools of oil in North Dakota. Never been a religious man, but I’ve been giving a lot of thanks to my long-gone ancestors lately. I think they knew that land would take care of the family forever.


7 06 2011
Timothy D. Naegele

Thank you for your additional comments.

With respect to your first paragraph, it might be most prudent not to spend the money, as you know. Hold it in reserve for a “rainy day,” but act conservatively and avoid using it.

I agree with your second paragraph; however, during the balance of this decade, such job losses will sweep the United States and other countries, and the human suffering will be staggering.

With respect to your last paragraph, congratulations! I have a lawyer-friend who inherited two farms in South Dakota, but no oil yet. He has been benefiting from high crop prices though, and is very thankful.


9 06 2011
Timothy D. Naegele

CNN Poll: Obama Approval Rating Drops As Fears Of Depression Rise

This is the title of an important CNN article, which is worth reading. It states in pertinent part:

President Barack Obama’s overall approval rating has dropped below 50 percent as a growing number of Americans worry that the U.S. is likely to slip into another Great Depression within the next 12 months, according to a new national poll.

A CNN/Opinion Research Corporation poll released Wednesday also indicate[s] that the economy overall remains issue number one to voters, with other economic issues—unemployment, gas prices and the federal deficit—taking three of the remaining four spots in the top five.

. . .

Forty-eight percent say that another Great Depression is likely to occur in the next year—the highest that figure has ever reached. The survey also indicates that just under half live in a household where someone has lost a job or are worried that unemployment may hit them in the near future.

. . .

“The poll reminded respondents that during the Depression in the 1930s, roughly one in four workers were unemployed, banks failed, and millions of Americans were homeless or unable to feed their families,” says [CNN Polling Director Keating Holland]. “And even with that reminder, nearly half said that another depression was likely in the next 12 months. That’s not just economic pessimism—that’s economic fatalism.”

. . .

Not surprisingly, with that much economic angst, the economy is the number one issue, the only one that more than half of the public says will be extremely important to their vote for president next year. Nearly all issues that at least four in ten say will be extremely important to their vote are domestic issues. Terrorism also makes that list, but Afghanistan is fairly low and Libya is tied for dead last out of the 15 issues tested. Abortion and gay marriage also rank very low, indicating that 2012 may be an election that is shaped more by bread-and-butter issues than social and moral concerns.

See; see also (“1.9 Million Fewer Americans Have Jobs Today Than When Obama Signed Stimulus”) and (“Misery Index” Highest In 28 Years)

Since before this blog began in December of 2009, I have maintained that the United States and other countries worldwide are in the mist of the “Great Depression II.” If anything, the empirical data and other similar findings set forth at this blog support that conclusion. It has been stated again and again that 20-40 years from now, economic historians will describe the end of the last decade and the current decade as an economic depression, not a recession, drawing parallels between this period and the Great Depression of the last century that did not end until the outset of World War II—or perhaps at the end of it.

Also, I have maintained that “green shoots”—or signs that things are improving—may appear from time to time, similar to what happened during the Great Depression, and hopes may rise. However, in all likelihood, they will be short-lived and dashed as the green shoots turn into “dead weeds,” and the economic tsunami continues to roll worldwide, bringing enormous suffering to millions of people. With respect to the housing sector alone, I have predicted that the “bottom” will not be reached for at least another five years; and that those who sit on the sidelines and wait patiently, with cash, will find bargains galore and be rewarded handsomely.

See, e.g., (“Greenspan’s Fingerprints All Over Enduring Mess”) and (“Greenspan’s legacy: more suffering to come”—”Interview with Timothy D. Naegele”); see also (“Will The EU’s Collapse Push The World Deeper Into The Great Depression II?”) and (“Is Financial Reform Simply Washington’s Latest Boondoggle?”) and (“The Great Depression II?”)

More and more observers are agreeing with what has been stated at this blog; namely, the Great Depression II is here to stay, at least through the balance of this decade, and the human suffering is and will continue to be unfathomable. As I stated in an article entitled, “Euphoria or the Obama Depression?” that was published by the McClatchy Newspapers and McClatchy-Tribune News Service on April 8, 2009:

America and other nations are in uncharted waters; and their politicians may face backlashes from disillusioned and angry constituents that are unprecedented in modern times. Also, the limits of godless secularism and paying homage to the false gods of materialism may become self-evident.


I have contended that “Barack Obama Is A Lame-Duck President Who Will Not Be Reelected,” and this conclusion is becoming more and more evident to millions of Americans and others worldwide.

See (see also the footnotes and comments beneath the article); see also (“Why Barack Obama May Be Heading For Electoral Disaster In 2012”) and (“Obama Gets 30% of Americans Certain to Support Re-Election in Economy Poll”) and (“President Barack Obama is likely to be defeated in 2012”)

. . .

In a CNBC article entitled, “US Is Nearing Even Worse Financial Crisis: Jim Rogers,” financial “guru” and international investor Jim Rogers’ sobering assessments are cited:

The U.S. is approaching a financial crisis worse than 2008, Jim Rogers, chief executive, Rogers Holdings, warned CNBC Wednesday.

“The debts that are in this country are skyrocketing,” he said. “In the last three years the government has spent staggering amounts of money and the Federal Reserve is taking on staggering amounts of debt.

“When the problems arise next time…what are they going to do? They can’t quadruple the debt again. They cannot print that much more money. It’s gonna be worse the next time around.”

. . .

He called Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke a “disaster” who has “never been right about anything” since he’s been in Washington. “I hope he doesn’t come back with QE3 but that’s all he knows. The only thing he knows is to print money.”

He predicted that after the Fed ends its quantitative easing program, known as QE2, this month, it may come back under another name.

“They’re gonna bring it back because [Bernanke will] be terrified and Washington will be terrified,” he said. “There’s an election coming in November 2012. Washington’s gonna print more money.”

See; see also (“JPMorgan Forecasts Another Drop in Home Prices”) and (“Many of us won’t be able to retire until our 80s”)

CNBC has reported:

It’s official: The housing crisis that began in 2006 and has recently entered a double dip is now worse than the Great Depression.

Prices have fallen some 33 percent since the market began its collapse, greater than the 31 percent fall that began in the late 1920s and culminated in the early 1930s, according to Case-Shiller data.

. . .

“The sharp fall in house prices in the first quarter provided further confirmation that this housing crash has been larger and faster than the one during the Great Depression,” Paul Dales, senior economist at Capital Economics in Toronto, wrote in research for clients.

. . .

Prices continue to tumble despite affordability, which by most conventional metrics is near historic highs.

The rate for a 30-year conventional mortgage is around 4.5 percent, just above the historic low of 4.2 percent in October 2010.

. . .

Yet other factors are constraining the market.

After the fallout from the subprime debacle, in which millions lost their homes when they defaulted on loans they could not afford, banks changed underwriting standards.

More than four in every five mortgages now require a down payment of 20 percent, and credit history standards have tightened. At the same time, foreclosures continue at a brisk pace, pushing more supply onto the market and pressuring prices downward.

Then there is the issue of underwater homeowners—those who owe more than their house is worth—representing another 23 percent of homeowners who cannot leave or are in danger of mortgage default.

Indeed, the foreclosure problem is unlikely to get any better with 4.5 million households either three payments late or in foreclosure proceedings. The historical average is 1 million, according to Dales’ research.

See (“US Housing Crisis Is Now Worse Than Great Depression”)

In another important Wall Street Journal article entitled, “The Great Property Bubble of China May Be Popping,” it has been reported:

After years of housing prices gone wild, China’s property bubble is starting to deflate.

Residential prices are heading downward in some major cities, damping some undesired real-estate speculation but raising the prospect that the Chinese economy may slow more rapidly than anticipated with profound consequences for global growth.

Real estate is a foundation of China’s phenomenal growth record in the past two decades, and its health is crucial to China’s construction, steel and cement sectors. Real estate is also a favored investment of Chinese looking to get better returns than bank deposits pay. Local municipalities and provinces depend on rising prices for land sales as well to fund infrastructure projects.

World Bank economists warned at a Beijing press briefing on Wednesday that a real-estate bubble was among the biggest economic risks China faces.

. . .

A downturn in property and apartment prices would harm Chinese industry and investment, and crimp consumer spending. China is a “housing-led economy,” says UBS economist Jonathan Anderson, who estimates that property construction alone accounted for 13% of gross domestic product in 2010, twice the share of the 1990s.

While China’s anticipated growth is still well above that of other large economies, any reduction could have deep consequences. The global economy is now even more dependent on China for demand for anything from commodities to luxury goods, given the tepid recovery in the U.S. and Europe’s continuing sovereign-debt problems.

If the Chinese housing market slows faster than people had expected, the impact would be felt in a number of markets that export heavily to China. Many Latin American and African economies have shifted their focus toward Chinese demand for their raw materials, and many Western firms, including U.S. retailers and fast-food chains, now bank on Chinese consumers feeling wealthier to make up for stagnating sales elsewhere. Also, plans by local Chinese governments to improve infrastructure loom large for heavy-equipment makers like Caterpillar Inc.

. . .

A number of analysts think official data, which have continued to show a slight rise in prices, understate the slowdown as the government can affect the numbers by pressing developers to withhold or add high-value properties to the market depending on what it wants the data to show.

. . .

Chinese officials, facing widespread anger from ordinary citizens who can no longer afford to buy a home, have sought to slow the rise in housing prices.

. . .

Since January 2010, the Chinese government has introduced a number of measures to stem speculation, including boosting down-payment requirements on mortgages for second homes to 60% from 40%, barring state-owned enterprises outside the real-estate sector from investing in property and lifting the amount of cash banks must hold in reserve 11 times—essentially reducing funds banks can lend.

. . .

In Shanghai, apartment sales tumbled 37% in April, to 11,000 units, compared with 17,500 units in January, according to the Shanghai Real Estate Trading Center. With business so slack, Midland Realty, a unit of Hong Kong-based Midland Holdings Ltd., closed eight of its nine offices in Shanghai. “The government’s policy on purchase restrictions had a huge impact on both selling and buying, leading to transactions drying up,” said Xu Feng, senior director of Midland’s development center in Shenzhen.

see; see also (“China Is America’s Enemy: Make No Mistake About That”) and (“China’s ghost towns: New satellite pictures show massive skyscraper cities which are STILL completely empty”) and (“Enter the dragon ‘to save the euro’”)

The economic tsunami that was unleashed several years ago continues to roll worldwide, producing tragic human suffering that will increase exponentially during the balance of this decade.

Hold on tight. The worst is yet to come. Things will get very ugly between now and the end of this decade, both in the United States and globally!


15 06 2011
Oliver Bommel

It’s not a very popular message, but indeed, all sign are red…
There is an insufficient consumer trust, due to anger for the economic future, feed by unemployment,by fall of housing prices and stocks. The public sector is absorbing more and more debts to try to boost the economy. Despite this, there a lack of real economic growth. The so called “growth figures” are bought by programs as QE2. At the end of this cyclus, hyperinflation will occur, without growth, this will lead to severe stagflation and a second worldwide depression.


16 06 2011
Timothy D. Naegele

Thank you, Oliver, for your comments.

Yes, many people agree with you. My guess is that some stagflation will occur, but deflation will prevail. Indeed, massive deflation of housing prices and values is occurring already, with much worse yet to come.

Because the net worths of so many Americans and other nationalities depend on their equity in housing, this alone will contribute greatly to the depression.

Government tax revenues will fall, consumer spending will fall dramatically, and the downward pressures will be enormous.


19 06 2011
Timothy D. Naegele

America Is Losing Its Grip

This is the grim warning of outgoing Secretary of Defense Robert Gates. His admonitions continue:

Aboard the Pentagon jet on his last foreign trip as secretary of defense, Robert Gates takes a moment to peer across the American horizon—and the view is dire: the U.S. is in danger of losing its supremacy on the global stage, he says.

“I’ve spent my entire adult life with the United States as a superpower, and one that had no compunction about spending what it took to sustain that position,” he tells NEWSWEEK, seated in a windowless conference room aboard the Boeing E-4B. “It didn’t have to look over its shoulder because our economy was so strong. This is a different time.”

. . .

“To tell you the truth, that’s one of the many reasons it’s time for me to retire, because frankly I can’t imagine being part of a nation, part of a government … that’s being forced to dramatically scale back our engagement with the rest of the world.”

Such a statement—rather astonishing for the leader of the world’s preeminent fighting force—may open the administration to charges of not believing in American exceptionalism. . . .

He is determined to define his own legacy as Pentagon boss, and eager to push back against one of the more vocal criticisms of his tenure: the belief among many liberals and some conservative budget hawks that in a time of deep indebtedness, he hasn’t been willing to chop enough of a defense budget bloated by a decade of war.
Don’t expect him to apologize. In Gates’s mind, it’s other political leaders with less experience who are confused.

“Congress is all over the place,” Gates says at one point. “And the Republicans are a perfect example. I mean, you’ve got the budget hawks and then you’ve got the defense hawks within the same party. And so I think there is no consensus on a role in the world.”

. . .

Bridging two administrations, Gates gets credit for stabilizing Iraq, though the key decisions that led to success—a surge of troops and the appointment of Gen. David Petraeus to oversee the strategy—predated his arrival.

Petraeus says Gates knew that his real contribution was to buy time in Washington for the strategy to succeed.


America’s “prince of darkness”—or its “Hamlet on the Potomac” and “Jimmy Carter-lite”—Barack Obama is doing everything in his power to destroy our military might, after having added dramatically to our nation’s budget deficit that is sapping our economic vitality and strength. He would have the United States become a UK militarily, or worse, which is why he is sending Leon Panetta to the Pentagon, to “gut” it.

See, e.g., (“Sun Setting On British Power”)

Ronald Reagan encountered Obama’s negativism when he came to the White House in the wake of Carter’s presidency; and he turned our ship of state around, and changed the course of history. Our enemy, the once-mighty Soviet Union, collapsed and is gone today; and America has reigned supreme ever since, as the world’s only superpower.

Accordingly, Obama must be sent packing either to Chicago or Hawaii no later than January of 2013, to write his memoirs and work full time on his presidential library. He a tragic Shakespearean figure who will be forgotten and consigned to the dustheap of history, like Lyndon Johnson and Jimmy Carter before him—unless he tragically alters the course of American history.


20 06 2011
Timothy D. Naegele

Debt Crisis May “Overwhelm” Euro Zone

This is the title of a Wall Street Journal article, which is consistent with what I have written above, albeit far too optimistic. It states in pertinent part:

The debt crisis in the euro zone’s periphery is threatening to shatter the region’s economic recovery and may cause a global financial disruption if not stopped, the International Monetary Fund warned Monday.

. . .

The IMF’s words are its strongest warning to date of the chaos that could ensue if the region’s governments don’t find common ground. They come after a damaging three-way stand-off between Greece, its partners in the euro zone, and the European Central Bank.

The euro zone’s finance ministers have agreed in principle to continue supporting Greece, but only under conditions that neither the Greek body politic nor the European Central Bank can accept.

. . .

Unless the impasse can be broken, Greece is likely to default when its current cash reserves, bolstered by an EU/IMF aid program, run out.

. . .

At the same time, the IMF said that countries that have received aid—such as Greece, Ireland and Portugal—must continue to show “a determined commitment” to their adjustment programs, which all require painful cuts in public spending.

. . .

[T]he IMF said . . . that euro-zone banks need to “fundamentally strengthen” their capital positions.

See; see also (“Boris Johnson: let Greece go bankrupt and leave the euro”)

As the banks’ balance sheets are battered even more (e.g., by reason of further declines in housing prices, and ensuing defaults), it will be difficult if not impossible to shore up their capital positions.


21 06 2011
Timothy D. Naegele

Confidence In Housing Values Plummets

This is the conclusion reached by the Rasmussen polling organization, which is summarized as follows:

Overall confidence in housing values among homeowners has plummeted, with the number who say their home is worth more than what they owe on their mortgage lower than ever.

The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey of Adult Homeowners shows that just 45% now say their home is worth more than what they currently owe on their mortgage. That’s down six points from May and is the lowest level measured in more than two years of regular tracking. Prior to the latest survey, this finding had ranged from a low of 49% to a high of 61% since late 2008.

Thirty-six percent (36%) report their home’s value is not worth more than the amount they owe on their mortgage, showing little change over the past several months. One in five (20%) now are not sure.

Homeowners are increasingly pessimistic when talking about the value of their homes in the short and long term. Thirty-seven percent (37%) now expect their home’s value to go down over the next year, up 10 points from last month and the highest negative finding to date. Just 16% believe their home’s value will be higher in a year’s time, showing little change from the past two months.

Forty-four percent (44%) expect their home values to stay about the same over the next year, also down 10 points from a month ago.

Twenty-six percent (26%) believe their home’s value will go down in five years’ time, up 10 points over the past month and well above findings over the past two years. Thirty-five percent (35%) expect home values to go up over the next five years, down from 43% last month and the lowest finding yet measured. Twenty-nine percent (29%) expect the value to stay about the same over the next five years.

See; see also (“Home sales fall to 2011 low; few 1st-time buyers”) and (“CNN Poll: Obama Approval Rating Drops As Fears Of Depression Rise”)

Homeowners are just catching up with what is happening to home prices in the marketplace, which will decline at least another 50 percent in the next five years or so. Homeowners will be wiped out, and lose their homes on an ever-increasing basis. In the interim, effectively they will be nothing more than renters, with the banks and other lenders actually owning their homes.

Homebuilders and realtors are fraudulently pushing homeownership, when in fact the opposite is true. More homebuilders and realtors will lose their jobs; and their respective industries will be decimated. Those Americans and others globally who sit patiently on the sidelines with cash will be handsomely rewarded when the “bottom” is reached finally and there are bargains galore for those who are able to “bottom feed.” Cash will be king!


24 06 2011
Timothy D. Naegele

In Fleeing Afghanistan, The West Relinquishes Its Grip On The World

This is the title of an interesting and sobering article by Peter Oborne—who is the UK Daily Telegraph’s chief political commentator—which is worth reading.


Oborne is mistaken: Richard Nixon did not lose the Vietnam War; Lyndon Johnson and the U.S. Congress did. As someone whom I know has written—who is a syndicated columnist and an outstanding reporter with impeccable, world-class credentials, based in Washington, D.C.:

Congress, in its infinite wisdom, cut off all further military aid to Saigon.

[The South Vietnanmese army] ARVN saw no point in continuing to fight, stabbed in the back by the US Congress.

See, fn. 10.

Among other things, Oborne wrote:

Let’s throw the clock forward to 2014, the year Obama and Cameron say combat operations must end. This much is certain: the Taliban will return to power, conceivably with Mullah Omar (still topping the FBI’s most wanted terrorist list) coming down from the mountains to resume his old position, so rudely interrupted, as Head of the Supreme Council and effective head of state.

It is unlikely that Taliban commanders will take kindly to the flourishing nightlife and lively restaurants that have sprung up under President Karzai’s rule. All this will close at once, while Kabul’s notorious Swimming Pool Hill—where blindfolded criminals and homosexuals were pushed off a high diving board to their deaths—may open again for its ghoulish business. The Taliban attitude towards female education has, to be fair, improved over the past decade. At best, Kabul will come to resemble a provincial Saudi Arabian city.

. . .

[It is likely that] . . . Afghanistan will face a civil war, just as it did after the Soviet withdrawal in 1989. If so, humanitarian agencies will find it impossible to operate, and reports of hideous carnage and atrocities will seep out of the country, with Western powers unable to do more than wring their hands. Stalemate is the likely outcome: eventually, large parts of the country will be dominated by warlords, each appropriating a chunk of the Afghan National Army.

In any case, it is unlikely that Obama’s sketchy three-year plan will work. There is no serious incentive—apart from cash—for any Afghan to stay loyal to the departing Americans and British. They must look to secure their future. President Karzai—currently at the heart of a massive banking fraud—will probably quit soon and flee, taking with him the billions of pounds his family have stolen.

Meanwhile, governments such as Britain’s, with armies still operating inside Afghanistan, will be forced to answer a very troubling question: why are we sending our bravest and best young men to be maimed and killed when we are going to leave, anyway?

. . .

Those countries with a genuine long-term interest in the region will get more and more involved, and be entitled to do so—China, Iran, India, Russia and, above all, Pakistan. No force on earth will prevent the Pakistani government from backing the Afghan Taliban, and it is past time that Britain and the US woke up to this elemental fact.

So where does this latest humiliation leave the United States? There were many who predicted that defeat in Vietnam marked the end of the American century, yet they were soon proved wrong and the US went on to enjoy a period of astonishing global success. But remember this—Nixon and Kissinger played one dazzling card as Vietnam weakened. They made peace with China, recruited her as an ally against Soviet Russia, and opened this formerly closed state to international capitalism. The consequences can be assessed in the history books—the greatest advance in living standards the world has ever seen, and US hegemony reaffirmed for an extra generation. But that happy epoch is over. China feels no gratitude, and has turned almost overnight from protégé into malevolent rival, with an ever harsher appreciation of the realities of global power.

Certainly, America remains the greatest military force on earth, with three million men and women in uniform and seven formidable battle fleets, with a combined tonnage greater than the next 13 largest navies combined. Yet the sorry lesson of Iraq and Afghanistan is that this prodigious military muscle is practically useless for 21st-century warfare.

. . .

Back in 1974, as the US prepared to abandon Vietnam, its national deficit stood at $6.1 billion, equivalent to about $27 billion today. This year’s deficit is $1,660 billion—60 times higher. Back then, US debt stood at $475 billion (around $1.8 trillion, inflation adjusted). In the intervening period, that debt has risen sevenfold to around $14 trillion, having doubled over the last seven years alone. The withdrawal from Afghanistan is, in part, the unexpected consequence of this financial crisis.

There is a sense that yesterday’s Afghan defeat was ordained when Barack Obama, with his mandate to bring George W Bush and Tony Blair’s senseless “War on Terror” to an end, won the 2008 presidential election. Now Obama has fulfilled his promise, and the task that lies before him now is to manage that defeat. More serious than America’s military defeat in Afghanistan has been its moral defeat. Again and again, it has behaved as hideously, and with the same barbaric contempt for human rights, as the worst of its enemies. Obama needs to reunite the United States with civilised values and redefine his country’s role in the world.

The rest of the familiar post-war architecture has gone. America is no longer capable of being the policeman of the world, and may retreat to its historic isolation. Across the Channel, the debt crisis is wrecking the European dream. History is moving faster than ever, and taking us into a new and formless world.

What Oborne should have said, and did so implicitly, is that Barack Obama is responsible for what has been happening in Afghanistan, Iraq and elsewhere in the region; and he will be blamed for it—by the American people and by history.

Despite the wishful thinking of many, America is not in decline—any more than it was when Henry Kissinger and Jimmy Carter articulated similar beliefs.

One thing is crystal clear though: Obama must be forced from the U.S. presidency at the earliest possible date, and no later than January of 2013. He is an unmitigated disaster—a narcissistic demagogue, and America’s “Hamlet on the Potomac” and “Jimmy Carter-lite”—and his departure cannot happen fast enough!

See, e.g., (“Are Afghanistan, Iraq And Pakistan Hopeless, And Is The Spread Of Radical Islam Inevitable, And Is Barack Obama Finished As America’s President?”) and (“The Economic Tsunami Continues Its Relentless And Unforgiving Advance Globally”) and (“America: A Rich Tapestry Of Life”) and (“CNN Poll: Obama Approval Rating Drops As Fears Of Depression Rise”) (see also the footnotes and comments beneath these articles)

. . .

The people who will suffer the most in Afghanistan when we pull out will be its women. Indeed, Obama will be giving Afghan women and young girls the “gift” of horrific Taliban rule once again, which will be inhumane.

American women, and women and women’s rights organizations worldwide, must rise up and tell Obama that a pull-out is acceptable only if he is willing to send his two girls to school in Afghanistan now and after the pullout—instead of their fancy school in the Washington, D.C. area—and he actually does this.

Tragically, we know what the Taliban will do—including the brutal killing, raping and disfiguring of Afghan women—for example, by cutting off their noses and ears. We need only ask “Aisha” (or the brave “Bibi”), and look into her eyes and at her once-beautiful features that were disfigured.

There are no mysteries about what Obama’s Afghan policies will produce—which is merely one of a multitude of reasons why his presidency must end as soon as humanly possible.

See (“Why We Fight In Afghanistan, And Why American Women Should Demand Barack Obama’s Removal From Office By Impeachment Or Otherwise”) (see also the article itself, as well as the footnotes and other comments beneath it)


29 06 2011
Timothy D. Naegele

Obama’s Drawdown Disaster

In another brilliant commentary by Arnaud de Borchgrave, editor at large of The Washington Times and of United Press International—entitled, “Vietnam redux”—he has written:

A phased Afghan withdrawal over the next 3 1/2 years is a recipe for disaster. A date or even year certain, for ending involvement is to concede victory to Taliban.

See; see also (“Al Qaeda Remains Top Threat to U.S.”) and (“Obama’s plan was not among the range of options the military provided to him”)

He adds:

“The U.S. provided better firepower to Afghan resistance fighters opposing the Soviet occupation in the 1980s than it is giving to the Afghan national army today,” [former U.S. Ambassador to Afghanistan (and Iraq) Zalmay Khalilzad] argues. “The ANA currently lacks adequate air transport, armor and protected mobility.”

. . .

It is increasingly obvious to the Taliban leadership that Obama shaped the troop downsizing to fit the needs of his 2012 re-election campaign, not to the needs of U.S. Army Gen. David Petraeus and his commanders in Afghanistan.

The Vietnam War—for the United States—ended almost four decades ago. The last combatant flew home in March 1973. But America’s South Vietnamese allies fought on—with U.S. military assistance voted by Congress. They held their ground with their own air attack and transport support (which ANA doesn’t have).

North Vietnamese commanders, as subsequent memoirs attest, thought they had several more years of fighting before they could hope to take Saigon.

Until, that is, the U.S. Congress, in its infinite wisdom, grew tired of solemn commitments to our former South Vietnamese allies and cut off all military aid. As North Vietnam’s legendary commander Vo Nguyen Giap later admitted, he thought Saigon was still at least two years away from falling to communist forces.

Following the congressional vote, Giap quickly improvised an offensive to take Saigon—suddenly handed to him on a silver platter. Fifty-five days later, communist troops marched into Saigon’s Presidential Palace unopposed.

Similarly, in Afghanistan, when the last U.S. and allied combat troops leave Afghanistan, the U.S.-trained and -funded Afghan army will need major U.S. financial support—already more than the entire budget of the Afghan government. No one is betting that Congress will continue to underwrite an army in which almost 80 percent cannot read or write.

Next to domestic priorities, the need to sustain an ANA against a Taliban that long since jettisoned its former al-Qaida allies will pale into insignificance—especially in Congress.

In fact, there is much evidence that Taliban supremo Mullah Omar had already disowned his alliance with al-Qaida’s Osama bin Laden when Obama was elected president. Yet Obama endorsed the Afghan war because “that’s where al-Qaida is.”

A series of erroneous assumptions fueled a decade-long war that has already cost half a trillion dollars, following $1 trillion strategic blunder in Iraq.

A ranking Iraqi official recently conceded privately to this reporter that today 1) “sad to say but Iran now has more influence in Iraq than the United States and 2) “hard to recognize but Saddam Hussein’s brutal dictatorship was the best defense against the regional ambitions of Iran’s medieval mullahs.”

Pakistan, now in its noisiest anti-U.S. mood following the U.S. Navy SEALs raid that killed bin Laden, which humiliated the Pakistani army, can see an opportunity for restoring the status quo ante. With its original Taliban creation back in the saddle in Kabul, it will restore sufficient clout to make sure the United States and NATO exit from Afghanistan peacefully.

Pakistan will also return to what it perceives to be a more familiar and comfortable defense posture—Afghanistan as its defense in depth to the west in the event of an Indian frontal attack.

Between now and then, Pakistan’s all-powerful Inter-Service Intelligence agency will be back in the driver’s seat facilitating Taliban’s negotiations with the United States for an honorable withdrawal.

Many ignore Vietnam’s lessons as the Cold War ended in a global communist defeat that made the loss of Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos seem like minor tactical setbacks. Think again.

The unfolding disaster in Afghanistan, compounded by the calamitous misadventure in Libya, add immediacy to the “Haunting Legacy” of Vietnam—a new must-read book by Marvin and daughter Deborah Kalb on how and why the Vietnam albatross continues to circle the White House.

A truly brilliant article, as only de Borchgrave could have written, because of his vast experience with the Vietnam War and the lessons learned from it, as well as Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq and the Middle East in general, and the lessons to be learned from that region as well, and the tragedies that may be emerging.

Reason enough to make sure that Obama’s presidency ends no later than January of 2013, when he retreats either to Chicago or Hawaii to lick his political wounds and write his memoirs, and work full time on his presidency library!


2 07 2011
Timothy D. Naegele

The Future Still Belongs To America

American flag

This is the title of an important Wall Street Journal article by Professor Walter Russell Mead—subtitled, “This century will throw challenges at everyone[, but the] U.S. is better positioned to adapt than China, Europe or the Arab world”—which states in pertinent part the following:

It is, the pundits keep telling us, a time of American decline, of a post-American world. The 21st century will belong to someone else. Crippled by debt at home, hammered by the aftermath of a financial crisis, bloodied by long wars in the Middle East, the American Atlas can no longer hold up the sky. Like Britain before us, America is headed into an assisted-living facility for retired global powers.

This fashionable chatter could not be more wrong. Sure, America has big problems. Trillions of dollars in national debt and uncounted trillions more in off-the-books liabilities will give anyone pause. Rising powers are also challenging the international order even as our key Cold War allies sink deeper into decline.

But what is unique about the United States is not our problems. Every major country in the world today faces extraordinary challenges—and the 21st century will throw more at us. Yet looking toward the tumultuous century ahead, no country is better positioned to take advantage of the opportunities or manage the dangers than the United States.

Geopolitically, the doomsayers tell us, China will soon challenge American leadership throughout the world. Perhaps. But to focus exclusively on China is to miss how U.S. interests intersect with Asian realities in ways that cement rather than challenge the U.S. position in world affairs.

. . .

In Asia today China is rising—but so is India, another emerging nuclear superpower with a population on course to pass China’s. Vietnam, South Korea, Taiwan, Indonesia and Australia are all vibrant, growing powers that have no intention of falling under China’s sway. Japan remains a formidable presence. . . . Asia today looks like an emerging multipolar region that no single country, however large and dynamic, can hope to control.

This fits American interests precisely. The U.S. has no interest in controlling Asia or in blocking economic prosperity that will benefit the entire Pacific basin, including our part of it. U.S. policy in Asia is not fighting the tide of China’s inexorable rise. Rather, our interests harmonize with the natural course of events. Life rarely moves smoothly and it is likely that Asia will see great political disturbances. But through it all, it appears that the U.S. will be swimming with, rather than against, the tides of history.

Around the world we have no other real rivals. Even the Europeans have stopped talking about a rising EU superpower. The specter of a clash of civilizations between the West and an Islamic world united behind fanatics . . . is less likely than ever. Russia’s demographic decline and poor economic prospects (not to mention its concerns about Islamic radicalism and a rising China) make it a poor prospect as a rival superpower.

When it comes to the world of ideas, the American agenda will also be the global agenda in the 21st century.

. . .

Fascism, like Franco, is still dead. Communism lingers on life support in Pyongyang[, North Korea,] and a handful of other redoubts but shows no signs of regaining the power it has lost since 1989 and the Soviet collapse. “Islamic” fanaticism failed in Iraq, can only cling to power by torture and repression in Iran, and has been marginalized (so far) in the Arab Spring. Nowhere have the fanatics been able to demonstrate that their approach can protect the dignity and enhance the prosperity of people better than liberal capitalism.

. . .

Closer to home, Hugo Chavez and his Axis of Anklebiters are descending towards farce. The economic success of Chile and Brazil cuts the ground out from under the “Bolivarean” caudillos. They may strut and prance on the stage, appear with Fidel on TV and draw a crowd by attacking the Yanquis, but the dream of uniting South America into a great anticapitalist, anti-U.S. bloc is as dead as Che Guevara.

So the geopolitics are favorable and the ideological climate is warming. But on a still-deeper level this is shaping up to be an even more American century than the last. The global game is moving towards America’s home court.

The great trend of this century is the accelerating and deepening wave of change sweeping through every element of human life.

. . .

This tsunami of change affects every society—and turbulent politics in so many countries make for a turbulent international environment.

. . .

This challenge will not go away. On the contrary: It has increased, and it will go on increasing through the rest of our time. The 19th century was more tumultuous than its predecessor; the 20th was more tumultuous still, and the 21st [century] will be the fastest, most exhilarating and most dangerous ride the world has ever seen.

Everybody is going to feel the stress, but the United States of America is better placed to surf this transformation than any other country. Change is our home field. It is who we are and what we do. Brazil may be the country of the future, but America is its hometown.

See (bold emphasis added); see also (“America: A Rich Tapestry Of Life”)

The only thing on the horizon that might dampen the American future that Professor Mead has described is a nation-ending EMP Attack, which might kill all except for 30 million Americans, and end any future that we might envision.

Query whether we are totally and absolutely protected against such an attack, or whether America’s “prince of darkness”—and its consummate narcissistic demagogue, “Hamlet on the Potomac” and “Jimmy Carter-lite”—Barack Obama, is weakening our great nation’s military strength in ways that will dramatically change the course of history?

See; see also

. . .

In another important article entitled, “World power swings back to America”—and subtitled, “The American phoenix is slowly rising again. Within five years or so, the US will be well on its way to self-sufficiency in fuel and energy. Manufacturing will have closed the labour gap with China in a clutch of key industries. The current account might even be in surplus”—the UK Telegraph‘s Ambrose Evans-Pritchard added:

Telegraph readers already know about the “shale gas revolution” that has turned America into the world’s number one producer of natural gas, ahead of Russia.

Less known is that the technology of hydraulic fracturing—breaking rocks with jets of water—will also bring a quantum leap in shale oil supply, mostly from the Bakken fields in North Dakota, Eagle Ford in Texas, and other reserves across the Mid-West.

“The US was the single largest contributor to global oil supply growth last year, with a net 395,000 barrels per day (b/d),” said Francisco Blanch from Bank of America, comparing the Dakota fields to a new North Sea.

Total US shale output is “set to expand dramatically” as fresh sources come on stream, possibly reaching 5.5m b/d by mid-decade. This is a tenfold rise since 2009.

The US already meets 72pc of its own oil needs, up from around 50pc a decade ago.

“The implications of this shift are very large for geopolitics, energy security, historical military alliances and economic activity. As US reliance on the Middle East continues to drop, Europe is turning more dependent and will likely become more exposed to rent-seeking behaviour from oligopolistic players,” said Mr Blanch.

Meanwhile, the China-US seesaw is about to swing the other way. Offshoring is out, ‘re-inshoring’ is the new fashion.

“Made in America, Again”—a report this month by Boston Consulting Group—said Chinese wage inflation running at 16pc a year for a decade has closed much of the cost gap. China is no longer the “default location” for cheap plants supplying the US.

A “tipping point” is near in computers, electrical equipment, machinery, autos and motor parts, plastics and rubber, fabricated metals, and even furniture.

“A surprising amount of work that rushed to China over the past decade could soon start to come back,” said BCG’s Harold Sirkin.

The gap in “productivity-adjusted wages” will narrow from 22pc of US levels in 2005 to 43pc (61pc for the US South) by 2015. Add in shipping costs, reliability woes, technology piracy, and the advantage shifts back to the US.

The list of “repatriates” is growing. Farouk Systems is bringing back assembly of hair dryers to Texas after counterfeiting problems; ET Water Systems has switched its irrigation products to California; Master Lock is returning to Milwaukee, and NCR is bringing back its ATM output to Georgia. NatLabs is coming home to Florida.

Boston Consulting expects up to 800,000 manufacturing jobs to return to the US by mid-decade, with a multiplier effect creating 3.2m in total. This would take some sting out of the Long Slump.

As Philadelphia Fed chief Sandra Pianalto said last week, US manufacturing is “very competitive” at the current dollar exchange rate. Whether intended or not, the Fed’s zero rates and $2.3 trillion printing blitz have brought matters to an abrupt head for China.

Fed actions confronted Beijing with a Morton’s Fork of ugly choices: revalue the yuan, or hang onto the mercantilist dollar peg and import a US monetary policy that is far too loose for a red-hot economy at the top of the cycle. Either choice erodes China’s wage advantage. The Communist Party chose inflation.

Foreign exchange effects are subtle. They take a long to time play out as old plant slowly runs down, and fresh investment goes elsewhere. Yet you can see the damage to Europe from an over-strong euro in foreign direct investment (FDI) data.

Flows into the EU collapsed by 63p from 2007 to 2010 (UNCTAD data), and fell by 77pc in Italy. Flows into the US rose by 5pc.

Volkswagen is investing $4bn in America, led by its Chattanooga Passat plant. Korea’s Samsung has begun a $20bn US investment blitz. Meanwhile, Intel, GM, and Caterpillar and other US firms are opting to stay at home rather than invest abroad.

Europe has only itself to blame for the current “hollowing out” of its industrial base. It craved its own reserve currency, without understanding how costly this “exorbitant burden” might prove to be.

China and the rising reserve powers have rotated a large chunk of their $10 trillion stash into EMU bonds to reduce their dollar weighting. The result is a euro too strong for half of EMU.

The European Central Bank has since made matters worse (for Italy, Spain, Portugal, and France) by keeping rates above those of the US, UK, and Japan. That has been a deliberate policy choice. It let real M1 deposits in Italy contract at a 7pc annual rate over the summer. May it live with the consequences.

The trade-weighted dollar has been sliding for a decade, falling 37pc since 2001. This roughly replicates the post-Plaza slide in the late 1980s, which was followed—with a lag—by 3pc of GDP shrinkage in the current account deficit. The US had a surplus by 1991.

Charles Dumas and Diana Choyleva from Lombard Street Research argue that this may happen again in their new book “The American Phoenix”.

The switch in advantage to the US is relative. It does not imply a healthy US recovery. The global depression will grind on as much of the Western world tightens fiscal policy and slowly purges debt, and as China deflates its credit bubble.

Yet America retains a pack of trump cards, and not just in sixteen of the world’s top twenty universities.

It is almost the only economic power with a fertility rate above 2.0—and therefore the ability to outgrow debt—in sharp contrast to the demographic decay awaiting Japan, China, Korea, Germany, Italy, and Russia.

Europe’s EMU soap opera has shown why it matters that America is a genuine nation, forged by shared language and the ancestral chords of memory over two centuries, with institutions that ultimately work and a real central bank able to back-stop the system.

The 21st Century may be American after all, just like the last.

See (emphasis added); see also (“US shale threatens Saudi funding crisis and demise of OPEC”)

It is noteworthy that Evans-Pritchard qualifies his predictions by saying that they will occur in “five years or so.” I concur that America has a very bright future ahead; however, this decade will be “dicey,” and it is difficult if not impossible to predict when there will be light at the end of the tunnel—or when the economic tsunami will have run its course and petered out. What we do know is that the Great Depression of the last century did not end until the onset of World War II, at the earliest; and this depression may last just as long.

Lastly, Russia will continue to be a pygmy when compared to the United States—in terms of America’s vibrant democracy, its growth, military power and economic strength, and all other indicia of global power. The same will be true, to a similar degree, with respect to China, although its future is much brighter than that of Russia.

See, e.g.,–ANYWHERE-earth-30mins.html (“U.S. Army tests hypersonic weapon that travels five times the speed of sound… and can hit ANY target on earth in 30mins”)


6 07 2011
Timothy D. Naegele

German Bail-Out Fatigue Turns To Fury, And The Greeks Are Being Sacrificed

In an important article by the UK Telegraph’s Ambrose Evans-Pritchard entitled, “Germany’s judges hold the euro’s fate in their hands”—and subtitled, “Whether or not Europe’s monetary union survives in its current form, shrinks to a Carolingian core, or shatters, depends as much on abstruse legal arguments put forward . . . in Germany’s constitutional court as it does on the parallel drama unfolding on Greek streets”—it is reported:

A recent Allenbach poll found that 71 [percent] of Germans now have “little” or “no trust at all” in the euro.

Evans-Pritchard added:

For Greece, events have already moved beyond the point of no return. The country is being pushed deeper into economic and political ruin by an IMF austerity drive that lacks the usual shock absorbers. The IMF’s twin cures of devaluation and orderly default are both blocked, one by euro membership, the other by EU contagion fears.

Greece’s public debt will rise to 161pc of GDP by next year, up from 120pc when the crisis erupted. Its economy will contract by a further 3.8pc this year. The deficit remains stuck near 9pc of GDP because the slump is choking tax revenue. The strategy is self-defeating.

“Is there anybody out there who really thinks this crisis is over?” said Jacques Cailloux, Europe economist at RBS. “The policy has failed completely. It must be revamped. There needs to be a Marshall Plan, and the penal interest rate on EU loans must be cut to zero.”

None of this is happening because Europe’s creditor states have not faced up to the reality that saving monetary union requires years of subsidies—not loans—from North to South. The EU authorities are instead lost in minutiae, arguing over collateral rules, or floating plans for bond rollovers at effective rates of up to 10pc. The sole aim is to buy time for banks to offload liabilities—mostly on to EU taxpayers—and for Spain and Italy to beef up defences.

The Greeks are being sacrificed for the greater cause. Their reward is to learn from Eurogroup chief Jean-Claude Juncker that Greek sovereignty will be “massively limited”. A body overseen by EU officials and modelled on East Germany’s Treuhand will liquidate Greece’s national assets to cover debts.

Suzerainty [or overlordship] has begun in earnest.

By way of background, Evans-Pritchard stated:

If the eight judges in Karlsruhe rule that Europe’s €500bn bail-out machinery breaches of Germany’s Basic Law—or Grundgesetz—in any significant way, they risk knocking away the central prop beneath the debt edifice of Southern Europe.

The judges have distilled a plethora challenges to the Greek, Irish, and Portuguese bail-outs into three complaints. These include one by a group of professors who argue that the Greek loans subvert the Bundestag, violate the “no bail-out” clause of the Lisbon Treaty, and amount to the creation of a fiscal transfer union, by stealth, without the requisite changes in the German Grundgesetz, and “strike a blow at the constitutional foundations of our state and our society”.

. . .

The judges know the risks. They will bend a long way to find a formula that does not set off a banking collapse, or threaten Germany’s strategic investment in post-war Europe. But will they bend enough to satisfy the bond markets when they issue their verdict, probably in September?

Andreas Vosskuhle, the court’s president, noted acidly that the hearings were not about the “future of Europe or the handling of the debt crisis”. They are a matter of law.

This is the same court that stunned EU elites with its volcanic ruling on the Lisbon Treaty in June 2009, cautioning Brussels that the EU is a club of sovereign states, not a state itself; that national parliaments are the only legitimate fora of democracy; and that certain fields “must forever remain under German control”—including budgets.

The court has been the backbone of German democracy for 60 years. It is über-vigilant because it knows where pliant judges went wrong in the 1930s.

. . .

Tübingen professor Joachim Starbatty, one of the litigants, expects the court to reach a “Yes, but” ruling that allows agreed rescues to go ahead, but imposes a strict “corset” on future bail-outs.

This could have serious implications. Further doubts over how far Germany will go to backstop the EMU system risks accelerating capital flight from Spain and Italy. Neither country is safely out of the woods yet. The PMI Composite index for Spain and Italy both tumbled below 50 in June, signalling economic contraction in the third quarter. France’s index saw the sharpest drop since the series began in the late 1990s. EMU’s North-South divide is becoming wider.

At the least, the court is expected to insist that the Bundestag has a veto on rescue packages. . . .

See; see also (“Any new Marshall plan will founder in the minds of Europe’s hesitant leaders”)

What is increasingly clear is that there will not be another Marshall Plan because the political consensus is not there. Also, the only truly strong country in Europe is Germany, which is in the process of turning inward as the political will to bail out Europe runs headlong into German nationalism. This is likely to increase, as the eurozone fractures.


6 07 2011
Timothy D. Naegele

The Next, Worse Financial Crisis: Ten Reasons Why We Are Doomed To Repeat 2008

This fine Wall Street Journal article by Brett Arends can only be supplemented, not disparaged. It is not “Pollyannaish,” glossing over the warning signs on the horizon, like so many commentators who “sugar-coat” what is happening.


As far-fetched as it might seem at first blush, we have only seen the tip of an enormous iceberg, with much worse yet to come during the balance of this decade. Economic historians will be pouring over what has happened already, as well as what is to come, for many decades ahead, trying to determine what really happened.

As I wrote two and a half years ago in the American Banker, the daily newspaper of the banking industry:

Former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan is the architect of the enormous economic “bubble” that has burst globally. No longer is he revered as a “potentate.” His reputation is in tatters. Giulio Tremonti, Italy’s Minister of Economy and Finance, has said: “Greenspan was considered a master. Now we must ask ourselves whether he is not, after [Osama] bin Laden, the man who hurt America the most.” That speaks volumes.


Arends is correct: “No one has been punished”—not Greenspan, or anyone else. A federal official with reason to know told me that between 15-20 percent of the indictees in federal courts are probably innocent. Some are seniors who have been charged with cheating the Social Security program, and they are scared to death, so they agree to plea bargains rather than fight for their innocence. Yet, those who caused the suffering of millions of people globally have not been brought to justice, with much greater suffering to come.

See, n.8.

Echoing Arends’ conclusion that “those in the know” lose little—or nothing—if things go wrong, one should take time to read Bernie Madoff’s interview in New York Magazine, which concludes that the market is a whole rigged job, and there’s no chance that investors have in this market.

See; see also (“Greenspan’s legacy: more suffering to come”)

Arends is correct that the “referees” are corrupt too. I have been a lobbyist, and know how it works in spades.

See, e.g., (“Washington Is Sick And The American People Know It”) (see also the footnotes and comments beneath the article)

Most commentators point to “green shoots,” or signs that things might be improving, but there were green shoots during the Great Depression of the last century, which did not end until the onset of World War II, at the earliest. Twenty-to-forty years from now, economic historians will describe what we are going through now as the “Great Depression II,” or by using similar terms.

Hold on tight. Housing prices will fall by at least another 50 percent in the next five years or so; more loans will be “underwater, and homeowners will default and lose their homes; and banks and other lenders will be in even deeper troubled waters as their “toxic” loans increase, and their capital diminishes or evaporates.

As I wrote more than two years ago:

While U.S. politicians and their counterparts in other countries have been trying to convince their electorates that they have the answers, they are simply holding out false hopes that real solutions are at hand; and Americans are apt to realize this as the elections of 2010 and 2012 approach.

. . .

America and other nations are in uncharted waters; and their politicians may face backlashes from disillusioned and angry constituents that are unprecedented in modern times.

Last November’s elections saw Barack Obama and his Democrats suffer significant electoral losses, but they may pale in comparison with what happens next year.

See, e.g., (“CNN Poll: Obama Approval Rating Drops As Fears Of Depression Rise”) (see also the article itself, as well as the footnotes and other comments beneath it); see also (“An Establishment in Panic”)


11 07 2011
Timothy D. Naegele

Treasury Secretary Geithner Echoes What This Blog Has Been Predicting!

In an article entitled, “Geithner says hard times to continue for many,” the AP has reported:

Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner . . . says many Americans will face hard times for a long time to come.

He says President Barack Obama rescued the United States from a second Great Depression and will keep working to strengthen the economy. But Geithner says will be some time before many people feel like the country is recovering.

Geithner tells NBC’s “Meet the Press” that it’s a very tough economy. He says that for a lot of people “it’s going to feel very hard, harder than anything they’ve experienced in their lifetime now, for a long time to come.”


If anyone seriously believes that “Obama rescued the United States from a second Great Depression,” there is a bridge in Brooklyn that they might wish to buy. Despite the “spin” that Obama, Geithner and others are giving to economic issues, most Americans understand fully what is happening and who is to blame, which is why Obama will not be reelected next year.

See, e.g., (“CNN Poll: Obama Approval Rating Drops As Fears Of Depression Rise”) (see also the article itself, as well as the footnotes and other comments beneath the article)


11 07 2011
Timothy D. Naegele

More Government Shutdowns Are Coming

The UK’s Economist has an article about the government shutdowns in the State of Minnesota and elsewhere, which is worth reading.


What is crystal clear is that things will get worse, a whole lot worse, between now and the end of this decade. Indeed, many years from now, economic historians may refer to these times as the “lost decade” or the “Great Depression II,” or by using similar terms.

The closure of federal, State and local government facilities in the United States will become the norm. Included will be parks, more and more of which are closing now; museums and libraries; hospitals and other health care facilities; and schools and other educational facilities.

Courts will be closed, or operate on reduced schedules; and the list of “lights out” governmental entities will grow. Law enforcement will be terminated or “furloughed,” prisoners will be released, and crime will rise. Roads will go unpaved; and there will be a general breakdown and deterioration of America’s infrastructure.

See, e.g., (“Economic woes take toll on U.S. police departments”)

Government at all levels will be affected and have no choice, as tax revenues decline dramatically. Housing prices will fall by at least another 50 percent during the next five years or so, which means that property tax revenues will fall accordingly—unless government taxing entities refuse to reduce property valuations in a last-ditch attempt to maintain declining revenues. There will be “pitched battles,” in the courts and elsewhere, between the taxing authorities and the taxed; and more and more owners will have their properties seized to satisfy unpaid obligations.

Banks and other mortgage lenders are burdened today with staggering amounts of “toxic” and “underwater” loans, which are either on the lenders’ books already or the borrowers are poised to default in the days and months ahead and lose their properties. If the banks’ loan portfolios were “marked to market,” their net worths or capital might be negative now or fall precipitously. This will only get worse; and the bank regulatory agencies will be faced with the dilemma of whether to seize the “walking wounded” or allow them to operate and continue in existence, with their problems mounting each and every day.

In the United States and globally, meaningful and effective government solutions will be non-existent, and public outrage will be enormous and increasing exponentially. As I wrote more than two years ago:

While U.S. politicians and their counterparts in other countries have been trying to convince their electorates that they have the answers, they are simply holding out false hopes that real solutions are at hand; and Americans are apt to realize this as the elections of 2010 and 2012 approach.

. . .

America and other nations are in uncharted waters; and their politicians may face backlashes from disillusioned and angry constituents that are unprecedented in modern times.

See (“Euphoria or the Obama Depression?”)

Last November, Barack Obama and his Democrats suffered staggering electoral defeats in the United States. Next November, the consequences are likely to be even worse. Among other things, Obama might not be reelected; and if so, American economic issues may have proved to be decisive. Similar trends will be occurring in other countries.

See, e.g., and (“CNN Poll: Obama Approval Rating Drops As Fears Of Depression Rise”) (see also the articles themselves, as well as the footnotes and other comments beneath them) and (“The Tent City of New Jersey: Desperate victims of the economic slump forced to live in makeshift homes in forest”)


23 07 2011
Timothy D. Naegele

Will The Euro Crisis Will Give Germany The Empire It Has Always Dreamed Of?

This issue is discussed in an excellent and very sobering article by Peter Oborne, the UK Telegraph’s chief political commentator, which states in pertinent part as follows:

There was one crucial message from yesterday’s shambolic and panicky eurozone summit: today’s predicament contains terrifying parallels with the situation that prevailed 80 years ago [when Wall Street embarked on a second and even more shattering period of decline, by the end of which shares were worth barely 10 per cent of their value at their peak], although the problem lies (at this stage, at least) with the debt rather than the equity markets.

After the catastrophe of 2008, many believed and argued—as others did in 1929—that it was a one-off event, which could readily be put right by the ingenuity of experts. The truth is sadly different. The aftermath of that financial debacle, like the economic downturn after 1929, falls into a special category. Most recessions are part of the normal, healthy functioning of any market economy—a good example is the downturn of the late 1980s. But in rare cases, they are far more sinister, because their underlying cause is a structural imbalance which cannot be solved by conventional means.

Such recessions, which tend to associated with catastrophic financial events, are dangerous because they herald a long period of economic dislocation and collapse. Their consequences stretch deep into the realm of politics and social life. Indeed, the 1929 crash sparked a decade of economic failure around much of the world, helping bring the Weimar Republic to its knees and easing the way for the rise of German fascism.

The faith of leading European politicians and bankers in monetary union, a system of financial government whose origins can be traced back to the set of temporary political circumstances in the immediate aftermath of the Second World War, and which was brought to bear without serious economic analysis, is essentially irrational. Indeed, in many ways, the euro bears comparison to the gold standard. Back in 1929, politicians and central bankers assumed that the convertibility of national currencies into gold (defined by the economist John Maynard Keynes as a “barbaric relic”) was a law of nature, like gravity. European politicians have developed the same superstitious attachment to the single currency. They are determined to persist with it, no matter what suffering it causes, or however brutal its economic and social consequences.

There is only one way of sustaining this policy, as the International Monetary Fund argued ahead of yesterday’s summit in Brussels . . . the only conceivable salvation for the eurozone is to impose greater fiscal integration among member states.

. . .

By authorising a huge expansion in the bail-out fund that is propping up the EU’s peripheral members (largely in order to stop the contagion spreading to Italy and Spain), the eurozone has taken the decisive step to becoming a fiscal union. So long as the settlement is accepted by national parliaments, yesterday will come to be seen as the witching hour after which Europe will cease to be, except vestigially, a collection of nation states. It will have one economic government, one currency, one foreign policy. This integration will be so complete that taxpayers in the more prosperous countries will be expected to pay for the welfare systems and pension plans of failing EU states.

This is the final realisation of the dream that animated the founders of the Common Market more than half a century ago—which is one reason why so many prominent Europeans have privately welcomed the eurozone catastrophe, labelling it a “beneficial crisis”. David Cameron and George Osborne have both indicated that they, too, welcome this fundamental change in the nature and purpose of the European project. The markets have rallied strongly, hailing what is being seen as the best chance of a resolution to the gruelling and drawn-out crisis.

It is conceivable that yesterday’s negotiations may indeed save the eurozone—but it is worth pausing to consider the consequences of European fiscal union. First, it will mean the economic destruction of most of the southern European countries. Indeed, this process is already far advanced. Thanks to their membership of the eurozone, peripheral countries such as Greece and Portugal—and to an increasing extent Spain and Italy—are undergoing a process of forcible deindustrialisation. Their economic sovereignty has been obliterated; they face a future as vassal states, their role reduced to the one enjoyed by the European colonies of the 19th and early 20th centuries. They will provide cheap labour, raw materials, agricultural produce and a ready market for the manufactured goods and services provided by the far more productive and efficient northern Europeans. Their political leaders will, like the hapless George Papandreou of Greece, lose all political legitimacy, becoming local representatives of distant powers who are forced to implement economic programmes from elsewhere in return for massive financial subventions.

While these nations relapse into pre-modern economic systems, Germany is busy turning into one of the most dynamic and productive economies in the world. Despite the grumbling, for the Germans, the bail-outs are worth every penny, because they guarantee a cheap outlet for their manufactured goods. Yesterday’s witching hour of the European Union means that Germany has come very close to realising Bismarck’s dream of an economic empire stretching from central Europe to the Eastern Mediterranean.

History has seen many attempts to unify Europe, from the Habsburgs to the Bourbons and Napoleon. This attempt is likely to fail, too. Indeed, a paradox is at work here. The founders of the European Union were driven by a vision of a peaceful new world after a century of war. Yet nothing could have been more calculated to create civil disorder and national resistance than yesterday’s demented move to salvage the single currency.

See (emphasis added); see also (“Athens’ ability to stay course in doubt”) and (“Europe’s economic recovery is sputtering out”) and (“At some point the Germans will realise that the package is a thinly-veiled fiscal union which makes the transfers they funnelled into East Germany look like small change, and they will revolt at the ballot boxes”) and (“German Bail-Out Fatigue Turns To Fury, And The Greeks Are Being Sacrificed”) and (“Euro bail-out in doubt as ‘hysteria’ sweeps Germany”—”The next month will decide [German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s] future, Germany’s destiny, and the fate of monetary union”)

. . .

There are those who preach the tenets of creating a global government; and they maintain that the constitution of a new world order is essential to maintain democracy. Also, they contend that the regulation of the economy by a global financial institution can be a solution to the financial crisis that began in 2007, and such an institution would be a first step towards the creation of a global government, of which the European Union is an illustration.

Barack Obama agrees with this; and it is among the many reasons why he must not be reelected next year. Indeed, he will “retreat” either to Chicago or Hawaii no later than January of 2013, to lick his political wounds and write his memoirs, and work full time on his golf scores and his presidential library.

“Global governance” is pure and utter nonsense. Indeed, lots of Americans would gladly get rid of the UN, and ship it to France or elsewhere in Europe, and let the French or other Europeans pay for it. Global governance is “Mary Poppins-esque” and/or “Alice in Wonderland-esque.”

Americans do not want Germany or France participating in the governance of anything relating to the United States, any more than Hitler’s Germany should have done it. This is among the reasons why World War II was fought by the United States. America’s history abhors “meddling” in our affairs, which is exactly what global governance entails, and much much more. A majority of Americans might be willing to give up their lives fighting to insure that this never happens.

France did not win World War II. Americans saved Frenchmen from “enslavement” by the Germans. But for the United States, the French might be speaking German today as their “native” tongue. Indeed, a German-American—Dwight David Eisenhower—destroyed Hitler and his monstrous “Thousand-Year Reich.” France did not do it. France was flat on its pathetic back.

The United States has real enemies in this world today, who want to destroy us (e.g., China’s military, Putin and his Stalinist thugs in Russia, North Korea, Islamic fascists). We cannot rely on France or Europe to defend us—militarily, economically or in any other way. Indeed, France and Germany are perhaps the last countries in the world to preach to the United States about democracy. Americans have given their lives for it. France has only “talked” about it.

Lastly, Americans are not about to trust their survival, the survival and national security of our great country, and our freedoms and democracy to France or Germany, two countries that lost World War II.


6 08 2011
Alan Chesters

I agree with your last paragraph in its entirety, how I wish the people of the UK would adopt this principle, we are governed by at best sexual deviants of the middle of the road sort, now that in itself is not so bad however it does lead to weakness in making decisions, there is nothing clearcut about liberalism, liberalism or any sort of leftward leaning will not help us in the events about to overtake us.


23 07 2011
Timothy D. Naegele

China’s Spectacular Real Estate Bubble Is About To Go Pop

In an article whose title is set forth above, Jeremy Warner—assistant editor of the UK’s Telegraph and one of Britain’s leading business and economics commentators—has written:

Little noticed amid the furore of the euro crisis, HSBC’S preliminary survey of China’s factories, published this week, indicated manufacturing activity in the world’s second-biggest economy actually declined in July from the month before, the first such contraction in a year. The HSBC purchasing managers index for China has been falling for months now, indicating a protracted fall off in growth as the Chinese authorities act to rein in rampant inflation.

House prices look like being a major victim of this slowdown. Up to a point, this is deliberate policy for China. With the example of the Western property bubble, which ended very badly indeed, serving as a salutary reminder of the dangers of unchecked real estate prices, the Chinese authorities have taken a number of steps to cool the country’s overheated housing market. And it is working; residential property prices have risen on average by “only” 7pc over the last year, and transaction volumes are lower.

But here’s the problem. Residential and commercial property development have been such a big component of growth in recent years that anything that damages the property market risks upsetting the entire apple cart. Nobody can forecast with any certainty when the crash will come, but come it will. You cannot cram that much development into such a short space of time without there eventually being a correction.

And when it comes, its knock on consequences are going to be extreme, possibly just as seismic as the rolling series of banking crises we’ve had here in the west. As noted in the IMF’s latest staff report on China, published this week, the property sector occupies a central position in the Chinese economy, directly making up some 12pc of GDP. It is also highly connected to the health of basic industries such as steel and cement, and to the success of downstream industries like domestic appliances and other consumer durables.

More worrying still, direct lending to real estate (developers and household mortgages) makes up around 18pc of all bank credit. Again, even by UK standards, this is extreme. And for local authorities, which account for 82pc of public spending in China, property related revenues are an important consituent of the overall revenues used as collateral to back borrowing to fund property and infrastructure development. There’s an element of ponzi scheme here.

The problem with the US and UK economies, it is often said, is that they are unbalanced—too much consumption, not enough investment and net trade. In China, the difficulty is the other way around. Consumption remains in the low 30s as a percentage of GDP, the lowest of any major economy. Again, this is deliberate. The Chinese authorities set policy to prioritise investment over consumption.

Any reading of economic history reveals that in the end this path to growth and development is as unsustainable as excessive consumption.

See (emphasis added); see also (“The Great Property Bubble of China May Be Popping“) and (“China property raises concerns as prices continue to slide”)


12 08 2011

I have been saying for the last few years that the dramatic rise in China’s property cannot sustain. This is from ground level observation. A 50 sq. m. apartment in a 1970-era building within the second ring of Beijing is going for roughtly $100000 (RMB 700000). That same property was sold for about RMB 15000 ~ 20000 in the early 1990s. With $100000 you can buy a bigger apartment in downtown Miami and it will be higher quality. People in the U. S. make much more money per capita, whereas the salary of a normal worker is anywhere from 1200 to 3000 Yuan per month. The wage / property ratio is out of control, like in Southern California during the housing bubble, to a different degree. Unfortunately, the psychology behind property bubbles is very similar everywhere in the world.


8 08 2011
Timothy D. Naegele

Stocks, Real Estate Will Collapse And Keep Falling Into 2013

This prediction by James Fitzgibbon, director of the Highlander Fund, is totally consistent with—albeit more timid and conservative than—what I said in the article above (and in my footnotes and comments beneath it) and in other articles, and in an interview that I gave in October of 2009.

See; see also (“Greenspan’s Fingerprints All Over Enduring Mess”) and (“Euphoria or the Obama Depression?”) and (Interview with Timothy D. Naegele: “Greenspan’s legacy: more suffering to come”) and (“First time since 1945 that government has reported net monthly job change of zero”)

In an article by political pundit and former Bill Clinton adviser, Dick Morris, he added:

Fitzgibbon has been impressing on me that we are not facing the normal business cycle of boom and bust, but that we are in the midst of a debt repudiation cycle which comes every fifty or sixty years as debt piles up so high that borrowers stop borrowing and lenders stop lending. With a global GDP of $60 trillion, we now have global corporate, personal and government debt equal to $160 billion [sic] (this does not include liability for pensions or social security down the road, but only current debt).

So now he says that the debt deal for deficit reduction recently passed by Congress “[i]s neither the cause nor a solution to these issues. The indebtedness is too great and has been dragging us down for too long to make any difference at all.” He notes that our debt/GDP ratio is now 135% and that “[y]ou have to add in Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to the US Government public sector debt to get the correct debt balance of $20 trillion vs. a GDP of $14.8 trillion.”

He says “[t]he real horror will be later in the year when the US Treasury Bond goes into a freefall. Then a depression is possible. Soaring interest rates. Collapsing asset values. Contracting economic activity. Surging unemployment. And business closures.”

Hold on tight. The worst is yet to come, by far, during the balance of this decade. As I have written, we are in the midst of the “Great Depression II,” which economic historians will describe as such—or by using similar terms—20-40 years from now.

Yes, there will be “green shoots” from time to time, or signs that things are improving. This was true during the Great Depression of the last century as well, which did not end until the onset of World War II at the earliest.


9 08 2011

I am wondering, is there anyone out there who isn’t on needles and pins as this economic crisis continues to unfold???? You and the articles presented here bring up many poignant economic reasons of why we are in this situation today.

I believe most people don’t understand the theories and rules of economics, nor do they wish to. What they do understand though is really quite simple and certainly applies to the US or any other country. That is when anyone spends more than he has, or takes in, debt mounts; and due to everyday events, this makes it terribly hard to “catch up” and pay back the amount owed, with that awful interest hovering above and causing much, much, much higher debt. It is daunting and each person reaches a point where they cannot go on if there is no feasible way to meet the debt and also live. So then Bankruptcy occurs. Applying this to a country or countries is the only way I understand what a terrible fix we are in.

As far as I know there remains approximately 3 trillion dollars that Americans are hanging on to. They see no reason to invest in business because of the uncertainty due to unknown taxes, unknown medical costs and regulations the government can and will tag on them as they “do business.” Now who in the world would want to stick his neck out, open a business and employ others when so much uncertainty looms? Guess it is better to hold on to the money and not just give it away to the government. Small businesses have made this country prosper. Unfortunately the opportunity for Capitalism is not presently available in the US.

I feel we never got out of the recession of 2008,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,and are now headed to the big D. Your predictions may very soon be on our doorsteps. I’m just waiting to hear city after city declare hardship cases. Michigan alone lost 75 million dollars today that was federally generated to the colleges for food stamps for students……………..Can you believe that much money was appropriated to students??? Whatever happened to having a job while working one’s way through school?

Just my thoughts on this awful, sickening economic disaster we are in. I won’t even comment on the President!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My nerves are already out of control.


9 08 2011
Timothy D. Naegele

Thank you, Mary, for your thoughtful comments.

Yes, we are headed for far worse during the balance of this decade, dissimilar to anything we have witnessed in our lifetimes. Not a pretty picture, domestically or globally; and it is very unlikely that Barack Obama will be reelected.

See, e.g., (see also the footnotes and comments beneath the article)


11 08 2011

why should we be on “needles and pins” – I mean none of us mortals can control the mess so why should we get excited so much? The mess is on system level and thus affecting all. The unfairness of it is that it will provide brilliant opportunity to get rich or richer for some small minority and pain and suffering for everybody else. OC we may be mistaken but signs are all there for everybody to see. There have been for some time….


11 08 2011
Timothy D. Naegele

Thank you for your comments. There is wisdom in what you say.

Yes, of course, there is no way that any of us can control or influence the global economic “mess.” Indeed, the politicians in the United States, Germany and elsewhere—many of whom are raving narcissists and demagogues—are apt to make things worse, a whole lot worse.

For example, Barack Obama pushed the enactment of his so-called “Stimulus Package,” which was fashioned not in the White House as such keystone legislative packages usually are, but by former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and her Democratic colleagues to please their constituencies. The Republicans were effectively precluded from participating in the legislative process.

The net result is that the legislative package failed to stimulate the U.S. economy at all, and instead rewarded the Democrats’ faithful and added mightily to the American debt, which is causing so many problems today. As I have written:

While U.S. politicians and their counterparts in other countries have been trying to convince their electorates that they have the answers, they are simply holding out false hopes that real solutions are at hand. . . .

America and other nations are in uncharted waters; and their politicians may face backlashes from disillusioned and angry constituents that are unprecedented in modern times.


We are seeing that now; however, the rising anger in America, the UK and elsewhere is only the tip of an enormous iceberg, which will rear its ugly head between now and the end of this decade, with a vengeance.

You are correct when you add:

The unfairness of it is that it will provide brilliant opportunity to get rich or richer for some small minority and pain and suffering for everybody else.

I have noted this before.

See, e.g., (“While Most Of America Is Hurting Economically, The Super-Rich Are Richer Than Ever”)


14 08 2011
Timothy D. Naegele

Serving On A Board Of Directors Can Be A Thankless And Brutal Experience

USA Today has reported about the political infighting and rifts within the board of directors at the acclaimed Betty Ford Center for the treatment of drug and alcohol addiction in Rancho Mirage, California.

The former First Lady’s daughter was ousted from her leadership position with the board, and resigned entirely; financial support has stopped from some of the Center’s long-time contributors; the former First Lady’s wishes for the Center’s future are being disputed; and chaos seems to be engulfing the organization as its competitors broaden their reach geographically, and as the national economy falters. None of this bodes well for the Center’s future.

See and (see also the footnotes and comments beneath the article)

Having served on several boards of directors, I vowed that I would never serve on another one. The “cat-fighting” and internal politics often make the most Machiavellian politics of Washington, D.C. seem like child’s play.

Egos and factions and power grabs seem to be the norm. Indeed, often the boards members are more interested in their power and positions, and the perks of being board members, than they are in advancing the worthy goals of the organization.

Many of us have found that it is a thankless job. More importantly, for those who serve on the boards of financial institutions and other large organizations, legal liability can attach to their decisions; and this alone can be brutal unless there are Directors and Officers Liability Insurance (“D&O”) policies in place that provide adequate coverage against costly litigation.

If asked today by a client about serving on a board, my gut reaction would be “no, don’t do it,” which is sad.


19 08 2011
Timothy D. Naegele

Why Aren’t Homes Selling?

The answer is at least six-fold:

(1) They are bad investments;

(2) It is cheaper to rent than own;

(3) Housing prices will fall at least another 50 percent in the next five years or so, and cash will be king when the “bottom” is reached finally;

(4) Americans are sick and tired of being defrauded by homebuilders and realtors who have been pushing the value of homeownership, when in fact it is not true;

(5) The worst is yet to come, and Americans instinctively know this; and

(6) Banks and other mortgage lenders have “toxic” loans galore, which would only increase dramatically if non-performing or under-performing loans were marked-to-market, causing bank capital to fall even more.

These are also among the many reasons why Barack Obama will not be reelected. The chickens are coming home to roost; and lots more Americans will lose their homes and suffer greatly, which will be true of those abroad as well.

See (“The Economic Tsunami Continues Its Relentless And Unforgiving Advance Globally”) and (“Barack Obama Is A Lame-Duck President Who Will Not Be Reelected”) (see also the footnotes and comments beneath both articles)


25 08 2011
Timothy D. Naegele

A Series Of Anni Horribiles, Or Disastrous Years, Will Stretch Well Into This Decade

In another brilliant commentary by Arnaud de Borchgrave, editor at large of The Washington Times and of United Press International—entitled, “New world disorder”—he has written:

From a record-breaking drought that has devastated much of the U.S. South and keeps getting worse, to the U.S. economy and what Time magazine’s cover story calls “The Decline and Fall of Europe (and maybe the West)”; civil wars in Libya and Syria; renewed terrorism in Iraq and endless fighting in Afghanistan, the good news was hard to detect.

The sudden uprising of jobless youth from poor families in what is arguably the most unequal society in Europe left London ablaze, shook the British establishment to its foundations and spotlighted the widening gap between rich and poor all over Europe.

The 27-nation European Union and its 17-nation common euro currency appear to be unraveling. Some 20 percent of European youth are jobless.

Income disparities throughout the European Union and in the United States show roughly 1 percent of the population controlling 42 percent of a nation’s wealth and taking in a quarter of the country’s income.

When the rising tide lifted all boats, the wealthiest could take credit for building bigger and better boats. But the current global receding tide has beached 14 million in the United States (excluding those who no longer qualify for compensation), while in the European Union the number, currently at 10 percent, is expected to crest at 16 million by 2013.

Worldwide, the current labor stats indicate 180 million looking for work. In Israel, normally a highly disciplined country of 6 million, 250,000 echoed the British underclass with popular anger against a government unable to deliver the goods. And in the Arab world, from Libya to Egypt to Syria, the Arab Spring is now a distant memory.

After 42 years in power in Libya, Moammar Gadhafi’s regime is history but unmentioned during NATO’s five-month bombing campaign is that the victorious rebel regime of Benghazi is heavily infiltrated by Islamist extremists.

In Cairo, the Muslim Brotherhood is consolidating its dominant position, albeit with the army still in charge.

. . .

It is hardly surprising that there is high anxiety on both sides of the Atlantic; that banks are shaky and some even on the edge of the precipice.

. . .

Like it or not, robotic warfare will soon assume a dominant role in warfare.

There is also the fear of robots carrying nuclear weapons to a distant enemy. Robotic “soldiers” already guard stockpiles of nuclear materials and other nuclear secrets. They can cover more ground and are radiation proof.

The transition to robotic warfare requires a high degree of bipartisanship in Congress, now sadly lacking. Obama has demonstrated that this is beyond his capability.

Meanwhile, he has lost the mantle of leader of the free world. What he says has little impact on either side of the Atlantic—or the Pacific.


I respectfully disagree with de Borchgrave that the “global receding tide” will crest by 2013. This is wishful thinking.

The Middle East will get worse, and the promises of the “Arab Spring” and the “Scent of Jasmine” will seem long forgotten. Indeed, we may wish that we had the relative stability of the past again; and even Israel may be “engulfed.”

As for a world of predator “beasts” replacing the military as we know it, perhaps the “Brave New World” is coming—and I love the notion of robotic drones, submarines and the like—however, something tells me that “ground forces” and navies (with manned ships) and piloted planes will not become obsolete.

Education is shifting to the Web, and “bricks and mortar” colleges and graduate schools may be obsolete too, sometime in the future.


Lastly, Obama does not have a clue, and is history. The handwriting is on the wall.

See, e.g., (“Barack Obama Is A Lame-Duck President Who Will Not Be Reelected”) (see also the footnotes and all of the comments beneath the article)


5 09 2011
Timothy D. Naegele

European Banks Face Collapse Under Debts, Warns Deutsche Bank Chief

This is the title of an article in the UK’s Telegraph, which comments on the warnings of Josef Ackermann, the chief executive of Deutsche Bank, Germany’s biggest bank. He has warned that “numerous” European lenders would collapse if they were forced to book their losses on stricken sovereign bonds:

Mr Ackermann said that the value of billions of euros of loans has plunged to a level that could overwhelm smaller banks.

He told a conference in Frankfurt: “Numerous European banks would not survive having to revalue sovereign debt held on the banking book at market levels.”

Mr Ackermann said market conditions were as febrile as the height of the banking crisis. “We should resign ourselves to the fact that the ‘new normality’ is characterised by volatility and uncertainty,” he said. “All this reminds one of the autumn of 2008.”


Of course EU banks face the prospect of collapse, and the same thing is true of American and other banks around the world. There is no mystery about this. Only someone who has no knowledge of economics fails to understand that this is true.

In accounting principles relating to financial institutions, there is the concept of “marking assets to market”—which can become a requirement or imperative. In the case of home mortgages, this means that if the face amount of a loan is greater than the market value of the home, the loan is “underwater” and the books (or balance sheet) of the bank should reflect this fact. In the absence of doing so, the bank’s assets are overstated (and distorted), and a false sense of well-being is conveyed to depositors, investors and the public alike.

American banks hold massive amounts of “toxic loans” today—or those that are non-performing or under-performing. Housing prices are expected to fall by at least another 50 percent in the next five years or so, which means that more and more loans will go into default or foreclosure. When this happens, the amount of toxic loans will grow dramatically; and if mark-to-market accounting rules were applied, this situation would become even more dire.

Applied to countries that hold sovereign bonds or other debt, the same principles govern. Small banks will be overwhelmed in the EU, the United States and globally. What this article fails to add is that things will get worse economically between now and the end of this decade; and that governments do not have any answers, because they are part of the problem.

Hold on tight. The worst is yet to come, far worse; and bank recapitalizations will be like adding small amounts of water to a pond.

See also (“In Euro Zone, Banking Fear Feeds on Itself”)


30 09 2011
Timothy D. Naegele

The Bottom Will Drop Out Of The American Real Estate Market

In a sobering USA Today article entitled, “Rich and famous are mere mortals in soft real estate market,” it is stated:

In a market where the housing bust has rippled through all price points, few entertainers, athletes, business tycoons or other well-heeled sellers are willing to share details about their pains or gains. But nowhere are the price cuts sharper—or more visible—than in the super and ultra-luxury markets, where prices, depending on location, range from the $15 million to $50 million-plus.

. . .

Some high-end home prices have been battered by 50% or more. As the threats of a double-dip recession and another swoon in financial markets linger, high-end homes stretching from Beverly Hills to Park Avenue languish on the market.

. . .

[F]requently even steep price cuts fail to attract interest. And many newer listings reflect the somber reality of lower values, a glut of luxury homes and an absence of deep-pocketed buyers.

. . .

Except for pockets of prosperity, the high-end market “is absolutely dead across the board. There’s a three-year supply of inventory,” says [Tony Fitzgerald of Premiere Estates Auction], a veteran Los Angeles broker. “Newer condos are down 50% from what they were selling at. There are stretches where they’re off, 60%, 70%. I don’t see any light at the end of the tunnel.”


American housing prices will fall by at least another 50 percent in the next five years or so. The only possible exceptions to this will be in markets where international investors might make a difference.

We are in the midst of the “Great Depression II,” which economic historians will describe as such (or by using similar terms) 20-40 years from now. Things will get far worse during the balance of this decade.

Yes, there will be “green shoots” from time to time, or signs that things are getting better, but that was true during the Great Depression of the last century as well, which did not end until the onset of World War II, at the earliest.

When housing prices finally hit “bottom,” there will be bargains galore for those who have waited patiently on the sidelines with cash. Indeed, cash will be king!

Other Americans will suffer greatly, and lose everything material.

See, e.g., (“A Series Of Anni Horribiles, Or Disastrous Years, Will Stretch Well Into This Decade”)

Lastly, USA Today had an article some time ago about the most over-priced communities in the United States, and that honor went to Santa Barbara, California—”the nation’s most out-of-whack market.” One can expect its real estate prices to be hit disproportionately over the next five years or so, as the bottom drops out, which is virtually a certainty.

See; see also (Santa Barbara: “Foreclosures as a percentage of all sales: 46.78%”)


1 10 2011

Interesting information. I suspect most of us reading or taking a few minutes to reply to this cannot fathom what it is like to live in a palatial dwelling, getting lost within it, and then wanting to sell it. The Celebs who own, buy and sell their properties have gotten the means from us, the middle class, who continue to support them. I’ve given up going to the movies for various reasons; and after reading this, I am so glad that I have. Yes, in our Capitalist nation, they have earned their wealth, but it seems so disconcerting the way they use it to the point of, in my opinion, squandering it. Am I jealous? I hope not. Just thinking about having the means to buy a double-wide out in sunny California and enjoying every feature of it………………..especially ownership and privacy. We learned in elementary school about “wants and needs”—so be it.


2 10 2011
Timothy D. Naegele

Economists: Consumers Won’t Save The Economy—Or Stop The Depression

While many economists are “whores,” who are far worse at predicting the future than weathermen (and women)—in terms of accuracy—USA Today notes, in an article that is essentially correct:

Consumer spending, once the driving force of the U.S. economy, is likely to remain stagnant for years as households struggle to cut debt and build up savings, economists say.

. . .

“While some progress in consumer debt reduction has been made, the heavy lifting of meaningful deleveraging still lies ahead,” says [a recent study from the BlackRock Investment Institute].

Until consumers repair their balance sheets, they are unlikely to increase spending or take on any new debt even with interest rates close to zero percent.
That could continue to hamper the recovery since consumer demand makes up more than 70% of the U.S. economy.

. . .

Homeowners, who are underwater on their mortgages, have an even harder time resolving their debt levels. Some economists see home prices falling even further.


Consumer spending, which has been the engine of American growth in the past, will not lead the way during the next five years or so, and perhaps during the balance of this decade or longer.

The net worths of many American families have been decimated because of the decline in the values of their homes, and by the loss of such houses altogether in the case of many. Consumer spending had been fueled by a false sense of economic well-being, as housing prices soared and as more Americans borrowed heavily and spent like “drunken sailors.”

American housing prices will fall by at least another 50 percent in the next five years or so; and more Americans will lose their homes to foreclosure, or simply walk away from them, which will impact consumer spending even more dramatically. For the fortunate few who are able to sit patiently on the sidelines with cash, there will be bargains galore when the “bottom” is reached finally. Cash will be king!

For those Americans and their counterparts globally who have lost everything, it will be an economic depression and a living nightmare. Indeed, 20-40 years from now, economic historians will characterize this period as the “Great Depression II,” or by using similar terms. For these Americans, their materialistic dreams will be long gone.

Yes, there will be “green shoots” from time to time, or signs that the economy is improving, which was true during the Great Depression of the last century as well. However, that depression did not end until the onset of World War II, at the earliest; and this one may last just as long.

Hold on tight. Things will get very ugly between now and the end of this decade. There are no governmental solutions to these problems; and the human suffering will be staggering. Also, as I have written in the past:

While U.S. politicians and their counterparts in other countries have been trying to convince their electorates that they have the answers, they are simply holding out false hopes that real solutions are at hand; and Americans are apt to realize this as the elections of 2010 and 2012 approach.

. . .

America and other nations are in uncharted waters; and their politicians may face backlashes from disillusioned and angry constituents that are unprecedented in modern times. Also, the limits of godless secularism and paying homage to the false gods of materialism may become self-evident.


In last November’s elections, Barack Obama and his Democrats suffered enormous political defeats, which may pale in magnitude when compared to what is coming next November!

See, e.g., (see also the article itself, as well as the footnotes and all of the comments beneath it)

. . .

In another article entitled, “Protectionism beckons as leaders push world into Depression”—and subtitled, “The world savings rate has surpassed its modern-era high of 24pc. This is the killer in the global system. It is why we are at imminent risk of tipping into a second, deeper leg of intractable depression”—the UK Telegraph‘s Ambrose Evans-Pritchard added:

[T]here is a chronic lack of consumption in the world.

. . .

The inevitable outcome of one-sided austerity polices in the Anglo-sphere and Club Med is a self-feeding downward slide for the whole global system, a variant of 1930s debt-deflation.

See; see also (“Greece Falls Into ‘Death Spiral’: Rising Debt, No Growth”) and (“Bernanke Says Economic Recovery Close to Faltering”)


6 10 2011
Timothy D. Naegele

The World Is Facing The Worst Financial Crisis In History

Of course Sir Mervyn King, Governor of the Bank of England, is correct in reaching this conclusion. Indeed, his views echo my comments in the article above, and in all of the comments beneath it. An article in the UK’s Telegraph quotes the Governor as stating:

This is the most serious financial crisis we’ve seen, at least since the 1930s, if not ever.


As I have stated repeatedly, there is nothing that governments in the United States, the UK or elsewhere can do to thwart the economic tsunami from rolling worldwide, with unprecedented human suffering, lasting at least until the end of this decade.

See, e.g., (“Economists: Consumers Won’t Save The Economy—Or Stop The Depression”) (see also the article itself, as well as the footnotes and all of the comments beneath it) and (“The Bottom Will Drop Out Of The American Real Estate Market”) and (“European Banks Face Collapse Under Debts, Warns Deutsche Bank Chief”) and (“A Series Of Anni Horribiles, Or Disastrous Years, Will Stretch Well Into This Decade”)

. . .

In another very sobering article, the Telegraph added:

Little more than two years ago, global leaders were happily congratulating themselves on having avoided the mistakes of the 1930s, thereby averting a depression. But now it appears that the difficulties of 2008 were but a foretaste of what was to come. With the European banking system again on the verge of collapse, there is a sense that politicians and economists are out of options, that governments and central banks are powerless before events. The best of the cavalry has been sent into battle, and it has come back in tatters. The fiscal armoury has been exhausted, the support offered by the boom in emerging markets such as China and India over the past two years seems to be on its last legs, and there is but the small rifle fire of the central bank printing presses left to defend us.

If it has been obvious for some time that we are caught up in an extreme financial crisis, the extent of its severity has acquired greater clarity in being described by the Governor of the Bank of England. Never before has the global financial system been so interlinked and integrated, which means that problems in one part of the world are capable of causing severe stress almost everywhere else. We once more face a perfect storm of cascading default, contracting credit and collapsing economic activity.


This echoes my conclusions more than two years ago:

While U.S. politicians and their counterparts in other countries have been trying to convince their electorates that they have the answers, they are simply holding out false hopes that real solutions are at hand; and Americans are apt to realize this as the elections of 2010 and 2012 approach.

. . .

America and other nations are in uncharted waters; and their politicians may face backlashes from disillusioned and angry constituents that are unprecedented in modern times. Also, the limits of godless secularism and paying homage to the false gods of materialism may become self-evident.


Not only are Americans realizing that their politicians do not have the answers, but their counterparts in Europe and globally are realizing this as well. Barack Obama and his Democrats will not be reelected next November; and a similar fate may befall other politicians worldwide.

See (“Barack Obama Is A Lame-Duck President Who Will Not Be Reelected”) (see also the footnotes and all of the comments beneath the article)

Anger is growing globally, which is apt to reach unprecedented levels before the end of this decade. The economic tsunami will run its course toward the end of the decade; and there are no governmental solutions to these problems.

Hold on tight. The worst is yet to come, and it will be very ugly!


11 11 2011
Timothy D. Naegele

Where And Why Keynes Went Wrong

The RAND Corporation has an interesting article that discusses Keynesian economics—in the context of Barack Obama’s failed and wasteful so-called “stimulus package,” and discusses why it failed—which is worth reading.


First, one must appreciate fully that Obama understands little or nothing about economics and business; and in both respects, he is a fool and a feckless naïf, and a tragic Shakespearean figure who will be forgotten and consigned to the dustheap of history—unless he tragically alters the course of American history.

See, e.g., and (“[I]n New York City before he moved to Chicago for the first time, he went to work as a research assistant at a consulting house to multinational corporations, where he recalled feeling like ‘a spy behind enemy lines'”)

He is America’s “Hamlet on the Potomac” and “Jimmy Carter-lite.” His naïveté is matched by his overarching narcissism; and he is more starry-eyed and “dangerous” than Jimmy Carter. When the stimulus package was be devised, then-House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and her Democrats were given the task of fashioning it, which they did to satisfy their constituents, regardless of whether the rest of America benefited or was hurt.

The RAND article notes:

It is generally recognized that the conceptual underpinnings for so-called stimulus programs lie in the theory developed by John Maynard Keynes in the 1930s. That the practical results of these programs in recent years have been negligible, if not negative, while their costs have been high, may be sufficient grounds for avoiding them in the future.

. . .

Before addressing questions about the theory, let’s briefly recap the costs and results of the stimulus so far.

Total stimulus costs have been high, but reckoning them accurately isn’t easy. They include $787 billion in federal spending that was legislated and appropriated in 2009 with the “stimulus” label attached to it. In addition, a proper accounting of the cost should include several other programs and outlays that, while not carrying the “stimulus” label, were designed to boost domestic spending or preclude reductions in spending that were otherwise expected to occur. These other programs include the following: TARP funding to relieve the impaired asset values and weakened balance sheets of financial institutions ($700 billion); bailout funds provided to support the auto industry ($17 billion); extension of unemployment benefits to support income and spending by unemployed workers ($34 billion); and temporary subsidies for the “cash for clunkers” program ($3 billion).

These other measures should be included in a full reckoning of stimulus costs because of their shared common purpose: to boost aggregate demand, or avoid its further decline. . . .

All of these outlays, amounting to more than $1.5 trillion, are properly encompassed in Keynes’s central policy prescription: namely, to use public policy aggressively to stimulate “aggregate demand.” Those who have criticized the government’s stimulus efforts for being too small may not realize how large they have actually been.

What about the results of the stimulus package? Between the end of the second quarter of 2009 . . . and the end of the second quarter of 2011, nearly all the stimulus funding was disbursed. The result was that GDP increased from $12.6 trillion (in 2005 prices) to $13.3 trillion—an increase less than half the dollar-for-dollar injection of stimulus money! In the same period, gross private consumption rose by $400 billion, and gross private (nonresidential) fixed investment rose by $155 billion. In the same period, employment decreased by 581,000.

A simple accounting of costs and benefits—costs are high, benefits much lower—warrants skepticism about further recourse to stimulus spending.

. . .

The core of the [Keynesian] theory is “aggregate demand” defined in terms of two components: consumption demand and investment demand.

. . .

Insufficient aggregate demand was Keynes’s diagnosis of the Depression-era conditions of continued unemployment and stagnant economic growth. Consumption demand had sharply contracted owing to the Great Depression’s effect on employment and income, and investment demand was depressed because profitable investment opportunities depended heavily on consumption, which had been decimated by the Depression.

Keynes’s prescription for escaping this vicious circle was to stimulate aggregate demand by aggressively increasing government spending and/or lowering taxes. Unlike many of his current disciples, Keynes acknowledged the potential of lower taxes to stimulate demand. However, the room for remedial action through tax reductions was limited in the 1930s because prevailing taxes were already low. Consequently, in Keynes’s view, increased government spending was necessary to boost aggregate demand—what was referred to in that day as “pump-priming” and these days as “stimulus.”

Moreover, whether the stimulus was to be provided by public works (“infrastructure”), by employing workers to dig holes and then fill them, or by other means didn’t matter to the theory. With ample idle resources—specifically, unemployed labor and idle plant and equipment—it was assumed that the only missing ingredient was sufficient demand to jump-start the economy. One dollar of additional government spending would wend its way through the economy as first-round recipients spent most of what they received, second-round recipients, in turn, spent most of what they received, thereby raising the income and ensuing spending of the next recipients, and so on. The total effect would thus be a multiple of the initial increase in spending. . . .

The similarities between the Depression era and the current circumstances . . . are obvious. So, where’s the flaw?

. . .

Keynes assumed that the initial deficient level of aggregate demand would remain unchanged until the stimulative (“pump-priming”) effect of additional government spending kicked in.

. . .

So how might government spending actually undermine its explicit purpose of boosting aggregate demand?

It is quite plausible that the behavior of consumers and investors might change as an unintended consequence of the increased government spending, and might do so in ways that would partly, fully, or even more than fully offset the attempted effort to raise aggregate demand.

Consider “Ricardian equivalence”—a conjecture advanced by David Ricardo a century before Keynes’s general theory and thus something Keynes was aware of, or should have been aware of. Ricardian equivalence suggested that consumers might reduce their spending to prepare for the tax increases they’d face in the future to pay for government spending financed by borrowing in the present. . . .

That prior consumption demand might actually have been reduced as a result of recent government stimulus spending is suggested by two indicators: Since mid-2009, household savings increased by 2-3 percent of GDP, and household debt decreased by 8.6 percent ($1.1 trillion).

It is also plausible that investment demand might shrink as a result of increased government spending or its anticipation. This diminution might occur if investors have recourse to other investment opportunities that seem more profitable or less risky than those that would accompany or follow the attempted government stimulus. For example, such opportunities might lie in investing abroad where tax liabilities are less onerous, rather than investing at home; or investors might choose to invest in long-term instruments (30-year U.S. government bonds) while reducing investment in fixed capital or equities. These opportunities might seem rosier because of anticipated increases in future taxes, or because of increased regulatory restrictions that might (and did) accompany the increased government spending. In fact, such alternative investment opportunities are much more numerous and accessible now than in Keynes’s era.

Failure to consider the potentially adverse effect of government spending on the preexisting level of aggregate demand was and remains a disabling flaw in Keynesian theory—then and now. If the theory’s underlying logic is flawed, it can be expected that policies and programs based on it will fail. They have in the past. . . .

Aside from the fact that the stimulus packages were politically contrived instead of being economically sound, they added to America’s debt burdens and created additional uncertainties, which produced negative effects on the U.S. economy. In short, they were wasteful, unmitigated disasters, which are among the many reasons why Obama will not be reelected next year, but will return either to Chicago or Hawaii no later than January of 2013, to lick his political wounds and write his memoirs, and work full time on his presidential library.

It cannot happen fast enough for the good of the United States and the American people!


19 11 2011
Timothy D. Naegele

U.S. Companies Feel The Impact Of Europe’s Financial Mess

This is the title of an Associated Press article, which stated:

The tremors from Europe’s financial upheaval have reached U.S. shores, rattling consumers and companies.

The consequences have been limited so far. Yet the United States and Europe are so closely linked that any slowdown across the Atlantic is felt here. U.S. makers of cars, solar panels, drugs, clothes and computer equipment have all reported effects from Europe’s turmoil.

Worries that Europe’s crisis could worsen and spread are spooking investors and consumers just as the holiday shopping season nears. Some fear U.S. consumers could rein in spending. Europe’s sputtering growth is already dragging on some U.S. companies’ profits and could further slow the U.S. economy.

The crisis “seems to be coming to a head right at the time the U.S. economy is at its most vulnerable,” said Mark Vitner, an economist at Wells Fargo.

. . .

The European Union is the No. 1 U.S. trading partner. Nearly $475 billion in goods crossed between the regions in the first nine months of 2011. About 14% of revenue for the 500 biggest U.S. companies—roughly $1.3 trillion—comes from Europe.

