It’s Coming To America’s Shores, In Spades

23 11 2023

  By Timothy D. Naegele[1]

If anyone thinks that our wars in Ukraine and the Middle East will not reach our shores, they are naive.  The FBI reported that a vehicle exploded at the Niagara Falls bridge connecting the USA and Canada.[2]. Our southern border has been “porous” beyond all reckoning, allowing the Mexican cartels to bring in life-ending Fentanyl from our adversary China, as well as engaging in human trafficking, slavery and the sale of harvested human organs.

Crime is omnipresent in our country today; and Leftist prosecutors and judges release repeat offenders with barely a slap on their wrists.  China is poised to overrun Taiwan, potentially incarcerating American citizens there, as it has enslaved more than a million Uyghurs and others in “concentration camps,” or killed them outright.  Our enemies do not play by “Marquess of Queensberry” rules.[3]  The advent of Covid from China is one shining example of that, which keeps on mutating and spreading.

The good news on this blessed Thanksgiving Day is that more and more Americans—of all colors, faiths and ethnic backgrounds—are standing up and saying enough is enough.  While chaos may be coming to our shores, it is being met by the indefatigable American spirit of never giving up.  We wouldn’t be a country today without that spirit, and God, thrusting us forward against all odds.


© 2023, Timothy D. Naegele


[1]  Timothy D. Naegele was counsel to the United States Senate’s Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, and chief of staff to Presidential Medal of Freedom and Congressional Gold Medal recipient and former U.S. Senator Edward W. Brooke (R-Mass).  See, e.g., Timothy D. Naegele Resume-21-8-6  and  He has an undergraduate degree in economics from the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), as well as two law degrees from the School of Law (Boalt Hall), University of California, Berkeley, and from Georgetown University.  He served as a Captain in the U.S. Army during the Vietnam War, assigned to the Defense Intelligence Agency at The Pentagon, where he received the Joint Service Commendation Medal (see, e.g.,  Mr. Naegele is an Independent politically; and he is listed in Who’s Who in America, Who’s Who in American Law, and Who’s Who in Finance and Business.  He has written extensively over the years (see, e.g., and, and studied photography with Ansel Adams.  He can be contacted directly at

[2]  See (“Vehicle explodes at Niagara Falls bridge connecting US and Canada, FBI says”); but see (“Kathy Hochul says there is ‘no indications of terror attack’ at Canada border – as new footage shows speeding car hit reservation and soar through the air before exploding: Two killed including ‘driver who was casino player who crossed border to gamble'”)

[3]  See, e.g., (“Marquess of Queensberry Rules”)

Will Victoria Be A Model Of Healing, Reconciliation And Hope?

14 11 2023

  By Timothy D. Naegele[1]

Few Americans have ever heard of Victoria, Texas, much less been there.  The wider world probably thinks any mention of this pint-sized town is utter nonsense, especially given all of the chaos that is swirling about us.  Yet, to understand how the residents of Victoria have come together after its only mosque was burned to the ground speaks volumes about Man’s humanity toward our fellow beings.

In four days, 21,000 Americans donated more than $1 million to rebuild the mosque, which was not insured in the event of fire.[2]  But that was only the beginning of love and reconciliation, which might spread far beyond Victoria.  To its credit, PBS aired a special about what has happened in the town, which is worth watching in its entirety.[3]

Our news is saturated with stories about the tragic war in Israel, which may spawn a greater conflagration—approximating or metastasizing into World War III.  Vladimir Putin’s war in Ukraine, and Xi Jinping’s moves vis-a-vis Taiwan and beyond, are downright scary and mind-boggling for most to comprehend, much less absorb.

To find “good news” each day, certainly on a global scale, is a time-consuming search, which most Americans and citizens of other countries gave up trying to do long ago.  Covid hit us.  Then, crime and the closing of long-established businesses, and the loss of jobs.  And rising prices for almost everything, and budgets stretched beyond the breaking point.  And frictions between religions and economic classes—the “haves” versus “have nots”—coupled with racial hatreds, divisions and animosities.

Many Americans have chosen to tune out bad news by watching sports, and hoping that their team wins, or is not too much of a embarrassment.  Will the “good news” from Victoria remain true, or is it a fanciful facade that will evaporate over time?  Let us pray that it endures, and shines a bright light and beacon of hope on our lives and the wider world.


© 2023, Timothy D. Naegele


[1]  Timothy D. Naegele was counsel to the United States Senate’s Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, and chief of staff to Presidential Medal of Freedom and Congressional Gold Medal recipient and former U.S. Senator Edward W. Brooke (R-Mass).  See, e.g., Timothy D. Naegele Resume-21-8-6  and  He has an undergraduate degree in economics from the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), as well as two law degrees from the School of Law (Boalt Hall), University of California, Berkeley, and from Georgetown University.  He served as a Captain in the U.S. Army during the Vietnam War, assigned to the Defense Intelligence Agency at The Pentagon, where he received the Joint Service Commendation Medal (see, e.g.,  Mr. Naegele is an Independent politically; and he is listed in Who’s Who in America, Who’s Who in American Law, and Who’s Who in Finance and Business.  He has written extensively over the years (see, e.g., and, and studied photography with Ansel Adams.  He can be contacted directly at

Veterans Day 2023

10 11 2023

  By Timothy D. Naegele[1]

America’s holidays come and go, with Easter, the Fourth of July, Memorial Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year’s being among the most popular of all.[2]. Today we celebrate Veterans Day, which may have more significance this year than most Americans realize.  We may be on the cusp of regional wars in Ukraine, Israel and the Pacific, which might morph into World War III—and affect our lives, our children’s lives and grandchildren’s lives in ways we never imagined.[3]

Those who have served in our military, and fought in our foreign wars, deserve our deepest gratitude and recognition.  They have known hardships and sacrifices that most Americans cannot fathom.  And yes, a growing number have been women.  Today, our military is comprised of all colors, faiths and backgrounds—truly representing a United Nations of the world’s peoples.[4]  And more Americans may join their ranks, by choice or conscription.[5]

If China is going to attack us—and the same thing is true of its allies, Vladimir Putin’s Russia and Kim Jong-un’s North Korea—it will likely occur while brain-addled Joe Biden is the President.  Also, somehow the Democrats must retain control over the levers of American decision making and power, or they may become the victims of it, assuming that Donald Trump is reelected next year.

Pearl Harbor and 9-11 were considered to be aberrations: attacks that never should have happened if America had been alert.  If our enemies strike soon, where and how may it happen?  Will they use “Weapons of Mass Destruction,” or WMDs, such as a nation-ending EMP Attack?[6]  Biden is not Franklin D. Roosevelt, who was intelligent, politically-savvy and courageous.  Does America have a blind spot today, or many of them, which will cost us dearly?

