America’s Legal System Is An Abomination

30 05 2024

By Timothy D. Naegele[1]

Donald Trump has been harassed since he and Melania came down the escalator at Trump Tower in New York City, and began their quest for the presidency in 2016. And the Left has used its hack judges and vicious prosecutors like Jack Smith to inflict as much pain and suffering as possible.

They have weaponized our legal system, all the while giving brain-addled Joe Biden, his son Hunter and their co-conspirators—including other members of the Biden Family Crime Syndicate—free rides. Today’s decision in a New York court is a shining example of why no American should trust our legal system.[2]

Just as important, it sends a message loud and clear, far and wide, to would-be politicians: never cross the Left or you and your family may be destroyed.[3] And yes, lots of us began as Democrats, but will never vote for one again.[4] What is the answer? Never give up, and keep on fighting—and yes, trust in God.[5]


© 2024, Timothy D. Naegele


[1]  Timothy D. Naegele was counsel to the United States Senate’s Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, and chief of staff to Presidential Medal of Freedom and Congressional Gold Medal recipient and former U.S. Senator Edward W. Brooke (R-Mass).  See, e.g., Timothy D. Naegele Resume-21-8-6  and   He has an undergraduate degree in economics from the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), as well as two law degrees from the School of Law (Boalt Hall), University of California, Berkeley, and from Georgetown University.  He served as a Captain in the U.S. Army during the Vietnam War, assigned to the Defense Intelligence Agency at The Pentagon, where he received the Joint Service Commendation Medal (see, e.g.  Mr. Naegele is an Independent politically; and he is listed in Who’s Who in America, Who’s Who in American Law, and Who’s Who in Finance and Business. He has written extensively over the years (see, e.g. and, and studied photography with Ansel Adams.  He can be contacted directly at

[2]  See, e.g., (“Donald Trump trial verdict: Jury finds former president GUILTY”); see also (“Congresswoman demands investigation of misconduct in Trump prosecution”)

[3]  See, e.g., (“Biden Is A Cadaver, Which Is Why The Democrats Have To Kill Trump”); see also (“Does Justice Exist Anywhere In America Today?”) and (“Justice”) and (“Justice And The Law Do Not Mix”) and (“The United States Department of Injustice”) and (“The Department Of Injustice’s Inspector General Is Complicit In The Deep-State Cover-Up!”) and (“The State Bar Of California Is Lawless And A Travesty, And Should Be Abolished”) and (“California Is A Mess, And Its State Bar Remains The Most Odious Trade Association In America”)

[4]  See (“The Democrats Are Evil But Smart, While The Republicans Are Neanderthals And Dumb”)

[5]  See (“What And Where Is God?”)



9 responses

30 05 2024
Timothy D. Naegele


See (“Tucker Carlson warns Trump will win election ‘if he’s not killed first’ as guilty verdict marks ‘end of justice'”)

I have predicted that the Left might do this. If so, we may find Americans in the midst of a civil war of historic proportions, pitting neighbor against neighbor.

See also (“‘An outrageous day in America’: Caitlyn Jenner leads fury as Trump is found guilty on all counts in hush money trial”) and (“Farage offers prediction after ‘disgraceful’ Trump verdict”)

Today is the day that justice died in America.


31 05 2024

As the radical left gleefully (and ignorantly) celebrates this injustice, I fear that the divisions in this country will deepen even more, reaching perhaps the danger point. Never in my lifetime have I witnessed such intense hatred from the left.

A divided country is a weakened country. Just one area of concern (along with many others); as the Ukraine war continues to deteriorate, talk by western leaders continues to call for a deeper commitment on the part of NATO & the US. Calls for using NATO & US weaponry inside Russian territory is now commonplace. Some are calling for boots on the ground. These incremental steps could very well spin out of control and lead to World War III. Russia has threatened to use nuclear weapons in response.

Look around you, in particular, our youth. Do you get the feeling that we would be up to such a task? I don’t. I see a lot of young men that are completely out of shape physically, mentally and emotionally. Add to that the intense divisions, and many probably question if this country is even worth fighting for.

Whatever the case, we are living in very dangerous times.


31 05 2024
Timothy D. Naegele

Thank you, Ray, as always. I agree completely. These are very dangerous times; and most Americans have no idea that a draft might be reinstituted. Also, that would take time, and would not happen overnight.