The U.S. economy is especially vulnerable to the European crisis because it’s growing so weakly and facing other risks, such as weak hiring, stagnant pay, high energy costs, a wide trade deficit and potentially steep government spending cuts.

. . .

[Europe’s] turmoil is affecting U.S companies and consumers in several ways:

•Stock-market gyrations unsettle consumers and make them more cautious about spending.

•U.S. companies with big European operations are suffering from lower sales, prices and profits.

•Banks worldwide are cutting lending and hoarding cash to create more cushion for potentially deep losses on their holdings of Greek, Italian and other government debt. U.S. and overseas banks are keeping about $1.57 trillion in reserves at the Federal Reserve—a jump of nearly $580 billion in the past year.

•Uncertainty about how much damage Europe could cause is making corporations reluctant to spend their piles of cash to hire and invest.

. . .

For banks, the crisis is different, and scarier. They hold debt of European governments and companies that could lose value if the crisis worsens.

The big fear is that large U.S. and European banks would become so worried about each other’s ability to cover losses that they’d stop lending to each other. The result could be diminished confidence that would freeze lending and shock the global economy.

Last week, Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke told soldiers and their families in Texas that Europe posed a “significant risk” to the U.S. economy.

. . .

The unease is growing right as the holiday shopping season—which accounts for up to 40% of retailers’ annual sales—is about to start.

“The retail industry is hyper-sensitive to any sort of national or international crisis that affects consumer confidence,” said Brian Dodge of the Retail Leaders Industry Association. “Consumers read the news.”


This article is sobering but accurate. The worst is yet to come, by far, during the balance of this decade!

See (“The World Is Facing The Worst Financial Crisis In History”) (see also the article itself, as well as the footnotes and all other comments beneath it)


25 11 2011
Timothy D. Naegele

The Euro Zone Is Collapsing

Perhaps it will not happen in a instant, and maybe there will be sporadic signs of relief in the future. However, it is inevitable, and just a matter of time. The calamity will rock the world.

The UK’s Economist, in a conservative, sobering article that must be read between the lines—which is subtitled, “The crisis in the euro area is turning into a panic. . . . The risk that the currency disintegrates within weeks is alarmingly high”—has noted:

FIRST Greece; then Ireland and Portugal; then Italy and Spain. Month by month, the crisis in the euro area has crept from the vulnerable periphery of the currency zone towards its core, helped by denial, misdiagnosis and procrastination by the euro-zone’s policymakers.

. . .

Now an even bigger calamity is looking likelier. The intensifying financial pressure raises the chances of a disorderly default by a government, a run of retail deposits on banks short of cash, or a revolt against austerity that would mark the start of the break-up of the euro zone.

. . .

European banks are dumping the bonds of the least creditworthy [euro-zone sovereigns], and other assets, in an attempt to conserve capital and improve cashflow as a full-blown funding crisis looms. Governments are promising ever more severe budget cuts in the hope of pacifying bond markets. The direct result of these scrambles is a credit crunch and a squeeze on aggregate demand. . . . Add the indirect effects on the confidence of consumers and businesses, and the downturn will be deep.

. . .

Consider the three ingredients for recession: a credit crunch, tighter fiscal policy and a dearth of confidence. In aggregate, European banks’ loans exceed their deposits, so they rely on wholesale funds—short-term bills, longer-term bonds or loans from other banks—to bridge the gap. But investors are becoming warier of lending to banks that have euro-zone bonds on their books and that can no longer rely on the backing of governments with borrowing troubles of their own. Long-term bond issues have become scarce and American money-market funds, hitherto buyers of short-term bank bills, are running scared.

Banks are frantically shedding assets both to raise cash and to ration their capital in order to meet European Union minimum capital-adequacy targets by next June. The early victims of this deleveraging are borrowers in emerging markets. . . . But businesses and householders at home will also soon be hurt by scarcer credit and rising interest rates, as the banks’ higher funding costs are passed on.

. . .

Germany will be the least affected of the zone’s four biggest economies, followed by France. Spain and Italy will be hurt most.

The euro zone’s businesses and consumers will be drawn into the downward spiral of confidence. In the autumn of 2008 companies learned that credit lines could not be relied on when banks were fighting for survival. When banks are short of liquidity, firms have to watch their own cashflow closely. That implies leaner stocks and reductions in discretionary spending, such as capital projects or advertising campaigns.

. . .

A drop in demand for capital equipment, durable consumer goods and cars will strike at the euro zone’s industrial heartland, including Germany. [Laurence Boone, chief European economist at the Bank of America] reckons GDP will fall by around 0.5% in Germany next year and by the same amount in the whole zone. In September the IMF forecast that the zone’s GDP would grow by 1.1% in 2012 but estimated that if European banks were deleveraging quickly (as they are now), the economy could shrink by around 2%.

Breaking point

A downturn of such severity will hugely increase the pressures within the zone. Investors will be even less willing to finance banks, as more garden-variety loans to businesses and householders turn bad. As unemployment rises, tax receipts will go down and welfare payments up, making it harder for governments to rein in their deficits and hit the targets they have set, and causing bond markets to question their solvency more pointedly still.

In such circumstances, the chances of a policy error or broader panic increase sharply. The calculations of bond investors, bank depositors and politicians are prone to sudden change. Hopes that the fracture of the euro zone might be averted by far-sighted policymakers could give way to a belief that it is inevitable. Such beliefs, once they take hold, are likely to be self-fulfilling.

. . .

The euro zone is showing the symptoms of an internal balance-of-payments crisis, with self-fulfilling runs on countries, because at bottom that is the nature of its troubles. . . .

One of the initial attractions of euro membership for peripheral countries—access to cheap funds—no longer applies. If a messy default is forced upon a euro-zone country, it might be tempted to reinvent its own currency. Indeed, it may have little option. That way, at least, it could write down the value of its private and public debts, as well as cutting its wages and prices relative to those abroad, improving its competitiveness. The switch would be hugely costly for debtors and creditors alike. But the alternative is scarcely more appealing. Austerity, high unemployment, social unrest, high borrowing costs and banking chaos seem likely either way.

The prospect that one country might break its ties to the euro, voluntarily or not, would cause widespread bank runs in other weak economies. Depositors would rush to get their savings out of the country to pre-empt a forced conversion to a new, weaker currency. Governments would have to impose limits on bank withdrawals or close banks temporarily. Capital controls and even travel restrictions would be needed to stanch the bleeding of money from the economy. . . .

External sources of credit would dry up because foreign investors, banks and companies would fear that their money would be trapped. A government cut off from capital-market funding would need to find other ways of bridging the gap between tax receipts and public spending. It might meet part of its obligations, including public-sector wages, by issuing small-denomination IOUs that could in turn be used to buy goods and pay bills.

. . .

[T]he likeliest trigger for a disintegration of the euro is unknowable. But there are plenty of candidates. One is a failed bond auction that forces a country into default and sends a shock wave through the European banking system.

. . .

Another danger is a disagreement between Greece and its trio of rescuers (the EU, the IMF and the ECB) over the conditions of its bail-out. The risk of a mishap will be greater after the Greek elections in February if the country’s political mood sours yet further. Perhaps the spark will come from another source: the bankruptcy of a bank; fresh trouble in Portugal; or a chain of events that starts with France losing its AAA rating and ends with runs on banks across Europe. The exposure of French banks to Italy and to other countries that have been in bond traders’ sights for longer implies that contagion would quickly spread to the euro’s core. Widespread defaults in the periphery would wipe out a big chunk of Germany’s wealth and begin a chain of bank failures that could turn recession into depression.

The few left in the euro (Germany and perhaps a few other creditor countries) would be at a competitive disadvantage to the new cheaper currencies on their doorstep. As well as imposing capital controls, countries might retreat towards autarky, by raising retaliatory tariffs. The survival of the European single market and of the EU itself would then be under threat.

See (“Beware of falling masonry”)

Again, as written above: “The World Is Facing The Worst Financial Crisis In History.” Things will get very ugly during the balance of this decade!

See; see also (“Dow, S&P Log Worst Thanksgiving Week Since 1932”) and (“Banks Build Contingency for Breakup of the Euro”)


27 11 2011
Timothy D. Naegele

The Fed Must Not Save Europe From Disaster

If the Fed seeks to do so, all of its governors must be investigated by Congress, removed from office, indicted and imprisoned. They would be gambling with the monies of the American people, and no less drastic measures would be required.

They are unelected and believe they are unaccountable; and they must be taught otherwise, for the good of the United States and the American people. They did this before, and they must be stopped from doing it ever again.

See and

It must never be forgotten that Alan Greenspan is directly responsible for and triggered the economic calamity that global economies are facing today, as well as what Americans are living through. As I wrote more than two and a half years ago in the American Banker, the daily newspaper of the banking industry:

Former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan is the architect of the enormous economic “bubble” that has burst globally. No longer is he revered as a “potentate.” His reputation is in tatters. Giulio Tremonti, Italy’s Minister of Economy and Finance, has said: “Greenspan was considered a master. Now we must ask ourselves whether he is not, after [Osama] bin Laden, the man who hurt America the most.” That speaks volumes.


No one has been punished—not Greenspan, or anyone else. This must change, and it should start with Greenspan. In another time and country, he would have been tried, convicted and executed by now.

As Ambrose Evans-Pritchard has written in the UK’s Telegraph:

The Euribor/OIS spread or`fear gauge’ is flashing red warning signals. Dollar funding costs in Europe have spiked to Lehman-crisis levels, leaving lenders struggling frantically to cover their $2 trillion (£1.3 trillion) funding gap.

America’s money markets are no longer willing to lend to over-leveraged Euroland banks, or only on drastically short maturities below seven days. Exposure to French banks has been slashed by 69pc since May.

Italy faces a “sudden stop” in funding, forced to pay 6.5pc on Friday for six-month money, despite the technocrat take-over in Rome.

German Bund yields have risen to 59 basis points above Swedish bonds since Wednesday’s failed auction. German debt has been relegated suddenly against Swiss, Nordic, Japanese, and US debt. As the Telegraph reported two weeks ago, Asian central banks and sovereign wealth funds are spurning all EMU bonds because they have lost confidence in a monetary system with no lender of last resort, coherent form of government, or respect for the rule of law.

. . .

If break-up occurs in a disorderly fashion, with Club Med states and Ireland spun into oblivion one by one, the chain reaction will cause an implosion of Europe’s €31 trillion banking nexus (S&P estimate), the world’s biggest and most leveraged. This in turn risks an almighty global crash – first class passengers included.

So the question arises, should the rest of the world take over management of Europe to prevent or mitigate disaster? Specifically, should the US Federal Reserve assume leadership as a monetary superpower and impose policy on a paralyzed ECB, acting as a global lender of last resort?

. . .

What we know for certain is that Europe’s current policy settings must lead ineluctably to ruin and perhaps to fascism. Nothing can be worse.

See (“Should the Fed save Europe from disaster?”)

As I have written, it is clear that the euro zone is collapsing. Neither the United States nor the Fed should do anything to prevent this from happening. Sooner or later an equilibrium or “bottom” will be reached, and then recovery can begin again. Until this happens, governments can do nothing except risk and waste finite and precious resources trying to prevent it—like futile attempts to plug up holes in a dam that is breaking or leaking like a sieve.

See; see also (“Fed may give loans to IMF to help euro zone: paper”)


30 11 2011
Gary A. Flynn, Media Dir.

fascinating and thoroughly insightful//….if not altogether shocking and frightening. This is not a period of time to employ Ostrich Management techniques. I’d better get busy streamlining/.


3 12 2011
Timothy D. Naegele

Euro Doomed From The Start, Says Architect Of The Single Currency

In an important UK Telegraph article—which is subtitled, “The euro project was flawed from the start and the current generation of European leaders has failed to address its fundamental problems, Jacques Delors, the architect of the single currency, declares today”—it is stated:

In an interview with The Daily Telegraph, Jacques Delors, the former president of the European Commission, claims that errors made when the euro was created had effectively doomed the single currency to the current debt crisis. He also accuses today’s leaders of doing “too little, too late,” to support the single currency.

. . . Mr Delors, who led the commission from 1985 to 1995, played a central role in the process that led to the creation of the euro in 1999. In his first British newspaper interview for almost a decade, he says that the debt crisis reflects a threat to Europe’s global role and even basic Western democratic values.

Mr Delors claims that the current crisis stems from “a fault in execution” by the political leaders who oversaw the euro in its early days. Leaders chose to turn a blind eye to the fundamental weaknesses and imbalances of member states’ economies, he says.

“The finance ministers did not want to see anything disagreeable which they would be forced to deal with,” he says.

The euro came into existence without strong central powers to stop members running up unsustainable debts, an omission that led to the current crisis. Now that the excessive borrowing of countries such as Greece and Italy has brought the eurozone to the brink of disaster, Mr Delors insists that all European countries must share the blame for the crisis. “Everyone must examine their consciences,” he says.

However, he singles out Germany for its strict insistence that the European Central Bank must not support debt-stricken members for fear of fuelling inflation. The euro’s troubles spring from “a combination of the stubbornness of the Germanic idea of monetary control and the absence of a clear vision from all the other countries”.

Famous in Britain for his public clashes with Baroness Thatcher in the 1980s over closer European integration, Mr Delors says that he shares some of the concerns that were expressed by British politicians and economists about the euro before its creation.

When “Anglo-Saxons” said that a single central bank and currency without a single state would be inherently unstable, “they had a point”, he admits.

Because Britain is not in the euro, it is not “sharing the burden”, Mr Delors says. However, he claims that the UK is “just as embarrassed as the Europeans by the financial crisis”, not least because some of the measures put in place to deal with the crisis pose a threat to British interests.

For example, he says, the creation of a common “Eurobond” underwritten by all eurozone governments and traded in Paris and Frankfurt would be a “big worry” for the City of London. “I can see [UK Prime Minister David] Cameron’s worries,” he says.

Such is the scale of the crisis, he warns, that “even Germany” will struggle to find a solution. “Markets are markets. They are now bedevilled by uncertainty.”

See; see also (“The echoes of the 1930s are loud, and will become louder as combined monetary and fiscal contraction entrench depression“) and (“Currency disunion: Why Europe’s leaders should think the unthinkable“)


19 12 2011
Timothy D. Naegele

The Demise Of The Monetary Union

In an article entitled, “Britain, the IMF, and the world’s richest beggar,” the UK Telegraph‘s International Business Editor in London, Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, has written:

Euro rage is reaching new heights over Britain’s latest outrage.

Our refusal to pony up a further €31bn we cannot afford, to prop up a monetary union that was created against our wishes and better judgment, and with the malevolent purpose of accelerating the great leap forward to a European state that is inherently undemocratic.

It is being presented as treachery, Anglo-Saxon perfidy, and the naked pursuit of national self-interest.

Let me just point out:

1) The UK never agreed to such a commitment in the first place. . . .

2) The UK does not consider the rescue machinery to be remotely credible as constructed.

3) The eurozone has the means to tackle its own debt crisis, if it is willing to use them. These include fiscal pooling and the mobilisation of the ECB.

As eurozone politicians never tire of reminding us, their aggregate debt levels are lower than those of the UK, US, or Japan. They are right. So get on with it and stop begging.

. . .

It was EMU members who created this dysfunctional currency. They are now trying to shift the consequences of their error onto others rather than taking the minimum steps necessary to fix the problem at root.

If they are unwilling to save EMU by serious action—ie fiscal union—they should organize an orderly break-up.

. . .

Eurolanders want it both ways. They bask in their fiscal superiority, yet they demand an external rescue.

Excuse us benighted Little Englanders if we cannot quite see things their way.

. . .

I always feared that Britain would somehow be blamed for the demise of monetary union. My nightmare is coming true.



2 01 2012
Timothy D. Naegele

2012 Could Be The Year Germany Lets The Euro Die

This is the title of another article by the UK Telegraph‘s International Business Editor in London, Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, which states:

It will be a global downturn on all fronts. . . .

The second wave will hit with youth unemployment already at 45pc in Greece and 49pc in Spain; and with the US labour participation rate already at depression levels of 64pc.

We will hear more about Italy’s Red Brigades, Greece’s Sect of Revolutionaries, and America’s militia groups, and how democracies respond. Proto-fascism in Hungary is our warning.

China’s surgical soft-landing will slip control, like Fed tightening in 1929 and 2007, or Japan’s squeeze in 1990. Once construction has run amok, bears will have their way.

Since the purpose of New Year predictions is to stick one’s neck out, let me hazard that China will devalue the yuan in 2012. It will export yet more spare capacity into a deflationary world, until the West retaliates and starts to turn its back on globalisation. Capital outflows will accelerate. The idea that China can rescue anybody will seem quaint.

The strong yen has already pushed Japan back into deflation, and fresh recession. Public debt has reached one quadrillion yen, as noted acidly by Tokyo’s R&I rating agency when it stripped Japan of its AAA rating last month. That is $12.8 trillion, or Italy plus Spain times four.

There is a graveyard full of Gaijin commentators who wrote off Japan too soon. Will the dam break this year at last, with tax covering less than half of spending, public debt at 237pc of GDP, ever fewer workers, and a state pension fund now selling government bonds?

. . .

America will look resilient for a few months. The payroll tax deal has averted a fiscal shock, but that is all. Money growth (M3) has sputtered out, and velocity is falling.

. . .

Central banks have the means to prevent a 1930s outcome, even with rates at zero, if willing to deploy Fisher-Friedman monetary stimulus with conviction, buying assets from non-banks and targeting nominal GDP growth of 5pc. But policy defeatism is in the air, and Austro-liquidationists are winning the popular debate.

. . .

The European Central Bank has guaranteed trouble by letting M3 money contract. Fiscal tightening into the downward slide will make matters worse. A credit crunch as banks shrink loan books by €1 trillion to meet capital ratios will do the rest. All policy levers are set on deep recession, and deep recession is what Europe will get.

Monetary union is too damaged to parry these blows. . . .

The shrinking AAA core will leave Germany propping up the EFSF bail-out fund, until the weight of contingent liabilities endangers Germany itself. . . .

Lisbon’s second bail-out will come just as Greece graduates from riots to insurrection, and Italy’s Silvio Berlusconi will try to snatch power again by whipping up fury against Tedeschi. Bundestag patience will snap at such disorder everywhere.

Germany will not be able to fudge EMU any longer. It must either immolate itself, accepting a debt union and internal inflation to save a currency it never wanted and doesn’t love; or opt instead to uphold fiscal sovereignty and the essence of its own democracy, and let the Project die.

The shrewd, equivocating, ice-cold Chancellor will quietly oust arch-europhile Wolfgang Schauble and let the Project die, always pretending otherwise.

See; see also (“Euro Doomed From The Start, Says Architect Of The Single Currency”)

Hold on tight. The worst is yet to come, by far!


7 01 2012
Timothy D. Naegele

Global Economy Could Endure Disaster For a Week

This is the title of a disturbing Reuters article, which states in pertinent part:

The global economy could withstand widespread disruption from a natural disaster or attack by militants for only a week as governments and businesses are not sufficiently prepared to deal with unexpected events, a report by a respected think-tank said.

Events such as the 2010 volcanic ash cloud, which grounded flights in Europe, Japan’s earthquake and tsunami and Thailand’s floods last year, have showed that key sectors and businesses can be severely affected if disruption to production or transport goes on for more than a week.

“One week seems to be the maximum tolerance of the ‘just-in-time’ global economy,” said the report by Chatham House, the London-based policy institute for international affairs.

The current fragile state of the world’s economy leaves it particularly vulnerable to unforeseen shocks. Up to 30 percent of developed countries’ gross domestic product could be directly threatened by crises, especially in the manufacturing and tourism sectors, according to the think-tank.

It is estimated that the 2003 outbreak of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) in Asia cost businesses $60 billion, or about 2 percent of east Asian GDP, the report said.

After the Japanese tsunami and nuclear crisis in March last year, global industrial production declined by 1.1 percent the following month, according to the World Bank.

The 2010 volcanic ash cloud cost the European Union 5-10 billion euros and pushed some airlines and travel companies to the verge of bankruptcy.


The ultimate “disruption,” of course, would be a nation-ending EMP Attack!

See (“EMP Attack: Only 30 Million Americans Survive”)


31 01 2012
Timothy D. Naegele

Fed Members Laughed As Housing Bubble Grew

This is the title of a CNBC article, which is worth reading.


It is totally consistent with an article that I wrote for the American Banker, the daily newspaper of the U.S. banking industry, which was published on October 17, 2008, and entitled, “Greenspan’s Fingerprints All Over Enduring Mess.” In it, I wrote:

The U.S. economy as well as economies around the world have been going through wrenching experiences lately, and much more is likely. Former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan is the architect of the enormous economic “bubble” that has burst globally. No longer is he revered as a “potentate.” His reputation is in tatters. Giulio Tremonti, Italy’s Minister of Economy and Finance, has said: “Greenspan was considered a master. Now we must ask ourselves whether he is not, after [Osama] bin Laden, the man who hurt America the most.” That speaks volumes.


The chickens are still coming home to roost—long after the laughter ceased at the Fed—which will be true during the balance of this decade, in the United States and globally.

See, e.g., (“Record 1.2 Million People Fall Out Of Labor Force In One Month, Labor Force Participation Rate Tumbles To Fresh 30 Year Low“)


11 02 2012
Timothy D. Naegele

America’s $25 Billion Pseudo-Foreclosure-Scandal Settlement Rewards Homeowners Who Gambled And Overextended Themselves

There are three articles on this subject that are worth reading: one in the Wall Street Journal, another at, and a third in the UK’s Economist.

See and and

As the Journal article states:

The bankers coughed up shareholder money to settle a pseudo-foreclosure scandal, while the White House moved closer to its political goal of guaranteeing every home mortgage.

. . .

Rarely have so many politicians cashed in so blatantly on so little wrong-doing.

. . .

Think of this as one more giant political stimulus package—Congressional approval not required.

The words “a pseudo-foreclosure scandal” should be highlighted and underscored. Why should homeowners who overextended themselves be bailed out or rewarded at all? They gambled and lost. It is a scam by our government, once again.

The rosy scenario painted by this article, of how homeowners might be helped, could have been written at the Obama White House. For a much better and more accurate assessment, one should read the Bloomberg article, which states in pertinent part as follows:

The $25 billion settlement with banks over foreclosure abuses may result in a wave of home seizures, inflicting short-term pain on delinquent U.S. borrowers while making a long-term housing recovery more likely.

Lenders slowed the pace of foreclosures as they negotiated with attorneys general in all 50 states for more than a year over allegations of faulty and fraudulent paperwork used to repossess homes. With yesterday’s agreement, banks are likely to resume property seizures.

. . .

The backlog of foreclosures has trapped homeowners in properties they can no longer afford, depressed neighborhood prices by increasing the number of abandoned homes and led banks to tighten mortgage credit standards because of uncertainty about the cost of their potential obligations.

The Economist added:

Only Oklahoma stayed out of the settlement, with its attorney general Scott Pruitt releasing a scathing statement saying it rewarded homeowners who stopped paying their mortgages over families who continued to pay, thus encouraging more defaults.

. . .

Many of the key issues in the settlement remain unclear. None of the announcements even touched upon the reasoning behind a $25 billion price tag for the settlement. Who will receive the money is perhaps an even more pressing mystery. President Obama blamed the actions of banks and other related institutions for causing 4m Americans to lose their homes to foreclosures, but only a fraction will receive relief.

. . .

Among the most debated outcomes is the impact on the overall housing market and—because of the housing market’s importance—the American economy. During the settlement negotiations banks were reluctant to initiate foreclosures. This has buttressed the housing market by restricting supply, but left a huge overhang of properties that can be foreclosed.

The process will accelerate. Some families will presumably be spared losing their homes because of settlement funds, but others will not be so fortunate. The result is that many properties could be dumped on to the market. In the short-term this will cause prices to fall and genuine personal agony, but in the longer-term it will clear away a critical source of uncertainty about housing supply and demand. That certainty, ironically, will come at the price of much legal uncertainty.

Unlike the RTC that came into being during the S&L crisis of the 1980’s and early 1990’s, and then went out of business, this monstrosity may stay with us . . . like ObamaCare. Indeed, Barack Obama’s demagoguery knows no bounds when he asserts that the actions of banks and other related institutions caused 4 million Americans to lose their homes to foreclosures. The banks and other lenders did not force borrowers to go into debt beyond their means and what they could afford. This is utter nonsense, a lie, and patently absurd.

To get rid of Barack Obama no later than January of 2013—and send him packing either to Chicago or Hawaii to lick his political wounds and write his memoirs, and work full time on his presidential library—will give the next president and his administration an opportunity to end all of this.

Having represented upwards of 200 banks, financial institutions and similar entities, I would recommend that no new mortgage loans should be made, inter alia, because of economic uncertainties during the balance of this decade and falling housing prices during at least the next five years. In fact, this is exactly what many of these institutions are doing.

No wonder American voters do not trust their politicians, much less those in Washington.


13 02 2012
Timothy D. Naegele

Greece Is The Tip Of An Enormous Iceberg

This is essentially the conclusion of the UK Telegraph‘s International Business Editor in London, Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, who has written:

Greece . . . [is] the first of several victims of a mad ideological experiment that shackled together economies with different growth rates, wage bargaining systems, productivity patterns, sensitivity to interest rates, and inflation proclivities—without fiscal transfers or sufficient labour mobility to cushion the effects—and . . . this disaster was compounded by Germany’s (beggar-thy-EMU-neighbour?) wage squeeze, and compounded yet further by sharp monetary and fiscal contraction at the wrong moment in the states most at risk[. The crisis will] . . . grind on whatever happens in Greece.

See; see also (“2012 Could Be The Year Germany Lets The Euro Die”)

Similarly, American billionaire George Soros has warned that German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s policies could lead to a repeat of the Great Depression:

Soros warned against addressing the crisis with spending cuts, urging the injection of funds instead.

“Otherwise we will repeat the mistakes that plunged America into the Great Depression in 1929. That’s what Angela Merkel doesn’t understand,” he said.

. . .

He said it was a mistake to offer a bailout to Greece tied to high interest rates. “That’s why the country can’t be saved today, and the same thing will happen to Italy if we put this country in the straitjacket of paying harsh interest rates,” Soros said.

A Greek default would cause an escalation of the crisis and could lead to a run on Italian and Spanish banks, and “Europe would explode,” he said.

See (“Merkel taking Europe in wrong direction: Soros”)

Hold on tight. Europe, including Germany, will be descending into chaos. It is merely a function of time before this happens.

. . .

Indeed, Orthodox primate Hieronymos II warned in a letter to Greece’s prime minister, which is quoted in the UK’s Telegraph:

The voices of the desperate, the voices of Greeks are being provocatively ignored. Fear is giving way to rage and the risk of a social explosion can no longer be ignored by those who give orders and those who execute their lethal recipes.

See (“No Greek bank has been able to issue a letter of credit accepted anywhere in the world since November” . . . “Germany may even leave the euro”)

This echoes what I wrote almost three years ago—or worse:

America and other nations are in uncharted waters; and their politicians may face backlashes from disillusioned and angry constituents that are unprecedented in modern times.


The Telegraph article concluded:

“We Greeks have a European soul and a Middle Eastern soul, and there has always been a tension between the two,” said [Professor Manos Matsaganis from Athens University]. “If we are forced out of the euro, it would be a decisive blow to our anchoring in the European Project. Greece may never again be part of Europe in my lifetime or that of my children.”

Judging by the current mood in the AAA creditor core, the decision will be taken for them.


17 02 2012

George Soros helped all this financial disaster happen by putting Obama in the white house. Let the big greedy banks fail. Stop giving them the taxpayers money. Bush was bad. Obama is worse. Bank of NY Mellon made $2.4 billion in U.S pre-tax income in 2010 and received a $670 million federal tax refund. Wow, can someone explain how this is legal??? Together Bush and Obama gave $7.77 TRILLION to the banks. There is something so wrong with this picture. Put the robber barrons in jail. Don’t give them taxpayer money.


17 02 2012
Timothy D. Naegele

Thank you, Dolora, for your comments.

First, I am not a fan of George Soros.

Second, the separation of commercial banking and investment banking (e.g., formerly known as “stockbrokers”) took place after Congress repealed the Glass–Steagall Act. It never should have happened; and if Paul Volcker had remained as Chairman of the Fed, I do not believe it would have happened. You might wish to read my comments on this subject.

See, e.g., (“The Times Ahead Do Not Look Pretty”) (see also the article itself, as well as the footnotes and all of the other comments beneath it)

Third, I have represented upwards of 200 banks and other financial institutions, and have dealt with their CEOs and top management. They are very conservative, by and large. On the other hand, “investment bankers” are essentially gamblers, which is why commercial banking and investment banking do not (or should not) mix.

Fourth, lots of banks should have been allowed to fail, and many have already. The Government should have set up an entity like the RTC, which was used to solve the problems of the Savings and Loan industry, when lots of these institutions failed in the 1980s and early 1990s.

See, e.g.,

Fifth, there is plenty of blame to go around; and yes, the losses have been staggering. I do not believe GM or Chrysler should have been bailed out either, but the unions (e.g., the UAW) demanded it; and Obama gave in to them.

Lastly, I do not believe taxpayer money should be given away, or wasted. Too many people have worked too hard for that to happen, period.


28 02 2012
Timothy D. Naegele

Plan For An Economic 9/11

This is the dire warning contained in a UK Daily Mail article, from analysts who urge Americans to buy guns and gold, and who predict a market crash and street riots within a year.


The possibility of this has been implicit in my writings and comments above, and earlier.

See and

For example, as I wrote almost three years ago:

America and other nations are in uncharted waters; and their politicians may face backlashes from disillusioned and angry constituents that are unprecedented in modern times. Also, the limits of godless secularism and paying homage to the false gods of materialism may become self-evident.


A subtitle of the Daily Mail article is: “[A]nalysts say Americans will riot when another Great Depression hits.” Yet, it has hit already, for millions of Americans. The article adds:

Trend forecaster Gerald Celente advises buying a gun to protect your family, stocking up on gold if the dollar crashes and planning a getaway, so it’s no shock he’s preparing for an ‘economic 9/11’.

Share prices and unemployment are posting their best figures in four years since the recession hit, but Mr Celente, along with authors Harry Dent and Robert Prechter, says the rebound won’t last.

All three were profiled in a USA Today feature on Monday. Mr Dent, who had The Great Crash Ahead published last September, believes stocks are simply experiencing an artificial short-term boost.

Mr Prechter, who had a new version of Conquer the Crash published in 2009, is fearful of today’s economic similarities to the Great Depression and says the brief recovery will fail like in the 1930s.

. . .

[Celente] told USA Today that a potential run on banks by savers could cause the government to invoke a national holiday and temporarily close them all, which happened during the Great Depression.

Apart from chaos and anarchy—even worse than we have been witnessing in Greece already—the real risk is not a run on the FDIC-insured U.S. banks, but a run on those uninsured mutual funds and other investment vehicles that are invested in stocks, creating a liquidity crisis of epic proportions. When they fall, the thud will be heard around the world; and the house of cards will fall like dominos.

See also (“The Risk Of Runs Is Real”)


18 03 2012
Timothy D. Naegele

Unmired At Last?

This is the conclusion of the UK Economist‘s staff who have clearly hedged their bets and wisely so, when writing about the American economy in a fine article—subtitled, “America’s recovery is neither robust nor dramatic. But it is real”—which is worth reading.


However, it misses the bigger picture.

First, one must realize that economists are like lemmings marching in lock step to the sea. They were wrong about predicting what happened in 2008, and thereafter; and they are wrong now too. Twenty-to-thirty years from now, economic historians—who at least have some credibility in describing the past—will characterize this period as the “Great Depression II,” or by using similar terms.

Like the Great Depression of the last century, this one will not end until late in this decade, or longer. Yes, there are “green shoots” or signs that things are improving, but they were present during the last depression too, which did not end until the onset of World War II, at the earliest.

Second, the United States is resilient and will fare better than other parts of the world, such as Europe; however, it will be hurt badly in the process too. Large numbers of Americans are suffering now, which will only increase dramatically. Real estate prices will fall another 50 percent in the next five years or so; and more and more Americans will lose their homes and everything else. It will not be a pretty picture; and there is nothing that governments can do to prevent it.

Indeed, Narcissistic demagogic politicians on both sides of the Atlantic will pontificate, but their words will fall increasingly on deaf ears. The people do not believe them anymore, and with good reason; and this will only get far worse. Most have no training whatsoever in economics; and they simply fashion their messages based on what they believe their constituents want to hear, which does nothing to solve the underlying economic problems.

Third, when the economic tsunami was unleashed—like a pebble thrown into a pond—the ripples and ultimately the waves have spread far and wide; and they are not remotely close to running their course. Man is unable to hold back a tsunami in the oceans; and the same is true of the economic tsunami that has been wreaking havoc around the world.

Fourth, there is a vast disparity in global wealth. One simply has to view the mega-mansions being built, and the megayachts plying the waters of the world, to realize fully that the common man’s plight has no relationship to the vast wealth of many. This may give rise to security issues for the wealthy that are unprecedented, as class warfare reaches new and potentially-dangerous levels. Conspicuous consumption may become a curse rather than a goal.

Only time will tell whether it is wise to plan for an “economic 9/11,” which may be coming.

See (see also the article itself, as well as the footnotes and other comments beneath it)

Lastly, the reason why property tax revenues have been declining more slowly is because local governments have refused to adjust property values downward to reflect actual market conditions, which may give rise to a taxpayer revolt unto itself and/or exacerbate the loss of homes to foreclosure. Also, if Israel’s reckless Netanyahu has his way, war will Iran will begin later this year, which will make somewhat-rosy economic predictions seem like enormous fantasies.

See, e.g., (see also the article itself, as well as the footnotes and other comments beneath it)


7 04 2012
Timothy D. Naegele

The Euro’s Days Are Numbered

In an important article that is worth reading, the UK’s Economist noted:

THE Irish left the sterling zone. The Balts escaped from the rouble. The Czechs and Slovaks left each other. History is littered with currency unions that broke up. Why not the euro? Had its fathers foreseen turmoil, they might never have embarked on currency union, at least not with today’s flawed design.

The founders of the euro thought they were forging a rival to the American dollar. Instead they recreated a version of the gold standard abandoned by their predecessors long ago. Unable to devalue their currencies, struggling euro countries are trying to regain competitiveness by “internal devaluation”, ie, pushing down wages and prices. That hurts: unemployment in Greece and Spain is above 20%. And resentment is deepening among creditors. So why not release the yoke? The treaties may declare the euro “irrevocable”, but treaties can be changed. A taboo was broken last year when Germany and France threatened to eject Greece after it proposed a referendum on new bail-out terms.

One reason the euro holds together is fear of financial and economic chaos on an unprecedented scale. Another is the impulse to defend the decades-long political investment in the European project. So, despite many bitter words, Greece has a second rescue. Its departure from the euro, Angela Merkel, Germany’s chancellor, now says, would be “catastrophic”. Yet Mrs Merkel is not ready to take the action needed to stabilise the euro once and for all. Last week’s decision to boost the euro’s firewall to “€800 billion” ($1.07 trillion) is less than meets the eye; the real lending power will be €500 billion. And there is no prospect, for now, of mutualising any part of the sovereign debt.

So the euro zone remains vulnerable to new shocks. Markets still worry about the risk of sovereign defaults, and of a partial or total collapse of the euro. Common sense suggests that leaders should think about how to manage a break-up. Some may be doing so. But having described a split as bringing economic Armageddon, leaders dare not be seen planning for it.

. . .

The fate of the euro will probably be determined by politics as much as economics. A debtor state may tire of internal devaluation. A creditor may want to stop supporting others. And any one of the euro’s 17 members may balk at the loss of sovereignty involved in saving the currency. But the worst outcome of a euro split would be a chaotic breakdown. An orderly process increases the chance that it might be possible to salvage from the wreckage other gains of European integration, notably the single market.

So euro-zone governments need to think the unthinkable. No self-respecting general would refuse to plan for a predictable war, no matter how much he dislikes the idea of fighting it.

See (“Currency disunion: Why Europe’s leaders should think the unthinkable“) (emphasis added)

However, the present turmoil was foreseen; and one of its architects believes the euro was doomed from the start.

See, e.g., (“Euro Doomed From The Start, Says Architect Of The Single Currency”)

Now the issue seems to be: how to arrange a relatively-amicable “divorce,” at a very precarious time in history, globally, when this and other events might send economies around the world into an even more rapid tailspin. Indeed, the rest of this decade is fraught with dangers, and may be ugly—at the very least economically.

See also (“A disorderly break-up of the euro would set off a cataclysmic chain-reaction and a collapse of Europe’s banking system, pushing the world into full-blown depression“)


9 04 2012
Timothy D. Naegele

Obama’s Latest Scheme To Bail Out Gamblers And Distort Markets

Shaun Donovan, secretary of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, should be fired—but it will not happen because he mirrors the views of Barack Obama and his totally-failed presidency.

Donovan believes the federal government has a “legal responsibility” to approve loan modifications for certain homeowners, which of course is patently absurd—unless those homeowners are Obama’s constituents whom he wants to reward (or promise to reward) before November’s elections.

The Wall Street Journal has reported:

[Donovan] said that he was increasingly worried that given the severity of the collapse in home prices and the slow pace of recovery in certain housing markets, that some homeowners who owe far more than their homes are worth would conclude “there is really no light at the end of the tunnel” and ultimately default on their mortgage.

In certain hard-hit markets, families struggling to make payments “will give up at some point. We think the data shows that.” The administration’s analysis of various housing markets makes a “compelling” case for principal write-downs, he added.

But at the same time, Mr. Donovan downplayed concerns that borrowers who are deeply underwater but able to pay their loans would similarly default in order to receive debt reduction. “The vast majority of homeowners don’t operate that way,” he said.

Edward DeMarco, the acting director of the Federal Housing Finance Agency, has so far resisted principal forgiveness, arguing that other means of reducing payments are just as successful with fewer costs for taxpayers that are backing the mortgage giants.

One concern for that regulator is whether debt forgiveness would encourage more borrowers who are current on their loans to stop paying. Right now, about three in four loans backed by Fannie and Freddie that are heavily underwater are still making regular payments. “These borrowers are demonstrating a continued willingness to meet their mortgage obligations. This should be recognized and encouraged, not dampened with incentives for people to not continue paying,” said Mr. DeMarco in a speech this past week.

. . .

The Obama administration in January offered to subsidize the write-downs, undercutting the position of Mr. DeMarco, who has promised to give an answer to the administration later this month.

Mr. Donovan said that his experience with Mr. DeMarco suggested that the regulator would make an impartial decision. “What he is focused on, independent of whatever his personal views may be, is what is his legal responsibility and what does the analysis say.”

. . .

Several Democratic lawmakers and political groups have called on the Obama administration to fire Mr. DeMarco over his resistance to debt forgiveness, but Republicans say that write-downs amount to transfers of taxpayer wealth.


Donovan and the morally-bankrupt Obama Administration are advocating that the laws of economics should be thrown out the window, including market discipline that rewards prudence and penalizes gambling.

Yes, “some homeowners who owe far more than their homes are worth would conclude ‘there is really no light at the end of the tunnel’ and ultimately default on their mortgage.” This is how economics works. They will become renters, which is what they should have been in the first place.

“Homeownership” is a myth and a pipe dream for many, which was oversold and became a “sacred cow.” It is not a government entitlement—or if it is, we should all get free homes.

See, e.g., and and

Edward DeMarco is correct in thwarting principal forgiveness, but he does not fit into the Obama Administration’s political mold of rewarding gamblers and others who deserve no rewards, or worse. They gambled and lost. This is the lesson to be learned, not more government bailouts.


13 04 2012
Timothy D. Naegele

Traditional Economists Are Clueless

An article appearing in the UK’s Economist discusses the differences between economists and historians, and the professional rivalry between the two groups.

See (“Duelling academics: Historians versus economists”)

First, there are “economic historians” who bridge and “marry” the disciplines—and will become increasingly important during the next 20-40 years, as they look back and describe this decade as the “Great Depression II.”

My undergraduate major was economics; and the last course that I took at UCLA was “Economic History.” I thought at the time that it was dry and boring, but I have realized for years now that it may have been the most important course in economics. Among other things, it described depressions and other economic upheavals over hundreds of years, which has helped to put the last century and this century into perspective.

Second, economists generally are like lemmings marching in lock step to the sea. Few are courageous enough to make predictions that are at odds with their peers, for fear of being ridiculed and viewed in academic circles as “heretics.” At best, they are capable of assessing what happened in the past, but essentially clueless with respect to predicting the future.

Their track records approximate those of weathermen (and women), whom—as most of us know—are dismal-to-pathetic in predicting today’s weather, much less the weather next week. Far too often, they are wrong, and decidedly so.

Third, global economies are being tested like never before, since the Great Depression of the last century, which did not end until the onset of World War II, at the earliest. This time, there are “green shoots” too—or signs that things are improving—which will turn into “dead weeds” with the passage of time.

The euro’s days are numbered—and it has been correctly observed:

A disorderly break-up of the euro would set off a cataclysmic chain-reaction and a collapse of Europe’s banking system, pushing the world into full-blown depression.


Throw in the problems with North Korea, Iran, the collapse of Afghanistan, chaos in Pakistan, the “Arab Spring” that engulfs Israel and the rest of the region, China’s imperial ambitions in Asia and elsewhere, “dictator-for-life” Putin’s brutal ambitions, terrorists’ goals, and we have the recipe for very challenging times during the balance of this decade.

The human suffering will be enormous; and economists generally have their heads in the sand, and are oblivious to the storm clouds that are gathering.

Again, 20-40 years from now, economic historians will describe this period, but pure economists are essentially clueless today.

But see (“Yale’s Shiller: US Housing May Not Rebound ‘in Our Lifetimes’); see also (“Suicides have Greeks on edge before election“)


25 04 2012
Timothy D. Naegele

If I Wanted America To Fail


27 04 2012
Timothy D. Naegele

Housing: The Abyss [UPDATED]

For Sale sign

Not surprisingly, it has been reported by Reuters—in an article entitled, “Falling home prices drag new buyers under water”:

More than 1 million Americans who have taken out mortgages in the past two years now owe more on their loans than their homes are worth, and Federal Housing Administration loans that require only a tiny down payment are partly to blame.

That figure, provided to Reuters by tracking firm CoreLogic, represents about one out of 10 home loans made during that period.

It is a sobering indication the U.S. housing market remains deeply troubled, with home values still falling in many parts of the country, and raises the question of whether low-down payment loans backed by the FHA are putting another generation of buyers at risk.

As of December 2011, the latest figures available, 31 percent of the U.S. home loans that were in negative equity—in which the outstanding loan balance exceeds the value of the home—were FHA-insured mortgages, according to CoreLogic.

Many borrowers, particularly since late 2010, thought they were buying at the bottom of a housing market that had already suffered steep declines, but have been caught out by a continued fall in prices in wide swaths of America.

Even for loans taken out in December—less than four months ago and the last month for which data is available—nearly 44,000 borrowers, or about 7.5 percent of the total, now find themselves under water.

“The overwhelming majority of the U.S. is still seeing home prices decline,” said CoreLogic senior economist Sam Khater. “Many borrowers continue to be quickly wiped out.

The problem is not uniform around the country. In some areas, such as Washington, D.C., Miami and parts of northern California, prices are on the rise.

. . .

Overall, CoreLogic data shows that 11.1 million, or 22.8 percent, of U.S. residential properties with a mortgage are in negative equity, unchanged from the summer of 2010.

. . .

CoreLogic says a significant factor causing recent home loans to slide under water has been the availability of government-insured mortgages that require only a small down payment.

These loans, insured by the FHA, require a down payment of as little as 3.5 percent of the purchase price, providing only a small cushion of protection against a drop in home prices that could drive a borrower into negative equity.

“This is creating a new wave of underwater borrowers,” said Gary Shilling, a veteran financial analyst and well-known housing market bear. “We have all three branches of government trying to keep people in four bedroom houses who can’t afford chicken coops.”

The U.S. Federal Reserve, in a report delivered to Congress in January, estimated that 12 million American homeowners had negative equity. Of those, the Federal Reserve said, 3 million were borrowers with FHA-insured loans.

. . .

Jason Opalka took out an FHA-backed loan on his two-bedroom property in the suburbs of Orlando, Florida, in August 2010. He was helped by Certified Mortgage Planners of Orlando, who negotiated the FHA-backed loan with the lender, Freedom Mortgage, based in New Jersey.

Opalka was refinancing another FHA-backed loan he had obtained in 2008, for $196,000, then at an interest rate of over 6 percent.

Under the refinancing, he borrowed $192,278 at an interest rate of 4.5 percent. Opalka, looking at the paperwork, is still surprised at the down payment he had to make in 2010, for a property valued at the time for little more than the loan was worth and in which he had almost no equity.

His down payment was just $3,000—or about 1.5 percent of the total loan.

Less than two years later, local real estate estimates now value Opalka’s home at no more than $110,000.

“I’m at least $80,000 under water,” Opalka told Reuters. “We never expected to go under water. We never expected prices to fall like they have. We definitely didn’t see this coming. If I’d known this, we probably would have rented.

Florida has seen one of the greatest drops in house values since the housing crash of 2008, 30 percent on average since October 2010 and over 50 percent since the height of the bubble in 2006, according to Case-Shiller.

See (emphasis added)

Those areas of the United States that have not been affected significantly yet, will join the other areas and be hit hard in the months and years to come. Writing in the Christian Science Monitor, leading economist Gary Shilling said:

I am looking for a further 20 percent slide in housing prices.

See (“Fed sees more growth? Don’t count on it. Recession ahead”); see also (“Shilling: Housing Prices Will Plunge 20 Percent More”) and (“Yale’s Shiller: US Housing May Not Rebound ‘in Our Lifetimes’“) and (“Britain’s official return to [Double-dip] recession has raised the risk of a sharp fall in house prices, economists have warned”)

As I have written in comments above:

The “bottom” of the housing market will not be reached for about five more years; and it will be brutal between now and then. Those who sit on the sidelines patiently, with cash, will be rewarded. There will be bargains galore; and today’s prices will fall at least another 50 percent.

Hold on tight, it will be very ugly—in the United States, Europe (e.g., Ireland, the UK), Asia and on a global scale.

See; see also (Gallup: “U.S. Homeownership Hits Decade Low”) and (“The Bottom Will Drop Out Of The American Real Estate Market”)

Whether the plunge in housing prices is 20 or 50 percent—or greater—remains to be seen. Clearly there will be geographical differences in the United States, just as there are now. In the final analysis, however, there is no question that cash will be king. Those with cash will be able to “bottom feed.” Between now and then, even more Americans and people of other countries will suffer like never before in their lifetimes, and dreams and hope will be crushed.

“Home ownership”—which has been touted by homebuilders, realtors and politicians for decades—will be exposed as a cruel, heartless and tragic pipe dream for many.

. . .

The housing crisis is hitting other countries as well. In an important article by the UK Telegraph‘s International Business Editor in London, Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, which is entitled “France faces 40pc house price slump”—and subtitled, “France faces a property slump of Anglo-Saxon proportions as the frothiest boom in French history finally tips over, threatening the country with an economic shock just as austerity hits”—it is reported:

“It is a gigantic bubble, all the more dangerous as it is spread across France,” said Pierre Sabatier, from the consultancy PrimeView.

“It reached a paroxysm in the summer of 2011. There is a mix of incredulity and denial as it starts to burst but there can be little doubt that all levers propelling the market are disappearing.”

PrimeView said prices across France have jumped 160pc since 1998, though houshold incomes are up just 35pc. Paris has overtaken New York to become the world’s third costliest city at €18,000 (£14,600) per square metre.

. . .

A housing slump would hammer the economy just as long-delayed austerity begins in earnest. Property makes up 65pc of French household wealth, compared with 57pc in Germany, 39pc in Japan and 27pc in the US.

See; see also (“Las Vegas Estate Price Slashed By Nearly 75% to $6.9 Million [And It Still Has Not Been Sold]“) and–asking-price-HALF-figure-paid-years-ago.html (“Oprah Winfrey sells Chicago apartment at a loss for $2.75 million—under the asking price and HALF the figure she paid six years ago“) and (“Foreclosure Crisis Hits Older Americans Hard”—”Older African-Americans and Hispanics are the hardest hit”) and (“Prices Crash at Luxury Golf Communities”) and (“Yale’s Shiller to CNBC: Housing Recovery Could Take 50 Years“) and–takes-staggering-price-hit.html (“Sharon Stone finally sells her lavish Beverly Hills mansion for $6.6million… but takes staggering price hit”) and (“Firesale of Hamptons estates as owners try to unload multimillion dollar homes before year’s end”) and (“Spain’s house prices to fall another 30pc as glut keeps growing“) and (“S&P sees deeper house price falls in eurozone as slump engulfs core”—”France’s house . . . sales collapsed by 24pc in September from a year ago, the usual precursor of price capitulation by sellers”) and–worst-city-San-Francisco-houses-cost-seven-times-average-salary.html (“Home buyers are spending more of their incomes on houses now than they ever did before the housing bubble. . . . Real estate watchers fear that this could be creating a new housing bubble“)


28 04 2012
Timothy D. Naegele

Suicides, Growing Despair And Hopelessness May Be The Future [UPDATED]

Dorothea Lange photo of Depression-era mother

[Florence Owens Thompson was the subject of Dorothea Lange’s photo Migrant Mother (1936). The Library of Congress caption reads: “Destitute pea pickers in California. Mother of seven children. Age thirty-two. Nipomo, California.” See also (“‘I never lost hope’: Startling interview unearthed with woman behind iconic Great Depression image talking just five years before her death in 1983”)]

. . .

During the Great Depression of the last century, there were stories about men jumping out of windows in the wake of the Crash on Wall Street, or otherwise committing suicide because they could not cope any longer. Also, there were images of poverty and despair such as Dorothea Lange’s famous photo of a mother and her children, which appears above and is forever etched into the American consciousness and psyche.

During the balance of this decade, as the “Great Depression II” continues to unfold and the economic tsunami runs its course, similar graphic reminders of human suffering will become increasingly evident. Indeed, a Reuters’ article entitled “Suicides have Greeks on edge before election” may foretell the future globally:

On Monday, a 38-year-old geology lecturer hanged himself from a lamp post in Athens and on the same day a 35-year-old priest jumped to his death off his balcony in northern Greece. On Wednesday, a 23-year-old student shot himself in the head.

In a country that has had one of the lowest suicide rates in the world, a surge in the number of suicides in the wake of an economic crisis has shocked and gripped the Mediterranean nation—and its media—before a May 6 election.

The especially grisly death of pharmacist Dimitris Christoulas, who shot himself in the head on a central Athens square because of poverty brought on by the crisis that has put millions out of work, was by far the most dramatic.

Before shooting himself during morning rush hour on April 4 on Syntagma Square across from the Greek parliament building, the 77-year-old pensioner took a moment to jot down a note.

“I see no other solution than this dignified end to my life so I don’t find myself fishing through garbage cans for sustenance,” wrote Christoulas, who has since become a national symbol of the austerity-induced pain that is squeezing millions.

Greek media have since reported similar suicides almost daily, worsening a sense of gloom going into next week’s election, called after Prime Minister Lucas Papademos’s interim government completed its mandate to secure a new rescue deal from foreign creditors by cutting spending further.

Some medical experts say this form of political suicide is a reflection of the growing despair and sense of helplessness many feel. . . .

“The crisis has triggered a growing sense of guilt, a loss of self-esteem and humiliation for many Greeks,” Nikos Sideris, a leading psychoanalyst and author in Athens, told Reuters.

“Greek people don’t want to be a burden to anyone and there’s this growing sense of helplessness. Some develop an attitude of self-hatred and that leads to self-destruction. That’s what’s behind the increase in suicide and attempted suicide. We’re seeing a whole new category: political suicides.”

Police said the geology lecturer, Nikos Polyvos, who hanged himself, was distraught because a teaching job offer had been blocked due to a blanket hiring freeze in the public sector.

See; see also (“Rise of far right in Greece worries mainstream”) and (“Spain’s woes to deepen as it double-dips into recession”) and (“[UK’s] Cameron says eurozone debt crisis has years to run”) and (“STRESSED & DEPRESSED: AMERICANS ‘SNAPPING’ BY THE MILLIONS“) and (“Poverty In America”)

What has occurred in Greece may be a precursor of what is to come in Europe, in the United States and globally. Indeed, the human suffering may be unfathomable during the balance of this decade. Yet, the human spirit will survive and triumph ultimately.


16 11 2012
colin powis

EXACTLY …America’s future is California, and California’s future is Greece


16 11 2012
Timothy D. Naegele

Thank you, Colin, for your comment.

Indeed, you have summarized succinctly what I have said in other comments throughout this blog.

See, e.g., (“California is the most populous U.S. state, and its gross domestic product (GDP) is larger than all but eight countries in the world. In a very real sense, it is a microcosm of America—and of things to come”)

I love California, where I was born and raised; and I love the United States too. We have a country that is second to none; and America will survive, despite tough times ahead. California will too; and its natural beauty is unsurpassed and can never be tarnished . . . or the resilience and undergirding faith of the American people.


Sadly, Greece, Europe as a whole, and other parts of the world may not fare nearly as well as the United States.

See, e.g., (“Greece’s Death Spiral”)


14 05 2012
Timothy D. Naegele

Beware: Deflation Arrives, In China And Globally

As the UK Telegraph‘s International Business Editor in London, Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, has written in an article entitled, “World edges closer to deflationary slump as money contracts in China”:

Narrow M1 data for April is the weakest since modern records began. Real M1 deposits—a leading indicator of economic growth six months or so ahead—have contracted since November.

They are shrinking faster that at any time during the 2008-2009 crisis, and faster than in Spain right now, according to Simon Ward at Henderson Global Investors.

If China were a normal country, it would be hurtling into a brick wall. A “hard-landing” later this year would already be baked into the pie.

Whether this hybrid system of market Leninism—with banks run by Party bosses—conforms to Western monetary theory is a hotly contested point. The issue will be settled one way or the other soon.

. . .

It is flirting with real trouble.

. . .

State investment in railways has fallen 44pc, with an accelerating downward lurch over recent months.

. . .

The Yangtze shipyards tell the tale. Caixin magazine said eight of the 10 largest builders in the country have not received a single new order this year. . . . A hurricane is approaching,” said one official.

Housing sales slumped 25pc in the first quarter, testimony to the zeal of regulators. This has since fed into a drastic fall in new building.

. . .

This is hardly a sideshow. The sector employs 10pc of the Chinese work-force, and a further 20pc indirectly. Land sales provide 70pc of tax revenue to local authorities and 30pc to the central government.

. . .

[D]id the Fed not slam on the brakes in 1928 to choke an asset boom? Did the Bank of Japan not do likewise in 1990, only to find that boom-bust deflation has its own fiendish momentum? Once you let credit rise by 100pc of GDP in five years—as China has, more than in those US or Japanese episodes—you are at the mercy of powerful forces.

Something odd is now happening. The People’s Bank said new loans fell from $160bn (£99.5bn) in March to $108bn in April. Non-conventional lending seized up altogether. Trust lending fell by 96pc, bankers’ acceptance bills by 90pc. This is astonishing data.

It may not be as easy for Beijing to turn the tap back on again. Loan demand has been falling for months. Banks are offering credit. Companies are refusing to take it. This is the old Japanese story of pushing on a string, or the European story today.

“China is in deflation,” says Charles Dumas from Lombard Street Research. . . . [C]onsumption is a third of GDP.

. . .

All the BRICs [i.e., Brazil, Russia, India and China] need watching. India’s industrial output fell 3.5pc in March. The country seems caught in a 1970s stagflation vice. Brazil has softened too, with car sales down 15pc and industrial production contracting in March. The bad loans of the banks have reached 10.3pc, higher than post-Lehman.

The bubble has probably popped already. . . .

. . .

My fear has always been that the credit cycle in the Rising World would blow itself out before the Old World has safely recovered, or reached “escape velocity” to use the term in vogue.

Europe will slide further into 1930s self-destruction until it equips itself with a lender of last resort and takes all risk of EMU sovereign default off the table, though that may come too late. The US has functioning institutions at least but growth is barely above stall speed.

. . .

If we now face a global crisis on all fronts . . . it will test the mettle of world leaders. Interest rates in the G10 are mostly zero already, and budgets are frighteningly stretched.

. . .

One can only pray that helicopter drops do not become necessary in the chilly winter of 2012-2013.


Ambrose Evans-Pritchard is correct. If anything, he is too conservative and “timid” in his predictions.

We are in the midst of the “Great Depression II,” which economic historians will describe as such 20-40 years from now. It will not run its course until the end of this decade, at the earliest. Between now and then, the human suffering will be unfathomable, and politicians will fall like dead flies.

Yes, there will be “green shoots” from time to time, or signs that things are improving. This was true during the Great Depression of the last century as well, which did not end until the onset of World War II, at the earliest.

Nicolas Sarkozy has been defeated in France. Barack Obama will be defeated in the United States. And other politicians will be exiting the world’s stage as well.

As I wrote more than three years ago:

While U.S. politicians and their counterparts in other countries have been trying to convince their electorates that they have the answers, they are simply holding out false hopes that real solutions are at hand. . . .

America and other nations are in uncharted waters; and their politicians may face backlashes from disillusioned and angry constituents that are unprecedented in modern times.

See (“Euphoria or the Obama Depression?”) and (“Housing: The Abyss”) and; see also (“Backlash in Europe threatens to derail austerity measures”) and (“The final death throes of the euro“) and (“The euro crisis”) and (“[T]wo things that will change my attitude about this market is if we see a depression in Europe and a hard-landing in China”—both may be coming) and (“Greece on brink of collapse“) and (“Debt crisis: Greek euro exit looms closer as banks crumble“)

Hold on tight. Things will get very ugly!


14 05 2012
Timothy D. Naegele

The Power Of Hope

An article in the UK’s Economist about this subject is worth reading.


Hope and faith in God are needed today, and will be required during the balance of this decade, more than at any other period in our lifetimes. People will be tested like never before.

Compare with (see also the footnotes and comments beneath both articles)


20 05 2012
Timothy D. Naegele

Education Will Change Radically

In response to my comments that online education is the future, one well-meaning but naïve commenter wrote:

NEVER be fooled by the idea that college education can be done online. Most basically, such study requires a great deal of self-discipline and independence—exactly what most college students nowadays DO NOT have. Most of a professor’s work involves keeping students from flunking themselves by adjusting teaching methods, assigning writing and reading it to make sure they did the reading and thought about it, etc. Most students can’t educate themselves without constant personalized feedback—and no online program will offer such constant personalized help without charging a lot of money for it. More important, you might be able to learn scientific and mathematical material from a book/screen, but learning anything remotely sophisticated in the humanities requires a constant question-answer interaction between teacher and students, as well as among students. Online material is a great supplement to classroom interaction—but a poor substitute by itself.

In turn, I responded:

First, economics alone is going to drive a dramatic shift to online education. More and more parents will not be able to afford a “bricks-and-mortar” college education as this decade unfolds, especially as State budgets strangle colleges and the Middle Class is decimated economically. Also, young kids are learning the Web at an ever-increasing rate. It is second nature to most of them already.

Second, a friend of mine’s wife has been teaching online for more than a decade, and doing so successfully. She is very skilled in her nursing specialty, having supervised approximately 150 nurses before she retired. Now, she is affiliated with a college in the Northeast; and there is constant interaction between her students and her. In fact, at lots of major colleges and universities, “teaching assistants” actually teach the students, not the “pampered” professors who limit their interaction with students to large lecture halls. Their work can be replaced by YouTube recordings of their lectures, to be replayed year after year.

Third, colleges and universities are not for everyone, and economics alone will dictate who attends and who does not. The truly-motivated will do so; others will drop by the wayside and not be coddled. Our education system will change dramatically and radically.

I agree with you: “[O]nline . . . study requires a great deal of self-discipline and independence—exactly what most college students nowadays DO NOT have.” They will be the losers . . . and the dropouts. Also, the “humanities” will be considered superfluous. Students will need some marketable skills, just to survive.

I served on two university boards of directors, and I will never forget being told by a PhD female biology professor that undergraduate education was not there to teach a marketable skill. This only happened in graduate schools. My response then, as it is now, was that parents cannot afford the extravagance of that lengthy educational process. This will be even more true during the rest of this decade.

We are in the midst of the “Great Depression II,” which economic historians will describe as such (or by using similar terms), 20-40 years from now. Like the Great Depression of the last century, which did not end until the onset of World War II at the earliest, this depression will not run its course until the end of this decade, or beyond. The effects will be devastating. Everything that many of us know and accept will be swept aside. The human suffering will be unfathomable worldwide.

Sweet “niceties” like student-teacher interaction, and the coddling of students, will become extravagances of a bygone era for most people. They will be trying to survive, and little more.

See, e.g., (see also the article itself, as well as the footnotes and other comments beneath it)

Hold on tight. Things will get very ugly during the balance of this decade . . . and education will not be spared!

If anything, this may be an understatement.


26 05 2012
Timothy D. Naegele

The Risk Of Runs Is Real

Bank run, circa 1933

[Bank run, circa 1933]

The UK’s fine Economist has an article that is worth reading and reflecting on, dealing with runs on financial institutions in Europe, and implicitly worldwide. It is entitled, “Europe’s biggest fear: A run they cannot stop,” and among other things it notes:

It’s been a week since shares in Bankia plummeted on reports, later denied, that customers were pulling deposits out of the Spanish lender. Fears of a full-scale bank run in Greece have not yet materialised. But the possibility of a deposit run in Europe’s peripheral states is still very much alive. It is also the thing that policymakers are least prepared for.

. . .

[T]here is a horrible, insoluble mismatch between the timescales to which Europe’s policymakers work and the timescale of a bank run. A run is most likely within the next few weeks. And if a run starts, Europe’s governments will have to reassure within a matter of hours. You might just about get a communiqué from Brussels in that timeframe, but could it really reassure when so many questions are unanswered?

If it does not, then the run will continue until such time as the banks close their doors to further withdrawals or the central banks have satisfied depositors’ demand for cash. The former means trapping depositors inside a system they do not trust. The latter means providing liquidity to a banking system that has been abandoned by its own citizens. It would be hard to come back from either position.


This article is correct, and its concerns are real. The risk of runs and “contagion,” worldwide, are enormous.

For many years, a major unspoken worry among financial policymakers in Washington has been that there would be a run on America’s mutual funds—or money market investment funds—that would create a liquidity crisis that could not be stemmed by our Fed, and that a panic might ensue.

See, e.g., (“Why Mutual Fund Guardians Are Failing”)

Banks are shaky all over the world today; and perhaps the safest are those in the United States because of FDIC insurance. Indeed, the flight of capital to American banks and other investment vehicles from abroad may increase dramatically in the months and years to come, as this decade truly becomes one annus horribilis after another. People will be seeking “safe havens” for their money, and the United States may be the only one.

Twenty-to-forty years from now, economic historians will look back on this period, stretching through the end of this decade at least, and describe it as the “Great Depression II,” or by using similar terms. Yes, there will be “green shoots” from time to time, or signs that things are improving—which was true during the Great Depression of the last century that did not end until the onset of World War II, at the earliest.

Hold on tight. Things will get very ugly, and the human suffering will be unfathomable.

See, e.g.,; see also (“[F]orecasters fear that America has already fallen back into recession, replicating the terrible double-dip of 1937”)

One other factor that is worth mentioning. While Americans are accustomed to the value of FDIC deposit insurance, the people of other nations are not. I bought a failing savings and loan (later a federal savings bank) in San Francisco for clients based in Hong Kong, which at the time was the largest minority financial institution in the United States. Many of its depositors were newly arrived from China, and they spoke no English and had no idea what FDIC insurance was.

Indeed, I was told that they had little experience with banks themselves, and literally kept their money under mattresses. Having timidly trusted our predecessor bank, we were very concerned about the effects of its collapse and our takeover of it. Most importantly, we were very concerned about a run on the bank.

We brought in experts from Hong Kong to shape our media blitz in several Chinese dialects, assuring depositors that their money would be safe after our takeover. Extrapolate this to other countries, where fear can dominate and runs can become panics overnight, and financial systems can collapse. Governments will be powerless to stop them.

. . .

An article in the UK’s Telegraph entitled, “For the eurozone, the worst is yet to come,” is worth reading and very sobering as well:

Across the single currency zone, fears are rising and, even in the most moderate nations, populations are becoming more restive. History is locked on fast-forward.

. . .

[T]he greatest disaster could yet be to come.

. . .

[W]e’ve ended up with a eurozone so replete with inherent contradictions that it threatens now to spark financial meltdown across Europe and serious civil unrest.

Global financial markets are in a trance, a paralysis of fear and confusion.

. . .

How long before the gyroscope finally topples and comes crashing down, with investors dumping the euro altogether?

. . .

As this eurozone meltdown deepens, a chronic lack of “periphery” bank capital raises the risk of acute liquidity crises.

. . .

The central problem, compounded by the eurozone’s deep flaws, is that many of the region’s banks are fundamentally insolvent. The only way to address that is to lance the boil and, while protecting depositors, let these rancid institutions go bust. How long will it be before we face up to this unavoidable truth? How bad must the riots get, how volatile the financial markets, how many jobs and lives must be destroyed, how intense the global and diplomatic fall-out?

See; see also (“A BRIC hits the wall: India’s economy lurches further down”) and (“The world economy is in grave danger” . . . and there is “a rising risk of financial catastrophe”) and (“Greeks take millions from banks ahead of election”) and (“Greeks Withdraw $1 Billion a Day Ahead of Vote”) and (“Rich Greeks in London face tax investigation”) and (“How shock waves will hit US if Greece drops euro”—”[T]he risk would be high for a run on banks throughout Europe. People would worry that the banks might fail and would rush to withdraw what they could. . . . [T]he crisis could get much worse: Banks could fail, the surviving banks could stop lending to each other, and a credit freeze could shut down commerce in Europe. . . . [T]he dollar would soar to trade nearly even with the euro“)

. . .

At some point, fear and contagion will prevail, and the banking systems of many countries may be overwhelmed and fail. Politicians and governments will be helpless to prevent it. Like a natural tsunami in the great oceans of this world, the economic tsunami will roll unabated through the end of this decade, at the very least.

. . .

As I wrote more than three years ago:

While U.S. politicians and their counterparts in other countries have been trying to convince their electorates that they have the answers, they are simply holding out false hopes that real solutions are at hand; and Americans are apt to realize this as the elections of 2010 and 2012 approach.

To use [former Fed Chairman] Paul Volcker’s words, politicians may not “remember any time, maybe even in the Great Depression, when (so many once-promising political careers) went down quite so fast, quite so uniformly around the world.”

America and other nations are in uncharted waters; and their politicians may face backlashes from disillusioned and angry constituents that are unprecedented in modern times.


There is zero doubt that the worst is yet to come globally, by far. The risk of runs is real, as fear and panics spread!


11 06 2012
Timothy D. Naegele

Americans’ Wealth Drops 40 Percent, With Much Worse Yet To Come

The Washington Post has reported:

The net worth of the American family has fallen to its lowest level in two decades, according to government data released Monday, driven by a more than 40 percent drop in their stakes in their homes.

The Federal Reserve’s detailed survey of consumer finances showed families’ median wealth plunged from $126,400 in 2007 to $77,300 in 2010—a 39 percent decline. That put them on par with median wealth in 1992.

The Fed’s data underscore the depth of the wounds . . . and how far many families remain from healing. The . . . housing market crash inflicted particularly severe damage, with the Fed showing that the median value of Americans’ equity in their homes plunged 42.3 percent between 2007 and 2010.

The survey is conducted every three years, and this report offers one of the most exhaustive looks to date at the greatest economic upheaval in a generation.


To “sugar-coat” what has been happening (e.g., so Americans will not panic), both the Fed and the Post refer to it as the “Great Recession,” when in reality it is the “Great Depression II,” which is how economic historians are likely to describe it 20-40 years from now—or by using similar terms.

The Post also refers to signs that things are improving, or “green shoots,” which were present during the Great Depression of the last century as well—which did not end until the onset of World War II at the earliest.

Hold on tight. The worst is yet to come . . . by far . . . during the balance of this decade, and the human suffering will be unfathomable!

While foreigners have been snapping up properties in the U.S., housing prices will fall by another 20-50 percent in the next five years or so. When the “bottom” is reached finally, there will be bargains galore for those people who have amassed cash, and waited patiently on the sidelines and then went “bottom feeding.”

See, e.g., and (“Housing: The Abyss”) and (“The Risk Of Runs Is Real”) (see also the article itself, as well as the footnotes and other comments beneath it) and (“DEFICIT DOUBLES IN YEAR“)


12 06 2012
Timothy D. Naegele

EU Doomsday Scenarios To Limit Bank Runs And Capital Flight

Fractured euro

The risk of runs on banks and other financial intermediaries (e.g., mutual funds, or money market investment funds) is discussed above.

See, e.g., (“The Risk Of Runs Is Real”)

However, consideration is being given to “limiting cash withdrawals and imposing capital controls . . . [and] the possibility of suspending the Schengen agreement, which allows for visa-free travel among 26 countries, including most of the European Union.”

See; see also–finance.html;_ylt=A2KJ3CV.WNdPN10AzDzQtDMD (“[L]imits could be imposed on movement of people and money across national borders within the EU if it’s necessary to protect public order or public security”) and and (“How the Euro Will End”) and (“US won’t send checks to Europe: Romney”) and (“Europe’s depression is spreading”) and (Greece: “Every day we read of fresh horrors: of once proud bourgeois families queuing for bread, of people in agony because the government has run out of money to pay for cancer drugs. Pensions are being cut, living standards are falling, unemployment is rising, and the suicide rate is now the highest in the EU—having been one of the lowest. . . . For the sake of bubble-gumming the euro together, we are willing to slaughter democracy in the very place where it was born. What is the point of a Greek elector voting for an economic programme, if that programme is decided in Brussels or—in reality—in Germany?”) and (“Euro on the Brink”) and (“The euro has completely broken down as a workable system and faces collapse with ‘incalculable economic losses and human suffering’ . . . according to a group of leading economists“)


10 07 2012
Timothy D. Naegele

China Transmits A Fresh Deflationary Impulse To A World Already Dangerously Close To Deflation

China exports deflation

These are the words of the UK Telegraph‘s International Business Editor in London, Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, who has written—in an article entitled, “China exports yet more excess capacity to crippled West”:

China’s trade surplus jumped 43pc to almost $32bn in June. Imports for domestic consumption fell sharply.

. . .

It implies that China is no longer consuming enough of its own output. It is exporting excess manufacturing and industrial capacity—with an undervalued currency—into a world that is already grappling with a deep secular slump.

(China is not the worst or only offender in this respect. Germany’s current account surplus under the fixed D-Mark racket—the euro—is far higher as a share of GDP. But China is the world’s second largest economy, so it matters.)

It transmits a fresh deflationary impulse to a world already dangerously close to deflation. This is a greatly under-estimated risk.

It is an open question whether China can navigate its way calmly through this post-bubble downturn over coming months, but that is not really my point. Can a fragile world cope with the consequences?

. . .

My guess is that Chinese credit growth of almost 100pc of GDP over the five years from 2006-2011 (including off-books lending) has stored up a host of problems, and will be followed by a nastier hangover than widely supposed.



12 07 2012
Timothy D. Naegele


This is the shocking, but not surprising conclusion of a report from the Federal Reserve Bank of New York that is discussed in a CNBC article, which states in pertinent part:

A report from the Federal Reserve Bank of New York suggests that the bulk of equity returns for more than a decade are due to actions by the US central bank.

Theoretically, the S&P 500 would be more than 50 percent lower—at the 600 level—if the bullish price action preceding Fed announcements was excluded, the study showed.

Posted on the New York Fed’s web site Wednesday, the study sought out to explain why equities receive such a high premium over less risky assets such as bonds.

What they found was that the Federal Reserve has had an outsized impact on equities relative to other asset classes.

For example, the market has a tendency to rise in the 24-hour period before the release of the Fed’s statement on interest rates and the economy, presumably on expectations Chairman Ben Bernanke and his predecessor, Alan Greenspan, would discuss or implement a stimulus measure to lift asset prices.

The FOMC has released eight announcements a year at 2:15 ET since 1994. The study took the gains in the S&P 500 from 2 pm the day before the announcement to 2 pm the day of the statement and subtracted that market move from the S&P 500’s total return over that time span.

Without the gains in anticipation of a positive Fed action, the S&P 500 would stand at just 600 today, rather than above 1300.

“I would conclude that correctly analyzing Fed moves is much more important than stock picking,” said Brian Kelly of Shelter Harbor Capital. “If you want to generate alpha, you should trade the stock market 24 hours before an FOMC meeting. Simply follow the trend for that 24 hours and you will outperform.”

The chart shows the effect to be significantly pronounced in the aftermath of the tech bubble when Greenspan re-inflated stock and housing prices by slashing rates. It widens even further in the period since the financial crisis of 2008 as the market became beholden to the Fed’s use of its balance sheet to add liquidity to the market.

“Blame Greenspan for this S&P 500 effect… it’s his free put,” said Robert Savage, chief executive of research site and formerly managing director of FX Macro Sales at Goldman Sachs. “Since 1994, the battle of central banks hasn’t been to fight inflation, but rather to smooth out the business cycle and credit. The convergence of global rates and inflation left the decisions of the FOMC as the key variable for S&P 500.”


As I have said repeatedly, the stock market is a “fool’s paradise”—or the world’s largest casino—and the fools are the American people and others abroad who believe and invest in it!

See, e.g., (“Interview with Timothy D. Naegele”); see also (“Bernie Madoff: The Market Is A Whole Rigged Job, And There’s No Chance That Investors Have In This Market“) and (“Greenspan’s Fingerprints All Over Enduring Mess“)


13 07 2012
Timothy D. Naegele

Commercial Banking Distinguished From Investment Banking, Or Gambling

The UK’s Economist has an interesting article about the problems with banking, which is worth reading.


However, the article proceeds from a false premise. The author tars all bankers, which is mistaken.

In the United States, the separation of commercial banking from “investment banking”—or gambling—existed until “deregulation” and the elimination of Glass-Steagall. Former Federal Reserve Board Chairman Alan Greenspan was and is the culprit; and his much-more-talented, wiser and valiant predecessor, Paul Volcker, has tried to put the “Genie” back into the bottle without much success unfortunately. The damage has been done, and we are living with it.

See, e.g., (“Greenspan’s Fingerprints All Over Enduring Mess”) and (“Euphoria or the Obama Depression?”)

Second, commercial bankers are paid essentially what they have earned for decades, adjusted for inflation. Their “investment banking” counterparts, the true gamblers, have been compensated as they have been for decades too; namely, at exorbitant rates. The problem is that they gamble with the “house’s money” now, which can produce great rewards or nightmares—and certainly nightmares for their American banking regulators, such as the Fed and the FDIC.

Third, the article refers to “rogue employees who have ignored the corporate culture.” All of this makes sense only if one realizes that there have been two very separate and distinct cultures: the commercial bankers, who are largely conservative and have been for ages; and the “investment bankers” who are gamblers of the worst sort. The only culture to which they have paid homage is the almighty dollar, or other currencies—as the case may be.

Fourth, a fascinating study was just released by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, which indicates that “the S&P 500 would be more than 50 percent lower—at the 600 level—if the bullish price action preceding Fed announcements was excluded.” Thus, traders (or gamblers—also known as “investment bankers”) could make money by doing nothing more than correctly analyzing the Fed moves, which is arguably much more important than stock picking.


Fifth, the article is correct to point out the doctrine that has undergirded American bank regulation for decades; namely, “too big to fail.” Unfortunately, deregulation and the elimination of Glass-Steagall allowed the foxes into the chicken coops: the “investment banker” gamblers became part of the formerly-conservative commercial banks, and the game changed forever—for the worse.

See also (“JP Morgan admits London Whale blunder cost $5.8 billion—TRIPLE the original estimate—as fired executives are forced to give BACK pay for past two years“) and (“The Case Against Restoring Glass-Steagall”)


22 07 2012
Timothy D. Naegele

Greek Economy Is In Great Depression Similar To The American One In The 1930s, Prime Minister Says

According to an article in the UK’s Telegraph:

[Greek Prime Minister Antonis Samaras]’s comments come two days before a team of Greece’s debt inspectors arrive in Athens to push for further austerity measures if the debt-laden country wants to qualify for further rescue payments and avoid a chaotic default.

Athens wants to soften the terms of a €130bn euro bailout agreed last March with the European Union and the International Monetary Fund, to soften their impact on an economy going through its worst post-war recession.

Greek GDP is expected by the end of this to have shrunk by about a fifth in five consecutive years of recession since 2008, hammered by tax hikes, spending cuts and wage reductions required by two EU/IMF bailouts. Unemployment climbed to a record 22.6pc in the first quarter.

“You had the Great Depression in the United States,” Samaras told [former American president, Bill] Clinton, who was visiting Greece as part of a delegation of Greek-American businessmen. “This is exactly what we’re going through in Greece—it’s our version of the Great Depression.”

Athens must reduce its budget deficit below 3pc of GDP by the end of 2014, from 9.3pc of GDP in 2011—requiring almost another €12bn euros in cuts and higher taxes on top of the 17 billion successive governments have cut from the budget shortfall.

Greece wants its lenders to give it two more years to achieve the budget goal to avoid an even deeper economic slump but its lenders have opposed the idea because it would imply an even bigger financial aid to the country.

. . .

Mr Clinton criticized Greece’s lenders for focusing excessively on austerity, saying Athens will be more likely to repay its debt if its manages economic recovery first.
“(It) is self-defeating… if every day people are saying this may or may not work to give us back a 100 cents on the dollar, so give us more austerity today,” he told Mr Samaras.

“People need something to look forward to when they get up in the morning—young Greeks need something to believe in so they can stake their future out here,” Mr Clinton said.

See; see also (“Suicides, Growing Despair And Hopelessness May Be The Future”) and (“In Greece today, parents are giving away their children because they cannot afford them. Kids are being dumped in streets or abandoned at shelters with notes attached to them, saying that one or both parents are at wits’ end“)

Clinton is correct.

Greece is not the only country in the depression. Twenty to forty years from now, economic historians will describe these times as the “Great Depression II,” which will not end until the close of this decade, at the earliest.

Yes, there will be “green shoots” from time to time, which occurred during the Great Depression of the last century as well—which did not end until the onset of World War II, at the earliest. However, overall things will be very ugly, and the human suffering will be unfathomable.


12 08 2012
Timothy D. Naegele

China’s Hard Landing

The UK Telegraph‘s International Business Editor in London, Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, has written another article that is worth reading, this time about China:

“Severe deflation pressures are rippling across the country,” said Alistair Thornton and Xianfeng Ren from IHS Global Insight. “Deflation, not inflation, is the greatest short-term threat to the Chinese economy.”

. . .

Critics say Beijing let the property boom go too far and then hit the brakes too hard last year. Monetary tightening led to a contraction in real M1 money. The delayed effects kicked in this year just as Europe fell back into recession and the US slowed abruptly.

. . .

[R]eformers are locked in a struggle with military hawks and Mao revivalists linked to Chonqing chief Bo Xilai. They know that China’s post-Lehman credit spree in 2008 went too far but keeping growth alive has become a political imperative. Chinese exporters are now in serious difficulty. Caixin magazine reports that China’s entire solar industry is “on the verge of bankruptcy” as it struggles with debts built up during its world conquest over the past four years.

See; see also and and (“China bubble in ‘danger zone’ warns Bank of Japan”) and (Regarding beliefs that China has bottomed out and its economy is on the mend, and now is a good time to “buy a stake” in China, it must never be forgotten that “the stock market is a ‘fool’s paradise'”) and and (“US to overtake Saudi Arabia in oil as China’s water runs dry”)

Clearly, the worst is yet to come!


4 10 2012
Timothy D. Naegele

IMF: Global Recovery “Will Take At Least Six More Years”

As the UK’s Telegraph has reported:

“It’s not yet a lost decade,” [the International Monetary Fund’s chief economist Olivier Blanchard] said. “But it will surely take at least a decade from the beginning of the crisis for the world economy to get back to decent shape.” The global financial crisis began in September 2008 with the collapse of Lehman Brothers.


As a public figure, Blanchard was being prudent and conservative in his statements. Yet, they are totally consistent with what I have written above; namely, we are in the midst of the “Great Depression II,” which will not run its course until the end of this decade, at the earliest.

Furthermore, governments are not the solutions; and most governmental efforts will make the problems markedly worse.

Hold on tight. The worst is yet to come, by far!


6 10 2012
Timothy D. Naegele

Happy Days Are Not Here Again

This is the title of a Wall Street Journal editorial, which requires emphasis. One must remember that there were “green shoots,” or signs that things were improving, during the Great Depression of the last century too, which did not end until the onset of World War II at the earliest.

The editorial states:

The jobless rate fell in September to 7.8% from 8.1%, though the economy created only 114,000 new jobs, and some of our conservative friends smell a bureaucratic rat so close to Election Day. We doubt the Labor gnomes are manipulating the numbers, and in any case chasing conspiracies detracts from the real news, which is that the job market still stinks.

. . .

The reality is that . . . 12.1 million Americans are still out of work—nearly 23 million by the broader definition that includes those who have stopped looking or can’t find full time work—and the labor participation rate is still down to 1981 levels at 63.6%.

. . .

A still abysmal 40.1% of the unemployed in America have been jobless for six months or more.

. . .

Mr. Obama claims to be a tribune of the middle class, but he’s presided over the worst economy for average workers since Jimmy Carter.

Mr. Obama is promising four more years of the same policies he’s pursued in his first term, except that this time he says he really will raise taxes immediately in 2013. Anyone who wants the same job creation should vote for him.


The “Great Depression II” continues its brutal march forward, following a path not dissimilar to the Great Depression. And Barack Obama’s political fate next month is likely to mirror that of Jimmy Carter, who was a one-term president too.


6 10 2012
Rod R

Your words seem almost prophetic. You wave a flag of caution and I agree with it. The challenge is what should the fathers and mothers on this Thanksgiving holiday be doing? Bonds?, get out of the Market? Cash only? What is your wisdom on this…? with thanks!


6 10 2012
Timothy D. Naegele

Thank you, Rod, for your comments.

I have been “preaching” cash only for a long time now, and the idea of sitting on the sidelines patiently, waiting for the “bottom”—which will be reached in the American housing market in about five years or so. Then, there will be bargains galore for those who are able to go “bottom feeding.”

Please read the comments above this one (and beneath my article above), and you will find that they are consistent with what I have just written.

Will others make money with bonds or stocks or other investments in the interim? Sure . . . people make money gambling all of the time, but most lose money. The surest “bet,” or so I believe, is to be conservative and wait for the bottom.


6 10 2012
Rod R

I am embarassed that I think I NEED to be in the Market. I do appreciate you reminding me that the Market is the biggest CASINO around…why do I think I have to have my money in it?? If everybody is doing it…that is a good reason not to!

With great thanks!
Rod from Vancouver!


6 10 2012
Timothy D. Naegele

Thank you again, Rod, for your comments and kind words.

You might wish to read my responses in an interview three years ago, inter alia, about the market being a “fool’s paradise.” This remains true today.



26 10 2012
Timothy D. Naegele

Crime Will Increase Dramatically In America

During the balance of this decade, crime will increase in the United States as economic conditions worsen and poverty increases, and as criminals are released because of overcrowding in the prisons, and as law enforcement declines because of budgetary cutbacks that cannot be avoided. One shining example is the State of California.

The UK’s Daily Mail has reported in an article entitled, “Bursting at the seams: Uncompromising pictures from inside America’s overcrowded prison system show the cramped and impersonal lives lived by more than two million inmates”:

Correctional institutions across the U.S are bursting at the seams with more than two million Americans behind bars with the worst hit state, California, housing 140,000 inmates when its 33 adult prisons are only designed to hold a maximum of 80,000.

Overall, the Bureau of Prisons Network is around 39 per cent over ‘rated capacity’ – their highest level since 2004 – with that figure expected to soar to 45 per cent above its limit by 2018.

So bad is the situation in California that the Supreme Court has slapped an order on the state ruling that 30,000 prisoners must be released by the middle of next year, labelling overcrowded conditions in its jails as ‘unconstitutional’.

The prison system has seen a stream of new offenders in the past five years and is still massively overstretched despite extra space being added.

Wardens and experts now fear that increased overcrowding and an increasing lack of privacy for inmates will see them more prone to lashing out and causing trouble.

Many prisons have had to create makeshift living quarters for detainees in public spaces such as gymnasiums, with some inmates having to sleep in bunks of three, while some cells which are only designed to house one person are home to up to three.

Inmates are being allowed less time in communal areas such as the cafeteria, TV rooms and recreation yards.

The country is streets ahead of the rest of the world in terms of the number of prisoners per 100,000 population, with Russia the second highest and South Africa in third. The European average took fourth place.

See; see also (“Chickenpox Outbreak Locks Down San Quentin”) and (“The Economic Tsunami Continues Its Relentless And Unforgiving Advance Globally”) and (“They got her in the end: Mexico’s fearless woman mayor who survived two drug gang assassination attempts is beaten to death and dumped by the roadside“)

California is the most populous U.S. state, and its gross domestic product (GDP) is larger than all but eight countries in the world. In a very real sense, it is a microcosm of America—and of things to come.


31 10 2012
Timothy D. Naegele

Greece’s Death Spiral

The UK Telegraph has two articles about Greece that are worth reading. In the first one by Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, International Business Editor of The Daily Telegraph, he writes:

Finance minister Yannis Stournaras said public debt will reach 189pc of GDP, far higher than estimates of 179pc published just weeks ago.

The new estimates exceed the worst-case scenario sketched by the International Monetary Fund and demolish any hope that Greece can claw its way back to solvency.

. . .

All losses so far from Greece’s default been concentrated on private investors. They have taken write-downs of 75pc, or nearer 85pc on current market prices. The scale of the debacle in Greece means that any future write-downs must come from taxpayers and the EU bail-out fund (EFSF).

. . .

The austerity wave comes as unemployment hits a euro-era high of 10.6pc across the eurozone, reaching 25.8pc in Spain, 25.1pc in Greece, 15.7pc in Portugal and 15.1pc in Ireland.

A study by Britain’s National Institute Economic Review said the eurozone’s austerity strategy is “fundamentally flawed” and has become self-defeating. “Even on its own terms, it is making matters worse.”

The institute said synchronized fiscal tightening by a group of countries in the middle of a slump does deep damage to the productive economy and may actually worsen the debt ratio, pushing some countries into a “death spiral”.

. . .

“We do not appear to be in normal times but in a prolonged period of depression. . . .”

. . .

German Chancellor Angela Merkel has implictly acknowledged the limits of her austerity strategy, calling for a eurozone growth fund able to command up 2pc or even 4pc of the region’s GDP to channel investment to regions trapped in slump.

The fund is not a fiscal stabilizer, and is in any case unlikely to be up and running for years. The proposal may help mitigate the next crisis, a decade or more ahead. It offers no solution to the immediate crisis.


In the second article, also by Evans-Pritchard, he writes:

Every detail of the Greek economy is worse than officially forecast just weeks ago.

The budget unveiled this morning estimates that public debt will reach 189pc of GDP next year (not 179pc).

The budget deficit will be 5.2pc (not 4.2pc).

The economy will shrink 4.5pc next year (not 3.8pc).

Unemployment is already 25.1pc and 55.6pc for youth.

Just for the record:

The EU-IMF Troika originally said that the economy would contract by just 2.6pc in 2010, before growing by 1.1pc in 2011, and 2.1pc in 2012.

In fact Greek GDP contracted by 4.5pc in 2010, 6.9pc in 2011, and will shrink 6.5pc this year, and now 4.5pc next year.

The cumulative error is colossal.

. . .

Greece cannot claw its way out of a 190pc of GDP debt load. The official haircut is coming sooner or later, and it will be an explosive political moment.

Chancellor Angela Merkel will have to account for direct losses to the Bundestag. A line will have to be written into the German budget covering the X billions of euros. Other line items may have to be cut. Welfare support for Germans, perhaps.

Having insisted for over two years that German taxpayers face no risk of loss on the Club Med rescue packages – and having indeed told them it generated a profit – she will have to explain why this has gone horribly wrong.

No doubt she will try to delay this awful moment until after the German elections late next year. But the calendar of simmering revolt in Greece is not in her hands. One of the three parties in the pro-Memorandum coalition has already refused to go along with the budget plans. The Government majority is thinning fast.

My guess is that Mrs Merkel will be forced to admit to the German nation that contingent liabilities are turning into real liabilities long before her elections.

I leave it to German readers to tell us what the likely response be in the Bundestag and the German press.

See; see also (“Greece Running Out of Cash; Government Under Threat”) and (“Greek Economy Is In Great Depression Similar To The American One In The 1930s, Prime Minister Says”) and (“Greece Says Cash Reserves Almost Depleted”)

The chickens are coming home to roost, and the human suffering and political turmoil will be staggering—as the economic tsunami continues its relentless and unforgiving advance, globally.


2 11 2012

The euro zone will unravel, which is likely to be a relatively small but critical part of what will be happening worldwide; and financial turmoil will engulf the euro-zone nations. There will be nobody of consequence in charge economically or politically in the United States or other countries. And the human suffering and chaos will be unfathomable.

This blog is very hard to study and understand because the various posts do not have a day month and year tag.


2 11 2012
Timothy D. Naegele

Thank you, Mike, for your comment.

First, I did not design the format. It is a Web site; and it uses a “template.”

Second, the day, month and year of all articles and the comments beneath them are indicated. For example, the quotation that you cited appears in the article of mine at the top of this page entitled, “The Economic Tsunami Continues Its Relentless And Unforgiving Advance Globally,” which was published on “27/9/2010” or September 9, 2010. Footnote 5 refers the reader to two other articles that may be of interest.

Similarly, your comment (or post) immediately above this one was published on “2/11/2012,” or November 2, 2012, which is today; and the day, month and year are indicated to the right of your comment. The same thing is true of these comments of mine, and all other comments above yours.

Third, once the articles such as the one at the top of this page are published, I do not make any changes to them. However, my comments beneath the articles are sometimes updated.

For example, I have a comment above entitled, “Housing: The Abyss” (see, which I updated this morning to include a new article entitled, “Yale’s Shiller to CNBC: Housing Recovery Could Take 50 Years” (see

The date of that addition (or update) is not shown; however, the day, month and year of all articles and the comments beneath them are shown.


13 11 2012
Martin Lee

The euro zone will unravel, which is likely to be a relatively small but critical part of what will be happening worldwide; and financial turmoil will engulf the euro-zone nations. There will be nobody of consequence in charge economically or politically in the United States or other countries. And the human suffering and chaos will be unfathomable.

This is very sobering stuff, which I very much agree with. The problem is the general public seems only to react to sensationalism, then goes back to watching “Homa Simpson” in a stupefied state. Now is the time to prepare for the coming events as they slowly, ever so slowly unfold. Your decade long timeline may be a little understated?


13 11 2012
Timothy D. Naegele

Thank you, Martin, for your comments.

Yes, indeed, my timeline may be understated. For example, Yale University economist Robert Shiller has warned it could take 50 years for U.S. housing to return to its previous levels.

See; see also (“[I]t is going to get worse next year. . . . Europe has imposed dusted-off policies from the 1930s and they are driving peripheral countries towards depression”) and (“US Conference Board fears Brics miracle over as world faces decade-long slump”) and (“French economy buckles as car sales collapse”)


9 12 2012
Timothy D. Naegele

The West Is Signing Its Own Death Sentence

On April 8, 2009, in an op-ed “Commentary” for the McClatchy Newspapers and McClatchy-Tribune News Service entitled “Euphoria or the Obama Depression?” I wrote:

While U.S. politicians and their counterparts in other countries have been trying to convince their electorates that they have the answers, they are simply holding out false hopes that real solutions are at hand. . . .

America and other nations are in uncharted waters; and their politicians may face backlashes from disillusioned and angry constituents that are unprecedented in modern times. Also, the limits of godless secularism and paying homage to the false gods of materialism may become self-evident.