While we celebrate our veterans today, we must salute those who will rise to the occasion in the future.  We need to remain constantly alert and vigilant, so the attacks on Pearl Harbor and 9-11 do not recur—or even worse.



© 2023, Timothy D. Naegele


[1]  Timothy D. Naegele was counsel to the United States Senate’s Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, and chief of staff to Presidential Medal of Freedom and Congressional Gold Medal recipient and former U.S. Senator Edward W. Brooke (R-Mass).  See, e.g., Timothy D. Naegele Resume-21-8-6  and  He has an undergraduate degree in economics from the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), as well as two law degrees from the School of Law (Boalt Hall), University of California, Berkeley, and from Georgetown University.  He served as a Captain in the U.S. Army during the Vietnam War, assigned to the Defense Intelligence Agency at The Pentagon, where he received the Joint Service Commendation Medal (see, e.g.,  Mr. Naegele is an Independent politically; and he is listed in Who’s Who in America, Who’s Who in American Law, and Who’s Who in Finance and Business.  He has written extensively over the years (see, e.g., and, and studied photography with Ansel Adams.  He can be contacted directly at

[2]  See, e.g., (“Public holidays in the United States”)

[3]  See, e.g., (“Why Every American Should Be Deeply Concerned About The Wars In Israel And Ukraine”); see also (“Who Are America’s Veterans?”)

[4]  See, e.g., (“America: A Rich Tapestry Of Life”)

[5]  See (“Why Every American Should Be Deeply Concerned About The Wars In Israel And Ukraine”)

[6]  See (“EMP Attack: Only 30 Million Americans Survive”)

Does Anyone Trust Joe Biden And His Democrats To Get Us Out Of This Mess?

31 05 2023

  By Timothy D. Naegele[1]

After all, they got us into it.

Our cities are engulfed in crime.  Our police have been demonized.  Illegal aliens have flooded across our borders, along with killer drugs—and killers.  Human traffickers have brought parentless children into our country, to be used and abused sexually.

We are in the midst of a war against Russia, with the Ukrainians as our surrogates.  We are supplying them with weaponry that we might need in a shooting war with China.  Its currency is being adopted globally and might displace the dollar, while its military threatens Taiwan and Japan.

None of this madness and chaos existed some two-plus years ago when Donald Trump was our President.  Yet, in a predetermined master plan, the Democrats have demonized him since he began running for the presidency, using every sinister technique that exists, with any sense of morality having been abandoned on Day One.

Our enemies don’t fear brain-addled Biden; they pity him and us.  Lots of us began as Democrats, but we deserted the party years ago when it veered so far to the Left.[2]


© 2023, Timothy D. Naegele


[1]  Timothy D. Naegele was counsel to the United States Senate’s Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, and chief of staff to Presidential Medal of Freedom and Congressional Gold Medal recipient and former U.S. Senator Edward W. Brooke (R-Mass).  See, e.g., Timothy D. Naegele Resume-21-8-6  and   He has an undergraduate degree in economics from the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), as well as two law degrees from the School of Law (Boalt Hall), University of California, Berkeley, and from Georgetown University.  He served as a Captain in the U.S. Army during the Vietnam War, assigned to the Defense Intelligence Agency at the Pentagon, where he received the Joint Service Commendation Medal (see, e.g.,  Mr. Naegele is an Independent politically; and he is listed in Who’s Who in America, Who’s Who in American Law, and Who’s Who in Finance and Business. He has written extensively over the years (see, e.g., and, and studied photography with Ansel Adams.  He can be contacted directly at

[2]  See also (“Joe Biden Is The World’s Greatest Monster”)

Lots Of Us Began As Democrats . . .

20 03 2023

  By Timothy D. Naegele[1]

. . . but their efforts to eradicate Donald Trump[2], and destroy the America we have loved, are truly evil.  Just as evil as anything that Russia’s Vladimir Putin[3], China’s Xi Jinping[4] and North Korea’s Kim Jong-un[5] have ever contemplated doing. 

John F. Kennedy was killed[6]; and Ronald Reagan came perilously close to dying, after which the Democrats tried to destroy him with Iran Contra.[7]  There are sinister forces afoot that want Trump “eradicated.”  He is an anathema to everything they believe.

One of them is “Special Counsel” Jack Smith, who was appointed by Attorney General Merrick Garland to “get” Donald Trump.  By their very nature, prosecutors have never met innocent “prey.”  They are ruthless, driven and myopic.  Justice does not enter their minds.[8]

Because Trump represents “a clear and present danger” of being reelected as our President, they are doing everything to eliminate that possibility—and nothing to deal with Joe Biden and the Biden Family Crime Syndicate’s actual criminality.[9]

The New York prosecutor Alvin Bragg’s latest efforts to gain fame, and political bona fides, may be illegal ab initio.[10]  But that doesn’t bother him or them.  They are driven, and evil incarnate; and they are merely the latest demonic creatures in the “get Trump” saga that began in 2015 when he announced his run for the presidency.

The corrupt AG Garland authorized the FBI’s raid on Trump’s Mar-a-Lago in Florida; and the U.S. Secret Service “stood aside” and let them rummage through the residence, including former First Lady Melania Trump’s possessions and those of young Barron Trump.  This was outrageous, but it raised the specter of whether the former President will be truly protected against his enemies, both foreign and domestic.[11]

If anything untoward happens to Trump, America will explode.  Vast numbers of Americans hate Biden and his Democrats already.  They believe the last presidential election was stolen; and since then, Biden and his Democrats have defiled our great country in every way imaginable.  No mercy will be shown to them.[12]


© 2023, Timothy D. Naegele


[1]  Timothy D. Naegele was counsel to the United States Senate’s Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, and chief of staff to Presidential Medal of Freedom and Congressional Gold Medal recipient and former U.S. Senator Edward W. Brooke (R-Mass).  See, e.g., Timothy D. Naegele Resume-21-8-6  and   He has an undergraduate degree in economics from the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), as well as two law degrees from the School of Law (Boalt Hall), University of California, Berkeley, and from Georgetown University.  He served as a Captain in the U.S. Army during the Vietnam War, assigned to the Defense Intelligence Agency at the Pentagon, where he received the Joint Service Commendation Medal (see, e.g.,  Mr. Naegele is an Independent politically; and he is listed in Who’s Who in America, Who’s Who in American Law, and Who’s Who in Finance and Business. He has written extensively over the years (see, e.g., and, and studied photography with Ansel Adams.  He can be contacted directly at

[2]  See, e.g., (“Will Donald Trump Be Killed By The Democrats?”)

