The Red Wave . . .

8 11 2022



9 responses

8 11 2022
Claudia Bradshaw

If people don’t vote red in this worst economy in 40 years, then they are just plain stupid. Democrats have FAILED!


8 11 2022
Timothy D. Naegele

I agree, Claudia.

How nice to hear from you. 😊

I have a new article, which I expect to publish tomorrow after tonight’s results.

I cannot look at Joe Biden’s face, or still photos of him. He has done more damage to the United States than any other American President, except his mentor Barack Obama who is a racist and anti-Semite.

See, e.g., (“Is Barack Obama A Racist?”) (see also the extensive comments beneath the article)


8 11 2022
H. Craig Bradley



8 11 2022
Timothy D. Naegele

True enough, Craig.

Snorkeling in the Florida Keys one day, at the base of the Carysfort Reef Lighthouse, an enormous shark swam by unexpectedly.

See, e.g., (“Carysfort Reef Light”)


8 11 2022

VERY heavy turnout …

My wife & I just voted. We live in a very conservative, overtly Republican area, and not surprisingly, our voting district is also heavily Republican. As is typical, there were volunteers handing out their literature. One young man, who is himself running for office, handed me his brochure and asked for my vote. I searched his brochure, which had all the typical ‘I’ll protect social security and medicare,’ ‘I’ll fight for you, because I’m one of you,’ blah, blah, blah

However, I was unable to find his stated party affiliation, which my wife also noticed.

When we went to cast our vote, sure enough, he was listed on the ballot as a Democrat. We walked out together, and to my surprise, my wife went right up to him and told him that ‘he was playing dirty politics’ and asked him ‘why didn’t you put in your brochure that you are a Democrat?’ He seemed stunned that someone actually called him out on his purposeful deception. A Republican poll worker came up to my wife and gave her a hug and said ‘good for you.’

Apparently, this Democratic politician was attempting to run away from his own party affiliation. I’ve seen quite a few others do the very same thing.

That’s not a good sign for Democrats. I’m only guessing, but it looks to me like a bloodbath for Democrats.


8 11 2022
Timothy D. Naegele

Let’s hope you are correct, Ray.

My guess is that the red wave will be staggering; and I am an Independent, and have been one since I left the U.S. Senate.

Your wife is terrific. 😊


9 11 2022

Mentally unstable child molester and fascist Donald Trump is the reason for the Republican under performance. That and young pro abortion voters. My suggestion is for you people to support Ron DeSanctimonious in 2024.


10 11 2022
Timothy D. Naegele

Thank you, Robert, for your comments as always.

Needless to say, you are not alone in your beliefs. I have a family member who would agree with you, completely.


10 11 2022

Bottom line: if the GOP wants to start winning, get rid of Trump. Get behind Ron Sanctimonious and see what happens in 2024. Trump is clearly a drag.


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