See; see also

People are suffering in the United States, the UK, Europe and elsewhere in the world; and this will only get far worse during the balance of this decade.

See, e.g., (“Poverty In America”)

Before the McClatchy piece, in an October 17, 2008 article for the American Banker—the daily newspaper of the U.S. banking industry—entitled, “Greenspan’s Fingerprints All Over Enduring Mess,” I wrote:

Former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan is the architect of the enormous economic “bubble” that has burst globally. No longer is he revered as a “potentate.” His reputation is in tatters. Giulio Tremonti, Italy’s Minister of Economy and Finance, has said: “Greenspan was considered a master. Now we must ask ourselves whether he is not, after [Osama] bin Laden, the man who hurt America the most.” That speaks volumes.

And I added:

Years from now, economic historians may conclude that the “rescue” measures were too little, too late; the world’s central bankers were overwhelmed, and Depression-era “safety nets” did not work; and global market forces ultimately determined the depth and duration of the economic meltdown, not the politicians anywhere. One thing is certain enough: there are lots of rude awakenings yet to come, both in the U.S. and abroad. Greenspan unleashed a firestorm, and it will take years to contain it.


The chickens are coming home to roost. In an excellent and sobering article by Janet Daley in the UK’s Telegraph entitled, “The West is signing its own death sentence,” she has written:

When the Edward Gibbon of the 22nd century comes to write his History of the Decline and Fall of the West, who will feature in his monumental study of the collapse of the most successful economic experiment in human history? In this saga of the mass suicide of the richest nations on earth, there may be particular reference to those national leaders who chose to deny the reality that was, from the vantage point of our future chronicler, so obviously looming. Or maybe the leadership of our day in Washington, London and Brussels will appear to have been swept helplessly along by irresistible forces that originated before their time.

But for us, right here, right now, it matters that Barack Obama and George Osborne [the UK’s Chancellor of the Exchequer] are playing small-time strategic games with their toy-town enemies while the unutterable economic truth stares them in the face. (The political leadership of the EU seems to have passed through the looking glass into a world where the rules of economics do not apply, so their statements and actions are beyond analysis.) Mr Obama is locked in an eye-balling contest with a Republican Congress to see who can end up with more ignominy when the United States goes over the fiscal cliff. It is clear now that the president will be quite happy to bring about this apocalypse . . . if he could be sure that it would result in long-term electoral damage to his opponents.

. . .

Supposedly from opposite sides of the political divide, the US president and the British Chancellor come to a surprisingly similar conclusion: it is not feasible to speak the truth, let alone act on it. The truth being, as this column has often said, that present levels of public spending and government intervention in the US, Britain and Europe are unsustainable. The proportion of GDP which is now being spent by the governments of what used to be called the “free world” vastly exceeds what it is possible to raise through taxation without destroying any possibility of creating wealth, and therefore requires either an intolerable degree of national debt or the endless printing of progressively more meaningless money—or both.

How on earth did we get here? As every sane political leader knows by now, this is not just a temporary emergency created by a bizarre fit of reckless lending: the crash of 2008 simply blew the lid off the real scandal of western economic governance. Having won the Cold War and succeeded in settling the great ideological argument of the 20th century in favour of free-market economics, the nations of the West managed to bankrupt themselves by insisting that they could fund a lukewarm form of socialism with the proceeds of capitalism.

What the West took from its defeat of the East was that it must accept the model of the state as social engineer in order to avert any future threat to freedom. Capitalism would only be tolerated if government distributed its wealth evenly across society. The original concept of social security and welfare provision—that no one should be allowed to sink into destitution or real want—had to be revisited. The new ideal was that there should not be inequalities of wealth. The roaring success of the free market created such unprecedented levels of mass prosperity that absolute poverty became virtually extinct in western democracies, so it had to be replaced as a social evil by “relative poverty”. It was not enough that no one should be genuinely poor (hungry and without basic necessities): what was demanded now was that no one should be much worse (or better) off than anyone else. The job of government was to create a society in which there were no significant disparities in earnings or standards of living. So it was not just the unemployed who were given assistance: the low paid had their wages supplemented by working tax credits and in-work benefits so that their earnings could be brought up to the arbitrary level which the state had decided constituted not-poverty.

The paradoxical effect of this is that the only politically acceptable condition is to be earning just enough to maintain independent life—and not a penny more. . . . Neither rich nor unemployed, these paragons are perfect exemplars of “fairness”: surviving on an income which makes life just about bearable but remaining careful always not to allow their aspirations to propel them beyond their station and its acceptable earnings level.

This picture of the perfect society—in which disparities of wealth are eradicated and economic equality is maintained through a vastly complex and expensive system of state intervention—has been the explicit goal of the EU virtually since its inception. . . . More unexpectedly, it has now taken root in the American political culture, where Mr Obama seems determined to exploit it in his blood-curdling contest with the Republicans. Once ensconced, this concept undermines the logic of the free-market economy which funds it.

Capitalism is, by its nature, dynamic: it creates transitory disparities of wealth constantly as it reinvents itself. Fortunes are made and lost and, as old industries are replaced by new, the earnings that they create rise and fall. Punishing those who exceed some momentary average income and artificially subsidising those who fall below it—as well as providing for a universal standard of living which bears no relation to merit or even to need—has now reached the unavoidable, unaffordable end of the line.

So who will tell the truth—and then act on it? Who will say . . . [t]hat without a radical reduction in government intervention, the free and prosperous West will have been a brief historical aberration?

See; see also (“Europe clings to scorched-earth ideology as depression deepens“) and (“World risks fresh credit bubble, Switzerland’s BIS warns”) and (“The right-to-work dilemma”)

Politicians in America, Europe and elsewhere are economic naïfs at best. Most have had zero training in economics, and they have been leading the world down the primrose path to the “Great Depression II.” One must never forget that the Great Depression of the last century did not end until the onset of World War II, at the earliest; and this depression is not likely to run its course until the end of this decade, at the earliest.

There were “green shoots,” or signs that things were improving, in the Great Depression as well. However, 20-to-40 years from now, economic historians will look back and describe what has been happening and will continue to unfold through the end of this decade as the “Great Depression II,” or by using similar descriptions. The human suffering will be very similar in America, the UK, Europe and globally.

America is likely to fare better than the rest of the world, but it will not escape from massive human suffering, which will be unfathomable.

Hold on tight. Things will get very ugly!


12 12 2012

During the top of the housing bubble, 2005, before blinders were removed and collapse had ensued, Greenspan had signaled his crash-the-economy-on-purpose culpability by advising, during an interview with reporters, THIS QUITE INSANE – as well as being an unethical abridgement of his keep-my-mouth-shut, don’t-move-the-markets, Federal Reserve chairmanship duties! – AND VERY HARMFUL nudge to prospective home buyers: “I think they ought to use an adjustable rate mortgage.”

Why would he advise home buyers to do that, unless he was feeling giddy about helping to do the most harm to the market and mortgage holders when HIS PURPOSEFULLY PLANNED BUBBLE had popped? But for what sinister purpose?


26 12 2012
Timothy D. Naegele

U.S. Lambasts China For Breaches Of Trade Rules

This is the title of an article in the UK’s Telegraph by its International Business Editor, Ambrose Evans-Pritchard—and subtitled, “Washington has issued a blistering attack on China for persistent breaches of world trade rules and abuse of industrial secrets, accusing Beijing of failing to abide by treaty obligations”—which states:

China is still flouting World Trade Organisation rules 11 years after it first joined, misusing the complaints machinery for tit-for-tat retaliation, said US Trade Repesentative Ron Kirk.

. . .

The report accused Chinese officials of running rough-shod over foreign firms, forcing them to give up trade secrets in clear violation of WTO rules.

The harsh language will infuriate Beijing at a time when tensions are already high over maritime disputes on the Pacific Rim, where the US is increasingly embroiled as the region’s guarantor. Washington’s so-called “Asian Pivot” is viewed with deep mistrust by China’s Politburo as the start of an encirclement strategy.

The trade frictions are in stark contrast with growing US support for a sweeping trans-Atlantic trade deal with Europe, aimed at eliminating tariffs. It would be the most ambitious deal of its kind ever attempted.

. . .

The US has filed fifteen cases against China at the WTO, the most recent alleging unfair duties on US vehicles and car parts. Washington won a panel dispute over steel duties in September. China in turn has a clutch of cases claiming illegal use of anti-dumping measures by the US.

The US trade report marks a switch away from griping about China’s currency—less clearly undervalued after years of wage inflation—towards a closer focus on disguised protectionism.

It targeted a wide range of alleged abuses, including subsidies, attempts to keep out foreign imports and companies, and failure to enforce intellectual property rights.

. . .

For all the complaints, China has become America’s biggest export market, worth $131bn in 2011. Its current account surplus has fallen from 10pc of GDP five years ago to 2.6pc this year.


As an article of mine and the comments beneath it state clearly:

One must never forget that China is America’s enemy: make no mistake about that.



3 01 2013
Timothy D. Naegele

The GOP Saw The “Fiscal Cliff” Looming, And Drove Over It—Into A Fiscal Abyss

Fiscal Cliff

The “deal” is done, and Americans will suffer because of it.

See (“Fiscal Cliff Deal Passed By Congress After Republicans Cave“); see also (“Boehner tells GOP he’s through negotiating one-on-one with Obama”) and (“Obama’s Hawaii vacation has cost taxpayers $7 million, due to the costs of flying Air Force One and an extensive security operation”)

After working on and with Capitol Hill for much of my adult life, I concluded many years ago that the Democrats are “evil” and the Republicans are “Neanderthals,” which is why I have been an Independent for approximately 25 years—having first been a Democrat, and then a Republican.


The latest madness in Washington is that the “loyal opposition,” the GOP, caved into Barack Obama to avoid the so-called “Fiscal Cliff,” and instead they drove over it and into a fiscal abyss of unknown depths. Now, the Republicans are fighting among themselves; and the only clear victors are Obama and his Democrats, who completely routed the hapless Republicans as they did in the 2010 lame duck session of Congress.

See (“The Great Republican Ascendancy Of 2010 Lasted Less Than Two Months!”)

The Republicans are pathetic, which is among the many reasons why they do not control the White House today. African-Americans and Hispanics turned out in record numbers to reelect Obama, while large numbers of Republicans did not vote. Thus, they are getting what they deserve, with much worse coming, while Americans will suffer enormously because of their ineptitude, cowardice, and spinelessness.

See (“The story behind Mitt Romney’s loss in the presidential campaign to President Obama”)

. . .

As I have written in the article above, the economic tsunami continues its relentless and unforgiving advance globally, and will not run its course until the end of this decade at the earliest.

Hold on tight. Things will get much worse.

The human suffering will be unfathomable—in Europe, the United States, and globally. Governments are not part of the solution; they contribute to the problems, intensify them, and move us closer to the financial abyss.

Today, politics on both sides of the Atlantic is “fractured,” to say the least. While U.S. politicians and their counterparts in other countries have been trying to convince their electorates that they have the answers, they are simply holding out false hopes that real solutions are at hand.

See, e.g., (In The Land of Lincoln—and Obama—1 in 3 Near Poverty)

. . .

There are at least three theories that are operating with respect to Germany’s future—which bears on the future of Europe: (1) the rest of the Eurozone will take down the German economy; (2) Germany’s Chancellor Angela Merkel will not be able to save the other countries, and Germans will retreat economically to “fortress Germany” and abandon the euro; and (3) Germans will achieve what they did not in World War II, namely to become the “masters of Europe.”

See, e.g., (“Will The Euro Crisis Will Give Germany The Empire It Has Always Dreamed Of?”)

Indeed, it must be noted:

(1) “Germany’s Bundesbank is to repatriate gold reserves held abroad to tighten control and combat currency crises in the future, pulling a chunk of its holdings from New York and all its bullion from Paris.”

(2) “Many analysts say the world is moving towards a de facto gold standard again as China, Russia and other reserve powers boost their holdings to diversify out of dollars and euros.”

See (“Bundesbank to pull gold from New York and Paris in watershed moment“); see also (“Brussels fears ‘poverty trap’ for half of Europe as North-South gap widens“) and (“S&P sees deeper house price falls in eurozone as slump engulfs core”—”France’s house . . . sales collapsed by 24pc in September from a year ago, the usual precursor of price capitulation by sellers”) and (“Britain is experiencing ‘worse slump than during Great Depression’“) and (“Bank of America issues `bond crash’ alert on Fed tightening fears”—”The . . . question is whether the world economy really is at the start of a fresh cycle of growth, or whether the roaring asset rally of the last few months is another false dawn“) and (“North Korean parents ‘eating their own children’ after being driven mad by hunger in famine-hit pariah state“)


27 01 2013
john W Halfwit

The euro zone will unravel, which is likely to be a relatively small but critical part of what will be happening worldwide; and financial turmoil will engulf the euro-zone nations. There will be nobody of consequence in charge economically or politically in the United States or other countries. And the human suffering and chaos will be unfathomable.

i stopped thinking years ago


27 01 2013
Timothy D. Naegele

Don’t give up, John.

America is likely to fare better than the rest of the world.


20 02 2013
Timothy D. Naegele

The Fiscal Cliff Explained, And Sequestration

What appears below was sent to me by a lawyer-friend in Washington, D.C.; and neither of us created it, nor do we vouch for the accuracy of the numbers cited. However, I have little doubt that they are close enough.

Lesson #1:

● U.S. tax revenues: $2,170,000,000,000
● Federal budget: $3,820,000,000,000
● New debt: $1,650,000,000,000
● National debt: $14,271,000,000,000
● Recent budget cuts: $38,500,000,000

Let’s now remove 8 zeros and pretend it is a household budget:

● Annual family income: $21,700
● Money the family spent: $38,200
● New debt on the credit card: $16,500
● Outstanding balance on the credit card: $142,710
● Total budget cuts so far: $38.50

Got It ??……. OK now,

Lesson #2:

Here’s another way to look at the Debt Ceiling:

Let’s say, you come home from work and find there has been a sewer backup in your neighbourhood and your home has sewage all the way up to your ceilings.

What do you think you should do?

Raise the ceilings, or remove the shit?

See also (Drudge: “FEDERAL SPENDING UP $822.90 PER PERSON SINCE OBAMA“) and (“[F]or Obama, this is not about deficit reduction, which interests him not at all. The purpose is purely political: to complete his Election Day victory by breaking the Republican opposition“)

. . .

If the issue of Sequestration was not so vitally important to our national security and well being, it might be laughable, but it is deadly serious.

See (“Pentagon informs Congress of plans to furlough 800K civilian workers“) and (“US issues worldwide caution to its citizens of terror threats“) and (“Obama Is A Traitor“) and (Bob Woodward: “Obama’s sequester deal-changer”) and (“Obama’s Enemies List And His Thugocracy“); see also (“EMP Attack: Only 30 Million Americans Survive“)


8 03 2013
Timothy D. Naegele


It has been reported:

The number of Americans not in the labor force increased by 296,000 in February, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ latest jobs report. According to the report, there were a total of 89.3 million people not in the labor force, up from 89 million in January.

BLS labels people who are unemployed and no longer looking for work as “not in the labor force,” including people who have retired on schedule, taken early retirement, or simply given up looking for work.

The increase marks the second month in a row, after rising in January from 88.8 million in December.


. . .

As Peggy Noonan noted in the Wall Street Journal:

[T]he general fear [is] that we’re on a long slide and can’t turn it around.


This is totally consistent with my article on the economy and the comments beneath it. The worst is yet to come, and things will get very ugly!

See (“The Economic Tsunami Continues Its Relentless And Unforgiving Advance Globally”); see also (“North Korea Says It Will Launch Nuclear Attack On America“) and (“China Is America’s Enemy: Make No Mistake About That”) and (“Crime Will Increase Dramatically In America”) and (“Obama’s Enemies List And His Thugocracy”)

Noonan added:

[I]t’s a jobs crisis that’s the central thing. And you see it everywhere you look.

I’m in Pittsburgh, making my way to the airport hotel. The people movers are broken and we pull our bags along the dingy carpet. There’s an increasing sense in America now that the facades are intact but the machinery inside is broken.

This is so so true. I grew up a block away from the fabled Sunset Boulevard in Westwood, a mile west of the lovely UCLA college campus, in an affluent area of Los Angeles—with the super-rich Beverly Hills to the east, Bel Air to the northeast, and Brentwood, Pacific Palisades and Malibu to the west. Leaving the UCLA campus recently, I hit a pothole in the street near the campus, which was similar to those I had hit in Washington, D.C. a number of years before. The streets that I had traveled on my bike as a kid, to watch movies at the Village and Bruin theaters in Westwood, have not been paved in all those years. Hefty tax monies paid by residents have been diverted elsewhere, and wasted.

Noonan continued:

The man who checked me in put his phones on hold when I asked for someone to accompany me upstairs. As we walked to the room I felt I should explain. I told him a trial attorney had told me a while back that there are more lawsuits involving hotels than is generally known, and more crime, so always try to have someone with you when you first go to your room. I thought the hotel clerk would pooh-pooh this. Instead he said, “That’s why we just put up mirrors at each end of the hall, so you can see if someone’s coming.” He made it sound like an amenity.

“What should we do then, scream?” I asked. He laughed and shrugged: “Yeah.”

Things are getting pretty bare-bones in America. Doormen, security, bellmen, people working the floor—that’s maybe a dozen jobs that should have been filled, at one little hotel on one day in one town. Everyone’s keeping costs down, not hiring.

What that hotel looked like is America without its muscle, its efficiency, its old confidence.

. . .

ObamaCare is being cited as a reason employers are laying people off and not hiring, according to a report from the Federal Reserve.

What a mess.

. . .

But what is the sequester about? At the end of the day it’s about fewer jobs or fewer hours. In the midst of what is already a jobs crisis.

. . .

[Obama’s] whole approach is still stoke and scare—stoke resentment and scare the vulnerable into pressuring Republicans.

. . .

Mr. Obama is making the same mistake he made four years ago. We are in a jobs crisis and he does not see it. He thinks he’s in a wrestling match about taxing and spending, he thinks he’s in a game with those dread Republicans. But the real question is whether the American people will be able to have jobs.

. . .

There’s little sense he sees this. Dr. Doom talks about coming disaster when businessmen need the confidence to hire someone. He’s missing the boat on the central crisis of his second term.

See (“The Fiscal Cliff Explained, And Sequestration”); compare (“White House Is Saving $18,000 a Week By Cancelling Tours”) with (“ADELE, BEYONCE TO PERFORM AT MICHELLE’S 50TH [BIRTHDAY PARTY]”); see also (“Michelle Obama: ‘Let Them Eat Cake!'”) and,0,4750796.story (“Nearly half of Americans are one emergency from financial ruin“)


10 03 2013
Timothy D. Naegele

Eurozone Risks Japan-Style Deflation Trap As ECB Stays Tight

In an article by Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, the UK Telegraph‘s International Business Editor, it is reported:

The tough stance comes as the eurozone faces a second year of outright contraction, with the jobless rate reaching a record 11.9pc.

The [European Central Bank]’s president Mario Draghi decried the “tragedy” of mass unemployment but insisted that monetary policy cannot resolve the problem.

. . .

“Europe is heading into a deflationary scenario if they don’t do anything to boost the money supply,” said Lars Christensen from Danske Bank. “This already looks very similar to what happened in Japan in 1996 and 1997.”

The Japanese discovered that they were acutely vulnerable to an external shock once inflation had fallen below 1pc for a protracted period.In their case the East Asian crash of 1998 tipped them over the edge into a serious crisis.

Eurozone lending to companies has fallen by €100bn over the last six months, and small firms are struggling with a severe credit crunch across the Club Med bloc. Mr Draghi said there were no plans to introduce a variant of the Bank of England’s Funding for Lending to channel money where it is most needed.

Critics say the ECB has persistently under-estimated the severity of the downturn, and has failed to offset drastic budget cuts with monetary stimulus. Both levers of policy are set on contraction, with bank deleveraging compounding the effect.

. . .

The Catholic charity Caritas called for radical change in the eurozone’s whole crisis strategy, saying the current course was self-defeating and “putting the very legitimacy of the EU at risk”.

It said child poverty had reached dramatic levels in Ireland, Spain, Italy, Portugal and Greece, while deep cuts to welfare have left the most vulnerable stripped of a safety net. It said the chief victims bore no responsibility for the crisis, a breach of natural justice.

The crisis has engulfed France where a key gauge of the money supply—six-month real M1—is contracting at an annual rate of 6.6pc and flashing graver warning signs than in Italy or Spain.

Figures out today showed that French unemployment rose to a euro-era high of 10.6pc in the fourth quarter, with the total looking for work near 3.7m.

France’s BVA confidence index plunged 12 points last month. Some 75pc of households fear that the economy will deteriorate over the next year. It is the worst reading since President Francois Hollande took power in May with a pledge to kick start growth and break the back of unemployment.

The Figaro said the French jobless rate is now higher than at any time in the 1930s, when farm ties and the empire acted as a safety valve.

“France is on the brink economic implosion,” said economist Christian Saint Etienne, warning that a state sector nearing 57pc of GDP rendered the country unfit for [the] EMU.

Mr Draghi deflected questions over Italy’s political crisis, leaving it unclear whether the ECB can back-stop the bonds of a country with no functioning government and no likelihood of complying with the rescue conditions.

Some 57pc of Italians voted for an end to the EU-imposed cuts. Pier Luigi Bersani, the most likely premier, vowed on Wednesday to rip up austerity plans and push for growth.

The ECB bond purchases—known as the OMT—require activation of the eurozone bail-out fund and a vote in the German Bundestag. “The rules are what they are. The ball is entirely in the government’s hands,” he said.

See; see also (“Eurozone industry in the ‘doldrums’ as production worse than expected“) and (“UK on track for triple dip“) and (“89,304,000 AMERICANS: NOT WORKING“) and,0,4750796.story (“Nearly half of Americans are one emergency from financial ruin“)

. . .

Perhaps most sobering and disturbing are the warnings of Luxembourg’s Prime Minister Jean-Claude Juncker, one of Europe’s most senior politicians, who contends that (1) Europe’s demons are only sleeping, (2) peace is being taken for granted on the continent, and that (3) Europe’s current troubles were chillingly similar to those in the run up to World War I.

In a UK’s Telegraph article, it is reported:

[Juncker] claimed that elections in Italy and Greece brought “national resentments to the surface, which we’d believed had gone away”.

. . .

Mr Juncker said in an interview with the magazine Der Spiegel: “Anyone who believes that the eternal question of war and peace in Europe is no longer there risks being deeply mistaken. The demons have not gone away—they’re only sleeping, as the wars in Bosnia and Kosovo showed. I am chilled by the realisation of how similar circumstances in Europe in 2013 are to those of 100 years ago.”

The way in which some political figures in Germany had “lashed out” at Greece during the financial crisis has left “deep wounds” there Mr Juncker said. He said the Italian election was “excessively hostile to Germany and therefore anti-European”.

Resentment over austerity measures advocated by Germany spilt over into public anger when Mrs Merkel visited Athens last October. Some Greek protesters burned a swastika flag while others dressed in Nazi uniforms.

During last month’s Italian elections, Silvio Berlusconi blamed “German-centric” policies for Italy’s economic problems.

Mr Juncker, who chaired the euro Group from 2005 until he stepped down in January this year, said that he saw parallels with 1913.

“In 1913 many believed that there would never again be a war in Europe. The great powers of the continent were so closely intertwined economically that the view was widespread that they could no longer afford to have military confrontations.

“There was a complete sense of complacency based on the assumption that peace had been secured forever.”



13 03 2013
Timothy D. Naegele

Worldwide Approval And Image Of The United States Declines Under Obama

POLITICO has reported:

Worldwide approval of U.S. leadership dipped considerably during President Barack Obama’s fourth year in office. . . .

The median approval rating for U.S. leadership for 130 countries was 41 percent in 2012, down 8 percentage points from the 49 percent approval during Obama’s first year in office, according to a Gallup poll released Wednesday.

Gallup asked, “Do you approve or disapprove of the job performance of the leadership of the United States?”

“This shift suggests that the president and the new secretary of state may not find global audiences as receptive to the U.S. agenda as they have in the past. In fact, they may even find even once-warm audiences increasingly critical,” Gallup’s Julie Ray wrote.

. . .

In Europe, U.S. leadership dipped from 42 percent in 2011 to 36 percent for last year.

See (“World poll: Image of U.S. declines”)


17 03 2013
Timothy D. Naegele

The Great Green Con—”Global Warming” Is A Myth

Like the “Tooth Fairy” and the “Easter Bunny,” the notion of man-made “global warming” is a myth and fraud that has been foisted on Americans and others worldwide. It is akin to Adolf Hitler’s “master race” theory: pure poppycock.

An article in the UK’s Daily Mail discusses “the hard proof that finally shows global warming forecasts that are costing you billions were WRONG all along,” In the article—which is subtitled “No, the world ISN’T getting warmer (as you may have noticed). Now we reveal the official data that’s making scientists suddenly change their minds about climate doom. So will eco-funded [Members of Parliament] stop waging a green crusade with your money? Well… what do YOU think?”—it is reported:

The Mail on Sunday today presents irrefutable evidence that official predictions of global climate warming have been catastrophically flawed.

The graph on this page blows apart the ‘scientific basis’ for Britain reshaping its entire economy and spending billions in taxes and subsidies in order to cut emissions of greenhouse gases. These moves have already added £100 a year to household energy bills.

. . .

The graph shows in incontrovertible detail how the speed of global warming has been massively overestimated. Yet those forecasts have had a ruinous impact on the bills we pay, from heating to car fuel to huge sums paid by councils to reduce carbon emissions.

The eco-debate was, in effect, hijacked by false data. The forecasts have also forced jobs abroad as manufacturers relocate to places with no emissions targets.

. . .

The graph confirms there has been no statistically significant increase in the world’s average temperature since January 1997—as this newspaper first disclosed last year.

At the end of last year the Met Office revised its ten-year forecast predicting a succession of years breaking records for warmth. It now says the pause in warming will last until at least 2017. A glance at the graph will confirm that the world will be cooler than even the coolest scenario predicted.

. . .

The graph shows a world stubbornly refusing to warm. Indeed, it shows the world is soon set to be cooler.

The awkward fact is that the earth has warmed just 0.5 degrees over the past 50 years. And Met Office records show that for the past 16 years temperatures have plateaued and, if anything, are going down.

. . .

[T]he scientists behind the [global warming] theory have a vested interest—it’s a great way to justify new taxes, get more money and guarantee themselves more work.

The reality is that man-made global warming is a myth: the global temperature is well within life’s limits and, indeed, the present day is cooler by comparison to much of Earth’s history. Perhaps this will be the moment that this fact becomes the new scientific orthodoxy.

See (emphasis added); see also (“Coldest Easter Sunday in 100 YEARS: Temperatures plummet to -12C as Britain faces another week of bitter weather (but at least there’s some signs of spring)“) and (“What Global Warming? 2012 Data Confirms Earth In Cooling Trend“) and (“The Lunacy Of The Global Warming Hoax Is In Full Swing“)

All of the money being spent worldwide to address “global warming” would be better spent in pursuit of the “Loch Ness Monster” and the “Abominable Snowman”—or in chasing rainbows.


27 03 2013
Timothy D. Naegele

The Dow of Tiger Woods

This is the title of a Wall Street Journal article, which is worth reading at least in part:

Tiger Woods reclaimed the top spot in the World Golf Rankings this week with his win at the Arnold Palmer Invitational. Tuesday, the Dow Jones Industrial Average rose nearly 112 points to 14559.65, an all-time high close.


Before his “accident” in Florida, Woods was under the care of a doctor who promoted performance-enhancing drugs such as HGH: Anthony Galea, who visited Woods “at least four times” at his Florida home, and was under a joint U.S.-Canadian investigation for providing athletes with such performance-enhancing drugs.

Also, as I have written:

Tiger is akin to so many other celebrities and politicians of our times, who have unbelievable feet of clay and should not be role models for anyone.

See (see also all of the comments beneath the article)

It is unlikely that Woods will ever be considered the greatest golfer of all time, inter alia, because the truth about his doping will come out with the passage of time, which will forever tarnish his place in golf.

Indeed, I know at least one person who knows the inside, true story with respect to Woods, and will probably tell it sooner or later. The revelations will be “shattering.”

Next, there are fewer black (or African-American) players on the PGA Tour today than when Woods began. He has done nothing to change this . . . except to line his own pockets as Narcissists do. Years ago, there were Lee Elder, Charlie Sifford and Jim Dent.

Woods confessed to having 121 affairs during his five-year marriage, and this will haunt him forever as well.

See, e.g., (“Tiger Woods confessed to having 121 affairs during his five-year marriage. . . . The world’s top golfer . . . is said to have told estranged wife Elin Nordegren the amazing number of women he bedded during her visit while he was in rehab”)

It is often asked how Woods was able to get away with doping and his sexual escapades. The short answer is that he is black; and to a large extent, “political correctness” has shielded or sheltered him from criticism. If cyclist Lance Armstrong was black, he might have been treated differently too. Clearly, race is a big factor that protects Woods, which cannot be underestimated.

Also, before his “accident,” Woods was golf’s “cash cow” and it was essentially a “one-player” sport. People followed golf because of him, and lots of people made plenty of money because of him. Indeed, the PGA and its disgraceful commissioner Tim Finchem—who should have been fired ages ago—never ordered an independent investigation of the doping charges against Woods, which were swept under the rug and buried. No other sport would have done this.

The media has buried the facts because of the reasons cited above, and because America has become a celebrity-driven society in which anything goes—including lying, cheating, prostitutes, bimbos and the like.

Regardless of his golf scores, Woods is a doping, utterly disgraced, porn “star”/escort/and other bimbo-seeking, Narcissistic philanderer. Like the Dow, what goes up often comes crashing down, especially in troubled times like these—which will only get far worse between now and the end of this decade.

See (“The Economic Tsunami Continues Its Relentless And Unforgiving Advance Globally”) (see also all of the comments beneath this article)


3 04 2013
Timothy D. Naegele

The Great Depression II Is Here To Stay, And It Will Last At Least Through The End Of This Decade

While many Americans and the “elite” of other countries have never had it so good financially—including Barack Obama and his family—as their yachts cruise the waters of the Mediterranean, the Caribbean, and elsewhere in this world, others are living in poverty and utter desperation. This will continue unabated for many years to come, with no relief in sight. As I have written, things will only get far worse; and the human suffering will be unfathomable.

See, e.g., (“Poverty In America“) and (“Suicides, Growing Despair And Hopelessness May Be The Future“) and (“The Risk Of Runs Is Real“) and (“Michelle Obama: ‘Let Them Eat Cake!'”) and (“Debtors’ Prisons“)

Evidence of this is reflected in the latest statistics released by the U.S. Census Bureau:

[N]early 50 million Americans—one in six—were living below the income line that defines poverty, according to the bureau. . . . The bureau said 20 percent of the country’s children are poor.

See (“Help shrinks as poverty spikes in the US“); see also (“U.S. sees highest poverty spike since the 1960s, leaving 50 million Americans poor as government cuts billions in spending“) and (“[T]he number of people not in the labor force . . . in March soared by a massive 663,000 to a record 90 million Americans who are no longer even looking for work“)

It is a myth and downright lie woven by our politicians and their counterparts in other countries that America and Europe are slowly climbing out of the deepest economic downturn since the Great Depression of the 1930s. It must never be forgotten that the depression of the last century did not end with the onset of World War II, but rather it abated only after the war’s end. During the 1930s, there were “green shoots” as there are now—or signs that things were improving economically—which did not materialize until the end of that devastating war.

As I wrote almost four years ago:

International terrorism and other very real national security concerns still loom, which might produce flashpoints at any time. We have enemies who seek to destroy us—a fact that is sometimes forgotten as 9/11 recedes in our memories. While it might be attractive . . . to take a “meat ax” to the Defense Department, it would be foolhardy to gut our military precisely when it has been performing magnificently and its continued strength is needed most. America’s economic and military strength go hand in hand. Both are indispensable ingredients of our great nation’s future strength.

See; see also (“North Korea Says It Will Launch Nuclear Attack On America”) and (“EMP Attack: Only 30 Million Americans Survive”) and (“The Madness Of Benjamin Netanyahu”)

And I added almost four years ago:

While U.S. politicians and their counterparts in other countries have been trying to convince their electorates that they have the answers, they are simply holding out false hopes that real solutions are at hand. . . .

America and other nations are in uncharted waters; and their politicians may face backlashes from disillusioned and angry constituents that are unprecedented in modern times. Also, the limits of godless secularism and paying homage to the false gods of materialism may become self-evident.

See; see also (“Big banks ‘more dangerous than ever’, IMF’s Christine Lagarde says“)

The chickens are coming home to roost as fewer and fewer Americans and other nationalities trust their governments, and as economic and other forms of chaos reign.



6 04 2013

America faces so many problems that it is difficult to be optimistic at all regarding the future. I firmly agree with your assessment that “things will get very ugly!” How can they not? Aside from all the pressing economic and political troubles, we have deteriorating social problems as well. Certainly, we are not the same nation morally that we were during the first Great Depression where neighbors reached out to help others that were worse off than they were. My father often told me stories of how my Grandmother would give food to neighbors that were poorer than they were. Today, the morality is such in America that rather than “help” a neighbor, many would probably rob them, or simply ignore those that were in need. Such are the fruits of, as you state, “godless secularism” inspired by the “gods of materialism.” When the economy REALLY turns down, it will make the “crisis” of 2008 look like the proverbial picnic. I firmly believe that the crisis of 2008 was only a prelude to the real crisis. You are so right … hold on tight!


6 04 2013
Timothy D. Naegele

Thank you for your comments, Ray. I agree with them completely.

Indeed, you have summed up the issues that the United States and Americans face, very succinctly. In all of my articles at this blog, beginning with the very first one about Barack Obama, I have tried to describe these issues and comment about them.


While not engaging in platitudes and excessive puffery, I believe the United States is the greatest country on earth, and that the American people are exceptional—all of them.

However, what is coming will test us like never before; and it will make 2008 seem like child’s play. It will rival the 1930s, or be even worse. The reason is that most Americans are not prepared for it, and may seriously consider giving up completely. This is when one’s faith in God—or a “higher power”—will be tested like never before.

Interestingly enough, other parts of the world and their peoples will be hurt much worse than we will. The UK and Europe come to mind; however, as my article above relates, the effects will be felt globally. Nations and peoples are interconnected like never before. For example, if the Internet went down—as an act of war—the effects would be unprecedented in history.

My parents were in their 20s when the Great Depression of the last century hit; and from what I was told, it did not affect them adversely at all. They had been schoolmates in Minneapolis, and had come west to California; and my father had a good job in Beverly Hills. He and my mother and their respective families rode out the depression and the war economically. However, things changed for our family when my mother became ill before I graduated from grade school.

She almost died; and my father spent a small fortune on medical care before the advent of medical insurance, involving doctors who had been trained at the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota. At my sixth grade graduation in the Brentwood suburb of Los Angeles, she came to it in a wheelchair, and I was so embarrassed. No other mothers were like that; and it happened years before attention was given to the disadvantaged. I was an only child, and I had no one to talk with about it; and I did not understand why it had hit our family.

Many years later—after she had survived and recovered, having had her right leg amputated to stem her illness—she went on to lead Red Cross volunteers who helped military service members and their loved ones cope with the family stresses of the Vietnam War. She had friends galore, who loved her for herself; and ultimately, she survived because of her faith in God. We as a family survived because of that too; and my parents remain my only heroes in life; and my faith continues to this day.

The United States will survive, and so will our fellow Americans; however, the challenges will be great.


22 05 2013
Timothy D. Naegele

The U.S Economy Is Poised For A Major Crash

It has been reported:

Despite the current stock market rally, legendary investor Jim Rogers say the U.S economy is poised for a major crash and is warning investors to protect themselves immediately.

In a riveting interview on Fox Business, Rogers warned Americans not to trust any of the positive economic news coming from world governments.

“I don’t trust the data from any government, including the U.S., Rogers said. “We know that governments lie to us. Everybody’s printing money, but it cannot go on. This is all artificial.”

Rogers, who for years has been an outspoken critic of the Feds policies of “Quantitative Easing” says all the money printing is creating false hope that we are in the middle of some kind of super bull market.

But in reality, he says, “we’re living in a fool’s paradise.”

“The Bank of Japan says it’s going to print unlimited amounts of money… Then Mr. Bernanke said I’ll match that… I’ll print that money too. The Europeans are catching on. You’ve got money printing going on everywhere and that has never been good for anybody,” Rogers said.

Currently, Bernanke and company at the U.S. Fed is buying $1 trillion of Treasury and housing agency bonds each year. That’s about $85 billion per month against a budget deficit that is about the same level.

The real risk right now is an all-out 1930s-style currency war that could devastate an entire class of investors who have put their faith in the current economic dogma of endless bailouts and money printing

“It cannot go on,” Rogers warns.

Rogers believes things will really get bad after the German elections this fall

How bad?

Worse than even Roger predicts, according to a new investigation.

In a newly released documentary that went viral last month, a team of influential economic experts say they have discovered a “frightening pattern” they believe points to a massive economic catastrophe unlike anything ever seen before.

“What this pattern represents is a dangerous countdown clock that’s quickly approaching zero,” said Keith Fitz-Gerald, the Chief Investment Strategist for the Money Map Press, who predicted the 2008 oil shock, the credit default swap crisis that helped bring about the recession, and the Greek and European fiscal catastrophe that is still wreaking havoc until this day.

“The resulting chaos is going to crush Americans.”

See (emphasis added); see also (“Jim Rogers Interview with NewsMax TV 20 May 2013”)


24 06 2013
Timothy D. Naegele

76 Percent Of Americans Are Living Paycheck-To-Paycheck!

CNNMoney has reported:

Roughly three-quarters of Americans are living paycheck-to-paycheck, with little to no emergency savings, according to a survey released by Monday.

Fewer than one in four Americans have enough money in their savings account to cover at least six months of expenses, enough to help cushion the blow of a job loss, medical emergency or some other unexpected event, according to the survey of 1,000 adults. Meanwhile, 50% of those surveyed have less than a three-month cushion and 27% had no savings at all.

. . .

Last week, online lender CashNetUSA said 22% of the 1,000 people it recently surveyed had less than $100 in savings to cover an emergency, while 46% had less than $800. After paying debts and taking care of housing, car and child care-related expenses, the respondents said there just isn’t enough money left over for saving more.

“There really hasn’t been much relief,” said Megan Staton, director of marketing for CashNetUSA “The economy is stagnant, $100 is not enough to help you out in an emergency.”


As the U.S. and global economies get far worse between now and the end of this decade, more and more Americans and those in other countries will slide into desperate poverty.


29 06 2013
Timothy D. Naegele

The “Great Depression II” Marches Onward

In an article entitled, “Risk of 1937 relapse as Fed gives up fight against deflation,” the UK Telegraph‘s International Business Editor, Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, writes:

It has set off an emerging market shock and risks “blowback” from a fresh spasm of the eurozone debt crisis, and it is letting all this happen at the same time, before the US economy is safely out of the woods.

It has violated its own counter-deflation strategy, tightening monetary policy even though core PCE inflation has fallen to the lowest levels in living memory and below levels deemed dangerous enough in the past to warrant a blast of emergency stimulus. It is doing so even though the revival of bank lending has faded.

The entire pivot by the Federal Open Market Committee is mystifying, almost amateurish, and risks repeating the errors made by the Bank of Japan a decade ago, and perhaps repeating a mini-1937 when the Fed lost its nerve and tipped the US economy into a second leg of the Great Depression.


The worst is yet to come, and the landing will not be soft—at least for most Americans.

See, e.g., (“76 Percent Of Americans Are Living Paycheck-To-Paycheck!”) (see also the article itself, as well as the other comments beneath it)


11 07 2013
Timothy D. Naegele

The Wheels Are Coming Off The Whole Of Southern Europe

This is the title of an article by the UK Telegraph‘s International Business Editor, Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, which is subtitled:

Europe’s debt-crisis strategy is near collapse. The long-awaited recovery has failed to take wing. Debt ratios across southern Europe are rising at an accelerating pace. Political consent for extreme austerity is breaking down in almost every EMU crisis state. And now the US Federal Reserve has inflicted a full-blown credit shock for good measure.

Evans-Pritchard goes on to state:

None of Euroland’s key actors seems willing to admit that the current strategy is untenable. They hope to paper over the cracks until the German elections in September, as if that is going to make any difference.

A leaked report from the European Commission confirms that Greece will miss its austerity targets yet again by a wide margin. It alleges that Greece lacks the “willingness and capacity” to collect taxes. In fact, Athens is missing targets because the economy is still in freefall and that is because of austerity overkill. The Greek think-tank IOBE expects GDP to fall 5pc this year. It has told journalists privately that the final figure may be -7pc. The Greek stabilisation is a mirage.

Italy’s slow crisis is again flaring up. Its debt trajectory has punched through the danger line over the past two years. The country’s €2.1 trillion (£1.8 trillion) debt—129pc of GDP—may already be beyond the point of no return for a country without its own currency.

Standard & Poor’s did not say this outright when it downgraded the country to near-junk BBB on Tuesday. But if you read between the lines, it is close to saying the game is up for Italy.

Its point is that if “nominal GDP” remains near zero, Rome will have to run a primary surplus of 5pc of GDP each year to stabilise the debt ratio. “Risks to achieving such an outturn appear to be increasing,” it said.

Indeed. The International Monetary Fund has just slashed its growth forecast for Italy this year to -1.8pc. The accumulated fall in Italian output since 2007 will reach 10pc. This is a depression. Yet how is the country supposed to get out of this trap with its currency overvalued by 20pc to 30pc within EMU?

Spain’s crisis has a new twist. The ruling Partido Popular is caught in a slush-fund scandal of such gravity that it cannot plausibly brazen out the allegations any longer, let alone rally the nation behind another year of scorched-earth cuts. El Mundo says a “pre-revolutionary” mood is taking hold.

A magistrate has obtained the original “smoking gun” alleging that Premier Mariano Rajoy accepted illegal payments as a minister. The Left is calling for his head but so are members of the Consejo General del Poder Judicial, the justice watchdog.

“Citizens cannot tolerate a situation where the prime minister has received undeclared payments,” said José Manuel Gómez, a Consejo member. Much of the ruling party appears tainted by a network of covert funding. If proved, said Mr Gomez, it poses a “very grave” threat to Spanish democracy.

Portugal is slipping away. Professor João Ferreira do Amaral’s book—Why We Should Leave The Euro—has been a bestseller for months. He accuses Brussels of serving as an enforcer for Germany and the creditor powers.

Like Greece before it, Portugal is chasing its tail in a downward spiral. Economic contraction of 3pc a year is eroding the tax base, causing Lisbon to miss deficit targets. A new working paper by the Bank of Portugal explains why it has gone wrong. The fiscal multiplier is “twice as large as normal”, or 2.0, in small open economies during crisis times.

What is new is that Vitor Gaspar, the high priest of Portugal’s shock therapy, has thrown in the towel. He blames the fainthearted for refusing to slash with greater vigour. Needless to say, he still refuses to accept that a strategy of wage cuts and deflation in a country with total debt of 370pc of GDP was always likely to fail.

If Portugal does pull off an “internal devaluation” within EMU it will shrink the economic base. Yet the debt burden remains. This is the dreaded denominator effect. Public debt has jumped from 93pc to 123pc since 2010 alone.

The Gaspar exit has closed a chapter. The junior coalition partners are demanding a change of course. I write before knowing whether President Anibal Cavaco Silva will call a snap election, opening the way for a Left-leaning anti-austerity government.

The Portuguese press is already reporting that the European Commission is working secretly on a second bail-out, an admission that the wheels are coming off the original €78bn EU-IMF troika rescue.

This is a political minefield. Any fresh rescue would require a vote in the German Bundestag, certain to demand ferocious conditions if this occurs before the elections.

Europe’s leaders have given a solemn pledge that they will never repeat the error made in Greece of forcing an EMU state into default, with haircuts for banks and pension funds. If Portugal needs debt relief, these leaders will face an ugly choice.

Do they violate this pledge, and shatter market confidence? Or do they admit for the first time that taxpayers will have to foot the bill for holding EMU together? All rescue packages have been loans so far. German, Dutch, Finnish and other creditor parliaments have never yet had to crystallize a single euro in losses.

All this is happening just as tapering talk by the Fed sends shockwaves through credit markets, pushing up borrowing costs by 70 basis points across Europe. Spanish 10-year yields are back to 4.8pc. These are higher than they look, since Spain is already in deflation once tax distortions are stripped out. Real interest rates are soaring.

By doing nothing to offset this, the ECB is allowing “passive tightening” to occur. Mario Draghi’s attempt to talk down yields with his new policy of forward guidance is spitting in the wind. The ECB needs to turn on the monetary spigot full blast—like the Bank of Japan—to head off a slide into deflation trap and enveloping disaster by next year. This is not going to happen.

Der Spiegel reports that the German-led bloc fought vehemently against a rate cut at the last ECB meeting, even though Germany itself has slowed to a crawl as China and the BRICS come off the rails.

Markets have reacted insouciantly so far to these gestating crises across Club Med. They remain entranced by the “Draghi Put”, the ECB’s slowly fraying pledge to backstop Italian and Spanish debt, forgetting that the ECB can only act under strict conditions, triggered first by a vote in the Bundestag.

These conditions can no longer be fulfilled. The politics have curdled everywhere.

Sooner or later, this immense bluff must surely be called.

See (emphasis added); see also (“Rather than this being a genuine recovery, we are merely entering the latest stage in an ongoing bubble that began at the start of the previous decade and which keeps being reflated, with the painful but inevitable denouement still at least another crisis away”)

The chickens are coming home to roost. Hold on tight. Things will get very ugly!


28 07 2013
Timothy D. Naegele

4 Out Of 5 in USA Face Near-Poverty, No Work . . .

The AP has reported:

Four out of 5 U.S. adults struggle with joblessness, near poverty or reliance on welfare for at least parts of their lives, a sign of deteriorating economic security and an elusive American dream.

Survey data exclusive to The Associated Press points to an increasingly globalized U.S. economy, the widening gap between rich and poor and loss of good-paying manufacturing jobs as reasons for the trend.

The findings come as President Barack Obama tries to renew his administration’s emphasis on the economy, saying in recent speeches that his highest priority is to “rebuild ladders of opportunity” and reverse income inequality.

Hardship is particularly on the rise among whites, based on several measures. Pessimism among that racial group about their families’ economic futures has climbed to the highest point since at least 1987. In the most recent AP-GfK poll, 63 percent of whites called the economy “poor.”

“I think it’s going to get worse,” said Irene Salyers, 52, of Buchanan County, Va., a declining coal region in Appalachia. Married and divorced three times, Salyers now helps run a fruit and vegetable stand with her boyfriend, but it doesn’t generate much income. They live mostly off government disability checks.

“If you do try to go apply for a job, they’re not hiring people, and they’re not paying that much to even go to work,” she said. Children, she said, have “nothing better to do than to get on drugs.”

While racial and ethnic minorities are more likely to live in poverty, race disparities in the poverty rate have narrowed substantially since the 1970s, census data show. Economic insecurity among whites also is more pervasive than is shown in government data, engulfing more than 76 percent of white adults by the time they turn 60, according to a new economic gauge being published next year by the Oxford University Press.

The gauge defines “economic insecurity” as experiencing unemployment at some point in their working lives, or a year or more of reliance on government aid such as food stamps or income below 150 percent of the poverty line. Measured across all races, the risk of economic insecurity rises to 79 percent.

“It’s time that America comes to understand that many of the nation’s biggest disparities, from education and life expectancy to poverty, are increasingly due to economic class position,” said William Julius Wilson, a Harvard professor who specializes in race and poverty.

He noted that despite continuing economic difficulties, minorities have more optimism about the future after Obama’s election, while struggling whites do not.

“There is the real possibility that white alienation will increase if steps are not taken to highlight and address inequality on a broad front,” Wilson said.


Sometimes termed “the invisible poor” by demographers, lower-income whites are generally dispersed in suburbs as well as small rural towns, where more than 60 percent of the poor are white. Concentrated in Appalachia in the East, they are also numerous in the industrial Midwest and spread across America’s heartland, from Missouri, Arkansas and Oklahoma up through the Great Plains.

More than 19 million whites fall below the poverty line of $23,021 for a family of four, accounting for more than 41 percent of the nation’s destitute, nearly double the number of poor blacks.

Still, while census figures provide an official measure of poverty, they’re only a temporary snapshot. The numbers don’t capture the makeup of those who cycle in and out of poverty at different points in their lives. They may be suburbanites, for example, or the working poor or the laid off.

In 2011 that snapshot showed 12.6 percent of adults in their prime working-age years of 25-60 lived in poverty. But measured in terms of a person’s lifetime risk, a much higher number—4 in 10 adults—falls into poverty for at least a year of their lives.

The risks of poverty also have been increasing in recent decades, particularly among people ages 35-55, coinciding with widening income inequality. For instance, people ages 35-45 had a 17 percent risk of encountering poverty during the 1969-1989 time period; that risk increased to 23 percent during the 1989-2009 period. For those ages 45-55, the risk of poverty jumped from 11.8 percent to 17.7 percent.

By race, nonwhites still have a higher risk of being economically insecure, at 90 percent. But compared with the official poverty rate, some of the biggest jumps under the newer measure are among whites, with more than 76 percent enduring periods of joblessness, life on welfare or near-poverty.

By 2030, based on the current trend of widening income inequality, close to 85 percent of all working-age adults in the U.S. will experience bouts of economic insecurity.

“Poverty is no longer an issue of ‘them’, it’s an issue of ‘us’,” says Mark Rank, a professor at Washington University in St. Louis who calculated the numbers. “Only when poverty is thought of as a mainstream event, rather than a fringe experience that just affects blacks and Hispanics, can we really begin to build broader support for programs that lift people in need.”

Rank’s analysis is supplemented with figures provided by Tom Hirschl, a professor at Cornell University; John Iceland, a sociology professor at Penn State University; the University of New Hampshire’s Carsey Institute; the Census Bureau; and the Population Reference Bureau.

Among the findings:

—For the first time since 1975, the number of white single-mother households who were living in poverty with children surpassed or equaled black ones in the past decade, spurred by job losses and faster rates of out-of-wedlock births among whites. White single-mother families in poverty stood at nearly 1.5 million in 2011, comparable to the number for blacks. Hispanic single-mother families in poverty trailed at 1.2 million.

—The share of children living in high-poverty neighborhoods—those with poverty rates of 30 percent or more—has increased to 1 in 10, putting them at higher risk of teen pregnancy or dropping out of school. Non-Hispanic whites accounted for 17 percent of the child population in such neighborhoods, up from 13 percent in 2000, even though the overall proportion of white children in the U.S. has been declining.

The share of black children in high-poverty neighborhoods dropped sharply, from 43 percent to 37 percent, while the share of Latino children ticked higher, from 38 to 39 percent.


Going back to the 1980s, never have whites been so pessimistic about their futures, according to the General Social Survey, which is conducted by NORC at the University of Chicago. Just 45 percent say their family will have a good chance of improving their economic position based on the way things are in America.

The divide is especially evident among those whites who self-identify as working class: 49 percent say they think their children will do better than them, compared with 67 percent of non-whites who consider themselves working class.

In November, Obama won the votes of just 36 percent of those noncollege whites, the worst performance of any Democratic nominee among that group since 1984.

Some Democratic analysts have urged renewed efforts to bring working-class whites into the political fold, calling them a potential “decisive swing voter group” if minority and youth turnout level off in future elections.

“They don’t trust big government, but it doesn’t mean they want no government,” says Republican pollster Ed Goeas, who agrees that working-class whites will remain an important electoral group. “They feel that politicians are giving attention to other people and not them.”

See; see also (“[W]e are in a global trade depression, albeit one contained by monetary stimulus. . . . Russia and Brazil have ground to a near halt. China is in its second ‘mini-recession’ in two years, its growth rate near zero on a GDP deflator basis. . . . What is clearly true is that US fracking has transformed America’s economic and strategic prospects, slashing gas costs for industry to one third of European and Asian levels, and reviving the US chemical, glass and steel industries in what we now call the US manufacturing renaissance. . . . We should think of shale as one-generation play for the US, enough to ensure American superpower primacy into the middle of the century”)

. . .

As I have written:

While U.S. politicians and their counterparts in other countries have been trying to convince their electorates that they have the answers, they are simply holding out false hopes that real solutions are at hand; and Americans are apt to realize this. . . .

America and other nations are in uncharted waters; and their politicians may face backlashes from disillusioned and angry constituents that are unprecedented in modern times.


Hold on tight. It will get far worse globally between now and the end of this decade!

. . .

But nothing interrupts the Obamas’ lavish vacations!

See, e.g., (“Obama Vineyard vacation at $7.6m private resort, over 75 rooms booked for staff”) and (“Still No [White House] Tours, but Parade of Special Visitors Continues”)


30 07 2013

The euro zone will unravel, which is likely to be a relatively small but critical part of what will be happening worldwide; and financial turmoil will engulf the euro-zone nations. There will be nobody of consequence in charge economically or politically in the United States or other countries. And the human suffering and chaos will be unfathomable.

There is no doubt in my mind that we are heading into some very dark times … both economically and socially. The seeds of class warfare have been sewn mightily by the Obama administration, and when this house of cards economy is finally exposed for the sham that it really is, things have the potential to get very ugly. Along with America’s mess, with the exception of Germany, most of Europe is in even worse shape. Europe’s collapse will surely lead to global economic chaos. Add to that Japan’s experiment with Zimbabwe-type economics (Abenomics) where seemingly the answer to all its problems is to simply devalue the currency (as if other trading partners will simply sit on their collective hands). After being suckered into the historic global credit binge, China’s miracle economy in no longer expanding at anywhere near the rate they are currently claiming (7.5%). As if that weren’t enough, the Middle East, always somewhat chaotic, has entered into a time of heightened and dangerous turmoil. Currency wars, which always lead to trade wars, which often lead to military conflict, are rampant and on the increase.

I believe we are going to see a global meltdown that will make 2008 look very tame in comparison. Financially and politically, the world is in a far weaker position now than we were in 2008. The world’s central bankers have used up all of their tricks that they had in their bag, and it has not worked. We are in a horrible fix with a mixture of problems facing us that seem insurmountable. Back to America, while viewing the political landscape (of BOTH parties), do you feel hope or despair? Personally, I put zero hope in these charlatans.

“Hold on tight” is an understatement. You might want to consider a death grip!


30 07 2013
Timothy D. Naegele

Thank you, Ray, for your comments. I agree completely. You have summed up the situation in a nutshell.

I have no faith in any of the politicians, but I have inherent faith in the American people. There will be lots who are hurt, but our country will survive, while other countries will not fare nearly as well.

You may not have noted the latest with respect to oil shale.


This is wonderful news for the United States . . . if America’s “environmental Nazis”—and I am a hiker, and lover of nature—do not curtail our production of oil, as they have done off the coast of California and in the Gulf of Mexico.

See also (“The Future Still Belongs To America”) and (“America: A Rich Tapestry Of Life”)


30 07 2013

The euro zone will unravel, which is likely to be a relatively small but critical part of what will be happening worldwide; and financial turmoil will engulf the euro-zone nations. There will be nobody of consequence in charge economically or politically in the United States or other countries. And the human suffering and chaos will be unfathomable.

I agree with you that “our country will survive,” but will it resemble the great nation of our Forefathers, or will it be closer to that of the Euro social/welfare state variety? I personally think we are already there, at least to the extent that the foundations have thoroughly been laid via FDR’s “New Deal” (aka Raw Deal) and LBJ’s “Great Society.” Add to that mix the phony “conservatives” that profess a sincere desire to return to the constitution, while far too often promoting the expansion of the federal government on a vast scale. Consider several illustrations: the “conservative” Bush 43’s Medicare Part D (completely unfunded), was the largest social/welfare program since LBJ. His “No Child Left Behind” (another Gov’t sham) also vastly expanded the Dept. of Education’s size and power. Add to that the disastrous wars in Iraq and Afghanistan … planned in advance of the 9/11 attacks by the warmongering Neo-conservatives … and subsequently cheered on by the so called “conservatives.” The fact that both of these wars were not only unwarranted, they were also unconstitutional never seems to bother these “conservatives.” As a “constitutional conservative” myself, I’m often embarrassed to refer to myself as such because of these “conservative” types.

Regarding shale oil, in my opinion, it will not be enough to stop the hemorrhaging of our national debt. The reported $17 trillion (on “hold” for about 65 days now) that the media touts is of course only the tip of the proverbial iceberg. When counting our long-term obligations, such as Social Security (SS is broke), Medicare (being raided to fund Obamacare), Medicaid, Government pensions, etc., etc. our national debt is well over $100 trillion. Note: when Treasury Secretary Paul O’Neill attempted to point that fact out to the “conservative” George W. Bush, he was promptly fired. Add to the national debt our corporate and personal debt, etc. and one has difficulty concluding otherwise; this nation is technically bankrupt.

Back to: will America survive? Of course it will. The real question is what will its survival be? Will it be the America where individual freedom is exalted via “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness” without the tentacles of an oppressive government bureaucracy or will it be that of the all-powerful, centralized, social/welfare state? What has the trend been for the last 50+ years? What is there that indicates this trend is suddenly going to reverse course?


30 07 2013
Timothy D. Naegele

Thank you again, Ray. I find it difficult, if not impossible, to disagree with what you have written.

As long as the “Progressives” aka Liberals (i.e., there is nothing progressive about them, except when viewed in the context of Marxist-Leninist ideology) are running this country, and the GOP is essentially a “doormat,” the march toward a socialist state (or worse) will continue.

There are vast numbers of Americans who agree with us, whether they describe themselves as conservatives, Independents or by some other label. In Nixonian terms, they are the “silent majority,” which is becoming increasingly vocal.

For a variety of reasons, I believe one of the most critical issues is to defeat any new immigration legislation. This might give the Dems a permanent majority in Congress, which would thwart any efforts to stop the Liberal train.

See (“Illegal Immigration: The Solution Is Simple”)


31 07 2013

The euro zone will unravel, which is likely to be a relatively small but critical part of what will be happening worldwide; and financial turmoil will engulf the euro-zone nations. There will be nobody of consequence in charge economically or politically in the United States or other countries. And the human suffering and chaos will be unfathomable.

Rome used the barbarians to help fight their wars, which were often wars fought against other barbarians invaders. In the end, the barbarians turned on the Romans and occupied vast regions of the western empire. Eventually, it was the Visigoths, led by the barbarian Alaric that sacked Rome in 410. The real lesson of history is that we learn nothing from history.

American politicians from both parties support some form of amnesty for illegal immigrants. Both parties are pandering for votes. It appears that our political “leaders” hope that illegal immigrants, once they are made “legal” will suddenly become honest taxpayers, which will in turn bring massive revenues into the government coffers, allowing the government Ponzi scheme to continue into the foreseeable future. Then too, the corporations (the real movers and shakers of our politicians) demand cheap, plentiful, low-wage labor. Real wages for the American worker, when factoring in inflation, have not risen in over 30 years. The ongoing influx of hardworking immigrants, often willing accept lower than minimum wage and share a rental property with 20+ of their fellow compatriots, does not bode very well for maintaining the standard of living for the American worker. Life is going to be much harder in the very near future for the American laborer.

A very real danger also exists whereby the USA becomes “Balkanized” as vast regions of the Southwest could possibly secede, with the purpose of uniting with what millions of Mexicans believe to be the rightful owner of these lands … Mexico. This may seem far-fetched now, but if the human flood gates remain open, and there is every reason to believe they will be, that entire region may in fact be overrun with non-Americans.

Mr. Naegele, I believe you are right. Any immigration deal is unthinkable, unless of course these globalists have something different in mind other than preserving America as the “last and best hope of mankind.”


31 07 2013
Timothy D. Naegele

Thank you again, Ray, for your very thoughtful comments and insights, with which I agree in large part.

Hispanic Americans are very hard workers, at least in California; and they assimilate quickly. In one generation, their kids are speaking perfect English; and they become full-fledged Americans. It is wonderful to see and experience. Yes, there are gangs—Blacks and Hispanics—but the Hispanics, by and large, are very family-oriented and examples for the rest of us.

My article that I cited above gives my views about immigration, so I will not repeat them here, other than to say that there are lots of people who have been waiting for years to enter this country legally. They should be given first preference, period.

Will this country fragment and fracture? God only knows why we have been blessed, but immigrants have come to our shores for hundreds of years, and they have become Americans. Their goals were not to tear this country apart. The same is true, I believe, of Hispanics. They are wonderful people, who only want to participate in the “American dream,” whatever that means to any of us.

They are our latest arrivals; and most of them—again, in California—work and work and work, and have genuine smiles on their faces when doing so.


2 08 2013
Timothy D. Naegele

NO American Cities Should Be Bailed Out, Beginning With Detroit!

It has been reported:

A new national poll from Quinnipiac University shows that a majority [of] Democrats believe the federal government should bail out Detroit, but an even larger majority of Americans oppose such a move. Fifty-one percent of Democrats support Washington providing federal assistance to Detroit, which last month became the largest American city ever to seek bankruptcy protection.

Not surprisingly, there is a strong partisan divide on the question of a federal bailout for the Motor City. Seventy-three percent of Republicans oppose a bailout, while only 18 percent support the idea. Independents are nearly of the same mind as Republicans on the issue: 68 percent oppose federal assistance for Detroit and 28 percent support it.

The poll also shows a significant racial divide on the issue. Whites overwhelmingly oppose a federal bailout (63 percent against vs. 26 percent in favor) while a solid majority of African-Americans support a bailout (57 percent favor vs. 36 percent against) as do a plurality of Hispanics (48 percent favor vs. 36 percent against).

A federal bailout for Detroit is very much a live issue politically. Michigan’s congressional Democrats are vowing to find federal assistance for the city, while Republicans such as Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul have declared that Washington will bailout Detroit “over my dead body.”

On March 14, Republican Gov. Rick Snyder appointed Kevyn Orr as emergency manager of the city. After a four-month review of its disastrous financial situation, which included painstaking negotiations with bondholders, creditors and union employees, Orr and Snyder concluded Chapter 9 bankruptcy was the only option to try to rescue the failing municipality.

Bankruptcy papers were filed by Snyder and Orr on July 18, just minutes before lawyers from the unions filed for an injunction to try to stop the bankruptcy from proceeding. At issue is whether a federal bankruptcy court has the jurisdiction to order a restructuring that will almost certainly include a significant reduction in future pension benefits for city workers, something that is currently prohibited by the state constitution.

See (“Dems Favor Federal Bailout of Detroit, But Majority of Public Opposed”)

If the Democrats are truly serious and genuine, they will begin collecting purely voluntary donations from their own Liberal constituency, and by raiding the Party’s coffers, to fund Detroit and other cities.

Cities are anachronisms. They are unsafe and unhealthy, and ugly places to live and work. Today, many are filled with people who would prefer to riot and hurt others than deal with their own needs.

I was born and raised in Los Angeles, which has a vast metropolitan area. However, most Angelenos have probably never been to downtown LA. There is no need to do so. The freeways are clogged, and there is nothing remotely beautiful about the city center; just pavement and high-rises, which may have serious problems when the next major earthquake strikes.

See (“Earthquakes: The Big One Is Coming To At Least Los Angeles”)

Barack Obama was a “community organizer” who was supposed to help with the problems of our cities. However, he has had zero impact on Detroit and Chicago, except to fan black racisim. And he had no effect as a community organizer either, except to stir up racial anger and hatreds. Down deep, is he a racist? Of course he is; just read (or reread) his book, “Dreams from My Father.” It is all there, in his own words.


Also, the future is in computers and telecommuting. There is no need to go to high-rise office buildings in downtown LA or anyplace else to work. Indeed, there are “virtual companies” today, where the key people are linked by computers, and there is no need for formal offices.

Detroit is rotting, and other cities are rotting too, but so what? Let them rot. They have outlived their usefulness. Like the horse and buggy, their time has passed. Some may argue: “Detroit once had the highest per capita income in the United States, which meant the world.” The answer is: “So what? We used to get around on horseback too.” Also, Henry Ford was smart enough to move out of Detroit.

The streets of Westwood—where the lovely UCLA campus is located, and where I grew up and went to school and college—have potholes in them because the exorbitant tax revenues have been siphoned off to meet the needs of the inner city of Los Angeles. Enough is enough. We do not owe anything to cities, much less to prop them up.

Cities are passé. The Internet will make this true, more and more. Not one cent of federal or State monies should have been used to prop up New Orleans.

See also (Detroit: “Forty percent of the streetlights don’t work, two-thirds of the parks are shut down and emergency police response time averages nearly an hour—if it ever comes at all”)


3 08 2013
Timothy D. Naegele

Drop In Number Of Students Accepting University Places

This is the title of an article in the UK’s Telegraph, which bears out what I wrote in an earlier article:

I served on the Board of Directors of the University of California, Santa Barbara Alumni Association, and as a Trustee of the UCSB Foundation, for a combined total of approximately ten years, overlapping the time that both of my kids and their spouses attended UCSB.

Tuition hikes were coming then, and I argued vehemently that they would price the Middle Class out of a University of California education. I am a product of the University of California system, having attended UCSB, UCLA and Berkeley for law school; and the Middle Class has been the backbone of the university. Needless to say, the cost hikes since I served on the UCSB boards have been even worse.

Also, the same thing has been happening with the law schools, yet law school graduates cannot find jobs today. What they do is load themselves up with massive student loans, and then are unemployed or forced to take menial jobs, and they default on the loans. It is “fraud” on the part of the law schools, because they keep touting the “value” of their education.

I had a “spirited discussion” about these issues with a very nice female UCSB professor, who was the “faculty adviser” to one of the boards on which I served; and I asserted that UCSB (and other UC schools) were not preparing undergrads for jobs, and that the job market for them would get even tighter. Her response was that if students want to be prepared for jobs, they would need to go to graduate schools. I essentially told her that was absurd because neither the students nor their parents could afford it, but this fact of life did not faze her one iota.

I expect before the end of this decade that one or more of the California State University campuses will close because of budgetary problems. Whether it happens with one of the UC campuses remains to be seen. This pattern will be repeated elsewhere in the United States, and in other countries.

See n.2 (citations omitted) and


11 08 2013
Timothy D. Naegele

Greece’s Youth Jobless Rate Hits 65 Percent, As The Country’s Downward Spiral Continues Unchecked

The UK Telegraph‘s Ambrose Evans-Pritchard has written:

“Nothing as devastating as this has ever been seen in my country before,” said Prof Yanis Varoufakis from Athens University. “The spirit of the Greek people has been broken. They’ve stopped demonstrating and are licking their wounds at home or leaving the country.”

Latest data from the Greek statistics agency showed the overall jobless rate rose to 27.6pc in May, despite a mass exodus of the best-educated young workers to the US, Australia, Britain and Germany.

The figure is likely to rise further as Athens lays off 15,000 public sector workers by the end of next month to comply with European Union-International Monetary Fund (EU-IMF) Troika demands.

“The manic attempt to keep Greece in the eurozone under conditions that are not sustainable is turning the country into a sort of Kosovo, an EU protectorate that produces little but surplus labour,” said Prof Varoufakis.

. . .

Fitch Ratings warned that Europe had not gone far enough with plans for a banking union to lower the risk of bank defaults. The new resolution fund (SRM) would scare away funds by concentrating losses on senior bank creditors. Investors were “likely to differentiate more between weak and strong banks” if they could not be sure of state-backing in a crisis.

This will make it harder for weak banks to raise capital, forcing them to deleverage by selling assets, further crimping lending. Roberto Gallo from RBS said small banks may have to slash assets by €2.6 trillion (£2.2 trillion) over the next three to five years to meet new rules.


There is no question that the economic tsunami continues its relentless and unforgiving advance globally.


12 08 2013

The euro zone will unravel, which is likely to be a relatively small but critical part of what will be happening worldwide; and financial turmoil will engulf the euro-zone nations. There will be nobody of consequence in charge economically or politically in the United States or other countries. And the human suffering and chaos will be unfathomable.

At least under the Bretton Woods Agreement of 1945, the industrialized nations had some semblance of monetary order by maintaining currency exchange rates with the primary currency; the US dollar. With the exchange of the dollar into “real” currency (gold), along with foreign currency exchange rates linked to the dollar, the industrialized nations were limited as to how much currency they could create in their own countries. Bretton Woods, although not perfect, worked well enough until Nixon did the unthinkable; he closed the gold convertability window in 1971, whereby removing the dollar from its link to gold. The world thereby entered into the era of fiat currencies, which enabled individual nations to devalue their currencies virtually at will, which allowed for politicians to provide popular social programs for their people (much of it paid for via fiat printing press and the hidden tax; inflation). Doing away with Bretton Woods also allowed the world’s central bankers free reign in running the nations’ economies. Bubbles, busts, booms, deflation, inflation, recessions, depressions, etc. could all be “created” by the central bankers’ monetary policies.

Regarding Greece, it was an economic basket case prior to entering the EU, with interest rates running at 18% + due to the nature of risk. By entering the EU, Greece experienced an ARTIFICIAL boom due entirely to the sudden availability of capital at much lower interest rates via the EU. The availability of cheap money did not change the unsustainable spending habits of the Greek people. It also allowed the already bloated public sector to do what they do best … expand.

Greece is the poster child for the credit bubble that was created entirely by fiat money, lax lending, and artificially low interest rates. Artificial economic expansion, especially when done on a massive scale as it was done in Greece, always leads to disaster.

I doubt America will learn from Greece (or Italy, France, Portugal, Ireland, Great Britain, Japan, etc.). Years and years of political rhetoric have addressed the similar problems that many see on America’s economic horizon. With all the problems facing America, what are we getting from our “leaders” in Washington? Personally, I am hearing (from both parties) a lot of political rhetoric, with very little (if any) substance behind it. I have been observing this scenario for over 30 years and have long ago concluded that we are on our own path to an economic Tsunami. If anyone out there thinks there are viable reasons as to how we will avoid economic disaster, I would very much like to hear them.


12 08 2013
Timothy D. Naegele

Thank you, Ray, for your latest observations and comments. They are appreciated.

You have written:

I am hearing (from both parties) a lot of political rhetoric, with very little (if any) substance behind it.

I would modify this ever so slightly:

I am hearing (from both parties) a lot of political nonsense, with very little (if any) wisdom behind it.

Few if any national politicians have economic training; and Barack Obama has none. They pander to the masses, which is the essence of their survival and being. The central problem is that economic forces have been unleashed—which I refer to as a “tsunami”—that have been building. As I wrote more than four years ago in an earlier article entitled, “Euphoria or the Obama Depression?”:

While U.S. politicians and their counterparts in other countries have been trying to convince their electorates that they have the answers, they are simply holding out false hopes that real solutions are at hand. . . .

. . .

America and other nations are in uncharted waters; and their politicians may face backlashes from disillusioned and angry constituents that are unprecedented in modern times. Also, the limits of godless secularism and paying homage to the false gods of materialism may become self-evident.


Today’s RealClearPolitics Poll Averages show that 51.1 percent of Americans “Disapprove” of Barack Obama’s job performance; 61.8 percent believe that America is on the “Wrong Track”; and 75.8 percent “Disapprove” of Congress’ job performance.

See also (Gallup: “Obama’s Economic Approval Slips to 35% . . . decline mirrors drop in overall approval”)


12 08 2013
Timothy D. Naegele

Europe Will Remain Economically Depressed And Crisis Ridden For A Long Time To Come

This is the conclusion of Jeremy Warner, Assistant Editor of the UK’s Telegraph:

One of the factors underpinning renewed confidence in the UK economy is the belief that the crisis in Europe is now essentially over. The immediate threat of banking and fiscal meltdown in the southern periphery has receded, and after one of the longest recessions on record—six successive quarters of economic contraction—there are even tentative signs of recovery.

Among eurozone policymakers, the relief is palpable. Mario Draghi, president of the European Central Bank, has waved his magic wand and apparently succeeded in calming the economic maelstrom. This is small thanks to the German core, which fought his actions tooth and nail but now seems more than happy to take credit. In any case, with the fear of financial Armageddon removed, European economies can begin the long march back to health. For Britain too, a key uncertainty for the banking and business sectors has been answered.

Or has it? For though it is true that some form of equilibrium seems slowly to be re-establishing itself in the European economy, it is at such a deeply impaired level that it can scarcely be regarded as cause for celebration. Unemployment, already at intolerable levels in some eurozone countries, is still rising and money growth remains exceptionally depressed.

Nor is there any end in sight to credit destruction, with deeply negative implications for SMEs and future jobs creation. According to a new report by Royal Bank of Scotland, Europe’s banks need to shed a further €3.2 trillion (£2.7 trillion) of assets (roughly equal to annual German GDP) to comply with new international capital standards.

IMF research cited last week by the European Central Bank puts the eurozone’s “structural unemployment” rate—that is the unemployment that won’t go away even after the economy returns to normal—at a staggering 10.1pc, up from 7.4pc before the crisis. If correct, it means that any European recovery will be a largely jobless one.

Worse, barely a start has been made on the political, institutional and structural reform necessary to bring about a sustainable monetary union. The best that can be said for the eurozone crisis is that it is merely dormant. At any moment, it could re-erupt.

Contrary to the more upbeat economic forecasts that are beginning to emerge, both from official and outside sources, this is quite likely to happen at some stage over the next year, for Europe’s crisis has always been as much political as economic and financial.

Where to begin? In Italy, government is only possible courtesy of support from Silvio Berlusconi’s notoriously fluid Centre Right Coalition. All attempts at structural reform seem meanwhile to have run into the sand.

In Spain, prime minister Mariano Rajoy has taken to trying to deflect attention from allegations of personal impropriety by bizarrely making common cause with Argentina against British sovereign interests. Desperation indeed, seeing that many of his dispossessed army of unemployed seem to be over here in Britain, enthusiastically manning the counters at Pret a Manger and most other London-based fast food chains.

Portugal, where imposed austerity programmes have backfired spectacularly, looks in even worse shape. Nearly a quarter of sovereign debt has to be refinanced next year, with the government clinging to power only by the narrowest of majorities. Scarcely a week goes by without news of another ministerial resignation.

The one apparent bright spot amid all the economic misery is that current account deficits have narrowed, and in some cases even closed entirely, meaning that one-time deficit nations no longer have to finance their consumption externally. This has helped ease the debt crisis somewhat.

Yet, if destroying internal demand counts as success, as indeed it seems to at high command in Berlin, then it’s even worse than I thought. Ask not what the euro can do for you, to misquote JFK; ask only what you can do for the euro.

One of the mistakes Anglo-Saxon commentators such as myself have made in forecasting the imminent demise of the euro is to focus only on its economic contradictions. If these were the sole determinants, then the euro would indeed already have lost a number of its original participants.

But for most, the single currency is built on political idealism—belief in common destiny and shared responsibility after the troubles of the past—and this has proved a far more resilient force than I appreciated. Unfortunately, it has also failed to generate the necessary resolve to do something about Europe’s economic malaise, which won’t, as policymakers seem to think, simply go away of its own accord given time, fiscal, and structural reform in afflicted nations.

However much Europe might wish to eliminate them, there will always be imbalances within the eurozone. With free floating currencies, these would normally be self correcting. Currency adjustment would both eradicate differences in competitiveness and provide a natural market mechanism for burden sharing.

Plainly, this cannot happen in a rigid, fixed exchange rate regime, where in the absence of debt mutualisation and fiscal transfers between nations, the adjustment has to be made through reductions in relative prices and wages. This latter process is proving both exceptionally painful, and in many respects counter-productive, since shrinking the economy as internal devaluation demands is further adding to the existing debt burden relative to GDP. Both the Merkel Government in Berlin and the European Commission in Brussels have softened their approach in recent months. Nations have been given more time to meet challenging deficit reduction targets. There will no doubt be more of that once Merkel is safely re-elected next month, especially if forced into another Grand Coalition with Peer Steinbruck’s Social Democrats. There is only one thing that upsets Germans more than having to open their cheque books to bailout the feckless South, and that’s being the most hated nation in Europe.

But the belief, still quite widely held in the financial community, that the German Chancellor will want to cement her legacy by going the whole hog and agreeing some form of debt mutualisation is just fantasy. Merkel is a small steps, evolutionary leader, not a revolutionary one.

What’s more, the public mood in Europe is if anything becoming more nationalistic, not more integrationist. European elections next year are likely to given rise to the most eurosceptic parliament ever—a collection of highly nationalistic MEPs committed more to abolishing the European Commission than making it an alternative source of government. Power will therefore drift away from the Commission and towards the Council of Ministers.

This may suit David Cameron’s campaign to win back powers from Europe, but it will be very bad for the further integration necessary to make monetary union a sustainable economic project. Already, Germany has dug its heals in over implementation of a fully functioning banking union, an absolute prerequisite for a successful single currency.

All this leads to the conclusion that Europe will remain economically depressed and crisis ridden for a long time to come.

See (emphasis added); see also (Obama’s approval ratings plummet) and (Dick Morris with economist James Fitzgibbon: “The Coming Crash”)

Hold on tight. The worst is yet to come globally, during the balance of this decade!

While the United States will fare better than other countries, the effects here will be nothing short of devastating.


29 09 2013
Timothy D. Naegele

Greece Won’t Recover . . .

Golden Dawn symbol

The complete quotation from a fascinating article in the UK’s Telegraph by Daniel Hannan—entitled “Greece is starting to look like Weimar Germany”—is:

Greece won’t recover until it defaults, decouples and devalues, minting its own currency and pricing its way back into the market.


The article states:

Economic collapse, mass joblessness, uniformed paramilitaries, street violence, political assassinations and, now, a round-up of opposition MPs. Euro-wracked Greece is beginning to feel eerily like Weimar Germany.

The beleaguered Athens government has arrested five deputies and 15 other activists from the fascist party Golden Dawn, including the leader, Nikolaos Michaloliakos. The Greek constitution prohibits the outright banning of political parties, but the authorities have got around that by classing Golden Dawn as a criminal organisation and linking it to the murder 11 days ago of a Leftist musician.

We use the word “fascist” so loosely these days that it has almost lost its meaning. If you oppose immigration, you’re called a fascist. If you criticise the EU, you’re called a fascist. If you’re winning an argument with a Leftie online then, sooner or later, you’re called a fascist.

The tendency is not a new one, though it has perhaps been accelerated by the internet. George Orwell, writing at a time when there were actual fascist regimes in power, observed that “the word Fascism now has no meaning except in so far as it signifies ‘something not desirable’”.

In consequence, we struggle to find adequate vocabulary to describe an unapologetic, bona fide neo-Nazi party such as Golden Dawn, the Greek political movement that took seven per cent of the vote in the two general elections last year.

Golden Dawn is a textbook fascist party, in its structure, its ideology and its behaviour. It is anti-democratic, favouring an authoritarian state led by a strong man. It looks back fondly at the Thirties dictatorship of General Metaxas, who banned political parties, outlawed strikes and censored the press. It blames Greece’s poverty on immigration—somewhat eccentrically, since the country is now a major net exporter of people. Several of its supporters engage in crude anti-Semitism: one of its MPs, wanted by the police after assaulting a female parliamentarian, defended himself by quoting from the Protocols of the Elders of Zion and alleging that he was the victim of a Jewish conspiracy.

Like all properly fascist parties, Golden Dawn loathes free markets and private enterprise. It flirted with paganism, dismissing Christianity as a debased and Judaic belief-system before switching tack and embracing the Orthodox Church belligerently. Its members have been involved in numerous acts of political violence and, like the Nazis in the Twenties, it seems to have established links with elements of the police and the armed forces. The party’s emblem looks suspiciously like a swastika. Golden Dawn insists that the device is a “meander”: one of those geometric motifs that you see around the border of classical mosaics and friezes. But ordinary party members are not so careful, frequently waving actual swastikas and Iron Crosses and making straight-arm salutes.

For more than 30 years, Golden Dawn crawled along as one of Europe’s negligible Nazi movements, supported by a few hundred shaven-headed losers in their mothers’ basements. It barely registered in elections, typically winning around 0.1 per cent of the popular vote. Then, in 2012, under the uncompromising slogan “We can rid this land of filth!”, it secured nearly half a million ballots and became the third‑largest party.

What happened? In short, the euro. For once, the metaphor of a Greek tragedy is precisely apt. Hellenes went through the hubris of easy credit years, when the markets treated Greek and German debt as interchangeable. Now they are suffering the nemesis: GDP down by an almost unbelievable 23 per cent from its peak; 28 per cent unemployment; middle-class Athenians rummaging in bins for food; farmers bringing supplies to urban cousins.

The catharsis, though, has been artificially stayed. Greece won’t recover until it defaults, decouples and devalues, minting its own currency and pricing its way back into the market. A political class seen as closed and semi-hereditary has put the interests of the EU before everything else. The Brussels system has been very good, personally, for Greek politicians and officials who, even now, are shielded from the effects of the downturn.

We shouldn’t be surprised if the rest of the country reacts by losing faith in the system. Such alienation is precisely what opponents of the euro warned against when the single currency was proposed.

The Arrest of the Five Members, as I can’t resist calling it, addresses an unsightly symptom, but leaves the malady untreated. Closing down Golden Dawn won’t reduce the appeal of its message, any more than closing down the Nazis in 1924 arrested their rise. Some Greeks will cheer, but others will see a remote political caste protecting its own interests. Asked for a comment on the arrests, the prime minister, a harassed-looking Antonis Samaras, replied: “Justice, stability, no elections.” Those words might serve as the perfect Euro-slogan; they explain why so many Greeks were pushed into supporting the extremes in the first place.

Yesterday, Greeks were discussing the rumour that the arrests were an attempt to prevent the Golden Dawn MPs from resigning their seats and triggering a series of by-elections. The economic crisis has become a crisis of democracy.

Do you remember why the euro was launched? Its supporters made two claims. First, that it would make its users wealthier; and second, that it would make participating countries get on better. In the event, it has inflicted unnecessary poverty and emigration across southern Europe, and is now degrading democracy. How much more has to happen before the Brussels elites accept that they have got it wrong?


1 10 2013
Timothy D. Naegele

If U.S. Government Shutdown or Debt Ceiling Causes An Economic Crisis, It’s On The President’s Head

This is the opinion of American investigative journalist, non-fiction author, and the Washington Post‘s Watergate guru, Bob Woodward:

Bob Woodward of The Washington Post said if there is a “downturn or a collapse” resulting from the failure of CR [Continuing Resolution] or debt ceiling negotiations it will be on President Obama’s “head” Monday on Morning Joe.

Woodward noted he respected President Obama’s objection to negotiating on the debt ceiling, but criticized the administration for failing to initiate any dialogue that could result in a deal on funding the government.

“It’s on the president’s head, he’s got to lead, he’s got to talk” Woodward said:

BOB WOODWARD: . . . [T]here is something the president could be doing. He said he will not negotiate on the debt ceiling. A reasonable position. “I will not be blackmailed” he said. But he should be talking. They should be meeting, discussing this, because as I think Steve Ratner showed earlier, the American economy is at stake and the president, if there is a downturn or a collapse or whatever could happen here that’s bad, it’s going to be on his head. The history books are going to say, we had an economic calamity in the Presidency of Barack Obama. Speaker Boehner, indeed, is playing a role on this. Go back to the Great Depression in the 1930s. I’ll bet no one can name who was the speaker of the House at the time. Henry Thomas Rainey. He’s not in the history book[;] it’s on the president’s head. He’s got to lead. He’s got to talk. And the absence of discussion here, I think, is baffling element.

See (emphasis added); see also (“[T]he shut down represents yet a further blow to the prestige of the Obama administration at a time when it is still reeling from its inept handling of the recent Syrian crisis. . . . [T]he longer the Obama presidency continues, the more America’s status as a superpower ebbs away“) and (“While announcing historic negotiations with Iran, a regime that sponsors terrorism, Obama said he wouldn’t bargain with the GOP”)

I have spent most of my legal career working in or with government, including years spent at the Pentagon and on Capitol Hill.

I am neither a Republican nor a Democrat. I have been an Independent for more than 20 years, after first being a Democrat and then a Republican.

If there are any lessons that I have learned, it is that government does not work; and the government that governs least, governs best.

America’s governments—at the federal, State, and local levels—are grossly inefficient. Dealing with these governments is like dealing with some Third World “banana republic” . . . with the exceptions of the Pentagon and our military, which on balance are the best of American government.

This is why more and more Americans have such a low opinion of government, and do not trust it. When Obamacare gets into full swing, assuming that it does, the wrath of the American people may know no bounds; and Obama and his Democrats may pay a very heavy political price!


1 10 2013
Timothy D. Naegele

The Global Warming Hoax, And The Great Green Con, Revisited [UPDATED]

Global warming swindle

As discussed above, so-called man-made “global warming” is a myth, like the “Tooth Fairy” and the “Loch Ness Monster.”

See (“The Lunacy Of The Global Warming Hoax Is In Full Swing“); see also (“The Global Green Energy Fad”)

Our planet goes through natural cycles, of warming and cooling. It always has.

The Wall Street Journal has added to the debate, in an article entitled “Climate of Uncertainty”:

Between 1998 and 2012 the global economy more than doubled in size—to some $71 trillion in GDP from $30 trillion. That’s the good news. Over the same period the world pumped more than 100 billion tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. That is supposedly the bad news. Yet global surface temperatures have remained essentially flat. That’s the mystery: If emitting CO2 into the atmosphere causes global warming, why hasn’t the globe been warming?

That’s the question we would have liked to see answered by the U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), which Friday published the summary of its fifth report on what co-chairman Thomas Stocker calls “the greatest challenge of our times.” It would have also been nice to see some humility from the IPCC, which since its last report in 2007 has seen some of its leading scientists exposed as bullies, and some of its most eye-catching predictions debunked. (Remember the vanishing Himalayan glaciers?)

No such luck. “Warming of the climate system is unequivocal,” insists the report in its first bold-face conclusion, followed by the claim that “each of the last three decades has been successively warmer at the Earth’s surface than any preceding decade since 1850.” What follows are warnings of shrinking ice sheets, rapidly rising sea levels and other scary events.

So what about the warming that hasn’t been happening since 1998? Here’s the key paragraph, buried on page 10: “The observed reduction in surface warming trend over the period 1998-2012 as compared to the period 1951-2012, is due in roughly equal measure to a reduced trend in radiative forcing and a cooling contribution from internal variability, which includes a possible redistribution of heat within the ocean.”

After noting that scientists have only low or medium confidence in various theories for this reduced warming trend, the report adds that “there may also be a contribution from forcing inadequacies and, in some models, an overestimate of the response to increasing greenhouse gas and other anthropogenic forcing.” (Our emphasis.)

Translation: Temperatures have been flat for 15 years, nobody can properly explain it (though there are some theories), and the IPCC doesn’t want to spend much time doing so because it is politically inconvenient and shows that the computer models on which all climate-change predictions depend remain unreliable.

Though the IPCC doesn’t admit it, the real lesson of its report is uncertainty. Droughts and hurricanes? Contrary to Al Gore’s hype, the report acknowledges there’s little evidence to suggest that climate change caused by man has had much to do with the duration of droughts or the intensity of hurricanes, although it might in the far future.

Unbearable heat? The IPCC predicts that temperatures are “likely” to rise by somewhat more than 1.5 degrees Celsius throughout the rest of the century. But in 2007 the IPCC said they were “likely” to increase by more than 2 degrees, and “very unlikely” to increase by less than 1.5 degrees.

It’s also hard to take any of this as gospel when the IPCC’s climate models haven’t been able to predict past warming. As Canadian economist and longtime climate student Ross McKitrick points out, IPCC models based on CO2 emissions predicted that temperatures should have risen between 0.2 and 0.9 degrees Celsius since 1990. Instead they have increased by about 0.1 degrees.

One lesson of the IPCC report is that now is the time for policy caution. Let’s see if the nonwarming trend continues, in which case the climate models will need remodeling. But that’s far less costly than trying to undo grand global redistribution schemes like carbon cap and trade.

The other lesson is that amid such uncertainty the best insurance against adverse climate risks is robust economic growth. The wealthier the world is in 50 or 100 years, the more resources and technology it will have to cope if the worst predictions come true. But that requires free-market, pro-growth policies that are the opposite of the statist fixes pushed by the climate alarmists.

They use the flimsy intellectual scaffolding of the IPCC report to justify killing the U.S. coal industry and the Keystone XL pipeline, banning natural gas drilling, imposing costly efficiency requirements for automobiles, light bulbs, washing machines and refrigerators, and using scarce resources to subsidize technologies that even after decades can’t compete on their own in the marketplace.

All of these involve giving more economic control to political actors whose interventions make the world poorer than it would otherwise be. When even the climate-change lobbyists at the IPCC concede that the world is warming at a slower pace than they once thought, it’s no time for panicky rearranging of the global economy.

See; see also (“Extreme weather events are increasing: yet another green propaganda myth . . . [C}limate alarmists threw all moral compunction or intellectual integrity out of the window long ago“) and (“Global-warming ‘proof’ is evaporating”) and (“Study: Earth was warmer in Roman, Medieval times“) and (“Global Warming Scientists Trapped in Antarctic Ice“) and (“Winnipeg’s temperature as cold as surface of Mars“) and (“Historic freeze could break Midwest temp records“) and (“After the snow… a ‘polar vortex’: Nation braces for the coldest temperatures in 40 YEARS after blizzards grounded 5,000 flights“) and (“U.S braces itself for coldest month of the century with yet another Arctic blast as fears grow for Super Bowl Sunday“) and (“[T]he left is entering a new phase of ideological agitation—no longer trying to win the [global warming] debate but stopping debate altogether, banishing from public discourse any and all opposition. The proper word for that attitude is totalitarian”) and (“The scandal of fiddled global warming data”—”The US has actually been cooling since the Thirties, the hottest decade on record”) and (“The Global Warming Statistical Meltdown“) and (“The fiddling with temperature data is the biggest science scandal ever”) and (“‘In the business and trading world, people go to jail for such manipulations of data’”) and (“The Political Assault on Climate Skeptics”—”global warming hysteria”-“[T]he case for climate alarm is disintegrating”) and (“Australia PM advisor says climate change a U.N.-led ruse to create new world order”) and (“The Unsettling, Anti-Science Certitude on Global Warming”—”If anthropogenic climate change is a reality, then that would be a huge problem only government could deal with. It would be a heaven-sent opportunity for the left to vastly increase government control over the economy and the personal lives of citizens”)

. . .

Man-made “global warming” is a hoax, and “The Great Green Con.”

Like Obamacare, it is simply another Leftist attempt to control people and their lives, and a path toward global government.

See (“Obamacare Laid Bare: Barack Obama’s Big Lie”)

In another time, the proponents of “global warming” would have been members of the “Flat Earth Society,” and claimed a “consensus” with respect to that too.

. . .

It has been written:

Man made global warming has nothing to do with saving the planet just as obamacare has nothing to do with healthcare just as gun control has nothing to do with safety just as comprehensive immigration reform has nothing to do with compassion! As you say, it is all to do with control of people. Why can’t people look at history and see that this has all happened before.

See; see also (“NOAA: 1695 Low Max Records Broken or Tied From Sept 11 to Sept 20. One record broken by 25F“) and (“Snow sets historic records in Boston“) and (100 MILLION AMERICANS FACE BITTER COLD, CHILL MAP) and (“Boston breaks seasonal snowfall record with 108.6 inches“) and (“Is a mini ICE AGE on the way? Scientists warn the sun will ‘go to sleep’ in 2030 and could cause temperatures to plummet”) and (“The president [Putin] believes that ‘there is no global warming, that this is a fraud to restrain the industrial development of several countries including Russia’“) and (“GLOBAL COOLING: Decade long ice age predicted as sun ‘hibernates'”) and (“MELTDOWN MYTH: Antarctic ice growing is just the first EVIDENCE global warming is NOT REAL“)

algore and global warming


2 10 2013
Timothy D. Naegele

Barack Obama’s Welfare Socialism Sparked The US Government Shutdown, Not The American Constitution

American founder weeping

This is the opinion of Dr. Tim Stanley, a historian of the United States, writing in the UK’s Telegraph:

One thing often heard in media commentary on the shutdown: what must the Chinese think when the US can’t even keep its government open? The correct answer: who cares? China’s a communist state—its government never sleeps. America’s a democracy—if it has an honest disagreement with itself then it debates it openly within the context of law and the Constitution. If things must shutdown for a bit, so be it.