[3]  See, e.g., (“When Will Putin Die?”) and (“If Anyone Doubts That America Is On The Verge Of A Two-Front War, They May Be Naive”)

[4]  See, e.g., (“War With China?”)

[5]  See, e.g., (“Will The Little Rocket Man Opt For A Grand Future In North Korea?”)

[6]  See, e.g., (“John F. Kennedy: The Most Despicable President In American History”)

[7]  See, e.g., (“Ronald Reagan and John F. Kennedy: A Question of Character”)

[8]  See (“Justice And The Law Do Not Mix”); see also (“America Is Lawless”)

[9]  See, e.g., (“Guantanamo Bay Needs To Make Ready For The Biden Family Crime Syndicate”)

[10]  See, e.g.,; see also (“Trump insists ‘there was no crime, period’ and now says Manhattan’s DA should be investigated for ‘interfering’ with the election – as White House says ‘we’re watching this’ after ex-president called for protests”)

[11]  See, e.g., (“The “Witch Hunters” Must Be Brought To Justice, Beginning With Evil-Incarnate Merrick Garland”) and (“Gun-toting supporters urged to protect Donald Trump from arrest”)

[12]  Carnivorous Varmint commented on MailOnline:

“The swamp needed a shiny new object to distract from the fact that J6 was a frame up job. The US government is at war with its own people.”

See also  (“Who Controls America?”) and (“The Tragedy That Is America Today”) and (“Are We Heading Toward The Great Depression II And World War III?”) and (“The Search For Sanity Amidst So Much Insanity”)

Can We Coexist with Asia’s Communists?

20 06 2020

  By Timothy D. Naegele[1]

Pat Buchanan—an adviser to Presidents Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan and Gerald Ford, and a former GOP presidential aspirant himself—has written in an article with this title:

Wednesday, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo met for seven hours at Hickam Air Force Base in Hawaii with the chief architect of China’s foreign policy, Yang Jiechi.

The two had much to talk about.

As The Washington Post reports, the “bitterly contentious relationship” between our two countries has “reached the lowest point in almost half a century.” Not since Nixon went to China have relations been so bad.

Early this week, Chinese and Indian soldiers fought with rocks, sticks and clubs along the Himalayan truce line that dates back to their 1962 war. Twenty Indian soldiers died, some pushed over a cliff into a freezing river in the highest-casualty battle between the Asian giants in decades.

Among the issues surely raised with Pompeo by the Chinese is the growing bipartisan vilification of China and its ruling Communist Party by U.S. politicians the closer we come to November.

The U.S. has been putting China in the dock for concealing information on the coronavirus virus until it had spread, lying about it, and then letting Wuhan residents travel to the outside world while quarantining them inside China.

In America, it has become good politics to be tough on China.

The reasons are many.

High among them are the huge trade deficits with China that led to an historic deindustrialization of America, China’s emergence as the world’s first industrial power, and a U.S. dependency on Chinese imports for the vital necessities of our national life.

Then there is the systematic theft of intellectual property from U.S. companies in China and Beijing’s deployment of thousands of student-spies into U.S. colleges and universities to steal security secrets.

Then there is the suppression of Christianity, the denial of rights to the people of Tibet and the discovery of an archipelago of concentration camps in western China to “reeducate” Muslim Uighurs and Kazakhs to turn them into more loyal and obedient subjects.

Among the strategic concerns of Pompeo: China’s fortification of islets, rocks and reefs in the South China Sea and use of its warships to drive Vietnamese, Malaysian, Indonesian and Philippine fishing vessels out of their own territorial waters that China now claims.

Another worry for Pompeo: China’s buildup of medium- and intermediate-range ballistic missiles, a nuclear arsenal not contained or covered by the Cold War arms agreements between Russia and the United States.

Then there were those provocative voyages by a Chinese aircraft carrier through the Taiwan Strait to intimidate Taipei and show Beijing’s hostility toward the recently reelected pro-U.S. government on the island.

Finally, there are China’s growing restrictions on the freedoms the people of Hong Kong have enjoyed under the Basic Law negotiated with the United Kingdom when the territory was ceded back to Beijing in 1997.

Also on the menu at Hickam was almost surely the new bellicosity out of Pyongyang. This week, the building in Kaesong, just inside North Korea, where bilateral peace talks have been held between the two Koreas, was blown up by the North. With the explosion came threats from the North to send combat troops back into positions they had vacated along the DMZ.

The rhetoric out of the North against South Korean President Moon Jae-in, coming from the 32-year-old sister of North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un, the rising star of the regime, Kim Yo Jong, has been scalding.

In a statement this week, Kim Yo Jong derided Moon as a flunky of the Americans: “It is our fixed judgment that it is no longer possible to discuss the North-South ties with such a servile partner engaging only in disgrace and self-ruin, being soaked by deep-rooted flunkyism.”

North Korea’s state media published photos of the destruction of the joint liaison office. Pyongyang is shutting off communications with Seoul, and a frustrated South looks to be ginning up and reciprocating.

The North-South detente appears dead, and President Trump’s special relationship with Kim Jong Un may not be far behind.

There are rumors of a renewal of nuclear weapons and long-range missile tests by the North, suspension of which was one of the diplomatic achievements of Trump.

Whether Trump’s cherished trade deal with China can survive the growing iciness between the two nations remains to be seen.

What the Chinese seem to be saying with their actions — against India, Vietnam, Malaysia, Indonesia, the Philippines, Taiwan, Australia, Hong Kong and Japan — is this: Your American friends and allies are yesterday. We are tomorrow. The future of Asia belongs to us. Deal with it!

No one should want a hot war, or a new cold war, with China or North Korea.

But if Trump was relying on his special relationships with Kim Jong Un and Xi Jinping, his trade deal with China and his commitment by Kim to give up nuclear weapons for recognition, trade and aid, he will have to think again.

For the foreseeable future, Communist bellicosity out of Beijing and Pyongyang seem in the cards, if not worse.[2]

As I have written:

China launched the Coronavirus, intentionally (as a bioweapon) or inadvertently; and many would argue that it must pay reparations or restitution to the world for having done so, which would likely run into trillions of dollars.

Also, a global boycott of anything and everything from China may ensue, as Americans and their counterparts abroad “vote” with their pocketbooks against the suffering that China unleashed.[3]

Second, the only thing that China and North Korea respect is power.  Donald Trump has provided the leadership vis-à-vis both countries that they have not witnessed in decades.  Now is the time to turn the screws even tighter, not to lessen them.  And American and global consumers must be galvanized to boycott China’s exports.