World War II-like patriotism does not exist. Quite to the contrary, we are torn asunder. And unlike the period after 9/11 when the country came together, I do not see it happening.

Tragically, the Democrats (e.g., Alvin Bragg) are gleeful about what they just pulled off with respect to Trump. And their goal now is to “drive the nails into the coffin” — his, and those of his supporters. It is truly bizarre.

I have a dear friend — a Hispanic retired engineer — who asked today after the verdict: “Where Is the GOP outrage?” And he is angry. Black voters have been moving in the direction of Trump; and they may relate to the injustices of his verdict, and move even more.

Next, Trump is overweight; he survived a bout of Covid already; and he is under incredible stress. How much can a human body take before it ceases to function positively?

See also (“What OTHER criminal cases does Trump face?”) and (“Dershowitz: Trump Needs to Fire His Lawyers”)

Lastly, will all of this give rise to a country of Nihilists, where no one truly cares about anything? Today, a majority of American voters are Independents, which is what I have been since I left the Senate. And yes, George Washington is our only Independent president thus far.

See (“Independent voter”)


31 05 2024


We have a new Great Divide found throughout America. The Left and the Right now hate each other all the more. This miscarriage of justice has further damaged the entire country. Now, no trial can possibly heal the growing divide between political extremes.  What’s more, there could easily be violence going forward. Its become, as they say, quite “personal”. The build-up to civil disorder is not unlike the years immediately preceding the Civil War under another really bad president, James Buchanan.

In the future, Red States and Blue States alike can be expected to selectively nullify any Federal Law with which they politically disagree with. End result, no more union and as we now see, no more “rule of law” either. Historically, this spells curtains for any Republic, as it did for Rome so long ago. WE are now visibly a very corrupt nation and the rest of the world well knows it too. Not Ugly America, just dirty Americans. A secular America can no longer assume that “God is on Our Side”.

Donald Trump is really not a tough guy after all. In-fact, Donald Trump strikes me as more of a Great Dane than a doberman. Yes, The Donald has a loud bark but often, no real bite. This is in-spite of his public persona as exemplified in his reality show, The Apprentice with the tagline: “you’re fired”.   What Donald Trump had in abundance was the ability to make a deal. Donald Trump, the deal maker, was a good president largely because of his unique ability to make others (mostly foreign leaders) want to cooperate.  Unfortunately, Donald Trump proved time and time again to be a poor judge of character. He paid Stormy Daniels to keep quiet. She then talked and betrayed him for money, again. ( Donald Trump should demand his money back ). Once again the hard lesson proves so true: Money can’t buy you love. Neither can money buy you loyalty, an increasingly rare commodity in today’s world of vested self-interests.   

H. Craig Bradley


31 05 2024
Timothy D. Naegele

Thank you, Craig. Yes, it’s chaos on multiple fronts, none of which inure to the long-term best interests of the USA or Americans.

The Democrats have exposed what they are, and why some of us left the party decades ago: they are Evil, personified. The GOP is incompetent — and comprised of Neanderthals — or it would be fighting back.


31 05 2024

The GOP is not unlike Pope Francis and the Vatican. The Communist Chinese have paid-off all our key politicans, both Key Governors, Senators, and Congressmen and everyone else at lower levels just “follow their own nose”, sic. follow the money. Greed, graft, betrayals and corruption are now the American Way. Very Ugly indeed! Sow the wind, reap the whirlwind.


31 05 2024
Timothy D. Naegele

Thank you again, Craig. As I have said many times here, Hollywood (where I grew up) and Washington, D.C. (where I worked nonstop for 21 years) are Sodom and Gomorrah reincarnated. Lesser centers in the country take their cues from how Washington and Hollywood “perform.”

Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. This is true of the other countries and power centers of the world. Perhaps the best example is Vladimir Putin and Russia. As a KGB agent in the DDR (or East Germany), he learned how to kill, which he has perfected to a fine art. Tragically, the innocents of Ukraine have learned that in spades, with possibly even worse yet to come if brain-dead Joe Biden and his cronies push Putin into attacks on NATO countries.


31 05 2024

370,000 acres + 100% of Smithfield Foods, our largest pork producer outside of Washington D.c. LOL

H.Craig Bradley


3 06 2024
Timothy D. Naegele

Boycott Alvin Bragg’s Lawyers!

Every American and every American business should boycott the law firm of Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher for representing the demonic prosecutor Alvin Bragg! (“Judicial Watch Statement on the Trump Verdict”)


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