The Founding Fathers divided the US government in order to keep it limited. No, they never thought things would break down quite this way, but then they never thought that elected officials would try to grow the government so large. Since the 1930s, a series of administrations has tried to expand the responsiblities of the federal government far beyond its original remit, usually bypassing the Constitution in order to avoid breaking with it altogether (covert action signed off by the executive, generously interpreting the Commerce Clause etc). Crucially, this was done by both parties with fairly equal contempt for the founding principles of their republic. Democrats gave us the Great Society, Republicans gave us Medicare part D, the Patriot Act and the Iraq War.

But in recent years things have gotten a lot worse. To understand the roots of the present crisis you have to understand how revolutionary the Democratic power grab of 2008-2010 was. Realising that their time in charge of all three parts of the government was short, the Dems tried to do as much as possible in those two years—which meant taking a leap towards refashioning America into a social democracy. The auto industry got a bailout with a nice sweet-heart deal for the unions. Welfare jumped an astonishing 32 per cent, with the outcome that by 2012 roughly 100 million Americans were getting some kind of benefit with the average outlay being $9,000. On top of all of this, Obama came up with Obamacare—the programme behind the shutdown. Crucially, the Democrats did not negotiate with the Republicans over its content and the only way they could get its patently unAmerican concept of a mandated-purchase into law was for the Supreme Court to redefine it as a tax. If the Republicans oppose it then they do so because it is expensive, may do damage to business and isn’t concomitant with the American Way.

So the Republicans are feeling obstinate. But so are the Democrats. It’s often forgotten that the Democrat-controlled Senate has failed to approve a budget for three years—that’s why it should could come as no surprise that they refused to do so again this time. And what won’t the Senate Democrats budge on? A one year delay in funding for Obamacare and a prohibition on lawmakers, their staff and top administration officials from getting government subsidies for their health care. If the Republicans are using their power to hold the Democrats hostage then the Democrats are using their power to hold the Republicans hostage. In fact, it’s less of a hostage situation than it is a Mexican standoff over a large cache of taxpayers’ money.

It all sounds calamitous, but when the US government shuts down what does it really amount to? Museums and parks are closed (and will probably soon reopen thanks to emergency legislation) but Social Security checks still go out and the military will still be paid. Some 800,000 federal workers have been sent home early but this only amounts to 20 per cent of the total federal workforce. That’s right. The US government has grown so big that 800,000 people is a drop in the ocean. Of course, things will be a lot worse when it comes to debating raising the debt ceiling. A default really would be disastrous for America and the entire global economy and everything should be done to avoid it.

The bottom line is that while America’s democracy is functioning the way it was intended to do (debating, mulling and even stalling grand utopian projects), its politicians are failing to live up to the standards and values set by the Founding Fathers. The largest party in Congress isn’t the Democrats or the Republicans. It’s become the welfare/warfare crowd who have been spending and spending for the last century like it has no consequences. And what has pushed America to the brink in the past few years has been an overambitious, highly partisan President willing to gamble everything on social reform. So enough grumbling about a broken America—let’s talk more about failed policies.

Finally, if you think China worrying about American democracy is hard enough to swallow, consider this. Al Jazeera says that the Republicans are guilty of “extremist actions”. Al Jazeera. “Mr Pot, let me introduce you to Mr Kettle…”

See (emphasis added)

Having worked on Capitol Hill and with government all of my legal career, it is nice to find an article that tells the truth. Tim Stanley is correct.

The only thing that I question are his statements:

[T]hings will be a lot worse when it comes to debating raising the debt ceiling. A default really would be disastrous for America and the entire global economy and everything should be done to avoid it.

Even here, the “game of chicken” may proceed; and the scare tactics and “climate of fear” spread by Obama and his far-Left Liberals may fall on deaf ears and be farfetched.

Shut down the government: it has happened, and few Americans are losing any sleep over it. The same thing may be true about a failure to raise the debt ceiling. Obama’s “Chicken Little-The Sky is Falling” approach is not working, inter alia, because Americans just witnessed his humiliating Syrian debacle.

See, e.g., (“Obama’s Epic Incompetence”); see also (“[Moody’s] says that the U.S. Treasury Department is likely to continue paying interest on the government’s debt even if Congress fails to lift the limit on borrowing“)

. . .

Also, any notion that the U.S. will lose its borrowing ability is utter nonsense. In borrowing money (e.g., for a large real estate project), it is always desirable to be the largest debtor of a small bank. Indeed, it is often said that the borrower “owns” the bank, because the borrower’s default can take down the bank.

The same thing applies to China, for example. If American purchases from China were to collapse, China would collapse economically. The Chinese leadership has to do business with us, and play ball with us, or suffer the consequences. “Devious” though they may be, they are not stupid.

See also (“China’s Hard Landing”)

. . .

Americans detest government, and rightly so. It is an integral part of the American psyche today. Barack Obama keeps emitting scare tactics; and we are getting very used to them, like the “Boy Who Cried Wolf” over and over again.

Of much greater concern to the American people on a daily basis is the damage that Obamacare may do to their health.

As Stanley notes correctly, Barack Obama and his Democrats are to blame. Even before the latest crisis, Obama had used his “Sequestration” to drastically cut our military, and even cut off White House tours:

Due to staffing reductions resulting from sequestration, we regret to inform you that WhiteHouse Tours will be canceled effective Saturday, March 9, 2013 until further notice.

See; see also (“OBAMA ADMINISTRATION DECIDED TO BLOCK ACCESS TO MEMORIALS“) and (“[Obama Administration] Orders Closure of Park that Receives No Federal Funding“) and (“Democrats relish the role of bullies“) and (“Need health care coverage? Just dial 1-800-FUCKYO to reach Obamacare’s national hotline“) and (Obama cuts NFL, baseball coverage to troops overseas) and (“Police Remove Vietnam War Veterans at Memorial Wall“) and (“FEDS TRY TO CLOSE THE OCEAN BECAUSE OF SHUTDOWN“) and (“If it were up to the American public, they would vote no [on raising the nation’s debt limit so the federal government can borrow more money]—with a majority saying the debt limit should only be raised after major spending cuts have been made“) and (“U.S. Taxpayers Shelled Out $634,320,919 To Build Obamacare Website“) and (U.S. DEBT DOUBLES SINCE OBAMA…) and (“[W]e don’t have enough money to continue to finance our ever-growing federal government (with our $17 trillion dollar national debt that has increased over 50% since Obama took office). . . . That’s why President Obama wants to increase the debt limit”)

Obama never set foot on the American mainland until he attended Occidental College in Los Angeles. Instead, he grew up in Hawaii and Indonesia. His views are out of touch with most Americans who were born and raised here.

He is a Narcissist, a demagogue, a liar and incompetent; and his reelection in 2012 merely elevated and reinforced these qualities in him. Indeed, he has come to believe that he is invincible, politically; and he has set about to change America, much like Richard Nixon did after his landslide reelection victory in 1972.

Obama’s anger and willingness to punish his enemies are on display, each and every day, like Nixon’s anger and willingness to punish his enemies.

If you have any doubts whatsoever about such anger, which has undergirded Obama’s life and still does, read (or reread) his book “Dreams from My Father.” It is all there, in his own words.

See; see also (“[The Obama Administration] is engaging in high profile acts in an effort to exaggerate the impact of the shutdown”) and (“Immigration Reform Must Be Blocked Forever“) and (“McConnell-Reid Deal Includes $2 Billion Earmark for Kentucky Project“)

. . .

Obamacare—the signature and arguably the only “accomplishment” of the Obama presidency—will be hung around Barack Obama’s neck like a dead albatross, politically. It is merely a function of time before this happens.

America’s founders must be weeping . . .


9 10 2013
Timothy D. Naegele

Obama Lies and Lies Again

The Washington Post has reported:

Moody’s offers different view on debt limit

One of the nation’s top credit-rating agencies says that the U.S. Treasury Department is likely to continue paying interest on the government’s debt even if Congress fails to lift the limit on borrowing next week, preserving the nation’s sterling AAA credit rating.

In a memo being circulated on Capitol Hill Wednesday, Moody’s Investors Service offers “answers to frequently asked questions” about the government shutdown, now in its second week, and the federal debt limit. President Obama has said that, unless Congress acts to raise the $16.7 trillion limit by next Thursday, the nation will be at risk of default.

Not so, Moody’s says in the memo dated Oct. 7.

“We believe the government would continue to pay interest and principal on its debt even in the event that the debt limit is not raised, leaving its creditworthiness intact,” the memo says. “The debt limit restricts government expenditures to the amount of its incoming revenues; it does not prohibit the government from servicing its debt. There is no direct connection between the debt limit (actually the exhaustion of the Treasury’s extraordinary measures to raise funds) and a default.

The memo offers a starkly different view of the consequences of congressional inaction on the debt limit than is held by the White House, many policymakers and other financial analysts. During a press conference at the White House Tuesday, Obama said missing the Oct. 17 deadline would invite “economic chaos.”

The Moody’s memo goes on to argue that the situation is actually much less serious than in 2011, when the nation last faced a pitched battle over the debt limit.

“The budget deficit was considerably larger in 2011 than it is currently, so the magnitude of the necessary spending cuts needed after 17 October is lower now than it was then,” the memo says.

Treasury Department officials did not immediately respond to requests for comment.


Tragically, lying seems to undergird Barack Obama’s character. How can Americans and those abroad believe a word that he says anymore?


13 10 2013
Mary Jo Alton

Interesting article and spot on. I do believe Americans are seeing the false scare tactics as well as his inability to stand behind his word. The Syrian debacle demonstrated to the world his weakness and more importantly his inability to follow through. We see that as well in the failed execution of Obamacare.

However, as bad as it is, we can only hope Republicans provide some leadership going forward. Right now, there is a struggle between the establishment and the conservatives. I believe the conservatives are on the right track. America wants fighters in their politicians.


13 10 2013
Timothy D. Naegele

Thank you, Mary Jo, for your comments.

With respect to your first paragraph, the anger is likely to build as more and more Americans experience the full effects of Obamacare, and how it affects their lives. At some point, their anger may reach a critical mass; and I believe Obama and his Democrats will pay dearly, politically.

I agree completely with your second paragraph. We are just beginning to see the infighting. Because approximately 35 percent of American voters are Independents—yours truly included—I hope they help shape the debate and its outcome. The Republican “old guard” (e.g., Mitch McConnell, John McCain, Lindsey Graham) are out of touch.


15 10 2013
Timothy D. Naegele

Walmart Sees Tough And Unpredictable Global Economy—While Cash-Strapped American Women Sell Hair, Breast Milk And Eggs

Reuters has reported:

Wal-Mart Stores Inc is taking a number of steps, from closing poorly performing stores in Brazil and China to opening more smaller U.S. stores than larger ones, as it moves to improve results in the face of difficult conditions worldwide.

The world’s largest retailer sees a “tough” and “unpredictable” economy around the world, Chief Executive Officer Mike Duke said, a week after the International Monetary Fund trimmed its outlook for global growth.

In the United States, by far Wal-Mart’s largest market, customers are trying to stick to budgets. More than 1 million people have already signed up for holiday layaway, which allows shoppers to put items on hold and pay for them over time. Four of the top five items on layaway are electronic tablets, Walmart U.S. said.

The government shutdown is also weighing on customers’ minds, Duke said. . . .

Thousands of federal workers have been furloughed in the impasse over the U.S. budget and Walmart U.S. Chief Executive Bill Simon said if people were not getting paid, they were not shopping as much.

Sam’s Club CEO Rosalind Brewer said that just over 40,000 people came to shop at its warehouse clubs after the chain waived its usual fee for those who could not access military commissaries closed in the shutdown. . . .


. . .

Bloomberg has reported:

Hair, breast milk and eggs are doubling as automated teller machines for some cash-strapped Americans such as April Hare.

Out of work for more than two years and facing eviction from her home, Hare recalled Louisa May Alcott’s 19th-century novel and took to her computer.

“I was just trying to find ways to make money, and I remembered Jo from ‘Little Women,’ and she sold her hair,” the 35-year-old from Atlanta said. “I’ve always had lots of hair, but this is the first time I’ve actually had the idea to sell it because I’m in a really tight jam right now.”

The mother of two posted pictures of her 18-inch auburn mane . . . , asking at least $1,000 and receiving responses within hours. Hare, who also considered selling her breast milk, joins others exploring unconventional ways to make ends meet. . . .

In all but two quarters since the beginning of 2011, “hair,” “eggs,” or “kidney” have been among the top four autofill results for the Google search query, “I want to sell my…,” according to Nicholas Colas, chief market strategist at New York-based ConvergEx Group, which provides brokerage and trading-related services for institutional investors.

While Americans can legally sell hair, breast milk and eggs, the sale and purchase of a kidney in the U.S. is against the law.

See; see also (“We continue to be in a contained global depression, punctuated by bursts of weak growth that peter out“) and (“Poverty In America“) and (“More and more Americans are losing faith in their government“) and (“Obamacare Laid Bare: Barack Obama’s Big Lie“)

. . .

Hold on tight. The worst is yet to come, between now and the end of this decade!


28 10 2013
Timothy D. Naegele

China’s Impossible Contradiction

This is the title of an article by Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, the UK Telegraph‘s International Business Editor, which observes:

Chinese leader Xi Jinping is to unveil sweeping economic reforms at the Party’s Third Plenum next month, with an assault on the state behemoths and the Party patronage machine (really?).

Yet he also wants to tighten the grip of the one-party, one-ideology, authoritarian state. . . .

The Development Research Centre has published its road map of reform measures. It is being taken very seriously since it is written by none other than reformer Liu Wei and by President Xi’s right-hand man on economic affairs, Liu He.

The problem is that these proposals skirt over/contradict the core finding of a joint DRC-World Bank report last year. It said China would not succeed in jumping to the next stage of economic development and would languish in the the “middle income trap” unless it embraces the whole package of modern free thinking. It did not quite say democracy, but that is what it meant.

The 2012 report warned that China risks hitting an invisible ceiling just like Latin America and the Middle East after their catch-up growth spurts in the 1960s and 1970s, failing to join the rarer “breakout” states such as Japan and Korea. “If countries cannot increase productivity through innovation, they find themselves trapped. China does not have to endure this fate,” it said.

All the arguments are by now well known. China is running out of cheap labour from the countryside. The DRC report said it faces a “wrenching demographic change” as the old-age dependency ratio doubles to north European levels within 20 years.

It then went on to say that China has picked the low-hanging fruit of cheap-labour, investment-led, export-led, catch-up growth. It can longer rely on imported technology to keep growth humming. (It has averaged just under 10pc since Deng Xiaoping began to throw open the economy in 1978.) “China has reached another turning point in its development path when a second strategic, and no less fundamental, shift is called for,” it said.

As I reported at the time, the DRC said China’s growth will slow to 7pc later this decade and 5pc by the late 2020s even if China embraces deep reform. Stagnation lies in wait if it clings to the dirigiste model. “The forces supporting China’s continued rapid progress are gradually fading. The government’s dominance in key sectors, while earlier an advantage, is in the future likely to act as a constraint on creativity,” it said. “The role of the private sector is critical because innovation at the technology frontier is quite different in nature from catching up technologically. It is not something that can be achieved through government planning.”

Xi Jinping seems to think he can dispense with half of this, cherry-picking the bits of reform that he thinks will generate growth while clamping down on the press, the internet, free science, and reviving Maoist “self-criticism” sessions to tighten control over the party. The Leninist reflexes are plain to see. This week’s treatment of the Guangzhou Express journalist—made to utter absurdities in a staged-TV confession with police watching, and the judicial process be damned—has Cultural Revolution all over it.

Surely something must give: either the Party gives up more social and political control to let that “creativity” flourish; or the reforms will degenerate into meaningless incantations and rhetoric, leaving China in the middle income trap.

We are at the moment when China has to decide. Watch the Third Plenum very closely.

See (emphasis added); see also (“Xi Jinping appears poised to unveil sweeping economic changes”)


3 11 2013
Timothy D. Naegele

The Outsiders Who Saw Our Economic Future

In both America’s energy transformation and the financial crisis, it took a group of amateurs to see what was coming. This is the conclusion of a Wall Street Journal article, which states:

The experts keep getting it wrong. And the oddballs keep getting it right.

Over the past five years of business history, two events have shocked and transformed the nation. In 2007 and 2008, the housing market crumbled and the financial system collapsed, causing trillions of dollars of losses. Around the same time, a few little-known wildcatters began pumping meaningful amounts of oil and gas from U.S. shale formations. A country that once was running out of energy now is on track to become the world’s leading producer.

What’s most surprising about both events is how few experts saw them coming—and that a group of unlikely outsiders somehow did. Federal Reserve chairmen Alan Greenspan and Ben Bernanke failed to foresee the financial meltdown. Top banking executives were stunned, and leading investors such as Bill Gross, Jim Chanos and George Soros didn’t fully anticipate the downturn.

The big winners were people like John Paulson, an expert in mergers who only began researching housing in 2006 and scored a record $20 billion for his hedge fund. Jeffrey Greene, a Los Angeles playboy who partied with Paris Hilton, made $500 million predicting housing troubles.

In 2006, Andrew Lahde was an out-of-work 35-year-old stuck in a cramped one-bedroom apartment; then he made tens of millions of dollars betting against subprime mortgages. So did Michael Burry, a doctor-turned-stock investor in northern California with Asperger’s syndrome.

Wall Street talks up the importance of being contrarian. But in 2007, most traders subscribed to the mantra that the Fed wouldn’t let housing crumble or that the boom would continue, while others couldn’t find a good way to short subprime mortgages. They left it for the amateurs to figure out.

Less well known, but no less dramatic, is the story of America’s energy transformation, which took the industry’s giants almost completely by surprise. In the early 1990s, an ambitious Chevron executive named Ray Galvin started a group to drill compressed, challenging formations of shale in the U.S. His team was mocked and undermined by dubious colleagues. Eventually, Chevron pulled the plug on the effort and shifted its resources abroad.

Exxon Mobil also failed to focus on this rock—even though its corporate headquarters in Irving, Texas, were directly above a huge shale formation that eventually would flow with gas. Later, it would pay $31 billion to buy a smaller shale pioneer.

“I would be less than honest if I were to say to you [that] we saw it all coming, because we did not, quite frankly,” Rex Tillerson, Exxon Mobil’s chairman and CEO said last year in an interview at the Council on Foreign Relations.

In 2003, Alan Greenspan warned that the nation’s gas fields were running dry and urged Congress to back costly facilities to import gas. Famed investors Warren Buffett and Henry Kravis invested in a record-setting utility-company buyout in 2007, wagering that a dearth of U.S. natural gas would send prices higher. Instead, the U.S. has so much cheap natural gas today that it is set to export it. The country is also pumping 7.9 million barrels of oil a day, up more than 50% since 2006 and the most in nearly 25 years.

The resurgence in U.S. energy came from a group of brash wildcatters who discovered techniques to hydraulically fracture—or frack—and horizontally drill shale and other rock. Many of these men operated on the fringes of the oil industry, some without college degrees or much background in drilling, geology or engineering.

In the late 1990s, George Mitchell, the son of a Greek goatherder, ran a midsize Houston-based company with shrinking natural-gas production. His stock price was falling, the industry was on its back, the 79-year-old had been diagnosed with cancer and his wife was in the early stages of Alzheimer’s disease. In almost two decades of trying, his men had not been able to coax enough natural gas from Mitchell Energy’s Texas shale fields. But in 1998, one of Mr. Mitchell’s engineers finally figured out how to properly fracture shale, stunning colleagues and larger competitors while launching the American energy revolution.

Harold Hamm grew up dirt-poor in a tiny town in Oklahoma. He began school around Christmas-time each year, once it became too cold to pick cotton, and he started his career raking out oil tanks. Over the past six years, Mr. Hamm and his company have discovered so much oil in North Dakota that he is now worth $14 billion. Aubrey McClendon and Tom Ward of Oklahoma were land-leasing specialists; they managed to build the nation’s second-largest gas producer by leading the charge into shale fields. Charif Souki, a Lebanese immigrant and former restaurateur who knew more about fajitas than fracking, today runs Cheniere Energy, a Houston-based company that is on track to become the first to export gas from the contiguous U.S.

Bucking conventional wisdom is always risky, and many would-be mavericks in finance and the energy industry have failed. But corporate caution and complacency have their costs too, and today’s emphasis on short-term performance means that executives are even less likely to take long-term risks, to anticipate the unexpected. For the next great business revolution, it would be smart to bet once again on stubborn, flamboyant dreamers.


Many of us felt that Alan Greenspan was a fool. Indeed, the former Federal Reserve Chairman was the architect of the enormous economic “bubble” that burst globally. No longer is he revered as a “potentate.” His reputation is in tatters. Giulio Tremonti, Italy’s Minister of Economy and Finance, probably said it best:

Greenspan was considered a master. Now we must ask ourselves whether he is not, after [Osama] bin Laden, the man who hurt America the most.

That speaks volumes.

See (“Greenspan’s Fingerprints All Over Enduring Mess”)

Many of us have believed that even worse would transpire during Barack Obama’s presidency, inter alia, because he is a black racist, a feckless naïf, and a tragic Shakespearean figure whose naïveté has been matched by his overarching narcissism, and he is more starry-eyed and “dangerous” than Jimmy Carter.

See and (“Euphoria or the Obama Depression?”) and (“Interview with Timothy D. Naegele”)

All of this is proving true; for example, as Obamacare fails—which affects one-sixth of the U.S. economy, as well as the lives of every American—and as Barack Obama fails in essentially everything that he does.

See, e.g., (“Obamacare Laid Bare: Barack Obama’s Big Lie”) and (“[Obama] is the laughingstock of America and the world. . . . He makes Bill Clinton and Richard Nixon seem like choir boys, and paragons of honesty and virtue, by comparison”) and (“Obama Accused Of Military Purge”) and (“49.7 Million Americans Living In Poverty”)

During the Great Depression of the last century, there were “green shoots” or signs that things were improving—as we have been witnessing lately. However, in the final analysis, the Depression did not run its course until the end of World War II. This time, the housing market will crumble again and the financial system may collapse, causing human suffering and economic dislocations worldwide.

Clearly, Barack Obama does not have a clue how to deal with this; and the same is true of our Fed and other governmental agencies and politicians around the world. Hold on tight. The worst is yet to come during the balance of this decade. However, it is likely that America will fare better than other countries.


3 11 2013
Timothy D. Naegele

Obama Accused Of Military Purge

Obama gutting our military

According to Newsmax:

The United States military is being “purged” of officers suspected of disloyalty to or disagreement with the Obama administration, several sources charge.

“We recognize President Obama is the commander-in-chief and that throughout history presidents from Lincoln to Truman have seen fit to remove military commanders they view as inadequate or insubordinate,” Investor’s Business Daily (IBD) observed.

“Yet what has happened to our officer corps since President Obama took office is viewed in many quarters as unprecedented, baffling, and even harmful to our national security posture.”

Retired U.S. Army Maj. Gen. Paul Vallely believes Obama is “intentionally weakening and gutting our military and reducing us as a superpower, and anyone in the ranks who disagrees or speaks out is being purged.”

According to, at least 197 officers, mostly at the rank of colonel or above, have been relieved of duty for a variety of reasons, or for no stated reason at all.

Nine senior commanding generals have been fired by the administration this year, “leading to speculation by active and retired members of the military that a purge of its commanders is underway,” IBD reported.

Among those officers:

Gen. Carter Ham was relieved as head of U.S. Africa Command because he disagreed with orders not to mount a rescue effort in response to the Sept. 11, 2012, attack on U.S. diplomatic personnel in Benghazi, Libya.

Rear Adm. Charles Gaouette, commander of Carrier Strike Group Three, was relieved of duty in October 2012 for disobeying orders when he sent his group to assist and provide intelligence for forces ordered into action by Gen. Ham, according to IBD.

• Two nuclear commanders were fired in a single week—Maj. Gen. Michael Carey, head of the Air Force unit that maintains control of 450 intercontinental missiles, and Vice Adm. Tim Giardina, the No. 2 officer at U.S. Strategic Command. Carey was sacked “due to a loss of trust and confidence in his leadership and judgment,” while Giardina lost his post for allegedly using counterfeit gambling chips at a casino.

• Maj. Gen. Ralph Baker, commander of the Joint Task Force-Horn of Africa, was fired for alcohol use and sexual misconduct charges. Defense officials told CNN the reason was “loss of confidence.”

• Marine Corps Maj. Gen. Charles Gurganus was terminated for questioning the “winning hearts and minds” policies that led to the murders of U.S. officers by Afghan recruits, according to FrontPage magazine.

Maj. Gen. Peter Fuller was relieved of his command in Afghanistan after he told a media source that Afghan President Hamid Karzai and other government officials were “isolated from reality.”

On the last day of November 2011, the administration terminated 157 Air Force majors, citing budget shortfalls as the primary reason—a move that some legal experts said was illegal.

According to IBD, a senior retired general said on the condition of anonymity that “they’re using the opportunity of the shrinkage of the military to get rid of people that don’t agree with them or do not toe the party line.”

FrontPage concluded: “Obama has made clear that he will aggressively pursue anyone who defies his agenda. Now it seems that chilling message has been sent to the military as well.”

See (emphasis added); see also

None of this is surprising in the least. What began with the sacking of our former military commander in Afghanistan, General Stanley A. McChrystal, is continuing unabated.

Obama’s Sequester was intended, in part, to “gut” our peerless military. His appointment of Chuck Hagel as the Secretary of Defense was intended to put a Republican “hatchet man” at the helm of our military, to execute Obama’s orders.

As I have written:

While it might be attractive for the president and the Democrats to take a “meat ax” to the Defense Department, it would be foolhardy to gut our military precisely when it has been performing magnificently and its continued strength is needed most. America’s economic and military strength go hand in hand. Both are indispensable ingredients of our great nation’s future strength.

See (“Euphoria or the Obama Depression?”); see also (GALLUP: OBAMA FALLS TO 30’S [November 5, 2013])

It is time for Obama to stand down!


4 11 2013
benny tarleton

America has, unfortunately, already reached the demographic “tipping point” as the re-election of Obama has only confirmed that his first election was no fluke and as Mark Styn wisely commented “Demographics are destiny.”

The wise, conservative senior citizens are dying off by the day, while Hollywood programmed young idiots are entering the voting age. . . . America is quickly ceasing to be a Christian inspired nation and is rapidly becoming a “HOLLYWOOD NATION” . . . a virtual reality of moronic talk shows, borderline pornography, trash movies and Leftist sit cons that shape, seduce and mold the liberal world view and values. . . . What chance has a Church sermon against the latest Hollywood blockbuster and the steady drip, drip, drip of Leftist values?

We in the Western World are clearly on our way to a dystopia, an IDIOCRACY. . . . What we are witnessing is a full blown meltdown of a civilisation a millennium in the making, and the economic crash is just merely symptomatic of a much more serious malaise.

“Those whom the Gods wish to destroy, they first make mad”!


4 11 2013
Timothy D. Naegele

Thank you for your thoughtful and articulate comments, with which I agree in large part.

Having grown up in Hollywood (i.e., Los Angeles), and then having spent most of my professional career working in and with Washington, D.C.—to this day—I have witnessed the “Hollywoodization” of this country and the world. Hollywood’s “values” have gone global in their reach.

However, if one went back to the Jimmy Carter presidency, one would find similar sentiments and negative forecasts being expressed; and then Ronald Reagan’s presidency began. Obviously, the difference now is that we have a black racist as president, who is a Narcissistic demagogue, and who has none of the patriotism of Carter—and who, until recently, seemed “Teflon-coated.”

See, e.g.,

As I have written elsewhere at this blog:

Obamacare—the signature and arguably the only accomplishment of the Obama presidency—will be hung around Barack Obama’s neck like a dead albatross, politically. It is merely a function of time before this happens, as more and more Americans realize fully how badly it hurts them.

See (“When Americans Wallow In Obamacare, Their Anger Will Grow!”)

The anger is building, and it may engulf both Obama and his Democrats.

Also, as I have written:

While U.S. politicians and their counterparts in other countries have been trying to convince their electorates that they have the answers, they are simply holding out false hopes that real solutions are at hand; and Americans are apt to realize this. . . .

America and other nations are in uncharted waters; and their politicians may face backlashes from disillusioned and angry constituents that are unprecedented in modern times. Also, the limits of godless secularism and paying homage to the false gods of materialism may become self-evident.

See (“Euphoria or the Obama Depression?”)


5 11 2013
benny tarleton

Unfortunately, comparing Obama to Carter as an example of how things are not too bad and that America can still recover as it did with the election of Reagan is just wishful thinking.

Having been a student of History for all of my adult life, and having lived in the USA for 25 yrs in 9 different States before having to return to my native Britain due to a tax problem with Uncle Sam (how’s that for historical irony?), it has given me a bird’s eye view of things, even if it’s merely the view of a jaunty crow, but crows can be wise and intuitive birds . . . ergo, the America of J Carter is a world away from the America of Obama. . . . “The past is another country. . . .they do things differently there”!

Reagan was a product of another era of Hollywood, a golden age in fact, who rode to the rescue after the calamitous Carter Presidency, but back then America was still a conservative nation, but now things are rapidly changing, partly due to the communications revolution that speeds up events like a video on fast forward.

Lenin was correct, “Cinema is indeed the greatest propaganda device ever created” . . . . If a photo can be worth a thousand words, then what for a series of moving photos on the silver screen for shaping, seducing and molding a viewers perception of the world?

Hollywood was once a force for good, after all, it produced American heroes and shaped the worldview of a generation or more, but not now, NOT NOW!

It now represents the most pernicious aspects of so called “popular culture” that is slowly poisoning, seducing, demoralizing and corrupting impressionable minds, and after all, the future really does belong to the young.

Obama is a fine example, almost a caricature, of the malignancy of the free love 1960’s and is perfectly in tune with the present zeitgeist and the blending of Hollywood and politics into a virtual reality as we in the Western world seem determined to amuse ourselves to death, to block out the hard facts and truths about life and to live for the day in a hedonistic quasi fantasy world of TV, music, sexual debauchery and frivolous entertainment.

We in the post modern UK are even more advanced along this road to ruin and if you Yanks wish to take an eerie glimpse into your future, then here it is . . . the secular nanny state, not Orwell’s “Big Brother,” but more “big mother” because mother really does know best . . . a world of stifling civil restrictions where the all seeing eye of God has been replaced by the CCTV camera 24/7 . . . a world of radical secularism where the religious impulse has been shoehorned/pressganged into secular “sacred causes” such as “saving the planet” and its apocalyptic cult of so called “Global Warming”!

Indeed, utterly ruinous and worthless windturbines are springing up all over the country like “day of the Triffids” and are, in a broader sense, a fine example of a group psychosis in some ways like the madness that must have overcome the folks on Easter Island with their mania for statue building.

Evidently, it all began in the rarefied air of a university, as a neurosis of sorts, among educated idiots lacking practical real life experiences that has now been propagandized to the population as a “crises” . . . meanwhile, with rich irony, the real crises of future economic collapse is being ignored.


5 11 2013
Timothy D. Naegele

Thank you again. That was a mouthful. 🙂

First, I have only compared Obama to Carter in the sense that both were Liberal presidents who were followed by conservative presidents, just as Richard Nixon followed Lyndon Johnson.

As I have written:

[I believe Obama will] be considered more starry-eyed and “dangerous” than Jimmy Carter[, and] his presidency [will] be considered a sad watershed in history.


Second, I agree that “the America of J Carter is a world away from the America of Obama.” They are light years apart. Obama grew up in Hawaii and Indonesia, and never set foot on the American mainland until he came to Occidental College in Los Angeles. He never served in our military, and is a black racist. Carter is a product of our Naval Academy at Annapolis; and he has sought to heal racial differences, which Obama has exploited. Obama’s core beliefs are racist, and vastly different from those of Carter.

Third, I agree that “Reagan was a product of another era,” but Obamacare and the other failures of Barack Obama are becoming clear to all Americans. They may produce a sea change of American opinions, just as the policies of Lyndon Johnson and Jimmy Carter produced political revulsions.

Fourth, you stated:

Hollywood was once a force for good, after all, it produced American heroes and shaped the worldview of a generation or more, but not now, NOT NOW!

It now represents the most pernicious aspects of so called “popular culture” that is slowly poisoning, seducing, demoralizing and corrupting impressionable minds, and after all, the future really does belong to the young.

Again, I have split my time between Washington, D.C. and Hollywood, so I understand fully what you are saying, and the effects that have taken place.

However, I believe that Americans—including young Americans—are more discerning than you give them credit for being. Hollywood is only one influence. Now, the Internet presents a myriad of choices of important news sources globally for “free.”

See, e.g.,

Fifth, you stated:

Obama is a fine example, almost a caricature, of the malignancy of the free love 1960′s and is perfectly in tune with the present zeitgeist and the blending of Hollywood and politics into a virtual reality as we in the Western world seem determined to amuse ourselves to death, to block out the hard facts and truths about life and to live for the day in a hedonistic quasi fantasy world of TV, music, sexual debauchery and frivolous entertainment.

I agree with your assessment, but I believe too that Obama will come crashing down from atop “Mount Olympus” in the waning days of his presidency and thereafter.

Sixth, I agree that the UK is farther along the path to “chaos,” and it saddens me.

Seventh, the madness preached by “environmental Nazis”—most notably, the “Global Warming” hoax, otherwise known as the “Great Green Con”—is absurd. However, I believe this too will pass; and yes, I am a hiker and love the environment.

See, e.g., (“The Global Warming Hoax, And The Great Green Con, Revisited”)

Lastly, you said:

Evidently, it all began in the rarefied air of a university, as a neurosis of sorts, among educated idiots lacking practical real life experiences that has now been propagandized to the population as a “crises” . . . meanwhile, with rich irony, the real crises of future economic collapse is being ignored.

With tough economic times ahead, and rising tuition and related costs that produce staggering student debts, colleges and universities may be beyond the reach of most. Also, the Internet is changing the traditional role of “bricks-and-mortar” educational institutions, just as it has consigned newspapers to the “horse-and-buggy” era.

See (see also the comments beneath the article)


9 11 2013

Personally, I would have to agree with your assessment. At the heart of America’s problem is its moral slide into decay which is self-evident by our culture. I have often thought about the 19th. century historian de Tocqueville’s revealing statement in his classic “Democracy in America” … “The secret to America’s greatness is its goodness; when it ceases to be good, it will cease to be great.” Our modern culture mocks that goodness, and in its place, violence and hedonism rules. If you doubt this, take a little time and do a search regarding the lyrics of “Hip Hop” or “Rap”, etc. Be forewarned: if you are not familiar with “Hip Hop,” etc. you are going to be shocked. Hollywood, TV, the rock culture, magazines, in fact, virtually our entire popular entertainment industry is, by and large, a cesspool of filth. A study of history will reveal that prior to the advent of totalitarian rule, the society’s culture fell into the abyss. America’s cultural slide began in earnest in the 1960’s and has continued to the present. Unfortunately, I don’t see anything on the horizon that indicates that America will dramatically change its current destructive course.


9 11 2013
Timothy D. Naegele

Thank you, Ray, for your comments as always.

Yes, I agree with all of your statements. I would add, however, that the pendulum swings; and there is a growing revulsion to what you have described.

The Left has used the term “political correctness” to describe what they believe is right or correct, and everyone else’s opinion is wrong. Also, they have used the word “Progressive” to label themselves, when there is absolutely nothing progressive about them.

In their sense of “guilt,” Hollywood and the Left have embraced “degenerate” music and activities, which must be condemned. In a very real sense, Barack Obama is our politically correct, “Progressive,” degenerate president.

Most Americans have never read his book, “Dreams from My Father,” in which he sets forth his core beliefs. The book and his beliefs are shockers, yet this is how he has been governing, and it is a road map to what we may expect from him over the next three years or so.

In my first article that began this blog, I discussed the book in great detail, drawing on his own words, which are cited by page numbers in the article.


I tried to be as objective as possible, inter alia, because I almost voted for him. I concluded:

In the final analysis, will he be viewed as a fad and a feckless naïf, and a tragic Shakespearean figure who is forgotten and consigned to the dustheap of history? Will his naïveté have been matched by his overarching narcissism, and will he be considered more starry-eyed and “dangerous” than Jimmy Carter? Will his presidency be considered a sad watershed in history? Or will he succeed and prove his detractors wrong, and be viewed as the “anointed one” and a true political “messiah”? Even Abraham Lincoln was never accorded such accolades, much less during his lifetime. And Barack Obama’s core beliefs are light years away from those of Ronald Reagan.

See id.

History and the American people will judge him; and my guess is that the assessment will be harsh, perhaps very harsh.

See, e.g., (“Five Years In, Obama And Bush Poll Numbers Nearly Identical”)


5 11 2013
benny tarleton

PS…. Back in 1980, the sober minded generation who survived the Great Depression and fought WW2 were still alive and were able to ride to the rescue . . . NOT NOW, as they have entered the pages of History and can only influence us with their words in books or on film. . . . We are indeed in treacherous storm tossed seas with the rocky coastline looming up out of the fog and the frantic alarm bell largely ignored. . . . Meanwhile our enemies in the moslem world, in Russia and in Asia are looking on like grinning opportunistic wolves, not quite fully believing their luck.

Metaphorically speaking, we are, in some ways, like the passengers on the Titanic, overconfident, self assured, listening to ragtime, convinced that the ship is unsinkable, but meanwhile the tip of the iceberg looms up out of the darkness.

In a broader philosophical sense, we humans can survive depravity as growth only comes with struggle and suffering, but we cannot survive too much affluence without becoming hedonistic, lazy minded and debauched. . . . Indeed, the Western World has became a victim of its own affluence.


5 11 2013
Timothy D. Naegele

Thank you again for your comments.

I agree with your first paragraph.

With respect to your second paragraph, lots of Americans—I believe a majority—have not been lulled into the “ragtime” environment that you suggest. They are sobered by the economic conditions that exist; and as I have stated, Obamacare is in the process of sobering them like never before, and creating anger across the nation, which will only grow.

Regarding your last paragraph, I agree—as I stated above—that hedonism and Atheism are suffocating; however, Man seeks a Higher Power when times are the toughest, and the emptiness of hedonism and Atheism are most apparent.


5 11 2013
benny tarleton

I noticed that you were predicting a Romney victory in the last election. . . . With all due respect, you were well out of zeitgeist.

I learned my painful lesson in the previous election when I had complete confidence in the so called “good sense” of the American people that they would never elect a preening poseur like Obama over a true blue patriot like J McCain. . . . Indeed I had such confidence that I bet my life savings on it with INTRADE and then watched in astonishment as Obama was elected.

Four years later as I watched the next election unfold from the vantage point of the UK, it became obvious to me that Obama was going to do it again and he did, EASILY.

Many conservative minded folks live in a bubble of sorts and just fail to see the corrosive effects that liberalism has had on the collective minds of much of the population and that’s why it seems to astonish us that folks like Clinton and Obama can get re-elected.

The Dems have built up a formidable coalition and a truly professional election machine that makes the Reps look like mere clumsy amateurs. . . . They have the tide of history behind them as the Western world is becoming more liberal each year and I truly cannot see the Reps being elected again unless there is a catastrophic economic meltdown, a major war or, God forbid, an act of nuclear terrorism by radical Islam. . . . Only in such a crisis will they win an election.


5 11 2013
Timothy D. Naegele

Thank you again for your comments.

First, I did predict Romney’s victory, and I voted for him. Many others whose opinions I valued (e.g., Karl Rove, Dick Morris) were predicting a Romney win right up to the last moment. It was a sad day for many Americans when Mitt lost and Obama won; and a day of mourning followed when Obama was sworn in for a second term.

Mitt lost because of four principal factors: (1) lots of “Neanderthal” Republicans stayed home, rather than voting; (2) blacks and Hispanics turned out in record numbers; (3) Obama and his advisors ran a better campaign, and took gambles that paid off (e.g., front-loading their campaign with a costly effort to “define” Mitt right from the beginning); and (4) Hurricane Sandy hit right before the 2012 election, and sucked the air out of Mitt’s momentum—which was helped by New Jersey Republican Governor Chris Christie’s “treachery.”

Second, I voted for John McCain in 2008, but I held my nose in the process of doing so. I am an Independent, and have been for more than 20 years, after first being a Democrat and then a Republican. McCain was to the left of me, but I felt he was better than Obama.

Third, you have said:

Many conservative minded folks live in a bubble of sorts and just fail to see the corrosive effects that liberalism has had on the collective minds of much of the population and that’s why it seems to astonish us that folks like Clinton and Obama can get re-elected.

I agree with you; however, Obama is no longer “Teflon-coated,” and the wheels may be coming off of his wagon. Today, Gallup reported that he has falling into the 30’s. While this figure may vacillate, my guess is that the trend will be downward, stemming principally because of Obamacare, and more and more Americans become angrier.

Fourth, you said:

The Dems have built up a formidable coalition and a truly professional election machine that makes the Reps look like mere clumsy amateurs.

I agree with you. Ever since I worked on Capitol Hill, I have believed that the Democrats are much more formidable than the GOP. They play “hard ball,” and take no prisoners. Also, if I wanted to get anything done, I have depended on my Democrat friends in Congress.

Lastly, you said:

[The Democrats] have the tide of history behind them as the Western world is becoming more liberal each year and I truly cannot see the Reps being elected again unless there is a catastrophic economic meltdown, a major war or, God forbid, an act of nuclear terrorism by radical Islam. . . . Only in such a crisis will they win an election.

Most Americans do not truly care what happens outside of the confines of their “island” (e.g., bounded by the Atlantic and the Pacific). I believe that “a catastrophic economic meltdown” is likely, far worse than we saw in 2008. A major war would only happen if there were “miscalculations.” China and the U.S. are too “entwined” economically.

With respect to an act of nuclear terrorism, I have written about the possibility of an EMP Attack, in which only 30 million Americans might survive. Anything is possible.


I am much more optimistic about the future of the United States than I am, for example, about a united and prosperous Europe. Also, the political pendulum swings in America, unlike other countries.


7 11 2013
benny tarleton

The real danger to the US is a nuclear 9/11; as the world becomes more technologically sophisticated, it’s just inevitable that those medieval maniacs will put together a nuclear device of sorts. . . . They have the money from oil revenues, while N Korea is a bankrupt nuclear K Mart, and then there is the corrupt and immoral former states of the Soviet union; it just seems to me to be a matter of time before the “perfect storm” of nuclear terrorism comes together.

The obvious target will be, as ever, New York City, the real capital of America, the capital of the Western World, the capital of capitalism, the very beating heart of the capitalist world and it’s only natural that they would target it. . . . Those religious psychopaths will put together some type of Hiroshima size weapon and put it into a shipping container manned by suicide bombers and then sail into NY harbor. . . . 100,000 dead, 300,0000 injured.

Remember, 9/11 was done on a shoestring of a few tens of thousands of dollars and relatively speaking, a nuclear 9/11 will be too, compared to the apocalyptic damage it will cause.


7 11 2013
Timothy D. Naegele

Thank you again, for your comments.

First, anything is possible. Whoever thought that planes would be hijacked simultaneously in the U.S., and flown into the World Trade Center and The Pentagon, with another one apparently heading to Washington as well?

Second, such a weapon might come from the former Soviet Union’s arsenal, Pakistan, North Korea, or be configured elsewhere. While NYC might be the target, my guess would be London or some other city, but you may be correct.

Third, my great concern has been the possibility of an EMP Attack, which I have written about.

See (“EMP Attack: Only 30 Million Americans Survive”)


7 11 2013
benny tarleton

Mitt Romney never had much of a chance of winning that last election, and the so-called surge was nothing more than spin, hype and wishful thinking.

Obama had 3 times more campaign offices around the country and many thousands of young volunteers, plus most of the media.

A large part of the problem was MITT; he was anachronistic and more suited to the conservative, conformist 50’s and was very easy to caricature and steriotype, whereas Obama was perfectly in tune with the zeitgeist of politics blending and morphing into a Hollywood type virtual reality. . . . He’s the American Idol, for christsake who can even sing and dance. . . . When he leaves office, it wouldn’t surprise me if he has his own talk show on TV.

The most influential woman in America is not Hillary, it’s Oprah, who played a major part in the election of Obama. . . . Those vacuous folks, especially women, who watch the Oprah Winfrey Show are just the types who voted for Obama in large numbers. . . . As such, the DEMS have a critical advantage insomuch that they have the entertainment industry working for them 24/7.

In defense of the movie industry, most of what they turn out is trash, but once in a while they get it right. . . . 12 years a slave is gonna sweep at next year’s Oscars, and so it should as cinema has the ability to educate and reach folks who are not much inclined to read a book.


7 11 2013
Timothy D. Naegele

Thank you again. 🙂

First, as Obamacare hurts more and more Americans, and as more fall into poverty, Mitt may seem pretty good.

An estimated 49.7 million Americans are living in poverty, and that number may swell before Obama’s presidency ends.


Second, any notion that Obama is an “idol” may be fading. Indeed, never discount title of this article: “Is Obama The New Nixon?”

See also (“Five Years In, Obama And Bush Poll Numbers Nearly Identical”)

Third, I am not a “fan” of Oprah; and her TV network has had serious financial problems because few people are watching it.

Fourth, every once in a while, a great movie comes along; however, in most cases, they are made overseas (e.g., in your UK).


7 11 2013
benny tarleton

The internet and TV are potentially the greatest teaching instruments ever invented, however, they are largely used for recreation purposes such as social networking and light entertainment.

Here in the UK we are much more along the road to the serfdom of the nanny state by being spoon fed syrupy, mawkish half truths and vacuous propaganda; much of the population lack any intellectual curiosity and are happy and content watching moronic game shows, talent shows, sit coms and celebrity confessions. . . . It’s astonishing how lazy minded folks can swallow the party line, hook, line and sinker and the fine example would be the so called crises of Global Warming. . . . It ‘s literally a load of hot air, all in the mind, but to millions of folks it’s the only thing worth worrying about. . . . I cannot help but notice how religious folks are skeptical of it, but it’s hardly surprising as they already have a religious belief.

Our leaders are, ironically, very similar to Obama, not malignant or evil, but just shallow lightweights lacking gravitas and completely out of their depths; indeed the last statesman we had was a woman. . . . It seems that we are indeed suffering a crises of masculinity and are now entering the era of the Western metrosexual half way towards being the full blown homosexual.

. . .

Naturally, our enemies in the moslem world, in Russia and in Asia are none too impressed and see only decadence, debauchery and utter weakness.


7 11 2013
Timothy D. Naegele

Thank you, as always.

First, I have been on the Web for more than 20 years. When I began, it was described not as an “information highway,” but as a “dirt road.” All of that has changed.

Today, the world’s population is approximately 7,017,846,922, and Internet users are approximately 2,405,518,376—or 35 percent of the population. Wow!


The Web is essential to commerce today; and it has been essential to me since I started. I seldom if ever use it for “recreation.”

Second, again I agree with you completely regarding the “global warming” hoax, or the Great Green Con.

Third, I have come to the conclusion that Obama is “evil.” Please read (or reread) my article, based on his book “Dreams from My Father.” It is all there—in his own words—his black racism and how he has been governing, and what we can expect over the next three years or so.


In a sense, he and his Democrats are throwbacks to George Orwell’s “Animal Farm.”


7 11 2013
Timothy D. Naegele

49.7 Million Americans Living In Poverty

AP News has reported:

The number of poor people in America is 3 million higher than the official count, encompassing 1 in 6 residents due to out-of-pocket medical costs and work-related expenses, according to a revised census measure released Wednesday.

The new measure is aimed at providing a fuller picture of poverty but does not replace the official government numbers. Put in place two years ago by the Obama administration, it generally is considered more reliable by social scientists because it factors in living expenses as well as the effects of government aid, such as food stamps and tax credits.

Administration officials have declined to say whether the new measure eventually could replace the official poverty formula, which is used to allocate federal dollars to states and localities and to determine eligibility for safety-net programs such as Medicaid.

Congress would have to agree to adopt the new measure, which generally would result in a higher poverty rate from year to year and thus higher government payouts for aid programs.

Based on the revised formula, the number of poor people in 2012 was 49.7 million, or 16 percent. That exceeds the record 46.5 million, or 15 percent, that was officially reported in September.

The latest numbers come as more working-age adults picked up low-wage jobs in the slowly improving economy but still struggled to pay living expenses. Americans 65 and older had the largest increases in poverty under the revised formula, from 9.1 percent to 14.8 percent, because of medical expenses such as Medicare premiums, deductibles and other costs not accounted for in the official rate.

There also were increases for Hispanics and Asian-Americans, partly due to lower participation among immigrants and non-English speakers in government aid programs such as housing aid and food stamps.

African-Americans and children, helped by government benefits, had declines in poverty compared with the official rate.

“This is a real incongruity, when 1 in 6 people face economic insecurity here in the richest country in the world,” said Joseph Stiglitz, a Columbia University economist and former chairman of the White House Council of Economic Advisers who has argued for more government action to alleviate income inequality.

“When so many citizens are worse off year after year, with food insecurity and health care insecurity, there’s no way you can say that’s a successful economy.”

Last week, more than 47 million Americans who receive food stamps saw their benefits go down, while Congress began negotiations on further cuts of up to $4 billion annually to the program.

Among states, California had the highest share of poor people, hurt in part by high housing costs and large numbers of immigrants, followed by the District of Columbia, Nevada and Florida. Under the official poverty rate, more rural states were more likely to be at the top of list, led by Mississippi, Louisiana and New Mexico.

Some other findings:

-Food stamps helped lift about 5 million people above the poverty line. Without such aid, the overall poverty rate would increase from 16 percent to 17.6 percent.

– Adults of working ages 18-64 saw an increase in poverty from 13.7 percent based on the official calculation to 15.5 percent, due mostly to commuting and child care costs.

-Child poverty declined from 22.3 percent to 18 percent under the new measure. Under both measures, children still remained the age group most likely to be living in poverty.

-By race, Hispanics and Asians saw higher rates of poverty, 27.8 percent and 16.7 percent respectively, compared with rates of 25.8 percent and 11.8 percent under the official formula. In contrast, African-Americans saw a modest decrease, from 27.3 percent to 25.8 percent based on the revised numbers. Among non-Hispanic whites, poverty rose from 9.8 percent to 10.7 percent.

“The primary reason that poverty remains so high is that the benefits of a growing economy are no longer being shared by all workers as they were in the quarter-century following the end of World War II,” said Sheldon Danziger, a University of Michigan economist.

“Given current economic conditions, poverty will not be substantially reduced unless government does more to help the working poor.”

Economists long have criticized the official poverty rate as inadequate. Based on a half-century-old government formula, the official rate continues to assume the average family spends one-third of its income on food. Those costs have declined to a much smaller share, more like one-seventh.

In reaction to some of the criticism, the Obama administration in 2010 asked the Census Bureau to develop a new poverty measure, based partly on recommendations made by the National Academy of Sciences. The goal is to help lawmakers better gauge the effectiveness of anti-poverty programs.

For instance, the new measure finds that if it weren’t for Social Security payments, the poverty rate would rise to 54.7 percent for people 65 and older and 24.5 percent for all age groups.

Refundable tax credits such as the earned income tax credit helped lift 9 million people above the poverty line. Without the credits, child poverty would rise from 18 percent to 24.7 percent.

In recent years, New York City as well California, Virginia and Wisconsin have sought to put in place a more accurate poverty measure. They were prompted in part by local officials such as New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg who have argued that the official measure does not take into account urban costs of living and that larger cities may get less federal money as a result.

See; see also (“40% Of Veterans Need Food Assistance“) and (Record 91.5 million Americans not in labor force) and (NYC has highest number of homeless children since Great Depression)

Obamacare will increase these numbers dramatically!

See (“Obamacare Laid Bare: Barack Obama’s Big Lie”) and (“Five Years In, Obama And Bush Poll Numbers Nearly Identical”)


10 11 2013
Timothy D. Naegele

Fed Is Creating The Mother of All Bubbles

Economic bubbles

This is the opinion of David Stockman, director of the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) under President Reagan, and veteran investor and financial author Jim Rogers:

Americans should be bracing for the explosion of a “mother of all bubbles” brought about by the Federal Reserve’s gross and irresponsible manipulation of interest rates, according to David Stockman, the colorful supply-side economist and director of the Office of Management and Budget under President Reagan.

The central bank has created a false prosperity that shows up in an overpriced stock market, Stockman told Fox Business Network.

The Fed’s massive stimulus since 2008 is “the greatest gift to the 1 percent, to the speculators, to the leveraged traders, to the carry trade ever imagined,” he said.

“Now we have the greatest mother of all bubbles. And there’s nobody left in the stock market today except drugged-up day traders and robots who are being mainlined by the daily injections of liquidity from the Fed. This is utterly irrational.

The United States is at the mercy of the same crew of central bankers who brought the nation the dot-com crash and the housing bubble, according to Stockman—not exactly a track record of success. And, he added, long-time Fed banker Janet Yellen has been nominated to be the next Fed chair.

“It tells you the clear and present danger in America is that the Fed is run by people who are in some medieval castle somewhere, and they lost track of the real world.”

Stockman said artificially low bond rates have forced stock prices skyward, and essentially “are part of the same bubble.”

Meanwhile, he said investors are hearing the same perilous siren call from retail stock analysts that they heard at the 2007 peak before the U.S. financial meltdown: “Come on in, the water’s warm, we’re just getting started.”

Veteran investor and financial author Jim Rogers, himself no stranger to hyperbole, told Reuters TV that the Fed is only one of numerous central banks around the world that are all printing money in pursuit of economic growth.

“The world is floating around on a huge artificial sea of liquidity,” Rogers declared. “It’s going to dry up and when it dries up we’re all going to pay the price for this madness.”

Rogers predicted it could be 2015 before the Fed begins to reduce its huge monetary stimulus, but there will be no avoiding the harm to an inflated stock market when the tapering finally begins.

“These are not very smart people,” he said of U.S. central bankers such as outgoing Fed chair Ben Bernanke and Yellen. “They are government bureaucrats and they think like government bureaucrats.”

See (emphasis added); see also (“The Higher Home Prices Rise, The Farther They Will Fall When The Bubble Bursts“) and (“Stocks Are at Least 40 Overvalued“) and (“The End Of Quantitative Easing“)


When the bubbles burst this time, 2008 may seem like child’s play; and the number of Americans in poverty will climb dramatically, as it did during the Great Depression of the last century.

See (“49.7 Million Americans Living In Poverty”)

Hold on tight. Things will get very ugly and scary between now and the end of this decade!

. . .

Also, let us never forget the role of former Fed Chairman Alan Greenspan, who was the architect of the enormous economic “bubble” that burst globally. No longer is he revered as a “potentate.” His reputation is in tatters. Giulio Tremonti, Italy’s Minister of Economy and Finance, probably said it best:

Greenspan was considered a master. Now we must ask ourselves whether he is not, after [Osama] bin Laden, the man who hurt America the most.

That speaks volumes.

See (“Greenspan’s Fingerprints All Over Enduring Mess”); see also (“Euphoria or the Obama Depression?”)


3 12 2013
Timothy D. Naegele

The Higher Home Prices Rise, The Farther They Will Fall When The Bubble Bursts

This is the conclusion of Nouriel Roubini, a professor at NYU’s Stern School of Business and Chairman of Roubini Global Economics:

It is widely agreed that a series of collapsing housing-market bubbles triggered the global financial crisis of 2008-2009, along with the severe recession that followed. While the United States is the best-known case, a combination of lax regulation and supervision of banks and low policy interest rates fueled similar bubbles in the United Kingdom, Spain, Ireland, Iceland, and Dubai.

Now, five years later, signs of frothiness, if not outright bubbles, are reappearing in housing markets in Switzerland, Sweden, Norway, Finland, France, Germany, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and, back for an encore, the UK (well, London). In emerging markets, bubbles are appearing in Hong Kong, Singapore, China, and Israel, and in major urban centers in Turkey, India, Indonesia, and Brazil.

Signs that home prices are entering bubble territory in these economies include fast-rising home prices, high and rising price-to-income ratios, and high levels of mortgage debt as a share of household debt. In most advanced economies, bubbles are being inflated by very low short- and long-term interest rates. Given anemic GDP growth, high unemployment, and low inflation, the wall of liquidity generated by conventional and unconventional monetary easing is driving up asset prices, starting with home prices.

The situation is more varied in emerging-market economies. Some that have high per capita income—for example, Israel, Hong Kong, and Singapore—have low inflation and want to maintain low policy interest rates to prevent exchange-rate appreciation against major currencies. Others are characterized by high inflation (even above the central-bank target, as in Turkey, India, Indonesia, and Brazil). In China and India, savings are going into home purchases, because financial repression leaves households with few other assets that provide a good hedge against inflation. Rapid urbanization in many emerging markets has also driven up home prices, as demand outstrips supply.

With central banks—especially in advanced economies and the high-income emerging economies—wary of using policy rates to fight bubbles, most countries are relying on macro-prudential regulation and supervision of the financial system to address frothy housing markets. That means lower loan-to-value ratios, stricter mortgage-underwriting standards, limits on second-home financing, higher counter-cyclical capital buffers for mortgage lending, higher permanent capital charges for mortgages, and restrictions on the use of pension funds for down payments on home purchases.

In most economies, these macro-prudential policies are modest, owing to policymakers’ political constraints: households, real-estate developers, and elected officials protest loudly when the central bank or the regulatory authority in charge of financial stability tries to take away the punch bowl of liquidity. They complain bitterly about regulators’ “interference” with the free market, property rights, and the sacrosanct ideal of home ownership. Thus, the political economy of housing finance limits regulators’ ability to do the right thing.

To be clear, macro-prudential restrictions are certainly called for; but they have been inadequate to control housing bubbles. With short- and long-term interest rates so low, mortgage-credit restrictions seem to have a limited effect on the incentives to borrow to purchase a home. Moreover, the higher the gap between official interest rates and the higher rates on mortgage lending as a result of macro-prudential restrictions, the more room there is for regulatory arbitrage.

For example, if loan-to-value ratios are reduced and down payments on home purchases are higher, households may have an incentive to borrow from friends and family—or from banks in the form of personal unsecured loans—to finance a down payment. After all, though home-price inflation has slowed modestly in some countries, home prices in general are still rising in economies where macro-prudential restrictions on mortgage lending are being used. So long as official policy rates—and thus long-term mortgage rates—remain low, such restrictions are not as binding as they otherwise would be.

But the global economy’s new housing bubbles may not be about to burst just yet, because the forces feeding them—especially easy money and the need to hedge against inflation—are still fully operative. Moreover, many banking systems have bigger capital buffers than in the past, enabling them to absorb losses from a correction in home prices; and, in most countries, households’ equity in their homes is greater than it was in the US subprime mortgage bubble. But the higher home prices rise, the further they will fall—and the greater the collateral economic and financial damage will be—when the bubble deflates.

In countries where non-recourse loans allow borrowers to walk away from a mortgage when its value exceeds that of their home, the housing bust may lead to massive defaults and banking crises. In countries (for example, Sweden) where recourse loans allow seizure of household income to enforce payment of mortgage obligations, private consumption may plummet as debt payments (and eventually rising interest rates) crowd out discretionary spending. Either way, the result would be the same: recession and stagnation.

What we are witnessing in many countries looks like a slow-motion replay of the last housing-market train wreck. And, like last time, the bigger the bubbles become, the nastier the collision with reality will be.

See (“Back to Housing Bubbles“) (emphasis added); see also (“Fed Is Creating The Mother of All Bubbles“)


10 12 2013
Timothy D. Naegele

Barack Obama Is Gutting Our Military Forces, Which Will Affect Our National Security For Decades To Come

Obama Guts Our Military

As I wrote more than four years ago:

International terrorism and other very real national security concerns still loom, which might produce flashpoints at any time. We have enemies who seek to destroy us—a fact that is sometimes forgotten as 9/11 recedes in our memories. While it might be attractive . . . to take a “meat ax” to the Defense Department, it would be foolhardy to gut our military precisely when it has been performing magnificently and its continued strength is needed most. America’s economic and military strength go hand in hand. Both are indispensable ingredients of our great nation’s future strength.

See (“Euphoria or the Obama Depression?”); see also (“Obama Accused Of Military Purge”)

John Lehman, who was secretary of the Navy in the Reagan administration and a member of the 9/11 Commission, has written in the Wall Street Journal:

As we lament the lack of strategic direction in American foreign policy, it is useful to remember the classic aphorism that diplomatic power is the shadow cast by military power. The many failures and disappointments of American policy in recent years, in Iraq, Afghanistan, Egypt, Libya, North Korea, Syria, Russia and Iran are symptoms of the steady shrinkage of the shadow cast by American military power and the fading credibility and deterrence that depends on it.

Although current U.S. spending on defense adjusted for inflation has been higher than at the height of the Reagan administration, it has been producing less than half of the forces and capabilities of those years. Instead of a 600-ship Navy, we now have a 280-ship Navy, although the world’s seas have not shrunk and our global dependence has grown. Instead of Reagan’s 20-division Army, we have only 10-division equivalents. The Air Force has fewer than half the number of fighters and bombers it had 30 years ago.

Apologists for the shrinkage argue that today’s ships and aircraft are far more capable than those of the ’80s and ’90s. That is as true as “you can keep your health insurance.”

While today’s LCSs—the littoral-class ships that operate close to shore—have their uses, they are far less capable than the Perry-class frigates that they replace. Our newest Aegis ships have been upgraded to keep pace with the newest potential missile threats, but their capability against modern submarines has slipped.

Air Force fighter planes today average 28 years old. Although they have been upgraded to keep pace with the latest aircraft of their potential adversaries, they have no greater relative advantage than they had when they were new. There are merely far fewer of them in relation to the potential threat. In deterrence, quantity has a quality all its own.

There is one great numerical advantage the U.S. has against potential adversaries, however. That is the size of our defense bureaucracy. While the fighting forces have steadily shrunk by more than half since the early 1990s, the civilian and uniformed bureaucracy has more than doubled. According to the latest figures, there are currently more than 1,500,000 full-time civilian employees in the Defense Department—800,000 civil servants and 700,000 contract employees. Today, more than half of our active-duty servicemen and women serve in offices on staffs. The number of various Joint Task Force staffs, for instance, has grown since 1987 from seven to more than 250, according to the Defense Business Board.

The constant growth of the bureaucracy has resulted from reform initiatives from Congress and by executive order, each of which established a new office or expanded an existing one. These new layers have accumulated every year since the founding of the Department of Defense in 1947. Unlike private businesses—disciplined by the market—which require constant pruning and overhead reduction to stay profitable, each expansion of the bureaucracy is, to paraphrase President Reagan, the nearest thing to eternal life to be found on earth.

The Pentagon, like Marley’s ghost, must drag this ever-growing burden of chains without relief. As a result something close to paralysis is approaching. The suffocating bloat of overstaffing in an overly centralized web of bureaucracies drives runaway cost growth in weapons systems great and small. Whereas the immensely complex Polaris missile and submarine system took four years from a draft requirement until its first operational patrol in February 1960, today the average time for all weapons procured under Defense Department acquisition regulations is 22 years.

The latest Government Accountability Office report, released in October, estimates that there is $411 billion of unfunded cost growth in current Pentagon programs, almost as much as the entire 10 years of sequester cuts if they continue. The result has been unilateral disarmament.

What is to be done? As with most great issues, the solution is simple, the execution difficult. First, Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel must be supported in his announced intention to cut the bureaucracy of uniformed and civilian by at least 20%. Each 7,000 civilian reductions saves at least $5 billion over five years. Second, clear lines of authority and accountability, now dissipated through many bureaucratic entities, must be restored to a defined hierarchy of human beings with names. Third, real competition for production contracts must be re-established as the rule not the exception. Fourth, weapons programs must be designed to meet an established cost and canceled if they begin to exceed it.

While sequester is an act of desperation that adds more uncertainty to an already dysfunctional system, it does seem to be acting as a spur to focus Congress on the urgent need to stop our unilateral disarmament by making deep cuts in bureaucratic overhead throughout the Pentagon, uniformed and civilian.

The way forward for Republicans is not to default to their traditional solution, which is simply to fight sequester cuts and increase the defense budget. Instead, Republicans should concentrate on slashing and restructuring our dysfunctional and bloated defense bureaucracy. With strong defense chairmen on House and Senate committees already sympathetic to the overhead issue, and a willing secretary of defense, this Congress can do it. That will place the blame for the consequences of sequester and the earlier $500 billion Obama cuts squarely where it belongs, on the president and the Democrats.

The way will thereby be prepared for Republican victory in the 2016 elections based on a Reagan-like rebuilding mandate that can actually be carried out by a newly streamlined and more agile Defense Department.

See (“More Bureaucrats, Fewer Jets and Ships”) (emphasis added)

I respectfully disagree with Lehman. Obama and Hagel seek to gut our military, not make it more efficient. The Pentagon has always been bureaucratic. In fact, it is the only portion of American government that functions effectively and relatively efficiently. It must be strengthened; and we must stop Obama’s unilateral disarmament.

Obamacare is destroying our national health care system—or one-sixth of the American economy. Obama must not be allowed to destroy the U.S. military. Our very survival depends on it!

See, e.g., (“Why Liberals Are Panicked About Obamacare”); see also (“China Is America’s Enemy: Make No Mistake About That”) and (“Russia’s Putin Is A Killer”) and (“The Next Major War: Korea Again?”) (see also the comments beneath the articles)


11 12 2013
Timothy D. Naegele

Autos: Barack Obama’s Fuel-Economy Schemes Are Likely To Be Rolled Back After He Leaves Office

Obama and auto bailouts

This is the conclusion of the Wall Street Journal‘s Holman W. Jenkins, Jr. in an article entitled, “The U.S. Bailout of Fiat”—and subtitled, “How a troubled Italian auto maker became a beneficiary of Obama’s zany fuel-economy targets”—which states:

Things are going well for Chrysler. Ipso facto, they aren’t going so well for President Obama’s fuel-economy schemes or his partner in the Chrysler bailout, Fiat Chairman Sergio Marchionne.

Chrysler has now reported nine straight quarters of profits on the strength of strong selling pickups and SUVs, not exactly the fuel-sipping cars Mr. Obama envisioned. This performance, moreover, comes despite the late arrival of the new Jeep Cherokee. The vehicle is getting rave reviews, but why was its rollout stalled? Chrysler needed time to fine-tune the software driving its nine-speed transmission.

Why a nine-speed transmission? Because of fuel-mileage overkill driven by Mr. Obama’s new rules, which require Chrysler steadily to increase its fleet average to 54.5 miles per gallon by 2025 from 20.6 last year.

Why do we say overkill? Because the technology adds more in cost than it does in value for consumers, given the declining price of gas. At $3.25, the price of gasoline today per mile traveled, in real terms, is lower than it was in the 1950s. By one academic estimate, gas would have to reach $5 before consumers would voluntarily buy the 35.5 mpg cars Mr. Obama requires carmakers to sell in 2016.

Now multiply this value shortfall by, oh, the $157 billion that even the Obama administration estimates the auto industry will have to spend to meet the mileage mandates just between 2017 and 2025. The tension is modest now, as exemplified by the Cherokee’s nine-speed gambit. But in the years ahead it will drive the industry off a regulatory cliff as America’s domestic energy resurgence (which Mr. Obama failed to notice) likely keeps real gasoline prices well within their historical range.

Let’s turn to Mr. Marchionne. Fiat, which owns a majority stake in Chrysler, received its original 20% share free from the Obama administration in return for a promise to build Chrysler the teensy eurocars Mr. Obama wants Americans to buy.

Another bailout beneficiary was a United Auto Workers health fund, which holds a 41.5% stake. Mr. Marchionne wants to buy this stake to complete a merger of the two companies, but he and the UAW are at loggerheads over price. And with every surge in Chrysler’s financial results due to surging demand for highly profitable pickups and SUVs, the price gets more out of reach for Fiat, whose fortunes have been blighted in Europe’s debt crisis. Chrysler’s profits are keeping Fiat in the black nowadays, yet Fiat’s own credit rating and turnaround efforts would be jeopardized at any price approaching the $5 billion the UAW fund is reportedly asking and that Chrysler increasingly appears to be worth.

Chrysler’s own advisers recently valued the company at $10 billion, implying a lower earnings multiple than Ford or GM. After all, Chrysler is a small regional player, though its Jeep brand has global potential. Chrysler’s valuation is also diminished by the fact that it’s shackled to a flailing European car maker. Its value is further diminished by the fact that it lacks the electric cars that Obama mandates will eventually require it to build and sell even at a loss.

Even so, investors are saying Chrysler is worth three times what Fiat is worth once Fiat’s stake in Chrysler is subtracted.

This is why, despite his confident talk, Mr. Marchionne’s impasse with the UAW health fund may prove intractable. He would undoubtedly say our valuation comparisons are unfair: Chrysler would not be doing so well if not for Fiat’s contribution; Chrysler would be doomed under the Obama mileage mandates without Fiat.

But these assumptions are questionable, especially since the Obama mandates are likely to be rolled back after Mr. Obama leaves office so his successor won’t face a new round of auto bankruptcies. Meanwhile, the UAW health fund has every reason to complain that it’s being offered a bum deal for its minority stake in Chrysler, whose implicit value is diminished with every suggestion that its profits and cash would be pillaged to fund a Hail Mary makeover of Fiat.

Chrysler is a tragedy in the full Greek sense. The 1990s and early 2000s, when America’s fuel-economy rules were allowed to lapse into irrelevance, were actually an era of vast improvement in automotive reliability, quality and, yes, fuel efficiency—though the gains were deployed mostly to give consumers more power, safety and comfort for a given level of gas mileage.

Then, George W. Bush, grasping vainly for political juju to exorcise his Iraq demons, and Barack Obama, posing as planet savior, took turns upping the ante on fuel-economy mandates that require car makers to begin making economically insane trade-offs. Follow the chain of consequences and you have today’s bizarre Chrysler situation, in which Chrysler’s taxpayer-financed rebound is in danger of being hijacked by Fiat using our own fuel-economy rules as a club.

See (emphasis added)


16 12 2013
Timothy D. Naegele

Exporting American Oil [UPDATED]

American Oil

This is the title of a Wall Street Journal editorial, which states:

The happy paradox of U.S. energy markets is that the domestic fossil-fuels boom has been overwhelming destructive federal government policy. The latest example of emerging common sense is Energy Secretary Ernest Moniz’s suggestion last week that the U.S. may need to reconsider its 40-year ban on most oil exports.

“Those restrictions on exports were born, as was the Department of Energy and the Strategic Petroleum Reserve, on oil disruptions,” Mr. Moniz told reporters at the Platts Global Energy Outlook Forum in New York. “There are lots of issues in the energy space that deserve some new analysis and examination in the context of what is now an energy world that is no longer like the 1970s.”

Thank you, Mr. Secretary. The oil export ban was one result of the oil-price political panic of the 1970s, which created the worst energy policy in U.S. history until the Pelosi Congress arrived in 2007 to repeat some of the same mistakes. Mr. Moniz is right to raise the issue, and we hope his comments will spur Congress into action.

The U.S. oil boom driven by private investment and ingenuity has transformed North American oil markets, and the International Energy Agency estimates America will surpass Saudi Arabia and Russia as the world’s largest oil producer by 2015. Yet with a few exceptions, U.S. producers are barred from exporting crude oil without a license from the Commerce Department.

Commerce has been granting more licenses, albeit fitfully, and the U.S. has been exporting a little less than 100,000 barrels a day on average, mainly to Canada. But this is far less than oil producers would be able to export if they didn’t have to submit to such ad hoc bureaucratic review.

Oil exports would help with the U.S. trade balance, but far more important is that they would allow energy markets to operate more efficiently. Surging domestic production has led to a mismatch between the oil produced in U.S. fields and the types needed by U.S. refiners. The booming new U.S. fields often produce lighter crude that doesn’t match the heavier, lower-quality crude from abroad that U.S. refiners typically handle. Without being able to export oil, U.S. drillers have a more restricted market for their high-quality crude and less incentive to expand production.

Opponents of exporting oil claim that lifting the ban would raise U.S. gasoline prices, but that misunderstands that oil is a global market. U.S. pump prices would continue to rise or fall with world oil prices regardless of exports. But lifting the ban would lead to more domestic production, which means more jobs in oil drilling and services and everything that goes along with such growth. See the booming Williston Basin in North Dakota or the Eagle Ford Formation in South Texas.

The opposition to lifting the ban will also play the energy “independence” card, but the best protection for America’s energy supply is more domestic production that exports would induce. Some of the opponents don’t want such production precisely because they want to stop the U.S. oil boom so world prices rise and renewable energy can replace fossil fuels. That’s what motivates Senator Ed Markey (D., Mass.) and others on the environmental left.

The oil export ban is an example of self-defeating resource nationalism that hurts U.S. investment and the living standards of American workers. It was a bad idea in the 1970s, and today it is merely one more obstacle to America’s energy renaissance.

See (emphasis added); see also (“U.S. Hopes Boom in Natural Gas Can Curb Putin“) and,7,121,122,201,401,641,1009 (“West Tries to Loosen Russia’s Gas Grip“) and (“U.S. Ruling Loosens Four-Decade Ban On Oil Exports“) and (“U.S. Seen as Biggest Oil Producer After Overtaking Saudi Arabia“) and (“US poised to become world’s leading liquid petroleum producer“) and (“The Oil Price Swoon Won’t Stop the Shale Boom”—”the current slump sets the stage for . . . America’s shale boom 2.0”)


24 12 2013
Timothy D. Naegele

What Was 2013’s Most Significant Story?

Obamas-no smiles

The dramatic failure of Obamacare is the biggest story, because it foretells the end of the Obama presidency—as the myth of Barack Obama collapses before the eyes of the world.

See, e.g., (“Americans Finally Wake Up To Who Barack Obama Really Is“)


22 01 2014
Timothy D. Naegele

$60 Oil Will Finish Russia’s Brutal Putin Regime

The UK Telegraph‘s International Business Editor in London, Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, has written:

There is nothing behind the facade of Vladimir Putin’s regime in Russia, says William Browder from Hermitage Capital Management.

“All it will take is a fall in the price of oil to $60 a barrel and Putin will be gone within a year. You’d be surprised how brittle the system really is,” he told me at the World Economic Forum in Davos.

The “fiscal break-even price” of oil needed to balance the Russian budget is now $117 a barrel. A protracted slump in crude would force the government to dig deep into its reserve funds, and that in turn would set off further capital flight.

The hedge fund manager—who describes himself as Putin’s “enemy number one”—says Russia’s $499bn foreign reserves would not prove much a defence in the end. “We saw this in 2008 when everything fell apart in a few months even though Russia had the world’s third biggest reserves. It wasn’t supposed to happen but it did.”

A drop in Brent crude to $60 is not impossible. Both Deutsche Bank and Bank of America have warned of a potential glut in oil this year as sanctions against Iran are phased out and Libya’s exports revive. The US is expected to add more than 1m barrels per day (b/d) this year. The Saudis may choose not to stabilise the market by cutting output, deliberately letting crude slide below the marginal cost of production of shale.

Mr Browder says Russia is already primed for Ukraine-style street protests. The catalyst could be oil, or the secondary effects of Fed tapering as it exposes structural rot across the Brics universe.

“There is no ideological fervour [that] sustain[s] the regime, though Putin is trying to create a new form of ideological conservatism with his attacks on gays. Putin’s allies will abandon him as soon as there is trouble,” he said.

Mr Browder has been sentenced to nine years in prison by the Putin justice machinery, punishment for his campaign in the US for the Magnitsky sanctions against top Russian officials.

He faces an international extradition warrant and must be careful where he travels. Interpol refuses to enforce it, deeming it politicised. Britain, Germany, and the Netherlands tell him they will not respect the warrant, but he has take his chances if he goes anywhere else in Europe, let alone to any state across the world without a fully-functioning rule of law.

It should be obvious to any extradition court that he is a target of state persecution, but he can’t be sure. “They tortured and murdered my lawyer to get at me, like sticking pins into a voodoo doll.”

Ever the bear, Mr Browder has a cautionary warning for those preparing to jump back in the Brics and mini-Brics. “Emerging market stocks are a lot cheaper now, but they are not yet cheap enough.”

“Lot of ill-informed money went into these countries during the credit boom. The next big thing coming is that some of these countries will start to close their capital accounts. We’re already seeing it in Egypt and Brazil in different ways.”

Once it spreads, there could be a chain-reaction. “People will start asking themselves which country is next. Once this start people may find they can’t get their money out again.”

See; see also (“Magnitsky Act”)


24 01 2014
Timothy D. Naegele

California Is Lazarus Of Bethany Rising From The Dead, Thanks To Jerry Brown

California flag

In an article entitled “The recovery”—and subtitled, “California has won breathing space under Jerry Brown. Now he should tackle taxes, debt and red tape”—the UK’s Economist has noted:

WHEN Jerry Brown took office as California’s governor in January 2011, the Golden State was a laughing stock. Its credit was poor, its politics venomous and its fiscal deficits larger than most states’ budgets. Campaigning in 2012, Mitt Romney compared California to European basket-cases like Greece. He would not do so today.

Earlier this month Mr Brown unveiled a budget with a surplus for 2013-14 forecast at $4.2 billion. In his state-of-the-state speech on January 22nd he spoke of “California’s comeback”. The state’s job-creation rate is among America’s best (though unemployment is still high at 8.5%), and in much of the state the housing market is reviving. Politically, Mr Brown is unrivalled; some excitable Democrats have even urged him to make a fourth run for president (although the first three, in 1976, 1980 and 1992, did not go well). Assuming that he seeks re-election in November, he should sail to victory.

The tight-fisted Mr Brown—he is not above eating food from other people’s plates—has imposed a measure of fiscal discipline on his state. In 2012, to many observers’ surprise, he persuaded Californians to pass Proposition 30, a temporary income- and sales-tax rise. He has strong-armed California’s Democratic legislators twice: first to accept deep cuts to cherished programmes such as child care, and then, once the deficit was plugged, to curb their spendthrift impulses. Even California’s nearly extinct Republicans express grudging admiration.

Yet California is not cured; it has swapped acute problems for chronic ones. Three stand out; and worryingly, Mr Brown seems little inclined to tackle any of them. First is the state’s precarious tax structure. More than perhaps any other state, California relies on a small number of very wealthy people to pay for its public services. This year income taxes from the richest 1% (including capital gains) may account for one-third of the state’s general fund. When the stockmarket is booming, as it is now, the state’s coffers spill over. But when things turn nasty capital-gains tax revenues plummet and the treasury is starved. Mr Brown understands the harm that such volatility causes, but resists serious tax reform; instead he has proposed a rainy-day fund. This is, at best, a palliative.

California’s second problem is a mountain of liabilities: some $355 billion, mostly in the form of unfunded promises to provide pensions and health care to retired public servants. Mr Brown’s budget chips away at this debt mountain, but mainly at the short-term bit. CalSTRS, the teachers’ pension fund, is a particular worry; by one estimate it has enough money to last only until the mid-2020s. Yet Mr Brown proposes merely to begin discussing the problem this year. Meanwhile, the CalSTRS unfunded liabilities grow by $22m a day.

The third problem is perhaps the most serious: a crisis of poverty and social immobility, particularly among Latinos (who will soon be the state’s biggest ethnic group). Under the Census Bureau’s “supplemental poverty measure”, which includes cost-of-living adjustments and non-cash benefits, California has America’s highest poverty rate: almost a quarter of its 38m residents cannot pay for basic necessities. California has always drawn in poor immigrants, but upward mobility seems to be stalling. In some inland regions unemployment is in double digits and schoolchildren struggle to read. Hardly anyone in Sacramento is even thinking about these issues.

Out of the emergency room, into rehab

Now that California’s short-term crisis is over, Mr Brown should tackle its long-term problems. The tax base should be broadened: top rates should fall and sales taxes should be extended to some services. Some of the fresh revenues should be directed to measures that help the poor, such as pre-kindergarten education. The state should meet its obligations to CalSTRS in full, while finding ways to cut its long-term pension costs. And California should make it easier to start firms and create jobs. That means loosening the regulations that throttle businesses. It can take two years to win permission to open a burger joint in California, compared with a few weeks in Texas. The California Environmental Quality Act allows almost anyone to sue to block almost any project; unions use the threat of an environmental lawsuit to blackmail employers into hiring unionised workers.

Fixing these problems will be hard—Arnold Schwarzenegger couldn’t do it, for all his tough talk. Still, Mr Brown is popular and faces no serious rivals, so it is a good time to start.

See (emphasis added)

The problem with California has been government, pure and simple. It is a microcosm of the United States and the effects of big governments—which Europe should understand in spades. They are wasteful and all controlling; and Americans are waking up to the fact that government is the problem, not to the solution to most issues. The less government, the better.

In a very real sense, California is a country unto itself. Its GDP is larger than all but eight countries in dollar terms: the United States, China, Japan, Germany, France, Brazil, the UK, and Italy. Its GDP is larger than those of Russia, India, Canada, Australia, and Spain.

It is the most populous State, home to one out of eight Americans. Its natural beauty is unsurpassed; and its weather is unbeatable. Put succinctly, California has everything—and it is home to Hollywood and Silicon Valley.

Brown is a very seasoned politician. I served as a special consultant to his first administration, regarding banking and financial institution matters. He has matured a great deal since then; and Californians are fortunate to have such a “pro” as Governor again.

He understands where the “bodies are buried” in California politics like no other politician. Having served as the Mayor of Oakland, as the State’s Attorney General, and now as Governor for a second time, there is no one who can touch him politically in terms of experience and contacts.

Perhaps Brown will tackle the three problem areas outlined in the Economist article during his next term, assuming he runs for reelection again.

However, the biggest problems for California will emerge (1) when Brown leaves office, and the floodgates of big government are open wide again; and (2) when America’s economic fortunes turn sour between now and the end of this decade. While he is in office though, his fiscal constraints will serve the State and Californians well.


25 01 2014
Timothy D. Naegele

The End Of Quantitative Easing

Dorothea Lange photo of Depression-era mother

An editorial in the Wall Street Journal states:

In Warren Buffett’s famous formulation, only when the tide rolls out do you see who’s been swimming naked. So it goes in emerging markets with the skinny dippers being exposed as the Federal Reserve tapers its unprecedented bond-buying.

That’s the story of the week in global financial markets, as it becomes clear that some of the swimmers need a better workout regimen. The last few years have been good for countries such as Brazil, Turkey and Indonesia as the Fed’s low-interest-rate policies have had investors hunting for yield around the world. Any semi-respectable country without Hugo Chávez or Ayatollah Khamenei in charge could attract foreign capital. Not all of that money went to productive use. And now that the Fed seems set on drawing down the QE era, investors are hedging their bets and returning to dollar and euro assets.

The hardest hit are the countries with policies least able to stand without the Fed prop. That includes Argentina, which the Kirchner clique has run like Venezuela without the populist charm. Turkey’s lira has taken a bath amid the political showdown over corruption, a large current-account deficit, and monetary policy that has been too easy for too long. Russia’s ruble is also hitting new lows against the euro, as its economy increasingly looks like a one-act play (oil).

China is a special case because its growth jitters have more to do with the withdrawal of its own domestic financial stimulus. But China’s hints of slowdown, and the probability of a big bill for cleaning up bad debts, have spooked investors elsewhere worried that global growth may slow.

One lesson is that countries are going to have to improve their policies to attract capital. South Korea is in better shape than most in part because it has struck free-trade agreements that have made it more globally competitive. Mexico’s energy and other reforms have investors optimistic about its growth prospects and burgeoning middle class. The end of Ben Bernanke’s Fed tide will have its uses if it spurs the kind of tax, trade and investment reforms that have been put off in too many places.

The question is how much damage will be done as this global adjustment takes place. One of the conceits of the Bernanke era has been that U.S. monetary policy need only be concerned with America’s domestic economy. The rest of the world would take care of itself. This was always an illusion.

A country that runs the world’s reserve currency is also the world’s central banker, as the rude shifts in capital flows have shown. The last week’s exchange-rate gyrations are a repeat of what happened last summer when Mr. Bernanke made clear he wanted to begin tapering the Fed’s bond-buying. A few bad weeks in global markets at the time caused the Fed chief to blink in September and put off the start of tapering until December. Now the Fed is leaking that it will keep tapering at its meeting next week, probably by another $10 billion, and markets are moving again.

Will the Fed blink again? This will be Mr. Bernanke’s final meeting as chairman and it’s unlikely that the Open Market Committee will pull a surprise after the recent leaks. Mr. Bernanke will go out having set the Fed on a tapering course. But continued market ructions [or disturbances] will put the pressure on new chairman Janet Yellen, especially if they spill into U.S. stocks and affect U.S. business and consumer confidence.

Yet sooner or later the world will have to adjust to a normal monetary policy. QE and near-zero interest rates can’t last forever without running risks of even more misallocated capital and market distortions. The end of the Bernanke tide was always going to leave somebody naked, and the sooner they get dressed the better.

See (emphasis added); see also (Dorothea Lange’s historical photograph)

As I have written in the American Banker about Bernanke’s predecessor, former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan:

[He was] the architect of the enormous economic “bubble” that [] burst globally. No longer is he revered as a “potentate.” His reputation is in tatters. Giulio Tremonti, Italy’s Minister of Economy and Finance, has said:

Greenspan was considered a master. Now we must ask ourselves whether he is not, after [Osama] bin Laden, the man who hurt America the most.

That speaks volumes.

See (“Viewpoint: Greenspan’s Fingerprints All Over Enduring Mess”)

Will Bernanke’s legacy be much different? Only time will tell. However, it may be much worse than that of Greenspan, with the passage of time.

Hold on tight. Things may get very ugly and scary. The Fed has been creating “The Mother of All Bubbles.” When it bursts—which it will—2008 may seem like child’s play, and a full-blown depression may emerge.

See (“Fed Is Creating The Mother of All Bubbles“); see also (“Bernanke Leaves Fed with Record Balance Sheet of $4,102,138,000,000“) and (“There are eerie parallels between the stock market’s recent behavior and how it behaved right before the 1929 crash“)

. . .

What will happen with the stock market? One thing is certain: it is a “fool’s paradise,” especially for novices.

See, e.g., (“Bernie Madoff: The Market Is A Whole Rigged Job, And There’s No Chance That Investors Have In This Market“)


29 01 2014
Timothy D. Naegele

The EU Is Animal Farm In Europe: Authoritarian Lawlessness!

Animal Farm in America

The EU was a mistake; and it was destined not to flourish.

It has become a bureaucratic nightmare, seeking more and more power (e.g., such as its own military), and stretching its tentacles far and wide—in an attempt to strangle everything in its path, and to grotesquely accrete more power and control.

See, e.g., (“EU to force Britons to publish details of wills and property“) and,7,121,122,201,401,641,1009 (“EU Pushes to Globalize Internet Governance“)

In a very real sense, it is George Orwell’s “Animal Farm”: Authoritarian Lawlessness!

In the beginning of Orwell’s classic novel, all of the animals were equal. However, as things evolved, the pigs became supreme; and they dictated to the other animals—because they considered themselves wiser and superior.

This describes the EU’s bureaucrats. It is government gone berserk!

Barack Obama and his administration are similar, but the American people have had their fill of him already.

See, e.g., (“Animal Farm In America: Authoritarian Lawlessness!”) and (“Americans Finally Wake Up To Who Barack Obama Really Is”) (see also the article itself, as well as the other comments beneath it)

The idea that the EU would become the “United States of Europe” was a fantasy and flawed. At best, the EU is a loose confederation of independent countries, which the EU bureaucrats seek to eliminate.

When economic problems increase, which they will—it is only a function of time—things will get very ugly in Europe!

See (“The End Of Quantitative Easing”); see also (“Europe Will Remain Economically Depressed And Crisis Ridden For A Long Time To Come”) and (“The Wheels Are Coming Off The Whole Of Southern Europe”) and (“Will The EU’s Collapse Push The World Deeper Into The Great Depression II?”)


13 02 2014
Timothy D. Naegele

World Asleep As China Tightens Deflationary Vise

The UK Telegraph‘s International Business Editor in London, Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, has written:

China’s Xi Jinping has cast the die. After weighing up the unappetising choice before him for a year, he has picked the lesser of two poisons.

The balance of evidence is that [the] most powerful Chinese leader since Mao Zedong aims to prick China’s $24 trillion credit bubble early in his 10-year term, rather than putting off the day of reckoning for yet another cycle.

This may be well-advised for China, but the rest of the world seems remarkably nonchalant over the implications. Brazil, Russia, South Africa, and the commodity bloc are already in the cross-hairs.

“China is getting serious about deleveraging,” says Patrick Legland and Wei Yao from Societe Generale. “It is difficult to gently deflate a bubble. There is a very real possibility that this slow deflation may get out of control and lead to a hard landing.”

Zhang Yichen from CITIC Capital said the denouement will be a ratchet effect since China has capital controls and banks are an arm of the state, but that does not make it benign. “They are trying to deleverage without blowing the whole thing up. The US couldn’t contain Lehman contagion, but in China all contracts can be renegotiated, so it is very hard to have a domino effect. We’ll see a slow deflating of the bubble,” he said.

What is clear is that we are dealing with a credit expansion of unprecedented scale, equal in size to the US and Japanese banking systems combined. The outcome may matter more for the world than anything that the US Federal Reserve does over coming months under Janet Yellen, well signalled in any case.

Societe Generale has defined its hard landing as a fall in Chinese growth to a trough of 2pc, with two quarters of contraction. This would cause a 30pc slide in Chinese equities, a 50pc crash in copper prices, and a drop in Brent crude to $75. “Investors are still underestimating the risk. Chinese credit and, to a lesser extent, equity markets would be very vulnerable,” said the bank.

Such an outcome—not their base case—would send a deflationary impulse through the global system. This would come on top of the delayed fall-out from China’s $5 trillion investment in plant and fixed capital last year, matching the US and Europe together, and far too much for the world economy to absorb.

The effects of this on large parts of Latin America, Africa, the Middle East, and core Eurasia would hit before offsetting benefits accrued to consumers in the West. Such commodity shocks are “asymmetric” at first. Southern Europe would fall over the edge into deflation, pushing Italy, Portugal, and Spain deeper into a debt compound trap.

China did of course blink in January when the authorities stepped in to cover the $500m liabilities of the trust fund, “Credit Equals Gold No. 1”. It is the fifth trust rescue in opaque circumstances in recent weeks. Yet it would be hasty to conclude that President Xi is backing away from his Third Plenum vows to end to the bad old ways.

The central bank (PBOC) is tightening methodically, allowing the benchmark 7-day repo rate to ratchet up by 200 basis points to 5.21pc over the last year. It drained a further $50bn from the system this week.

Its latest quarterly report has turned hawkish, even though producer prices are in steep deflation, and the M2 money supply is slowing. It complains that “reliance on debt is still rising” and that “hidden risks in the financial sphere require attention”.

Zhiwei Zhang from Nomura says China has entered a “prolonged period of policy tightening” that will push up bank lending rates by as much as 90bp this quarter, leading to a chain of defaults.

The tell-tale signs are obvious in the central bank’s handling of reverse repos and maturing bills. The yield on corporate AA 1-year bonds has jumped 272 basis points to 7.15pc since June. “We think the PBOC intends to raise the whole spectrum of interest rates to push deleveraging,” he said.

This will be a rough ride. JP Morgan’s Haibin Zhu says the shadow banking system alone has jumped from $2.4 to $7.7 trillion since 2010, and is now 84pc of GDP. To put this in perspective, the total US subprime debacle was $1.2 trillion.