Chinese dragon


© 2020, Timothy D. Naegele

[1]  Timothy D. Naegele was counsel to the United States Senate’s Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, and chief of staff to Presidential Medal of Freedom and Congressional Gold Medal recipient and former U.S. Senator Edward W. Brooke (R-Mass). He and his firm, Timothy D. Naegele & Associates, specialize in Banking and Financial Institutions Law, Internet Law, Litigation and other matters (see and Timothy D. Naegele Resume-20-5-11). He has an undergraduate degree in economics from the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), as well as two law degrees from the School of Law (Boalt Hall), University of California, Berkeley, and from Georgetown University. He served as a Captain in the U.S. Army, assigned to the Defense Intelligence Agency at the Pentagon, where he received the Joint Service Commendation Medal (see, e.g., Mr. Naegele is an Independent politically; and he is listed in Who’s Who in America, Who’s Who in American Law, and Who’s Who in Finance and Business. He has written extensively over the years (see, e.g., and, and can be contacted directly at

[2]  See (“Can We Coexist with Asia’s Communists?”)

[3]  See (“The Coronavirus And Similar Global Issues: How To Address Them”); see also Timothy D. Naegele, The Coronavirus and Similar Global Issues: How to Address Them, 137 BANKING L. J. 285 (June 2020) (Naegele June 2020) (Timothy D. Naegele) [NOTE: To download The Banking Law Journal article, please click on the link to the left of this note] and (“Coexistence With China Or War?”) 

Will The Little Rocket Man Opt For A Grand Future In North Korea?

27 12 2019

  By Timothy D. Naegele[1]

Pat Buchanan—an adviser to Presidents Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan and Gerald Ford, and a former GOP presidential aspirant himself—has written an article entitled “Is ‘Little Rocket Man’ Winning?”:

As of Dec. 26, Kim Jong Un’s “Christmas gift” to President Donald Trump had not arrived. Most foreign policy analysts predict it will be a missile test more impressive than any Pyongyang has yet carried off.

What is Kim’s game? What does Kim want?

He cannot want war with the United States, as this could result in the annihilation of the Kim family dynasty that has ruled North Korea since World War II. Kim is all about self-preservation.

What he appears to want in his confrontation with Trump is a victory without war. In the near-term, Kim seeks three things: recognition of his regime as the legitimate government of North Korea and its acceptance in all the forums of the world, trade and an end to all U.S. and U.N. sanctions, and a nuclear arsenal sufficient to deter a U.S. attack, including missiles that can strike U.S. bases in South Korea, Japan, Guam, and the Western Pacific. And he seeks the capability to deliver a nuclear warhead on the U.S. mainland.

Nor is this last goal unreasonable from Kim’s vantage point.

For he knows what became of the two other nations of George W. Bush’s “axis of evil” that failed to develop nuclear weapons.

Saddam Hussein’s Iraq was invaded, and he was hanged and his sons hunted down and killed.

The Ayatollah’s Iran negotiated a 2015 nuclear deal with America and opened up its nuclear facilities to intrusive inspections to show that Tehran did not have a nuclear weapons program.

Trump came to power, trashed the deal, reimposed sanctions and is choking Iran to death.

Moammar Gadhafi surrendered his WMD in 2004 and opened up his production facilities. And in 2011, the U.S. attacked Libya and Gadhafi was lynched by a mob.

Contrast the fate of these regimes and rulers with the Kim family’s success. His father, Kim Jong Il, tested nuclear weapons and missiles in defiance of U.S. warnings, and now the son is invited to summits with the U.S. president in Singapore and Hanoi.

If Kim did not have nuclear weapons, would American presidents be courting him? Would U.S. secretaries of state be visiting Pyongyang? If Kim did not have nuclear weapons who would pay the least attention to the Hermit Kingdom?

Undeniably, with his promised “Christmas gift,” possibly a missile capable of hitting the U.S., Kim is pushing the envelope. He is taunting the Americans. We have told him what he must do. And he is telling us where we can go.

But by so doing, Kim has put the ball squarely in Trump’s court.

The question Trump faces: Is he prepared to accept North Korea joining Russia and China as a third adversarial power with the ability to launch a nuclear strike on the continental United States?

And if U.S. sanctions are insufficient to force Kim to “denuclearize,” as seems apparent, is Trump prepared to force him to do so? Is Trump prepared to use “fire and fury” to remove Kim’s nukes?

With 28,500 U.S. troops and thousands of U.S. citizens in South Korea, many within artillery range of the DMZ, is Trump prepared to risk a clash that could ignite a second Korean War in the election year 2020?

Is the president prepared for whatever that might bring?

How does this confrontation play out?

A guess: The U.S. has lived with North Korea’s nuclear weapons for a decade, and Trump is not going to risk a second Korean conflict with a military attack on Kim’s nuclear and missile arsenals. Kim Jong Un and his father have created a new reality in Korea, and we are going to have to live with it.

Where does East Asia go from here?

South Korea has twice the population of the North and an economy 40 times as large. Japan has a population five times that of North Korea and an economy 100 times as large.

If the U.S. treaty guarantees, dating to the 1950s, to fight for these two nations come into question as a result of America’s reluctance to face down Pyongyang more forcibly on its nuclear arsenal, these nations are almost certain to start considering all options for their future security.

Among these are building their own nuclear arsenals and closer ties to the one nation that has shown it can discipline North Korea — China.

Much is on the line here.

Kim’s challenge is ultimately about the credibility of the United States, which has treaty commitments and issued war guarantees to scores of nations in NATO Europe, the Mideast and East Asia, but whose people have zero interest in any new war, especially a second Korean War.

If the world sees that America is reluctant to face down, or fight a North Korea that is threatening us, will they retain the old confidence that the United States will risk war for them?

What Kim is undermining is not just U.S. security but U.S. credibility.[2] 

Buchanan has neglected to mention several vital issues.

First, President Trump essentially guaranteed Kim Jong-un and North Korea a bright future if it joined the “family of nations” and did not expand its nuclear arsenal.  In other words, Kim might “have his cake and eat it too.”  

Second, there is no question that the totally-despicable congressional Democrats have harmed America’s standing around the globe by pursuing their goal of impeaching the President.  This was initiated and set in motion by the un-American racist and anti-Semite Barack Obama, who must be prosecuted for treason and his other crimes, and imprisoned at the very least.  Otherwise, no American should ever believe in our system of justice again.[3]

Third, China and Russia are pursuing policies that are at odds with those of the United States, and playing their Kim Jong-un/North Korean cards in the process, with the aim of producing a united front at a time of perceived weakness on the part of our President because of the impeachment efforts.  With the President’s reelection next year and/or the end of the impeachment “sham,” all three nations may be much more willing to cut deals with the United States, which are in our best interests. 