Haibin Zhu says there is mounting risk of “systemic spillover”. Two thirds of the $2 trillion of wealth products must be rolled over every three months. A third of trust funds mature this year. “The liquidity stress could evolve into a full-blown credit crisis,” he said.

Officials from the International Monetary Fund say privately that total credit in China has grown by almost 100pc of GDP to 230pc, once you include exotic instruments and off-shore dollar lending. The comparable jump in Japan over the five years before the Nikkei bubble burst was less than 50pc of GDP.

The transmission channel to the global banking system is through Hong Kong and Macao. Bejing’s credit squeeze is causing a scramble for off-shore dollar credit to plug the gap. It is this that keeps global regulators awake at night, for foreign currency loans to Chinese companies have jumped from $270bn to an estimated $1.1bn since 2009.

The Bank for International Settlements says dollar loans have been growing “very rapidly and may give rise to substantial financial stability risks”, enough to send tremors across the world.

The BIS data shows that British-based banks—a broad-term, including branches of US and Mid-East outfits—are up to their necks in this. They hold a quarter of all cross-border bank exposure to China. By contrast, German, Dutch, French and other European banks have cut their share from 32pc to 14pc as they retrench to shore up capital ratios at home.

This may be why the Bank of England’s Mark Carney warned before Christmas that the “parallel banking sector in the big developing countries” now poses the greatest risk to global finance. Officials at the Bank recently showed him an unsettling report by the Hong Kong Monetary Authority on China’s off-shore loan risks.

Charlene Chu, Fitch’s China veteran and now at Autonomous in Beijing, told The Telegraph last week that these dollar debts were large enough to set off a fresh global crisis if mishandled.

Whether this unfolds depends entirely on how the world responds. One can hardly be sanguine. Raghuram Rajan, India’s rock star central bank chief, says global co-ordination has “broken down”. Turkey, Brazil, and South Africa, among others, are tightening into economic downturns to defend their currencies. Others are distracted by their own political struggles at home.

The Fed’s Janet Yellen can hardly back away from bond tapering as her first order of business, even though US data has turned soggy. She has to shake off her (unmerited) reputation as a dove. Besides, most Fed governors are on the warpath against asset bubbles.

They may be right, but bear in mind that the growth rate of America’s M2 money supply has halved over the last year. It might have contracted since April without $85bn of bond purchases by the Fed each month.

The European Central Bank is paralysed after the German constitutional court read the riot act last Friday, strongly suggesting that its bond rescue plan (OMT) is Ultra Vires and a violation of “monetary financing”.

The ECB cannot easily carry out quantitative easing to cushion a deflationary shock in the teeth of such a judgment, even if QE is a different tool. In German politics they are the same.

The decision came disguised as a referral to the European Court, but was in reality a warning shot, as former judge Udo di Fabio has more or less said. The German court cannot stop the ECB buying bonds but it can stop the Bundesbank from taking part, and must do so if actions are Ultra Vires. That is enough.

So we keep our fingers crossed as we glimpse the first foam of a deflationary Ch’ient’ang’kian coming our way from China. The world’s central banks have no margin for error.

See (emphasis added); see also (“The End Of Quantitative Easing“) and (“US v China: Is This The New Cold War?“)

Hold on tight. Things may get very ugly, globally.


13 02 2014

2014 is shaping up to be a very interesting year indeed. As one considers all the potentially disastrous scenarios, it is difficult to imagine how the global economy will be able to continue to avoid a catastrophe much longer. Hope for the best; prepare for the worst!


13 02 2014
Timothy D. Naegele

Thank you for your comments as always, Ray.

I agree completely; however, as you know, it is impossible to predict with certainty when things will “break.” I thought it would happen before now, although it seems that a “perfect storm” is forming, which may prove to be more damaging globally than the Great Depression of the last century.

Americans and others around the world are suffering already; however, this is just be beginning. When it breaks, my belief is that housing prices will plummet; and those with cash will be able to “bottom feed.”


14 02 2014
Timothy D. Naegele

The Eurozone Crisis Is Just Getting Started

End of eurozone

This issue has been discussed above already.

See, e.g., (“The EU Is Animal Farm In Europe: Authoritarian Lawlessness!“) and (“The End Of Quantitative Easing“) and (“Fed Is Creating The Mother of All Bubbles“)

Jeremy Warner has added in the UK’s Telegraph:

The project to impose political union is bringing economic ruin, making the legitimacy of the EU project ever more vulnerable.

On the face of it, they seem worlds apart. Switzerland’s referendum vote against the free movement of labour, the ruling by the German Constitutional Court on the European Central Bank’s (ECB) attempts to save the euro, and the warning to Scotland that it won’t be allowed to keep the pound if it votes for independence these might seem unrelated, but in truth they are all part of an increasingly explosive stand-off between the forces of national sovereignty on the one hand, and political and economic integration on the other.

With elections in May likely to give rise to the most Eurosceptic parliament in the EU’s history, Europe’s long-running financial and economic crisis is threatening to spill over into an all-encompassing political one. According to Berlin and Brussels, Europe’s dark night of the soul its most serious crisis since the Second World War is now essentially behind us, with the promise of a slowly recovering economy and renewed political harmony to come. To my mind, it has hardly begun. Europe’s epic attempt to impose political union on widely divergent countries is being broken on the back of economic hardship, popular discontent, and financial disintegration.

Virtually all successful currency unions start with political union, and then proceed through shared insurance, institutions, and fiscal arrangements to a common form of exchange. Europe, it hardly needs saying, is trying to do it the other way round; it has forced monetary union on an unsuspecting public, and now, via the resulting financial crisis, hopes to bulldoze through the shared fiscal and political arrangements that might eventually make it work, culminating ultimately in a United States of Europe.

Supporters of Scottish independence propose a still stranger approach. They want to scrap what hitherto has proved a relatively successful political and fiscal union but, for the time being at least, keep the pound. Yesterday, George Osborne, Ed Balls, Sir Nicholas Macpherson and other members of the Westminster elite came together to deliver the inevitable verdict: the Scots cannot have national sovereignty as well as monetary union with the rest of the UK, whatever fiscal rules might be put in place to help sustain such an unstable construct. They must choose between self-rule and economic union.

It is a similar choice that now faces Switzerland, and indeed, Europe as a whole. Even in Germany, which so far has largely escaped the ravages of the eurozone crisis, the schism is becoming ever more apparent.

Last week, the German Constitutional Court did a remarkable thing; it outsourced final assessment of the ECB’s policy of doing “whatever it takes to save the euro” to the European Court of Justice (ECJ). This seemingly innocuous passing of the buck can be read two ways. To believers in the European project, it’s a positive development which removes a key threat to evolution of the single currency into a more sustainable form. Germany seems to have given up its right to veto whatever it deems to be monetary financing of struggling governments, and instead given the final say to the ECJ, which because it nearly always adopts an integrationist approach, is almost certain to give the thumbs up.

But there is a less benign way of looking at the German court’s ruling, for it contained a sting in the tail. Yes, the ECJ must decide, but the judges then went on to say that the ECB’s policies did indeed amount to monetary financing and were therefore in all probability illegal.

Next to God and the Bundesbank, there is no higher or more trusted authority in Germany than the Constitutional Court, so when the ECJ determines to contradict it, there’s going to be an almighty backlash. German acquiescence in the euro will begin to fracture.

In countries more obviously affected by the euro’s financial crisis, disillusionment with the European project and its institutions is already extreme. Traditional centrist parties are finding it ever harder to hold the line.

One of the points made in the Treasury’s analysis of Scotland and the pound is that if political commitment to currency union is thought to be lacking, then financial speculation against it will become self-fulfilling, creating capital flight, reinforcing economic problems and increasing the pressures for an exit.

In the eurozone, the will among senior policymakers to make the single currency work is undoubted, but they are increasingly out of touch with voters and are steadily losing their legitimacy. This progressive disconnect between the mainstream political class and its support base was at its most evident in reaction to the outcome of the Swiss referendum. Immediate retaliation was threatened. A similar kind of invective is reserved for British proposals to limit labour migration.

Yet Europe’s elite must know that all high-income countries would vote the same way as the Swiss given the chance. The arrogance of political leaders who think they know better may have been tolerable as long as Europe was growing. But today they deliver only economic ruin, making their position, and the legitimacy of the EU project, ever more vulnerable.

Stir all this together, and we see a possibly irresistible pull back to the principles of national sovereignty at a time when survival of the euro requires the very reverse greater levels of fiscal, political and economic integration. A titanic struggle looms. And they say the eurozone crisis is over.

See (emphasis added)

As I wrote in the first comment cited above—entitled “The EU Is Animal Farm In Europe: Authoritarian Lawlessness!”:

The idea that the EU would become the “United States of Europe” was a fantasy and flawed. At best, the EU is a loose confederation of independent countries, which the EU bureaucrats seek to eliminate.

When economic problems increase, which they will—it is only a function of time—things will get very ugly in Europe!



22 02 2014
Timothy D. Naegele

New View Into Fed’s Response to Crisis [UPDATED]


According to the Wall Street Journal:

Two days after U.S. officials decided to let Lehman Brothers collapse in September 2008, and just before the Federal Reserve unleashed a torrent of programs to bolster the financial system, central-bank officials were still struggling to grasp the magnitude of the calamity that had hit the economy.

“I think that our policy is looking actually pretty good,” Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke said of the level of interest rates at a closed-door Fed policy meeting on Sept. 16, 2008, according to transcripts of its policy meetings that were released Friday after the traditional five-year lag.

Officials decided at the meeting to hold interest rates steady at 2%. It was one of Mr. Bernanke’s last moments of passivity in the financial crisis.

As he spoke, the Fed was moving ahead with plans to help bail out American International Group Inc., the large failing insurer seen as crucial to the financial system. Within days Mr. Bernanke and Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson would go to Congress and make an urgent plea for a bank-bailout plan. By year-end, the Fed chairman had pushed a still-hesitant central bank toward an unprecedented experiment with easy-money policies aimed at reviving the economy.

The Fed transcripts, 1,865 pages documenting one of the most turbulent economic times in the nation’s history, covered eight formal and six emergency policy meetings the central bank conducted in 2008. They provide the most complete view yet into developments inside the nation’s central bank as the financial crisis worsened and threatened to plunge the U.S. into another Great Depression.

Among their revelations: Mr. Bernanke and his Fed colleagues spent much of the year scrambling to catch up with worsening financial turmoil and economic conditions, sometimes moving aggressively only to be surprised when conditions deteriorated again.

Officials acted boldly in January 2008, but spent much of the spring and summer hamstrung by uncertainty, disagreement and an unexpected inflation jump. In the months after that September meeting, Mr. Bernanke transformed from mild-mannered former professor into an audacious crisis manager, pushing for more-aggressive policies and arguing more forcefully with other officials.

Sometimes gallows humor carried them through difficult decisions.

“An accounting joke concerning the balance sheets of many financial institutions is now making the rounds,” Janet Yellen, then president of the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, said at one point. “On the left-hand side, nothing is right; and on the right-hand side, nothing is left.”

Ms. Yellen, who became Fed chairwoman on Feb. 1, emerges in the transcripts as a loyal ally of Mr. Bernanke. She was often presciently worried about unfolding developments, and among the first to call a recession, but in some instances she was wrong about how the crisis would play out and in others unprepared to push Mr. Bernanke any further than he was ready to go.

On Jan. 9, he convened an unscheduled conference call to discuss the worsening economic outlook with colleagues. He had staff circulate a draft policy announcement in case officials wanted to cut rates that day. “I have become increasingly concerned that our policy rate is too high to fully address the downside risks to growth,” he told his colleagues.

Fed officials held off from acting at that meeting, but then raced to cut rates less than two weeks later in another unscheduled meeting. “We are behind the curve,” Mr. Bernanke said at the unscheduled Jan. 21 meeting, at which the Fed cut its benchmark short-term interest rate by three-fourths of a percentage point to 3.5%. “We need to do something.”

Ms. Yellen backed him. “The risk of a severe recession and credit crisis is unacceptably high,” she said. By March she said she suspected a recession had already begun.

At another meeting in January, Mr. Bernanke lamented, “during the past few months I think a perception has developed that we are tentative and indecisive and are not communicating clearly enough to the markets and to the public.”

Exchanges between officials got occasionally testy, especially after Mr. Bernanke’s decision to help J.P. Morgan Chase & Co. finance the rescue buyout of Bear Stearns in mid-March.

On April 29, New York Fed President Timothy Geithner rebuked Dallas Fed President Richard Fisher for pondering whether the Fed should try to engineer a stronger dollar with tight credit policies. “This speculation is perilous,” said Mr. Geithner, who sometimes sparred with the Fed’s wing of policy “hawks” who opposed easy-money policies. He warned it was too hard to try and maneuver the currency given the circumstances.

A day later, Philadelphia Fed President Charles Plosser, another hawk, exchanged sharp words with Mr. Geithner about interest-rate policy. “Excuse me.” Mr. Plosser said to Mr. Geithner. “Make sure that you say you’re speaking for yourself, not for me, in terms of how I think about policy.”

In June, Mr. Bernanke gently chastised Mr. Fisher for voting against a decision to keep interest rates steady in the face of rising inflation. The Fed acknowledged in its statement it was alert to inflation risks, as Mr. Fisher wanted, but he also wanted a rate hike. “I’m disappointed that President Fisher is going to vote against his own language,” Mr. Bernanke said.

Amid the jousting, some Fed officials became convinced after the Bear Stearns buyout that the worst was over. Frederic Mishkin, a Fed governor, said in April that it looked like the financial system had “turned the corner.”

Ms. Yellen often weighed in with warnings of risks to the economy from increasing financial strain. But in the summer, as commodities prices soared, driving inflation temporarily higher, she misstepped, suggesting the Fed was more likely to raise interest rates than lower them in the months ahead.

“Our next move on the funds rate is likely to be up, and the question is when,” she said at a June 25 meeting, at which officials decided to hold interest rates steady at 2%. “I would envision beginning to remove policy accommodation toward the end of this year.”

Outside of the Fed, however, events were spiraling out of control. Government officials had begun worrying about the rapidly deteriorating health of mortgage giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. Lehman Brothers was struggling in its efforts to raise capital.

Mr. Bernanke wasn’t comfortable. “I agree certainly that the crisis atmosphere that we saw in March has receded markedly, but I do not yet rule out the possibility of a systemic event,” he said at the June meeting. “We have considerable concerns about Lehman Brothers, for example.”

In July, as the financial system teetered, officials looked on as the consumer-price index shot up to 5.5% from a year earlier, pushed up by soaring commodities prices.

At the Sept. 16 meeting, the Fed again decided to keep its short-term interest rate steady at 2%. Mr. Bernanke said the Fed didn’t have enough information at that point about the fallout from Lehman’s collapse to justify cutting interest rates. “It is simply premature,” he said.

Ms. Yellen went along with Mr. Bernanke’s decision at the September meeting to keep rates steady, but she warned: “I am very concerned about downside risks to the real economy and think that inflation risk is diminished.”

Other Fed officials were deeply worried.

“We took a calculated bet,” Boston Fed President Eric Rosengren said of the decision to allow Lehman Brothers to fail. “If we have a run on the money-market funds or if the nongovernment tri-party repo market shuts down, that bet may not look nearly so good.”

Two days later, as markets went into a tailspin and the Fed moved to bail out AIG, Messrs. Bernanke and Paulson went to Congress and urged lawmakers to support a bailout for the U.S. banking system.

Looking back on the period last month at an interview at the Brookings Institution, Mr. Bernanke described the September period as the most intense for him in the crisis. “I was so absorbed in what was happening and trying to find a response to it,” he said. He likened it to a car wreck. “You’re mostly involved in trying to avoid going off the bridge; and then later on you say, ‘Oh, my God.’ ”

He said the Fed’s actions, along with the bank bailouts and fiscal stimulus, halted the crisis.

By year-end the Fed had cut interest rates to near zero, announced plans to start buying government-backed mortgage-backed securities, and set up programs to prop up money-market funds and the commercial-paper market and individual banks such as Citigroup Inc.

A more combative Fed chairman also had laid the groundwork for major shifts in the Fed’s approach to monetary policy, abandoning incremental interest-rate cuts and moving toward a range of unconventional new policies including bond-buying programs that would become his signature over the next five years.

“We are at a historic juncture—both for the U.S. economy and for the Federal Reserve,” Mr. Bernanke told his colleagues at a Dec. 16 meeting when the Fed cut rates to near zero. “The financial and economic crisis is severe despite extraordinary efforts not only by the Federal Reserve but also by other policy makers here and around the world. With respect to monetary policy, we are at this point moving away from the standard interest rate targeting approach and, of necessity, moving toward new approaches.”

When challenged by others, the normally placid Fed chairman pushed back.

“You must be thinking whether this means that in every moderate-sized recession henceforth we’ll view the Federal Reserve’s best policy…” Richmond Fed President Jeffrey Lacker started in one exchange.

Mr. Bernanke cut him off. “It’s not a moderate recession, and it’s not a normal financial downturn,” he said.

In a speech Friday, after the release of the transcripts, Mr. Lacker argued further against the Fed’s “impulse to intervene” throughout the financial crisis. Financial instability was worsened, he said, by expectations in the markets that the Fed would always provide a backstop.

Ms. Yellen emerged as one of Mr. Bernanke’s most enthusiastic supporters. “I wholeheartedly support the many actions that have been taken to increase liquidity in the financial system, as well as those designed to increase credit availability and lower borrowing costs,” she said.

See (emphasis added); see also (“The Eurozone Crisis Is Just Getting Started“) and (“World Asleep As China Tightens Deflationary Vise“) and (“The EU Is Animal Farm In Europe: Authoritarian Lawlessness!“) and (“The End Of Quantitative Easing“) and (“The Higher Home Prices Rise, The Farther They Will Fall When The Bubble Bursts“) and (“Fed Is Creating The Mother of All Bubbles“) and (“The Pygmy Putin Rules Over A Third World Country, Russia“) and (“China’s Speculative Bubble“) (“Euphoria or the Obama Depression?“) and (“Greenspan’s Fingerprints All Over Enduring Mess“)

The New York Times has a different take on these events that is discussed in an article entitled “Fed Misread Fiscal Crisis, Records Show,” which states in pertinent part:

The hundreds of pages of transcripts, based on recordings made at the time, reveal the ignorance of Fed officials about economic conditions during the climactic months of the financial crisis. Officials repeatedly fretted about overstimulating the economy, only to realize time and again that they needed to redouble efforts to contain the crisis.

The Fed’s chairman at the time, Ben S. Bernanke, was unusually clearsighted in warning of the risk of a severe recession as the nation entered into a presidential election year. But he struggled to persuade his colleagues, and at crucial junctures he did not push forcefully for stronger action.

The Fed’s current chairwoman, Janet L. Yellen, then the president of the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, was even more alarmed by the deterioration of economic conditions. She and Eric Rosengren, president of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston, are the most forceful and persistent advocates for stronger action in the transcripts. But they, too, underestimated the downturn until the final months of 2008.

. . . By the end of 2008, the Fed had reduced short-term interest rates nearly to zero for the first time since the Great Depression, and it had become a primary source of funding not just for the global financial system but for American homeowners and for companies that made food and cars.

. . .

In normal times, the Fed is a powerful but somnolent institution, charged with keeping a steady hand on the rudder of the economy. It moves interest rates up and down to moderate inflation and minimize unemployment. But beginning in 2007, it was forced to take on a far more challenging role as the central backstop for the global financial system.

The Fed’s understanding of the crisis, however, was clouded by its reliance on indicators that tend to miss sharp changes in conditions. The government initially estimated, for example, that the economy expanded in the first half of 2008 because it basically assumed that some economic trends, like the pace of business creation, had continued apace. The Fed also relied on economic models that assumed the existence of smoothly functioning financial markets, limiting its ability to project the consequences of a breakdown. And the outlook of Fed officials also reflected a deeply ingrained bias to worry more about the risk of inflation than the reality of rising unemployment.

As Fed officials gathered on Sept. 16 at their marble headquarters in Washington for a previously scheduled meeting, stock markets were in free fall. Housing prices had been collapsing for two years, and unemployment was climbing.

Yet most officials did not see clear evidence of a broad crisis. They expected the economy to grow slowly in 2008 and then more quickly in 2009.

. . .

In the succeeding weeks, as evidence of a downturn became unmistakable, the Fed would announce a seemingly endless series of programs to buttress the economy, leading Fed officials to joke about the resulting alphabet soup of acronyms.

In early October, a few weeks after the decision to stand pat, the Fed convened an unscheduled meeting to cut interest rates in an action coordinated with other major central banks.

“It’s more than obvious that we have an extraordinary situation,” Mr. Bernanke told colleagues.

“I should say that this comes as a surprise to me,” he said. “I very much expected that we could stay at 2 percent for a long time, and then when the economy began to recover, we could begin to normalize interest rates. But clearly things have gone off in a direction that is quite worrisome.”

He closed on a prescient note, telling the committee that he did not expect that monetary policy could solve the problem, but that the Fed should not be hesitant to use the tools that it had.

By the end of the year, the Fed had cut interest rates nearly to zero and started to buy mortgage bonds in a further effort to stimulate the housing market and the broader economy. More than five years later, it is still pursuing both policies even as the economic recovery remains incomplete.

Some Fed officials have argued that the Fed was blind in 2008 because it relied, like everyone else, on a standard set of economic indicators.

. . .

By early March, the Fed was moving to replace investors as a source of funding for Wall Street.

Financial firms, particularly in the mortgage business, were beginning to fail because they could not borrow money. Investors had lost confidence in their ability to predict which loans would be repaid. Countrywide Financial, the nation’s largest mortgage lender, sold itself for a relative pittance to Bank of America. Bear Stearns, one of the largest packagers and sellers of mortgage-backed securities, was teetering toward collapse.

On March 7, the Fed offered companies up to $200 billion in funding. Three days later, Mr. Bernanke secured the Fed policy-making committee’s approval to double that amount to $400 billion, telling his colleagues, “We live in a very special time.”

Finally, on March 16, the Fed effectively removed any limit on Wall Street funding even as it arranged the Bear Stearns rescue.

. . . By the third week of September, it was clear that Mr. Bernanke was right: Things could be worse. The financial crisis had arrived, as Ernest Hemingway once wrote of bankruptcy, “Gradually and then suddenly.”

See (emphasis added)

The Fed is the best of America’s financial regulatory agencies, as well as the most respected central bank in the world.

In choosing which agency to administer the Anti-Tying Provision of the Bank Holding Company Act that I wrote when I worked in the United States Senate, I chose the Fed without any hesitation or reservations. I have never changed my opinion in that regard.

See, e.g., (“The Bank Holding Company Act’s Anti-Tying Provision: 35 Years Later”)

However, the Fed’s Governors are human beings and not infallible. According to Investor Jim Rogers:

“These are not very smart people,” he said of U.S. central bankers such as outgoing Fed chair Ben Bernanke and Janet Yellen. “They are government bureaucrats and they think like government bureaucrats.”

Regardless, they have tried to do their best under very trying circumstances, which are likely to get even worse before the end of this decade.

The Fed has been creating “The Mother of All Bubbles,” as cited above; and when it bursts this time, 2008 may seem like child’s play. The number of Americans in poverty will climb dramatically, as it did during the Great Depression of the last century.

. . .

Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, the UK Telegraph‘s International Business Editor in London, has added:

[T]here are two very good reasons to ask whether QE has been a dangerous gamble.

1) It has played a key part in driving inequality to obscene extremes. You don’t have to be a Leftist to see that this is a danger to social cohesion. Any Burkean conservative worth his salt must see the danger as well.

Burke justified inequality that stemmed from “the nature of things” but what is happening now is of an entirely different character. It is not supporting a civilised order of mutually binding obligations, it is polluting society and poses a slow threat to democracy.

2) As the Bank for International Settlements has warned, QE is creating yet another speculative house of cards that sits precariously on a dysfunctional global economy that has never fully recovered. (Due to excess capacity, the China effect).

If and when it bursts, we may find that the deflationary wave has grown even larger and will come crashing down on our heads with yet greater ferocity.


. . .

Hold on tight. Things will get very ugly and scary between now and the end of this decade!

See also (“Vladimir Putin’s Goals Reach Far Beyond The Crimean Peninsula”) and (“US v China: Is This The New Cold War?”) and (“Portrait Of A Butcher: Kim Jong-un Is North Korea’s Stalin”)


25 02 2014
Timothy D. Naegele

American Leadership Is Missing

The New York Sun has an editorial that is worth reading, entitled “The American Option”:

It’s one of the most consarned things we’ve ever seen. The revolution in Ukraine is being levied by a citizenry desperate to move out of the orbit of Russia and to become part of the European Union. Yet on the other side of Europe a movement is building for Great Britain to exit the Europe Union and return to English ideas of liberty. Why in the name of George Washington isn’t any American leader—the President, the Secretary of State, the chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, the leader of the opposition—why isn’t someone making the case for an American option?

These columns have been banging on this drum for years now, most recently in May, when we read a headline in the London Financial Times that said: “Obama warns Cameron that Britain would lose influence in the US if it pulls out of EU.” Mr. Obama was then publicly advising Prime Minister Cameron to try to “fix what’s broken” in the European Union rather than pull out. That amounted, we noted in our editorial, to an intervention by Mr. Obama into Britain’s domestic political situation.

That was a reference to the United Kingdom Independence Party that has been challenging Mr. Cameron’s government over Europe. The party forced Mr. Cameron to promise, in January 2013, that if the Conservatives won the next election, a referendum would be held on whether Britain should stay in the European Union. The next election is now little more than a year off, so the question gets hotter, particularly since almost every poll taken in the past year has found more people favored a British exit, or “Brixit,” as it has come to be known. Just the other week the Guardian described the referendum with the word “time bomb.”

Why should it be America’s policy to oppose this? Why should the maundering socialists of Europe be the only option for countries ambitious of freedom? Has America no longer anything—no combination of trade relationships, common language, shared heritage of liberty—to offer in the way of a new pact cementing the special relationship? Can we not think of a way to invite into such a pact other countries who share our values, maybe someday even a free Ukraine that has been tested by time and revolution?

This idea has been met with some derision. . . . The idea that in the Era of Obama, with America in retreat and with our economy hobbled by a dysfunctional system of justice and a hectoring intelligentsia . . . well, let us just say that . . . the American idea as it is now practiced would be a hard sell in Europe.

For our part, we would respond that it’s a question of leadership. Right now, our president is being urged on nearly every quarter to make threats and bluster in respect of Kiev that he has no intention of keeping. He’s like an “oh, dear” in the headlights. He couldn’t even raise a political mandate for an attack on Syria in the midst of its massacre of its own people. How is he going to make a credible threat in the back yard of the Kremlin? The Republicans themselves are hobbled by a rift between the neo-conservative heroes of the Cold War and the libertarian wing that is wary of war and expeditions.

Well, here is an opportunity for both of them. While the Democrats wage their campaign to reduce the Army of the United States to pre-World War II levels, let us engage with the ideas of liberty. Surely something can be put together that is better for the aspiring Ukrainians than the dirigisme of Brussels. Surely the Britons who are polling so consistently that they want out of the trap of the European Union need not be met with opposition from the White House. Surely America can find something to offer other than hollow threats or paeans to retreat. We’d like to think it’s a job that could unite such champions as Rand Paul, Paul Ryan, and Paul Gigot.

See (emphasis added)

This is an excellent editorial. However, it flies in the face of everything that Barack Obama is and stands for.

He was raised in Hawaii and Indonesia, and only came to the American mainland when he attended Occidental College in Los Angeles. He does not believe in American exceptionalism. Rather, he believes in “global exceptionalism,” and the notion of a pan-global government, perhaps under the leadership of the United Nations.


After World War II, the United States achieved what this editorial is suggesting . . . and much of the world flourished. Obama is going in the opposite direction. He is not the American leader to achieve this. Paul Ryan is not either. After all, he could not even carry his own State for Mitt Romney in 2012.

Ironically, Romney might be the American leader whose beliefs and accomplishments come closest to emulating what this editorial is suggesting.

According to the latest Gallup polling: “Forty-two percent of Americans, on average, identified as political independents in 2013, the highest Gallup has measured since it began conducting interviews by telephone 25 years ago.”

See (see also the article itself, as well as the other comments beneath it)

Americans are thirsty for the type of leadership that this editorial suggests, but they are not finding it. And there is no question that the revolution in Ukraine presents considerable opportunities; the United States has a dysfunctional system of justice; Obama and his Democrats are waging their campaign to weaken our military; the EU has severe problems; the brutal Putin’s Russia is teetering economically; and China is challenging American leadership globally.

See, e.g., (“Ukraine Is On the Verge Of War And Putin Is To Blame”) and (“Justice And The Law Do Not Mix”) and (“Barack Obama Is Gutting Our Military Forces, Which Will Affect Our National Security For Decades To Come”) and (“The Eurozone Crisis Is Just Getting Started”) and (“How Long Can Killer Putin Figure Skate While The Ice Beneath Him Melts?”) and (“US v China: Is This The New Cold War?”)


3 03 2014
Timothy D. Naegele

The Defining Hour For Barack Obama And His Presidency

Destroy Putin

As discussed in earlier comments: “Does Barack Obama Have Any Guts At All, Or Is He Nothing More Than An Empty Suit?”


The Wall Street Journal has said essentially the same things, in an editorial entitled “Putin Declares War,” which should be read and reread:

Vladimir Putin’s Russia seized Ukraine’s Crimean peninsula by force on the weekend and now has his sights on the rest of his Slavic neighbor. The brazen aggression brings the threat of war to the heart of Europe for the first time since the end of the Cold War. The question now is what President Obama and free Europe are going to do about it.

With a swiftness and organization that suggests the plans were hatched weeks ago, Mr. Putin is moving to carve up Ukraine after Russia’s satrap in Kiev, former President Viktor Yanukovych, was deposed in a popular democratic uprising. Russian troops have invaded Ukraine’s territory and now control all border crossings, ports and airports in Crimea. The Kremlin’s rubber-stamp parliament on Saturday approved Russian military intervention anywhere in Ukraine, which is nothing less than a declaration of war. The new government in Kiev responded by putting forces on high alert.


This is a crisis made entirely in Moscow. Speaking the day Mr. Yanukovych fled his palace in Kiev, Mr. Putin lied to President Obama about Russia’s actions and intentions. So did his foreign minister, Sergei Lavrov, in calls with Secretary of State John Kerry. If the blitzkrieg succeeds, Russia’s assault could end Ukraine’s 22-year history as a unitary independent state. The peaceful European order that the U.S. has paid such a high price to establish after the collapse of the Soviet Union is also in danger.

Entering his 15th year in power, Mr. Putin has never concealed his ambition to recreate Russia’s regional hegemony. He has replaced Soviet Marxism with ultra-nationalism, contempt for the West and a form of crony state capitalism. He bit off chunks of Georgia in 2008 and paid no price, but Ukraine’s 46 million people and territory on the border of NATO are a bigger prize. His updated Brezhnev Doctrine seeks to entrench authoritarianism in client states and prevent them from joining free Europe.

By Saturday, it was clear that a Russian-held Crimea is only stage one. The upper house of parliament in Moscow unanimously approved the declaration of war, and thousands of pro-Russian demonstrators turned out in the industrial cities of Kharkiv and Donetsk in eastern Ukraine to demand Moscow’s protection. As in Crimea on Thursday, armed men stormed local government buildings and replaced the Ukrainian flag with Russia’s.

The eastern regions of Ukraine are Russian speaking but they voted handily for Ukrainian independence in 1991. No serious separatist movement existed there before this weekend. The local business tycoons, who run politics there, had dropped their support for Mr. Yanukovych and backed the new national government. But Kiev has limited control over military units and police, making the east a tempting target for Mr. Putin to install his own men in power.

Ukraine borders four of America’s NATO allies, who are watching closely how the U.S. and the rest of Europe respond. The U.S. has for more than two decades championed Ukraine’s independence as crucial to European security. In exchange for Kiev’s difficult decision in 1994 to hand over its nuclear weapons to Russia, the U.S., along with Britain and Moscow, promised to assure Ukraine’s territorial integrity in the so-called Budapest Memorandum. Russia is now in breach of this agreement.

Ukraine has neglected its military, spending a little over 1% of GDP on defense, and would be an underdog against Russia. But with some 150,000 soldiers and a million reserves, it wouldn’t be a pushover. The interim government in Kiev, which was appointed by the elected parliament on Thursday, needs to establish control over the chain of command and mobilize forces. Any attempt to retake Crimea would likely fail, but the imminent threat is in the east.

Mr. Putin spoke by telephone to President Obama for 90 minutes on Saturday and was bluntly honest for a change. “In case of any further spread of violence to Eastern Ukraine and Crimea, Russia retains the right to protect its interests and the Russian-speaking population of those areas,” the Kremlin said in its readout of the conversation.

A White House statement on the call said the U.S. “condemns” the Crimean takeover and called it a “breach of international law.” That will have the Kremlin quaking. The only concrete U.S. action was to suspend participation in preparations for June’s G-8 summit in Sochi. Seriously? Mr. Obama and every Western leader ought to immediately pull the plug on that junket and oust Russia from the club of democracies.

There’s more the West can do, notwithstanding the media counsel of defeat that it “has few options.” Russia today is not the isolated Soviet Union, and its leaders and oligarchs need access to Western markets and capital. All trade and banking relationships with Russia ought to be reconsidered, and the U.S. should restrict the access of Russian banks to the global financial system. Aggressive investigations and leaks about the money the oligarchs and Mr. Putin hold in Western banks might raise the pressure in the Kremlin. The U.S. should also expand the list of Russian officials on the Magnitsky Act’s American visa ban and financial assets freeze, including Mr. Putin.

The U.S. can also deploy ships from the Europe-based Sixth Fleet into the Black Sea, and send the newly commissioned George H.W. Bush aircraft carrier to the eastern Mediterranean. NATO has a “distinctive partnership” with Kiev and in 2008 promised Ukraine that it could eventually join. It’s impractical and risky to bring Ukraine in now. But the alliance should do what it can to help Ukraine and certainly boot the Russian mission, a well-known den of spies, from NATO headquarters in Brussels and shut down the useless Russia-NATO Council.

Mr. Obama and the West must act, rather than merely threaten, because it’s clear Mr. Putin believes the American President’s words can’t be taken seriously. After the 2008 invasion of Georgia, President Obama pretended the problem was Dick Cheney and tried to “reset” relations with Moscow. Mr. Putin has defied the civilized world on Syria and Mr. Obama rewarded him by making Russia a partner in phony peace talks. Mr. Putin gave NSA leaker Edward Snowden asylum over U.S. objections, and he got away with that too.


In the brutal world of global power politics, Ukraine is in particular a casualty of Mr. Obama’s failure to enforce his “red line” on Syria. When the leader of the world’s only superpower issues a military ultimatum and then blinks, others notice. Adversaries and allies in Asia and the Middle East will be watching President Obama’s response now. China has its eyes on Japanese islands. Iran is counting on U.S. weakness in nuclear talks.

The Ukrainians can’t be left alone to face Russia, and the Kremlin’s annexation of Crimea can’t be allowed to stand. Ukraine must remain an independent state with its current borders intact, free to follow its democratic will to join the European Union and NATO if it desires. The world is full of revisionist powers and bad actors looking to exploit the opening created by Mr. Obama’s retreat from global leadership, and Mr. Putin is the leading edge of what could quickly become a new world disorder.

See (emphasis added)

This is the defining hour for Barack Obama and his presidency. It is time for him to act . . . NOT slumber or wobble.

It is time for the United States and the West to quit fooling around with Russia’s pygmy Putin, and shut down his country economically.

Putin is presiding over a Russia in decline, which is why he is so desperate with respect to Ukraine. This process of decline must be hastened and “helped” along.

The world is watching . . .

Also, there are reports that China may be supporting Putin’s “adventures” in Ukraine. China has severe economic problems too, and is very vulnerable.

See (“Russia And China ‘In Agreement’ Over Ukraine”) and (“US v China: Is This The New Cold War?”)


17 03 2014
Timothy D. Naegele


Russia and China control of Internet

Our two major adversaries and/or enemies are trying to step into the breach of American weakness, created by Barack Obama, and control the Internet.

See and (see also the comments beneath both articles); but see (“U.S. Delays Giving Up Oversight of Internet Administrator Icann“) and (“Internet domain handoff takes major step forward“)

Both countries have demonstrated their willingness and ability to manipulate the Internet in their own countries for political and strategic advantages. Imagine the damage they will do to the United States and the West if they control the Internet in any way.

Brendan Sasso has written for the National Journal:

The United States is planning to give up its last remaining authority over the technical management of the Internet.

The Commerce Department announced Friday that it will give the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), an international nonprofit group, control over the database of names and addresses that allows computers around the world to connect to each other.

Administration officials say U.S. authority over the Internet address system was always intended to be temporary and that ultimate power should rest with the “global Internet community.”

But some fear that the Obama administration is opening the door to an Internet takeover by Russia, China, or other countries that are eager to censor speech and limit the flow of ideas.

“If the Obama Administration gives away its oversight of the Internet, it will be gone forever,” wrote Daniel Castro, a senior analyst with the Information Technology and Innovation Foundation.

Castro argued that the world “could be faced with a splintered Internet that would stifle innovation, commerce, and the free flow and diversity of ideas that are bedrock tenets of world’s biggest economic engine.”

Rep. Marsha Blackburn, a Tennessee Republican, called the announcement a “hostile step” against free speech.

“Giving up control of ICANN will allow countries like China and Russia that don’t place the same value in freedom of speech to better define how the internet looks and operates,” she said in a statement.

Critics warn that U.S. control of the domain system has been a check against the influence of authoritarian regimes over ICANN, and in turn the Internet.

But other advocacy groups, businesses, and lawmakers have praised the administration’s announcement—while also saying they plan to watch the transition closely.

The Internet was invented in the United States, and the country has always had a central role in its management. But as the Internet has grown, other countries have demanded a greater voice. Edward Snowden’s leaks about U.S. surveillance have only exacerbated that tension.

China, Russia, Iran, and dozens of other countries are already pushing for more control over the Internet through the International Telecommunications Union, a United Nations agency.

The transition to full ICANN control of the Internet’s address system won’t happen until October 2015, and even then, there likely won’t be any sudden changes. ICANN was already managing the system under a contract from the Commerce Department.

But having the ultimate authority over the domain name system was the most important leverage the United States had in debates over the operation of the Internet. It was a trump card the U.S. could play if it wanted to veto an ICANN decision or fend off an international attack on Internet freedom.

The Obama administration is keenly aware of the potential for an authoritarian regime to seize power over the Internet. ICANN will have to submit a proposal for the new management system to the National Telecommunications and Information Administration, an agency within the Commerce Department.

“I want to make clear that we will not accept a proposal that replaces the NTIA role with a government-led or an intergovernmental solution,” Larry Strickling, the head of NTIA, said Friday.

Fadi Chehadé, the president and CEO of ICANN, said he will work with governments, businesses, and nonprofits to craft a new oversight system.

“All stakeholders deserve a voice in the management and governance of this global resource as equal partners,” he said.

Verizon, AT&T, Cisco, and other business groups all issued statements applauding the administration’s move. Senate Commerce Committee Chairman Jay Rockefeller argued that the transition will help ensure the Internet remains free and open.

Sen. John Thune, the top Republican on the Commerce Committee, said he will watch the process carefully, but that he trusts “the innovators and entrepreneurs more than the bureaucrats—whether they’re in D.C. or Brussels.”

The transition will reassure the global community that the U.S. is not trying to manipulate the Internet for its own economic or strategic advantage, according to Cameron Kerry, a fellow at the Brookings Institution and the former acting Commerce secretary.

Steve DelBianco, the executive director of NetChoice, a pro-business tech group, said the U.S. was bound to eventually give up its role overseeing Internet addresses. But he said lawmakers and the Obama administration will have to ensure that ICANN will still be held accountable before handing the group the keys to the address system in 2015.

DelBianco warned that without proper safeguards, Russian President Vladimir Putin or another authoritarian leader could pressure ICANN to shut down domains that host critical content.

“That kind of freedom of expression is something that the U.S. has carefully protected,” DelBianco said in an interview. “Whatever replaces the leverage, let’s design it carefully.”

See (emphasis added); see also (“Republicans Fear Obama Will Let Russia Seize Internet Power”)

We are on the verge of war with Russia’s dictator-for-life Putin; and China is challenging the United States and our allies in the Pacific. Is there any reason to trust either country?

At a bare minimum, freedom of speech is at stake. Equally at risk are our national security and Internet commerce.


17 04 2014
Timothy D. Naegele

Decimating Putin: America’s Financial Neutron Bomb

America's Financial Neutron Bomb

Ambrose Evans-Pritchard of the UK’s Telegraph has written:

The United States has constructed a financial neutron bomb. For the past 12 years an elite cell at the US Treasury has been sharpening the tools of economic warfare, designing ways to bring almost any country to its knees without firing a shot.

The strategy relies on hegemonic control over the global banking system, buttressed by a network of allies and the reluctant acquiescence of neutral states. Let us call this the Manhattan Project of the early 21st century.

“It is a new kind of war, like a creeping financial insurgency, intended to constrict our enemies’ financial lifeblood, unprecedented in its reach and effectiveness,” says Juan Zarate, the Treasury and White House official who helped spearhead policy after 9/11.

“The new geo-economic game may be more efficient and subtle than past geopolitical competitions, but it is no less ruthless and destructive,” he writes in his book Treasury’s War: the Unleashing of a New Era of Financial Warfare.

Bear this in mind as Washington tightens the noose on Vladimir Putin’s Russia, slowly shutting off market access for Russian banks, companies and state bodies with $714bn of dollar debt (Sberbank data).

The stealth weapon is a “scarlet letter”, devised under Section 311 of the US Patriot Act. Once a bank is tainted in this way—accused of money-laundering or underwriting terrorist activities, a suitably loose offence—it becomes radioactive, caught in the “boa constrictor’s lethal embrace”, as Mr Zarate puts it.

This can be a death sentence even if the lender has no operations in the US. European banks do not dare to defy US regulators. They sever all dealings with the victim.

So do the Chinese, as became clear in 2005 when the US hit Banco Delta Asia (BDA) in Macao for serving as a conduit for North Korean commercial piracy. China pulled the plug. BDA collapsed within two weeks. China also tipped off Washington when Mr Putin proposed a joint Sino-Russian attack on Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac bonds in 2008, aiming to precipitate a dollar crash.

Mr Zarate told me that the US can “go it alone” with sanctions if necessary. It therefore hardly matters whether or not the EU drags its feet over Ukraine, opting for the lowest common denominator to keep Bulgaria, Cyprus, Hungary and Luxembourg on board. Washington has the power to dictate the pace for them.

The new arsenal was first deployed against Ukraine—of all places—in December 2002. Its banks were accused of laundering funds from Russia’s organised crime rings. Kiev capitulated in short order.

Nairu, Burma, North Cyprus, Belarus and Latvia were felled one by one, all forced to comply with US demands. North Korea was then paralysed. The biggest prize yet has been Iran, finally brought to the table. “A hidden war is under way, on a very far-reaching global scale. This is a kind of war, though, which the enemy assumes it can defeat the Iranian nation,” said then-president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to Iran’s Majlis. He meant it defiantly. Instead it was prescient.

. . .

President Putin knows exactly what the US can do with its financial weapons. Russia was brought into the loop when the two countries were for a while “allies” in the fight against Jihadi terrorism. Mr Putin appointed loyalist Viktor Zubkov—later prime minister—to handle dealings with the US Treasury.

Mr Zarate said the Obama White House has waited too long to strike in earnest, clinging to the hope that Putin would stop short of tearing up the global rule book. “They should take the gloves off. The longer the wait, the more maximalist they may have to be,” he said.

. . .

He thinks it may already too late to stop Eastern Ukraine spinning out of control, but not too late to inflict a high cost. “If the US Treasury says three Russian banks are “primary money-laundering concerns”, do you think that UBS, or Standard Chartered will have anything to do with them?”

This will graduate to sanctions on Russian defence firms, mineral exports and energy—trying not to hurt BP assets in Russia too much, he adds tactfully—culminating in a squeeze on Gazprom should all else fail. Whether you are for or against such action, be under no illusion as to what it means. We would be living in a different world, and Wall Street’s S&P 500 would not be trading anywhere near 1,850.

. . .

This is not a repeat of the Cold War. There is no plausible equivalence between Russia and the West, and no ideological mystique.

It has $470bn of foreign reserves but these have already fallen by $35bn since the crisis began as the central bank fights capital flight and defends the rouble. Moscow cannot easily deploy the reserves in a slump without causing the money supply to shrink, deepening a recession that is almost certainly under way. Finance minister Anton Siluanov says growth may be zero this year. The World Bank fears -1.8pc, while Danske Banks says it could be -4pc.

Putin cannot count on global allies to carry him through. Only Venezuela, Bolivia, Cuba, Nicaragua, Belarus, North Korea[], Syria, Sudan, Zimbabwe and Armenia lined up behind Mr Putin at the United Nations over Crimea, a roll-call of the irrelevant.

. . .

Chancellor George Osborne must have been let into the secret of US plans by now. Perhaps that is why he issued last week’s alert in Washington, warning City bankers to prepare for a sanctions fall-out. The City is precious, he said, “but that doesn’t mean its interests will come above the national security interests of our country”.

The greatest risk is surely an “asymmetric” riposte by the Kremlin. Russia’s cyber-warfare experts are among the best, and they had their own trial run on Estonia in 2007. A cyber shutdown of an Illinois water system was tracked to Russian sources in 2011. We don’t know whether US Homeland Security can counter a full-blown “denial-of-service” attack on electricity grids, water systems, air traffic control, or indeed the New York Stock Exchange, and nor does Washington.

“If we were in a cyberwar today, the US would lose. We’re simply the most dependent and most vulnerable,” said US spy chief Mike McConnell in 2010.

The US defence secretary Leon Panetta warned of a cyber-Pearl Harbour in 2012. “They could shut down the power grid across large parts of the country. They could derail passenger trains or, even more dangerous, derail passenger trains loaded with lethal chemicals. They could contaminate the water supply in major cities, or shut down the power grid across large parts of the country,” he said. Slapstick exaggeration to extract more funds from Congress? We may find out.

Sanctions are as old as time. So are the salutary lessons. Pericles tried to cow the city state of Megara in 432 BC by cutting off trade access to markets of the Athenian Empire. He set off the Pelopennesian Wars, bringing Sparta’s hoplite infantry crashing down on Athens. Greece’s economic system was left in ruins, at the mercy of Persia. That was a taste of asymmetry.

See (emphasis added); see also (“Banks retreat from Moscow deals”) and (“What Putin Is Costing Russia”—”Former finance minister Alexi Kudrin projects up to $160 billion in capital will flee this year”) and (“BP and Shell exposed as US prepares first warning shot against Russia’s oil and gas industry”) and (“US to unleash IRS on Russian banks”) and (“European Business Hit By Russian Slowdown”) and and (“ECB: capital flight from Russia has hit $220bn”)

It is time to crush Stalin’s heir, the pygmy Putin, so he never rears his head again; and so democratic forces within Russia can be unleashed—which should have happened before Putin and his cronies and thugs hijacked the country’s incipient democracy. They have been exploiting it ever since, and the Russian people deserve better.

In the process, the various regions should have internationally-supervised referenda to determine which “government” to associate with: vestiges of the crazed despot Putin’s Stalinist regime in Moscow, or regional or other governments. It can start with Chechnya, where the vote to disassociate from Russia may be overwhelming.

All the other alienated regions—and ethnic and religious groups—can hold referenda too, choosing to disassociate from Moscow and perhaps associate with the EU or China, or whomever.

It has been written:

[T]he situation for Putin is simple. He is fighting for his life, and he will do whatever he needs to do to keep power, lest he be deposed and hanged. It is 1938 again, so we know how this will develop.

The stark choice is whether to confront Putin now or put it off until he is even stronger. Delay is not our friend. A strong military mobilization by the EU and US is the only rational response. To hope for Putin to be satisfied by part or even all of Ukraine is folly. If the EU and US mobilize, Putin’s weakness will be clear to the Russian people. Otherwise, Putin will continue his opportunistic expansion as long as he is permitted to do so.

While the EU and US desire peace, Putin can’t afford it, for it will mean his downfall. Once this inherent asymmetry is understood, the need for a strong response to Putin is clear. Putin will be ousted by the Russian people once his treachery is understood. The Internet will get the truth through to the Russian people despite Putin’s conventional propaganda. This process can only happen if Putin’s expansion is stopped. The sooner we do this, the sooner we will see the end of Putin.

See; see also (“Putin Must Be Terminated”)

Crimea and Ukraine must become Putin’s abyss, or far far worse. He is a malignancy that must be excoriated. He needs to share the fate of Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini, now.


4 05 2014
Timothy D. Naegele

China’s Speculative Bubble [UPDATED]

Piercing China's economic bubble

In comments above entitled, “World Asleep As China Tightens Deflationary Vise,” what is happening to China’s economy was discussed in depth.

See; see also (“China’s Impossible Contradiction”) and (“China’s Hard Landing”)

A new article entitled, “Chinese anatomy of a property boom on its last legs,” by Ambrose Evans-Pritchard—International Business Editor in London of the UK’s Telegraph—sheds further light on this subject:

So now we know what China’s biggest property developer really thinks about the Chinese housing boom.

A leaked recording of dinner speech by Vanke Group’s vice-chairman Mao Daqing more or less confirms what the bears have been saying for months. It is a dangerous bubble, and already deflating.

Prices in Beijing and Shanghai have reached the same extremes seen in Tokyo just before the Nikkei boom turned to bust, when the (quite small) Imperial Palace grounds were in theory worth more than California, and the British Embassy grounds (legacy of a good bet in the 19th Century) were worth as much as Wales.

Li Junheng from JL Warren Capital has translated his comments, which I pass on for readers.

“In 1990, Tokyo’s total land value accounts for 63.3pc of US GDP, while Hong Kong reached 66.3pc in 1997. Now, the total land value in Beijing is 61.6pc of US GDP, a dangerous level,” said Mr Mao.

“Overall, I believe that China has reached its capacity limit for new construction of residential projects. Only those coastal Tier 3/Tier 4 cities have the potential for capacity expansion.”

“I don’t see any possibility for a rise in home prices, especially in cities with large housing inventory, unless the government pushes out another few trillion. Beijing and Shanghai have already been listed among the most expensive cities in the world in terms of the medium central city property prices.”

Mr Mao said China’s house production per 1,000 head of population reached 35 in 2011. The figure is below 12 in most developed economies “even when the housing market is hot; no country has a figure of greater than 14”.

“By 2011, housing production per 1000 people reached 30 in Tier 2 cities, excluding the construction of affordable houses. A persistently high figure such as this should cause alarm,” he said.

China’s anti-corruption campaign is spreading terror through the Party cadres. They are frantically trying to offload properties in the top-end range of 40,000-50,000 yuan per square metre in case their ill-gotten wealth is exposed by spot audits.

The numbers of flats and houses for sale has suddenly doubled. “Many owners are trying to get rid of high-priced houses as soon as possible, even at the cost of deep discounts. As a result, ordinary people who want to sell homes in the secondary market must face deep price cuts,” he said.

“In China’s 27 key cities, transaction volume dropped 13pc, 21pc, 30pc year-on-year in January, February, and March respectively. We expect the trend to continue in April. The drivers behind the fall in price are credit tightening from the banks.”

“Most cities have seen an increase in the ratio of inventory to sales. Among the 27 key cities we surveyed, more than 21 have inventory exceeding 12 months, among which are 9 greater than 24 months. The supply of residential buildings is rapidly increasing month-on-month.”

Mr Mao said 42 new projects for elite homes in Beijing will be finished in 2015, hitting the market with an extra 50,000 units that “can’t possibly be digested”.

As for the demographic time-bomb, he said China will have 400m people over the age of 60 by 2033. Half the population will be on welfare by then. “If China fails to develop technology as a driving force for its economic growth, the country will be in trouble.”

So there we have it. Vanke Group say the comments do not reflect the view of the company or indeed Mr Mao—which is odd—but they do not dispute that the recording is authentic.

His words compliment recent warnings by Nomura’s Zhiwei Zhang that the problem is even worse in the smaller cities in the interior, as we reported last month:

“We believe that a sharp property market correction could lead to a systemic crisis in China, and is the biggest risk China faces in 2014. The risk is particularly high in third and fourth-tier cities, which accounted for 67pc of housing under construction in 2013,” he said.

Nomura said residential construction has jumped fivefold from 497m square metres in new floor space to 2.596m last year. Floor space per capita has reached 30 square metres, surpassing the level in Japan in 1988.

Land sales and property taxes provided 39pc of the Chinese government’s total tax revenue last year, higher than in Ireland when such “fair-weather” taxes during the boom masked the rot in public finances.

There is a huge problem in all this. The International Monetary Fund says China is running a budget deficit of 10pc of GDP once the land sales are stripped out, and has “considerably less” fiscal leeway than assumed. The state finances are not what they seem.

This does not necessarily mean that China will spiral into crisis. David Li Daokui—former adviser to the Chinese central bank—told me the nuclear trump card of the authorities is the Reserve Requirement Ratio, currently 20pc. They can inject up to $2 trillion into the banking system if need be by slashing the RRR to single figures. It was 6pc in the late 1990s.

The question is whether President Xi Jinping wishes to take his lumps now by pricking the speculative bubble and forcing capitulation—hopefully in a controlled deleveraging—or whether he will blink as his predecessor famously did in the summer of 2012 and let rip with another round of stimulus.

Blinking stores up greater trouble later. Credit has already grown to $25 trillion. Fitch says China has added the equivalent of the entire US and Japanese banking systems combined in five years.

On balance it is better for China to get the trauma over and done with sooner rather than later. But the rest of the world should be under no illusions as to what it means.

This policy decision—should President Xi stay the course—is equivalent in global scale to the decision by Fed chief Benjamin Strong to pop the US speculative bubble in 1928, causing a commodity slump that was transmitted worldwide through the dollar based currency system (Inter-War Gold Standard) and which later snowballed into something far worse.

The US was then the world’s rising creditor power, with foreign reserves above 6pc of global GDP, almost exactly the same as China’s holdings today. When China sneezes . . . you will catch a cold, wherever you are.

See (emphasis added); see also (“China’s Property Slump Worsens”)

A sobering prognosis, to say the least.


8 05 2014
Timothy D. Naegele

The Pygmy Putin Rules Over A Third World Country, Russia

Russia in decline

This issue has been discussed before, above; however, an article entitled “Putin’s Hollowed-Out Homeland” by Nicholas Eberstadt in the Wall Street Journal is worth reading:

History is full of instances where a rising power, aggrieved and dissatisfied, acts aggressively to obtain new borders or other international concessions. In Russia today we see a much more unusual case: This increasingly menacing and ambitious geopolitical actor is a state in decline.

Notwithstanding Russia’s nuclear arsenal and its vast territories, the distinguishing feature of the country today is its striking economic underdevelopment and weakness. For all Russia’s oil and gas, the country’s international sales of goods and services last year only barely edged out Belgium’s—and were positively dwarfed by the Netherlands’. Remember, there has never been an “energy superpower”—anywhere, ever. In the modern era, the ultimate source of national wealth and power is not natural resources: It is human resources. And unfortunately for Russia, its human-resource situation is almost unrelievedly dismal—with worse likely in the years to come.

Let’s start with the “good” demographic news for Moscow: Russia’s post-Soviet population decline has halted. Thanks to immigration chiefly from the “near abroad” of former Soviet states, a rebound in births from their 1999 nadir and a drift downward of the death rate, Russia’s total population today is officially estimated to be nearly a million higher than five years ago. For the first time in the post-Soviet era, Russia saw more births than deaths last year.

Yet even this seemingly bright news isn’t as promising as it seems. First: Russia’s present modest surfeit of births over deaths comes entirely from historically Muslim areas like Chechnya and Dagestan, and from heavily tribal regions like the Tuva Republic. Take the North Caucasus Federal District out of the picture—Chechnya, Dagestan, etc.—and the rest of Russia today remains a net-mortality society.

Second: Despite its baby surge, which takes Russia’s fertility level from below the average to just above the average for the rest of Europe, the 1.7 births per Russian woman in 2012 was still 20% below replacement level. According to the most recent official Russian calculations, on current trajectories the country’s population, absent immigration, is still set to shrink by almost 20% from one generation to the next.

But while Russia’s childbearing patterns today look entirely European, its mortality patterns look Third World—and in some ways worse. According to estimates by the World Health Organization, life expectancy in 2012 for a 15-year-old male was three years lower in Russia than in Haiti. By WHO’s reckoning, a 15-year-old youth has worse survival chances today in Russia than in 33 of the 48 places the United Nations designates as “least developed countries,” including such impoverished locales as Mali, Yemen and even Afghanistan. Though health levels are distinctly better for women than men in Russia, even the life expectancy of 61 years for a 15-year-old Russian female in 2012 was an estimated three years lower than for her counterpart in Cambodia, another of the U.N.’s least-developed countries.

How is this possible in an urbanized and educated society? In least-developed countries, life is foreshortened by such killers as malnutrition and communicable “diseases of poverty” such as tuberculosis, malaria and cholera. Data from WHO in 2010 show that in Russia the major threats are cardiovascular disease (resulting in heart attacks, strokes and the like) and injuries (homicides, suicides, traffic fatalities, deadly accidents).

For decades, Russia’s death rates from cardiovascular disease have been higher than the highest levels ever recorded in any Western country. For Russian women in 2010, the rate was over five times higher than for European women. In 2008—the latest such global figures available from the World Health Organization—working-age Russian men had the worst cardiovascular-disease death levels in the world.

As for injuries, death rates for working-age Russian men were four times higher than would have been predicted for their income level—with absolute levels of violent death exceeded only in a handful of places, civil-war-riven Iraq and Sri Lanka among them. Violent death is overwhelmingly a male problem more or less everywhere, but in today’s Russia the injury death rates are higher for Russian women than they are for Western European men.

Russia’s “high education, low human capital” paradox also shows up in Russia’s extreme “knowledge production” deficit. Long-term economic progress depends on improving productivity through new knowledge—but this is something Russia appears mysteriously unable to do.

Patent awards and applications provide a crude but telling picture. Consider trends in international patent awards by the U.S. Patent and Trade Office, the world economy’s most important national patent office. Of the 1.3 million overseas patents awarded since 2000, applicants from Russia have taken home about 3,200—a mere 0.2% of the overseas total. In this tally Russia is behind Austria and Norway, barely ahead of Ireland. The Russian Federation’s total annual awards from the Patent Office regularly lag behind the state of Alabama’s.

Or consider applications under the Patent Cooperation Treaty, the international convention associated with the World Intellectual Property Organization. Once again Russia’s performance is miserable. In 2012, the latest such data available, Russia comes in No. 21—after Austria—racking up less than 0.6% of the world’s total. The population of Russia is more than 15 times that of Austria. Russia’s “yield” of patents per university graduate is vastly lower than Austria’s—35 times lower. By this particular metric Russia is only fractionally better placed than Gabon.

And sure enough, Russia performs like a knowledge-poor economy. With about 2% of the world’s population, 3% of its GDP and 5% of its college grads, Russia generates only just over 1% of the globe’s service exports—which is essentially a trade in human skills. Russia fares the worst in the most knowledge-intensive sectors, such as exports of computer and information services, where its share of the global market is only slightly ahead of the Philippines’.

Grim as Russia’s current human-resource inventory may appear, the outlook is worse. Given the birth slump of the past two decades, Russia’s labor force will be smaller in 2030 than it is today. The U.N. Population Division’s projections suggest that the country’s life expectancy will remain below Third World averages through at least 2030. Moreover, there is reason to expect that Russia’s depopulation will resume. Thanks to the post-Soviet baby crash of the 1990s and the early 2000s, the pool of Russian women entering their 20s will shrink sharply for the next decade and more, while the overall population gets grayer.

These trends promise pressures for fewer births and more deaths—and thus for what demographers inelegantly call “negative natural increase.” Projections by international demographic authorities—the U.N. Development Program, the U.S. Census Bureau and the like—all see Russia as a net-mortality society in the years ahead. Strikingly, this vision is shared by Russia’s official statistical service, Goskomtat, even in its most optimistic demographic scenario.

If all this were not bad enough for Moscow, Russia’s geopolitical potential is being squeezed further by the rapid world-wide growth of skilled manpower pools. According to the International Institute of Applied Systems Analysis in Austria, in 1990 Russia accounted for nearly 9% of the world’s working-age college graduates; that share is declining and by 2030 will have dropped to 3%. On this front, as on many others, Russia is simply being left behind by the rest of the world.

Despite Vladimir Putin’s posturing, he is leading a country in serious decline. If his dangerous new brinkmanship is a response to that bad news, then we should expect more of it in the future, possibly much more.

See (emphasis added); see also (“Decimating Putin: America’s Financial Neutron Bomb”) and (“ECB: capital flight from Russia has hit $220bn”)

Russia is little more than a Third World country; and no one or country should be afraid of, or cowed in the least by the pygmy Putin. His days are numbered.

He is desperately trying to forestall his own demise, which is futile; and cling to power.

Dangerous, yes, he may be at the moment. However, it is likely that soon he will join the list of dictators and tyrants before him whose lives ended violently—including Benito Mussolini, Adolf Hitler, Saddam Hussein, Osama bin Laden, and Muammar Gaddafi.

See (“THE END OF PUTIN IS DRAWING NEAR”) and (“Russia’s economic crisis deepens as EU readies fresh sanctions over Ukraine”) and (“The outlook for Russia is utterly bleak. It has blundered into a conflict with the West that will smother investment for years. . . . It faces demographic implosion”)

Russia is weak and growing weaker. China may be on the brink of imploding too.

See (“China’s Speculative Bubble”) (see also the article itself, as well as the other comments beneath it)


29 06 2014
Timothy D. Naegele

Global Economic Conditions Worsen: Green Shoots Will Disappear [UPDATED]

Global Meltdown

The article above, and subsequent comments beneath it, have described the deteriorating economic conditions around the world. Years or decades from now, this period in world history may be characterized as the “Great Depression II,” or by other similar nomenclature.

See, e.g., (“The Economic Tsunami Continues Its Relentless And Unforgiving Advance Globally”) and (“The Pygmy Putin Rules Over A Third World Country, Russia”) and (“China’s Speculative Bubble”) and (“New View Into Fed’s Response to Crisis”) and (“IMF warns of negative spiral in France as recession looms again”) and (“Nobel economists say policy blunders pushing Europe into depression”) and (“The End of China’s Economic Miracle”)

In an article entitled, “Global Markets’ Strength Doesn’t Reflect Economic Outlook, Central Banks Say,” the Wall Street Journal notes:

Buoyant financial markets are out of kilter with the shaky global economic and geopolitical outlook, the Bank for International Settlements said in its annual report published Sunday.

The warning from the BIS, a consortium of the world’s top central banks, comes as financial markets—from stocks to bonds to commodities—have been enjoying a broad-based rally in the first half of 2014, reflecting investor optimism over expansionary central-bank monetary policies.

“Overall, it is hard to avoid the sense of a puzzling disconnect between the markets’ buoyancy and underlying economic developments globally,” the report read.

Investor jubilation stems partly from the commitment by the world’s largest central banks, such as the U.S. Federal Reserve and European Central Bank, to keep interest rates low while economies continue to recover from recession. Markets have been resilient in the face of uneven growth in the U.S. and Europe, as well as political and economic unrest in Ukraine, the Middle East and elsewhere.

“Financial markets are euphoric, in the grip of an aggressive search for yield . . . and yet investment in the real economy remains weak while the macroeconomic and geopolitical outlook is still highly uncertain,” said Claudio Borio, the head of the BIS’s monetary and economic department.

Central bankers meet around every two months at the BIS’s headquarters in Basel, Switzerland. The group doesn’t set policy, but rather serves as a forum for central bankers to exchange views about financial markets and the global economy.

While global growth has firmed, the BIS said, it is still below its precrisis levels. The world economy was up 3% in the first quarter of 2014 compared with a year earlier—weaker than the 3.9% average growth rate between 1996 and 2006. In some advanced economies, output, productivity and employment remain below their precrisis peak.

But Mr. Borio said the effectiveness of policies aiming to boost domestic demand—and therefore growth—has been stunted by large overhangs of debt.

Governments in advanced economies have made progress in reducing their fiscal deficits since the crisis but debt levels are higher than ever and still rising. It cited data that showed 2014 debt exceeding 100% of gross domestic product in most major economies, including Italy, Spain, France, the U.S. and the U.K.

In a speech on Sunday, BIS General Manager Jaime Caruana warned that increased debt levels make borrowers’ ability to repay more sensitive to a fall in income and interest-rate increases. “Thus, higher debt translates into greater financial fragility and financial cycles that may become increasingly disruptive,” he said.

The organization cautioned that while low interest rates may keep service costs low for some time, they don’t solve the problem of high debt levels because “by encouraging rather than discouraging the accumulation of debt they amplify the effect of the eventual normalization [of interest rates].”

The BIS voiced concerns that though central banks have signaled they will normalize monetary policy—after six years of low rates—investors may still be unprepared for the consequences.

But the risk of central banks normalizing too late and too gradually, the BIS said, shouldn’t be underestimated, mainly due to the policy’s diminished effectiveness over time.

“Tellingly, growth has disappointed even as financial markets have roared: The transmission chain seems to be badly impaired,” the report said, referring to the “unusually” weak levels of global growth even after six years of extremely accommodative policy.

This is partly because nominal rates are near zero, the report said, meaning central banks cannot reduce them further to boost economic growth. Deleveraging as economic actors try to reduce debts—a so-called balance-sheet recession—has also meant that the financial sector hasn’t been boosting its lending to the real economy despite successive interest-rate cuts.

What’s more, keeping up ultra-accommodative monetary policy can be a source of turmoil for other economies. Some emerging-market economies and small, open advanced economies have gone through bouts of market turbulence because of loose monetary policy in major advanced countries.

Some of the money these policies have pumped into markets has found its way to emerging economies as investors sought higher-yielding assets, boosting their exchange rates and weakening exports. But when in May last year the Federal Reserve hinted at tapering—curbing its bond-purchasing program—exchange rates and asset prices in emerging markets stumbled.

Returning to normal monetary policy too slowly could also be dangerous for government finances, the BIS warned. “Keeping interest rates unusually low for an unusually long period can lull governments into a false sense of security that delays the needed consolidation,” it said, as the glut of cash encourages cheap government borrowing.

See (emphasis added); see also (“The world economy is just as vulnerable to a financial crisis as it was in 2007, with the added danger that debt ratios are now far higher and emerging markets have been drawn into the fire as well, the Bank for International Settlements has warned”—“Overall, it is hard to avoid the sense of a puzzling disconnect between the markets’ buoyancy and underlying economic developments globally”—”BIS officials doubt privately the whether China can avoid a ‘hard landing’, fearing that the extreme credit growth over the last five years must lead to a financial reckoning”) and (“China’s Leaders Refuse To Blink As Economy Slows Drastically”) and (“Obama’s Ship Is Sinking”) and (“Mass default looms as world sinks beneath a sea of debt”) and (“Dollar surge triggers oil rout as Brent crude tumbles”) and (“World on the brink of oil war as Opec bickers over price”) and (“The ten biggest threats to the global economy”) and (“German model is ruinous for Germany, and deadly for Europe”) and (“Eurozone on cusp of triple-dip recession as German exports crumble”) and (“Dam breaks in Europe as deflation fears wash over ECB rhetoric”) and (“Global Signs of Slowdown Ripple Across Markets, Vex Policy Makers”) and (“The Stock Market Crash Of 2014?”) and (“Black America’s Rising Woes Under Obama”) and (“World braces as deflation tremors hit Eurozone bond markets”) and (“ECB: 25 banks not strong enough to withstand another crisis”) and (92,447,000 Americans Not Working…) and (“World deflationary forces have swept away Switzerland’s defenses”—”[V]enerable central banks [will] be overwhelmed by deflationary forces and global economic disorder”) and (“Devaluation by China is the next great risk for a deflationary world”—”China is trapped”) and (“Debt mountains spark fears of another crisis”)

The effects of Ebola and other infectious diseases have not been quantified fully by most economic seers. In the United States and other countries, Ebola created an almost panic-like response, which may affect global economies dramatically and in ways unknown presently.

See (“World Bank issues dire warning about Ebola’s economic impact”) and (“Ebola: Could virus’s spread cause financial market turmoil?”) and (“The world’s deadliest outbreaks: Interactive map shows the human cost of flu, bubonic plague and Ebola globally since 541”)

America’s stock mania, and that in China and elsewhere, have decoupled from economic reality. When the global meltdown arrives with all of its fury—which is simply a matter of time—it may make 1929 seem like child’s play.

Hold on tight. Things will get very ugly and scary between now and the end of this decade—economically, militarily, and socially!


29 06 2014
H. Craig Bradley


A big unknown with me is the effects of increasing global conflicts and wars, as we have begun to see already in the Middle East in recent years. Some of it was caused by the U.S. exporting its inflation via dollar-priced commodities such as wheat and food that disproportionately hurt poor, third world countries like Egypt, Syria, and Iraq. Rebellious citizens and street riots were the immediate effect of going to bed hungry, as many of them did 2-3 years ago.

A lack of national leadership in America only aggregated an already bad set of emerging global financial conditions. Americans seem to comfortably assume we won’t feel any adverse effects from increasing wars and conflicts. I think we surely will, as does the author.

What will be the effect on the price of gold, interest rates, and stock markets? Will capital flight from abroad into the U.S. boost everything in a final bull market crescendo, ultimately followed by a huge bust as fast money eventually leaves an increasingly confiscatory United States (Government)?

OR, will we first suffer asset deflation ( bear market) followed by very high inflation (25%) for a few years ( wiping out the middle class in the process) as foreign creditors (China, Russia) cut us off and force America (Congress) into instant austerity ( living only within our means)?? Which way first determines how to position yourself. Nobody really knows, adding to uncertainty.


29 06 2014
Timothy D. Naegele

Thank you, Craig, for your comments.

You have said:

A big unknown with me is the effects of increasing global conflicts and wars, as we have begun to see already in the Middle East in recent years.

I agree completely, and would add Putin and his designs on Ukraine “and beyond” to the list, as well as China’s plans for expansion, North Korea, and of course terrorists’ activities around the world.

See also (“World at Risk of Another Global Catastrophe”)

You added:

A lack of national leadership in America only aggregated an already bad set of emerging global financial conditions. Americans seem to comfortably assume we won’t feel any adverse effects from increasing wars and conflicts. I think we surely will. . . .

Again, I agree completely.

Next, you asked:

Will capital flight from abroad into the U.S. boost everything in a final bull market crescendo. . . ?

While I believe the effects globally will equal or surpass those of the Great Depression of the last century—principally because the fail-safe measures adopted after that depression will not have worked to prevent this one—I believe too that the United States will fare better than other countries.

With respect to your last paragraph, I believe we will “suffer asset deflation,” and more and more of it. The domestic real estate market may be devastated.


29 06 2014
H. Craig Bradley

Correct me if I am wrong, but for the currently red-hot residential real estate market here in SoCAL to be “devastated” would first require a number of financial and monetary changes. Primarily, a significant increase in the 30- year mortgage rate. If it were to go up just two points to say, 6.1% APR from the current 4.3%, then we would feel a slow-down and be poorer for it. A decrease in household wealth for 2/3 of the population would have wide-ranging effects, including a recession. Consumers would pull-back.

However, these are not normal times, as you know. Both the local managers of Bank of America and Wells Fargo told me they have not been making many traditional home loans for the last five years, even when 30-year rates were 3.2% APR two years ago. Most homes being purchased today are not being bought with borrowed money (from banks), but instead are cash purchases ( like a item from the grocery store). We suspect foreign buyers are a larger part of the existing home purchase story.

So, why would real estate necessarily suffer in the next few years, even if long interest rates increase? Inflation would cause more people to buy tangible assets, possibly boosting gold and real estate, while moving away from stocks and bonds ( financial or paper assets). Again, the future is unclear.


29 06 2014
Timothy D. Naegele

Thank you again, Craig.

I grew up in West Los Angeles; and my father was a real estate broker, with offices in Encino and Brentwood, before the advent of the mega-firms.

He had income and residential departments; and I remember when his firm went for almost an entire year without making a dime, until he sold a big estate in Brentwood.

Today’s realtors are “babes in the woods.” Most have never known truly hard times, such as we are discussing. I had a family member who owned a house in Irvine, and told me that prices would never go down. P.S. The person lost $800,000 when the house was sold.

My undergraduate major at UCLA was economics; and what goes up, comes down, often with a thud. I believe the “corrections” between now and the end of this decade will equal or surpass those of the Great Depression.

Could I be wrong? Of course so. And this advice may be worth exactly what you are paying for it. 🙂


29 06 2014
H. Craig Bradley

I don’t think we will have 1930’s style deflationary depression, but we could be quite stagnant for a long time to come, just like Japan has been for the last 20 years. We share a number of attributes with Japan, including lower productivity, high debt, and an aging population ( Baby Boomers). It all points to slow or low growth for years to come.

I guess much depends on how we handle our debt load in the coming years. We can not go on “extending and pretending” forever without risking another crisis. I think we are in for a slow-bleed, if we are lucky.

My Grandparents had a house in Glendale and a rental in El Segundo, right across the street from the main High School in 1929. They were not invested in the stock market! It was a small 2-Bedroom bungalow. Today, the property has two rentals in back ( 2-Bedroom each) and the whole property ( all 3 structures) are worth about $1.1 Million. Its an income producing property, which is a plus.

However, the primary reason my Grandparents sold it was because they could not find any renters during the Great Depression who had any money to pay rent. That is the situation today in places like Spain or Portugal. Properties are vacant. So, they traded a house in Glendale and the Rental House in El Segundo for a house in La Canada, CA. It worked out for them.

For comparison purposes as to how “good” we are doing, try this: My grandmother was a public school teacher. She retired in 1956. They built a brand new house in North Glendale, all on her pubic school teacher’s pension. My grandfather (disabled from a stroke) bought a new Chevrolet every three years from 1956-1968 when he passed-on. Try doing that today with a public pension, if you have a pension. Times are not comparable.

Their same house in North Glendale is worth about $750,000 or so today. It was built new in 1956 for $15,000. My Dad bought it for $50,000 from my Grandfather. Inflation since then has driven the prices of homes way up so that new buyers can not afford them. People’s incomes must rise to keep current with all the debt. That will present a problem maintaining these valuations, much less pushing them up much higher.

I see stagnation as the more probable outcome going forward, but always with the lesser probability of a tail event ( crash ). You seem to think we will take the short route to correction. Harry Dent is another one who forecasts this scenario, along with Bob Prechter of

You might be right, but I sure hope not. We don’t have to go there. Its a national choice. If we keep electing Obama’s, we will suffer. That much I know. Seems like voters are not being realistic and only reaching for the “next banana”. No leadership. Makes me nervous.


30 06 2014
Timothy D. Naegele

Thank you again, Craig, for your thoughtful comments.

The simple house that my parents built in Westwood before I was born, a mile west of the UCLA campus, off Sunset Boulevard, is valued at $2 million today; and little has been done to it since I grew up there.

I do not believe in a “soft landing” this time. Rather I believe we will have a “1930′s style deflationary depression.” I see the convergence of global economic, military and social “challenges” that may produce a “perfect storm.”

Clearly, our national leaders (e.g., at the White House, in Congress, at the Fed), and those of other countries, have few ideas how to deal with it and they are apt to panic. As I wrote more than five years ago:

While U.S. politicians and their counterparts in other countries have been trying to convince their electorates that they have the answers, they are simply holding out false hopes that real solutions are at hand. . . .

To use Paul Volcker’s words, politicians may not “remember any time, maybe even in the Great Depression, when (so many once-promising political careers) went down quite so fast, quite so uniformly around the world.”

America and other nations are in uncharted waters; and their politicians may face backlashes from disillusioned and angry constituents that are unprecedented in modern times. Also, the limits of godless secularism and paying homage to the false gods of materialism may become self-evident.

See (“Euphoria or the Obama Depression?”)

Lastly, is there a possibility that prime real estate in major “world cities” (e.g., London, Paris, NYC, LA, San Francisco) will fare better than real estate elsewhere? Possibly so; however, sellers in LA have been taking a bath recently as their high-end homes did not sell, and the prices had to be slashed dramatically. My family member is a perfect example, losing $800,000 on a house in Irvine that was in a prime location.


6 02 2015
Mark Rigoglioso

Could we perhaps consider a worst-case scenario, that cash-flush foreigners, aka Muslims from oil rich countries are buying up real estate in American neighborhoods to relocate hundreds or thousands of Sharia practitioners wholesale into our neighborhoods? Would Mr. Obama, the master of the depressed recovery, like that? Instant no-go zones. Should I put it past him? No, do not put it past him.


19 09 2014
Timothy D. Naegele

Government Does Not Work

Government Does Not Work

Scotland has just finished voting whether to become independent from the UK; and the vote was close. Glasgow voted “Ves”; and independence movements exist in Northern Ireland, Wales and elsewhere in the world.

The problem is government, not whether it is “devolved.”

Government does not work, period. Anyone who has worked in Washington, and on Capitol Hill, will admit this if they are honest.

To “devolve” American government from the federal realm to the States or local governments is merely to kick the can along. Government gets worse at the State and local levels; and given the atrocities of our federal government, this is mind boggling.

I came to Washington as a U.S. Army officer stationed at the Pentagon, which jokingly was referred to as “Fort Fumble” by those who worked there. Then, I went to work on Capitol Hill and had a chance to view other agencies of the federal government; and I realized that the Pentagon and our military were the best by far.

Then, I left for the private practice of law, and represented two States as clients, one of which was my old home State of California, which I found to be a “joke.” No wonder people describe it today as ungovernable.

The government that governs least governs best. Can the American people roll back government? Can other countries do so too? The EU is perhaps the prime example of a bureaucratic “mess,” or government at its worse.


20 09 2014

What’s your alternative for organizing society? It isn’t we-the-people’s GOVERNMENT that’s the problem, but they-the-regulators’ BUREAUCRAMENT that’s been driving the corruption at all levels, and which latter term – bureaucrament – I’ve coined to explain why America has been in decline for decades. We haven’t been a democratic republic from the time Crazy Abe trashed the finest organizing/civilizing document in world history—our Constitution. That’s when bad BUREAUCRAMENT supplanted good GOVERNMENT. -Richard


20 09 2014
Timothy D. Naegele

Thank you, Richard, for your comments.

Franklin Roosevelt began the push toward “cradle-to-grave,” ever-expanding government in the United States, and it has continued ever since.

Barack Obama may be taking it to an entirely different level, by bypassing the Congress, and expanding government via executive orders and regulations.

As you have gathered, I am against ever-expanding and all-intruding government at the federal, State and local levels. Bureaucrats at all levels are part of the problem.

Can we roll it back? Only when the people rise up and say enough is enough. We are not at the “tipping point” yet, but we are moving toward it.


20 09 2014
H. Craig Bradley


America’s government has not functioned as a “Republic” for at least 83 years. So, whatever rights you still enjoy are no longer assured. You don’t really have any rights. So, Big Government means “Little Church” and a secular society is not long for this world.

So, just like Rome, our decline will be a mess and many will suffer along the way long before it finally collapses. I believe the embedded trends we now should see have just begun and no elected politicians of either political party can change the eventual outcome. In fact, our politicians seem to be speeding-up our demise.


21 09 2014
Timothy D. Naegele

Thank you, Craig, for your comments.

I have inherent faith in the American people and in our great nation, and in God.

Yes, the pendulum swings. We have survived this long, and I do not believe our “demise” is imminent at all. Indeed, I believe we will celebrate our anniversaries in 2076 and thereafter.


22 09 2014
Timothy D. Naegele

Cash Is King

Cash Is King

In an article entitled, “Billionaires are hoarding piles of cash,” Robert Frank of CNBC has reported:

Billionaires are holding mountains of cash, offering the latest sign that the ultra-wealthy are nervous about putting more money into today’s markets.

According to the new Billionaire Census from Wealth-X and UBS, the world’s billionaires are holding an average of $600 million in cash each—greater than the gross domestic product of Dominica. That marks a jump of $60 million from a year ago and translates into billionaires’ holding an average of 19 percent of their net worth in cash.

“This increased liquidity signals that many billionaires are keeping their money on the sidelines and waiting for the optimal moment to make further investments,” the study said.

Indeed, billionaires’ cash holdings far exceed their investments in real estate. Their real-estate holdings average $160 million per billionaire, or about one-fifth of their cash holdings.

Simon Smiles, chief investment officer for Ultra High Net Worth at UBS Wealth Management, said that the billionaire families and family offices he talks to are focused largely on the same question: What to do with all their cash.

The apparent safety of cash, reinforced by the painful psychological experience of the 2008-09 global financial crisis and the subsequent troubles within the European Monetary Union, likely reinforces the tendency to favor this cautious allocation strategy,” Smiles said in the report.

But he said creeping inflation threatens to erode cash values, so he’s advising clients to take on “considered amounts of risk” with interest rate swaps, credit default swaps, or selling rates or foreign exchange derivatives.

Yet in today’s increasingly frothy market environment, and after the hangover of 2009, today’s billionaires prefer a return of their assets rather than a return on assets. And in fact, they may be happy with a small loss rather than risk a larger one.

Smiles said that the large cash holdings aren’t specific to billionaires—millionaires and multimillionaires are also holding cash hordes, on the order of 20 percent to 30 percent of their net worth.

The wealthy are still traumatized by the financial crisis in 2009, when many wealthy families were scrambling for cash, he said. What’s more, many wealthy families missed out on the big financial-market rallies in 2012 and 2013 and feel like they missed the best chance to invest.

“It’s the combination of many people having been under-invested in equities and under-invested in wide risk assets having seen rallies and missed those rallies,” he said. “Things are no longer cheap, and it’s emotionally hard to get invested now.”

See (emphasis added); see also (“Global Economic Conditions Worsen: Green Shoots Will Disappear”)

As I responded in an interview:

Some people recommend gold. I still recommend holding cash, and sitting on the sidelines and waiting until the bottom is reached (or close to it), and then snapping up the bargains.


Many major global companies have been hoarding cash for a long time now, including Apple and Ford, which have learned valuable lessons from the past.


1 11 2014
Timothy D. Naegele

The True Reason Gas Prices are Falling

Gas prices

Stephen Moore—who formerly wrote on the economy and public policy for The Wall Street Journal, and is chief economist at The Heritage Foundation—writes:

American workers and motorists got some badly-needed relief this week when the price of oil plunged to its lowest level in years. The oil price has fallen by about 25 percent since its peak back in June of $105 a barrel. This is translating to lower prices at the pump with many states now below $3 a gallon.

At present levels, these lower oil and gas prices are the equivalent of a $200 billion cost saving to American consumers and businesses. That’s $200 billion a year we don’t have to send to Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and other foreign nations. Now that’s an economic stimulus par excellence.

There are many global reasons why gas prices are falling, but the major one isn’t being widely reported. America has become in the last several years an energy-producing powerhouse. And sorry, Mr. President, I’m not talking about the niche “green energy” sources you are so weirdly fixated with.

Oil prices are falling because of changes in world supply and world demand. Demand has slowed because Europe is an economic wreck. But since 2008 the U.S. has increased our domestic supply by a gigantic 50 percent. This is a result of the astounding shale oil and gas revolution made possible by made-in-America technologies like hydraulic fracturing and horizontal drilling. Already thanks to these inventions, the U.S. has become the number one producer of natural gas. But oil production in states like Oklahoma, Texas and North Dakota has doubled in just six years.

Without this energy blitz, the U.S. economy would barely have recovered from the recession of 2008-09. From the beginning of 2008 through the end of 2013 the oil and gas extraction industry created more than 100,000 jobs while the overall job market shrank by 970,000.

When the radical greens carry around signs saying “No to Fracking,” they couldn’t be promoting a more anti-America message. It would be like Nebraska not growing corn.

We are just skimming the surface of our super-abundant oil and gas resources. New fields have been discovered in Texas and North Dakota that could contain hundreds of years of shale oil and gas supplies.

Here’s another reason to love the oil and gas bonanza in America. It’s breaking the back of OPEC. Saudi Arabia is deluging the world with oil right now, which is driving the world price relentlessly lower. The Arabs understand—as too few in Washington do—that shale energy boom is no short term fad. It could make energy cheaper for decades to come. As American drillers get better at perfecting the technologies of cracking through shale rock to get to the near infinite treasure chest supplies of energy locked inside, we will soon overtake Saudi Arabia as the dominant player in world energy markets.

You can’t have a cartel if the world’s largest producer—America—isn’t a member. OPEC will never again be able to create the level of economic turmoil that the Arab members of OPECs engineered in the 1970s with their oil embargo. And by the way: lower oil prices place increased pressure on Iran’s mullahs to abandon their nuclear program and curb Putin’s capabilities to engage in East Europe aggression.

Yet the political class still doesn’t get it. As recently as 2012 President Obama declared that “the problem is we use more than 20 percent of the world’s oil and we only have 2 percent of the world’s proven oil reserves.” Then he continued with his Malthusian nonsense, “Even if we drilled every square inch of this country right now, we’d still have to rely disproportionately on other countries for their oil.” Apparently, neither he nor his fact checkers have ever been to Texas or North Dakota. And we don’t have 2 percent of the world’s oil. Including estimates of onshore and offshore resources not yet officially “discovered”, we have ten times more than the stat quoted by the president—resources sufficient to supply hundreds of years of oil and gas.

America, in sum, has been richly endowed with a nearly invincible 21st century economic and national security weapon to keep us safe and prosperous. The plunge is gas prices is just one visible sign of this supply explosion. Think of how much bigger this revolution could be if we started building pipelines, repealed the ban on oil exports, expanded drilling on public lands, and stopped trying to punitively tax and regulate the oil and gas.

For much of the last forty years, oil’s periodic price spikes have remained a constant threat to growth. Higher consumer energy costs as well as increased industrial production costs weighted on the economy. Now oil is one of the primary accelerators; the new big drag on the economy is politicians who despise the carbon-based industry.

See (emphasis added)

Clearly, Barack Obama is a fad and a feckless naïf, and a tragic Shakespearean figure who will be forgotten and consigned to the dustheap of history . . . except for the tragic mistakes he has made and will continue to make until his failed presidency ends.

His naïveté has been matched by his overarching narcissism, and he will be considered more starry-eyed and “dangerous” than Jimmy Carter. His presidency will be considered a sad watershed in history. Indeed, it has been said about Obama—America’s narcissistic “Hamlet on the Potomac” and “Jimmy Carter-lite”:

Jimmy Carter may be heading to #2 on the [list of] all-time worst presidents in American history, thanks to “O.”

This is an understatement.

The fall in oil prices may doom Russia’s dictator-for-life Putin, which cannot happen fast enough.

See (“Oil Slump Leaves Russia Even Weaker Than Decaying Soviet Union“)


7 11 2014
Timothy D. Naegele

The German Miracle Is Tested

Berlin Wall

The UK’s Telegraph has a fascinating article about why Germany is still not a unified country, 25 years after the Berlin Wall fell:


GDP per head in east Germany, a measure of economic output divided by the population, is 67 per cent of that in the rest of the country. Although still a large disparity, it has grown significantly from the 33 per cent that faced Germany at reunification.

The economic profile of the former Communist states also remains distinct from other parts of the country.

Tellingly, not one of Germany’s top 100 companies – the traditional backbone of the country’s economic success – is headquartered in the east. Economic activity in former Communist states is still dominated by sectors like agriculture and construction, rather than industrial production and export industries.


Germany’s eastern states continue to have higher average rates of joblessness, at 9.7 per cent compared to 5.4 per cent in the country as a whole.

This is a gap that has closed significantly since 1990, but overall, falling levels of unemployment can still be attributed to young east Germans going west in search of work.

Productivity – the amount Germans produce for every hour they work – also lags in the former Iron Curtain regions and is around a quarter below the rest of the country. However, east Germans still work longer hours than their compatriots and have higher rates of labour force participation.


There are also some more spurious indicators which highlight the degree to which integration in the east has yet to fully catch up with the rest of the country.

World Cup winners Germany have long been feted for having a domestic club structure which is the envy of Europe. However, of all the teams in the top-flight Bundesliga none hails from the eastern part of the country.

Meanwhile, only one of Germany’s World Cup winning squad in Brazil, Real Madrid’s Toni Kroos, was born in the GDR.


But for all the disparities, there are signs that integration between east and west is moving forward at a steady pace. Net migration from the former Communist states to the west has rapidly slowed in recent years. In the immediate aftermath of reunification, East Germans fled in their thousands over the former border.

An estimated two million inhabitants – or 13.5 per cent of the population – migrated, but this flow has now stemmed to almost negligible levels.
Improving economic conditions in the east mean people are less likely to look westwards in search of prosperity, and the most recent trends show some Germans are now returning to the former Communist states.

Births and deaths

Life expectancy rates have also converged markedly since the fall of the Wall. The average east German inhabitant is now expected to live to just under 80 years old, only 7 months less than their western counterparts.

A combination of vastly improved healthcare services and advances in living standards have steadily lowered mortality rates in the former Democratic Republic, so much so that for the first time, women in the east between the ages of 50 and 64 have lower mortality than women in the west.

Meanwhile, Germany as a whole has long had one of the lowest birth rates of any major country in the world.

Following reunification, the fertility rate in the east plunged by over 60 per cent, falling below levels in the west.

However, this has now slowly started to creep back up since the late 90s, and is once again higher than western levels, which have remained broadly constant.

Eastern nostalgia

Germans in the east of the country have long been characterised as harbouring a nostalgia for the post-war divide.

When asked about their prospects for a Gallup poll in 2012, two thirds of the inhabitants in the east described themselves as “struggling”, compared to just under half in the west. While, double the percentage polled thought they were still “suffering” in the former Communist states.

However, when asked if they think reunification has been a success, it is easterners who are still more likely to answer in the affirmative./strong>

See (emphasis added; charts omitted)

I was in Berlin when the Wall was still standing, and I walked into East Berlin briefly.

Since the Wall fell, I have traveled in Berlin and in the east many times. I was in Berlin when the Soviet troops were leaving, and selling their uniforms and plumbing fixtures from their barracks, and going back to “tent cities” in the USSR.

I was there when the East Germans scrapped their Trabants, and bought VWs with their “reparations” from the West.

It has been 25 years since the Wall fell. With usual Germany efficiency, roads that went only to the Iron Curtain, and were overseen by manned guard towers, soon went through and there were no vestiges of what had been . . . except in the hearts and minds of the East Germans.

To understand the East Germans, it is useful to understand Americans in the defeated South after our Civil War. They were members of a nation that had been beaten soundly, yet they were part of a larger nation that prospered and flourished. To this day, many Southerners still have chips on their shoulders, which they might not totally understand.

The same will be true in the former DDR, for generations to come. And Russia’s Putin, who served with the KGB in East Germany, may attempt to exploit this—just as he has done in Georgia and now Ukraine.

The West must never forget that he is a Cold Warrior, who learned his craft well as a KGB operative in East Germany—or the DDR, as it was known before the fall of the Wall and the collapse of Erich Honecker’s government—which was one of the most repressive regimes in the Soviet Union’s orbit, or the Evil Empire.

See (“U.S. Military Chief Compares Putin’s Ukraine Move to Stalin’s Invasion of Poland”)


17 11 2014
Timothy D. Naegele

UK’s Cameron: World Facing Second Economic Crash

No Internet

The UK’s Telegraph has reported:

David Cameron has said that “red warning lights are flashing on the dashboard of the global economy” and a second global crash could be looming.

In a bleak assessment as the G20 summit draws to a close, the Prime Minister said there were early signs similar to those seen before the global recession six years ago.

There is a “dangerous backdrop of instability and uncertainty” with diplomatic, humanitarian and economic problems across the world, he warned, which potentially endanger Britain’s recovery.

Mark Carney, the Governor of the Bank of England, said hedge funds, private equity firms and other parts of the unregulated “shadow banking” world will face increased scrutiny over the possible risks that they pose to financial stability.

“When the crisis hit, all these shadow banking risks collapsed back on the centre,” said Mr Carney, who is also chairman of the Financial Stability Board.

The board, which is charged with introducing changes to reduce the risk of another crash, has reached agreement on banking reforms but Mr Carney said there was still substantial work ahead to implement them.

The Prime Minister said the slowdown in the eurozone is affecting British exports and manufacturing.

Writing in The Guardian, Mr Cameron said: “The eurozone is teetering on the brink of a possible third recession, with high unemployment, falling growth and the real risk of falling prices too.

“Emerging market economies, which were the driver of growth in the early stages of the recovery, are now slowing down. Despite the progress in Bali [trade talks in 2013], global trade talks have stalled while the epidemic of Ebola, conflict in the Middle East and Russia’s illegal actions in Ukraine are all adding a dangerous backdrop of instability and uncertainty.”

The British economy was the fastest-growing in the G7, with “record numbers of new businesses, the largest ever annual fall in unemployment, and employment up 1.75 million in four years”, Mr Cameron said.

“But the reality is, in our interconnected world, wider problems in the global economy pose a real risk to our recovery at home,” he added.

Mr Cameron said retreating from the world or imposing extra tax and borrowing would only repeat past mistakes. He claimed the G20 communique negotiated at the summit endorsed Britain’s determination to use monetary policy to support growth and would not waver on his policy of paying down government debt.

The former prime minister, Sir John Major, told The Andrew Marr Show on BBC One that people were “concerned and worried” that “none of the growth in the economy has yet reached wage packets or salary slips”.

Chris Leslie, the shadow chief secretary to the Treasury, said: “Working people are £1,600 a year worse off under [David Cameron’s] Government, borrowing is going up so far this year and exports have fallen behind our competitors.”


Hold on tight. The worst is yet to come!


22 11 2014
Timothy D. Naegele

The End of China’s Economic Miracle [UPDATED]

China's economic miracle ends

This is the title of a Wall Street Journal essay by Bob Davis, which states:

On a trip to China in 2009, I climbed to the top of a 13-story pagoda in the industrial hub of Changzhou, not far from Shanghai, and scanned the surroundings. Construction cranes stretched across the smoggy horizon, which looked yellow in the sun. My son Daniel, who was teaching English at a local university, told me, “Yellow is the color of development.”

During my time in Beijing as a Journal reporter covering China’s economy, starting in 2011, China became the world’s No. 1 trader, surpassing the U.S., and the world’s No. 2 economy, topping Japan. Economists say it is just a matter of time until China’s GDP becomes the world’s largest.

This period also has seen China’s Communist Party name a powerful new general secretary, Xi Jinping , who pronounced himself a reformer, issued a 60-point plan to remake China’s economy and launched a campaign to cleanse the party of corruption. The purge, his admirers told me, would frighten bureaucrats, local politicians and executives of state-owned mega companies—the Holy Trinity of vested interests—into supporting Mr. Xi’s changes.

So why, on leaving China at the end of a nearly four-year assignment, am I pessimistic about the country’s economic future? When I arrived, China’s GDP was growing at nearly 10% a year, as it had been for almost 30 years—a feat unmatched in modern economic history. But growth is now decelerating toward 7%. Western business people and international economists in China warn that the government’s GDP statistics are accurate only as an indication of direction, and the direction of the Chinese economy is plainly downward. The big questions are how far and how fast.

My own reporting suggests that we are witnessing the end of the Chinese economic miracle. We are seeing just how much of China’s success depended on a debt-powered housing bubble and corruption-laced spending. The construction crane isn’t necessarily a symbol of economic vitality; it can also be a symbol of an economy run amok.

Most of the Chinese cities I visited are ringed by vast, empty apartment complexes whose outlines are visible at night only by the blinking lights on their top floors. I was particularly aware of this on trips to the so-called third- and fourth-tier cities—the 200 or so cities with populations ranging from 500,000 to several million, which Westerners rarely visit but which account for 70% of China’s residential property sales.

From my hotel window in the northeastern Chinese city of Yingkou, for example, I could see empty apartment buildings stretching for miles, with just a handful of cars driving by. It made me think of the aftermath of a neutron-bomb detonation—the structures left standing but no people in sight.

The situation has become so bad in Handan, a steel center about 300 miles south of Beijing, that a middle-aged investor, fearing that a local developer wouldn’t be able to make his promised interest payments, threatened to commit suicide in dramatic fashion last summer. After hearing similar stories of desperation, city officials reminded residents that it is illegal to jump off the tops of buildings, local investors said. Handan officials didn’t respond to requests for comment.

For the past 20 years, real estate has been a major driver of Chinese economic growth. In the late 1990s, the party finally allowed urban Chinese to own their own homes, and the economy soared. People poured their life savings into real estate. Related industries like steel, glass and home electronics grew until real estate accounted for one-fourth of China’s GDP, maybe more.

Debt paid for the boom, including borrowing by governments, developers and all manner of industries. This summer, the International Monetary Fund noted that over the past 50 years, only four countries have experienced as rapid a buildup of debt as China during the past five years. All four—Brazil, Ireland, Spain and Sweden—faced banking crises within three years of their supercharged credit growth.

China followed Japan and South Korea in using exports to pull itself out of poverty. But China’s immense scale has now become a limitation. As the world’s largest exporter, how much more growth can it count on from trade with the U.S. and especially Europe? Shift the economy toward innovation? That is the mantra of every advanced economy, but China’s rivals have a big advantage: Their societies encourage free thought and idiosyncratic beliefs.

When I talked to Chinese college students, I would ask them about their plans. Why, I wondered, in an economy with seemingly limitless potential, did so few choose to become entrepreneurs? According to researchers in the U.S. and China, engineering students at Stanford were seven times as likely as those at the most elite Chinese universities to join startups.

One interview with an environmental engineering student at Tsinghua University stuck with me. His parents grew wealthy by building companies that made shoes and water pumps. But he had no desire to follow in their footsteps—and they didn’t want him to either. Better that he work for the state, they told him: The work was more secure, and perhaps he could wind up in a government position that could help the family business.

Will Mr. Xi’s campaign reverse China’s slowdown or at least limit it? Perhaps. It follows the standard recipe of Chinese reformers: remake the financial system so that it encourages risk-taking, break up monopolies to create a bigger role for private enterprise, rely more on domestic consumption.

But even powerful Chinese leaders have trouble enforcing their will. I reported earlier this year on the government’s plan to handle one straightforward problem: reducing excess steel production in Hebei, the province that surrounds Beijing. Hebei alone produces twice as much crude steel as the U.S., but China no longer needs so much steel, to say nothing of the emissions that darken the skies over Beijing. Mr. Xi weighed in by warning local officials that they would no longer be judged simply on increasing GDP; meeting environmental goals would count too.

In late 2013, Hebei staged an event called “Operation Sunday.” Officials sent demolition squads to destroy blast furnaces, and imploding mills made great TV on the 7 p.m. news. But it turned out that the destroyed mills had long been out of production, so blowing them up didn’t affect output. Indeed, China’s steel industry is on track for record production this year.

In China, I have learned, yellow isn’t just the color of development. It is also the color of a setting sun.

See; see also (“China blinks as economic downturn deepens“) and (“Global Economic Conditions Worsen: Green Shoots Will Disappear“) and (“China’s Speculative Bubble“) and (“Bank of America warns of ‘lethal’ damage to China’s financial system as deflation deepens“) and (“Devaluation by China is the next great risk for a deflationary world“) and (“Liquidity evaporates in China as ‘fiscal cliff’ nears“)

Hold on tight. Things will get very ugly and scary globally between now and the end of this decade!


30 11 2014
Timothy D. Naegele

The New Oil Order

Environmental Nazis

In an important Wall Street Journal editorial, it is stated:

America’s unconventional oil boom continues to yield major benefits—economic and geostrategic. The latest evidence is OPEC’s decision on Thursday to defy expectations and maintain its current oil production target despite the steepest price decline since the 2008-2009 recession. The price of Brent crude, the global oil benchmark, plunged as a result to about $70 a barrel, continuing its decline from a peak of nearly $116 in June.

Not too many years ago the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries might have cut production to maintain higher prices. The cartel’s countries have long sought to keep prices high at a level consistent with a growing global economy, not least to keep the revenue flowing into government coffers. Rogue states such as Venezuela and Iran desperately need the cash flow.

But the cartel has lost much of its pricing power thanks in part to the revival in U.S. oil production. Horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing—business innovations done mainly on private land—have pushed U.S. oil output to its highest level since the 1980s.

The Energy Information Administration says U.S. production reached more than nine million barrels a day this year and is expected to keep climbing. OPEC is afraid that demand for its crude will keep falling as U.S. supply continues to grow and more of it makes its way to the global market as American export barriers fall.

One way to read the OPEC decision is therefore as a price war to shake marginal U.S. producers from the market. The U.S. shale boom and high global oil prices have encouraged new areas of production with widely varying break-even price levels. Much of such proven areas as the Bakken Shale in North Dakota can remain profitable even at $50 a barrel, by most estimates. The Eagle Ford Shale in Texas also has a relatively low break-even. But newer areas with higher exploration and development costs could suffer if prices keep falling.

That’s how markets are supposed to work, with supply and demand rather than a cartel of dictatorships setting prices. A lower oil price will mean pain for some U.S. producers, and it is showing up in lower share prices for energy companies.

But no boom lasts forever, and lower prices will discipline American drillers to focus their investments on the most promising areas and innovate further to reduce costs. A shake-out might have long-term benefits if it doesn’t go too far.

Meanwhile, lower oil prices are an unmitigated boon to American consumers. The average gasoline price per gallon in the U.S. fell to $2.79 on Friday, down 50 cents from a year ago. That’s a big difference to the average family filling up the SUV each week, especially wage earners who haven’t had an increase in their standard of living during this entire economic expansion. Consumers who feel less pinched might open their checkbooks for non-energy purchases.

Lower prices will also add to the economic pressure on some of the world’s worst dictators, notably Vladimir Putin. Russia doesn’t belong to OPEC but it has benefited to the extent that the cartel’s production controls have kept prices high. Already under pressure from EU and U.S. sanctions, Mr. Putin’s ability to buy domestic political support will decline along with oil prices.

All of these benefits are flowing from a U.S. oil boom that government didn’t predict and had almost nothing to do with. The political class has force-fed subsidies to renewable energy with little economic benefit. The new oil order is a reminder that markets and American ingenuity are better economic pillars than all the schemes of government planners.

See; see also (“The True Reason Gas Prices are Falling”)

Barack Obama and his “environmental Nazis” have done everything in their power to prevent this from happening. The majority of Americans must rise up and say: “No more.”

The United States is becoming the world’s energy leader again, despite their efforts to block and derail it!

. . .

Also, we may witness the departure of Russia’s despot Putin.

Like Hitler before him, Putin is a megalomaniac who must be terminated.

If this had happened with Mussolini, Hitler, Saddam Hussein, Osama bin Laden, and other dictators and tyrants before Putin—including Stalin—millions of innocent lives would have been saved.

See, e.g., (“Putin’s Futile Campaign To Rebuild The Lost Soviet Union Is Racing Against The Ruble’s Collapse”) and (“Russian rouble shaken in biggest one-day fall against dollar since 1998″—”The currency of Vladimir Putin’s Russia has been left shaken by falling oil prices and sanctions related to ongoing tensions in Ukraine”)


30 11 2014
H. Craig Bradley


We are in a world full of new and growing conflicts and wars which come in many forms and shapes. The shooting wars, which get all the mass attention because they are explicit and highly visible, do not accurately reflect the true extent of how unstable the world has become. Its rather striking we could sit IN our homes each weekend and be totally secure in our status and finances seemingly without a care in the world. We are hiding from reality.

Any change in this New Global Order ( Swiss Gold Referendum) could quickly and easily devolve into disorder ( shortage of physical gold ), catching the uninformed and unwary by complete surprise. There are many possible surprises lurking out there. Odds are, we will come to know some of them on occasion in the coming years. We need to accept and prepare for the reality we live in an age of global crisis. We can either hide and ignore it ( turn off the news) or try to position ourselves for the blows sure to come.

A lot of these issues are of a global financial nature. The post WWII global financial system is Dollar ( American) centric, as the dominant global superpower. However, decades of incompetent Presidents, wasteful and excessive Federal spending, FED money printing ( QE ) and borrowing ( national debt ) have each seriously weakened the underpinnings of the Old Global Financial Order and permanently reduced overall confidence in America, its political leadership, and our currency.

In response to our growing financial weakness ( seen clearly abroad), China and Russia and Iran have openly stated they want to move away from dependency (use) of the U.S. Dollar ( “Petrodollar” ). We now have widespread worldwide currency wars between sovereigns. In addition, these financial conflicts are complimented with military developments ranging from outright aggression ( Putin in the Ukraine ) to China ” configuring their military” to attack us. The future looks increasingly dangerous to me. It bizarre for whole nations to ignore the trends and be complacent to the degree we are at home. Its just like the 1930’s. ( National Parochialism and self-centeredness )

Each tries to debase their currency faster than their neighbor to gain a temporary or perceived economic advantage in a world already saturated with (bad) sovereign debts. Little net actual economic growth can be found in the developed economies after inflation. Real wage growth is almost nonexistent in spite of declining ( improving) government employment statistics. Western Societies are dividing further into the smaller component of well-to-do with financial assets growing and the rest (majority) little or no economic improvement and growing individual indebtedness ( student loans ).

Our National Choice is simple: We can ignore ignore the growing threats to our peace and development ( future war ) and be victims, or we can prepare. We too often concentrate on tiny, trivial, local “problems” that are “personality” focused ( Justin Bieber’s run-ins with the law ) and ignore the “elephant in the room”. Its more traditional liberal-conservative political party arguments about trivia with no true leadership or national consensus.

Unfortunately, we simply do not appear able to handle the bigger or more serious matters on any level (private or government). We keep “kicking the can down the road”. Eventually, this road dead-ends and we then have a T- Intersection to choose from. Our poor collective choices and unending delays will eventually have a cost that ALL must pay for, one way or the other.

Despite our collective HOPES, in this world, there is really no free lunch in the end. We do not live in a consequence-free environment. If we prove incapable of self-government, someone will likely do it for us. ( Oligarchs, Global Central Bank Elites, or a ” Big Nanny” for the “Nanny State” ( Hillary Clinton?). As it is today, we all stand charged of being grossly irresponsible. Jury is still out. Guilty or Not-Guilty? Only time will tell.


30 11 2014
Timothy D. Naegele

Thank you as always, Craig, for your comments.

On balance, I do not disagree. However, I believe the United States will fare better than other countries.

We have two more years to endure of the failed Obama presidency, which may be fraught with even more problems. Then, let us hope that the American people elect leaders who are worthy of our trust.


30 11 2014
H. Craig Bradley


Now, with the Swiss rejecting a gold-backed Franc (The Referendum), the world’s central bankers are now ” all-in” with similar monetary policies to expand their respective balance sheets with more debt “assets” and print even more money (supply), while each further lowers interest rates into negative territory.

Still, no new or sustainable economic growth has been realized in five years. We read each day that more jobs are created and unemployment is going down. Corporate profits are said to be up. Federal Government Deficits are reportedly going down. On the surface, we are in a Great “Recovery”. The stock markets even keep reaching new highs and give us the necessary Christmas Cheer. We have “Visions of Sugar Plumb Fairies”.

We feel pretty good about things. Are we all mad? ( We are uneasy or scared but sure won’t admit it). The “Ultimate Bubble” may turn out to be the Biggest Rubble ever.


30 11 2014
Timothy D. Naegele

Again, I agree, Craig.

However, one must distinguish between American bankers and those of other countries. I have represented more than 200 U.S. banks; and their leaders are generally very responsible. Moreover, the American financial institution regulators (e.g., the Fed, the FDIC, the Comptroller, the NCUAB) watch their balance sheets like hawks, and are always seeking more capital rather than less.

This is not true of other countries, whose banking systems could collapse in the worst of times. The Wall Street Journal is reporting today that China, which has very serious economic problems, is in the process of adopting FDIC-like deposit insurance.

See (“China Releases Plan for Bank Deposit Insurance”); see also (“The End of China’s Economic Miracle”)

In other countries, such deposit insurance is nonexistent; and even in the United States, there is no insurance with respect to mutual funds. In a crash, fund investors would be standing in lines trying to redeem their monies, like the Great Depression. The liquidity crisis would drive down markets to new lows.


30 11 2014
H. Craig Bradley


Obviously, if we ever have a crash of the order of magnitude of 1929-1932 or Japan post-1989, when markets their declined -80% and only recovered to -60% 20 + years later, all investors with financial assets or real estate would be in big trouble. So would the ” Too Big too Fail” Banks.

The Federal Government would not have the available resources to bail out all the largest banks again. FDIC would not have enough money (funds) to make good on their obligations (word) either. Trust will be hard to come by in a true collapse. Its already becoming somewhat rare. None of the Banks trust each other anymore, as it is.

Stock valuations would slide rapidly into the tank and into low single digits, as there would be NO buyers (during a panic). In fact, stock market computer trading systems would probably seize-up and the markets would have to be closed-down for days or weeks in order to sort it all out. In the process, Investors would be unable to access any of their investments or buy/sell. The lines Your broker’s phone lie would be one continuous busy signal. For the moment, secure Cash would Be King. However, widespread panic is contagious.

Consumer spending would rapidly fall and the economy would go into a deflationary depression like we have never seen in our lifetimes. Unemployment would soar to 30%, officially. For survivors, it would be a once in a lifetime chance of unbridled opportunity. Fire sale on all assets for 10 cents on the dollar. For the majority of Americans who still fully trust the U.S. Government, it will be a time of great hardship. Many will suffer. Those who plan ahead a little bit will be more likely to survive ( on their own). Ironically, being a prison inmate would be relatively safe place to hang-out. ( Think AMC’s series “Walking Dead”). It would be much better guarded than your suburban neighborhood residence.

Even many U.S. Banks would end-up broke and be closed down by the FED, as their primary capital ( bonds) or home mortgages devalued a similar amount. They would have no net worth or liquidity. So, the real lines would be for depositors waiting to receive their FDIC insurance payouts after a bank closure holiday. It could be a long wait for depositors indeed.

It would possibly take months to settle accounts with no cash in the meantime. Many poor and former Middle Class citizens would riot in the streets and make Ferguson, MO look like a Mardi Gras celebration. Those times would require unconventional skills and approaches such as silver or other goods to barter, as the financial system and point-of-sale terminals and ATM Machines would be Temporarily “Out of Order”.

People would possibly starve in the cities as grocery store shelves quickly emptied faster than just before Hurricane Katrina. A monetary collapse would mean a collapse in civil order, as well. In the event of such a worst case scenario, you would not want to be living in any American City or even near one either.


30 11 2014
Timothy D. Naegele

Thank you again, Craig.

On balance, I agree with you; however, I still believe the United States will fare better than other countries.

To respond to your specific points:

First, I believe economic historians will deem the present period in global history as the “Great Depression II,” or by some similar name.

One must never forget that prior to World War II, there were false signs that the last Great Depression was ending; however, it really never ran its course until the end of that war. This depression may not run its course until the end of this decade, or longer.

Second, the federal government has unlimited resources; and the “too-big-to-fail” banks would not fail.

You are correct that as the value of real estate assets falls dramatically, the regulators might require that “mark-to-market” accounting be employed, which would drastically reduce the balance sheets of real estate lenders and borrowers. Many would go out of business or otherwise fail.

More serious would be the runs on funds, which I have discussed above.

Third, FDIC insurance would still be worth its “weight in gold.” It would be the only thing worth trusting, in my opinion. One cannot eat gold or silver . . . or stocks.

I have discussed all of these issues in an interview that I gave some time ago, which is still relevant today.


As I stated in that interview, I believe the stock market is a “fool’s paradise,” and that cash is king.

See also (“Cash Is King”)

Fourth, you concluded by writing:

[Y]ou would not want to be living in any American City or even near one either.

I agree. Ferguson teaches us that lesson in spades.

Lastly, this thread is getting too long to be read easily on smartphones.


30 11 2014
H. Craig Bradley


If you want a glimpse of what a crash (panic) might actually look like, just look at Halliburton (HAL) stock on Friday after OPEC agreed to keep oil production “as is”. The “professional” investors caved-in and all sold-off energy related stocks indiscriminately. Halliburton declined -11% in just a half-day’s trading. A smart investor could pick some up at opening at $42/share ( 2012 Prices). Investors are operating on emotion and liquidity and at times, have a “hair-trigger” on their sell orders en masse.

Additional evidence of general unease at lage and in the markets besides occasional hair- trigger selling is the current unavailability of silver coin. Since October, the U.S. Mint has been sold-out of 2014 Silver Eagles and won’t have any new stock (2015 Issue) until late January. In addition, no coin dealers have any bags of “junk silver” ( pre-1964 U.S. Minted quarters or dimes) in stock either. Even if you could find any silver coin nationally, you would have to pay a 19% premium over spot to get it. Supplies are only sent to primary dealers, not the public. They will sell-out quickly.

A similar imbalance or shortage of physical gold coin may soon develop, as well. ETF’s like GLD (“paper gold”) might still be going down, but there is an apparent shortage of physical precious metals globally. In any case, supplies are very tight. If there is even a slight increase in demand, the price could skyrocket for gold or silver coins next year. All it takes is a small increase in demand for physical gold delivery instead of forward swap agreements ( derivatives) . Something is amiss here!!


30 11 2014
Timothy D. Naegele

Thank you again, Craig.

As I said in the interview that is cited above:

Question: The stock market is up significantly since Obama took office. Would you buy stocks now?

Answer: No. I believe the stock market is a “fool’s paradise,” and I cannot explain the stock market rise—except for the old adage that what goes up comes down. I bought my first share of stock when I was about eight years old; and the Senate Banking Committee studied the stock market when I worked there. I drew two conclusions, which I believe to this day: (1) The only people who make money in the stock market and know the reasons why are (a) those who trade on inside information, which of course is illegal, and (b) those who are “technical traders” (e.g., with seats on exchanges, or who trade on “up-ticks”); and (2) average Americans should not be in the stock market at all, because it is gambling—much like going to Las Vegas or betting on the ponies at the nearest race track.



2 12 2014
Timothy D. Naegele

Russia Is Collapsing, And Putin’s Days Are Numbered

Collapsing banks

The UK Telegraph‘s International Business Editor in London, Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, has written:

The Russian rouble has suffered its steepest one-day drop since the default crisis in 1998 as capital flight accelerates, raising the risk of emergency exchange controls and tightening the noose on Russian companies and bodies with more than $680bn (£432bn) of external debt.

The currency has been in freefall since Saudi Arabia and the Gulf states vetoed calls by weaker Opec members for a cut in crude oil output, a move viewed by the Kremlin as a strategic attack on Russia.

A fresh plunge in Brent prices to a five-year low of $67.50 a barrel on Monday caused the dam to break, triggering a 9pc slide in the rouble in a matter of hours.

Analysts said it took huge intervention by the Russian central bank to stop the rout and stablize the rouble at 52.07 to the dollar. “They must have spent billions,” said Tim Ash, at Standard Bank.

It is extremely rare for a major country to collapse in this fashion, and the trauma is likely to have political consequences. “This has become disorderly. There are no real buyers of the rouble. We know that voices close to president Vladimir Putin want capital controls, and we cannot rule this out,” said Lars Christensen, at Danske Bank.

“Funding problems are increasing dramatically. We think Russia is now flirting with systemic problems,” he added.

Some Russian banks have already started limiting withdrawals of dollars and euros to $10,000, an implicit lockdown for big depositors.

Russian premier Dmitry Medvedev said 10 days ago that capital controls are out of the question. “The government, myself, my colleagues and the central bank have repeatedly stated that we are not going to impose any special restrictions on capital flows,” he said.

Ksenia Yudaeva, the central bank’s deputy governor, said the authorities are battening down the hatches for a “$60 oil scenario” lasting deep into next year. “A long decline is highly probable,” she said.

Russia has lost its ranking as the world’s eighth biggest economy, shrinking in just nine months from a $2.1 trillion petro-giant to a mid-size player comparable with Korea or Spain.

In a further setback, Mr Putin gave the clearest signal yet that the South Stream gas pipeline – intended to supply Europe without going through Ukraine – may never be built. “If Europe does not want to carry it out, then it will not be carried out,” he said.

Oil and gas provide two-thirds of Russia’s exports and cover half of its fiscal revenues, a classic case of the “Dutch Disease” that leaves the country highly exposed to the ups and down of the commodity cycle.

Protracted slumps in crude prices crippled the Soviet Union in the late 1980s, and caused Russia to go bankrupt in the late-1990s. “The rouble will not stabilize until oil does,” said Kingsmill Bond, at Sberbank.

The bank said Russia faces a mounting deficit on its capital account. The country is no longer generating a big enough trade surplus to cover capital outflows. Sberbank warned that reserves are “likely” to fall to levels that ultimately require capital controls, unless Western sanctions are lifted.

While Russia has $420bn of foreign reserves, this war chest is not as a large as it seems for a country with chronic capital outflows that relies heavily on foreign funding. Lubomir Mitov, from the Institute of International Finance, said investors may start to fret about reserve cover if the figure falls to $330bn.

The rouble’s slide has led to fury in the Duma, where populist politician Evgeny Fedorov has called for a criminal investigation of the central bank. Critics say the institution had been taken over by “feminist liberals” and is a tool of the International Monetary Fund. The office of the Russia general prosecutor said on Monday it was opening a probe.

The central bank has refused to intervene to defend the rouble over recent weeks, letting the exchange rate take the strain rather than burning through reserves to delay the inevitable, as Nigeria and Kazakhstan are doing. It squandered $200bn of reserves in a six-week period in late 2008 and triggered an acute banking crisis, learning the hard way that currency intervention entails monetary tightening.

By letting the rouble fall, it shields the Russian budget from the slump in global oil prices, though not entirely. Deutsche Bank said the fiscal balance turns negative at crude prices below $70.

Yet the devaluation is causing prices to spiral upwards in the shops and may at some point cause a self-feeding crisis if it evokes bitter memories of past currencies crashes. The finance ministry said it expects inflation to reach 10pc in the first quarter of 2015.

There is already a dash to buy washing machines, cars and computers before they shoot up in price, a shift in behaviour that signals stress.

The rouble slide is ratcheting up the pressure on Russian companies facing $35bn of redemptions of foreign debt in December alone, mostly in dollars. Yields on Lukoil’s 10-year bonds have jumped by 250 basis points since June to 7.5pc.

Most Russian companies have been shut out of global capital markets since the escalation of Western sanctions, following the downing of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 in July. They are forced to pay back debt as it comes due, seek support from the Russian state or default. The oil giant Rosneft has requested $49bn in state aid.

Sberbank said companies must repay $75bn next year in dollar debt and cannot hope to roll over more than a tiny sliver of this. Nor can they expect more than $10bn of fresh capital from China.

The bank said there are companies that are profiting nicely from the devaluation, since they sell abroad yet their costs are local. These include the base metals groups Norilsk and Rusal, as well as steel producers, and fertilizer groups such as Uralkali and PhosAgro. “Some of these are making a lot of money right now, and their stocks are flying,” said one trader.

The Russian equity index is trading at 0.5pc of book value. Rarely has a market ever been so cheap.

See (emphasis added; charts omitted); see also (“Putin’s Futile Campaign To Rebuild The Lost Soviet Union Is Racing Against The Ruble’s Collapse”) and (“Russia Is A Defeated Power Of The Cold War Era”) and (“Oil Slump Leaves Russia Even Weaker Than Decaying Soviet Union”) and (“U.S. Military Chief Compares Putin’s Ukraine Move to Stalin’s Invasion of Poland”) and (“The Pygmy Putin Rules Over A Third World Country, Russia”)

Putin is not long for this world. The countdown has begun.

Putin's death


3 12 2014
H. Craig Bradley


We are witnessing a financial (oil) war between Saudi Arabia ( The Western allies ) and Russia, Iran, and smaller OPEC producers. Often in the past such financial Wars ultimately led to real (shooting) wars. So, how much time do we have until the tanks start to roll and the bombs start to fall?

Will someone (country) try to take-out the Saudi Royal Family or will dissent spread in the Arab World as funds dry up and populations become discontented and aroused by more radical elements?

Either way, it may be just a matter of time until the Saudis are gone, along with the Petrodollar. Then we have real problems at home ( rapid inflation, high interest rates, declining assets and collateral at banks). Global unrest (wars) could be the next contagion coming in 2015.


3 12 2014
Timothy D. Naegele

Well, Craig, I usually do not take issue with your comments, except to dissent here and there. However, my gut reaction after reading your latest is to respectfully dissent. 🙂

Yes, global disorder seems to be in the cards, but the American hand seems to be getting stronger with each passing day. With our oil “supremacy”—despite Obama and the “environmental Nazis”—the Middle East is less and less important to us, except as an “irritant.”

I do not agree that the Saudi royal family will be gone anytime soon. They seem to have a knack for surviving, like other royal families in the region (e.g., Jordan).

You have said:

[I]t may be just a matter of time until the Saudis are gone . . .

If so, then all bets are off with respect to Israel and the region as a whole. However, I do not see things as bleakly as you do, except for Russia:

Russia has lost its ranking as the world’s eighth biggest economy, shrinking in just nine months from a $2.1 trillion petro-giant to a mid-size player comparable with Korea or Spain.



3 12 2014
H. Craig Bradley

I think we have become way too complacent in many respects and are making mistakes that could either “come back to haunt us” or eventually, hurt us all outright. For a picture that shouts a thousand words, consider this one of all five nuclear-powered aircraft carriers lined up in Norfolk, Virginia on Feb. 8, 2014.


I thought the Navy learned a hard lesson on Dec. 7, 1941 at Pearl Harbor. We have too many enemies to be publicly letting our guard down like this. Its a risky (thoughtless) command decision from the White House that should not remain unnoticed. Plus, It looks really bad, but did anyone notice it or mention it on the evening news? Of course not. America is asleep.

Last night on Fox News its all about the Black Caucus in Congress and Ferguson, MO with the motto: ” Hands-up, Don’t Shoot”. We don’t understand that we more dangerous enemies around the world ( and growing) than from a bunch of illiterate urban homies looting their own neighborhoods land small businesses or someone else’s while the local police stand-down ( As they did under LAPD Chief Gates after the Rodney King verdict in 1992) .

My conviction is my fellow Americans pose a much bigger threat to my life, well-being, freedom, safety, and resources than ISIS could ever be. Stupid voters or stupid ( uninformed) people are dangerous, particularly at home. Thats a fact.


3 12 2014
Timothy D. Naegele

Thank you again, Craig.

Yes, indeed, the idea of having our carriers sitting as “ducks in a row” at Norfolk is absurd, and of course reminiscent of Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941. Obama’s slashing of our military budgets accounts for this; and we have more than two years to go of his failed presidency. What more disasters may we encounter?

I agree with your comments about Ferguson and other riots; and this really began during summer of 1965 with the Watts’ riots in Los Angeles.

Barack Obama is anti-military and a racist.

If one has any doubts whatsoever, please read his book “Dreams from My Father,” which sets forth his core beliefs in great detail—and how he has been governing, and what we can expect during the remaining two years of his presidency.


The thugs and hoods who torched Ferguson and other communities should be treated as domestic terrorists, and dealt with harshly. They must not be coddled, which has happened since the Watts’ riots.

And Obama is wrong: there is no point in trying to understand their anger, any more than trying to understand the anger of other terrorists.

He did not grow up on the U.S. mainland, so he does not understand the feelings of most Americans.


3 12 2014
H. Craig Bradley

For what its worth, my late father watched the Denish De Souza Movie “Obama’s America 2016″, which had quotes from his book ” Dreams of My Father”. My father responded to the quotes as “Bull-Shit”. His one word description of President Obama and his supporters in 2013: “Disgusting”. Incidentally, all of Denish’s predictions have come true to date:

1.) President Obama has doubled the National Debt to $18 Trillion, headed to $20 Trillion in two more years. Nothing Congress can really do about it. It will never be paid-off. The Chinese know this and are taking steps to DE-dollarize over time.

2.) President Obama has strengthened our enemies and weakened our allies.

3.) The Federal Government is vastly larger and more intrusive in everyday life, while the individual citizen has been diminished in importance and value.

None of these “Changes” can be fully reversed by future Presidents. So, like it or not, we are ALL equally stuck with the consequences of our (poor) collective choices. The voters got exactly what they voted for; what they wanted. So, tell them to quit whining and man-up. “Life is hard, but its even harder if you are stupid”, John Wayne.

Liked by 1 person

4 12 2014
Timothy D. Naegele

I agree with all of what you have written, Craig; and we have more than two years to go of the Obama presidency. 😦

As for reversing the changes, it depends on whether the GOP congress has any cojones; and whether a Republican is elected president in 2016. My hope is that Mitt Romney will run and be elected.


4 12 2014
H. Craig Bradley

Mitt Romney has repeatedly said he has no interest in running for President again. Mitt said in one interview last Summer on Fox: ” My time has come and gone”. Few presidents have won after losing prior elections, except Richard M. Nixon. He turned out to be a very poor president ( “A Bum” ).

It looks like we may be in for more corruption with Hillary Clinton. In many ways, the American voters of today deserve her, particularly if they want the “Nanny State” which many do. For the Nanny State we need a ” Big Nanny”. Bill O’Reilly previously reported surveys indicate the number one concern with most voters is not “the economy”, jobs, or employment anymore.

Their main concern today is keeping their government paid stuff ( entitlements, other than Social Security and Medicare). America has radically changed in just the last 14 years. I do not see voters going back to the 1980’s values. We are simply too dependent upon the many Federal government programs ( Big Govt.) and most voters are too stupid ( or charitably, dumbed-down).

Mitt would never be an attractive candidate to average people like that. He is way smarter than the average Joe Six-pack and he did not appeal to the biggest racial group in America, Hispanics. Hispanics want free stuff and Democrats promise more of the same. So, Hillary is a slam-dunk. Right now, there are 20 potential Republican contestants for the party nomination in August 2016. Hillary has already started her campaign and has raised a massive war chest. She will be hard to beat unless we can find a man of the people. Mitt is not a man of the people, he would be a man for the people.


4 12 2014
Timothy D. Naegele

Hopefully Mitt changes his mind, and runs and gets the nomination, and is elected. I do not like anyone else in either party; and if he is not the GOP candidate, I may not vote.

With respect to his ability to appeal to Hispanics, I would like to see Jeb Bush as his running mate—who speaks Spanish fluently and can help Mitt in Florida, and whose wife is Hispanic.

This, I believe, would be a winning ticket nationally.

Mitt and Jeb

Richard Nixon was a far better president than Obama.

See (“Is Obama The New Nixon?”) (see also the comments beneath the article)

I do not believe Hillary will be the next president, nor do I believe she will get the nomination. However, I did not believe Obama would be reelected in 2012 either.

See (“Barack Obama Is A Lame-Duck President Who Will Not Be Reelected”)

I might have retitled the article, “Barack Obama Is A Lame-Duck President Who May Not Be Reelected,” and it might have had more staying power. 🙂


4 12 2014
H. Craig Bradley


I think the Republican Party is instead attempting to groom Florida Senator Marco Rubio ( Cuban Immigrant ). I am not sure he would have changed the outcome if Mitt Romney had picked him instead of Paul Ryan ( Political Ad “Wheeling” Granny off a Cliff and saying “Cut”, “Cut, “Cut”).

You have to instead analyze where the average American is at right now to accurately forecast the future. According to Bill O’Reilly, the Average American, ( 70%) of all households, only earns an annual income of less than $50,000/yr. In the large cities where most of the voters live, this is not very much money, especially after all the various taxes. They are beat-down and pretty much only in survival mode.

You can detect this easily with your own everyday observations. You need not discuss matters with your peers or professional class because they don’t decide election outcomes anymore as their overall numbers are too small. Instead try the checkout counter at the local grocery store, such as Vons. Most of the workers are part-time in retail (grocery), except management.

I casually mentioned that we berthed all our aircraft carriers in one place ( Northfork, VA) and asked if we learned anything in the last 72 years? The cashier had no interest, made no response, and no comment except can I see your Vons Card. It did not register. This is not unique. Most ordinary people you meet in public don’t know ( their own admission) and clearly don’t care about anything except getting-by. This is what you have in survival mode.

Another example was a neighborhood woman named “Rosemary” who owned a house in the area ( since sold to some Japanese). One morning in the neighborhood park while walking her dog in Sept. 2012 I inquired about her opinion of Mitt Romney. She responded: ” I could NEVER vote for Romney, as his wife is an EQUESTRIAN !”

Seriously, this how most common people (voters) “think”. The reason they are often referred to as “low information voters” is self-evident. Most voters do not know the issues and are not inclined to learn about them either. Voters are not interested in facts, just emotion. They are complacent in their station in life. This is Democracy, or the dictatorship of the masses or by the average. Its very low-end.

A Republican would have to be a man of the people to override the widespread distrust voters have with the “wealthy” and the Republicans in their minds. Never mind they don’t know much of anything about any candidate. If they did, Hillary would not be currently lobbying for the Democratic nomination and would have long since retired.

Hillary is the corrupt candidate that Detroit loved to elect for decades; that Americans seem to esteem and she may therefore be nominated in 2016 and elected the first Woman President. Only a personable female Republican candidate, V.P. or President could nullify Hillary. She will have to have smart managers. Where is she ?

The Republican Party can no long get way by passively sitting around and trying the same old (tired) strategy ( Nominate another Bush ). Besides, I don not support or believe in political dynasties. The Roman Emperors had plenty of that. I won’t vote for either a Bush or a Clinton again as President. The Republican Party must think three moves ahead of their opponents if they want to win in 2016. Otherwise, its Hilary’s to lose.


5 12 2014
Timothy D. Naegele

Thank you again, Craig.

I believe Rubio is a nice “lightweight,” who may never be ready for the highest offices in the land. Also, his Raison d’être are the issues surrounding immigrants, which may play well in Southern Florida, but not nationwide—where the “anti-amnesty for illegal immigrants” tide is likely to sink his ship.

See, e.g., (“The Post-Obama Democrats”)

As for Americans as a whole, i believe they have collective wisdom.

See (“America: A Rich Tapestry Of Life”)

As I have said before, I do not believe Hillary will be elected.


5 12 2014
H. Craig Bradley

I hope she is not even nominated. I actually don’t care what they do. Similarly, I don’t care what the other guy has. I do know exactly what I have. Our collective “wisdom” is best described as “residual” wisdom. Today’s America is largely a result of the momentum of past generations, such as the “greatest generation” ( WWII). Today, we have real (constitutional) problems. President Obama has capped-off the end of rule of law.

Obama just took immigration out of the hands of Congress and used Executive Authority (EXO) in a blatantly unconstitutional manner. Nobody can do anything about it. Those 5 million new legal residents will never leave. There will be more and most of them vote Democratic, not Republican.

Don’t forget former New Jersey Governor and CEO of MS Global who misappropriated 1.2 Billion of segregated client funds and lost most of it in bad commodity trades. The Regulators did NOTHING. The criminal justice system ( AG ) did NOTHING. Rule of Law? You have to be joking at this point. Only for the poor sap who runs a red light and is unlucky to be caught by a traffic cop. Maybe a shoplifter who is spotted and detained with the goods before exiting the store. Otherwise, past tense for collective anything, except collective denial, that is.

As such, it exists more or less depending on the location (state-city) in question. Wisconsin has waked-up and is acting out as a population that has figured it out on their own and responded positively at the voting booth. New York ( Mayor Blasio) or Calif ( Jerry Brown) have not shown the collective wisdom that stands out as far as policy change. Govt. is always debatable, but I don’t accept wisdom without visible action to back it up, “collective” or not. So, there you have it. We sort of agree.


5 12 2014
Timothy D. Naegele

Thank you again, Craig.

I agree completely with your first paragraph; and nowhere is this more evident than in the D.C. Circuit and the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia, where at least two Obama appointees are abominations.

With respect to your second paragraph, I am not convinced that Obama has won . . . unless the GOP has no cojones, again.

When I spoke of collective wisdom, I meant the tides that ebb and flow. Americans can sense when something is wrong, and they vote the other way. The recent elections are a perfect example of that. The Dems were “slaughtered.” 🙂


5 12 2014
H. Craig Bradley


The problem with crowds and voter cycles is there is way too much lag time for the “interesting times” we live in. It took 6 years for the voters to start to sense ( subliminally) that something is terribly wrong, but there were individuals who saw it 5 years ago. By the time the crowd(public) started to figure it out, we built-up $ 8 Trillion more dollars in National Debt. DEBT NEVER GOES AWAY !!!

Everybody’s taxes will go up or we will end-up with very high inflation some day. Read Bill Gross’s annual letter, its amusing and funny.


“Punch and Judy fought for a pie.
Punch gave Judy a sock in the eye.
Said Punch to Judy, “Would you like some more?”
Said Judy to Punch, “No my eye is too sore.”

– Mother Goose nursery rhyme

The economy is not able to handle the extra load in the saddlebags and adapt to other issues plus weak global economy, poor leadership, and a “Do Nothing Congress” that just barks like a perrito ( little house dog) and then caves-in and passes Obama’s 5 $Trillion dollar budgets. The parties are emulating each other.

One year from now, Russia could collapse and disorder erupt all over Europe as a consequence. The waves of a Russian Collapse and the downfall of Putin, as bad as he is, could be worse than what we have. We don’t know who would take over the Kremlin in the aftermath. Look at the “Arab Spring” in Egypt or Libya in 2012 for examples of “better the devil you know than the one you don’t “. Even after we elected Ronald Reagan, we still had double-dip recessions and they were real bad ones too.

Remember, It took extreme measures back then to “right the ship”. It won’t get any easier or less painful to do it next time by taking 8 years to figure it out. Things move much faster these days with the internet. Events will overtake us because the system ( Americans) responds too slowly to ever be proactive.


5 12 2014
Timothy D. Naegele

The American voters gave our first “Affirmative Action” candidate for the presidency a chance. My guess is that we will never see another one given a chance in our lifetimes.

Also, our democracy moves at a “snail’s pace,” which is good and healthy.

As for the two parties, there are similariities and differences between them. The Dems emulate the far Left, and are “owned” by it, while the GOP is searching desperately for a return to the Reagan years.

You said:

One year from now, Russia could collapse and disorder erupt all over Europe as a consequence. The waves of a Russian Collapse and the downfall of Putin, as bad as he is, could be worse than what we have.

It would be the next phase of the collapse of the Soviet Union, with the Putin years being a tragic interregnum for the long-suffering Russian people.

Russia may be “dismembered,” with China taking part of it. What will happen with the Kremlin in the post-Putin era is anyone’s guess.

Lastly, you said:

Events will overtake us because the system (Americans) responds too slowly to ever be proactive.

On balance, I believe our system moves at the right pace for most Americans—the collective “we”—which is why our democracy flourishes; and as a nation, we are still the strongest in the world today.


5 12 2014
H. Craig Bradley

A Karate Instructor I knew in College wore a “dirty white belt”. He had a saying that is very applicable to comparisons between the U.S. and other countries: “Compare yourself with yourself”.

We are not the country I grew up in and we have not been a true Republic for at least 82 years. Things and people have changed. We are not one people as might have once been the case ( in 1945). Other comparisons are not as meaningful for what our national condition (health) is. We need to reflect on the changes we have brought upon ourselves and the ones that are yet to come.

Liked by 1 person

6 12 2014
Timothy D. Naegele

Thank you again, Craig, for your pearls of wisdom.

Yes, a lot has changed since my first ancestor came to America from Bristol, England in 1760, Samuel Dyer, and settled not far from Thomas Jefferson, in Keene, Virginia. And a lot has changed since my Naegele ancestors came to America in 1849, from Rottweil, Germany who had 16 children. Ten years or so later, the husband began serving in the Union Army, for his newfound country.

Time marches on. The year that my father was born, Henry Ford launched the Ford Motor Company; and the attack on Pearl Harbor occurred the year that I was born.

We cannot hold back time. Ours is the greatest melting pot in the world, with people here from every corner of the earth. As I wrote in an earlier article:

[A]ll of us or our ancestors came here from somewhere else. Even the American Indians are descended from those who crossed the Bering Strait—or the “Bering land bridge”—according to anthropologists.

Lastly, today is the 5th anniversary of this blog. It began with my article about Barack Obama, because I had read his book “Dreams from My Father” twice. His core beliefs were not in sync with how he had been sold to the American people; and I was stunned by the book.

I have had lots of articles published over the years, but I did not want any changes or edits to this one. Hence, the blog article and the blog. 🙂



6 12 2014
H. Craig Bradley


It very doubtful that Russia will be “dismembered” by China. Historically, these two countries have been adversaries, but thanks to President Obama’s foreign policies, China and Russia now have become business partners. They signed a long term oil and gas contract to deliver Russian oil and gas to China.

China is locking-in future energy supplies wherever they are found ( Russia, Africa, Iran, etc.) They also signed swap agreements in conjunction with Brazil, Iran, China, and a growing list of other countries not to accept U.S. Dollars for oil or for other products (exports). They don’t need to hold U.S. Dollars in reserve as much and will use Renumbi instead.

Oh, the Chinese are currently configuring their military to attack the United States. Russia may join them the next time we are careless enough to berth all our aircraft carriers in one place again ( Norfork, Va). We laughed-off the risk this time. Well, that is pretty foolish. Look at how that worked out in military history.

The Romans thought nobody would attack Rome through a thick swap in the nearby lowlands. Guess what? Hannibal did so and caught the Romans by surprise and defeated them at home. Hannibal destroyed the Roman Army and 80 senators in the Battle of Canne in 215 B.C. It was the worst defeat in the history of the Roman Empire in their home turf. Historians write Hannibal suffered a mosquito bite right in the eye that caused him to go blind in one eye as a result of his tactics. He was brilliant.

The French (our current idol ) also fell to the hazards of overconfidence, arrogance, and group complacency. The French believed that the Germans would not be able to bypass the Maginot Line. Guess what? The shelled the Maginot line and maneuvered their Panzers around its end (flank) and captured Paris. Germany ruled all of France with only 2,000 Gestapo Officers and many French collaborators (traitors).

My favorite example of heroism under fire by a true underdog against a seemingly superior foe was David. David was only a sheepherder ( “a boy”). However, he had honed his skills using a sling-shot for many years in the field tending his sheep and protecting them from predators (wolves). David slew Goliath the Philistine with one rock and beheaded him on the spot. End of the Philistines, without their leader they were routed. So, we should not be so cocky or over confident. Instead, be humble. Don’t be a Philistine!


6 12 2014
Timothy D. Naegele

China apparently has its sights on at least Siberia; and in the post-Putin era, why should the United States care?

China’s deals with Russia are one-sided, to the benefit of China. As Putin’s days end, he is likely to agree to similar deals that ostensibly make him look good, but are really a sell-out vis-à-vis the Russian people.

You concluded by saying:

[W]e should not be so cocky or over confident.

I agree with you. The future is fraught with problems and challenges, which my articles underscore. However, we will fare better than others, or so I believe.


6 12 2014
H. Craig Bradley


Oh, despite our history of structured (responsible) immigration and full assimilation, today’s immigrants are often refusing to fully assimilate. That’s why DMV publications come in six written languages. Nice try Tim . President Obama was not “sold” to the people. Rather, the voters “bought” Obama, TWICE !!

Blaming it on how Obama was “marketed” to the voters is a nice, convenient excuse to avoid shared responsibility and blame for poor collective choices by arguably stupid voters. Voters remain stupid and they do not like Republicans that much either. They just did not like the Democrats either, even less at this time. .


10 12 2014
Timothy D. Naegele

A 1930s-Style Depression [UPDATED]

Great Depression bank run

In an article entitled, “Bank of America sees $50 oil as Opec dies,” the UK Telegraph‘s International Business Editor in London, Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, has written:

The Opec oil cartel no longer exists in any meaningful sense and crude prices will slump to $50 a barrel over coming months as market forces shake out the weakest producers, Bank of America has warned.

Revolutionary changes sweeping the world’s energy industry will drive down the price of liquefied natural gas (LNG), creating a “multi-year” glut and a much[] cheaper source of gas for Europe.

Francisco Blanch, the bank’s commodity chief, said Opec is “effectively dissolved” after it failed to stabilize prices at its last meeting. “The consequences are profound and long-lasting,“ he said.

The free market will now set the global cost of oil, leading to a new era of wild price swings and disorderly trading that benefits only the Mid-East petro-states with deepest pockets such as Saudi Arabia. If so, the weaker peripheral members such as Ven[e]zuela and Nigeria are being thrown to the wolves.

The bank said in its year-end report that at least 15pc of US shale producers are losing money at current prices, and more than half will be under water if US crude falls below $55. The high-cost producers in the Permian basin will be the first to “feel the pain” and may soon have to cut back on production.

The claims pit Bank of America against its arch-rival Citigroup, which insists that the US shale industrial is far more resil[i]ent than widely supposed, with marginal costs for existing rigs nearer $40, and much of its output hedged on the futures markets.

Bank of America said the current slump will choke off shale projects in Argentina and Mexico, and will force retrenchment in Canadian oil sands and some of Russia’s remote fields. The major oil companies will have to cut back on projects with a break-even cost below $80 for Brent crude.

It will take six months or so to whittle away the 1m barrels a day of excess oil on the market – with US crude falling to $50 – given that supply and demand are both “inelastic” in the short-run. That will create the beginnings of the next shortage. “We expect a pretty sharp rebound to the high $80s or even $90 in the second half of next year,” said Sabine Schels, the bank’s energy expert.

Mrs Schels said the global market for (LNG) will “change drastically” in 2015, going into a “bear market” lasting years as a surge of supply from Australia compounds the global effects of the US gas saga.

If the forecast is correct, the LNG flood could have powerful political effects, giving Europe a source of mass supply that can undercut pipeline gas from Russia. The EU already has enough LNG terminals to cover most of its gas needs. It has not been able to use this asset as a geostrategic bargaining chip with the Kremlin because LGN itself has been in scarce supply, mostly diverted to Japan and Korea. Much of Europe may not need Russian gas at all within a couple of years.

Bank of America said the oil price crash is worth $1 trillion of stimulus for the global economy, equal to a $730bn “tax cut” in 2015. Yet the effects are complex, with winners and losers. The benefits diminish the further it falls. Academic studies suggest that oil crashes can ultimately turn negative if they to trigger systemic financial crises in commodity states.

Barnaby Martin, the bank’s European credit chief, said world asset markets may face a stress test as the US Federal Reserve starts to tighten after[] year[s] of largesse. “Our biggest worry is the end of the liquidity cycle. The Fed is done and it is preparing to raise rates. The reach for yield that we have seen since 2009 is going into reverse”, he said.

Mr Martin flagged warnings by William Dudley, the head of the New York Fed, that the US authorities had tightened too gently in 2004 and might do better to adopt the strategy of 1994 when they raised rates fast and hard, sending tremors through global bond markets.

Bank of America said quantitative easing in Europe and Japan will cover just 35pc of the global stimulus lost as the Fed pulls back, creating a treacherous hiatus for markets. It warned that the full effect of Fed tapering had yet to be felt. From now on the markets cannot [be] expected to be rescued every time there is a squall. “The threshold for the Fed to return to QE will be high. This is why we believe we are entering a phase in which bad news will be bad news and volatility will likely rise,” it said.

What is clear is that the world has become addicted to central bank stimulus. Bank of America said 56pc of global GDP is currently supported by zero interest rates, and so are 83pc of the free-floating equities on global bourses. Half of all government bonds in the world yield less that 1pc. Roughly 1.4bn people are experiencing negative rates in one form or another.

These are astonishing figures, evidence of a 1930s-style depression, albeit one that is still contained. Nobody knows what will happen as the Fed tries break out of the stimulus trap, including Fed officials themselves.

See; see also (the “Global Meltdown”) and (“UK stocks suffer worst weekly rout since 2011″—”[M]ore than £100bn wiped off the value of Britain’s biggest companies after investors took fright at signs of a Chinese slowdown, the oil rout and looming elections in Greece, plunging global stock markets into turmoil”) and (“The End of China’s Economic Miracle”) and (“How the world fell back into economic meltdown: 2014 in charts“) and (“Eurozone heads towards ‘protracted’ deflation as bloc hit by record price drop“) and (“Liquidity evaporates in China as ‘fiscal cliff’ nears“) and (“Eurozone faces first regional bankruptcy“) and (“Austria is fast becoming Europe’s latest debt nightmare“) and (“The Coming Chinese Crack-Up“)

Hold on tight. Things will get very ugly and scary globally between now and the end of this decade.

. . .

For Putin’s Russia, the effects will be especially dramatic.

Putin is not long for this world. The countdown has begun.

See (“Russia Is Collapsing, And Putin’s Days Are Numbered”) and (“Putin’s Final Days?“) and (“Putin’s Culture Of Fear and Death“) and (“The World’s Next Credit Crunch Could Make 2008 Look Like A Hiccup“)


10 12 2014
H. Craig Bradley

As far as the imminent demise of Putin, well, what comes next may be even worse than Putin. More likely along NAZI lines. That would be more threatening to Europe than what we currently have. So, be careful what you wish for.


10 12 2014
Timothy D. Naegele

Thank you again, Craig.

However, Putin has had much broader designs.

See, e.g., (“U.S. Military Chief Compares Putin’s Ukraine Move to Stalin’s Invasion of Poland”)

Thus far, the sanctions and decline of oil prices have thwarted him. Because he cannot resuscitate Russia’s collapsing economy, he may still embark on dangerous actions to save his own life—which would seal his fate once and for all.

See (“Russia Is Collapsing, And Putin’s Days Are Numbered”)

The West has made it clear already that to “walk back” the actions he has taken, he must end his support for the so-called “separatists” in Ukraine and withdraw completely from the Crimea. Even that may not be enough to save him; and he is likely to face the cruel fate of Mussolini.


7 01 2015
Timothy D. Naegele

Russia Faces Perfect Storm As Reserves Vanish And Derivatives Flash Default Warnings [UPDATED]

Russian collapse

This is the title of an article by the UK Telegraph‘s International Business Editor in London, Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, who has written:

Russia’s foreign reserves have dropped to the lowest level since the Lehman crisis and are vanishing at an unsustainable rate as the country struggles to defends the rouble against capital flight.

Central bank data show that a blitz of currency intervention depleted reserves by $26bn in the two weeks to December 26, the fastest pace of erosion since the crisis in Ukraine erupted early last year.

Credit defaults swaps (CDS) measuring bankruptcy risk for Russia spiked violently on Tuesday, surging by 100 basis points to 630, before falling back slightly.

Markit says this implies a 32pc expectation of a sovereign default over the next five years, the highest since Western sanctions and crumbling oil prices combined to cripple the Russian economy.

Total reserves have fallen from $511bn to $388bn in a year. The Kremlin has already committed a third of what remains to bolster the domestic economy in 2015, greatly reducing the amount that can be used to defend the rouble.

The Institute for International Finance (IIF) says the danger line is $330bn, given the dollar liabilities of Russian companies and chronic capital flight.

Currency intervention did stabilise the exchange rate in late December after a spectacular crash threatened to spin out of control, but relief is proving short-lived.

The rouble weakened sharply to 64 against the dollar on Tuesday. It has slumped [more] than 20pc since Christmas, with increasing contagion to Belarus, Georgia and other closely-linked economies.

There are signs that Russia’s crisis may undermine President Vladimir’s Putin’s Eurasian Economic Union before it has got off the ground. Belarus’s Alexander Lukashenko is already insisting that trade be carried out in US dollars, while Kazakhstan’s Nursultan Nazarbayev warned that the Russian crash poses a “major risk” to the new venture.

The rouble is trading in lockstep with Brent crude, which has continued its relentless slide this week, falling to a five-year low of $51.50 a barrel. “If oil drops to $45 or lower and stays there, Russia is going to face a big problem,” said Mikhail Liluashvili, from Oxford Economics. “The central bank will try to smooth volatility but they will have to let the rouble fall and this could push inflation to 20pc.”

Under the Russian central bank’s “emergency scenario”, GDP may contract by as much as 4.7pc this year if oil settles at $60. The damage could be worse following the bank’s contentious decision to raise rates from 9.5pc to 17pc in December. BNP Paribas says that each 1pc rise in rates cuts 0.8pc off GDP a year later.

BNP’s Tatiana Tchembarova said the situation is more serious than in 2008, when Russia had to spend $170bn to rescue its banks. This time it no longer has enough reserves to cover external debt, and it enters the crisis “twice as levered”.

Mr Putin has imposed partial capital controls by forcing companies to repatriate foreign currency. This has bought time and shored up the rouble for a few days, but it is a disguised form of reserve depletion since many of these companies will need dollars to repay debt.

Many of these companies are pillars of the Russian economy or energy champions. Their dollar debts are implicitly liabilities of the Russian state since these firms cannot be left to default. The oil giant Rosneft has requested $46bn in state aid to help meet repayments and cover investment.

Igor Sechin, Rosneft’s chairman, expects oil to recover in the second half of 2015 and fluctuate between $70 and $75 but warned that the group would have to retrench. “Some high-cost projects will be postponed,” he said. Analysts at Sberbank said the group faces a “very difficult year”.

The total foreign debt of Russian companies and state entities is $654bn. They have to repay roughly $10bn a month since they are shut out of international capital markets and cannot roll over loans.

The IIF’s Lubomir Mitov said the oil crash could leave Russia with a current account deficit of 3.5pc of GDP. Each $10 fall in crude cuts export revenue by 2pc of GDP. This comes on top chronic capital flight and the collapse of inward flows due to sanctions. The overall “financing gap” could soon reach 10pc of GDP, putting enormous strain on the rouble. “It’s a perfect storm,” he said.

The interest costs on hard-currency debt have suddenly doubled in rouble terms. While commodity exporters earn matching dollars, Russian property developers and domestic companies with dollar-debt have no such buffer.

Russia’s RTS index of stocks has fallen by 62pc since early 2011 but smaller companies have been hit far harder. Kingsmill Bond, Sberbank’s chief strategist, said Russian equities are among the cheapest in the world and are trading on fear, ignoring the country’s strategic depth. “People have been selling indiscriminately. Once the oil price stabilises, it will be a perfect time to buy illiquid domestic stocks, like the homebuilder ISR,” he said.

Mr Bond said brave investors who bought Russian stocks at the nadir of the crisis in 2008-2009 were rewarded with gains of up 1,000pc. “First we have to wait for oil to hit bottom,” he said.

See (charts omitted; emphasis added); see also (“Putin’s Final Days?“) and (“Russia Is Collapsing, And Putin’s Days Are Numbered“) and (“Litvinenko Tape Points Finger At Putin, While America Provides Proof“) and–russia-economy-2fbca2ea04.html (“Russia’s foreign currency reserves shrank by 2 percent last week alone to $379 billion as the Central Bank sold foreign currency in a bid to prop up the ruble”)

The collapse of the USSR came swiftly, like the Berlin Wall’s fall and the collapse of Erich Honecker’s government in the DDR (or East Germany)—where Putin served as a KGB operative—and Nicolae Ceaușescu’s brutal regime in Romania. The collapse of Russia is coming too, very fast.

When it is gone, the final phase of the Cold War will have ended. Until then, it will continue unabated. Putin is merely the latest pawn in this struggle.

When he follows in the footsteps of “Il Duce,” or Mussolini, Freedom’s bells will ring around the world and there will be great jubilation!

The sooner he is gone, the better!


12 02 2015
Timothy D. Naegele

Germany Faces Impossible Choice As Greek Austerity Revolt Spreads


This is the title of an article by the UK Telegraph‘s International Business Editor in London, Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, who has written:

The political centre across southern Europe is disintegrating. Establishment parties of centre-left and centre-right – La Casta, as they say in Spain – have successively immolated themselves enforcing EMU debt-deflation.

Spain’s neo-Bolivarian Podemos party refuses to fade. It has endured crippling internal rifts. It has shrugged off hostile press coverage over financial ties to Venezuela. Nothing sticks.

The insurrectionists who came from nowhere last year – with Trotskyist roots and more radical views than those of Syriza in Greece – are pulling further ahead in the polls. The latest Metroscopia survey gave Podemos 28pc. The ruling conservatives have dropped to 21pc.

The once-great PSOE – Spanish Workers Socialist Party – has fallen to 18pc and risks fading away like the Dutch Labour Party, or the French Socialists, or Greece’s Pasok. You can defend EMU policies, or you can defend your political base, but you cannot do both.

As matters stand, Podemos is on track to win the Spanish elections in November on a platform calling for the cancellation of “unjust debt”, a reversal of labour reforms, public control over energy, the banks, and the commanding heights of the economy, and withdrawal from Nato.

Europe’s policy elites can rail angrily at the folly of these plans if they wish, but they must answer why ex-Trotskyists threatening to dismantle market capitalism are taking a major EMU state by storm. It is what happens when 5.46m people lack jobs, when 2m households still have no earned income, and when youth unemployment is still running at 51.4pc, and home prices are down 42pc, six years into a depression.

It is pointless protesting that Spain’s economy is turning the corner, a contested claim in any case. There comes a point when a society breaks and stops believing anything its leaders say.

The EU elites themselves have run their currency experiment into the ground by imposing synchronized monetary, fiscal, and banking contraction on the southern half of EMU, in defiance of known economic science and the lessons of the 1930s. It is they who pushed the eurozone into deflation, and thereby pushed the debtor states into accelerating compound-interest traps.

It is they who deployed the EMU policy machinery to uphold the interest of creditors, refusing to acknowledge that the root cause of Europe’s crisis was a flood excess capital flows into vulnerable economies. It is they who prevented a US-style recovery from the financial crisis, and they should not be surprised that such historic errors are coming back to haunt.

The revolt in Italy has different contours but is just as dangerous for Brussels. Italians may not wish to leave the euro but political consent for the project [has] broken down. All three opposition parties are now anti-euro in one way or another. Beppe Grillo’s Five Star movement – with 108 seats in parliament – is openly calling for a return to the lira.

Mr Grillo proclaims that Syriza is carrying the torch for all the long-suffering peoples of southern Europe, as it is in a sense.

“What’s happening to Greece today, will be happening to Italy tomorrow. Sooner or later, default is coming,” he said.

Premier Matteo Renzi staked everthing on a recovery that has yet to happen. He is running out of political time. Deflation is overwhelming the fiscal gains from austerity. Italy’s public debt has jumped from 116pc to 133pc of GDP in three years. The youth jobless rate is 44pc and still rising. Italian GDP has fallen 10pc in six years, and by 15pc in the Mezzogiorno. Italy’s industrial production has dropped back to the levels of 1980.

The leaders of Spain and Italy know that their own populists at home will seize on any concessions to Syriza over austerity or debt relief as proof that Brussels yields only to defiance. They have a very strong incentive to make Greece suffer, even if it means a cataclysmic rupture and a Greek ejection from the euro.

Yet to act on this political impulse risks destroying the European Project. Europe’s Left would nurture a black legend for a hundred years if the first radical socialist government of modern times was crushed and forced into bankruptcy by Frankfurt bankers – acting at the legal boundaries of their authority, or beyond – choosing to switch off liquidity support for the Greek financial system.

It would throw the Balkans into turmoil and probably shatter the security structure of the Eastern Mediterranean. It is easy to imagine a chain of events where an embittered Greece pulled out of Nato and turned to Russia, paralysing EU foreign policy in a self-feeding cycle of animosity that would ultimately force Greece out of the union altogether.

The charisma of the EU – using the Greek meaning – would drain away if such traumatic events were allowed to unfold, and all because a country of 11m people wanted to cut its primary budget surplus to 1.5pc from 4.5pc of GDP and shake a discredited Troika off its back, for that is what it comes down to.

One is tempted to cite Jacques Delors’ famous comment that “Europe is like a riding bicycle: you stop pedalling and you fall off” but that hardly captures the drama of what amounts to civil war in a union built on a self-conscious ideology of solidarity.

“The euro is fragile. It is like a house of cards. If you pull away the Greek card, they all come down,” warned Greece’s finance minister Yanis Varoufakis.

“Do we really want Europe to break apart? Anybody who is tempted to think it possible to amputate Greece strategically from Europe should be careful. It is very dangerous. Who would be hit after us? Portugal?” he said.

George Osborne clearly agrees. The worries have been serious enough to prompt a one-hour Cobra security meeting. “The risks of a miscalculation or a misstep leading to a very bad outcome are growing,” said the Chancellor.

Currency guru Barry Eichengreen – the world’s leading expert on the collapse of the Gold Standard in 1931 – thinks Grexit might be impossible to control. “It would be Lehman Brothers squared,” he said.

This is not the view in Germany, at least not yet. The IW and ZEW institutes both argue that Europe can safely withstand contagion now that it has a rescue machinery and banking union in place, and must not give in to “blackmail”.

Such is the ‘moral hazard’ view of the world, the reflex that led to the Lehman collapse in 2008. “If we knew then what we know now, we wouldn’t have done it,” the then-US treasury secretary Tim Geithner told EMU leaders in early 2011, the first time they were tempted to eject Greece.

The fond hope is that the European Central Bank can and will smooth over any turbulence in Portugal, Italy and Spain by mopping up their bonds, now that quantitative easing is on the way. Yet the losses suffered from a Greek default would surely ignite a political firestorm in Germany.

Bild Zeitung devoted two pages this morning to warnings that Grexit would cost Germany €63bn, or much more once the Bundesbank’s Target2 payments though the ECB system are included. The unpleasant discovery that Germany’s Target2 exposure can in fact go up in smoke – despite long assurances that this could never happen – might make it untenable to continue such support.

It is unfair to pick on Portugal but its public and private debts are 380pc of GDP – the highest in Europe and higher than those of Greece – making is acutely vulnerable to toxic effects of deflation on debt dynamics.

Portugal’s net international investment position (NIIP) – the best underlying indicator of solvency – has reached minus 112pc of GDP. Public debt has jumped from 111pc to 125pc of GDP in three years. The fiscal deficit is still 5pc. The country’s ranking in global competitiveness is close to that of Greece.

“The situation in Portugal is very different,” says Paulo Portas, the deputy premier. Sadly it is not. Once you violate the sanctity of monetary union and reduce EMU to a fixed-exchange system, the illusion that Portugal is out of the woods may not last long. Markets will test it.

Only two people can now stop the coming train-wreck. Chancellor Angela Merkel and her finance minister Wolfgang Schauble, a man who masks his passion for the EU cause behind an irascible front.

Syriza have made a strategic blunder by turning their struggle into a fight with Germany, demanding Nazi war reparations, and toying with the Russian card at the very moment when Mrs Merkel is locked in make-or-break talks on Ukraine with Vladimir Putin.

Mr Varoufakis is trying to limit the damage, praising Mrs Merkel as the “most astute politician” in Europe, and Mr Schauble as the “only European politician with intellectual substance” – a wounding formulation for the others. He has called on Germany to cast off self-doubt and assume its roll as Europe’s benevolent hegemon, almost as if he were evoking the glory days of the Holy Roman Empire when pious German emperors stood as guarantors for Christendom.

This is the only pitch that will work. Angela Merkel has risen above her narrow East German outlook and her fiscal platitudes of the early crisis to emerge as the soul-searching Godmother of Europe and the last credible defender of its unity. But even Mrs Merkel can be pushed too far.


The storm clouds have been gathering for a long time now. An economic explosion of epic proportions may be in the cards, sooner rather than later.

See also (“A 1930s-Style Depression“)


7 03 2015
Timothy D. Naegele

The Coming Chinese Crack-Up [UPDATED]

Military band conductor-Beijing

David Shambaugh, director of the China Policy Program at Washington, D.C.’s George Washington University, has written in the Wall Street Journal:

This past Thursday, the National People’s Congress convened in Beijing in what has become a familiar annual ritual. Some 3,000 “elected” delegates from all over the country—ranging from colorfully clad ethnic minorities to urbane billionaires—will meet for a week to discuss the state of the nation and to engage in the pretense of political participation.

Some see this impressive gathering as a sign of the strength of the Chinese political system—but it masks serious weaknesses. Chinese politics has always had a theatrical veneer, with staged events like the congress intended to project the power and stability of the Chinese Communist Party, or CCP. Officials and citizens alike know that they are supposed to conform to these rituals, participating cheerfully and parroting back official slogans. This behavior is known in Chinese as biaotai, “declaring where one stands,” but it is little more than an act of symbolic compliance.

Despite appearances, China’s political system is badly broken, and nobody knows it better than the Communist Party itself. China’s strongman leader, Xi Jinping , is hoping that a crackdown on dissent and corruption will shore up the party’s rule. He is determined to avoid becoming the Mikhail Gorbachev of China, presiding over the party’s collapse. But instead of being the antithesis of Mr. Gorbachev, Mr. Xi may well wind up having the same effect. His despotism is severely stressing China’s system and society—and bringing it closer to a breaking point.

Predicting the demise of authoritarian regimes is a risky business. Few Western experts forecast the collapse of the Soviet Union before it occurred in 1991; the CIA missed it entirely. The downfall of Eastern Europe’s communist states two years earlier was similarly scorned as the wishful thinking of anticommunists—until it happened. The post-Soviet “color revolutions” in Georgia, Ukraine and Kyrgyzstan from 2003 to 2005, as well as the 2011 Arab Spring uprisings, all burst forth unanticipated.

China-watchers have been on high alert for telltale signs of regime decay and decline ever since the regime’s near-death experience in Tiananmen Square in 1989. Since then, several seasoned Sinologists have risked their professional reputations by asserting that the collapse of CCP rule was inevitable. Others were more cautious—myself included. But times change in China, and so must our analyses.

The endgame of Chinese communist rule has now begun, I believe, and it has progressed further than many think. We don’t know what the pathway from now until the end will look like, of course. It will probably be highly unstable and unsettled. But until the system begins to unravel in some obvious way, those inside of it will play along—thus contributing to the facade of stability.

Communist rule in China is unlikely to end quietly. A single event is unlikely to trigger a peaceful implosion of the regime. Its demise is likely to be protracted, messy and violent. I wouldn’t rule out the possibility that Mr. Xi will be deposed in a power struggle or coup d’état. With his aggressive anticorruption campaign—a focus of this week’s National People’s Congress—he is overplaying a weak hand and deeply aggravating key party, state, military and commercial constituencies.

The Chinese have a proverb, waiying, neiruan—hard on the outside, soft on the inside. Mr. Xi is a genuinely tough ruler. He exudes conviction and personal confidence. But this hard personality belies a party and political system that is extremely fragile on the inside.

Consider five telling indications of the regime’s vulnerability and the party’s systemic weaknesses.

First, China’s economic elites have one foot out the door, and they are ready to flee en masse if the system really begins to crumble. In 2014, Shanghai’s Hurun Research Institute, which studies China’s wealthy, found that 64% of the “high net worth individuals” whom it polled—393 millionaires and billionaires—were either emigrating or planning to do so. Rich Chinese are sending their children to study abroad in record numbers (in itself, an indictment of the quality of the Chinese higher-education system).

Just this week, the Journal reported, federal agents searched several Southern California locations that U.S. authorities allege are linked to “multimillion-dollar birth-tourism businesses that enabled thousands of Chinese women to travel here and return home with infants born as U.S. citizens.” Wealthy Chinese are also buying property abroad at record levels and prices, and they are parking their financial assets overseas, often in well-shielded tax havens and shell companies.

Meanwhile, Beijing is trying to extradite back to China a large number of alleged financial fugitives living abroad. When a country’s elites—many of them party members—flee in such large numbers, it is a telling sign of lack of confidence in the regime and the country’s future.

Second, since taking office in 2012, Mr. Xi has greatly intensified the political repression that has blanketed China since 2009. The targets include the press, social media, film, arts and literature, religious groups, the Internet, intellectuals, Tibetans and Uighurs, dissidents, lawyers, NGOs, university students and textbooks. The Central Committee sent a draconian order known as Document No. 9 down through the party hierarchy in 2013, ordering all units to ferret out any seeming endorsement of the West’s “universal values”—including constitutional democracy, civil society, a free press and neoliberal economics.

A more secure and confident government would not institute such a severe crackdown. It is a symptom of the party leadership’s deep anxiety and insecurity.

Third, even many regime loyalists are just going through the motions. It is hard to miss the theater of false pretense that has permeated the Chinese body politic for the past few years. Last summer, I was one of a handful of foreigners (and the only American) who attended a conference about the “China Dream,” Mr. Xi’s signature concept, at a party-affiliated think tank in Beijing. We sat through two days of mind-numbing, nonstop presentations by two dozen party scholars—but their faces were frozen, their body language was wooden, and their boredom was palpable. They feigned compliance with the party and their leader’s latest mantra. But it was evident that the propaganda had lost its power, and the emperor had no clothes.

In December, I was back in Beijing for a conference at the Central Party School, the party’s highest institution of doctrinal instruction, and once again, the country’s top officials and foreign policy experts recited their stock slogans verbatim. During lunch one day, I went to the campus bookstore—always an important stop so that I can update myself on what China’s leading cadres are being taught. Tomes on the store’s shelves ranged from Lenin’s “Selected Works” to Condoleezza Rice’s memoirs, and a table at the entrance was piled high with copies of a pamphlet by Mr. Xi on his campaign to promote the “mass line”—that is, the party’s connection to the masses. “How is this selling?” I asked the clerk. “Oh, it’s not,” she replied. “We give it away.” The size of the stack suggested it was hardly a hot item.

Fourth, the corruption that riddles the party-state and the military also pervades Chinese society as a whole. Mr. Xi’s anticorruption campaign is more sustained and severe than any previous one, but no campaign can eliminate the problem. It is stubbornly rooted in the single-party system, patron-client networks, an economy utterly lacking in transparency, a state-controlled media and the absence of the rule of law.

Moreover, Mr. Xi’s campaign is turning out to be at least as much a selective purge as an antigraft campaign. Many of its targets to date have been political clients and allies of former Chinese leader Jiang Zemin . Now 88, Mr. Jiang is still the godfather figure of Chinese politics. Going after Mr. Jiang’s patronage network while he is still alive is highly risky for Mr. Xi, particularly since Mr. Xi doesn’t seem to have brought along his own coterie of loyal clients to promote into positions of power. Another problem: Mr. Xi, a child of China’s first-generation revolutionary elites, is one of the party’s “princelings,” and his political ties largely extend to other princelings. This silver-spoon generation is widely reviled in Chinese society at large.

Finally, China’s economy—for all the Western views of it as an unstoppable juggernaut—is stuck in a series of systemic traps from which there is no easy exit. In November 2013, Mr. Xi presided over the party’s Third Plenum, which unveiled a huge package of proposed economic reforms, but so far, they are sputtering on the launchpad. Yes, consumer spending has been rising, red tape has been reduced, and some fiscal reforms have been introduced, but overall, Mr. Xi’s ambitious goals have been stillborn. The reform package challenges powerful, deeply entrenched interest groups—such as state-owned enterprises and local party cadres—and they are plainly blocking its implementation.

These five increasingly evident cracks in the regime’s control can be fixed only through political reform. Until and unless China relaxes its draconian political controls, it will never become an innovative society and a “knowledge economy”—a main goal of the Third Plenum reforms. The political system has become the primary impediment to China’s needed social and economic reforms. If Mr. Xi and party leaders don’t relax their grip, they may be summoning precisely the fate they hope to avoid.

In the decades since the collapse of the Soviet Union, the upper reaches of China’s leadership have been obsessed with the fall of its fellow communist giant. Hundreds of Chinese postmortem analyses have dissected the causes of the Soviet disintegration.

Mr. Xi’s real “China Dream” has been to avoid the Soviet nightmare. Just a few months into his tenure, he gave a telling internal speech ruing the Soviet Union’s demise and bemoaning Mr. Gorbachev’s betrayals, arguing that Moscow had lacked a “real man” to stand up to its reformist last leader. Mr. Xi’s wave of repression today is meant to be the opposite of Mr. Gorbachev’s perestroika and glasnost. Instead of opening up, Mr. Xi is doubling down on controls over dissenters, the economy and even rivals within the party.

But reaction and repression aren’t Mr. Xi’s only option. His predecessors, Jiang Zemin and Hu Jintao , drew very different lessons from the Soviet collapse. From 2000 to 2008, they instituted policies intended to open up the system with carefully limited political reforms.

They strengthened local party committees and experimented with voting for multicandidate party secretaries. They recruited more businesspeople and intellectuals into the party. They expanded party consultation with nonparty groups and made the Politburo’s proceedings more transparent. They improved feedback mechanisms within the party, implemented more meritocratic criteria for evaluation and promotion, and created a system of mandatory midcareer training for all 45 million state and party cadres. They enforced retirement requirements and rotated officials and military officers between job assignments every couple of years.

In effect, for a while Mr. Jiang and Mr. Hu sought to manage change, not to resist it. But Mr. Xi wants none of this. Since 2009 (when even the heretofore open-minded Mr. Hu changed course and started to clamp down), an increasingly anxious regime has rolled back every single one of these political reforms (with the exception of the cadre-training system). These reforms were masterminded by Mr. Jiang’s political acolyte and former vice president, Zeng Qinghong, who retired in 2008 and is now under suspicion in Mr. Xi’s anticorruption campaign—another symbol of Mr. Xi’s hostility to the measures that might ease the ills of a crumbling system.

Some experts think that Mr. Xi’s harsh tactics may actually presage a more open and reformist direction later in his term. I don’t buy it. This leader and regime see politics in zero-sum terms: Relaxing control, in their view, is a sure step toward the demise of the system and their own downfall. They also take the conspiratorial view that the U.S. is actively working to subvert Communist Party rule. None of this suggests that sweeping reforms are just around the corner.

We cannot predict when Chinese communism will collapse, but it is hard not to conclude that we are witnessing its final phase. The CCP is the world’s second-longest ruling regime (behind only North Korea), and no party can rule forever.

Looking ahead, China-watchers should keep their eyes on the regime’s instruments of control and on those assigned to use those instruments. Large numbers of citizens and party members alike are already voting with their feet and leaving the country or displaying their insincerity by pretending to comply with party dictates.

We should watch for the day when the regime’s propaganda agents and its internal security apparatus start becoming lax in enforcing the party’s writ—or when they begin to identify with dissidents, like the East German Stasi agent in the film “The Lives of Others” who came to sympathize with the targets of his spying. When human empathy starts to win out over ossified authority, the endgame of Chinese communism will really have begun.

See (emphasis added); but see (“With $21 Trillion, China’s Savers Are Set to Change the World“); see also (“The End of China’s Economic Miracle“) and (“‘Rats leaving a sinking ship’ as China’s equity bubble implodes”) and (“Bear market grips Chinese stocks as investor panic grows“) and (“How Chinese Stocks Fell to Earth: ‘My Hairdresser Said It Was a Bull Market’”) and (“China’s Stock Plunge Is Scarier Than Greece“) and (“The really worrying financial crisis is happening in China, not Greece“) and (“Lessons of China’s Crash“)

As the author points out, the Soviet Union’s collapse came very fast; and the collapse of Putin and Russia, which are far weaker than the former USSR, is coming even faster.

Both the murderous Putin and Russia are in a death spiral that they will not survive. The economic sanctions imposed by Barack Obama, and the fall of oil prices, have been devastating Russia.

Ukraine may become “Afghanistan II”—the burial ground of Putin’s dreams of the USSR being resurrected. Russians have been leaving in body bags already, which may only increase.

See (“Putin Meets Economic Collapse With Purges, Broken Promises“) and (“The Corruption And Criminality Of The Putin Regime“) and (“Putin’s Culture Of Fear and Death“)

China has great potential; and the opportunities for shared economic and other progress with the United States are enormous. The Chinese leadership must not fritter away such a relationship. It can be win-win for both sides, stretching well into this century.

As the Middle East continues to implode, and as the United States becomes the dominant energy producer in the world once again—and energy independent—China may find that it needs American energy products desperately.

See (“US To Launch Blitz Of Gas Exports, Eyes Global Energy Dominance“)


7 03 2015
H. Craig Bradley


A Ukrainian friend of mine told me recently that the Russian People are very stoic. The same could be said of Israeli Jews, as well. Americans have not yet had the kind of economic and political hardships needed to develop such stoic attitudes in the general population. I suspect that is going to be changing in the future for America. When we are all 20 years older, we will all be stoics. Its only beginning for us.


7 03 2015
Timothy D. Naegele

Thank you, Craig, for your comments as always.

First, the United States will fare better economically than other countries in the world. Russia may collapse and be dismembered, with China taking part (e.g., Siberia) and the rest becoming independent states like the former Yugoslavia.

The United States might not object to that, and may in fact encourage it.

Second, Israel has been flourishing economically. However, Netanyahu has done more to fuel anti-Semitism in Europe and around the world, and to increase threats against Jews in Israel and elsewhere, than any Israeli politician since the country’s founding.

See, e.g., (“Former Mossad Chief: I Don’t Trust Netanyahu, His Actions Will Cost Us”) and (“Is Night Falling Again For European Jews?“)

He was hated by the Rabins and Sharon; and he is hated by Barack Obama, France’s Hollande and other world leaders.

Whether Israel survives is an open question.


7 03 2015
H. Craig Bradley


The Survival of the Nation of Israel may be an enduring question for some, perhaps, even a majority of the World ( gentiles), but history proves the Jewish Nation has seen much tougher times and enemies besides Holland or Obama. Today’s politics does not even rate. Its a joke to even discuss it.

They have no alternative but to survive as a sovereign nation by “any and all means possible”. They will act as a unified nation as they see fit and call the shots, if any. All Israeli Nationals have all taken a vow there will never again be another “Massada” or the equivalent. So, You can plan on being fried in a nuclear explosion at home before they allow anyone or anything to destroy or threaten them in their home. The politics of Netanyahu and Obama is a side-show for anyone paying attention.

Most Americans are not too concerned or involved, including Jewish Americans. Its not a concern with anyone I know of. Liberal Israelis don’t like their own conservatives like Netanyahu anymore than ours.

Each individual or country is going to look out for their immediate interests at home or overseas as they see them and “let the chips fall as they may” as a consequence, myself included. I don’t much care what other people think or their politics for that matter. I only care primarily about taking care of ME. All the rest can just sort itself out, accordingly. Priorities.

I don’t care and am not worried about Iran or Israel. Someday there probably will be a World War (III) and it may start in the Middle East. Not much you or anyone else “can do about it” either. Bla, Bla, Bla.


7 03 2015
Timothy D. Naegele

Thank you again, Craig, for your comments.

First, I do not want this “thread” to get any longer, because those who use smartphones will have difficulty reading it.

Second, as I have stated before:

I am forever reminded of what a prominent American (who is a Jew and a strong supporter of Israel[ and has written for the Wall Street Journal]) told me several years ago: “I have long thought that Israel will not make it, if only because of what are cavalierly called WMD [weapons of mass destruction] and its very tight geographical compression. All else is immaterial, including the Palestinians, or us, or the nature of Israel’s [government].

I was stunned by this person’s words, and I have reflected on them many times since.

I am not convinced that Israel will survive, although I hope it does. I have set forth my beliefs on this subject before.

See (“Why I Write And Say What I Do”)

Third, Israel’s nuclear arsenal is neutralized for all intents and purposes. It would be suicidal to use such weapons, because the currents would carry the radioactive materials over Israel. Also, it has been reported:

US President Barack Obama thwarted an Israeli military attack against Iran’s nuclear facilities in 2014 by threatening to shoot down Israeli jets before they could reach their targets in Iran.



24 03 2015
Timothy D. Naegele

The World’s Next Credit Crunch Could Make 2008 Look Like A Hiccup [UPDATED]

Dollar strong, credit crunch

This is the title of an article by Ben Wright in the UK’s Telegraph:

A solar eclipse, a super moon, the FTSE 100 breaching 7,000 and the US Federal Reserve speaking in tongues – truly some kind of financial apocalypse must be nigh. Well, maybe.

We are certainly living in strange times. An unprecedented monetary experiment is coming to a staggered end and no one knows the potential repercussions – a plague of frogs cannot be entirely ruled out.

For the time being, the markets remain sanguine, expecting, for example, a gentle increase in the Bank of England’s main interest rate to just 1.5pc by the end of the decade. And, who knows, maybe the markets are right.

But maybe it’s too quiet.

Last week, Ray Dalio, the founder of the $165bn (£110bn) hedge fund Bridgewater Associates, wrote a widely-circulated note warning his clients that the US Federal Reserve risked setting off a 1937-style crash when it starts raising interest rates again.

Then, as now, the central bank had spent years printing money in order to help the American economy recover from the 1929 crash. But the side effect was a stock market bubble, which promptly burst when the Fed prematurely increased rates. Mr Dalio is worried about a repeat performance: “We don’t know – nor does the Fed – exactly how much tightening will knock over the apple cart.”

It’s true that the policy and regulatory response to the last crisis often sows the seeds for the next. It is not hard to map out a sequence of events in which that proves to be the case again. If it were, a US stock market crash might be the least of our problems.

In 1937 the US was, economically speaking, an island, entire of itself; today, thanks to globalisation, the power of the dollar and a long period of ultra-loose monetary policy, it is a part of the main.

Christine Lagarde, the head of the International Monetary Fund, recently raised concerns in India about the ripple effect of Fed tightening on countries that have borrowed heavily in dollars and whose still-recovering economies remain vulnerable to a rate rise.

And in 1937 the equity markets were the financial be-all and end-all; today they are dwarfed by the debt markets, which are, in turn, dwarfed by the derivatives markets.

The total value of all global equities was around $70 trillion in June last year, according to the World Federation of Exchanges; meanwhile, the notional value of all outstanding derivatives contracts was more than $690  trillion. It is worth noting that the vast majority (around four-fifths) of all existing derivatives contracts are based on interest rates.

The derivatives market is the not the vast roulette table of popular perception. These financial instruments are essentially insurance policies – they are designed to protect the holder from adverse price movements.

If you are worried about (to pick some unlikely examples) a strong euro, or expensive oil, or rising interest rates, you can buy a contract that pays out if your fears are realised. Managed well, the gain from the derivative should offset the loss from the underlying price movement.

Nevertheless, the arguments employed by the derivatives industry sometimes sound similar to those employed by the pro-gun lobby: derivatives aren’t dangerous, it’s the people using them that you need to worry about.

That’s not hugely reassuring.

What could go wrong? Let’s say that US interest rates do rise sooner and faster than the market expects. That means bond prices, which always move in the opposite direction to yields, will plummet. US Treasury bonds are like a mountain guide to which most other global securities are roped – if they fall, they take everything else with them.

Who will get hurt? Everyone. But it’ll likely be the world’s banks, where even little mistakes can create big problems, that suffer the most pain. The European Banking Authority estimates that the average large European lender still has 27 times more assets than it does equity. This means that if the stuff on their balance sheets (including bonds and other securities priced off Treasury yields) turns out to be worth just 3.7pc less than was assumed, it will be time to order in the pizzas for late night discussions about bail-outs.

Barclays has predicted that if the yields on 10-year Treasury bonds reverted back to their historical average it would wipe nearly a fifth off the tangible book value of European banks.

Yes, a fifth. This is what is meant by interest rate risk. It’s big and it’s real and the banks know all about it. Their answer is to hedge the risk with interest rate derivatives. It’s one of the reasons why there are so many of these contracts in existence. So that’s all OK then.

Just one question though: who have they bought those derivatives from? Why, other banks of course. This creates what is known as counterparty risk. Bank A sells insurance to Bank B. But then Bank A gets into financial difficulties (a significant deterioration in their creditworthiness would be enough) and suddenly Bank B isn’t as well protected as it thought it was.

Indeed, Bank A might start struggling precisely because of the insurance it has sold to Bank B. What if it can’t honour the contract? This creates a potential Catch-22 situation: the derivatives work as long as they’re not needed; calling them into action renders them useless.

This is precisely the kind of thing that occurred during the credit crunch – banks stopped trusting each other. New rules introduced since then require banks to actively manage their counterparty risk. In other words, banks are being asked to hedge their hedges. Are you starting to feel uneasy yet?

It is far from clear whether any of this makes the system less risky or just further complicates the cat’s cradle of financial interconnectedness.

Regulators are clearly worried. They have brought greater transparency to the derivatives market, demanding better reporting and that a higher proportion of contracts be routed through central counterparties or clearing houses, which sit between the two sides of a trade and sort out the mess if anyone goes bust.

But, again, the risks haven’t been magicked away. Clearing houses are designed to deal with one or two counterparties going down. But what happens if more go kaput? The clearing house itself would face collapse, be judged too big to fail and, well, you already know how this story ends.

It doesn’t take a soothsayer to foretell that taxpayers would, yet again, have to clean up the mess.

See (emphasis added)

Also, the UK Telegraph‘s International Business Editor in London, Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, has written:

The US economy will be in full-blown boom by the end of the year and risks overheating unless Federal Reserve lifts interest rates soon, a veteran Fed rate-setter has warned.

“Zero interest rates are no longer appropriate for the US economy. If we don’t start normalizing monetary policy we’ll be badly behind the curve two years from now,” said James Bullard, the head of the St Louis Fed.

Mr Bullard said investors are far too complacent about the pace of monetary tightening and could be in for a nasty shock as the policy cycle turns over coming months.

“I think reconciliation between what markets think and what the committee (FOMC) thinks will have to happen at some point. That’s a potentially violent reconciliation and I am concerned about that,” he told a City Week forum in London.

The warning echoes comments this week by the San Francisco Fed’s John Williams, who said the US economy is firing on all-four cylinders. “Things are looking better: in fact, they’re looking downright good. I think that by mid-year it will be the time to have a discussion about starting to raise rates,” he said.

Both men are bell-weather moderates on the monetary spectrum rather than hard-line hawks, indicating where the Fed’s centre of gravity now lies.

Mr Bullard said underlying growth in the US is running at 3.3pc and the unemployment rate is likely drop below 5pc by the third quarter of this year, stoking wage pressures and increasing the risk of a serious error by the authorities.

“With the US economy expected to be going into a boom time there is some risk of an upside surprise on inflation. People have possibly been lulled to sleep in thinking that inflation can’t develop in any circumstance, but that is not what history tells us,” he said.

The latest data shows that the US is tentatively pulling out of deflation after three months of falling prices. The consumer price index rose 0.2pc in February, chiefly due a gentle rise in petrol costs as oil stabilizes.

The 10-year break-even inflation rate – tracked by the Fed as a gauge of expected price rises over the next decade – has jumped to 1.76pc from 1.49pc in January, a clear sign that deflation fears are subsiding.

Rakesh Mohan, the executive director of the International Monetary Fund, said it was far from clear that the Fed would in fact be able to raise rates safely without setting off chaos. “We are entering uncharted waters. Once you are caught in a zero interest rate policy, how can you get out of it without causing a crash,” he told the City Week forum.

Ray Dalio, the founder of Bridgewater Associates, warns that the Fed risks repeating the errors of 1937 when it began to raise rates before the recovery was fully entrenched, precipitating a relapse back into depression. “We don’t know – nor does the Fed – exactly how much tightening will knock over the apple cart,” he said.

Yet the evidence is clear that the Fed will soon pull trigger unless forced to back away by a fresh global shock, potentially an emerging market storm as the soaring dollar tightens the noose on $9 trillion of dollar-denominated debt borrowed outside the US.

Fed officials are deeply irked by accusations that they have been targeting equity prices or that they have allowed the institution to become liquidity prop for Wall Street. Some almost relish the chance to show their teeth again in the fight against moral hazard.

Mr Bullard said the Fed’s decision last week to drop the word “patient” from its plans for raising rates marks a new era in US monetary policy, warning that the central bank is now at liberty to strike at any meeting – though any move in April is effectively ruled out.

He also warned that markets had “badly over-emphasized” the importance of the strong US dollar in shaping in Fed policy, insisting that the headwinds from currency appreciation are overwhelmed by the much greater stimulus from cheap oil and ultra-low bond yields.