© 2019, Timothy D. Naegele

[1]  Timothy D. Naegele was counsel to the United States Senate’s Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, and chief of staff to Presidential Medal of Freedom and Congressional Gold Medal recipient and former U.S. Senator Edward W. Brooke (R-Mass). He and his firm, Timothy D. Naegele & Associates, specialize in Banking and Financial Institutions Law, Internet Law, Litigation and other matters (see and He has an undergraduate degree in economics from the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), as well as two law degrees from the School of Law (Boalt Hall), University of California, Berkeley, and from Georgetown University. He served as a Captain in the U.S. Army, assigned to the Defense Intelligence Agency at the Pentagon, where he received the Joint Service Commendation Medal (see, e.g., Mr. Naegele is an Independent politically; and he is listed in Who’s Who in America, Who’s Who in American Law, and Who’s Who in Finance and Business. He has written extensively over the years (see, e.g.,, and can be contacted directly at

[2]  See; see also (“China Is America’s Enemy, And The Enemy Of Free People Everywhere”) and (“The Real Russian Conspiracy: Barack Obama, The Clintons, And The Sale Of America’s Uranium To Russia’s Killer Putin”) and (“The Death Of Putin And Russia: The Final Chapter Of The Cold War”) and (“The Next Major War: Korea Again?”)

[3]  See, e.g., (“When Will Barack Obama’s Trial For Sedition Begin?”) and (“Barack Obama Is Responsible For America’s Tragic Racial Divide”) and (“Should Barack Obama Be Executed For Treason?”) and (“The Real Russian Conspiracy: Barack Obama, The Clintons, And The Sale Of America’s Uranium To Russia’s Killer Putin”) and (“Is Barack Obama A Racist?”) 

Will The Trump Presidency Conclude In 2025?

10 07 2019

 By Timothy D. Naegele[1]

There are reasons to believe that Donald Trump will be reelected in 2020, and serve another four-year term in office; and that his presidency will end in January of 2025.  If so, America will be changed forever.

Pat Buchanan—an adviser to Presidents Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan and Gerald Ford, and a former GOP presidential aspirant himself—has written an article entitled “Are Democrats Ceding the Center to Trump?”:

Since the Democratic debates in June, the tide seems to have receded for the party and its presidential hopefuls.

In new polls, only Joe Biden leads President Donald Trump comfortably.

The other top-tier candidates — Sens. Bernie Sanders, Kamala Harris and Elizabeth Warren, and Mayor Pete Buttigieg — are running even with Trump, a measurable drop. A Washington Post-ABC poll just found Trump at 47% approval, a new high for his presidency.

Apparently, the more the nation sees of the alternatives to Trump the Democrats have on offer, the better The Donald looks. For Democrats, this is not good, not good at all.

For while Trump has run a daily gauntlet of dreadful media for two years, these Democrats have had only one debate and a few weeks of close coverage.

Between now and the New Hampshire primary, they will be going after one another and receiving a far more thorough vetting by a media in constant search of failings and flaws, especially of front-runners.

Traditionally, all candidates suffer attrition as the primaries come closer. For it is then that their lagging rivals become more desperate in their attacks and the media coverage becomes more intense.

Other problems have now arisen for the Democrats because of the issues that have come to the fore: race, radicalism and the border.

None looks like a winning Democratic issue in November 2020.

The race issue surfaced in the debate when Biden was called out by Harris for his professed friendships with segregationist senators like Herman Talmadge and James O. Eastland, and for Joe’s impassioned public resistance to the court-ordered bussing of black and white children for racial balance in the public schools of the 1970s.

Harris defended bussing as a necessary remedy to segregation and added that, as a “little girl,” she had been a beneficiary.

If your friends like Eastland had their way, said Harris, I would not be here in the Senate. For days, the issue dogged Biden, who, last weekend, apologized for any “hurt” he caused.

Biden seems to have recovered most of the ground lost from Harris’ attack. But that this racially charged issue threw him on the defensive for weeks assures it will be raised again by opponents to trip up the front-runner.

Another issue certain to come up in future debates, and in the South Carolina primary where 61% of the Democratic vote is African American, is reparations for slavery.

Several candidates have already endorsed a commission to study reparations, and Biden and every other candidate will have to take a stand.

Yet, recent polls show that Americans, by 2-1, are opposed to paying reparations for a system of slavery that was abolished 150 years ago.

Bottom line: If the 2020 campaign becomes a conversation about reparations for slavery and the bussing of white kids from the suburbs into inner-city schools to achieve greater integration, the Democrats will be in a world of hurt.

On border security, indispensable to Trump in 2016, Democrats in the debates came out for ending criminal detention of people invading our country and for providing free health care for migrants who successfully break into the USA.

Detesting ICE as they do, and supporting sanctuary cities, left-wing Democrats routinely describe the Border Patrol as neo-fascists who run “concentration camps” where migrant children are forced to drink toilet water. The Democrats are becoming an open borders party.

What is their solution to the hundreds of thousands of migrants who annually arrive at our borders? Foreign aid. They want to create a Marshall Plan for Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador so refugees will stay home rather than come to the USA for the health care Democrats will provide at taxpayer expense.

Among other ideas advocated by leading Democratic candidates:

Free college for all, cancellation of all student loan debt, Medicare for All, an end to private health insurance and the companies that provide it, the abolition of the Electoral College, expansion of the Supreme Court to 15 justices, the abolition of ICE, a phase-out all fossil fuels for a carbon neutral country, and repeal of all Trump tax cuts.

What is causing the moderate Democrats to adopt what they used to regard as radical positions? The party base, which votes in primaries and is further left than it has ever been.

Also pulling the party leftward is Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and her sisters in Congress who receive extensive and indulgent media coverage and have a powerful following among millennials.

What the Democratic Party is risking today — and what many of its leaders recognize — is that it will be pulled so far outside the mainstream of American politics in the nomination battle, that its nominee will not be able to make it back close enough to the center to win.

If the Democratic Party, as its alternative to Trump, decides to run on this radical new agenda, America will punish that hubris with a second term for Trump.[2]

It is likely that the Biden candidacy will collapse for a myriad of reasons, not the least of which he is prone to gaffes and mistakes that are seemingly unforgivable.  He may be shown to be an utter buffoon, sooner rather than later; and the fact that his son Hunter has been embroiled in scandals, linked to his father, may only compound his problems.[3]

Bernie Sanders is authentic, albeit a true socialist not unlike Karl Marx; and his only viable chance of getting the Democratic Party’s nomination may have died in 2016, at the hands of Hillary Clinton and her thugs.  Did Sanders deserve to be the party’s nominee?  Probably so, but he was robbed of it then, as history will attest.