The spill-over from quantitative easing in the Europe and Japan has driven US borrowing cost below their natural level – given the current stage of the US economic cycle – and is acting a form of unwelcome monetary easing. Officials say this makes it even more imperative for the Fed to tighten soon.

The dramatic dollar rally has stalled over recent days on signs that US exports are starting to suffer but this may prove no more than a pause to catch breath.

The dollar index (DXY) has risen almost 25pc since mid-2014 – spiking to a 12-year high of 100.3 last week – an even sharper rise than the fierce dollar rally of the late 1990s that set off the East Asia crisis and the Russian default.

“We think the bullish trend for the dollar is still in place,” said Ian Stannard from Morgan Stanley. “Our bear scenario is that the euro will fall to $0.90 by the end of the year if we see capital controls or anything like that in Greece.”

See (“Fed’s Bullard sees roaring boom for US economy, but nasty shock for markets“) (emphasis added; charts omitted); see also (“Europe once more sleep walks towards the abyss”—”Europeans are deluding themselves”—”[T]he single currency is once again tearing Europe apart”) and (Half of American households live from paycheck to paycheck—”People who don’t save won’t have any buffer should the economy turn and they lose their jobs. Longer term, people who don’t save won’t have the capacity to retire”) and (“Americans Not in Labor Force Exceed 93 Million for First Time“) and (“Record 12,202,000 Black Americans Not in Labor Force“) and (“56,131,000 [AMERICAN] WOMEN AREN’T IN THE LABOR FORCE, A RECORD HIGH“) and (“Dollar shock looms for emerging markets as Fed poised to raise rates much more sharply than markets expect”—”India will overtake China in 2015 for the first time in modern memory”) and (“IMF tells regulators to brace for global ‘liquidity shock’“) and (“Wary of natural disaster, NY Fed bulks up in Chicago“) and (“Negative interest rates put world on course for biggest mass default in history”—”It’s a bubble that is bound to end badly”—”[F]ar from being a welcome sign of returning economic confidence, this almost surreal state of affairs actually signals the very reverse. How did we get here, and what does it mean for the future? Whichever way you come at it, the answer to this second question is not good, not good at all”—”Eventually, there will be a massive correction, in which creditors will suffer sickening losses. Nobody can tell you when that moment will arrive”) and (“Violent bond moves signal tectonic shifts in global markets”—”‘It is absolute pandemonium in the fixed income markets. Everybody has been trying to get out at the same time but the door is getting smaller,’ says RBS”—”A wave of turmoil is sweeping through sovereign bond markets, setting off the most dramatic gyrations seen in recent years and threatening to spill over into over-heated equity markets”) and (“Indian Rupee Weakens to 20-Month Low”) and (“Americans Not In The Labor Force Rise To Record 93,194,000“) and (“Cannes’ Money Problems: Plunging Euro Leaves a Cloud Over Market”—”[T]here’s an ominous cloud hanging over this year’s market: the currency crisis in Europe and Russia”—”Japan is not good. Russia is at zero because of the ruble. Europe is bad”—”The Euro has steadily fallen in value against the dollar, and the ruble went into free-fall last year”) and (“Bank of America: Markets Are in a ‘Twilight Zone’ and It’s Time to Hold More Cash and Gold”) and (“Finance chiefs urge action on bubble fear”) and (“HSBC fears world recession with no lifeboats left”—”The world authorities have run out of ammunition . . . They have no margin for error as economy falters”—”[T]he global authorities have alarmingly few tools to combat the next crunch”—”Russia, Brazil, Argentina, and Venezuela are all contracting sharply, casualties of the China-driven commodity bust”) and (“ECB: world markets in ‘fragile’ balance”—”Investment funds have grown by 120pc to €9.4 trillion with a pervasive ‘liquidity mismatch’, investing in sticky assets across the globe while allowing clients to withdraw their money at short notice. This is a recipe for trouble in bouts of stress. ‘Large-scale outflows cannot be ruled out'”—”The ECB warned that a rush for crowded exits could set off a wave of forced selling and quickly spin out of control. ‘Initial asset price adjustments would be amplified, triggering further redemptions and margin calls, thereby fueling such negative liquidity spirals,’ it said”) and 6,652,000: More Americans Working Part-Time, But Not by Choice (“6,652,000: More Americans Working Part-Time, But Not by Choice”) and New Housing Crisis Looms as Fewer Renters Can Afford to Own (“New Housing Crisis Looms as Fewer Renters Can Afford to Own”—”Policy makers in Washington appear either unaware or unwilling to do much about it”—”[H]omeownership will continue to slip for at least the next 15 years”—”If renters can’t ever become homeowners, who will buy those homes when today’s homeowners need to sell?”) and (“Dow Theory Has Investors Skittish on Market’s Next Leg“) and (“Emerging Markets Suffer Largest Outflow in Seven Years”—”Global investors have yanked $9.3 billion from stocks in developing countries in the week to Wednesday, the most since the depths of the global financial crisis in 2008″—”Massive outflows from China have contributed to the selling in Asia and come in the wake of increased volatility in the domestic market”) and (“Fed’s worst nightmare: The ‘ghost of 1937′”—”[T]he specter of 1937, when the Fed raised rates prematurely and exacerbated the Great Depression”—”‘The longer the Fed stays on this path, the more aggressively it may have to tighten and the crueler the asset price adjustment will be when it finally comes'”—”[T]he Fed has never been down the easing road quite this far. . . . Consequently, the escape route is going to be bumpy. The best investors likely can hope for is that it’s not as bad as other times in the past”) and (“Americans Have Lost Confidence … in Everything”—”Americans have little confidence in most of their major institutions including Congress, the presidency, the Supreme Court, banks and organized religion, according to the latest Gallup poll”—”Only the military, in which 72 percent of Americans express confidence, up from a historical average of 68 percent, and small business, with 67 percent confidence, up from 63, are currently rated higher than their historical norms”—”All in all, it’s a picture of a nation discouraged about its present and worried about its future, and highly doubtful that its institutions can pull America out of its trough”) and (“It’s time to hold physical cash”—”The manager of one of Britain’s biggest bond funds has urged investors to keep cash under the mattress”) and (“Poll: 72% fear economic crash, concern ‘highest ever'”) and–business.html (“Quartet of crises threatens Europe’s core”) and (“Grad-School Loan Binge Increases Debt Worries“)

These articles, and their conclusions, are consistent with the article and comments above.

See, e.g., (“The Coming Chinese Crack-Up“) and (“A 1930s-Style Depression“) and (“Russia Faces Perfect Storm As Reserves Vanish And Derivatives Flash Default Warnings”)

The United States will fare better than other countries, inter alia, because of our oil and energy independence.

See, e.g., (“[Bob Dudley, chief executive of the oil giant BP] said there is little chance of a revival in crude prices for a long time given the ‘remarkable resilience’ of US shale producers, who have defied predictions of collapse and continue to drill record volumes”) and (“US To Launch Blitz Of Gas Exports, Eyes Global Energy Dominance“)

Almost anything could trigger a crisis in today’s environment globally.

However, one of the greatest risks that has been perceived in Washington for many years is that a run would begin on the funds, which the central banks would be helpless to quell, leading to a liquidity crisis of unfathomable proportions.

The Depression-era tools and “safety nets” would prove useless, and panics would ensue.

Unlike American bank deposits that are insured by the FDIC, the funds are not insured at all.


14 04 2015
Timothy D. Naegele

The Environmental Nazis Are At It Again [UPDATED]

California's water shortage

I am a hiker, and I love the environment, and always have, probably since I was a Boy Scout. I am a fisherman too, and have done that for many years, in tournaments and otherwise. Thankfully, lots of the tournaments today are “catch-and-release” tourneys, where the fish are returned to nature.

The Washington Times has an important article about the water shortage in California, for which the “environmental Nazis” are responsible in large part:

For California Gov. Jerry Brown to crack down on shower-taking and toilet-flushing to save precious quarts of water as millions of gallons flow into the Pacific Ocean doesn’t make a lot of sense to Travis Allen.

The Republican Assembly member from Orange County is among those decrying the specter of dead lawns, dirty cars and neighborhood water watches as California braces for its first mandatory water reductions on urban consumption, which accounts for about 10 percent of the state’s usage.

“For the governor to come out and say, ‘Look, we all have to now take shorter showers and kill our front lawns and stop washing our cars,’ that is not the answer,” Mr. Allen said. “Forty percent of our water is going into the Pacific Ocean. The answer is, let’s stop sending that water into the Pacific, and let’s send it into our cities, into our homes.”

With everyday Californians now on the hook for drastic conservation measures, Republicans say the time has come to focus on the real culprit: a state and federal regulatory framework, fueled by environmental litigation, that requires a certain aquatic environment for at-risk fish while making it nearly impossible to build dams and other water-storage projects.

House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy described Mr. Brown’s April 1 executive order as the “culmination of failed federal and state policies that have exacerbated the current drought into a man-made water crisis.”

“Sacramento and Washington have chosen to put the well-being of fish above the well-being of people by refusing to capture millions of acre-feet of water during wet years for use during dry years,” the Bakersfield Republican said in a statement. “These policies imposed on us now, and during wet seasons of the past, are leaving our families, businesses, communities and state high and dry.”

Environmentalists have long blamed agriculture for absorbing more than its share of water, but figures from the California Department of Water Resources show that farming accounts for about 41 percent of applied water usage. Fully 48 percent is reserved for environmental purposes, which includes improving the health of the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta and its most famous inhabitant, the delta smelt.

So far Republicans, farmers and business interests have been unable to drum up much outrage over the situation, but that may change with the Democratic governor’s historic restrictions, prompted by a record low snowpack and fourth year of drought.

The order calls for urban water agencies to achieve a 25 percent reduction through methods such as increased rates, reductions in kitchen and bathroom faucet flow rates and converting 50 million square feet of lawn into “drought-tolerant landscaping.”

Environmentalists laud the stricter conservation order.

“The days of casual waste and inattentive consumption are over in California,” Steve Fleischli, water program director of the Natural Resources Defense Council, said in a statement. “Now everyone will be expected to do his or her part to help save water.”

California Assembly Speaker Toni Atkins called the governor’s move “the right step at the right time. Now it’s up to all of us to do our part.”

But Mr. Allen says he already is getting calls from his constituents, who see such measures as a drop in the bucket.

“I think the biggest backlash is actually coming from just normal people, who are taking a look and saying, ‘Look, urban consumption of water in California is 10 percent or less. And so how does not watering my lawn or taking a shorter shower, how is that going to improve the overall water situation in California?’ And the answer is, it’s not,” Mr. Allen said.

Watering the delta

U.S. Rep. Tom McClintock, California Republican, said voters may have a tough time swallowing higher water bills and stiff fines — the State Water Resources Control Board allows fines of up to $500 per day for infractions — even as the federal Bureau of Reclamation empties water into the delta to improve conditions for the fish.

“It’s going to be very hard for him [Mr. Brown] to summon any kind of moral authority to fine people $500 if they waste a gallon of water on their lawns or sidewalks and yet have no problems wasting millions of gallons of water in the pursuit of making the fish perfectly happy,” Mr. McClintock said Saturday in an interview with WND/Radio America.

Not that House Republicans haven’t sounded this alarm before. The House approved legislation most recently in 2014 to restore some of the water now washing into the delta — and, ultimately, the ocean — for agricultural users. That bill died in the Democrat-controlled Senate.

This year Mr. McClintock has sponsored H.R. 1668, the Save Our Water Act, which he describes as “this radical idea that maybe when an area is suffering a severe drought, they shouldn’t continue to release water in order to adjust river water temperatures.”

Steve Martarano, spokesman for the FWS’s Bay-Delta Office, told ThinkProgress that allowing water to flow uncaptured from the Sierra Nevada mountain range to San Francisco Bay may appear wasteful, but it provides a host of environmental benefits.

“You frequently hear the criticism that delta outflow is just being wasted in the ocean,” said Mr. Martarano, “but it provides many other ecosystem functions: It dilutes pollutants, provides habitat for waterfowl and provides water-freshening benefits to the delta.”

The delta smelt, regarded as an “indicator species” for the health of the delta, is listed as threatened by the Fish and Wildlife Service.

Last month, however, fish biologist Peter Moyle of the University of California, Davis said the species is “approaching the point of no return” in the wild, with only six caught in last month’s state survey, the lowest in 47 years.

“Prepare for extinction of Delta smelt,” he said in his March 18 post on the California WaterBlog, adding that the fish won’t disappear altogether because it’s being bred in two hatcheries.

Other delta fish in danger include two salmon species, the longfin smelt and the green sturgeon, leading critics to ask whether keeping water in the delta at the expense of crops and consumers has actually done any good.

“[T]he frustration we have is the agencies that oversee the delta have used the solution of eliminating more and more water from agriculture and providing that to environmental purposes,” said Gayle Holman, spokeswoman for the Westlands Water District, the state’s largest agricultural supplier. “But there’s been no identifiable benefit showing that fish species are rebounding or that the health of the delta is rebounding.”

Mr. Brown came under criticism from the left for exempting agriculture from his order, but he argues that farmers have borne the brunt of past restrictions. The current federal Central Valley Project water allocation is zero — for the second year in a row — while the California State Water Project has a 20 percent allocation, Ms. Holman said.

‘We need more water’

Dry spells are nothing new in California, but critics say the situation took a turn for the worse with a 2007 ruling by a federal judge that resulted in less water being pumped out of the delta in order to improve its health as well as the survival chances of the delta smelt.

Hardest hit by the ruling have been San Joaquin Valley farmers who depend on water from the delta to irrigate their crops. A half-million acres now lie fallow — plowed but not planted — in California’s Central Valley, the agricultural powerhouse known for its rich soil and plentiful fruit and nut crops, and where double-digit unemployment is now commonplace.

“You drive up and down the state on the [Interstate] 5 freeway, and you see the signs: ‘We need more water.’ It’s a common thing,” Mr. Allen said. “Farmers aren’t getting the water, they’re losing crops, trees are dying, and long-term there’s an economic impact and an impact on communities. It’s not good for our state.”

Ms. Holman points out that other factors have been cited for the decline of the fish, such as invasive species like the largemouth bass, striped bass and Asian clam, as well as ammonia and wastewater discharges from a local sanitation district.

“We’re not saying we don’t care about fish or we don’t care about the health of the delta, but thus far the solution has been to eliminate agricultural water deliveries and divert that water for environmental purposes,” she said. “And so there hasn’t been a balanced approach.”

Another issue is water storage. The massive State Water Project, launched in 1960, remains unfinished for a host of reasons, including opposition over the environmental impact. Mr. McClintock notes the state hasn’t built a major dam since 1979.

As the water crisis spills into the backyards of urban residents, Mr. McClintock says he hopes the result will be a “major reevaluation of the many leftist laws that have built up in our system.”

“A year ago, I was beating the drum to sound warnings on these policies, and nobody paid any attention,” Mr. McClintock said. “The reason they’re not paying attention is they don’t believe me. They don’t believe our policy could be so breathtakingly stupid as to dump millions of gallons of precious water in the middle of a drought to adjust river water temperatures.

“It’s such a bizarre notion, it doesn’t pass the smell test,” he said. “But those are the policies, they are being carried out, and, as our reservoirs [are] near empty, people are beginning to focus on that finally.”

See (emphasis added); see also (“California Faces Lost Decades in Solving Drought”—”[S]tate and federal officials haven’t significantly upgraded California’s water infrastructure in decades”—”Since the last major state or federal dam was completed in 1979, California’s population has grown to 39 million people from 23 million”—”[T]he earthen levees that line many of the [California D]elta tributaries could fail to due to sea level rise or a severe storm, cutting off a significant part of California’s water supply for months”)

First, the 2007 ruling by the federal judge is not surprising. Judges are imperfect at best—and often egotistical, callous, mean-spirited, power-hungry, self-righteous, condescending and, yes, incompetent and arrogant.

See (“Justice And The Law Do Not Mix”)

Second, many of the same “environmental Nazis” who have been pushing the man-made “global warming” fraud are involved here too.

Our planet goes through natural cycles, of warming and cooling. It always has. The same is true of California’s periodic droughts.

Man-made “global warming” is a hoax, and “The Great Green Con.”

Like Obamacare, it is simply another Leftist aka “Progressive” attempt to control people and their lives, and a path toward global government.

In another time, the proponents of “global warming” would have been members of the “Flat Earth Society,” and claimed a “consensus” with respect to that too.

See (“A $34 Trillion Swindle: The Shame Of Global Warming“) and (“The Global Warming Hoax, And The Great Green Con, Revisited“)

This situation will only get far worse as the U.S. and global economies go into a tailspin, and there are no monies to remedy these problems.

See (“Doomsday Clock For Global Market Crash Strikes One Minute To Midnight As Central Banks Lose Control“)


14 04 2015
H. Craig Bradley

Voters may indeed have a tough time “swallowing” higher water bills and more restrictions, but they really have no alternative at this point. If you wait until you have a crisis, then its usually too late to do much about it but react. Calif., as well as most other Democratic governments, are entirely reactive. Politicians follow the crowd, not lead it, and in Calif. in particular, the crowd is pretty dumb. They don’t care about water, just so they have what they need.

Well, I grew up here and nothing has changed but the state’s population. Its more than doubled since I graduated from High School in 1973. Unfortunately, the amount of water that is stored is not much different in many locations. So, an imbalance between supply and demand exists most of the time. The best solution would be for people to leave and thus restore some measure of balance.

I think the Big One, ( a major earthquake) would do the job. If man can not manage his resources to sustainable levels then nature will eventually do it for him. I vote for nature. A big earthquake would restore balance in real time too. Looking forward for a Level 8 on the Richter scale when it rips. Yahoo!!

Good movie in May about Calif. and San Andreas called:

Watch the Movie Preview and see what it might be like


14 04 2015
Timothy D. Naegele

Thank you, Craig, for your comments as always.

Draconian measures by the State of California may be met with resistance if not outright rebellion by Californians.

The State has gone through droughts and droughts and droughts. Nothing seems to be learned from them. Santa Barbara built a desalinization plant that was “moth-balled” when the rains came again.

The best solution seems to be the capture of water when the rains come again, through the building of more dams. Environmental “Nazis” will scream, but so what.

I agree with your comment:

Calif., as well as most other Democratic governments, are entirely reactive. Politicians follow the crowd, not lead it . . .

You added:

The best solution would be for people to leave and thus restore some measure of balance.

Those who leave are replaced by those who come, inter alia, because of the weather.

Next, you said:

I think the Big One, (a major earthquake) would do the job. If man can not manage his resources to sustainable levels then nature will eventually do it for him. I vote for nature. A big earthquake would restore balance in real time too. Looking forward for a Level 8 on the Richter scale when it rips. Yahoo!!

There is no question that the “Big One” is coming. The only question is when.

See (“Earthquakes: The Big One Is Coming To At Least Los Angeles”) and (“The Big One“)

Americans must realize, however, that there are serious fault lines elsewhere in the country, such as the “New Madrid Fault Line” under the St. Louis area.

Yes, the United States and other countries have more stringent building codes today. However, will they really make any difference? For example, high-rise office buildings were damaged in the Northridge Quake that struck Southern California in 1994; and instead of fixing them at enormous costs (e.g., tenants needed to vacate the buildings), the damage was swept under the rug.

The chickens may come home to roost in spades; and liquefaction may occur in areas such as Los Angeles’ Marina del Rey harbor, where high-rise buildings may literally collapse.

Lastly, with respect to the movie clip, it might have been from New York City on 9/11.


14 04 2015
H. Craig Bradley

Tim, you have actually given my argument additional support and validation. You see, we have been here before in so many ways. Its just today’s voters are “New”, that is they were not yet born ( even conceived) when Jerry Brown was governor in the 1970’s and Jimmy Carter was President of the U.S. and Iran fell to the Ayatollah Khomeini. Either that, or many of today’s Californians were not residents back in the 1970’s. I was.

Voters did “rebel” after Jimmy Carter and Jerry Brown by electing President Ronald Reagan and Gov. Dukemajian, two Republicans with “cajoles”. T.V. ads in 1980 said: ” If its Brown, Wipe It”. Political cycles Repeat. Still, the trends continued on nevertheless and here we are.

No new Federal Water projects and more people moving to Calif. EVERY Year until the first Bush Recession in 1990. Then with the Aerospace and Defense Dept. cutbacks, people finally began to leave Calif for Utah, Colorado, Idaho. Wash. and Oregon. People are still leaving, but Mexicans still come here because its still wetter than Tijuana.

The way I see it, communities like Carlsbad, CA with sufficient foresight, leadership, informed and intelligent homeowners and local voters, and sufficient means can fend for themselves and improve their water equation.

For example, completion is near for the $1 billion Carlsbad Desalination Project that is expected to supply 7 to 10 percent of San Diego County’s drinking water by the end of this year ( Sept). It produces 50 Million Gallons of water a year, or enough for 300,000 residents. So, residents of Carlsbad have it made. Local residents and politicians “grabbed the bull by the horns” and now they have filtered, drinkable water.

Other less endowed communities in Calif. ( less money and less brains) will have to make do with periodic rationing or whatever the state orders them to do, like we have up to now. Glendale or L.A. have done very little to add capacity and are forced to cut back according to orders from the Calif. Water Resources Board and Gov. Brown. That’s the way it goes. Some have it, others do not. That won’t change in the future no matter who is elected Gov.

If we get mandatory statewide water rationing in the future of say 60 gallons per day per household, then I would just go out and turn-off the city water meter and order up Sparkletts for my daily drinking water needs. It would be tough in any event, but at least I could use my private water the way I want and can ignore the State and City. In the process, they would get 0 dollars revenue from me.

Public Water Supplies should be partially privatized anyway, as the State and City Governments have done a Terrible job managing our state water resources for decades anyway. Its really the only conceivable policy solution I can imagine, other than the Big One ( San Andreas). Again, I vote for Nature’s solution as versus political solutions. They are too “messy”.


14 04 2015
Timothy D. Naegele

There is only one thing you may have missed, Craig.

The Leftists/so-called “progressives”/environmental “Nazis” who run California and who have caused so many of these problems, may decide that Carlsbad’s water must be used to help the State’s overall water problems, and cannot be used to help Carlsbad alone.

Read or reread George Orwell’s “Animal Farm.” 🙂

P.S. Please include any further comments after your next comments below, so that this thread does not become unreadable for smartphone users.


14 04 2015
H. Craig Bradley


The last attempt at constructing a new dam with Federal money by the Corps of Engineers in the U.S. was Elk Creek Dam in Southern Oregon in the early 1980’s. It was ordered demolished after being 1/2 completed due to environmental challenges.

Trojan Nuclear Plant on the Columbia River (WA) was also imploded in the 1980’s. Hanford Nuclear plants were decommissioned in Eastern Washington. We brought out the wrecking-ball to water power projects. Think it was just coincidence or policy? One thing is for sure, it was no accident then or now.

No new federal water resource projects have been approved since then in any state to my knowledge. So, its not likely to change no matter how severe the drought or future droughts. We just have to get by on less water and pay more for food grown with irrigation for the most part. No alternative is the way it is.


14 04 2015
Timothy D. Naegele

Thank you again, Craig. I was not aware of that.

The “environmental Nazis” have struck again and again. If they could, they would turn the clock back in this country at least a century.


27 04 2015
Timothy D. Naegele

US To Launch Blitz Of Gas Exports, Eyes Global Energy Dominance [UPDATED]

American Energy Dominance

The UK Telegraph‘s International Business Editor in London, Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, has written:

The United States is poised to flood world markets with once-unthinkable quantities of liquefied natural gas as soon as this year, profoundly changing the geo-politics of global energy and posing a major threat to Russian gas dominance in Europe.

“We anticipate becoming big players, and I think we’ll have a big impact,” said the Ernest Moniz, the US Energy Secretary. “We’re going to influence the whole global LNG market.”

Mr Moniz said four LNG export terminals are under construction and the first wave of shipments may begin before the end of this year or in early 2016 at the latest.

“Certainly in this decade, there’s a good chance that we will be LNG exporters on the scale of Qatar, which is today’s largest LNG exporter,” he said, speaking on the margins of the IHS CERAWeek energy summit in Texas.

Qatar exports just over 100 billion cubic meters (BCM), though Australia is catching up fast as the offshore Gorgon field comes on stream. It may pull ahead of Qatar later this decade.

Mr Moniz said the surge in US output from shale fracking has already transformed the global market. “We would have been importing a lot of LNG by now. Those cargoes would have gone elsewhere and have in fact had a significant impact in the European market,” he said.

Gas frackers assembled at the world’s “energy Davos” in Houston said exports could ultimately be much higher, potentially overtaking Russia as the world’s biggest supplier of natural gas of all kinds.

“We’re just fifteen years into a 150-year process,” said Steve Mueller, head of Southwestern Energy, the fourth biggest producer of gas in the US.

The mile-deep Marcellus basin stretching from West Virginia through Pennsylvania to New York state is driving the explosive growth. Interlocking fractures in the rock make it possible for a single well with advanced technology to extract much more gas than thought possible just five years ago.

Once thought to be in decline, the Marcellus alone produces 113 BCM a year. This is roughly equivalent to Russia’s exports to Europe through the Nord Stream, Yamal, and Brotherhood pipelines.

Mr Mueller defiantly sweeps aside those who claim that the US fracking industry is in serious trouble, insisting that drilling costs are coming down so fast that his company – and others – are staying a step ahead of falling prices.

“Rig efficiency was flat for thirty years but since then we’ve cut by five times. We have set in motion something that you can’t deny and is irresistible,” he said.

Mr Mueller said it had taken his company 17 days to drill a 2,600 ft well as recently as 2007. It has just drilled a 5,400 ft well in six days. “The new technology is amazing. We have a drill-bit with a chip inside that makes its own changes,” he said.

He is continuing to invest heavily and hopes to boost output by up to 10pc annually for the next three years, despite a drop in gas prices to around $2.60 per million British thermal units (BTU). “If it stays around $3, we’ll be fine,” he said.

The US Energy Information Administration (EIA) expects gas prices to rise to $4.88 in real terms by 2020, and $7.85 by 2040.

What is remarkable is that US drillers can produce a third more natural gas today with 280 rigs than they did in 2009 with 1,200 rigs. Total shale output has soared to over 350 BCM from almost nothing a decade ago. It now makes up half of US gas production.

The Obama administration has so far been slow to approve new export terminals for LNG, partly because of concerns that the US would lose its massive advantage in energy and feedstock costs for industry.

Gas sells at for $7 in Europe, and over $10 in North-East Asia, four times more expensive. This cost-gap has been a key driver behind America’s so-called “manufacturing renaissance”, stoking an investment boom in chemicals, plastics, and glass, and saving the country’s steel mills from slow death.

A corridor from Houston to New Orleans has attracted 33 petrochemical plants worth over $1bn each since 2011. The American Chemistry Council expects over $130 billion of industrial projects along this stretch by 2023.

The administration has concluded that the US lead is now so entrenched that there is little to lose from a partial levelling of the global playing field. The expense of freezing gas for liquefaction to minus 260 degrees Fahrenheit and shipping it across the Atlantic or Pacific in molybdenum-hulled vessels is enough to maintain a big cost advantage for US manufacturers.

Four LNG terminals with a combined export capacity of 70 BCM are likely to be approved soon by the Energy Department. The front-runner is Cherniere’s $18bn terminal at Sabine Pass in Louisiana.

Experts are split over whether North America really can become the world’s dominant LNG player. Moody’s warned earlier this month that most of the 30 gas liquefaction projects planned in the US and Canada will never get off the ground, chiefly due to the linkage between LNG contracts and the price of crude. “The drop in international oil prices has wiped out the price advantage US LNG projects,” it said.

Michael Smith, head of Freeport LNG, said his company will press ahead regardless with plans for a $13bn plant near Houston, and predicted that the US could soon leap-frog all rivals to become the new gas hegemon. “Our projects are very competitive and we will continue to have an advantage over the rest of the world,” he said.

Russian president Vladimir Putin warned at the St Petersburg economic summit last year that US shale gas was abruptly changing the international order, with serious implications for his country. The early effects have forced down global LNG prices, creating a rival source of gas supply in Europe.

Any future American cargoes would further erode Gazprom’s pricing power in Europe, and erode the Kremlin’s political leverage. The EU already has a large network of import terminals for LNG.

Lithuania has just finished its “Independence” terminal, opening up the Baltic states to LNG. Poland’s new terminal should be ready this year.

America’s parallel drive for shale oil is equally breath-taking. Scott Sheffield, head of Pioneer Natural Resources, said his company has discovered huge reserves in the vast Permian Basin of West Texas.

“We think the Permian could produce 5-6m barrels a day (b/d) in the long-term,” he said. It is a staggering claim. This would be more than Saudi Arabia’s giant Ghawar field, the biggest in the world.

Ryan Lance, head of ConocoPhillips, said North American oil output could reach 15m b/d by 2020 and 25m b/d over the next quarter century, three times Saudi Arabia’s current exports.

A vault forward on this scale would establish the US as the leading energy superpower in both oil and gas, a revival that almost nobody could have imagined seven years ago when the United States was in near panic over its exorbitant dependency of imported fuel. It would restore the US to its mid-20th Century position as a surplus trading nation, and perhaps ultimately as world’s biggest external creditor once again.

Fracking is still an almost exclusive preserve of North America, and is likely to remain so into the early 2020s. China has large ambitions but the volumes are still tiny, and there is a shortage of water in key areas. Fracking remains mere talk in most other regions of the world.

Lukoil analysts say Russian extraction costs for shale are four times higher that those of US wildcat drillers. Sanctions currently prevent the Russians importing the know-how and technology to tap its vast Bazhenov basin at a viable cost.

John Hess, the founder of Hess Corporation, said it takes a unique confluence of circumstances to pull off a fracking revolution: landowner rights over sub-soil minerals, a pipeline infrastructure, the right taxes and regulations, and good rock. “We haven’t seen those stars align yet,” he said.

Above all it requires the acquiescence of the people. “It takes a thousand trucks going in and out to launch a (drilling) spud. Not every neighbourhood wants that,” he said.

Certainly not in Sussex, Burgundy, or Bavaria.

See (emphasis added; charts omitted); see also (“Promoters of renewable energy failed to account for the return of cheap oil“) and (“The Global Green Energy Fad“) and (“Opec under siege as Isil threatens world’s oil lifeline”—”Should Isil capture a major oil field in Iraq, or overwhelming the government, the consequences for energy markets and the financial system would be potentially catastrophic”—”[T]he biggest threat to oil prices is the political chaos that threatens to engulf the Middle East, combined with the West’s reluctance to intervene”) and The EPA Fracking Miracle (“The EPA Fracking Miracle”—”[E]ven the Environmental Protection Agency now concedes that fracking is safe”) and (“Oil Tankers Are Filling Up and Raking It In”—”Oil producers and traders are rushing to lease tankers while they scramble to find buyers, effectively turning these ships into floating storage facilities”—”U.S. refiners are running near maximum capacity to produce gasoline for drivers who are hitting the road for summer vacation. And China, the world’s largest oil consumer after the U.S., has been stockpiling crude for its strategic reserves”) and (“It is too late for OPEC to stop the shale revolution. The cartel faces the prospect of surging US output whenever oil prices rise”) and (“Move to Allow U.S. Oil Exports Accelerates“) and (“Oil Futures Signal Weak Prices Could Last Years“) and (“U.S. Loosens Longtime Ban on Oil Exports“) and (Will Saudi Arabia be hoisted by its own petard?) and (“U.S. Exports First Freely Traded Oil in 40 Years“) and (“Saudis ‘will not destroy the US shale industry’”—”America’s tight oil production will rebound as soon as prices start to recover”—”[I]t is impossible for OPEC to knock out the US shale industry though a war of attrition even if large numbers of frackers fall by the wayside over coming months”—”[G]roups with deep pockets such as Blackstone and Carlyle will take over the infrastructure when the distressed assets are cheap enough, and bide their time until the oil cycle turns”—”‘It takes $10bn and five to ten years to launch a deep-water project. It takes $10m and just 20 days to drill for shale'”—”‘Shale has proven much more resilient than people thought. They imagined that if prices fell below $70 a barrel, these drillers would go out of business. They didn’t realize that shale is mid-cost, and not high cost'”—”[E]ven if scores of US drillers go bust, the industry will live on, and a quantum leap in technology has changed the cost structure irreversibly. Output per rig has soared fourfold since 2009. It is now standard to drill multiples wells from the same site, and data analytics promise yet another leap foward in yields”—”US shale has entirely changed the balance of power in the global oil market and there is little Opec can do about it”)

In the process of achieving global energy dominance, the United States must finish what Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush put into place; namely, ending the Cold War once and for all, and burying the murderous Putin.

He must suffer a fate far worse than that of Mussolini; and Russia may be dismembered in the process, with China taking Siberia—with American blessings.

Putin and Russia are in a death spiral, which must continue.

See (“The Death Of Putin And Russia: The Final Chapter Of The Cold War“) and (“Russians to Putin: We Will Not Forget Stalin’s Crimes“) and (“Putin’s Culture Of Fear and Death“) and (“U.S. Ousts Russia as Top World Oil, Gas Producer”—”The data showing the U.S.’s emergence as the top driller confirms a trend that’s helped the world’s largest economy reduce imports, caused a slump in global energy prices and shifted the country’s foreign policy priorities”—”[The U.S.] produced about 90 percent of the energy it consumed last year”—”Growth in some of China’s most energy-intensive sectors, such as steel, iron and cement — which had thrived during China’s rapid industrialization — virtually collapsed in 2014”) and (“Russia abandons hope of oil price recovery and turns to the plough”—”Russia has abandoned hopes for a lasting recovery in oil prices, bracing for a new era of abundant crude as US shale production transforms the global energy market”—”Oil and gas taxes make up half the state’s revenue, and almost 70pc of Russia’s exports”—”[T]he ‘game changer’ is US shale that has displaced Saudi Arabia as the fundamental price-setter for the world”) and (“Russia retreats to autarky as poverty looms”—”Vladimir Putin is falling back on Soviet-era self-reliance as oil wealth evaporates and sanctions cut off vitally-needed technology”—”Russia is running out of money. President Vladimir Putin is taking a strategic gamble, depleting the Kremlin’s last reserve funds to cover the budget and to pay for an escalating war in Syria at the same time”—”Deficits on this scale are manageable for rich economies with deep capital markets. It is another story for Russia in the midst of a commodity slump and a geopolitical showdown with the West. Oil and gas revenues cover half the budget”—”[T]he Kremlin has no means of raising large loans to ride out the oil bust”—”[T]he latest efforts to squeeze more money out of Russia’s energy companies [is] the ‘end of the road’”—”Russia is . . . risking the sort of military overstretch that bankrupted the Soviet Union”—”Putin knows he cannot count on oil and gas any longer, belatedly recognizing that shale technology in the US threatens to cap crude prices for a decade or more, and has effectively destroyed Russia’s petro-power business model”—”Many of the best engineers and technicians have emigrated in a chronic brain-drain”)


15 05 2015
Timothy D. Naegele

The Global Green Energy Fad [UPDATED]

Birds killed by wind turbines

[Birds killed by wind turbines]

In a Washington Times article by Stephen Moore, distinguished visiting fellow at The Heritage Foundation—which is entitled, “Promoters of Renewable Energy Failed to Account for the Return of Cheap Oil”—it must be noted:

The green energy movement in America is dead. May it rest in peace. No, a majority of American energy over the next 20 years is not going to come from windmills and solar panels. One important lesson to be learned from the green energy fad’s rapid and expensive demise is that central planning doesn’t work.

What crushed green energy was the boom in shale oil and gas along with the steep decline in the price of fossil fuel that few saw coming just a few years ago.

An International Energy Agency report concedes that green energy is in fast retreat and is getting crushed by “the recent drop in fossil fuel prices.” It finds that the huge price advantage for oil and natural gas means “fossil plants still dominate recent [electric power] capacity additions.”

This wasn’t supposed to happen. Most of the government experts — and many private investors, too — bought into the “peak oil” nonsense and the forecasts of fuel prices continuing to rise as we depleted the oil from the Earth’s crust. Oil was expected to stay way over $100 a barrel and potentially soon hit $200 a barrel. National Geographic infamously advertised on its cover in 2004: “The End of Cheap Oil.”

Barack Obama told voters that green energy was necessary because oil is a “finite resource” and we would eventually run out. Apparently, Mr. Obama never read “The Ultimate Resource” by Julian Simon, which teaches us that human ingenuity in finding resources outpaces resource depletion.

When fracking and horizontal drilling technologies burst onto the scene, U.S. oil and gas reserves nearly doubled almost overnight. Oil production from 2007 to 2014 grew by more than 70 percent and natural gas production by nearly 30 percent.

The shale revolution is a classic disruptive technology advance that has priced the green movement out of the competitive market. Natural gas isn’t $13 per thousand cubic feet. It is now close to $3, an 80 percent decline. Oil prices have fallen by nearly half.

Green energy can’t possibly compete with that. Marketing wind power in an environment of $3 natural gas is like trying to sell sand in the Sahara. Instead of letting the green energy fad die a merciful death, the Obama administration only lavishes more subsidies on the Solyndras of the world.

Washington suffers from what F.A. Hayek called the “fatal conceit.” Like the 1950s central planners in the Politburo, Congress and the White House thought they knew where the future was headed. According to a 2015 report by the Taxpayers Protection Alliance, over the past five years, the U.S. government spent $150 billion on “solar power and other renewable energy projects.” Even with fracking changing the energy world, these blindfolded sages stuck with their wild green-eyed fantasy that wind turbines were the future.

Meanwhile, the return of $2.50-a-gallon gasoline at the pump is flattening the battery car market. A recent report from the trade publication Fusion notes: “Electric vehicle purchases in the U.S. have stagnated.” According to auto analysts at, “only 45 percent of this year’s hybrid and EV trade-ins have gone toward the purchase of another alternative fuel vehicle. That’s down from just over 60 percent in 2012.” says that “never before have loyalty rates for alt-fuel vehicles fallen below 50 percent” and it speculated that “many hybrid and EV owners are driven more by financial motives rather than a responsibility to the environment.” That’s what happens when the world is awash in cheap fossil fuels.

This isn’t the first time American taxpayers have been fleeced by false green energy dreams. In the late 1970s, the Carter administration spent billions of dollars on Synthetic Fuels Corp., which was going to produce fuel economically and competitively. Solar and wind power were also brief flashes in the pan. It all crash-landed by 1983 when oil prices fell to as low as $20 a barrel after President Reagan deregulated energy. Synthetic Fuels Corp. was one of the great corporate welfare boondoggles in American history.

A lesson should have been learned there — but Washington went all in again under Presidents Bush and Obama.

At least private-sector investors have lost their own money in these foolish bets on bringing back energy sources from the Middle Ages like wind turbines. The tragedy of government as [a] venture capitalist is that the politicians lose our money. These government-backed technologies divert private capital away from potentially more promising innovations.

Harold Hamm, chairman and CEO of Continental Resources and one of the discoverers of the Bakken Shale in North Dakota, tells the story of meeting with Mr. Obama at the White House in 2010 to tell him about the fracking revolution. Mr. Obama arrogantly responded that electric cars would soon replace fossil fuels. Was he ever wrong.

We don’t know if renewables will ever play a significant role in America’s energy mix. But if it does happen, it will be a result of market forces, not central planning.

See (emphasis added); see also (“US To Launch Blitz Of Gas Exports, Eyes Global Energy Dominance“) and (“A $34 Trillion Swindle: The Shame Of Global Warming“)

Many of the same “environmental Nazis” who have promoted the man-made “global warming” hoax have also promoted the “green energy” fad.

In another time, the proponents of “global warming” and the “green energy” fad would have been members of the “Flat Earth Society,” and claimed a “consensus” with respect to them too.

See; see also (“The Global Warming Hoax, And The Great Green Con, Revisited“) and (“High-Tech Solar Projects Fail to Deliver”—”[A] series of missteps and technical difficulties threatens to make newfangled solar-thermal technology obsolete”—”[T]he power plant requires far more steam to run smoothly and efficiently than originally thought. . . . Instead of ramping up the plant each day before sunrise by burning one hour’s worth of natural gas to generate steam, Ivanpah needs more than four times that much help from fossil fuels to get the plant humming every morning”—”Once built, U.S. government biologists found the plant’s superheated mirrors were killing birds. In April, biologists working for the state estimated that 3,500 birds died at Ivanpah in the span of a year, many of them burned alive while flying through a part of the solar installment where air temperatures can reach 1,000 degrees Fahrenheit”) and (“Obama’s Wind-Energy Lobby Gets Blown Away”—”A California judge rules in favor of bald eagles”—”Bird kills in general, and eagle kills in particular, are a legal and public-relations nightmare for an industry that promotes itself as ‘green'”—”[W]ind turbines in the U.S. kill some 573,000 birds and 880,000 bats each year”) and (“Big Solar’s Subsidy Bubble”—”The Department of Energy’s Inspector General revealed last week that the legendary solar-panel manufacturer Solyndra—a poster baby of the Obama stimulus—lied to the feds to get a $535 million loan guarantee before going bust in 2011″—”[T]he White House is more concerned with boosting the politically favored solar industry than protecting taxpayer dollars. More troubling, the solar industry may be growing too big to fail, and the Administration is assisting another taxpayer solar scam”—”[T]he government-inflated solar bubble could pop if subsidies shrink”) and (“California’s Climate Change Revolt”—”The most morally destructive product in California these days is green government”)

The location of wind farms along pristine, beautiful coastlines constitutes visual pollution at its worst.


15 05 2015
H. Craig Bradley


The allure of “Alternative Energy” (solar and electric cars) has been the desire of so many “star-gazers” and assorted liberal schmucks for as long as I have been alive. Its an old experience with a very long history for this 60-year old retiree anyway. Kind of a bore, at least for those who understand engineering or have a technical background, vs. the masses who are science illiterates.

Solar and other alternatives have always been a universal popular “dream” but have not been economically viable without a lot of subsidizes from the Government, both direct and indirect. Without government money, they are uncompetitive and the market won’t adopt them in great numbers ( at least to count). You can argue the opinion, but not the historical facts.

The L.A. Dept. of Water and Power christened the Solar Farm called ” Solar One” in the Mohave Desert in Oct. 1980. It was the lagging (end) result of the energy crisis in oil throughout the 1970’s under former Democratic President Jimmy Carter. Similarly, in Parachute, Colorado Exxon had the Colony Oil Shale Project funded heavily by the U.S. Synfuels Corporation, another Jimmy Carter Government market distorting scheme.

President Reagan got rid of the Synfuels Corporation and all the Federal subsidizes of oil shale and other alternatives. He also removed the price controls on gasoline imposed by President Jimmy Carter. Soon thereafter, Exxon closed down their facility and locked the gates with no notice. Brown & Root contract employees were headed for the Colorado State Unemployment Dept. line soon thereafter and the era of alternative energy was done, for this cycle anyway. History does often repeat.

At the time of “Black Monday” I was living and working in Rifle, Colorado with the White River National Forest and watched it all happen. Rifle, Colorado went from another energy boom town to a ghost town in short order. “For Sale” Signs sprouted-up in the neighborhood lawns like dandelions in the Spring.

Dean Witter Reynolds in Glenwood Springs ( where I had an IRA account) determined the area was going into a “prolonged recession” and they promptly closed their branch office and moved their brokers to their office in Ft. Collins, Colorado. I have plenty of photographs and negatives in 35 mm from that era to prove it too!


20 05 2015
Mike Collalto

Thanks Timothy D. Naegele. Some thoughts of mine.

What about that relationship that governs the amount of CO2 that is produced/emitted in an economy during a boom cycle, and that same gas that is emitted during a ‘bust’ cycle.

Is there anywhere, even on this blog, (I have not had time to read all of it.) that acknowledges this obvious relationship? For instance, in Greece, there are allready those who cannot afford to even buy the food that would allow the same to produce methane from a healthy meal.

Why is there no widespread rejoicing amongst the climate intelligensia that this ultimate goal of CO2 emission reduction is being achieved via the global, economic crisis unintentionally perhaps?


20 05 2015
Timothy D. Naegele

Thanks, Mike, for your thoughtful comments.

I am not a believer in man-made “global warming,” nor in the “Green Energy Fad,” for reasons that I have stated in comments above.

See, e.g., (“The Global Warming Hoax, And The Great Green Con, Revisited“) and (“The Global Green Energy Fad”)

Having said that, your conclusion seems to make sense. However, taken to its logical conclusion, there would be no global commerce at all, and we would revert to some form of an agrarian economy of centuries past.


25 05 2015
Timothy D. Naegele

More Than 100 Newspapers Dumped in Year

Newspapers are dead

With tough economic times ahead, it is arguable that traditional newspapers are dead. Also, the Internet has consigned newspapers to the “horse-and-buggy” era.

An article in the Washington Examiner by Paul Bedard states:

The demise of big city print media, displayed in full by the painfully slow sale of the mammoth New York Daily News, is going nationwide as ad sales decline 50 percent and circulation plummets, according to a new Pew Research Center analysis.

According to their report, “The Declining Value Of U.S. Newspapers,” just three different media companies in 2014 alone decided to dump more than 100 newspaper properties. Pew said the companies spun off the money-losing properties “in large part to protect their still-robust broadcast or digital divisions.”

The Daily News, on the block since February, has yet to be sold and is now being eyed by Captiol Hill’s newspaper The Hill, which may turn it into a digital operation like the Washington Examiner, Huffington Post, Brietbart and the Daily Caller.

The Pew report is short and very unsweet:

Over the past two decades, major newspapers across the country have seen a recurring cycle of ownership changes and steep declines in value.

The San Diego Union-Tribune was the latest example of this, as it officially changed ownership hands Thursday for the third time in six years. This most recent purchase came from Tribune Publishing Co. for the amount of $85 million (including nine community papers). Still waiting for a buyer is the 96-year-old New York tabloid the Daily News, which owner Mort Zuckerman put on the sale block this spring. But there seems to be far from a stampede of interested buyers.

Steep revenue and circulation declines across the newspaper industry have left many newspapers struggling. Over the past decade, weekday circulation has fallen 17% and ad revenue more than 50%. In 2014 alone, three different media companies decided to spin off more than 100 newspaper properties, in large part to protect their still-robust broadcast or digital divisions. founder Jeff Bezos may have stunned many with his $250 million purchase of The Washington Post, which was last sold at auction in 1933, but other recent sales of major papers show dramatic devaluation and suggest a tough road ahead for the newspaper industry.

See; see also (“The World’s Next Credit Crunch Could Make 2008 Look Like A Hiccup“) and (“The Web Is Free!“)

Perhaps the only newspapers that seem to be flourishing are the free throwaways in cities and small towns, which are chock full of advertising.


1 06 2015
Timothy D. Naegele

What About Gold? [UPDATED]

Gold bar

If the global economy implodes, some people recommend gold as a “hedge.” I still recommend holding cash, and sitting on the sidelines and waiting until the bottom is reached (or close to it), and then snapping up the bargains (e.g., in real estate).

See (“The Obama Great Depression“) and (“Doomsday Clock For Global Market Crash Strikes One Minute To Midnight As Central Banks Lose Control“) and (“The World Is Defenseless Against The Next Financial Crisis“) and (“The World’s Next Credit Crunch Could Make 2008 Look Like A Hiccup“)

With respect to gold, you can’t eat it. You can’t use it at stores to buy food or anything else that you may need. You may not even be able to get your gold. Will there be a viable market for it?

In a real panic, what will gold be worth to you? Arguably nothing.

For those who argue:

But you can’t eat dollars either. Gold, like any other form of currency, is money. It is a store of value.

The answer is that Americans and people of other countries understand dollars and smaller U.S. denominations. They will trade in them during the worst of times.

Those who hold gold certificates may find them to be worthless. Also, those who hold gold itself may be robbed, or find it impossible to trade it for anything.

Gold is a “store of value” only if Americans and others recognize it as such. It is not a “currency” at all if you cannot use it to buy food or anything else that you need during panic conditions.

If one or more panics occur, how stable will the markets for gold and silver be? They may be nonexistent—or certainly not a place for “amateurs.”

As I have made it clear in my writings:

I am sure there are lots of people who are very adroit with respect to gold trading, even in the worst of times, but I am not one of them.

See (“Interview with Timothy D. Naegele”) (comment beneath article); see also (“No Gold Rush as Greece and China Troubles Roil Markets”) and (“Gold Continues Sliding, Hits 5-Year Low“) and (“Speculators smash gold as dollar squeeze tightens“) and (“Gold’s Role as Safe-Haven Investment Wanes”—”[M]ore investors grow disillusioned with gold as a haven and turn to alternative safeguards”)

The bottom line: gold may not be a safe haven, certainly in perilous times.

Those who place their trust and faith in gold may find that they are on a fool’s errand.


1 06 2015
H. Craig Bradley


China is going to formally apply and the IMF is going to vote on admitting them and the Yuan to their current “basket of currencies”. The Chinese must, prior to the October vote, declare their audited physical gold reserves. This could affect the exchange rates of the currencies, including the U.S. Dollar and possibly the price of gold. Its a ? at this point.

Now, for the purposes of speculation, what might happen if the Chinese declared they have proven gold reserves ( bullion ) of 8,000 metric tons? The U.S. Treasury might still have that much, but we last audited the U.S. Gold reserves back in 1956 during the Eisenhower Administration.

We might not have close to that much gold left on reserve left. So, It all comes down to what the global financial markets believe is true and the confidence they have in the Chinese reserves and currency vs. what the U.S. claims to have. Nobody really believes sovereigns to come clean, so it a high stakes financial poker game: Liar’s Bluff.

Gold is a hedge for those holding large positions in U.S. Treasuries or other dollar denominated bonds. The current rule of thumb is 10% of your bond valuations held in gold. That is what the Chinese have been doing since 2009. That is what I do. You should hedge your bond exposure using gold. Gold is NOT an inflation hedge, despite what “gold bugs” think.

Other precious metals, primarily silver are a good hedge for financial shut-downs or temporary ATM inaccessibility. You need something for barter if you for any reason, are unable to access your cash. True, most Americans have never seen a silver coin ( quarter ) in the entire life and have no idea what it is worth or own ANY silver or gold. We are a paper society and few alive were here when silver was the coinage of America ( 1932-1964).

“Junk Silver” ( U.S. minted quarters and dimes prior to 1964) is good to have as a back-up and a hedge for financial uncertainty. You can exchange it for gas or food with some small independent businesses or grocers. Problem is, most coin dealers are out of stock of “junk” silver since last Sept. You can not get any and if you could find any “junk silver” on- hand; there is currently a 20% premium above spot if you want to take physical delivery of a bag or 1/2 bag..


1 06 2015
Timothy D. Naegele

Thank you, Craig, for your comments.

Among other things, you have written:

Other precious metals, primarily silver are a good hedge for financial shut-downs or temporary ATM inaccessibility. You need something for barter if you for any reason, are unable to access your cash. True, most Americans have never seen a silver coin ( quarter ) in the entire life and have no idea what it is worth or own ANY silver or gold. We are a paper society. . . .

Americans see silver coins almost every day of their lives, certainly when they pay with cash instead of credit or debit cards, and receive dimes and quarters in change.


1 06 2015
H. Craig Bradley

“Americans see silver coins almost every day of their lives, certainly when they pay with cash instead of credit or debit cards, and receive dimes and quarters in change”.

REALLY? That’s interesting.

All the quarters I have and as you say, Americans handle small change routinely in everyday retail transactions, are a “sandwich” of copper and nickle or an amalgam of tin/copper. There is currently NO, repeat, NO metallic or elemental Silver ( AG++ on the Periodic Chart of the Elements) found in any general circulation U.S.- Minted Quarters or dimes in general circulation since 1964. Incidentally, since the Marcos Regime, there is very little silver left in Philippine pesos or Mexican pesos either.

I thought everybody knew that. Obviously not. More “low information voters” from Watter’s World on Fox News, I detect here.

U.S. Coins have become even tinnier in the last 12 years, reflecting even less copper in each quarter. You can visibly inspect, unless blind or a blind ideologue who apparently REFUSES to accept our monetary and financial decline when its literally staring you right in the face.

There is no point to carry on anymore conversations Tim, since you have demonstrated a high degree of dis-ingeniousness. This is more than a disagreement of opinion. At the late Senator Patrick Moynihan once famously said to a colleague: “You are entitled to your OWN Opinion, But NOT your own facts”. You are certainly factually wrong about current U.S. Coinage and silver content, as a matter of fact. An apology is certainly due on that basis, Tim. Goodbye.


1 06 2015
Timothy D. Naegele

You added:

All the quarters I have and as you say, Americans handle small change routinely in everyday retail transactions, are a “sandwich” of copper and nickle or an amalgam of tin/copper.

I do not disagree. I have never asserted that they are pure silver.

Also, the late Senator Patrick Moynihan is NOT one of my heroes, nor remotely the “hero” of most Americans. Indeed, there are few alive today who have even heard of him, much less anything that he stood for.

My recollection is that he was a pompous Narcissist, who was enthralled by his own intellect.


1 06 2015
H. Craig Bradley


I know what you wrote and its factually wrong. Today’s quarters and dimes have Zero silver in them and most American’s have been conditioned (brainwashed) to think they still have the same inherent value ( not official value under Public Tender Laws). This also applies to all the other quarters and dimes minted since 1964, as well.

You can not even find any pre-1965 coins, even from precious metals dealers. Most silver coins from that era ( 1931-1964) have already been taken-out of circulation, hoarded by collectors, or melted down. These so-called “junk silver” coins were never 100% silver to begin with. More like 90% at the most. REF:


1 06 2015
Timothy D. Naegele


To the undiscerning eye, they seem to have a silver facade, with copper sandwiched in the middle.

However, from what you have said—and what my brief research confirms—any U.S. dimes, quarters, half dollars or dollars that are dated later than 1964 are copper-nickel clad coins except for the dual-dated Bicentennial Quarters that were sold by the Mint in special Mint Sets and Proof Sets.

Please start a new thread if you wish to comment further, so smartphone users can read this easily.


2 06 2015
H. Craig Bradley


You finessed or walked-around the factual errors of your previous statements regarding the presence of silver in coinage routinely handled by the public, their knowledge of it ( or lack of knowledge), and the referenced link breaking down the metals contained in pre-1965 junk silver coins and their current market value, as well.

The precise technical composition of today’s fake (fiat) coins (sans silver) is really of no particular interest to me at all and was not the main point of my previous string of comments today on this subject. You simply chose to comment on them as a come-back for previous and unadmitted gross factual errors. The Late Senator Moyanhan was Pompous? Try some lawyers and most politicians for a change.

Also, you might investigate the ” Nickle Act” passed a few years ago by Congress which actually removed nickle from our of our nickles. So, although nickles were not previously silver at all, they now may not even be nickle or have, at best less nickle in them.

Either way, we have the indications of a government that is broke and knows it. Eventually, the average Joe on the Street will figure it out. Then we are toast and the U.S. Dollar becomes largely a domestic only currency not accepted for trade outside of the U.S. directly as it currently is. So, Get ready for a big reset soon.


21 08 2015

Just my $0.02 here but where was there a mention of Patrick Moynihan as being ANYONE’s hero? Straw argument? Delusional response? Can’t figure out where that came from.

Delusional or disingenuous? For this reason, I had to butt in as this speaks to the heart of credibility. Some present facts, hoping to advance a discussion, hoping that discussion will yield an interpolated “truth”.

Others argue on the basis of feeding an ego, facts and positions be damned as “winning” is the goal. If this is the case here, I can find nothing more onastic.


1 06 2015
H. Craig Bradley


You should at least invest in a couple of 1 oz. Maple Leaves or Pandas and keep them handy. If you should need to “get out of Dodge” in a flash or emergency then they are money outside of the U.S.A. I can not think of any Bank in the World that would not be happy to exchange your gold coins for their currency at a small mark-down from the spot price to cover transaction fees.

Gold is universally recognized money or wealth and is respectively treated as such. They may put currency controls on the amount of Dollars you can exchange for their currency, but gold is always welcome. Even if it is not, there is ALWAYS a black market in precious metals and diamonds.

You can evade detection by the authorities if you are adroit (smart) enough. That may be what it takes to survive in the future, at home or abroad. In the end, you will have to depend on your own wits in an era of growing anxiety, financial instability, and declining Western Powers (Govt). They are increasingly getting desperate and repressive. So, We are all in transition, heading for a big global financial and monetary reset. Nobody knows what tomorrow will bring. So, take your chances.


1 06 2015
Timothy D. Naegele

Thank you again, Craig.

First, I believe Americans are safest in the United States; and that this will be true for many years to come.

As you know, they are “targets” in other countries, inter alia, for injuries, death or kidnapping.

If one foresees increasing chaos globally, it may be best to enjoy our wonderful country and its vast beauty and diversity.

Second, the United States is the only Superpower in the world, militarily and economically. Russia is a pygmy state that is imploding under the murderous Putin; and China has serious problems of its own.

See, e.g., (“The Corruption And Criminality Of The Putin Regime”) and (“The Coming Chinese Crack-Up”)

The U.S. is much stronger than any of its rivals in the world, by far.


2 06 2015
Timothy D. Naegele

Lastly, Craig, you got off into a discussion of the composition of our coinage; I did not.

Also, the United States is the only Superpower in the world, militarily and economically. This is a fact.

If the Middle East implodes—which is the direction that it is heading—China and other countries will seek our oil, gas and other energy products desperately.

And we will sell, sell, sell.


15 11 2015
H. Craig Bradley


The Chinese will Buy, Buy, Buy our businesses and real estate as their wealth and Middle Class continues to grow. As a matter of FACT, it has been reported in the that the number of Chinese Middle Class has now exceeded the number of American Middle Class, relatively speaking of course. We are still number ONE for a while still. Keep in mind that America is a “Bean Sprout” compared to the 3,000 year old history of Chinese Dynasties ( Old Oak Tree by comparison).


14 06 2015
Timothy D. Naegele

Defense Chiefs: Britain Feeble On World Stage

100 percent feeble

As the UK’s Telegraph has reported:

The military might of Britain has been rendered “feeble” in the face of threats from around the world, some of the country’s most senior military commanders have said.

Four former leaders of the Armed Forces issue a passionate warning about the decline of British influence, saying they are deeply concerned by the UK’s failure to act as crises grow in Iraq, Syria and Russia.

The four men — Admiral Sir Nigel Essenhigh, Admiral Lord Boyce, Field Marshal Lord Walker and Air Chief Marshal Sir Peter Squire — liken Britain’s inaction to the “appeasement” of Nazi Germany before the Second World War.

Writing in the Telegraph, Sir Nigel, a former First Sea Lord, says there are “disquieting parallels” between Britain’s unwillingness to arm itself now and in the 1930s when it failed to prepare to combat the growing threat from Hitler until it was “nearly too late”.

The legacy of wars in Iraq and Afghanistan mean there is no public appetite for further conflict and this has led to “feeble” responses to security threats in the Middle East, including in Libya, Syria and the “exponential” threat posed by the terrorists of Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (Isil).

The former commanders warn that cuts to the Forces in the past five years have already “seriously undermined” Britain’s military alliance with America. Britain is now facing the real risk of being drawn into a conflict with an increasingly aggressive Russia in Eastern Europe, but there are serious questions over whether the UK would be able to respond, the former commanders say.

Sir Nigel’s warning, which is backed by former chiefs from all three services, comes as the Ministry of Defence faces another round of savage budget cuts when Whitehall spending is scrutinised once more in the autumn.

The Government has begun a new defence review which it says will assess the threats the country faces and the equipment and manpower required to counter them. But there is widespread fear among defence chiefs that it will be a repeat of the 2010 review, which forced sweeping austerity cuts on the Armed Forces and saw the Army cut from 102,000 to 82,000.

George Osborne, the Chancellor, has already announced that the Ministry of Defence will have to find another £500 million of cuts this year. Unlike the international aid budget and the NHS, the MoD has not been ring-fenced and further cuts are widely expected.

Experts at the Royal United Services Institute said it is “touch and go” whether Britain will this year hit the agreed Nato target to spend 2 per cent of GDP on the military.

In his article, Sir Nigel warns there are “disquieting parallels between the situation that confronted our country some 90 years ago and that which now prevails”.

Britain in the 1920s and 1930s was still too horrified by the First World War “and all but bankrupt as a result of it” to face up to the “growing menace that Nazism presented to European stability”, he says.

“Today, although in very different circumstances, there are some uncomfortable similarities,” Sir Nigel says. “For example, in the wake of unfinished business in Iraq and Afghanistan, there is currently little public appetite for further, significant military intervention abroad.

“Thus there is cover for our recent, feeble responses to events in the Middle East such as in Libya, Syria and once again in Iraq, as well as in the face of the exponential threat posed by the Islamic State [Isil].

“Meanwhile, we watch as a resurgent Russia rattles an ever-larger sabre and, sanctions notwithstanding, acts with impunity in Crimea and Ukraine.”

At last week’s G7 summit in Germany, world leaders expressed concern about an upsurge in fighting in eastern Ukraine, in violation of the ceasefire agreed in April.

Sir Nigel continues: “If the outcome of the [defence] review is a further reduction in military expenditure and not a commitment to a sustained increase, then the Government will be neglecting its prime and overriding duty, the defence of the nation, by failing to halt the progressive decline of British military capability into penny packet numbers.”

Isil has in recent weeks made significant advances in Iraq. As part of an international coalition, British bombers have launched air strikes inside Iraq but have not committed to attacks in Syria. Deploying ground troops to fight Isil has been ruled out by the Prime Minister.

Sir Nigel’s colleagues on Saturday said ministers must face head-on the threat to the West from the increasingly aggressive Russian president.

Sir Peter said: “Russia must now be the number one and major threat. What is going on in Eastern Europe, in Ukraine and so forth, could spill over into a major conflict. We ought to be very conscious of that. Of course, there are other threats around the world, such as Islamic State [Isil], which we have got to come to terms with. But at the end of the day, the one that could destroy this country is Russia.”

Sir Peter and Lord Boyce said the trigger for a war between the West and President Putin could be a Russian invasion of a Nato ally such as Latvia.

“Russia has the military strength, technology and comprehensive military forces to fight a very serious war,” Sir Peter said.

Lord Boyce added: “Putin is behaving in a very aggressive and expansionist way and the Government does not seem to take it seriously because it is inconvenient to have to do something about it. When facing the threat from Hitler in the 1930s, we woke up to it too late and so we were on the back foot from the start.”

An MoD spokesman said Britain has the second-largest defence budget in Nato and the largest in the EU.

“The Government is committed to spending 2 per cent of GDP on defence this financial year,” the spokesman said. “Over the next decade we are committed to spending £163 billion on equipment and equipment-support to keep Britain safe and right now we are deployed around the world on more than 20 operations.”

See; see also (“The Corruption And Criminality Of The Putin Regime“)

Two questions must be asked and answered: (1) is the UK capable of contributing to NATO in a necessary and meaningful way, and (2) could it mount another offensive in the Falklands if it was required to do so, while still maintaining its NATO commitments?


28 06 2015
Timothy D. Naegele

Once Greek Banks Fail, Grexit Will Become Irreversible [UPDATED]

Alex Pigman has written for AFP:

With Greece’s creditors refusing to extend its bailout, attention has turned swiftly to preventing massive capital flight as worried Greek citizens pull cash from ATMs.

Fears that the banks may not open Monday have prompted the European Central Bank to meet but officials say it will be up to Greece to stem an outflow that has already reached dangerous levels.

“If there isn’t capital controls by Tuesday at the latest, it’s over,” said a European source close to the negotiations.

“Greek banks are near liquidation and can no longer remain solvent. Once the banks fail, ‘Grexit’ will become irreversible,” the source said.

Talks on Saturday collapsed with the Greek contingent leaving the remaining 18 eurozone ministers to consider the consequences of a default.

In a statement, the ministers appeared to urge Greece towards capital controls, saying that the expiry of the bailout “will require measures by the Greek authorities, with the technical assistance of the institutions, to safeguard the stability of the Greek financial system.”

The withdrawals today were “exceptionally high,” warned the influential German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble at the talks on Saturday.

Faced with this calamity, Natixis analysts Jesus Castillo and Alan Lemagnen said the Greek government could decide a bank holiday, an order that the nation’s banks remain closed to avoid a run by customers.

Similar moves were made in 2013, when Cyprus imposed drastic limitations on cash withdrawals and money transfers abroad when its banks faced crisis — in large part due to contagion from the crisis in Greece.

– ‘Fight contagion’ –

“We will do everything to fight against any possible danger of contagion,” Schaeuble added.

If the scenario were repeated in Greece now, European leaders would act to prevent the same contagion that flowed from Greece in 2012 to other troubled eurozone members like Spain, Portugal and Ireland.

That disruption was caused by spooked investors shunning the bonds of vulnerable countries, sending their borrowing rates unsustainably high. At the same time, banks in healthier eurozone countries holding debt of weak eurozone nations were suddenly seen as a risk.

But risk of renewed contagion has been greatly reduced by firewalls built since 2010 by eurozone authorities, and the creation of a European banking union to police lenders and oversee a collective response to the crisis.

And in the meantime, most European banks have significantly wound down their exposure to Greece and other troubled eurozone members.

The ECB also now has tools unavailable to it in 2010. It is in the midst of successful quantitive easing programme injecting liquidity into the eurozone economy, and could easily step up its purchases of sovereign bonds if investors dump debt.

It could also deploy the thus far unused “outright monetary transactions” to purchase sovereign debt — a plan it unveiled in 2012 to calm panicked markets, and which has recently cleared legal challenges from opponents.

Until Saturday’s debacle in Brussels, the ECB bought time to allow discussions to continue, pumping cash into the teetering Greek financial system.

To achieve that, the Frankfurt-based central bank maintained its emergency liquidity funding to Greek banks to prevent their collapse — and in doing so withstood heated opposition from Germany.

So far ECB chief Mario Draghi has refused to cut emergency funding for Greek banks, but that decision is expected to be soon reversed.

The central bank’s governing council is set to hold an emergency meeting on Sunday, and a decision to end the lifeline is increasingly expected.

See; see also (“Greek Suicide Watch“) and (“Greek banks down to €500m in cash reserves as economy crashes“) and (“Greek banks prepare plan to raid deposits to avert collapse“) and (“Greece prepares for economic siege as firms issue private currencies“) and (“EU warns of Armageddon if Greek voters reject terms“)

In many counties, the military would intervene and seize control; and oust the so-called “leaders” and try them for crimes, before hanging them.

Also, Germany has attempted to achieve economically and governmentally what the Third Reich was unable to achieve militarily during World War II; namely, to become the “masters of Europe.”

Before I traveled to Greece for the first time, I met a German and his wife on the coast of the former Yugoslavia. He told me where to go in Greece, and added proudly that the Greeks were afraid of the Germans because of their occupation during World War II.

This feeling of German superiority carries over to today.

See (“Axis occupation of Greece“); see also (“Greece is being treated like a hostile occupied state“) and (“Will The Euro Crisis Will Give Germany The Empire It Has Always Dreamed Of?”)

Next, as I have written above:

At some point, fear and contagion will prevail, and the banking systems of many countries may be overwhelmed and fail. Politicians and governments will be helpless to prevent it. Like a natural tsunami in the great oceans of this world, the economic tsunami will roll unabated through the end of this decade, at the very least.

Greece is merely one piece of the global puzzle, like the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria was one link in the chain of events that led directly to World War I.

The global economy is precarious at best. Almost anything could trigger a crisis in today’s environment.

However, one of the greatest risks that has been perceived in Washington for many years is that a run would begin on the funds, which the central banks would be helpless to quell, leading to a liquidity crisis of unfathomable proportions, far worse than the banking crisis in Greece.

The Depression-era tools and “safety nets” would prove useless, and panics would ensue.

See (“The Risk Of Runs Is Real“); see also (“Global Chaos And Helter Skelter“) and (“The World Is Defenseless Against The Next Financial Crisis“)

Bank run, circa 1933


28 06 2015

Once this crisis hits, the world’s central bankers will not have the same options that were available to them during the 2008 crash. QE has failed miserably and has actually created an even bigger mess by massively increasing the world’s exposure to unfunded debt. Things are about to get very, very ugly … and there is virtually nothing that can be done to stop this coming economic train wreck.

Liked by 1 person

28 06 2015
Timothy D. Naegele

Thank you, Ray, for your comments.

Yes, I agree. As I wrote more than 6 years ago:

Years from now, economic historians may look back at this era and conclude that the world’s central bankers were overwhelmed and Depression-era “safety nets” did not work; and global market forces ultimately determined the depth and duration of the economic meltdown, not the politicians in Washington or anywhere else.

See (“Euphoria or the Obama Depression?”)


28 06 2015
H. Craig Bradley

Janet Yellen could start printing money again and help out the Greeks, or more importantly, the banks that are on the hook for all Greek Debt they bought. My understanding is the French are the ones who are most exposed to Greek debt. There is really no way to predict exactly what the full effects will be if Greece says no pay. Not much you can do to get “blood from a turnip”.


28 06 2015
Timothy D. Naegele

There are many possible alternatives or outcomes.

See, e.g., (“There’s method in Greece’s madness – it could pay off”)


29 06 2015
Timothy D. Naegele

The World Is Defenseless Against The Next Financial Crisis [UPDATED]

Financial Crisis Ahead

These issues have been discussed already—in the article above, in other articles, and in various comments.

See, e.g., (“The Fed Is Worried About Greece and China Even if the White House Isn’t“) and (“China’s Stock Plunge Is Scarier Than Greece“) and (“The really worrying financial crisis is happening in China, not Greece“); see also (“Europe Is Blowing Itself Apart But Nobody Seems To Care“) and (“Once Greek Banks Fail, Grexit Will Become Irreversible“) and (“The World’s Next Credit Crunch Could Make 2008 Look Like A Hiccup“) and (“Putin Meets Economic Collapse With Purges, Broken Promises“) and (“The Coming Chinese Crack-Up“)

Peter Spence has written in the UK’s Telegraph:

The world will be unable to fight the next global financial crash as central banks have used up their ammunition trying to tackle the last crises, the Bank of International Settlements has warned.

The so-called central bank of central banks launched a scatching critique of global monetary policy in its annual report. The BIS claimed that central banks have backed themselves into a corner after repeatedly cutting interest rates to shore up their economies.

These low interest rates have in turn fuelled economic booms, encouraging excessive risk taking. Booms have then turned to busts, which policymakers have responded to with even lower rates.

Claudio Borio, head of the organisation’s monetary and economic department, said: “Persistent exceptionally low rates reflect the central banks’ and market participants’ response to the unusually weak post-crisis recovery as they fumble in the dark in search of new certainties.”

G3 real interest rates have never been so low for so long

“Rather than just reflecting the current weakness, they may in part have contributed to it by fuelling costly financial booms and busts and delaying adjustment. The result is too much debt, too little growth and too low interest rates.

“In short, low rates beget lower rates.”

The BIS warned that interest rates have now been so low for so long that central banks are unequipped to fight the next crises.

“In some jurisdictions, monetary policy is already testing its outer limits, to the point of stretching the boundaries of the unthinkable,” the BIS said.

Policymakers in the eurozone, Denmark, Sweden and Switzerland have taken their interest rates below zero in an attempt to support their economies, contributing to a decline in bond yields.

The decline of bond yields into negative territory is the “most unusual development” of the last year

Extraordinarily low interest rates are not a “new equilibrium” said Jaime Caruana, general manager of the BIS, rejecting the theory of so-called “secular stagnation” which some economists blame for the continued decline in global lending rates.

“True, there may be secular forces that put downward pressure on equilibrium interest rates … [but] we argue that the current configuration of very low rates is neither inevitable, nor does it represent a new equilibrium,” he said.

Mr Caruana said that interest rate hikes “should be welcomed”, as global economies have started to grow at close to their historical averages, and a slump in oil prices has provided the global economy with a boost.

The BIS report described the threat of a new bust in advanced economies as a “main risk”, with many reaching the top of the economic cycle.

The economies worst hit by the last crisis are now suffering the costs of persistent ultra-low rates, the organisation said, which could “inflict serious damage on the financial system”, sapping banks and weakening their balance sheets and their ability to lend.

And the continued misallocation of resources during busts prompted by central banks’s rock-bottom interest rates has also hammered productivity growth, the BIS said, as a prolonged reliance on debt had been used in its place.

Economic mismanagement has hampered productivity growth

This problem is compounded as the world’s populations continue to age, the organisation warned, making debt burdens harder to bear. Yet politicians have relied too much on temporary growth boosts by using debt, rather than making painful choices, said the BIS.

Mr Caruana said that during booms, workers and capital are shifted to slow-growing sectors, with a “long-lasting negative” impact on productivity growth. “Misallocated labour needs to move from these sectors to other parts of the economy,” he said.

The BIS said that the current turmoil in Greece typified the kind of “toxic mix” of private and public debt being used as a solution to economic problems, rather than making the proper commitment “to badly needed” structural reforms.

Mr Caruana said that policymakers must now focus on the supply side of the economy, introducing the right reforms, rather than continue to lean on debt which will inevitably undermine growth.

See (charts omitted; emphasis added); see also (“Poll: 72 Percent Fear Economic Crash, Concern ‘Highest Ever'”—”‘The failure to recognize this moment as historic is largely because investors have been urged to believe things that aren’t true, have never been true, and can be demonstrated to be untrue across a century of history'”) and (“Could Australia become the new Greece?“) and (“Emerging market currencies crash on Fed fears and China slump”) and (“Six firms—Amazon, Google, Apple, Facebook, Netflix and Gilead Sciences—account for more than half of the $664 billion in value added this year to the Nasdaq Composite. That is raising concerns about the health of the market”) and (“China losing control as stocks crash despite emergency measures”—”‘One by one the dominoes are starting to fall,’ said Societe Generale”) and (“Puerto Rico triggers historic default as austerity spiral deepens”—”America’s home-grown ‘Greece’ is trapped in a vicious circle as a shrinking economy and an exodus of workers pushes the debt ratio through the roof”) and (“RECORD 93,770,000 AMERICANS NOT IN LABOR FORCE“) and (“Record 93,770,000 Americans Not in Labor Force; Participation Rate Matches 38-Year Low“) and (“RECORD 56,209,000 WOMEN NOT IN [AMERICAN] LABOR FORCE“) and (“Jobs shock: 100% of [American] female employment gains taken by foreigners since 2007“) and (“The Death Cross Forms on the Dow Chart“) and (“Presidential candidate Trump: China devaluation will devastate US“)


7 07 2015
Timothy D. Naegele

Europe Is Blowing Itself Apart But Nobody Seems To Care [UPDATED]

EU collapses

The UK Telegraph‘s International Business Editor in London, Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, has written:

Like a tragedy from Euripides, the long struggle between Greece and Europe’s creditor powers is reaching a cataclysmic end that nobody planned, nobody seems able to escape, and that threatens to shatter the greater European order in the process.

Greek premier Alexis Tsipras never expected to win Sunday’s referendum on EMU bail-out terms, let alone to preside over a blazing national revolt against foreign control.

He called the snap vote with the expectation – and intention – of losing it. The plan was to put up a good fight, accept honourable defeat, and hand over the keys of the Maximos Mansion, leaving it to others to implement the June 25 “ultimatum” and suffer the opprobrium.

This ultimatum came as a shock to the Greek cabinet. They thought they were on the cusp of a deal, bad though it was. Mr Tsipras had already made the decision to acquiesce to austerity demands, recognizing that Syriza had failed to bring about a debtors’ cartel of southern EMU states and had seriously misjudged the mood across the eurozone.

Instead they were confronted with a text from the creditors that upped the ante, demanding a rise in VAT on tourist hotels from 7pc (de facto) to 23pc at a single stroke.

Creditors insisted on further pension cuts of 1pc of GDP by next year and a phase out of welfare assistance (EKAS) for poorer pensioners, even though pensions have already been cut by 44pc.

They insisted on fiscal tightening equal to 2pc of GDP in an economy reeling from six years of depression and devastating hysteresis. They offered no debt relief. The Europeans intervened behind the scenes to suppress a report by the International Monetary Fund validating Greece’s claim that its debt is “unsustainable”, concluding that the country not only needs a 30pc haircut to restore viability, but also €52bn of fresh money to claw its way out of crisis.

They rejected Greek plans to work with the OECD on market reforms, and with the International Labour Organisation on collective bargaining laws. They stuck rigidly to their script, refusing to recognise in any way that their own Dickensian prescriptions have been discredited by economists from across the world.

“They just didn’t want us to sign. They had already decided to push us out,” said the now-departed finance minister Yanis Varoufakis.

So Syriza called the referendum. To their consternation, they won, igniting the great Greek revolt of 2015, the moment when the people finally issued a primal scream, daubed their war paint, and formed the hoplite phalanx.

Mr Tsipras is now trapped by his success. “The referendum has its own dynamic. People will revolt if he comes back from Brussels with a shoddy compromise,” said Costas Lapavitsas, a Syriza MP.

“Tsipras doesn’t want to take the path of Grexit, but I think he realizes that this is now what lies straight ahead of him,” he said.

What should have been a celebration on Sunday night turned into a wake. Mr Tsipras was depressed, dissecting all the errors that Syriza has made since taking power in January, talking into the early hours.

The prime minister was reportedly told that the time had come to choose, either he should seize on the momentum of the 61pc landslide vote, and take the fight to the Eurogroup, or yield to the creditor demands – and give up the volatile Mr Varoufakis in the process as a token of good faith.

Everybody knew what a fight would mean. The inner cabinet had discussed the details a week earlier at a tense meeting after the European Central Bank refused to increase liquidity (ELA) to the Greek banking system, forcing Syriza to impose capital controls.

It was a triple plan. They would “requisition” the Bank of Greece and sack the governor under emergency national laws. The estimated €17bn of reserves still stashed away in various branches of the central bank would be seized.

They would issue parallel liquidity and California-style IOUs denominated in euros to keep the banking system afloat, backed by an appeal to the European Court of Justice to throw the other side off balance, all the while asserting Greece’s full legal rights as a member of the eurozone. If the creditors forced Grexit, they – not Greece – would be acting illegally, with implications for tort contracts in London, New York and even Frankfurt.

They would impose a haircut on €27bn of Greek bonds held by the ECB, and deemed “odious debt” by some since the original purchases were undertaken by the ECB to save French and German banks, forestalling a market debt restructuring that would otherwise have happened.

“They were trying to strangle us into submission, and this is how we would retaliate,” said one cabinet minister. Mr Tsipras rejected the plan. It was too dangerous. But a week later, that is exactly what he may have to do, unless he prefers to accept a forced return to the drachma.

Syriza has been in utter disarray for 36 hours. On Tuesday, the Greek side turned up for a make-or-break summit in Brussels with no plans at all, even though Germany and its allies warned them at the outset that this is their last chance to avert ejection.

The new finance minister, Euclid Tsakalotos, vaguely offered to come up with something by Wednesday, almost certainly a rejigged version of plans that the creditors have already rejected.

Events are now spinning out of control. The banks remain shut. The ECB has maintained its liquidity freeze, and through its inaction is asphyxiating the banking system.

Factories are shutting down across the country as stocks of raw materials run out and containers full of vitally-needed imports clog up Greek ports. Companies cannot pay their suppliers because external transfers are blocked. Private scrip currencies are starting to appear as firms retreat to semi-barter outside the banking system.

Yet if Greece is in turmoil, so is Europe. The entire leadership of the eurozone warned before the referendum that a “No” vote would lead to ejection from the euro, never supposing that they might have to face exactly this.

Jean-Claude Juncker, the European Commission’s chief, had the wit to make light of his retreat. “We have to put our little egos, in my case a very large ego, away, and deal with situation we face,” he said.

France’s prime minister, Manuel Valls said Grexit and the rupture of monetary union must be prevented as the highest strategic imperative. “We cannot let Greece leave the eurozone. Nobody can say today what the political consequences would be, what would be the reaction of the Greek people,” he said.

French leaders are working in concert with the White House. Washington is bringing its immense diplomatic power to bear, calling openly on the EU to put “Greece on a path toward debt sustainability” and sort out the festering problem once and for all.

The Franco-American push is backed by Italy’s Matteo Renzi, who said the eurozone has to go back to the drawing board and rethink its whole austerity doctrine after the democratic revolt in Greece. He too now backs debt relief for Greece.

Yet 15 of the 18 governments now sitting in judgment on Greece either back Germany’s uncompromising stand, or are leaning towards Grexit in one form or another. The Germans are already thinking beyond Grexit, discussing plans for humanitarian aide and balance of payments support for the drachma.

Mark Rutte, the Dutch premier, spoke for many in insisting that the eurozone must uphold discipline, whatever the financial consequences. “I am at the table here today to ensure that the integrity, the cohesion, the underlying principles of the single currency are protected. It is up to the Greek government to come up with far-reaching proposals. If they don’t do that, then I think it will be over quickly,” he said.

The two sides are talking past each other, clinging to long-entrenched narratives, no longer willing to question their own assumptions. The result could be costly. RBS puts the direct financial losses for the eurozone from a Greek default at €227bn, compared with €140bn if they bite the bullet on an IMF-style debt restructuring.

But that is a detail compared with the damage to the European political project and the Nato alliance if Greece is thrown to wolves against the strenuous objections of France, Italy and the US.

It is hard to imagine what would remain of Franco-German condominium. Washington might start to turn its back on Nato in disgust, leaving Germany and the Baltic states to fend for themselves against Vladimir Putin’s Russia, a condign punishment for such loss of strategic vision in Greece.

Mr Lapavitsas said Europe’s own survival as civilisational force in the world is what is really at stake. “Europe has not show[n] much wisdom over the last century. It launched two world wars and had to be saved by the Americans,” he said.

“Now with the creation of monetary union it has acted with such foolishness, and created such a disaster, that it is putting the very union in doubt, and this time there will be no saviour. It is the last throw of the dice for Europe,” he said.

See (emphasis added; charts omitted); see also (“The World Is Defenseless Against The Next Financial Crisis“) and (“Europe faces political war on two fronts as backlash builds”—”The European Union is fracturing along multiple lines of cleavage, torn by an emerging Kulturkampf [or conflict between cultures or value systems] over migrant flows before it has overcome the bitter conflict at the heart of monetary union”—”The eurozone is still in a structural economic depression. Do not be fooled the short-term cyclical recovery under way”)

Nobody really cares whether the EU is blowing itself apart.

It was doomed from the start. And the more power that Germany and the EU’s bureaucrats accreted, the less that people cared.

Germany has attempted to achieve economically and governmentally through the EU what Hitler and the Third Reich were unable to achieve militarily during World War II.

See (“Once Greek Banks Fail, Grexit Will Become Irreversible“)

The only reason to truly care is to hand the murderous Putin and Russia crushing defeats, from which they will never recover.

See (“Putin Meets Economic Collapse With Purges, Broken Promises“) and (“US To Launch Blitz Of Gas Exports, Eyes Global Energy Dominance“)


7 07 2015
H. Craig Bradley


You are right, nobody I know follows foreign developments, be it ISIS or Greece. Suburban Middle Class Americans are secure, comfortable ( by all indications), and apathetic to economics and politics. The U.S. Dollar is up a bit, most stocks have held their ground except foreign ADR’s like Alibaba ( BABA) due to China’s huge stock market blow-out. In fact, people are generally smug.

I have noticed some interesting market disconnects beginning last Sept. when the U.S. Dollar exchange rate rapidly appreciated. Precous metals took a steep dive, yet since Sept. it has been hard for individuals to buy silver coins ( “junk silver” or U.S. Mint Silver Eagle Coins ( 1 Oz.) The U.S. Mint ran out last Fall and have just ran out of Silver Eagles this week with a record amount of buying this July. None available ’till August. Premiums of 20% now apply to those who have any silver coins in stock.

The spot price of silver went down again today to $15.04/ounce.

The commodity futures and derivatives forward (long) contracts recently reported by the COMEX indicates JP Morgan Chase and Citibank have significantly increased their derivative exposure to silver and gold ( by a factor of 10X or $ 50 billion for Citibank alone). The regulators re-categorized silver contracts as “foreign currency” just recently to hide the numbers on their weekly reports. They are trying to keep a lid on silver prices.

There is a periodic shortage of silver coins from primary retail dealers whenever there is a financial blow-up somewhere. Its erratic but suggests markets are going haywire. I think the strategy is to contain the paper price of precious metals to keep other markets from panicking ( relative trade). They want to contain Greece and Puerto Rico ( Keep a Lid on It ). Its artificial, so let’s see how long the Central Bankers can keep up their facade of normalcy.

In the meantime, we should keep an eye on what really counts and not worry if nobody cares about Europe. Personally, I don’t care about the people who don’t care, whoever they are. Its all the more money for me if I beat them to the punch. That’s my game. What’s theirs?


8 08 2015

I think Sept. of 2015 will be quite “interesting” to say the least…

I began working from home, . . . and also began a small garden to grow potatoes and other veggies, to prepare for what is coming.


17 08 2015
Timothy D. Naegele

Doomsday Clock For Global Market Crash Strikes One Minute To Midnight As Central Banks Lose Control [UPDATED]

Global crash

The UK’s Telegraph has reported:

When the banking crisis crippled global markets seven years ago, central bankers stepped in as lenders of last resort. Profligate private-sector loans were moved on to the public-sector balance sheet and vast money-printing gave the global economy room to heal.

Time is now rapidly running out. From China to Brazil, the central banks have lost control and at the same time the global economy is grinding to a halt. It is only a matter of time before stock markets collapse under the weight of their lofty expectations and record valuations.

The FTSE 100 has now erased its gains for the year, but there are signs things could get a whole lot worse.

1 – China slowdown

China was the great saviour of the world economy in 2008. The launching of an unprecedented stimulus package sparked an infrastructure investment boom. The voracious demand for commodities to fuel its construction boom dragged along oil- and resource-rich emerging markets.

The Chinese economy has now hit a brick wall. Economic growth has dipped below 7pc for the first time in a quarter of a century, according to official data. That probably means the real economy is far weaker.

The People’s Bank of China has pursued several measures to boost the flagging economy. The rate of borrowing has been slashed during the past 12 months from 6pc to 4.85pc. Opting to devalue the currency was a last resort and signalled the great era of Chinese growth is rapidly approaching its endgame.

Data for exports showed an 8.9pc slump in July from the same period a year before. Analysts expected exports to fall only 0.3pc, so this was a huge miss.

The Chinese housing market is also in a perilous state. House prices have fallen sharply after decades of steady growth. For the millions who stored their wealth in property, it makes for unsettling times.

2 – Commodity collapse

The China slowdown has sent shock waves through commodity markets. The Bloomberg Global Commodity index, which tracks the prices of 22 commodity prices, fell to levels last seen at the beginning of this century.

The oil price is the purest barometer of world growth as it is the fuel that drives nearly all industry and production around the globe.

Brent crude, the global benchmark for oil, has begun falling once again after a brief rally earlier in the year. It is now hovering above multi-year lows at about $50 per barrel.

Iron ore is an essential raw material needed to feed China’s steel mills, and as such is a good gauge of the construction boom.

The benchmark iron ore price has fallen to $56 per tonne, less than half its $140 per tonne level in January 2014.

3 – Resource sector credit crisis

Billions of dollars in loans were raised on global capital markets to fund new mines and oil exploration that was only ever profitable at previous elevated prices.

With oil and metals prices having collapsed, many of these projects are now loss-making. The loans raised to back the projects are now under water and investors may never see any returns.

Nowhere has this been felt more acutely than shale oil and gas drilling in the US. Tumbling oil prices have squeezed the finances of US drillers. Two of the biggest issuers of junk bonds in the past five years, Chesapeake and California Resources, have seen the value of their bonds tumble as panic grips capital markets.

As more debt needs refinancing in future years, there is a risk the contagion will spread rapidly.

4 – Dominoes begin to fall

The great props to the world economy are now beginning to fall. China is going into reverse. And the emerging markets that consumed so many of our products are crippled by currency devaluation. The famed Brics of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, to whom the West was supposed to pass on the torch of economic growth, are in varying states of disarray.

The central banks are rapidly losing control. The Chinese stock market has already crashed and disaster was only averted by the government buying billions of shares. Stock markets in Greece are in turmoil as the economy grinds to a halt and the country flirts with ejection from the eurozone.

Earlier this year, investors flocked to the safe-haven currency of the Swiss franc but as a €1.1 trillion quantitative easing programme devalued the euro, the Swiss central bank was forced to abandon its four-year peg to the euro.

5 – Credit markets roll over

As central banks run out of silver bullets then, credit markets are desperately seeking to reprice risk. The London Interbank Offered Rate (Libor), a guide to how worried UK banks are about lending to each other, has been steadily rising during the past 12 months. Part of this process is a healthy return to normal pricing of risk after six years of extraordinary monetary stimulus. However, as the essential transmission systems of lending between banks begin to take the strain, it is quite possible that six years of reliance on central banks for funds has left the credit system unable to cope.

Credit investors are often far better at pricing risk than optimistic equity investors. In the US while the S&P 500 (orange line) continues to soar, the high yield debt market has already begun to fall sharply (white line).

6 – Interest rate shock

Interest rates have been held at emergency lows in the UK and US for around six years. The US is expected to move first, with rates starting to rise from today’s 0pc-0.25pc around the end of the year. Investors have already starting buying dollars in anticipation of a strengthening US currency. UK rate rises are expected to follow shortly after.

7 – Bull market third longest on record

The UK stock market is in its 77th month of a bull market, which began in March 2009. On only two other occasions in history has the market risen for longer. One is in the lead-up to the Great Crash in 1929 and the other before the bursting of the dotcom bubble in the early 2000s.

UK markets have been a beneficiary of the huge balance-sheet expansion in the US. US monetary base, a measure of notes and coins in circulation plus reserves held at the central bank, has more than quadrupled from around $800m to more than $4 trillion since 2008. The stock market has been a direct beneficiary of this money and will struggle now that QE3 has ended.

8 – Overvalued US market

In the US, Professor Robert Shiller’s cyclically adjusted price earnings ratio – or Shiller CAPE – for the S&P 500 stands at 27.2, some 64pc above its historic average of 16.6. On only three occasions since 1882 has it been higher – in 1929, 2000 and 2007.