Kamala Harris’ political career began as former San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown’s ho.  And having been nurtured while “working” on her back, this may forever define her credentials as a candidate for higher offices.  The fact that California’s Leftist voters let her “skate” speaks volumes about what has happened in this once-great and proud State.[4]

Elizabeth “Pocahontas” Warren, who lied repeatedly about her native-American heritage, is going nowhere fast.[5]  Like the remainder of the pygmies and societal misfits who are running for their party’s nomination, they are likely to join the growing ranks of ignominity.[6]  And yes, lots of us began as Democrats, but will never vote for one again.

Pat Buchanan is correct that race, radicalism and “the border” are likely to be in the minds of Americans as they approach and vote in next year’s elections.  Crime, abortions and a plethora of other issues will affect their decisions too, but Buchanan may be correct when he concluded:

What the Democratic Party is risking today — and what many of its leaders recognize — is that it will be pulled so far outside the mainstream of American politics in the nomination battle, that its nominee will not be able to make it back close enough to the center to win.

If the Democratic Party, as its alternative to Trump, decides to run on this radical new agenda, America will punish that hubris with a second term for Trump.[7]

The Left’s efforts to radicalize America must be stopped in their tracks.  Our borders must be closed tight, except to those who come here legally[8]. Sanctuary cities and other lawlessness must be eradicated.

Those who are in our great country illegally must be rooted out and deported summarily.  Violent groups like Antifa must be designated as terrorist groups, and dealt with harshly.  Eco-Nazis must be repudiated; and the hoax of man-made “global warming” must be exposed for what it is.[9]

Abortions must be treated as Infanticide, with criminal consequences ensuing for all involved.  Our Electoral College must be respected and adhered to, not cheapened or discarded.  All student loan debt must be paid back, not forgiven.

Radical judges who seek to legislate from the bench must be removed, and replaced with those who will follow the law, not discard it. Those who sought to destroy the candidacy or the presidency of Donald Trump must be prosecuted and imprisoned for treason, at the very least.

And the list goes on and on.

. . .

Lastly, will Bill Clinton’s flights on Jeffrey Epstein’s “Lolita Express” jet—allegedly 26 times, involving the sexual trafficking of young girls—affect the Democratic Party’s election chances?[10]

© 2019, Timothy D. Naegele

[1]  Timothy D. Naegele was counsel to the United States Senate’s Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, and chief of staff to Presidential Medal of Freedom and Congressional Gold Medal recipient and former U.S. Senator Edward W. Brooke (R-Mass). He and his firm, Timothy D. Naegele & Associates, specialize in Banking and Financial Institutions Law, Internet Law, Litigation and other matters (see and Timothy D. Naegele Resume-19-4-29). He has an undergraduate degree in economics from the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), as well as two law degrees from the School of Law (Boalt Hall), University of California, Berkeley, and from Georgetown University. He served as a Captain in the U.S. Army, assigned to the Defense Intelligence Agency at the Pentagon, where he received the Joint Service Commendation Medal (see, e.g., Mr. Naegele is an Independent politically; and he is listed in Who’s Who in America, Who’s Who in American Law, and Who’s Who in Finance and Business. He has written extensively over the years (see, e.g.,, and can be contacted directly at

[2]  See; see also (“Abortions And Gay Rights Are Not American Values”)

[3]  See, e.g., (“Hunter Biden”)

[4]  See (“Willie Brown’s Mistress Runs For America’s Presidency”); see also (“Texafornia: America’s Future?”) and (“THE DEATH OF SAN FRANCISCO?“) and (“53 percent of Californians want to leave the state, according to new survey”)


[6]  The only exception might be Tulsi Gabbard of Hawaii, who has an impressive background, but she has many years ahead of her; and she can be viewed as a far-Left Democrat too.

See (“Tulsi”)

[7]  As I stated previously:

Liberalism and its counterparts in the far-Left beliefs and actions of the United States are an equal threat to America’s future [vis-à-vis our external enemies such as Russia’s dictator-for-life Vladimir Putin].  Whether it be the violent Antifa groups, who seek to silence dissent, or their counterparts in the Democratic Party, today’s radical Leftists are threats to America’s democracy, to its history and heritage, and to all that most Americans hold dear and cherish.

. . .

Perhaps the most vivid example of Liberalism in America today can be summed up in the following facts:

Roe v. Wade unleashed a holocaust of epic proportions, which ranks with the greatest holocausts in human history—including the Nazi Holocaust, Stalin’s Soviet Holocaust and Mao’s Chinese Holocaust.

“Indeed, more human beings have been killed as a result of abortions—since the U.S. Supreme Court handed down its decision in 1973—than in each of the other three holocausts.”

See (“Is Putin Right?”); see also (“Antifa (United States)”) and (“Is Barack Obama A Racist?”) (see also the extensive comments beneath the article) and (“Should Barack Obama Be Executed For Treason?”) and (“The Real Russian Conspiracy: Barack Obama, The Clintons, And The Sale Of America’s Uranium To Russia’s Killer Putin”) and (“DEMOCRATS ARE ANTI-SEMITES”) and (“America’s Newest Civil War: 2017 And Beyond”) and (“Finally, More Abortion Bans Are Coming“) and (“55 Million American Babies Killed Since Roe v. Wade“)

[8]  See (“Illegal Immigration: The Solution Is Simple”) (see also the extensive comments beneath the article)

[9]  See (“A $34 Trillion Swindle: The Shame Of Global Warming”) (see also the extensive comments beneath the article)

[10]  See, e.g., (“Bill Clinton insists he had no idea about Jeffrey Epstein’s ‘terrible crimes'”) and (“President Trump banned Jeffery Epstein from Mar-a-Lago after he sexually assaulted an underage girl”) and (“Clinton Fatigue”)

Is Putin Right?

2 07 2019

 By Timothy D. Naegele[1]

I have been outspoken in my condemnation of Russia’s venomous Vladimir Putin.  Perhaps my article about him on November 29, 2015—entitled “The Death Of Putin And Russia: The Final Chapter Of The Cold War”—summed up my beliefs and yes, hopes, the best:

The death of Russia’s brutal dictator-for-life Vladimir Putin, and the end of Russia, will comprise the final chapter of the Cold War—which began at the end of World War II, and lasted more than 70 years.

. . .

It is estimated that the Soviet Union’s Joseph Stalin was responsible for the deaths of more than 30 million men, women and children—his own countrymen—including millions during the collectivization of the Soviet farms in the 1930s. As the Soviets moved through Germany and captured Berlin at the end of World War II, they raped at least two million German women in what is now acknowledged as the largest case of mass rape in history.

. . .

Putin is a killer, and Stalin’s heir.  After World War II, he came to prominence as a KGB operative in East Germany—or the DDR, as it was known before the collapse of Erich Honecker’s government—which was one of the most repressive regimes in the Soviet Union’s orbit, or the Evil Empire. Following the USSR’s implosion, Putin and his thugs and cronies hijacked Russia’s incipient democracy, and have been exploiting it ever since.

. . .

Russia is crippled as a result of our economic sanctions and the fall of oil prices. By ratcheting up the sanctions even more—such as unilaterally denying Russia access to the SWIFT banking system—Putin and Russia will be in free fall, and in a death spiral from which they will not recover. . . .

Russia is weaker today than the former USSR before it collapsed. It spans nine time zones and includes 160 ethnic groups that speak an estimated 100 languages. It is by no means monolithic, and may crumble “overnight.” Once Putin is gone, Russia may be dismembered—never to rise again—with China taking part (e.g., Siberia, which it covets) and the rest becoming independent states like the former Yugoslavia.

Each of the new states will act in its own best interests, just as has been true in the former Yugoslavia, and among the countries that were spun off from the USSR—which have thrived as part of the West. Putinism will not survive Putin. It will suffer an ignominious death, like its namesake; and constitute a tragic watershed in history, like Adolf Hitler’s “Thousand Year Reich” and Nazism.

Let the celebrations begin. The end is near . . .

As if to add emphasis to my feelings about Putin, the photo at the end of the article was of a corpse.[2]

Yet, Pat Buchanan—an adviser to Presidents Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan and Gerald Ford, and a former GOP presidential aspirant himself—has written in an article entitled “Is Putin Right? Has Liberalism Lost the World?”:

“The liberal idea has become obsolete. … (Liberals) cannot simply dictate anything to anyone as they have been attempting to do over the recent decades.”

Such was the confident claim of Vladimir Putin to the Financial Times on the eve of a G-20 gathering that appeared to validate his thesis.

Consider who commanded all the attention at the Osaka summit.

The main event was Trump’s meeting with China’s Xi Jinping and their agreement to renew trade talks. Xi runs an archipelago of detention camps where China’s Uighur Muslims and its Kazakh minority have their minds coercively “corrected.”

A major media focus at the summit was Trump’s meeting with Putin where he playfully admonished the Russian president not to meddle again in our 2020 election. The two joked about how both are afflicted with a media that generates constant fake news.

At the G-20 class picture, Trump was seen smiling and shaking hands with Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, whom U.S. intelligence says ordered the murder of Washington Post columnist Jamal Khashoggi.

Trump called the prince “a friend” who has done a “spectacular job.”

Trump then left for Seoul, traveled to the DMZ, and crossed into North Korea to shake hands with Kim Jong Un, who runs a police state unrivaled for its repression.

Negotiations on Kim’s nuclear weapons may be back on track.

Among other G-20 leaders present were Hindu nationalist Narendra Modi of India and President Recep Erdogan of Turkey, who has imprisoned tens of thousands following a coup attempt in July 2016.

In his interview with the FT’s Lionel Barber, Putin appeared as much an analyst of, as an advocate for, the nationalism and populism that seems to be succeeding the 20th-century liberalism of the West.

Why is liberalism failing? Several causes, said Putin. Among them, its failure to deal with the crisis of the age: mass and unchecked illegal migration. Putin praised Trump’s efforts to secure the U.S. border:

“This liberal idea has become obsolete. It has come into conflict with the interests of the overwhelming majority of the population. … This liberal idea presupposes that … migrants can kill, plunder and rape with impunity because their rights as migrants have to be protected.”

Putin deplored Chancellor Angela Merkel’s 2015 decision to bring into Germany a million refugees from Syria’s civil war.

His comments came as 10 Democratic candidates in the second presidential primary debate were raising their hands in support of the proposition that breaking into the USA should cease to be a crime and those who succeed in breaking in should be given free health care.

Putin also sees the social excesses of multiculturalism and secularism in the West as representing a failure of liberalism.

In a week where huge crowds celebrated the 50th anniversary of the Stonewall “uprising” in Greenwich Village, as it is now called, with parties and parades, Putin declared:

“Have we forgotten that all of us live in a world based on biblical values? … I am not trying to insult anyone because we have been condemned for our alleged homophobia. But we have no problem with LGBT persons. God forbid, let them live as they wish.”

He added, “But some things do appear excessive to us. They claim now that children can play five or six gender roles.”

Elton John pronounced himself “deeply upset.”

Putin did not back off: “Let everyone be happy … But this must not be allowed to overshadow the culture, traditions and traditional family values of millions of people making up the core population.”

Putin took power, two decades ago, as this 21st century began. In recent years, he has advanced himself not only as a foe of liberalism but a champion of populism, traditionalism and nationalism.

Nor is he hesitant to declare his views regarding U.S. politics.

Of Trump, Putin says, “He is a talented person (who) knows very well what his voters expect of him. … Trump looked into his opponent’s attitude toward him and saw changes in American society.”

Recalling his own controversial comment that the collapse of the Soviet Union was the greatest tragedy of the 20th century, Putin said the tragedy was not the death of Communism but the shattering of the Russian Federation into 15 separate nations.

The tragedy was the “dispersal of ethnic Russians” across the newly independent successor states of the Soviet Union: “25 million ethnic Russians found themselves living outside the Russian Federation. … Is this not a tragedy? A huge one! And family relations? Jobs? Travel? It was nothing but a disaster.”

What may be said of Putin?

He is no Stalin, no Communist ideologue, but rather a Russian nationalist who seeks the return of her lost peoples to the Motherland, and, seeing his country as a great power, wants NATO out of his front yard.

While we have issues with him on arms control, Iran and Venezuela, we have a common interest in avoiding a war with this nuclear-armed nation as we did with the far more menacing Soviet Empire of the Cold War.[3]

I have not changed my opinion of Putin, but believe that Liberalism and its counterparts in the far-Left beliefs and actions of the United States are an equal threat to America’s future.  Whether it be the violent Antifa groups, who seek to silence dissent[4], or their counterparts in the Democratic Party, today’s radical Leftists are threats to America’s democracy, to its history and heritage, and to all that most Americans hold dear and cherish.  And yes, lots of us began as Democrats, but will never vote for one again.