See (charts and graphs omitted; emphasis added); see also (“The World Is Defenseless Against The Next Financial Crisis“) and (“US To Launch Blitz Of Gas Exports, Eyes Global Energy Dominance“) and (“World shipping slump deepens as China retreats”—”[T]he six-year economic expansion may be on its last legs”—”A closely-watched gauge of emerging market currencies has fallen for the eighth week – the longest run of unbroken declines since the beginning of the century – led by the Malaysian Ringgit, the Russian rouble and the Turkish lira”—”The port of Hamburg said trade with Russia collapsed by 36pc, the latest evidence that the rouble crash and deepening recession has forced Russian consumers to cut back drastically on purchases of imported cars and heavy goods”) and (“U.S. Lacks Ammo for Next Economic Crisis”—”The world economy is like an ocean liner without lifeboats”) and (“[S]omeone needs to tell the public that there is a plausible scenario in which the U.S. stock market now collapses by another 70% until the Dow Jones Industrial Average falls to about 5,000″—”[A] serious reading of history suggests this week’s sell-off might . . . be the beginning”—”There is a great deal of evidence suggesting that . . . the downward move that first began in 2000 has not ended”) and (“Stock Trading in U.S. Will Pause If S&P 500 Plunges 7%“) and (“The Surging Ranks Of America’s Ultrapoor“) and (“Record 94,031,000 Americans Not in Labor Force; Participation Rate Stuck at 38-Year Low for 3rd Straight Month“) and (“Fed is riding the tail of a dangerous global tiger“) and (“Eurozone Nears Limits of What Monetary Policy Can Do“) and (“World set for emerging market mass default, warns IMF”—”[P]anic in financial markets as liquidity evaporates”) and (“[T]he Fed has inflated an economic bubble that is poised to burst”) and (“Shipping Is Being Hit Hard By The Gathering Global Storm“) and (“G-20 Faces Dwindling Capacity to Spur Souring Global Growth”—”World leaders are running out of options to revive a sickly global economy”) and (“Europe is sliding towards the abyss, and the terrorists know it”—”The terrorists have struck just as Europe is at its most vulnerable – economically as well as politically”) and (“U.S. Housing Starts Fall 11% in October“) and (“Finland’s depression is the final indictment of Europe’s monetary union”—”Finland is sliding deeper into economic depression . . . than the post-Soviet crash of the early 1990s, or the Great Depression of the 1930s”) and;_ylt=AwrXgiIMyFFWjEMAEbLQtDMD;_ylu=X3oDMTByYnR1Zmd1BGNvbG8DZ3ExBHBvcwMyBHZ0aWQDBHNlYwNzcg– (“Brazil’s new middle class faces plunge back to poverty“) and (“Global debt defaults near milestone”) and (“The Stock Market Is Missing the Warning From Junk“) and (“China’s war chest of forex reserves drops to lowest since 2013“) and (“With interest rates, watch out for the unexpected”—”Commodity prices and interest rates may turn much more violently than anticipated”—”[T]he oil price may have further to fall before it bottoms out”) and (“The Fed at the Brink”—”[I]t might be a bumpy ride”) and (“Is the next financial crisis nigh? Could closure of Third Avenue Fund finally explode the post-crisis asset bubble?”—”Investors demanded their money back, but managers were unable to liquidate their positions fast enough to deliver.
These early signs of panic were to snowball into an all-embracing run on the global banking system, forcing central banks to flood the market with cheap liquidity to prevent mass liquidation and economic collapse”—”Swamping the system with cheap money may have saved the world economy from a depression, but by pumping up asset prices anew to unsustainable levels, it has also made the system more vulnerable to a financial crisis, not less so. The world economy has never been more awash with debt. In this sense, the high yield squall may well be a harbinger of much worse to come”
) and (“Saudi showdown with Iran nears danger point for world oil markets”—”The Persian Gulf has become a strategic tinderbox”—”The Iranians certainly have the technical means to inflict massive damage on Saudi infrastructure. James Woolsey, the former head of the US Central Intelligence Agency, said they have developed electromagnetic pulse (EMP) weaponry that can evade normal radar defences and destroy power systems.
They can launch orbiting satellites or low-tech variants floated on balloons launched from freighter vessels. “If they detonate one of these 30km in the atmosphere over a country, they can knock out the electricity grid,” he told The Telegraph”
) and (“World faces wave of epic debt defaults”—”Situation worse than it was in 2007, says chairman of the OECD’s review committee”—”The global financial system has become dangerously unstable and faces an avalanche of bankruptcies that will test social and political stability”—”‘Our macroeconomic ammunition to fight downturns is essentially all used up'”—”Europe’s creditors are likely to face some of the biggest haircuts. European banks have already admitted to $1 trillion of non-performing loans: they are heavily exposed to emerging markets and are almost certainly rolling over further bad debts that have never been disclosed.
The European banking system may have to be recapitalized on a scale yet unimagined, and . . . any deposit holder above the guarantee of €100,000 will have to help pay for it”—”[I]t is impossible know what the trigger will be for the next crisis since the global system has lost its anchor and is inherently prone to breakdown”—”[T]he Fed is now in a horrible quandary as it tries to extract itself from QE and right the ship again. ‘It is a debt trap. Things are so bad that there is no right answer. If they raise rates it’ll be nasty. If they don’t raise rates, it just makes matters worse'”—”‘It was always dangerous to rely on central banks to sort out a solvency problem when all they can do is tackle liquidity problems. It is a recipe for disorder, and now we are hitting the limit'”

As I have written:

Years from now, economic historians may look back at this era and conclude that the world’s central bankers were overwhelmed and Depression-era “safety nets” did not work; and global market forces ultimately determined the depth and duration of the economic meltdown, not the politicians in Washington or anywhere else.

. . .

America and other nations are in uncharted waters; and their politicians may face backlashes from disillusioned and angry constituents that are unprecedented in modern times. Also, the limits of godless secularism and paying homage to the false gods of materialism may become self-evident.

See (“Euphoria or the Obama Depression?“)

One thing is certain: the worst is yet to come. The United States may fare better than other countries, but it will be affected too.

Hold on tight. Things will get very ugly!

See also (“The Surging Ranks Of America’s Ultrapoor“) and (“Aylan And Galip Kurdi Will Be Remembered“)

. . .

Not factored into these comments are the effects of (1) the terrorist strikes on Paris and elsewhere; (2) the immigration issue that is tearing Europe apart; (3) the implosion that is taking place in the Middle East, with much worse yet to come; or (4) “runs” on the funds and other investments, as a result of panics that the Fed and other central banks cannot control.

See, e.g., (“Paris attacks: Chaos and fear grips capital after false reports of fresh gunfire send people ‘running for their lives’ – latest news“)


27 10 2015
Timothy D. Naegele

EU Death March

Migrants walking

The UK’s Telegraph has reported:

The extraordinary aerial photo of a column of refugees and migrants tramping through the fields of Slovenia may come to symbolise the moment the EU began to fall apart. The irony can be lost on no one: it was in order to prevent such scenes happening again in continental Europe that the alliance was forged in the first place in the late 1950s. Yet here we are more than half a century later facing the prospect of thousands – maybe hundreds of thousands – of displaced people freezing and starving in the grasslands of eastern Europe as winter closes in.

It is hard to comprehend the stupefying naivety of those, including German Chancellor Angela Merkel, who thought it a good idea to send out an utterly self-serving signal a few weeks ago inviting anyone who could make the journey to head for Europe. This was ostensibly aimed at Syrians who had fled the civil war in their homeland; but the exodus has been swelled by migrants from many other countries looking for a better life – and who can blame them?

Only they are not going to get a better life. Arguably a transit centre in Europe might be preferable to a refugee camp in Jordan or Turkey, though the latter at least has the merit of being close to Syria, where there are finally tentative signs of some political progress being made. But having encouraged people to move, the Europeans are now pulling up the drawbridge because they have found dealing with the influx overwhelming. Where were the preparations? Why were fleets of buses and trains and boats not laid on at the borders of the EU to bring people safely to Germany, which is, after all, where most people are headed?

At an ill-tempered summit in Brussels on Sunday, European leaders belonging to the borderless Schengen area blamed each other for the crisis before finalising a 17-point plan to be foisted upon countries that don’t agree with it. Since the opponents comprise more than a dozen of the 28 member states, the scope for serious disagreement is clear, not least because the process for sharing out migrants was imposed by majority voting. The countries that are in the front-line of this crisis are understandably seething: Viktor Orban, Hungary’s prime minister, accused the German chancellor of “moral imperialism”.

This will unleash extremist politics in Europe. In Germany, the anti-immigrant Pegida movement is attracting thousands to its rallies and in France the Front National continues to gain support. Elsewhere, Eurosceptic parties are making inroads. In Portugal, a Syriza-style leftist minority government has taken office opposed to the eurozone’s fiscal rules; and in Poland, the Law and Justice Party is back in power, pledged to oppose any Brussels diktat on migrant quotas. Against this backdrop, which can only darken, Britain has to decide over the next two years whether to remain part of an increasingly unstable organization.

Leaving aside any deal that David Cameron can conjure up to reform Britain’s position in the EU, the advantages of staying in are diminishing rapidly. More to the point, the Prime Minister still seems highly unlikely to get any concessions on the free movement of people within the EU. If anything, the migration crisis has made this less achievable: why would countries forced to take migrants against their wishes agree to let Britain off the hook, even if we are outside the Schengen system? Sooner or later, the million or so new migrants will be allowed to move around Europe and many may want to come here.

In the early stages of this crisis, the rationale ascribed to Germany’s policy was that they need people because of a falling birth rate and dwindling population. Britain, by contrast, is growing rapidly. This will be confirmed by population projections this week which have been circulating in Whitehall and alarming all who have seen them. “They are hair-raising”, said one insider. These figures are produced to help government departments prepare for the number of children who will need schooling, workers who will require transport and sick and infirm who have to be treated and cared for.

The last projections showed the population – now around 64 million – increasing to more than 70 million within 12 years. Yet during the 1970s, planning was predicated upon a static population. Even as recently as 15 years ago, projections were anticipating that the 64 million we have today would not be achieved until 2031, whereupon it would fall. In fact, the population has grown by eight million since 1980 and another 10 million will be added in the next 25 years. Is it any surprise we have too few houses, schools, hospitals and trains to cope?

Labour politicians were fond of saying they could see no limits to immigration or population growth and it is true that, historically, countries where the population declines tend to stagnate. A high birth rate used to be encouraged because a rising population meant more people available to work, and a bigger economy brought greater wealth. But there must come a point where this is no longer true.

If population growth is predominantly fuelled by immigration, then the dependants of new arrivals will be a net cost until they grow up, get work and pay taxes. However, their parents will in time themselves become recipients of the pensions and other age-related benefits which have become the biggest cost on the welfare system. Even with immigration at unprecedented levels, the ratio of working people to those retired has continued to worsen. And while it is possible to point to great unpopulated tracts in the UK, especially in Scotland, where people could live, population growth has a disproportionate impact in London and the South East, because that is where most end up.

This, then, is the context within which Britain’s policy towards the great European migration crisis must be seen. No government staring at these population figures could possibly do what the anarchist idiots besieging St Pancras station’s Eurostar terminal at the weekend demanded and remove all borders. Indeed, on the continent, the era of open frontiers is drawing to a close amid political acrimony and human misery.

See (emphasis added); see also (“Aylan And Galip Kurdi Will Be Remembered“)


27 10 2015

As I was reading this article, I couldn’t help but think of parallels that can be drawn regarding the Roman Empire and the continuous migration of barbarian hordes into areas that were then being held by Rome. The barbarians, no doubt too, searched for a better life, often by simply squatting on Roman territory, which typically resulted in Roman military campaigns to forcefully regain Rome’s land. Although Rome was overwhelmingly successful in their wars against the barbarians both within and outside their borders, there were also, at various times, alarming military setbacks. After more than 600 years of virtually continuous wars and military campaigns, and, for a variety of other reasons, Rome eventually saw the benefit to ally themselves with various barbarian tribal leaders. Typically Rome would give land for barbarian military assistance. Eventually, Rome’s alliance with the barbarians backfired when, the Visigoths, living within the borders of Roman territory, rose up under the leadership of their King Alaric and sacked Rome in 410.

All over the western world, borders are being invaded with hordes of people that, in some cases, simply search for a better life. Others, perhaps, have other less benign intentions in mind.

In order to maintain peace and order within a nation, systematic immigration policies must be enforced for the benefit and protection of the nation. Otherwise, chaos will most likely be the future outcome. Will there be a cataclysmic repeat of the magnitude of the sacking of Rome in 410? Or, will it be a slow, grinding, never ending destruction of our long held way of life? I think the latter is far more likely, due primarily to the West’s seemingly death wish it has for itself. But of course, a dirty bomb set off in a major city of the West could have a similar effect of the Visigoths attack on Rome. The former case is already happening, the latter we have been warned about.
With all this, consider the artificial economies of the West (along with Asia), all built on a crumbling mountain of fiat currency and historic levels of debt, and the future is looking very bleak. As for wife and myself, we have One hope, and that rests upon the Rock that never changes … the Lord Jesus Christ. Seek God’s grace through Him while it still might be found.

Liked by 1 person

27 10 2015
Timothy D. Naegele

Thank you, Ray, for your astute comments as always.

My sense is that Europe is at risk, and the United States less so. We are the world’s only true “melting pot,” and a nation of immigrants.

See, e.g., (“America: A Rich Tapestry Of Life”); see also (“Illegal Immigration: The Solution Is Simple”)

The Middle East is imploding, and I believe the worst is yet to come. Indeed, Richard Nixon was very concerned about the “Clash of Civilizations,” and he was correct.

We may witness a day when the entire Middle East—including Israel—is overrun.


27 10 2015
Timothy D. Naegele

American Strength

Bald Eagle and American Flag

The UK’s Telegraph has reported in an article entitled, “What are the biggest defence budgets in the world?”—and subtitled, “The United States dominates the world when it comes to defence spending – but how do other countries compare?”:

The United States’ military spending has dominated the world for years, but recent figures show that other nations are beginning to catch up.

While global tensions increase, with an increasingly complex Syrian conflict at the centre, countries are flexing their military might in a region ravaged by war.

But which countries are the biggest spenders on defense?

The United States dominates global spending on defence, with a budget more than double that of the next biggest spender, China.

It spends around $569bn a year on defence – the majority of which goes on operations, maintenance and personnel.

This has decreased from $587bn in 2014, according to data provided by IHS, which takes into account international exchange rates.

While the USA’s defence spending is declining, China’s is increasing. Its budget stood at $191bn in 2015 – up from $176bn in 2014.

The United Kingdom, Russia and France are the next biggest spenders on defence. All of which are dwarved, however, by America’s spending.

As well as the United States, Japan and Brazil had the biggest falls in defence spending between 2014 and 2015.

South Korea, the United Kingdom and China had the largest increases – with China boosting its defence budget by $14.7bn in a year.

Of the 25 largest defences in the world, 13 were Asian – with a total defence spending of $840bn.

There were fewer Western countries in the top 25 – with seven of the top spenders being European and two being North American.

Three other continents were represented in the world’s 25 largest defence budgets – Australia from Australasia, Brazil from South America and Algeria from Africa.

There are several different estimations of defence spending from a variety of sources.

The IHS has standardised all budgets into USD. Consequently, Russia’s budget is lower due to the depreciation of the rouble against the dollar.

The IHS also said that Saudi Arabia looks lower compared to other sources because the figures do not include security spending, while the USA figure does not include FMF (foreign military financing) allocations.

See (emphasis added; graphs omitted)

Also, it is useful to review the “List of countries by military expenditures,” which shows that the United States essentially spends as much as all of the other countries in the world combined.


As I have written:

America’s economic and military strength go hand in hand. Both are indispensable ingredients of our great nation’s future strength.



28 10 2015
Timothy D. Naegele

The Flat Earth Society, Environmental Nazis Are At It Again, Bigtime [UPDATED]

Flat Earth

During the Middle Ages, the myth and cosmological view of the flat Earth—instead of spherical—prevailed in Europe.

See, e.g., (“Myth of the flat Earth”)

Today, its intellectual equivalent, counterpart and alter ego is that man-made “global warming” or “climate change” exists, and that human beings can do something about it. Today’s “environmental Nazis” cite it as a fact, and try to silence those who believe otherwise. It is Hitler-esque and intolerable, yet it is happening.

Pollution of our oceans, sky and Earth is something that is man made; and steps have been taken for decades to deal with such issues as smog and litter. Great strides have been made.

However, our planet goes through natural cycles, of warming and cooling. It always has; and it will continue long after all of us—and our children, and their offspring—have left this earthly realm.

In another time, the proponents of “global warming” and the “green energy” fad would have been members of the “Flat Earth Society,” and claimed a “consensus” with respect to them too.

The latest and perhaps most important evolution of this bogus issue is discussed by the UK Telegraph‘s International Business Editor in London, Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, in an article entitled “Fossil fuel companies risk plague of ‘asbestos’ lawsuits as tide turns on climate change”:

Oil, gas and coal companies face the mounting risk of legal damages for alleged climate abuse as global leaders signal an end to business-as-usual and draw up sweeping plans to curb greenhouse gas emissions, Bank of America has warned.

Investors in the City are increasingly concerned that fossil fuel groups and their insurers are on the wrong side of a powerful historical shift and could be swamped with exhorbitant class-action lawsuits along the lines of tobacco and asbestos litigation in the US.

“It is setting off alarm bells that there could be these long tail risks,” said Abyd Karmali, Bank of America’s head of climate finance.

Mr Karmali said the United Nations’ “COP21” climate summit in Paris in December is likely to be a landmark event that starts to shut the door on parts of the fossil industry. “It is a non-exchangeable, one-way ticket to a low-carbon economy,” he said.

Christiana Figueres, the UN’s top climate official, said 155 countries have already put forward detailed plans covering 88pc of global CO2 emissions, and others are expected to join before the deadline expires.

“It is unstoppable. No amount of lobbying at this point is going to change the direction,” she told a Carbon Tracker forum in London.

Mrs Figueres said the mood has changed entirely since the failed summit in Copenhagen in 2009. This time China is fully on board. “China is already spending more on renewables than any other country. It is going to introduce its own emissions trading scheme in 2017,” she said.

Mrs Figueres said the pledges are not yet enough to cap the rise in average global temperatures to two degrees Centrigrade above pre-industrial levels by 2100 – the “two degree world” deemed the safe limit.

But the Paris accord does promise to “bend” the trajectory to 2.7 degrees and will almost certainly be followed by a series of deals that brings the ultimate target within sight. “We think most countries will be able to over-achieve,” she said.

While the exact contours are still unclear, Paris is likely to sketch a way towards zero net emissions later this century. It implies that most fossil fuel reserves booked by major oil, gas and coal companies can never be burned.

A deal would also send a moral signal with legal ramifications. Mark Carney, the Governor of the Bank England, warned last month that by those who had suffered losses from climate change may try to bring claims on third-party liability insurance.

He specifically mentioned the parallel of asbestos claims in US courts, which have mounted over the years to $85bn and devastated some Lloyd’s syndicates.

Mr Carney said it would be “premature to draw too close an analogy with climate risks” and acknowledged that previous carbon lawsuits have failed, but he warned that the risk is “significant, uncertain and non-linear”. The UN has already floated ideas on compensation.

It is not hard to imagine who might launch legal claims for climate damage. The leader of the Pacific island of Tuvalu said his nation would be flooded by rising sea levels and would cease to exist by 2050 under current emissions trends, though owners of any low-lying coastal property in the US or the rest of the world might have a claim.

Lord Bourne, Britain’s under-secretary for energy, said at Chatham House this week that Tuvalu’s plight is an international scandal. “We can’t sit back and let it happen,” he said.

While it might be grossly unfair to blame the fossil fuel industry for what was in reality a phase of economic development that drove progress and lifted billions out of poverty, individual companies might get into trouble if internal documents and emails come to light showing that they had knowingly distorted climate risks.

The Prince of Wales told the forum that “climate change is becoming an increasing source of risk to the finance community” and asked whether the time had come for investors to divest from fossil fuels and switch to green alternatives.

“Some investors, such as philanthropic trusts and foundations, will also have to consider whether continuing to invest in high-carbon assets represents a significant conflict to their overall mission and objectives.”

Carbon Tracker, a think tank of former City bankers, said the fundamental risk for the oil, gas and coal industry is that it continues to project a 30pc-50pc increase in fossil fuel use (and implicitly a four degree world) over the next quarter century as if nothing had changed, when global leaders are calling for a cut of 40pc-70pc by 2050.

The conflict is glaring. Fossil companies are in effect discounting the risk that governments will impose a rising carbon tax that gradually renders their business model obsolete.

Anthony Hobley, the group’s chief executive, said these companies still have time to adapt to the new world order and take the lead in renewable energy, storage technology and carbon capture – and some, such as Shell, are doing so – but they cannot avoid the issue. “They face the potential of massive value destruction if they try to fight the transition,” he said.

Mr Hobley said there is a historical graveyard of industries and companies that stuck doggedly to business as usual at key inflexion points. “Incumbents invariably fail to see it coming,” he said.

See (emphasis added; charts omitted); see also (“The fiddling with temperature data is the biggest science scandal ever”—”When future generations look back on the global-warming scare of the past 30 years, nothing will shock them more than the extent to which the official temperature records – on which the entire panic ultimately rested – were systematically “adjusted” to show the Earth as having warmed much more than the actual data justified”)

What is really frightening is the 2015 United Nations Climate Change Conference in Paris—which begins later this month—and its aftermath.

See, and (“Exxon Mobil Investigated for Possible Climate Change Lies by New York Attorney General“); see also (“Paris climate deal to ignite a $90 trillion energy revolution”—”[T]he energy industry is still banking on ever-rising demand for its products as if nothing has changed”—”[W]hile it might once have been possible for energy companies to dismiss these utterings as empty pieties, to persist now is to trifle with fate”—”A Carbon Tracker forum in the City this week was packed with bankers and fund managers itching to find a way into the biggest investment boom of all time, which is what the Paris accord promises to ignite”—”Technology takes no prisoners. Nor does politics. World leaders have repeatedly stated that they would defend the line of a ‘two degree planet’, and now they are taking the concrete steps to do so. Fossil investors have been warned”) and (“Antarctica is actually gaining ice, says NASA“) and (“GLOBAL COOLING: Decade long ice age predicted as sun ‘hibernates'”) and (“MELTDOWN MYTH: Antarctic ice growing is just the first EVIDENCE global warming is NOT REAL“) and (“Pumpkins And The Flatulence Of Cows Cause Global Warming“) and (“Union: Obama threw workers ‘under the bus’ in Keystone decision“) and (“The obsession with global warming will put the lights out“) and (“Fossil crisis deepens as Exxon probed on climate cover-up”) and (“The Climate Agenda Behind the Bacon Scare“) and (“Prominent Scientists Declare Climate Claims Ahead of UN Summit ‘Irrational’—‘Based On Nonsense’—‘Leading us down a false path’”) and (“97 Percent Of Americans Aren’t Worried About Global Warming“) and (“[W]orld temperatures . . . have gone up only very slowly, less than half as fast as the scientific consensus predicted in 1990 when the global-warming scare began in earnest. Even with this year’s El Niño-boosted warmth threatening to break records, the world is barely half a degree Celsius (0.9 degrees Fahrenheit) warmer than it was about 35 years ago. Also, it is increasingly clear that the planet was significantly warmer than today several times during the past 10,000 years”—”On a global scale, as scientists keep confirming, there has been no increase in frequency or intensity of storms, floods or droughts, while deaths attributed to such natural disasters have never been fewer, thanks to modern technology and infrastructure. Arctic sea ice has recently melted more in summer than it used to in the 1980s, but Antarctic sea ice has increased, and Antarctica is gaining land-based ice, according to a new study by NASA scientists published in the Journal of Glaciology. Sea level continues its centuries-long slow rise—about a foot a century—with no sign of recent acceleration”—”[A] new study by a leading climate economist, Richard Tol of the University of Sussex, concludes that warming may well bring gains, because carbon dioxide causes crops and wild ecosystems to grow greener and more drought-resistant”—”The latest science on the “sensitivity” of the world’s temperature to a doubling of carbon-dioxide levels (from 0.03% of the air to 0.06%) is also reassuring. Several recent peer-reviewed studies of climate sensitivity based on actual observations, including one published in 2013 in Nature Geoscience with 14 mainstream IPCC authors, conclude that this key measure is much lower—about 30%-50% lower—than the climate models are generally assuming”—”Scientific skeptics are now routinely censored, or threatened with prosecution. One recent survey by Rasmussen Reports shows that 27% of Democrats in the U.S. are in favor of prosecuting climate skeptics. This is the mentality of religious fanaticism, not scientific debate”) and (“COP-21 climate deal in Paris spells end of the fossil era”—”Much of the fossil industry will go into slow run-off while the new plutocrats will be masters of post-carbon technology”—”[T]he fossil fuel industry of coal, gas, and oil could forfeit $34 trillion in revenues over the next quarter century – a quarter of their income – if the Paris accord is followed by a series of tougher reviews every five years to force down the trajectory of CO2 emissions, as proposed by the United Nations and French officials hosting the talks”—”Most fossil companies would face run-off unless they could reinvent themselves as 21st Century post-carbon leaders, as Shell, Total, and Statoil are already doing”—”Such a scenario would imply the near extinction of the coal industry unless there is a big push for carbon capture and storage. It also implies a near total switch to electric cars, rendering the internal combustion engine obsolete”) and (“Scientists Dispute 2-Degree Model Guiding Climate Talks”—”Many scientists say the benchmark underpinning talks in Paris on climate change is an arbitrary threshold based on tenuous research”—”It emerged from a political agenda, not a scientific analysis”—”Policy makers tend to assume the two-degree target expresses a solid scientific view, but it doesn’t”—”Hell is not going to break loose at two degrees—it will take hundreds of years to unfold”) and (“Paris climate talks: . . . coal-hungry India sees ‘carbon imperialism’ in the West”—”Faced with a rapidly growing population, a buoyant but fragile economy blighted by constant power shortages and millions still living in abject poverty, India argues that it cannot simply decide between renewable and non-renewable power – it needs both. So a breakneck dash for coal is taking place across the country, where on average one new mine is opening every month”—”Officials here are quick to point out that it still burns less coal than the US or China”—”This smacks of a ‘carbon imperialism.’ And such imperialism on the part of advanced nations could spell disaster for India and other developing countries”); but see (“The Environmental Nazis Are At It Again“) and (“The Global Warming Hoax, And The Great Green Con, Revisited“)

Even if all human beings were removed from the Earth, there would still be natural global warming and cooling as there have been for millions of years.

The Western policy elites’ obsession and fanaticism with global warming are threats to civilized life on this planet.

There are infinitesimally greater issues to think about today, such as growing terrorism and the collapse of the global economy, which will affect everyone in the world.

See (“Doomsday Clock For Global Market Crash Strikes One Minute To Midnight As Central Banks Lose Control“)

Environmental Nazis

Liked by 1 person

28 10 2015

The key phrase in the second to last paragraph by Anthony Hobley speaks volumes; “… the new world order.” The entire Climate Change sham is nothing other than a means towards an end, and that is complete control over all our lives by power mad psychopaths.

It is entirely possible that much of what appears to be increasingly strange weather patterns, is actually the results of Geoengineering. When I first heard this, I thought this is real “tin hat” material. Now, I’m not so sure. Check this out for yourself and see what you think …


28 10 2015
Timothy D. Naegele

Thank you, Ray.

I agree with your first paragraph.

Regarding your second paragraph, and the link, the individual is the ultimate conspiratorialist. When I worked on the Hill, we used to receive lots of theories from similar people.

They are factual just enough not to come across as pure wackos.


15 11 2015
Timothy D. Naegele

Shipping Is Being Hit Hard By The Gathering Global Storm

Shipping hit by global storm

The “perfect storm” has been gathering and increasing in force for a long time now. When it strikes with all of its fury, hold on tight. Things will get very ugly!

See (“Doomsday Clock For Global Market Crash Strikes One Minute To Midnight As Central Banks Lose Control“)

In an article entitled, “Quiet U.S. Ports Spark Slowdown Fears,” the Wall Street Journal has reported:

America’s busiest ports are sending a warning about the U.S. economy.

For the first time in at least a decade, imports fell in both September and October at each of the three busiest U.S. seaports, according to data from trade researcher Zepol Corp. analyzed by The Wall Street Journal. Combined, imports at the container terminals at the ports of Los Angeles, Long Beach, Calif. and around New York harbor, which handle just over half of the goods entering the country by sea, fell by just over 10% between August and October.

The declines came during a stretch from late summer to early fall known in the transportation world as peak shipping season, when cargo volumes typically surge through U.S. ports. It is a crucial few months for the U.S. economy as well: High import volumes can signal a confident view on the economy among retailers and manufacturers, while fears of a slowdown grow when ports are quiet.

Economists are divided as to whether the peak season slump signals a short-term hiccup for the U.S. economy, or marks the start of a sustained period of weakness. Some say the slump is being driven by businesses that have cut back on imports because of a weak economic outlook, which could point to sluggish global growth ahead. Others say it is a side effect of a massive inventory buildup that took place earlier in the year.

Despite the weak peak, imports in the first 10 months of the year at the nation’s busiest ports are still up 4% from a year earlier, Zepol data show. Rather than ordering huge shipments of goods in the late summer and early fall, more businesses are stocking up throughout the year and holding on to inventories for longer.

“There was a little bit of overdoing it in the beginning of the year,” said Ethan Harris, co-head of global economic research for Bank of America Merrill Lynch. “Once we adjust to it, I would expect that business picks up again, shipping picks up again, container imports should pick up again.”

Some companies, including FedEx Corp. and Inc., are predicting a record holiday season, which would go a long way toward moving that process along.

But the missing peak season has been a major headache for trucking companies, railroads and steamship lines. One large maritime carrier, Singapore’s Neptune Orient Lines Ltd., told investors there was “no peak season” in North America as an explanation for a $96 million quarterly loss.

Some of the country’s biggest trucking companies and railroads have recently reported weaker-than-expected earnings. Many have cut the rates they charge customers as demand sagged during what is usually their strongest months. For trucking companies in particular the turnabout has been abrupt, with some companies pivoting from expressing concerns about tight capacity to worries about future profits in the space of a few weeks.

Whether it proves a temporary drag or not, the inventory unwind has a long way to go. Nationwide, the seasonally adjusted ratio of inventories to sales at U.S. retailers, wholesalers and manufacturers in September was at 1.38, up from 1.31 in September 2014 and the highest reading for that month since 2001, according to the U.S. Census Bureau.

Sportswear company Under Armour Inc., homewares seller Pier 1 Imports Inc. and VF Corp., which owns fashion brands including The North Face and Wrangler, are among the companies that have in the past month flagged high inventories as a problem.

Private business inventories grew by a record $223 billion in the first half of 2015, which IHS Inc. chief economist Nariman Behravesh called “twice the sustainable pace,” raising concerns that reduced inventory investment would be a drag on gross domestic product.

Uneven consumer demand—despite low unemployment and falling energy prices—may also be making some companies more cautious about placing their usual giant orders ahead of the holidays, economists say. In September, U.S. retail sales rose 0.1%, below economists’ forecasts. Excluding auto and auto-parts sales, spending fell 0.3%.

Troubles at U.S. retailers can quickly go global, as stores still working through last year’s inventory may delay new orders from factories overseas.

“Instead of taking that extra money that [low fuel prices] are generating and going on a shopping spree, consumers are being more conservative,” said Rosalyn Wilson, a supply-chain analyst with Parsons Corp. “It’s bad for the global economy because it means we’re not purchasing.”

This week, the consumer goods-focused ports of Long Beach, Calif. and Oakland, Calif., both reported year-to-year declines in imports in October, another sign that retailers have scaled back their orders from overseas after seeing inventories pile up earlier in the year.

Fernando Rios, who owns Orion Intermodal, a fleet of eight trucks that transports shipping containers from the docks at the port terminals in Elizabeth, N.J., says this September was the slowest he has seen in 25 years in the business.

“At this time it’s supposed to be very busy, but it’s not,” he said. Only five of his eight trucks are currently running, and he has had to turn away drivers looking for work. Last year in September, he was moving 25 to 30 containers a week; this year it has been between 8 and 12.

Trucking companies are expected to hire hundreds of thousands of drivers in the coming years, but may scale back those plans if they need to run fewer routes. The trucking industry cut 2,800 jobs between August and October, according to the Labor Department.

See (emphasis added; charts omitted)

Echoing similar fears in an article entitled, “Shipping industry braced for storm to blow long and hard,” the UK’s Telegraph has reported:

The shipping industry is battening down the hatches for a global economic storm that could last years.

The slowdown in China, Europe’s anaemic recovery and the failure of other emerging markets to live up to growth expectations is having a devastating effect on the global maritime industry, which carries 65pc of the world’s trade.

One of the hardest-hit parts of the industry is container shipping, the movement of the ubiquitous steel boxes measured in 20ft equivalent units (TEUs) that transformed the industry in the 1950s by speeding up and simplifying international trade.

The strength of the headwinds faced was underlined recently when Maersk, the world’s biggest shipping line, reported a shocking set of financial results. Profits last quarter crashed 61pc to $264m (£174m) and revenue dropped 15pc to $6bn.

As a result of the poor performance, the Danish company announced plans to axe 4,000 of its 23,000 shore-based staff.

“It’s as bad as it’s been since the financial crash,” said Jonathan Roach, container market analyst at shipbroker Braemar. “This week I saw an 8,500-TEU container ship being chartered at an all-time low and a 4,250-TEU Panamax ship going for $6,300 a day, the lowest rate since 2009.”

It’s not just container shipping that has been hit. The Baltic Dry index, a benchmark that tracks the cost of shipping bulk raw materials such as coal, steel and iron ore has tumbled to a near 30-year low.

Prior to the crash, growth in global trade pushed up freight rates and shipping lines were ordering more vessels to meet demand. Events triggered by Lehman Brothers’ collapse changed that. Trade fell and freight rates collapsed.

However, with ships that had been ordered entering the global fleet, capacity rose, yet without enough cargo for them to transport, rates remained suppressed.

Normally, over-capacity works itself out of the market as older, less efficient ships that consume more fuel are scrapped, but a perfect storm of factors mean this has not happened at a sufficient rate to ease the problem.

The slowdown in the Chinese economy has hit the shipping industry hard because of the impact it has on global trade. The country has a massive demand for raw materials, both for its industrialisation and to feed its manufacturers, who then ship their goods to Western markets.

The problems are exacerbated by the global overcapacity for steel which is holding down the prices of scrap metal, meaning shipowners are reluctant to send ships to the breakers’ yard.

Finally, because the oil price is so low, fuel costs are suddenly less of an issue for ship owners.

“Ship owners are holding on,” says Jeremy Penn, chief executive of the Baltic Exchange, the London-based maritime information business. “The issue of scrappage is not such a big one when the oil price is lower, as relative economy of modern ships is less pronounced.”

It wasn’t supposed to be like this. At the start of the year, there were high hopes that the fortunes of the shipping industry would be on the brink of turning around.

However, the recovery failed to take place and Drewry, the shipping consultancy, has halved its projections for this year’s container trade growth to 2.2pc.

Clarkson, another consultancy, has revised its forecast down to 3.7pc. Compounding the problem is a 7.1pc increase in container ship capacity Clarkson is expecting this year, taking it to the fleet’s capacity of 21.9m TEU.

The opening of the widened Panama Canal next year will only add to their troubles, as demand for ships previously too large to fit through the waterway now have new routes open to them.

Faced with such troubles, shipping lines are changing tack to deal with the problems, with some attempting to grow their way out of the troubles.

“I expect to see a number of deals,” said Soren Skou, chief executive of Maersk, which he thinks “would be good for container lines and customers”.

His company is in talks with Singapore-based Neptune Orient Lines about a possible $1.9bn takeover, as is France’s CMA CGM, the world’s third-biggest shipping line.

While China Ocean Shipping Group Company (COSCO) and China Shipping Group are also expected to merge to create the world’s fourth-biggest shipping line, after Mediterranean Shipping Company (MSC).

While formal mergers are in train, shipping companies have already formed alliances to create efficiencies by sharing resources.

Maersk and MSC have combined forces to create 2M; Cosco, K Line, Yang Ming, Hanjin and Evergeen are working together as CHKYE; and CMA CGM, United Arabia Shipping Alliance and China Shipping Container Lines have formed another group.

By working together, they hope ships will sail with more cargo, reducing waste.

Alliances might be one solution, but scale is the ultimate answer in shipping, allowing those that are big enough to invest in truly massive vessels to survive – and even thrive.

While smaller operators might find themselves struggling for financing, the giants are the ones still able to order the more economical ships carrying close to 20,000 TEU.

“Some lines are already working in alliances, but larger businesses would have the capacity to get rid of older ships, and pull together the big and efficient vessels, which offers economies of scale,” said Braemar’s Roach.

Oil might be cheap now, but a ship that can carry 20,000 containers consumes less fuel to transport each TEU than one carrying 5,000 – a fact certain to worry smaller operators unable to afford such huge vessels.

Back on shore, the impact of the shipping’s troubles are being felt. While the UK is no longer a major force in shipbuilding, the City remains the gobal maritime hub, with the bulk of contracts and cargoes negotiated in London, which remains a favoured centre for legal and insurance matters.

About 75,000 UK jobs are supported by the industry, and the storm at sea is already being felt in London.

“There’s been a slow burn of difficulties, bankruptcies and consolidation,” said Penn. “For example, if you’re a broker working on commission and rates are far below what they were, you’re still doing the same amount of work for far less money.”

While customers might benefit from cheaper rates, the long-term impact is unclear. It could take decades for excess capacity to be matched by demand, while the giants of the industry could squeeze out competitors and begin pushing up rates.

Either way, the future is unlikely to be smooth sailing.

see also (emphasis added; charts omitted)

Not factored into any of the three comments are the terrorist strikes on Paris or the immigration issue that is tearing Europe apart.

See, e.g., (“Paris attacks: Chaos and fear grips capital after false reports of fresh gunfire send people ‘running for their lives’ – latest news“)

French flag with black ribbon


15 11 2015
H. Craig Bradley


The French Government ( President Hollande) did nothing significant to tighten-up THEIR security after the Charlie Hebdo massacre this past January. About all he did was admit more Muslim immigrants into existing “No Go Zones”. So, the latest terrorist incident is to be expected. Now they closed the French border and imposed a curfew on all French citizens. Too late now. Probably the same cell responsible for both atrocities.

The French have a saying which is apropo: C’est la vie . I suggest they find a new president with a different view towards security, immigration, and Muslim (“Syrian”) immigrants. American political leadership is not much different, no smarter today, and so we are getting to be more like the French every year. Unless we change course, there will be no surprises for me here. We all make choices. We all live or suffer with the consequences of them. Such is Life.


24 11 2015
The Sheep Farmer

Obama will be swept out of office? Uh… he is in his second term.. he retires when that finishes…. there is not third term


24 11 2015
Timothy D. Naegele

I never suggested that he was in his third term.


18 12 2015
Timothy D. Naegele

Fed Will Have To Reverse Gears Fast If Anything Goes Wrong

The New Hard Times

This is the title of an article by the UK Telegraph‘s International Business Editor in London, Ambrose Evans-Pritchard:

The global policy graveyard is littered with central bankers who raised interest rates too soon, only to retreat after tipping their economies back into recession or after having misjudged the powerful deflationary forces in the post-Lehman world.

The European Central Bank raised rates twice in 2011, before the economy had achieved “escape velocity” and just as the Club Med states embarked on drastic fiscal austerity. The result was the near-collapse of monetary union.

Sweden, Denmark, Korea, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Israel and Chile, among others, were all forced to reverse course, and some have since swung into negative territory to compensate for the damage.

The US Federal Reserve has waited longer before pulling the trigger, and circumstances are, in many ways, more propitious. Four years of budget cuts and fiscal drag are finally over. State and local spending will add stimulus worth 0.5pc of GDP this year.

The unemployment rate has dropped to 5pc. Payrolls have risen by 509,000 over the past two months. The rate of job openings is the highest since the peak of the dotcom boom in 2000.

The M1 and M2 money supply figures have switched from green to amber but are not flashing the sort of stress warnings so clearly visible in mid-2008.

Yet it is a very murky picture. This is the first time the Fed has ever embarked on tightening cycle when the ISM gauge of manufacturing is below the boom-bust line of 50. Nominal GDP growth in the US has been trending down from 5pc in mid-2014 to barely 3pc.

Danny Blanchflower, a Dartmouth professor and a former UK rate-setter, said the US labour market is not as tight as it looks. Inflation is nowhere near its 2pc target and the world economy is still gasping for air. He sees a 50/50 chance that the Fed will have to pirouette and go back to the drawing board.

“All it will take is one shock,” said Lars Christensen, from Markets and Money Advisory. “It is really weird that they are raising rates at all. Capacity utilization in industry has been falling for five months.”

Mr Christensen said the rate rise in itself is relatively harmless. The real tightening kicked off two years ago when the Fed began to slow its $85bn of bond purchases each month. This squeezed liquidity through the classic quantity of money effect.

Fed tapering slowly turned off the spigot for a global financial system running on a “dollar standard”, with an estimated $9 trillion of foreign debt in US currency. China imported US tightening through its dollar-peg, compounding the slowdown already under way.

It was the delayed effect of this crunch that has caused the “broad” dollar index to rocket by 19pc since July 2014, the steepest dollar rise in modern times. It is a key cause of the bloodbath for commodities and emerging markets.

Mr Christensen said the saving grace this time is that Fed has given clear assurances – like the Bank of England – that it will roll over its $4.5 trillion balance sheet for a long time to come, rather than winding back quantitative easing and risking monetary contraction.

This pledge more than offsets the rate rise itself, which was priced into the market long ago. Chairman Janet Yellen softened the blow further with dovish guidance, repeating the word “gradual” a dozen times.

Markets have taken the rate rise in their stride. Equities are choppy but nevertheless higher. Emerging markets have steadied, almost from the relief that the uncertainty is at last over.

The yield spread on junk bonds – the epicentre of current stress – has dropped by 35 basis points to 6.98pc. The dollar has hardly moved, so far.

Yet the Fed is taking a big gamble by tightening at a time when the ECB and the People’s Bank of China and a clutch of other central banks are still loosening – and arguably doing so in order to drive down their currencies.

This divergence is almost unprecedented and fraught with risk. Janet Henry, from HSBC, says most central banks followed the Fed rapidly in the past three tightening cycles.

The risk is that the dollar will keep rising to the point where the US economy stalls, leaving America as the “latest victim of the deflationary pass the parcel which has plagued the global economy for a decade”.

Vincent Reinhart, former head of the Fed’s monetary division and now at the American Enterprise Institute, says Mrs Yellen is going along with a rate rise now in order to “buy credibility” so that she can then drag out the tightening cycle later.

It is tactical ploy that allows her to be looser for longer, and stretch the cycle. This is how markets seem to have interpreted her move. Futures contracts have priced in just two rate rises in 2016, and two more 2017, half as much as the Fed’s formulaic forecast in its “dot charts”.

The optimistic view is that world economy will shrug off the slow-growth malaise of 2015 as the money supply picks up in Europe and Asia, and the latest 36pc jump in Chinese fiscal spending starts to stabilize the commodity markets.

The Fed’s emergency policies since 2008 have in one sense been a huge success, though we will never know the counter-factual. A great depression was averted. Output is 10pc above its previous peak. Employment is up by 4.7m.

Yet zero rates and QE set off torrid credit bubbles in the emerging world, pushing up the global debt ratio by 30pc of GDP beyond their previous record in 2008. The Bank for International Settlements calls this a “Pareto sub-optimal” for the world as a whole. The chickens have not yet come home to roost.

Mrs Yellen has no margin for error as she tries to right the ship and slowly restore the US economy to a “Wicksellian” natural rate of interest, without detonating the debt-bomb in the process.

If she fails, the world is in trouble. We have never been in a predicament where a global recession began with rates already near zero. The Fed typically needs 350 basis points of monetary ammunition to fight a downturn.

The only way out then would be “helicopter money”, a potent use of QE to fund fiscal spending directly and inject stimulus straight into the veins of the economy. But that is a saga for another day. She has not failed yet.

See (emphasis added; charts omitted)

For those who have never worked in Washington, much less with the Fed on banking and related matters, there is one very important lesson that must be kept in mind: it is a government agency, run by government bureaucrats.

If you or anyone else would trust your life and economic future, and that of your family, to such people then so be it. At best, those who make decisions at the Fed are “well-intentioned” economists, who are no better than weathermen (and women) at predicting the future.

Look out the window on any given day, and see how accurate they are with their predictions, must less at predicting the future. In a word, they are not.

There is a global economic storm that has been gathering for some time now, which—when it hits with its full force and fury—may equal or exceed what happened during the Great Depression of the last century.

And the government economists, bureaucrats and other functionaries at the Fed and the other central banks of the world will be baffled and helpless.

See (“Doomsday Clock For Global Market Crash Strikes One Minute To Midnight As Central Banks Lose Control“)

One thing is certain: the worst is yet to come. The United States may fare better than other countries, but it will be affected too.

Hold on tight. It will not be pretty or nice. Indeed, things will get very ugly!


10 01 2016
Timothy D. Naegele

The EU’s Collapse In 2016? [UPDATED]

EU collapses

It is clear to growing numbers of Europeans that the EU is a bureaucratic nightmare, which has outlived its usefulness. Indeed, a reinvigorated NATO may take its place, not as an ill-conceived economic alliance but as the “glue” that holds the countries together.

A fine year-end article by Leo McKinstry in the UK’s Telegraph is worth reading and reflecting on:

Arrogance, stubbornness and complacency have characterised the response of Brussels to David Cameron’s strategy for renegotiating Britain’s relationship with the European Union. In advance of the British referendum on membership, which must be held by the end of 2017, the Prime Minister has asked for only the most modest package of reforms. Yet the unbending EU leaders have refused to concede any ground. Even a minor change in migrants’ rights to claim welfare has been rejected.

Such a defiant stance could be seen as supreme confidence in the European project. British calls for change are dismissed out of hand because nothing is allowed to challenge the drive towards “ever closer union.” In the dogmatic mindset of the EU’s ruling elite, the ultimate triumph of the federal superstate is an inevitability.

But this mood of self-assurance is grossly misplaced. The reality is that, despite the dismissiveness towards Cameron’s modest plan, the EU is in desperate trouble. The edifice of federalism is crumbling, broken by its own ruinous contradictions and spectacular failures. The creators of the European Union promised to bring peace and prosperity. But through their grandiose folly, they have fuelled only debt, despair and disintegration.

The EU lacks any kind of democratic legitimacy, which means that the end could come sooner than the politicians imagine. After all, the apartheid regime in South Africa collapsed with dramatic suddenness in the early 1990s, as did the Communist governments of Russia and eastern Europe in the late 1980s.

2016 could be the year that the EU falls apart, making the British referendum an irrelevance. Economics are certain to play a central part in any process of collapse. Despite endless optimistic propaganda from Brussels and ever greater fiscal control from the centre, the euro’s difficulties have not disappeared. Growth remains anaemic, just 0.3 per cent in the third quarter of the year, while dole queues are as long as ever. Unemployment in Spain, sometimes held up to as a eurozone “miracle”, stands at 23 per cent. In Greece, the figure is above 25 per cent.

But the EU cannot resolve this relentless economic crisis because it is a part of the problem. The single currency was never a really an economic initiative. On the contrary, it was a political instrument to further the federalist agenda. Forcing together economies as disparate as Germany and Greece was always doomed to result in debt and paralysis.

So far the political consequences of this economic catastrophe have largely been limited to Italy and Greece, where anger at the terms of the EU bailouts has led to upheaval and extremism. And the Greek Government is about to plunged into another crisis as the radical Prime Minister Alexis Tspiras grapples with daunting task of trying to reform the country’s unaffordable pensions system.

But the political fallout from the eurozone could soon extend far more widely, ratcheting up the scope for conflict. Following elections in October, Portugal is now governed by a Socialist minority Government that is propped up by the Left Bloc, a movement that urges mass civil disobedience against austerity, and the Portuguese Communist Party, which takes a traditionally Marxist, anti-capitalist line. Spain is heading in the same direction after the recent General Election.

The impending clash on economic policy will be compounded by the continuing migration disaster, which is threatening to tear apart the social fabric of Europe. Instead of defending European civilisation, the EU has been a vehicle for destruction of our heritage and identity through its obsession with open borders and cultural diversity. Just before Christmas, it was reported that more than one million migrants have reached Europe through irregular means in 2015, nearly all of them from across the eastern Mediterranean. Already unsustainable, that influx will continue to grow during 2016. Having sneered at patriotism, derided the concept of national sovereignty and made a fetish of free movement, the EU can do nothing to turn the tide.

That is certain to lead to ever more profound disillusion with the EU, as reflected in the growth of fiercely anti-immigration, anti-EU movements like the Front National in France, the Dutch Party for Free and the Swedish Democrats. But anger could turn to open rebellion in 2016 if the migrant crisis leads to a series of Islamist terror attacks. Isil have openly boasted about sending jihadists into Europe through the EU porous borders, while the Lebanese minister has claimed that 1 in every 50 Syrian refugees could be an Isil extremist.

Should the worst happen, all the rhetoric from the EU about peace and unity will sound offensively hollow. It is easy to imagine how mass rallies for the victims of terrorism could turn into demonstrations against Brussels, with the Eurocrats left as bewildered and frightened as Nicolae Ceausescu was when confronted with a hostile crowd in Bucharest in 1989, shortly before the collapse of his regime.

Carnage on the streets could be the ultimate symbol of their failure, and the catalyst for their downfall.

See (“Rather than protect Europeans, the EU itself has become the greatest threat to our continent“) (emphasis added); see also (“Europe Is Blowing Itself Apart But Nobody Seems To Care“) and (“Doomsday Clock For Global Market Crash Strikes One Minute To Midnight As Central Banks Lose Control“) and (“The World’s Central Banks Can’t Save Us Anymore“) and (“European civilisation is in danger of succumbing to the EU empire”—”[T]he EU’s claims about what it has done need closer inspection. It is not true, for example, that it assured post-war peace. The main peacemaker was the Nato alliance, especially the determination of the United States to rebuild Germany and hold back Soviet communism. It was Nato, operating through leaders like Ronald Reagan, Margaret Thatcher and Helmut Kohl, which later created the conditions in which the Berlin Wall could come down without the world falling apart. By contrast, the EU’s price for the reunification of Germany – the creation of the single currency – has been the most destabilising act in the history of Europe this century. Germans nowadays tell Greece (and Spain and Portugal and Italy) what to do – not because they have the evil intent of old, but because the euro puts them in charge of the zone’s money”—”It is not a dictatorship, but an empire, in a world where other empires have disappeared”—”When a real crisis arises, the EU cannot act. It failed in the former Yugoslavia in the 1990s and finally had to let the Americans come to the rescue”—”[T]he dreamers wanted to become the United States of Europe. As we are now seeing, this cannot survive the arrival of hundreds of thousands of mainly Muslims refugees from the Middle East”) and (“Brexit would trigger disintegration of the EU not the UK, say Barclays”—”Europe, rather than the UK, would suffer the worst consequences of a “Brexit”—”Should Brexit occur, this would embolden other member states who are struggling to control immigration and unleash a fresh wave of turmoil in the crisis-hit continent”—”[I]f Britain voted for and exit and ‘politics in the EU turned for the worse, the UK may be seen as a safe haven from those risks, reversing the euro’s appreciation and putting significant downward pressure’ on the single cur[r]ency”—”‘In that environment, Scottish voters could be even less inclined to leave the relative safety of the UK for an increasingly uncertain EU, further reversing sterling’s appreciation'”)

Clearly, Americans, Europeans, Chinese, Russians and others around the world have lost faith in their governments, and in the ability of any government to solve problems—and rightly so.

For example, while Paris was still grieving about the senseless deaths and violence that took place there recently, Barack Obama and other “warmers” were convening in the same city to feast on caviar and other delicacies, after wasting jet fuel to attend a conference about so-called man-made “global warming.”

Such lunacy reminds one of Marie Antoinette and class conflict and western decadence, and of George Orwell and his Animal Farm where the “Pigs” reigned supreme.

See (“Animal Farm“) and (“A $34 Trillion Swindle: The Shame Of Global Warming“) and (“Marie Antoinette’s Merry Band Of Elitist Warmers“)

EU flag and Parthenon


12 01 2016
Timothy D. Naegele

Helter Skelter Is Arriving With A Thud, Sell Everything [UPDATED]

RBS fears

In an article entitled “RBS cries ‘sell everything’ as deflationary crisis nears,” the UK Telegraph‘s International Business Editor in London, Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, has reported:

RBS has advised clients to brace for a “cataclysmic year” and a global deflationary crisis, warning that major stock markets could fall by a fifth and oil may plummet to $16 a barrel.

The bank’s credit team said markets are flashing stress alerts akin to the turbulent months before the Lehman crisis in 2008. “Sell everything except high quality bonds. This is about return of capital, not return on capital. In a crowded hall, exit doors are small,” it said in a client note.

Andrew Roberts, the bank’s credit chief, said that global trade and loans are contracting, a nasty cocktail for corporate balance sheets and equity earnings. This is particularly ominous given that global debt ratios have reached record highs.

“China has set off a major correction and it is going to snowball. Equities and credit have become very dangerous, and we have hardly even begun to retrace the ‘Goldlocks love-in’ of the last two years,” he said.

Mr Roberts expects Wall Street and European stocks to fall by 10pc to 20pc, with even an deeper slide for the FTSE 100 given its high weighting of energy and commodities companies. “London is vulnerable to a negative shock. All these people who are ‘long’ oil and mining companies thinking that the dividends are safe are going to discover that they’re not at all safe,” he said.

Brent oil prices will continue to slide after breaking through a key technical level at $34.40, RBS claimed, with a “bear flag” and “Fibonacci” signals pointing to a floor of $16, a level last seen after the East Asia crisis in 1999. The bank said a paralysed OPEC seems incapable of responding to a deepening slowdown in Asia, now the swing region for global oil demand.

Morgan Stanley has also slashed its oil forecast, warning that Brent could fall to $20 if the US dollar keeps rising. It argued that oil is intensely leveraged to any move in the dollar and is now playing second fiddle to currency effects.

RBS forecast that yields on 10-year German Bunds would fall time to an all-time low of 0.16pc in a flight to safety, and may break zero as deflationary forces tighten their grip. The European Central Bank’s policy rate will fall to -0.7pc.

US Treasuries will fall to rock-bottom levels in sympathy, hammering hedge funds that have shorted US bonds in a very crowded “reflation trade”.

RBS first issued its grim warnings for the global economy in November but events have moved even faster than feared. It estimates that the US economy slowed to a growth rate of 0.5pc in the fourth quarter, and accuses the US Federal Reserve of “playing with fire” by raising rates into the teeth of the storm. “There has already been severe monetary tightening in the US from the rising dollar,” it said.

It is unusual for the Fed to tighten when the ISM manufacturing index is below the boom-bust line of 50. It is even more surprising to do so after nominal GDP growth has fallen to 3pc and has been trending down since early 2014.

RBS said the epicentre of global stress is China, where debt-driven expansion has reached saturation. The country now faces a surge in capital flight and needs a “dramatically lower” currency. In their view, this next leg of the rolling global drama is likely to play out fast and furiously.

“We are deeply sceptical of the consensus that the authorities can ‘buy time’ by their heavy intervention in cutting reserve ratio requirements (RRR), rate cuts and easing in fiscal policy,” it said.

Mr Roberts said the tightening cycle by the Anglo-Saxon central banks is already over. There will be no rate rises by the Bank of England before the downturn hits, and the next action by the Fed may be a humiliating volte-face and a rate cut.

RBS is not alone in fearing trouble. UBS issued what it called a “significant change” to its house view late last week, saying policy chaos in China had unsettled markets. It cut exposure to equities from overweight to neutral on a “six-month tactical horizon”. It went underweight emerging markets.

UBS said it is a precautionary move, insisting that the current global credit cycle has not yet peaked. Low oil prices should ultimately feed through to higher consumer spending and boost growth.

Larry Summers, the former US Treasury Secretary, said it would be a mistake to dismiss the current financial squall as froth. Markets often sense a gathering storm when policy-makers are still asleep at the wheel. He has long argued that the world economy is so far out of kilter that it takes permanent financial bubbles to keep growth going, an inherently unstable structure.

Yet there is something strange about the latest events. Austerity is finally over in Europe and fiscal policy in the US this year will be expansionary.

China’s slowdown hit its bottom in June and a fitful recovery has been building, driven by extra budget spending and credit growth. While the composite PMI indicator for manufacturing and services slipped back last month, it is still higher in the summer.

David Owen, from Jefferies, said there is a “weird disconnect” between the economic fundamentals and the market malaise.

“There is no evidence of anything rolling over in the US. Europe is clearly recovering and the M3 money supply in Germany is growing at almost 10pc, which normally means stronger activity,” he said.

Bank of America said panic selling had triggered its “contrarian buy signal”, since 88pc of global equity indexes are now trading below their 200-day and 50-day moving averages. The “Bull & Bear” index is at an ultra-negative level of 1.3.

It said a “big tradable multi-week rally awaits” but requires catalysts, above all a stabilisation of the Chinese yuan and oil, better PMI data and a halt to the rising dollar.

The risk is that this market storm drags on long enough to hit investment, regardless of what the economic data should imply. At the end of the day, market psychology can itself become an economic “fundamental”.

Pessimists warn that unless there is a batch of irrefutably good data from China over the next two or three months, the sell-off could become self-fulfilling and quickly metamorphose into the next global crisis.

See (charts omitted: emphasis added); see also (“Doomsday Clock For Global Market Crash Strikes One Minute To Midnight As Central Banks Lose Control“) and (“Oil could crash to $10 a barrel, warn investment bank bears”—”[M]ajor banks say there is no bottom in sight for the world’s lopsided market”) and (“Notorious ‘uber bear’ Albert Edwards warns world is headed for another 2008 crash”—”US stocks could lose almost three-quarters of their value”—”[T]his coming collapse would result in a ‘trade war not unlike that in the 1930s’, mirroring the deflationary bust and trade war of the Great Depression era”—”[C]onditions appear ‘very dangerous for every investor in the world'”)

This is not 2008 all over again. It may be much much worse, even eclipsing the Great Depression of the last century.

The “perfect storm” has been gathering for a long time now; and when it hits with its full force and fury, 2008 may seem like a “blip” by comparison.

America’s Fed and the other central banks of the world will be overwhelmed; depression-era “safety nets” will not make any difference; and panics may ensue.

The biggest worry in Washington for many years now has been that there would be runs on the big funds, which are uninsured, and that a “liquidity crisis” of unfathomable proportions would occur—which would be unstoppable.

Americans and people of other countries have lost trust in their governments, which will only compound the problems.

Hold on tight. Things will get very scary between now and the end of this decade.

. . .

The good news is that the murderous Putin and Russia are in a death spiral from which they will not recover. The fall of oil prices and our economic sanctions will insure this. The sooner that Putin shares the fate of Mussolini, the better.

See (“The Death Of Putin And Russia: The Final Chapter Of The Cold War“)

The totally-bureaucratic EU’s collapse will be offset by renewed vigor at NATO. The EU is a grand experiment that has failed and outlived its usefulness.

It is a bureaucratic monstrosity of epic proportions. George Orwell anticipated it when he wrote Animal Farm, in which the “Pigs” reigned supreme.

Germany’s attempt to accomplish economically what it failed to achieve militarily during World War II is at an end, and rightly so.

See (“The EU’s Collapse In 2016?“); see also (“Animal Farm”)


20 02 2016
Timothy D. Naegele

The EU And Brexit [UPDATED]

EU collapses

In an article about Brexit—a British exit from the European Union, which would give the U.K. self-determination and free it from the dysfunctional European project—Tom Montgomerie has written in the Wall Street Journal:

Margaret Thatcher predicted that it would end in tears. She described “the drive to create a European superstate” as “perhaps the greatest folly of the modern era.” The late British prime minister knew the lesson of the past: When politicians try to impose grand designs on peoples of different histories, languages and cultural allegiances, the edifice totters and collapses.

Once devoutly pro-European, Thatcher had come to worry by the late 1980s that grand projects emerging from Brussels, like the effort to create a single European currency, would centralize power and create a vast bureaucracy. She saw that democratic accountability would be impossible across a wildly polyglot European Union. And she feared that the sort of cronyism and collusion among big business and politicians that she had dismantled in the U.K. would re-emerge in Brussels. Almost every one of her fears has been vindicated.

Britain will soon have the opportunity to decide whether or not to remain a part of the European project that it joined in 1973. After EU leaders agreed late Friday to several key British demands, including a so-called emergency brake to let the U.K. restrict welfare benefits for EU migrants, a nationwide referendum is likely to be held in June, fulfilling a promise made by Prime Minister David Cameron at the last general election. Polls suggest that the outcome of the vote is too close to call, but a British exit—or “Brexit”—is a real possibility. It would also be a wise choice, for the U.K., for Europe and for the U.S.

Prominent Conservative politicians, including Iain Duncan Smith and Michael Gove, are expected to campaign for Brexit, endangering the unity of the government. But Mr. Cameron, most of his top ministers, the leader of the opposition Labour Party and the country’s largest businesses will hold firm with the EU. They will argue that Britain should not walk away but should remain at the EU’s highest table, helping to fix the continent’s problems. They worry that if Britain leaves the EU, London won’t be able to influence the rules that govern the world’s richest single market, with more than 500 million people.

In normal times, this alliance of powerful businesses and politicians would be enough to guarantee victory for the pro-EU cause. But as the U.S. presidential race continues to prove, these are not normal times, and having the establishment on your side can be more of a burden than a blessing. Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders have amplified the hunger for change of an electorate that is angry at big business, concerned about rising immigration and anxious over economic insecurity. In Britain, the EU gets much of the blame for such ills. It was the anti-EU camp, not the backers of European unity, that celebrated when Goldman Sachs recently announced its support for having the U.K. stay put.

The problems produced by the EU are not hard to see. The single currency helps to explain why the European economy remains in the doldrums long after the U.S. recovery has begun. The rise of China and emerging markets inevitably meant that the developed world’s share of world trade would decline, but the EU’s share is declining twice as quickly as America’s. Youth unemployment stands at 49% in Greece, 46% in Spain and 38% in Italy, and millions of young lives will never fully recover from these extended rates of joblessness. This economic weakness has brought extremist parties to the fore, whether it is radical parties of the left like Spain’s Podemos and Greece’s Syriza or the illiberal nationalist parties of the right in Poland and Hungary.

The British public remains skeptical of the EU. Mr. Cameron had hoped to steer them away from the exit door by delivering substantial changes to the terms of the country’s membership. He has spent much of the past year touring European capitals to try to fulfill a reform agenda that he first set out in a 2013 speech that called for Europe to become a much more economically liberal continent. He has also sought—without great success—to limit the welfare benefits that EU citizens can claim if they come to the U.K. under the EU’s freedom-of-movement regime.

The mixed results of Mr. Cameron’s renegotiation reflect the mixed nature of today’s European politics. A socialist is president of France, but he is widely disliked. A conservative is chancellor of Germany, but the migrant crisis has pulled down her popularity. Spain’s conservative prime minister has lost his majority and is clinging to power. An assertive new nationalist administration governs Poland. Italy’s bright, young Blairite prime minister, Matteo Renzi, is full of promise but has yet to deliver much.

Trying to unify such a diverse group of politicians, some of whom will soon face tough re-election battles, was always going to be a tall order. It has been especially hard to get Europe’s leaders to focus on Britain’s renegotiation demands amid the flood of migrants and the Greek crisis. In his talks over the past few days in Brussels with other European leaders, Mr. Cameron finally won support for the limited reforms that he has proposed—reforms that, in any event, have seemed entirely inadequate to the British public, according to all opinion polls.

But the campaign for keeping Britain in the EU still has some cards to play. The pro-EU camp will seek to exploit the natural conservatism of British voters wary of changing the status quo. We can expect the same kind of fear-based campaign that helped to keep Scotland in the U.K. during its 2014 referendum on independence. There will be dire warnings that Brexit would leave Britain shut out of key European markets and suggestions that the City of London, the business and financial center so important to the British economy, would lose market share. With the world economy already experiencing uncertainty, many undecided Britons may decide that this isn’t the time to add to it.

The pro-EU camp will also emphasize the protracted divorce negotiations that would likely follow a vote for Brexit. For a period that could well last two years, many global businesses may decide to suspend investment decisions until they know what kind of access the U.K. will have to EU markets. Britain has a substantial trade deficit with the rest of Europe, so supporters of Brexit argue that Germany’s car manufacturers, Spain’s hoteliers, France’s winemakers and other industries that profit from trading with the U.K. will help ensure a good free-trade deal if Britain chooses to go—but a period of uncertainty is inevitable.

Another danger: Scotland might reconsider its membership in the U.K. after Brexit. The restless, post-referendum Scots are much less euroskeptical than the English and might vote to stay in the EU even if the U.K. as a whole votes to leave. Nicola Sturgeon, the separatist first minister of Scotland, has already suggested that she might hold a second vote on independence under these circumstances, raising the possibility that the U.K. might break apart if Britain decides to break away from the EU.

All of these risks are real. But so are the risks of remaining part of a politically dysfunctional and economically declining EU. There is a strong economic case for British independence and a strong pragmatic case for believing that a Europe of such different political cultures cannot work, but the real reason why British voters should support Brexit is that we want our country to have what the U.S., Australia, Switzerland, Canada, Japan and other free nations already have: self-determination.

Britain is a shriveled power today. It cannot stop 430 million other Europeans from coming into its territory any time they like under the EU’s freedom-of-movement rules. It is regularly overruled by EU courts. It cannot form its own trade deals. Some 65% of U.K. laws since 1993 bear the direct or indirect imprint of the EU, according to research by one pro-business group.

When President Barack Obama called Mr. Cameron on Feb. 3 to relay “continued U.S. support for a strong United Kingdom in a strong European Union,” he was recommending something that Americans would not accept for themselves. Polling by YouGov suggests that less than a third of Americans would support open borders with Mexico, a joint U.S.-Canadian-Mexican supreme court to decide human-rights questions or a pan-American environmental agency to govern fishing policy. But as an EU member, Britain has to endure the equivalent of these policies—which is why Republican presidential candidates such as Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio and Jeb Bush have all expressed varying degrees of sympathy for Brexit.

The greatest fear of the pro-EU camp is that Brexit will start a chain of events that plunges Europe back to the dark years of the past. But these fears are overstated. NATO and the deployment of 250,000 U.S. troops in West Germany during the Cold War were the real foundation of stability in postwar Europe.

It wasn’t today’s EU that helped to ensure order, peace and prosperity but the European Coal and Steel Community that began in 1952 and the parallel, free-trading European Economic Community that was formed in 1957. Both of these bodies fulfilled the ambitions for free trade that the 19th-century Manchester industrialist Richard Cobden always sought for Europe. “I would not step across the street just now to increase our trade for the mere sake of commercial gain,” Cobden wrote. “But to improve moral and political relations of France and England, by bringing them into greater intercourse and greater dependence, I would walk barefoot from Calais to Paris.”

When the countries of Europe became integrated in trade after World War II, they fulfilled the dictum often attributed to the French economist Frédéric Bastiat: “If goods don’t cross borders, armies will.” But sadly, many in Europe weren’t content with mere trade. Many of the EU’s founders always intended to build something grander—a United States of Europe—and tried to build it too quickly on sandy foundations.

It should now be clear that it’s impossible to have a successful single currency without a genuine fiscal union—that is, unified authority and decision making on taxing and spending. America’s single currency works because more than 60% of all taxes are given to the federal government, which then gives much more back to poorer states hurt by the economic cycle.

The EU has no such mechanism to produce equivalent social solidarity, and the Germans are unlikely ever to agree to be taxed heavily to bail out the Greeks or the Finns to help out the Portuguese in the same way that Americans in wealthier states are willing to be taxed to help out fellow citizens in poorer ones. Europe’s union simply lacks the necessary ties of history, language and kinship.

It will be a while before the EU decides its overall direction. Will it retreat from the grand plans that Thatcher criticized and return to something like the trade-focused model it had for most of the postwar years? Will it try to build a United States of Europe that would give Brussels the same kind of powers as Washington, D.C., to send financial aid to distressed parts of the EU economy or order European soldiers to stop refugees from entering the continent? Or, most likely, will it simply muddle through—facing periodic crises and chronic dysfunction but somehow keeping the show on the road?

Ideally, Europe would take the first course, but it is unlikely: Scaling down the union’s ambitions would repudiate the work of this generation of European politicians and their predecessors too. That is why Britain should choose independence in the coming referendum—and why, for at least two reasons, the U.S. should welcome that choice.

Brexit might be the shock that Europe needs to undergo serious reform. Neither today’s immigration crisis nor the prolonged economic hardships caused by the single currency have provoked reform, but seeing Europe lose its fastest-growing major economy might prove to be the proverbial straw.

Once outside the EU and disentangled from the red tape of Brussels, Britain also will be able to form its own free-trade agreements and to implement a points-based immigration system, choosing only the talented, skilled immigrants that the U.K.’s economy needs. Britain after Brexit, in other words, will be a stronger Britain—and the U.S. should want strength for its most steadfast global ally.

Even if Brexit doesn’t shock the EU as a whole into reform, it may encourage other EU members to break free on their own, which is all to the good. The U.S. needs allies that are as nimble and fast-moving as global events. Multinational bodies like the EU and the U.N. only ever move as quickly as the slowest country in the convoy. The U.S. needs its allies to be strong and independent—not submerged within a clunky, clumsy EU that idly declares its distant hope for a unified front in matters of defense and foreign policy.

Yes, for two or three years, a post-Brexit Europe will be bumpier and more acrimonious. But the temporary upset will be worth it if it transforms the continent from a collection of unhappy tenants of a would-be superstate into vigorous, happy neighbors, cooperating where it matters most but otherwise operating as free, self-determined nations.

See (“A Better Britain Outside the EU“) (emphasis added); see also (“The EU’s Collapse In 2016?“) and (“[S]taying in the European Union would eventually doom British sovereignty. No wonder six members of Cameron’s own Cabinet have now come out for quitting Europe”—”[A] British exit from Europe would be a geopolitical earthquake. It would be a rebuke not only to European socialism but also to the idea of Europe as an anti-American bloc”—”Imagine . . . if an independent Britain could lead to a new and wide alignment with America, whose own revolution was inspired by ideas of liberty often hatched in England and Scotland. It would be terrific all around. . . . Our greatest international triumphs . . . were under the partnerships of Churchill and FDR and Thatcher and Reagan”) and (“[I]f Britain stays within the European Union there’s not a chance that it will leave Britain . . . alone. This is what Brussels does. It looks for opportunities to control people’s lives”) and (“[Former governor of the Bank of England] Mervyn King: the eurozone is doomed”—”The eurozone is doomed to fail and will lurch from crisis to crisis unless it is broken up”—”‘Monetary union has created a conflict between a centralised elite on the one hand, and the forces of democracy at the national level on the other. This is extraordinarily dangerous'”—”[T]he euro area today is a drag on world growth”—”The ‘only way’ to stop countries staring into the abyss of ‘crushing austerity, continuing mass unemployment’ with ‘no end in sight to the burden of debt’ faced by debtor nations is for them to abandon the euro”—”[L]eaving the euro area may be the only way to plot a route back to economic growth and full employment. ‘The long-term benefits outweigh the short-term costs'”) and (Boris Johnson: “Don’t be taken in by Project Fear – staying in the EU is the risky choice”—”[T]he Remain campaign is intended to provoke only one emotion in the breast of the British public and that is fear”—”[T]he real risk is to sit back and do nothing, to remain inertly and complacently in an unreformed EU that is hell-bent on a federal project over which we have no control”—”[T]he euro . . . proved to be a nightmare, an economic doomsday machine that is still causing low growth, high unemployment and real misery in some European countries”—”It is Nato and the Atlantic alliance that underpins our security”)

The EU is a bureaucratic nightmare come true. It is everything that George Orwell predicted in his “Animal Farm,” where the “Pigs” would reign supreme over the other animals.

Germany’s attempt to accomplish economically what it failed to achieve militarily during World War II may be at an end, and rightly so.

Do the Brits have the guts to pull out of the EU? David Cameron has cut a “paltry” deal that is probably not worth the paper it is written on. It is the Brits’ equivalent of the Obama-Kerry deal with Iran.

Will Brexit trigger an unraveling of the EU that might never stop? Only time will tell. However, NATO may serve as the “glue” that holds Europe together, not the nation- and freedom-strangling EU.

Lastly, a “perfect storm” has been gathering globally for a long time now, which may affect all of these calculations. When it hits with its full force and fury, 2008 may seem like a “blip” by comparison.

Indeed, millions of young Europeans and others globally may never recover fully from the joblessness that it will produce.

See (“The Obama Great Depression“); see also (“Animal Farm“)


23 02 2016
Timothy D. Naegele

Opec Has Failed To Stop US Shale Revolution

American Energy Dominance

The UK Telegraph‘s International Business Editor in London, Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, has reported:

The current crash in oil prices is sowing the seeds of a powerful rebound and a potential supply crunch by the end of the decade, but the prize may go to the US shale industry rather Opec, the world’s energy watchdog has predicted.

America’s shale oil producers and Canada’s oil sands will come roaring back from late 2017 onwards once the current brutal purge is over, a cycle it described as the “rise, fall and rise again” of the fracking industry.

“Anybody who believes the US revolution has stalled should think again. We have been very surprised at how resilient it is,” said Neil Atkinson, head of oil markets at the International Energy Agency.

The IEA forecasts in its “medium-term” outlook for the next five years that US production will fall by 600,000 barrels per day (b/d) this year and 200,000 next year as the so-called “fracklog” of drilled wells is finally cleared and the global market works off a surplus of 1m b/d.

But shale will come back to life within six months – far more quickly than conventional mega-projects and offshore wells – once crude rebounds to $60. Shale output is expected to reach new highs of 5m b/d by 2021.

This will boost total US production of oil and liquids by 1.3m b/d to the once unthinkable level 14.4m b/d, widening the US lead over Saudi Arabia and Russia.

Fatih Birol, the IEA’s executive director, said this alone will not be enough to avert the risk of a strategic oil crisis later in the decade, given the exhaustion of existing wells and the dangerously low levels of spare capacity in the world.

“Even if there were zero growth in demand, we would have to produce 3m b/d just to stand still,” he said, speaking at the IHS CERAWeek summit of energy leaders in Texas.

Mr Birol said investment in oil exploration and production across the world has been cut to the bone, falling 24pc last year and an estimated 17pc this year. This is a drop from $520bn to $320bn a year, far below the minimum levels needed to keep up with future demand.

“It’s not good news for oil security. Over the past 30 years we have never seen oil investment dropping two years in a row,” he said.

“It is easy for consumers to be lulled into complacency by ample stocks and low prices today, but they should heed the writing on the wall: the historic investment cuts raise the odds of unpleasant oil security surprises in the not too distant future,” he said.

The warnings were echoed by Opec’s secretary-general, Abdalla El-Badri, who said the current slump will lead to serious trouble when the cycle turns. “It sows the seed for a very high price in the future,” he said at the CERAWeek forum.

Mr El-Badri said he had lived through six oil cycles over his career but the surge of shale oil supply from the US has made this one of the most vicious. “It is a supply bubble. This cycle is very nasty,” he said.

The Opec chief admitted that the cartel has been caught badly off guard by crash, blaming the wild moves on speculative forces with control over 5m “paper barrels” on the derivatives markets. “The fundamentals have not changed that much,” he said.

But Mr El-Badri sent mixed signals about the real problem in the crude markets, letting slip that Opec and the US shale industry may not be able to “live together” and that frackers will take advantage of output cuts intended to stabilize the market. “If there is any increase in price, shale will come back immediately,” he said.

Contrary to widespread assumptions, the IEA report said Saudi Arabia and the Opec club will lose market share, treading water as North America and Brazil’s “pre-salt” basin in the Atlantic account for most of the growth in global output by the early 2020s. Algeria, Venezuela, Nigeria and Indonesia are all going into decline.

Iran’s grand plan to reach 5m b/d and regain its place as the cartel’s number two is dismissed as “aspirational”. It will struggle to add much once it has recaptured its pre-sanctions level of 3.6m b/d. Iran’s major fields are 70 years old and need sophisticated technology, yet foreign investors are wary of taking the plunge.

Outside Opec, there will be a steady erosion of output in China, Mexico, Colombia, Egypt, Oman and the North Sea, all chipping away at global supply and leaving the world vulnerable as demand rises by an average of 1.2m b/d each year – hitting 100m b/d by 2020.

China’s demand will ratchet upwards by an accumulated 2.5m b/d even as its own output slips, a scissor effect likely to tighten the global market relentlessly from 2017 onwards.

The IEA report implicitly calls into question Opec’s strategy of flooding the market in order to cripple of the US shale industry. Asked if the policy had failed, Mr Birol deflected the question diplomatically.

“I wouldn’t could call it failure of this group or that group, but there is a new fact of life: we can produce oil at $50-$60. It is the success of oil industry,” he said.

While the Opec strategy is finally forcing frackers to shut down, it has taken far longer than expected and may prove fleeting since private equity groups armed with a $60bn war chest are waiting to buy up the assets of failed shale companies.

The strategy has been prohibitively costly for Opec itself. Annual revenues have dropped from a peak of $1.2 trillion to around $400bn at today’s prices, and a large part of this is a result of Opec’s own actions.

The IEA said US frackers have been able to cut costs by 25pc-30pc and even more in the Permian Basin of West Texas. “A year ago it was widely believed that this would happen by the end of 2015 but that view has proved to be very wide of the mark. In 2014 and again in 2015 supply exceeded demand by massive margins,” it said.

Much of the confusion is over the US “rig-count”, which has dropped from 1,500 to 440. “Oil production has not fallen nearly as quickly as the rig-count alone would suggest,” it said.

Russia is perhaps the biggest casualty, given that it is trying to fund a superpower military status and cover half its budget comes from oil and gas revenues. Its output will fall by 275,000 b/d as the old Soviet fields in western Siberia go into decline.

The Vankor, Uvat and Verkhnechonsk fields all boosted growth last year but there is little else new on the horizon. “Russia is expected to see the steepest output declines,” said Mr Birol.

Ultimately, a fresh oil price spike or just a return to prices of $80 sows the seeds of its own destruction for the industry. It is likely to accelerate the shift to electric cars as the technology comes of age, and the COP21 climate accords start to bite.

That is a story for the 2020s. Mr Birol said it is a “heroic task” to interest anybody in the Houston oil fraternity in climate change.

See (“Opec has failed to stop US shale revolution admits energy watchdog“) (emphasis added; charts omitted); see also (“US To Launch Blitz Of Gas Exports, Eyes Global Energy Dominance“)

The biggest losers will be the murderer Putin and Russia.

Aside from the catastrophe of Russia’s foreign currency reserves running out, perhaps the key sentence of a recent New York Times’ article is the following:

The last time oil prices dropped so low and stayed there, in the 1980s, the Soviet Union disintegrated.

Putin and Russia are in a death spiral from which they will not recover. Putin’s fantasies about Russia becoming a superpower are delusional.

See (“The Death Of Putin And Russia: The Final Chapter Of The Cold War“)


23 02 2016
Timothy D. Naegele

US Oil Exports Mark Game-Changing Shift in Global Power [UPDATED]

US oil-global dominance

Newsmax has reported:

The sea stretched toward the horizon last New Year’s Eve as the Theo T, a red-and-white tug at her side, slipped quietly beneath the Corpus Christi Harbor Bridge in Texas. Few Americans knew she was sailing into history.

Inside the Panamax oil tanker was a cargo that some on Capitol Hill had dubbed “Liquid American Freedom” — the first U.S. crude bound for overseas markets after Congress lifted the 40-year export ban.

It was a landmark moment for the beleaguered energy industry and one heavy with both symbolism and economic implications. The Theo T was ushering in a new era as it left the U.S. Gulf coast bound for France.

The implications — both financial and political — for energy behemoths such as Saudi Arabia and Russia are staggering, according to Mark Mills, a senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute think tank and a former venture capitalist. “It’s a game changer,” he said.

For the Saudis and their OPEC cohorts, who collectively control 40 percent of the globe’s oil supply, the specter of U.S. crude landing at European and Asian refineries further weakens their grip on world petroleum prices at a time they are already suffering from lower prices and stiffened competition. With Russia also seeing its influence over European energy buyers lessened, the two crude superpowers last week tentatively agreed to freeze oil output at near-record levels, the first such coordination in a decade and a half.

Geopolitical Fallout

The political effects need not wait until U.S. shipments become more plentiful, Mills said. “In geopolitics, psychology matters as much as actual transactions,” he said.

Meanwhile, the U.S. is also poised to make its first shipments of liquefied natural gas, or LNG, from shale onto world markets within weeks, about two months later than scheduled. Cheniere Energy Inc. expects to have about 9 million metric tons a year of LNG available for its own portfolio from nine liquefaction trains being developed at two complexes in Texas. That’s enough to power Norway and Denmark combined for a year.

The immediate beneficiaries of this renewed era of U.S. exports are gas and oil companies such as Continental Resources Inc., Chevron Corp. and Exxon Mobil Corp. that have lobbied vigorously in recent years against the 1975 ban, which blocked all but a fraction of oil movements. It was imposed in the aftermath of a 1973-74 OPEC oil embargo, which crippled the U.S. economy and brought home the heavy dependence the country had developed on foreign suppliers.

U.S. Gains

Beyond corporations, the Dec. 18 lifting of the export ban by Congress and President Barack Obama created geopolitical winners and losers, too. The U.S., awash in shale oil, has gained while powerful exporters like Russia and Saudi Arabia, for whom oil represents not just profits but also power, find themselves on the downswing.

The U.S. remains a net importer, but its demand for foreign oil has fallen by 32 percent since its peak in 2005.

Meanwhile, plummeting oil and gas prices, driven in part by the U.S. shale revolution, have already eroded OPEC and Russia’s abilities to use natural resources as foreign policy cudgels. They are also squeezing petroleum-rich economies from Venezuela to Nigeria that rely heavily on crude receipts to fund everything from military budgets to fuel subsidies.

“A prolonged period of low gas and oil prices will put heavy pressure on Russia in its relations with the West and of course low energy prices puts tremendous strain on all exporters of hydrocarbons worldwide, on their government budgets,” said Ted Michael, an analyst at Genscape Inc., an energy-market data and intelligence firm.

Second Vessel

The Theo T was joined shortly after its trailblazing journey by a second ship out of Houston destined for the Netherlands. How many tankers have sailed since won’t be known until comprehensive data on January’s shipments is released by the U.S. Census Bureau in the coming weeks.

Trafigura Group Pte Ltd. also sold West Texas Intermediate oil to a refinery in Israel, Ben Luckock, global head of crude oil at the commodity trader, said on Monday by e-mail. The 700,000 barrel cargo of U.S. benchmark crude will be delivered in March.

What’s already clear is that even with crude losing 70 percent of its value since the middle of 2014 amid a worldwide production glut and a slowdown in Chinese demand growth, buyers are happy for the chance to diversify their sources of supply.

Choosing the U.S.

“If you’re a buyer in, say, South Korea, and you’re offered the same price from Saudi Arabia, Russia and the U.S., you’re going to make the obvious choice: the U.S.,” Mills said. “It’s the one supplier you know is never going to threaten you or cut off supplies, which is certainly not the case with Saudi Arabia, Russia or Iran.”

A similar story is beginning to unfold in natural gas, where U.S. production also has multiplied in recent years as a result of advances in shale extraction.

U.S. companies, led by Cheniere, have been spending billions of dollars on LNG export complexes where the fuel is cooled to minus 256 degrees Fahrenheit (minus 160 Celsius) to shrink it to 1/600th its volume so it can be shipped aboard ocean-going tankers. As a result, an international gas market is emerging akin to the long-established one for the more readily transportable crude oil.

LNG Exports

Houston-based Cheniere plans to begin LNG exports within weeks, after missing a January target because of faulty wiring. The first tanker that will carry LNG from Cheniere’s Sabine Pass terminal in Louisiana has arrived. Asia Vision has moored at Sabine Pass, according to ship-tracking data compiled by Bloomberg.

U.S. LNG cargoes, in combination with a bevy of new gas projects in Australia, will probably add 15 billion cubic feet of daily supply to global markets in the next few years, Genscape’s Michael said. That would be a 43 percent addition to the 35 billion currently bought and sold internationally.

“We will definitely replace Russia as the lowest-cost supplier,” Fadel Gheit, an analyst at Oppenheimer & Co., said of the U.S. expansion. “All of these things will have geopolitical and economic consequences. It’s a win-win for the U.S. and the West.”

See; see also (“A $34 Trillion Swindle: The Shame Of Global Warming“) and (“Opec Has Failed To Stop US Shale Revolution“) and (“US To Launch Blitz Of Gas Exports, Eyes Global Energy Dominance“) and (“The New Oil-Storage Space: Railcars”—”The U.S. market is so oversupplied with oil that traders are experimenting with a new place for storing excess crude: empty railcars”—”[T]raditional storage tanks are filling up as U.S. oil inventories swell to their highest level since the 1930s”—”Some industry participants are calling the new practice ‘rolling storage’—a landlocked spin on the ‘floating storage’ producers use to hold crude on giant oil tankers when inventories run high”—”[Trading companies] profit by putting the oil aside while locking in a higher price to deliver it in a later month”—”U.S. crude inventories rose above 500 million barrels in late January for the first time since 1930”) and (“US shale frackers eye world conquest despite bloodbath”—”OPEC’s price war against shale will not stop the US juggernaut. Oil giants with deep pockets are waiting in the wings to ‘gobble up’ distressed assets, and America’s nimble mid-cost frackers will have an edge when the cycle turns”—”US shale [may be] the biggest supplier of oil in the world by 2020″—”This would amount to 16m b/d if all liquids are included, more than the combined crude exports of Saudi Arabia and Russia. The International Energy Agency forecast this week that the US would account for much of the growth in world output by 2020 – after dropping 600,000 b/d this year, and 200,000 next year”—”[I]t will not be long before engineers work out how to double the efficiency of shale extraction to the 50pc levels seen in conventional oil wells”—”[F]rackers have been remarkably resilient, raising productivity by 20pc and cutting well costs by 40pc. ‘Restarting production may be easier than people think. Everything is ready to go. There are plenty of rigs. All the ingredients are there. There is a lot of money looking for the bottom of the cycle, waiting to get back in'”—”[T]he lucrative Permian Basin of West Texas, the ‘crown jewel’ holding steady at 2m b/d even at current prices[,] . . . is as big as the giant Ghawar field in Saudi Arabia, and could eventually produce 6m b/d”)

Bravo to American drive, creativity and ingenuity!

Despite the efforts of our failed president and the “environmental Nazis” to kill this vital sector of our economy, America’s oil industry continues to grow.

Once again, the United States is the largest energy producer in the world, and essentially energy independent. We do not need the Middle East anymore, for anything; and this fact is shaping our foreign policy approach to that region—which is in the process of imploding, with much worse yet to come.

Also, the sooner that we crush the murderous Putin and Russia, the better.

See (“The Death Of Putin And Russia: The Final Chapter Of The Cold War“)


30 04 2018
Timothy D. Naegele

The Crash Of 1929: Can It Happen Again? [UPDATED]


This is the title of an article in ZeroHedge, which states:

In the 4th of February, we published a blog entry detailing the similarities of the current stock market environment with that before the stock market crash in 1987. On February 5th, the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) experienced the worst daily point decline of its history. Since then, the stock market has recovered, but are we out of the woods?

At the aforementioned entry, we also warned that the situation in the global economy actually resembles more of the time before the Great Depression than that before of the Black Monday in 1987. Worryingly, the same holds for the US equity markets. In fact, almost all of the developments that led to the Great Crash of 1929 are already visible in the US. We may thus be heading towards the worst asset market crash in 90 years.

Prequisites: The ‘Roaring Twenties’

The 1929 crash marked the end of the ‘Roaring Twenties’. The era got its name from consumer and stock market booms driven by the automobile and building sectors. The gold standard and the neutralization of all gold purchases from abroad by the newly created central bank, Federal Reserve or Fed, controlled the consumer price inflation. Due to low inflation, Fed had only limited incentives to intervene on the speculation by increasing the short-term interest rates. The easy credit era was let to persist fueling the boom in the consumer durables, commercial property market, automobile industry and the stock markets.

The tide switched in January 1928. The Fed decided that the boom had gone far enough and started to raise its discount rate and sell its holdings of government securities in effort to stem the speculation. But, rising money market rates made the brokers’ loans viable options for the bank loans because the former were mostly funded by the large balance sheets of corporations. The call loan rates were also clearly higher than the Fed discount rate, which meant that banks were able to borrow cheaply from the Fed and earn a nice margin on loans to investors. The higher interest rates set by Fed thus increased both the bank and non-bank funds available for stock market speculation. Contrary to the aim of the Fed, the financial conditions eased further and the speculation increased. The twenties kept on roaring.

The Great Crash

In 4 December 1928, President Coolidge had given a reassuring State of the Union speech and 1929 started with positive expectations. The stock market kept rising and the consumer boom continued. It was a common belief that earnings and dividends are growing because of the systematic industrial application of the science together with the development of modern management technologies and business mergers. Still, the first half of 1929 was marked with increasing volatility.

By the summer a dubious mood started to creep. The dividend growth was solid but the economy started to look mature. The first hints about the approaching recession arrived in July 1929 as the index of the industrial production of the Fed diminished. Mixed news and rising interest rates in the US and abroad warned of a looming recession. In September, the stock market started to drift downwards. The fear of a recession started to set in.

On Thursday October 24, after a turbulent week, the prices hovered for all while at the start, but then fell rapidly and the stock ticker started to lag behind. The prices kept falling and the ticker fell further behind. The pace of the sell orders grew at an increasing rate and by eleven o’clock a ferocious selling had gripped the market. A few selected quotations given by the bond ticker showed that the that the current values were far below the now seriously lagging tape. Margin calls started to roll in and many investors were forced to liquidate their stock holdings. The increasing uncertainty made the investors even more scared and by eleven-thirty there was a sheer panic. The frenzy of selling could even be heard outside the New York Stock Exchange, where crowds gathered.

At noon, the reporters learned that several notable bankers had gathered at the office of the J.P. Morgan & Company. At one thirty, the vice-president of the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), Richard Whitney, appeared on the trading floor and started to make large purchases of variety of stocks (starting from the Steel post). This had a clear message: the bankers had stepped in. The effect was imminent. The fear eased and the stocks rallied.

On Friday, the volume of trading was large, but the prices held up. During the weekend, there was a sense of relief. The disaster had been avoided and the actions of the bankers were celebrated. But then came Monday.

On Monday, October 28, the market opened to uneasy tranquility which was quickly broken. The selling started, then accelerated, and by noon the market was in a full panic mode. The bankers gathered again but the savior was never seen on the floor. Heavy selling continued throughout the day, and the market melted down, with the DJIA closing down by almost 13 percentage points for the day. After the close, there was not a word from the bankers or from anyone else, for that matter. During the night, a panic spread through the nation.

On Tuesday, October 29, the selling orders flooded the NYSE in the open. The prices plunged right from the start, feeding the panic. The sell orders from all over the country overwhelmed the ticker and sometimes even the traders. During the day, massive blocks of stocks were sold indicating that the ”big players” (banks, investment funds etc.) were liquidating. During the worst selling periods, there was a countless number of the selling orders but no buyers. This meant that, at times, the markets were in a complete free fall. There was a brief rally before the end of trading but despite this, the ”Black Tuesday” was one of the most brutal days at the NYSE with the DJIA falling by 11 % with heavy volumes. Within a week, DJIA had lost 29 % of its value.

Are we in a time loop?

The crash of 1929 marked the end of a long stock market boom fed by several years of easy credit. Because inflation was low for most of the 1920’s, Fed did not bother to curb the speculation by rising rates and when it did, the rise was too little too late. The signals for an upcoming recession broke the highly over-valued stock market in 1929. Actually, for example the dividends grew even in the last quarter of 1929 but the faith for the future of the market was broken and the investors panicked.

Currently, we are in a situation where, according to several metrics, the stock market is the most over-valued in the history of the NYSE. The central banks, with their orthodox and unorthodox monetary policies, have fed the asset market mania for nine years now but, currently, they are in a tightening cycle. Moreover, the global economy is in a risk of a dramatic slowdown.

This indicates that the main components of the crash of 1929: an over-valued stock market, a central bank tightening cycle (higher interest rates) and a slowing economy are almost all present in the US. We will thus soon know how well the history rhymes.

See (emphasis added; charts omitted); see also (“Growing Concern: Foreign Investors Lose Some Hunger for U.S. Debt“)

If Hillary Clinton had been elected, the collapse might have been inevitable. Having lost, she and her Despicables on America’s Left have sown the seeds of treason and tried to destroy the duly-elected presidency of Donald Trump.

The stock market has always been a “fool’s paradise,” and housing prices are inflated beyond reason in places like Los Angeles and Northern California’s Bay Area.

This is what the Democrats, and eight years of the failed, racist president Barack Obama have given us. And yes, many of us began as Democrats.

See, e.g., (“America’s Newest Civil War: 2017 And Beyond“) and (“Greenspan’s legacy: more suffering to come“) and (“Is Barack Obama A Racist?“)


25 06 2020
Rodolfo Elmes

You are an extremely powerful writer. I can easily see this in your article. You have a way of writing compelling information that sparks much interest.


25 06 2020
Timothy D. Naegele

Thank you, Rodolfo, for your kind words.


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