Perhaps the traitorous, racist, anti-Semite Barack Obama fractured the American fabric more than any single person in our history.  He grew up in Hawaii and Indonesia, and never lived on the U.S. mainland until he attended Occidental College in Los Angeles.  A window into his “soul” is best understood by reading his book, “Dreams from My Father,” which is shocking.  Indeed, the book was summarized—with direct quotes and page cites—in the first article that was published in this blog.[5]

Many Americans believe that he should be in prison today—at the very least—for trying to destroy the Trump candidacy and then the Trump presidency.[6]  Perhaps the most vivid example of Liberalism in America today can be summed up in the following facts:

Roe v. Wade unleashed a holocaust of epic proportions, which ranks with the greatest holocausts in human history—including the Nazi Holocaust, Stalin’s Soviet Holocaust and Mao’s Chinese Holocaust.

Indeed, more human beings have been killed as a result of abortions—since the U.S. Supreme Court handed down its decision in 1973—than in each of the other three holocausts.[7]

This is the gift of death that Liberals and the far-Left keep giving to Americans each and every day.

© 2019, Timothy D. Naegele

[1]  Timothy D. Naegele was counsel to the United States Senate’s Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, and chief of staff to Presidential Medal of Freedom and Congressional Gold Medal recipient and former U.S. Senator Edward W. Brooke (R-Mass). He and his firm, Timothy D. Naegele & Associates, specialize in Banking and Financial Institutions Law, Internet Law, Litigation and other matters (see and Timothy D. Naegele Resume-19-4-29). He has an undergraduate degree in economics from the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), as well as two law degrees from the School of Law (Boalt Hall), University of California, Berkeley, and from Georgetown University. He served as a Captain in the U.S. Army, assigned to the Defense Intelligence Agency at the Pentagon, where he received the Joint Service Commendation Medal (see, e.g., Mr. Naegele is an Independent politically; and he is listed in Who’s Who in America, Who’s Who in American Law, and Who’s Who in Finance and Business. He has written extensively over the years (see, e.g.,, and can be contacted directly at

[2]  See (“The Death Of Putin And Russia: The Final Chapter Of The Cold War”).

[3]  See (“Is Putin Right? Has Liberalism Lost the World?”)

[4]  See (“Antifa (United States)”)

[5]  See (“Is Barack Obama A Racist?”) (see also the extensive comments beneath the article)

[6]  See (“Should Barack Obama Be Executed For Treason?”) and (“The Real Russian Conspiracy: Barack Obama, The Clintons, And The Sale Of America’s Uranium To Russia’s Killer Putin”) and (“DEMOCRATS ARE ANTI-SEMITES”) and (“Edward W. Brooke Is Dead”) and (“America’s Newest Civil War: 2017 And Beyond”)

[7]  See (“Finally, More Abortion Bans Are Coming“); see also (“55 Million American Babies Killed Since Roe v. Wade“)

America’s Newest Civil War: 2017 And Beyond

16 05 2017

 By Timothy D. Naegele[1]

During the American Civil War, President Abraham Lincoln suspended the right of habeas corpus.  John Merryman, a state legislator from Maryland, was arrested for attempting to hinder Union troops from moving from Baltimore to Washington, and he was held at Fort McHenry by Union military officials:

Federal judge Roger Taney, the chief justice of the Supreme Court . . . issued a ruling that President Lincoln did not have the authority to suspend habeas corpus. Lincoln didn’t respond, appeal, or order the release of Merryman. But during a July 4 speech, Lincoln was defiant, insisting that he needed to suspend the rules in order to put down the rebellion in the South.[2]

We may be approaching a series of crises in which President Donald Trump will have to act boldly and defiantly, and adopt harsh measures similar to those of Lincoln.

President Trump was elected by the American people.  There are a myriad of persuasive arguments why his opponent, Hillary Clinton, should be indicted, convicted and imprisoned for the rest of her life.[3]  Yet, the drumbeat among Democrats, so-called “progressives” and the far-Left is to destroy the Trump presidency before it has begun.[4]

Many Americans felt just as strongly about the black racist Barack Obama[5], but they did not try to destroy his presidency or advocate his assassination as many in the anti-Trump camp have.  Their seditious, subversive and treasonous conduct strongly suggests that they pose a danger to our system of government. They should be arrested, tried, convicted and imprisoned.

Pat Buchanan—an adviser to Presidents Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan and Gerald Ford, and a former GOP presidential aspirant himself—has written:

Trump is hated by [Washington, D.C.], which gave him 4 percent of its votes, as much as Nixon was. And the deep-state determination to bring him down is as great as it was with Nixon. By 1968, the liberal establishment had lost the mandate it had held since 1933, but not lost its ability to wound and kill [Republican] presidents. Though Nixon won 49 states, that establishment took him down. Though Ronald Reagan won 49 states, that establishment almost took him down in the Iran-Contra affair. And that is the end they have in mind for President Trump.[6]

The United States and the American people are facing threats to our existence, which are unprecedented in our history, far surpassing 9/11 and Pearl Harbor.[7]  We cannot permit the seditious, subversive and treasonous conduct of some to pose a danger to our system of government and way of life.

© 2017, Timothy D. Naegele

[1]  Timothy D. Naegele was counsel to the United States Senate’s Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, and chief of staff to Presidential Medal of Freedom and Congressional Gold Medal recipient and former U.S. Senator Edward W. Brooke (R-Mass). He and his firm, Timothy D. Naegele & Associates, specialize in Banking and Financial Institutions Law, Internet Law, Litigation and other matters (see and He has an undergraduate degree in economics from the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), as well as two law degrees from the School of Law (Boalt Hall), University of California, Berkeley, and from Georgetown University. He served as a Captain in the U.S. Army, assigned to the Defense Intelligence Agency at the Pentagon, where he received the Joint Service Commendation Medal (see, e.g., Mr. Naegele is an Independent politically; and he is listed in Who’s Who in America, Who’s Who in American Law, and Who’s Who in Finance and Business. He has written extensively over the years (see, e.g.,, and can be contacted directly at

[2]  See (“President Lincoln suspends the writ of habeas corpus during the Civil War”)

[3]  See, e.g. (“Clinton Fatigue”)

[4]  See, e.g. (“Impeachment: The Democrats’ Loonies And Wackos Are Frothing At The Mouth”)

[5]  If anyone has any doubts whatsoever that Obama is a racist, please read his book “Dreams from My Father” that sets forth his core black racist beliefs in his own words, which have undergirded his presidency.

See (“Is Barack Obama A Racist?“)

[6]  See (“Comey & The Saturday Night Massacre”)

[7]  See, e.g. (“North Korea Prepares EMP Catastrophe For America”)